Adam Barlow

Full name:
Susan Baldwin and Mike Baldwin
1988, Newcastle


Played by: Iain de Caestecker 14 January 2001 - 17 February 2002
Sam Robertson 2004 -

Adam Barlow AKA Adam Baldwin's biggest blow in life so far was when his mother died at the wheel on 11th February 2001 en route to a ferry from Glasgow to Ireland.

After quitting a boarding school in Glasgow, he returned to Weatherfield in 2005 to get a job at the Underworld factory on Coronation Street. He inherited a share of the factory when his father, Mike Baldwin died but sold it to Liam Connor because he couldn't stand working with Danny Baldwin, his half brother. He left the street in 2007 with his uncle, Peter, to work in a betting shop in Portsmouth. At least mention, he was living in Canada and having health problems. His granddad Ken has gone to Canada to take care of him.

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