Tilsley's Garage

Address: Bridge Street, Weatherfield
Phone number:
061 715 2449
Current owners: ??

The garage jointly owned by Ron Sykes and Brian Tilsley in a 60/40 partnership in S & T Garage (Sykes & Tilsley) bought in August 1982 with the money they earned from working in Qatar. Brian put in £2,000.

In March 1983, Brian accuses Ron of not pulling his weight in the partnership - Ron retaliates with a buy me out or sell out ultimatum, and Brian goes to the bank for a loan and buys Ron out, renaming the garage . In the July, Brian's father Bert is helping out whilst recuperating after a stroke. Something goes wrong with the compressor whilst he is inflating a lorry tyre, thre is an explosion and Bert is seriously injured.

September 1983: Business is bad for Brian and he decides to sell up. He is talked out of it by Gail and Mike Baldwin. Instead they sell their house in Buxton Close and move back in with Ivy.

1989: After Brian is killed, Gail sells the garage to Mr. Casey who puts his son, Mark, there to work with Kevin Webster who had been working for Brian. Mike Baldwin buys a unit in Coronation Street and puts a garage in, hires Kevin Webster.

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