DC Richardson

Played by: Garry Cooper
Spring 1989

Rita Fairclough had discovered that Alan Bradley had borrowed money from a building society, pretending that he was Len Fairclough, and she told him this. She said that she had to tell the police. He went mad and tried to strangle Rita. This happened the same evening as Jenny had a birthday party to which Rita and Alan should come. When they did'nt show up, Jenny phoned home and Rita answered and cried for help. Jenny and Martin jumped into Martin's car and drove home. When they came in Alan Bradley escaped.

The police came and DC Richardson interwieved Jenny and Martin.

Rita was taken to a hospital were she had to stay for some days. When Rita was at the hospital Alan Bradley contacted Jenny and wanted her to give him some money he had in the house and his passport.

This was exactly what DC Richardson had expected and he visited Jenny several times asking her if her Daddy had contacted her. Jenny always denied this.

Jenny agreed to help Alan Bradley and they decided to meet at a railway station. Jenny had Martin to drive her there, but they where shadowed by DC Richardson who, when Alan Bradley jumped of a train, jumped forward and arrested him.

Bradley believed that Jenny had told the police, went crazy and shouted to Jenny that he never wanted to see her again. DC Richardson told him that this was not so.

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