Rita May


Real name:
Married: Geoffrey Wilkinson
Children: two sons




  1. Marjorie Pitts (18 September 1978)
  2. Freda (27 June 1981) A barmaid at the British Legion club. Hilda Ogden thought her Stan was "playing away" with her.
  3. Mrs Wilberforce (27 September 2000)
  4. Brenda Kelly (7 - 23 November 2001)

Rita has appeared in every episode of Kay Mellor's children's drama Childrens' Ward over the past 12 years. Her extensive list of credits also includes City Central, My Wonderful Life, Sharpe, Fat Friends and the film When Saturday Comes.

An accomplished playwright, Rita's screenplays England's Green & Pleasant Land and One Hundred and Eighty have been televised by the BBC.


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