Graham Seed


Real name: Graham Seed
Born: 12 July 1950, London
Married: Claire Colvin


  1. Nichola
  2. Toby

Contact: c/o Michelle Braidman Associates

Played: Prosecuting Solicitor (11 November 1981) at Brian Tilsley's court case when he was acquitted of unlawful wounding.

Graham trained at RADA.

His TV credits include: I Claudius; Who's Who; Brideshead Revisited; Bergerac; Edward the Seventh; CAB; Good and Bad at Games; Crossroads (later King's Oak) (Central, 1986 - 1988) as Charlie Mycroft; The Upper Hand; Prime Suspect; Madson;

Stage credits include: Toad of Toad Hall as Mole; Me and My Girl as Gerald; Tons of Money

However, Graham is now most famous for playing singing Gorillagram and Loxley Hall-owning Nigel Pargetter in Radio 4's The Archers.


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