Jayne Ashbourne


Real name:


Contact: c/o ICM

Played: Amy Goskirke (10 January - 6 February 2000)

TV credit include: Hot Millions (1993) as Patty; Sharpe's Gold (ITV, 1995) as Ellie Nugent; Annie: A Royal Adventure! (1995); Agatha Christie's The Pale Horse (ITV, 1996) as Kate Mercer; Madson (BBC1, 1996) as Sarah Madson; The Life and Crimes of William Palmer (1998) as Annie Palmer; Lost in France (BBC2, 1998) as Ruthie; Big Women (C4, 1998) as Daffy; The Riff Raff Element (BBC2); Band of Gold (YTV); Blood and Peaches (BBC); Inspector Alleyn (BBC1); Money for Nothing (BBC); Pale Horse; Respect (YTV); The Grand (Granada);


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