Lorraine Brownlow

Full name:





Played by: Holly Newman
3- 5 November 1997 as Lorraine Horrocks. 6 July 1998 -

Natalie Horrocks' neice, who with her night school diploma in computing (gained at the second attempt !) single-handedly sorted out the Gararge spreadsheets. However, she was far more interested in Chris Collins's figure...

In July 1998 she returned with a new surname (oops ITV !) as a new barmaid in the Rovers after Natalie's recommendation. We found out she grew up in a pub - the Black Head (!) in West Didsbury, and her parents now have an hotel in Buxton. Behind the Rovers bar her eyes soon fell on Spider Nugent. She is currently doing an ACCESS course at Weatherfield College.

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