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The London ratucs Ping
19 April 1997

This came about as the ratucsers below (now known as the Mutton Three) were invited to film for the TV programme As a result, they are awating the slander charge from Beverley Callard...

Mike "The pint never left my hand" Plowman

Nigel "See the difference in 10 weeks" Worsfold

Graham "Didn't win a thing" Allsopp


However, we were soon joined by some fellow Coronation Street fans:

Barbara Green (paradise on IRC)

...and her husband Guy


Friday update writer Helen Johns

...and her husband Mike

Ian Coyle

and Peter "call me David Bailey" Dewhirst


David Reed

Barry Smith

Mike tries to retain his dignity, even though his pint pot has fallen from its' handle

Nigel 'proudly' shows his prize. Graham smiles at his lucky escape...

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