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The 1st Annual Kingston Sailing Pingfest

Kingston, Ontario - June 27th, 1998 

 The lovely Anita!!

It's Gilligan!
Er no, it's Greggy.

Stormee and Neil

Stormee and RBaz!!

One of the tall ships staging a mock attack on Fort Henry.

And another one, approaching the fort.

Cork's brother's pub
"The Royal Oak"

Coronation Street charades!
Cork & her daughter Sarah

Plook, James, RDuch & Meara

Baz, Anita & Sarah.

"Sounds like.....

How do you make a sign for "Morrocco"??

Cork's Home-made Coronation Street red wine. 
Look out! 

Jaq, Deb and Stormee

Meara, James and Sarah

Nancy Houk!
"Two words..."

RDuch & Sarah!
(They were having a good time really!!)

UB giving us a little song and dance!! :)

Brian turns to an expert for help.

Greggy's personal "cha-cha" coach Deb, showing us how it's done!

It's time for "screaming orgasms"!

Back row: PK, Peter, RBaz, Peter's friend, Perf and Woody
2nd row: Stormee, James, Duch, Greggy, Chucky, Nancy & Sue
Front row: UB, Jaqlin, MaggyAnn, Iris, Sarah, Heather, Anita and Deb

Thanks to Sue (Cork) for the best pingfest ever!

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