Wednesday 1 November

Ken is just sending Chesney off on his first paper round when Norris comes rushing out of the Kabin, worried that he won't have time to get it all done before school.

As Ches sets off, Danny and Frankie get out of the car in front of the factory and Sally Webster says goodbye to her daughters as she heads off for work. Sophie is moaning about the fact that her dance shoes are scruffy. Sally tells her she can buy some with her birthday money, and rushes off, leaving Bill to explain to Kevin that Sophie has a new dance teacher and doesn't want to be seen in scruffy dance shoes.

In the house across the road, Tracy is making breakfast when Charlie comes downstairs, but she won't speak to him at first. Then she tells him that he can't say anything that she would want to hear, and wonders how many other 'sad little tarts' he's got on the go. He tells her that all he wants is to make it up to her, but she tells him to pack his bag.

In the Platt residence, Gail is watching through the curtains. She tells Sarah that Charlie seems to be going to work, he's not got any bags with him so Tracy can't have thrown him out. Just then they are amazed to see David come downstairs dressed in his school uniform. "Where are you going?" asks Gail. Sarah is of the opinion that he's winding them up, but he assures Gail that he's going to school. She gets his dinner money.

As he steps out of the front door, David sees Charlie pull up across the road in his truck, so he dives down and hides behind the wheelie bin. Charlie, however, has other things on his mind as he spots Maria walking across the road. He tells her she blew her big chance, he meant everything he said. "My big chance for what?" asks Maria, "to be lied to and humiliated like Tracy?" Just then Audrey hails her from outside the salon. Charlie puts on his most seductive look. "You've never had another man like me," he murmurs, "you said that more than once." Maria looks at him scornfully. "And now I never want another one," she snorts as marches off.

Jason comes out of his house, "No black eyes? No stab wounds?" he quips, "looks like you got off lightly." Charlie is not amused, and as they get in the truck and drive off, David comes out from behind his bin. Maria is just putting the A-Board outside the salon and sees him walk past. David confesses that he's sure Charlie is going to blame him for all the trouble, but Maria thinks Charlie has got other things to worry about. David tells her he's off to school, at least there he's out of Charlie's way. Maria is sure Charlie won't bother David, but David isn't convinced. "Trust me," he tells her, "I know nutters!"

Deirdre has gone across to Tracy and is amazed that she hasn't left Charlie already. Tracy tells her she has no intention of leaving, it's her home, and what is the alternative, a tiny room in a shared terraced with Deirdre, Ken, Blanche and Adam. Deirdre argues that it's not good for Amy to be in an environment where there are arguments and fights.

In the salon, Sarah is telling Audrey how surprised they were that David has gone off to school, and thinks there is something dodgy going on. Maria says they should give him the benefit of the doubt for once. Audrey comments that Maria always sees the best in everybody, even people like Charlie Stubbs who take advantage. Maria wonders how she could have been so stupid, and Audrey tells her that we all do stupid things and she'll probably do it again, or something equally as stupid. Sarah comments that her Gran is the expert!

Just then Bill comes in, wondering if he can get his hair trimmed. Audrey sits him down and asks if Maureen is with him. Bill says she's not. Audrey asks if she knows about Fred and Bill says he'll tell her when he gets back. They then come to an arrangement whereby she cuts his hair and he agrees to put up some shelves for her.

Tracy is in the Kabin talking to Ken. He is trying to persuade her to come home, but Tracy is still reluctant. She asks Ken and Norris what people are saying about her. Norris says there seems to be as great deal of sympathy for her predicament. "Well there's a first!" says Tracy angrily as she snatches her purchase up and walks out.

Violet sees Jamie on the pavement and greets him. Jamie says he has Frankie's mail and has just seen her going into the pub. She offers to take it in there for him as she's just going in to work, but he says he'd like to take it himself. They go inside and he hands Frankie the pile of post. She asks if he'd like to sit down with her but he refuses, telling her to read them.

Janice and Fizz are at the bar, talking to Michelle about the Tracy/Charlie/Maria situation. Maria

Further along the bar, Maria is with Sarah, she knows they are talking about her. Sarah's advice is to ignore them.

Going through her mail, Frankie finds a hand-written note, and opening it discovers it's from Jamie, spelling out just how he feels. She looks up and finds him staring at her across the room. She gets up and goes into the Ladies.

Liam comes in and stands beside Maria. "Now it all becomes clear," he says. He tells Maria she could have told him, or at least given him a clue. "I would have thought Charlie pushing you up against the wall was a bit of a clue," she says. She adds that she's sure he'll get over it. "Only if you say 'yes' the next time I ask you out," he says. She smiles.

Frankie comes out of the Ladies and stares at Jamie. She then heads for the door, only to bump into Danny coming in. She refuses an offer of a drink, saying she's got to get to work.

Gail and Audrey see David walking home from school. Audrey thinks that if David is now back at school there is no need for 'all this counselling palava'. Gail points out that David has gone to school for one day – it's a step in the right direction, nothing more.

Chesney arrives back at the Kabin. He tells Norris he got every paper in the right door, so can he have his money now. "I'm sorry?" queries Norris, and then tells him he'll get paid at the end of the week, it's standard practice.

In the cafe, Frankie tells Jamie he shouldn't have sent her the letter. He tells her that in the pub he wanted to tell her in front of everyone how much he loves her. She stares at him for a moment. "I know you do," she says. Just then the door opens and Roy comes down from upstairs. Jamie leaves.

Charlie goes into the salon and asks to speak to Maria. Audrey tells him she's busy, so Charlie just comes out with it. "I want you out of the flat, today!" Audrey starts to protest that he has to give her notice but Maria stops her. "It's fine," she says, "I was already going." After he's left, Sarah asks where she's going to go. Maria confesses that she doesn't know, but she wasn't going to let him know that. Fizz is sitting there having her hair done and says that of course, Maria is coming back to the flat they used to share. Maria is grateful and Audrey tells her to learn from this – men like Charlie come and go but her friends will be there forever.

Ken and Deirdre are in the cafe, discussing Tracy's situation. Roy thinks his and Hayley's situation is an example of how love can overcome obstacles. Frankie looks thoughtful.

Charlie arrives home to find that Tracy is dumping his stuff outside the front door. She tries to stop him getting in but he pushes past her. "This is my house!" he reminds her. She tells him it's her home. He says that her home is across the street. She says that they were a proper couple but he ruined it so he's the one that pays. He tells her that he has paid – for everything, her clothes, her food, her kid. He goes outside and picks up a bag that she has chucked out. "Now you've had some practice you can pack your own bags," he says. She tells him she's staying. "Me too!" he says, barging his way back in.

In the Webster residence, Bill has arrived back with a present for his granddaughter – a pair of dance shoes! And for Rosie, a voucher. He tells Sally he's got a lot of catching up to do in the spoiling them rotten stakes.

Frankie comes out of the cafe and sees Jamie sitting outside in the van. He tells her he's been waiting for her and she gets in. She tells him she's scared of her feelings. "So you do feel the same," he says. She says it's not that simple. They kiss! Then she gets out of the van and runs off down the street.

She goes into the pub and finds Danny. "Listen," she says to him, "Why don't we move to Spain? It would be a new start and we'd be near Warren." She kisses him, "Come on Dan, it would be brilliant!"

Anne Logan

Friday 3 November

Well, it's Friday again, and that's means it's time for Tracy to shout at Charlie again. But before she does, has anyone got any idea where she gets money from? What did she do before she moved in with Charlie? I know Steve pays some money for Amy. Is that all she gets? Was she on some kind of benefit before? Were Ken and Deirdre supporting her?

Anyway, as we open, Charlie and Jason drive up and park outside Number 6 in the truck. Tracy is outside her house and tells Charlie she'll have him out of the house. He points out that it's his house. "I don't do guilt and I don't give away houses. So either we make up or you're the one that's out. Which?" Tracy tells him he's the one who'll be out. She stalks across the street to the Barlow house, where Deirdre is watching from the doorway. No, there's no sign of Amy. Deirdre asks her to come round for a coffee later. Tracy goes off somewhere towards the Rovers end of the street. (Has anyone spotted her tactical error?) Charlie tells Jason he gave Tracy the choice and she didn't take him seriously. "Come on. Let's get this done."

At Gail's house, David asks what the point of the counselling session is. Audrey can't tell him. Gail says it's so they can understand why they have problems. "We know why," says Sara. "'Cause of him." An indignant David says: "Oh, so it's just going to be a blaming me session is it? Only instead of the three of you doing it, let's get a professional in." He goes off to school. Audrey and Sarah head for the salon.

Bill's found a tool box under Kev's stairs. He borrows it to go and put up shelves for Audrey. Kevin thinks it's a bit much that Audrey wants Bill to work on his holiday. Bill tells Tyrone he can't understand why he puts up with such a bad boss.

At No 6, Charlie and Jason have finished fitting new locks on the doors. Charlie says all that's left is to get the downstairs windows locked. "She'll never get through that," Jason says, pointing at the front door. "She'll be in through the letterbox, given half a chance," Charlie tells him. He sees Maria going to work and calls out a greeting. Maria looks like a frightened rabbit.

Jamie goes into the cafe and finds out Frankie's not there. Roy doesn't know what she's doing. At a table, Cilla points at her bosom and says: "I mean, look at that." Roy looks, only to be told she didn't mean him. Roy backs off with his eyes averted! Yana isn't quite sure what Cilla's problem is. Cilla explains that she's always had ample and she'd still like the same amount, just in a different shape. "Same amount. I just want it landscaping." She hushes Yana as Les comes in to get cakes for Eileen. Yana asks him, if he could change anything about Cilla's body, what would it be? Les says he wouldn't change a thing. "What does he know?" huffs Cilla when he's gone. She tells Yana she's doing it for herself, not for Les.

Tracy is sitting at Deirdre's table with her head in her hands. Deirdre and Blanche can't understand why she's still living under the same roof as Charlie. She says she's as entitled to that house as Charlie is. "Have you no pride?" asks Blanche. "Do you not care what folk think about you – that you must be soft in the head putting up with his behaviour." Tracy points out that she's not putting up with it. He's made a fool out of her and he's going to pay for it.

That might be doubtful. Violet finds Charlie and Jason in the ginnel, "just helping someone move house," Charlie tells her. He and Jason go to the Barlow's yard, dump bags and boxes and leave quickly.

Audrey is telling Maria she's not the first to be taken in by Charlie, but Maria's annoyed with herself for falling for his lies. Bill has nearly finished the shelf and Audrey tells him she wants to pay the going rate. She's not after any favours. "But I might be," he says, and she goes all coy, preening and saying she won't ask what he means by that.

At the Barlows', Deirdre is getting it clear – it's Charlie's name on the mortgage and on the deeds for the house. Tracy says she's his partner living there and that gives her rights. "After ten years, maybe," says Blanche. "You've barely managed ten weeks." They're interrupted by Tracy getting a text from Charlie. "Locks changed. Bags in yard. Bye bye.

Yep, all the stuff is in the yard. "The rat!" says Tracy.

Frankie and Danny are in the street and Frankie wants him to have a drink with her later because she wants to have a really good talk. Tracy comes out and tests her key in the lock at No 6. Then she shouts up at the house, but if Charlie's here he's not answering. Deirdre pleads with her to give up and come back to live with them. "No. He's not getting rid of me that easily. He needn't think he is!" She stamps off.

Even the yard is locked up and Charlie won't reply to Tracy's shouts there, either. Roy hasn't seen them. When he tries to give one of his really precise answers, Tracy is exasperated. "Are you bonkers or what?" "I've suspected that on occasion," Roy admits.

Bill returns the tools and suggests they have a boys' night out on the town. Kevin and Tyrone are both reluctant to commit to it without checking with Sally and Molly. Bill thinks they're too much under the thumb.

Cilla and Yana are wandering down the street eating hot chips. They're still talking about their appearances. Yana is more worried about lines and wrinkles than anything else. Cilla points out that this is because Yana's skinny. "Your skin's not firm like mine is." My theory exactly! Inside the house, they continue talking about botox, nose jobs. Yana doesn't have the money. "I haven't sold half my worldly goods like you have." Cilla says cattily that she'd look very strange if she could only afford to get one eye done. Yana replies in kind and they're glaring at each other.

The counselor has arrived at Gail's. Sarah and Audrey are a bit late. David is hanging around in the kitchen. Audrey is very gushing towards the counselor. They all sit down and after a bit of sniping to and fro, Simone says she's there to get things rolling and then to be referee. She asks each of them to define their role within the family. Gail starts and says her role is shopping, cooking, cleaning. David's role is to make life interesting. Sarah's a trainee hairdresser and mother. Audrey is a widow, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. Audrey says they have their ups and downs, but she doesn't think they need counselling.

Blanche tells Deirdre that locking out Tracy is the best thing Charlie could have done for her. She tells that to Tracy, who doesn't agree.

Sarah is saying that David is the whole problem. But every time anyone brings up anything horrible from the past (David's cards, Gail marrying a murderer) Audrey tries to shut them up, saying they don't need to go into all that. Simone gives them all one wish to do with the family. Sarah wants David to go and live somewhere else. Gail wishes she'd been a wiser woman when it came to men and marrying them. Audrey wants everyone to be nicer to each other. David wants to be someone else. "I don't like who I am," he says, close to tears.

Bill offers Les a drink at the bar. He asks Les to join them, but Les isn't sure Cilla would like that. At a nearby table, Frankie tries to tell Danny why she's going on about Spain. "We need to start again, and not just round here, because too much has gone on round her. We need to get away." Danny realises she's serious. "Alright, fair enough. We're off to Spain then." Tracy and Deirdre come in. Deirdre wants to keep the lock-changing from Ken, but Tracy says he'll find out from Blanche anyway.

Jamie's in the street when Danny and Frankie come out. Frankie stops Danny from telling him about Spain.

Bill tells Kevin and Les that the women round here must have some big thumbs. Tracy tells Deirdre that most of the time it was good with Charlie. Deirdre only heard about the bad bits. The boys head out for their night out, though Kevin and Tyrone have curfews.

As Tracy and her mother head from the pub, they see Charlie bringing home a blonde and he makes sure they see him kissing her in the street. "I swear, I am going to kill him," Tracy says – and she seems to mean it.

The end.
Margaret Carr

Sunday 5 November

Whizz Bang, Whizz bang, yes extra fireworks brought to your courtesy of the Guido Foundation, dedicated to ensuring that a major terrorist attack in the centre of the country's capital is remembered each and every year and that your dog (or cat) will be driven to distraction for weeks before and after the magic date. And according to one item I heard this week Mr Fawkes is responsible for men being known as "guys" and without him the musical "Guys and Dolls" would have had another name.

Yes I know - but it is more exciting than events in Weatherfield which are copyright ITV Productions and are written this evening by Catherine Hayes and were directed by Michael Kerrigan.

Tracy is applying full warpaint. She is going back to Charlie - she wants to spend the rest of her life with him. Tracy gets what she wants from Charlie - excitement and passion - and she wants the house, the style of life and she is certain that he will have no other women! As she crosses the Street with Dreary in tow the latter asks Ken to change her mind. No luck at all. She knocks on Charlie's door and when he says he was busy she marches past him. There is blonde on the sofa and Tracy gives her her marching orders. She tells Tracy that Charlie gives a girl a good time - but then Tracy already knows that.

Danny is reading the Sunday paper - but Frankie says he needs to go and see Liam over selling the factory. Frankie reminds Danny about how she is affected by the heat - especially when she is wearing a bikini. If he sells the factory he gets everything he wants.

Bill is telling Sally about where they all went for a drink the previous night - except the truth.

The Platts are having Sunday lunch. David does not like broccoli and after arguing with Audrey he leaves to get a burger. No obvious sign of family harmony emerging yet.

Frankie is in Roy Rolls when Jamie arrives and tells her she is gorgeous (carefully shot to hide the pregnancy). He asks here back to the house. Sally and Molly arrive and order. Jamie says he will wait for her.

Emily is taking Hayley to volunteering session through the church. They leave together.

Deirdre, Blanche and Ken discuss Tracy's actions. Blanche says they should do nothing - she speaks on behalf of Tracy - pointing out that their daughter always does just what she wants to do.

At Charlie's Tracy says that what she wants is Charlie. He smiles. Tracy says that he is right - she is pleading to return. The relationship works - they need each other. She wants him. Bringing the blonde back made her jealous - Charlie won. She could not sleep all night - she loves him and wants him to take her back (Charlie admits that he spent the night tossing and turning as well - after all the blonde and Maria both gave him something he was not getting from Tracy - in the latter case no kid, no family, no baggage). Throughout it all Charlie smiles. Charlie does not believe Tracy. She says he is the best thing that ever happened to her - they turn each other on. She gets up to leave. He says sorry and tells her to stay - offering her a drink. He admits the blonde was a game and Maria is not a patch on Tracy - and that is the truth. Tracy gives him a word of warning - one more wrong move and he is a dead man.

In the Rovers Jason tries to find out what is wrong with Sarah. Danny tells Liam he might be interested in selling - not sure on the price. Jason tries to convince her to go to the firework display - she says no but she lets him buy her a drink.

In the Rovers Bill, Tyrone, Kevin and Jason are discussing the previous night - apparently they went to a lap dancing club. Molly arrives and after a drink she and Tyrone leave, meeting Les in the Street - he is not surprised Tyrone is tired - only an hour's sleep after he got back from the lap dancing club (oops the secret is out). Molly starts shouting at Tyrone.

Tracy goes back to the Barlows and packs to move back across the road. Dreary asks Tracy to leave Amy behind. Tracy says that she knows what she is doing. Tracy has put her clothes away and Charlie is sure that Tracy will trust him again and whilst he never thought a woman would tame him it seems Tracy can.

Jamie returns to the cafe - he holds Frankie's hand and says he wants her now. Then he asks her to kiss him. But Danny arrives he wants to take Frankie away and Roy agrees that she can leave early. Frankie whispers to Jamie to do nothing.

Emily and Hayley returned. She is being offered work with ex-offenders. Her status led to some awkward looks and Hayley is not happy.

Molly goes round to Gail's for the fireworks - leaving Tyrone at home - she has grounded him and claims that Bill and Kev should be grounded as well for going to a lap dancing club. Kevin blames his dad but Sally sets about them both with a tea towel.

Liam wants to talk more about the factory to Danny.

Tyrone tells Les off for opening his mouth.

The Platts let off a load of fireworks and Charlie and Tracy listen to them. Tracy tells Charlie that she would like to see the fireworks and they go outside together to watch the rockets and Roman candles. Tracy of course makes full use of the audience to demonstrate her love for Charlie, although when he is looking elsewhere she has a look of complete disgust on her face. Clearly a plan is being hatched. Charlie count your balls and for goodness sake make sure you know where they are at all times.

Well apart from the continuing Danny, Frankie and Jamie nonsense the rest of this evening was generally fun. My money is on Charlie outwitting Tracy - but I have been wrong before.

See you all next week.
K Richard W

Monday 6 November

This episode of CORONATION STREET is Written by Chris Fewtrell,
Produced by Steve Frost and
Directed by Piotr Szkopiak.
Coronation Street is made by ITV Productions.

At number six Charlie is finishing off his breakfast. He tells Tracy that it was superb and says "And there's me wondering why I took you back" She tells him it took a lot for her to walk back in through the door. Tracy then tells him he is on his last chance. Charlie then asks if she wants to go to the Rovers and she replies it would not be the first time they have given people in there something to talk about. Charlie replies, "And I'm sure it won't be the last"

Out in the street Danny tells Frankie that he can't go to Spain as he needs to sort out the business and with Jamie. She tells him that she thinks he will take the news better from her but Danny says he will tell him and is not hiding behind her he and Jamie have unfinished business.

Over at the Battersby's household Cilla is putting make up on for the plastic surgeon, "I want him to appreciate what he's working with. He'll have a tough job making me better looking" Yana tells Cilla how excited she is. Fiz says asks how she's going to pay for this. Cilla says it's reasonable and she can pay installments. Cilla asks Les how big he wants them. Les cups some imaginary bazoomahs then says, "I'll be back in a minute"

At the Duckworth's Vera asks Jack what he wants for his birthday. Jack says he doesn't want any presents and no party. Vera says he' a miserable swine. Tyrone says, "It's your seventieth? You kept that quiet" Jack replies saying he did and she might as well put an advert in the Gazette, he then looks at Vera asking if she did. Tyrone says he has to go out for and party. Molly say's they know what happen last time. Jack says if he puts it like that, they have to go out. Vera hits him on the head and says for him not to even think about it.

At the Webster's Sophie says no to her breakfast as she has dance class. Rosie asks if they teach lap dancing, "I'm thinking of learning it myself. I mean, if I am going to go to Uni I will need a part time job. Loads of students do it" Kevin tells her none of his daughters will be doing that. Rosie says they are all someone's daughter. Sally says she has put him in his place. Rosie then says she would have been punished if she'd done anything like that. Sally agrees and tells a Kevin he grounded.

In the Corner shop Amber tells Dev Les has been hanging round the fruit and veg for ages. Dev tells her as long as he doesn't lift anything its ok. She then says she thinks she seen him but things down his top and says he did take them back out. Amber then leaves. Dev asks Les what he is doing and is told Cilla is going for a boob job and wants to know what size he'd like. Les asks what do you think? Dev seeing he has a lemon and melon on both sides of his chest says he can sue if she comes back like that. Jamie gets a call from Danny asking if they can meet for a talk but he tells him he is too busy and hangs up. He tells Sean he will go to the cafe and find out from Frankie what he is up to. Sean tells him he wishes he would just leave things alone but Jamie says sometimes you can't.

Out in the street Tracy asks Deirdre if she will have Amy so she can go out with Charlie. She says no and asks why she is back with him. Tracy says, "Why can't you just trust my judgment? If you think you are the only one laid in bed at night tossing and turning over this then you couldn't be more mistaken. Mum, it just feels right. It's where I have got to be and now I need you mum, more than ever" Deirdre then says she will take Amy.

Over at the Cafe Molly is annoyed at Tyrone for the lap dancers and she asks if that's what he wants in girls. Vera assures her then says Bill Webster is a right one and Jack does not have the energy. Molly says he was keen. Vera says he just wants to sit down and no nothing. Molly tells her not to give up hope as they have Tyrone. Jamie comes in looking for Frankie and is told by Roy that she has volunteered to do the cash and carry run. Jamie asks when she will be back. Roy says soon. He asks if there is anything troubling Frankie and Jamie asks, "Why would you think that, Roy" Roy replies that she has seemed a little preoccupied just lately. Jamie tells him he is sure she is fine and then goes to leaves taking out his phone and calls Danny and arranges to meet him later at the flat.

Over at the Factory Danny is happy and is humming. Liam asks if he is auditioning for the Flying Pickets. Danny says he is touchy today. He then says he might not have to put up with him much longer and tells him to get out his piggy bank and hope it's full. Danny then leaves. Liam goes in the phone to his brother saying there are in business.

At the Salon Tracy comes in and asks if they can fit her in for the full treatment saying Charlie wants her to look beautiful for taking her out later. Audrey whispers to Maria that she can take over her customer and she'll deal with Tracy but she overhears she says its fine Maria can do it and wants a coffee. Maria tells Audrey it's fine and goes to put the kettle on. As she is going her hair Tracy says, "I want to look my best for Charlie taking me out. That's one of the things I love about him. He's always taking me out, showing me off, buying me things. Spoiling me rotten really. I'm very lucky in a lot of ways. I really landed on my feet there. Cos a lot of blokes, they only want you for one thing and when they've had that they put you in the bin but Charlie's not like that. No, he wants the whole package. He wants me for me. You see, I think that's the difference between real love and ...er.... well I'm not sure what the polite word for it would be" Audrey take Maria to the back. Tracy then shouts for a refill. Audrey tells her she is just nipping out to get some milk and asks if she is okay. Audrey says, "That Tracy would have had both her ears in her lap by now if it was me she was talking to like that" Maria says, "She's booked in for the Full Monty, she's going to be here all afternoon" Audrey tells her she can go home sick if she wants and she will finish Tracy off. Maria says its ok, as she would not want to give her the satisfaction.

Outside Audrey comes out of the Salon and meets Bill who tells her he had to get out of the house to avoid the sound of crunching eggshells. She laughs and asks if they are still in trouble with Sally. She tells him she enjoyed the fireworks party. He laughs and says, "And quite a bit of gin too as I recall. Thing is, with our Kevin not allowed out I don't know what I am going to do for a drinking partner" She tells him she is free if he is not too fussy and they agree to meet up later in the pub.

In the Factory office Paul tells Liam, "If he is serious about flogging this place then we are in pole position. We could make things very awkward for any other potential buyer" He then says he has the funds. Liam asks if he should drop some hints to Danny. Paul tells him no as they don't want to be running after him and they should let him come to them. Liam asks what if he goes to someone else. Paul assures him he won't. He then closes the blinds. The factory gang that can't see now decided to go the Rovers to see if they can get any information out of Michelle. Hayley tells them she will have to give it a miss as she's going to her class. Sally asks what she means and Hayley she is doing voluntary work helping ex-offenders improve their literacy. Sean says, "Oh great, so the ones who couldn't read and write before will be able to commit all sorts of fraud in future and the violent ones will be able to send threatening letters"

Rovers, Tyrone tells Jack that Vera only wants to make him happy. Jack says there is a first for everything. Tyrone tells him it would be good to have a knees up though. Jack asks if he has heard his knees when he sits down. He then says everyone knows how to have a good time. Jack tells him, "Ah, time was when a good time was a few drinks, a dance and if you were lucky a bit of nookie on the way home with a right cracker. Nowadays it's a pot of tea, me armchair and John Flaming McCrirrick" Tyrone says he has to have a party. Jack says, "What have 'I' got to celebrate. High blood pressure, rheumatics, piles, failing hearing, failing eyesight, failing flaming everything. Living in a world I don't understand anymore Living in a world I don't 'want' to understand anymore. And that's what you think I should be celebrating is it" Tyrone asks if he wants crisps and Jack says yes.

Over at the Duckworth's Molly says Tyrone will have got Jack to come round to having a party. Molly's phone rings and its Tyrone telling her that he not got Jack to come round. Molly says, "What do you mean his choice? And what about how Vera feels" Vera tells her, "That's blokes for you. Thick as thieves when they want to be" Molly says they have to be like them then and they will have that party.

Salon again and Maria tells her that's thirty-eight pounds. Tracy says she likes long nails and tells Maria to grow her's long so next time she sinks her claws into someone else's man she can maybe get them in a bit deeper. Audrey warns her she doesn't want any trouble. Tracy says there wont be. Maria says sorry. Tracy says, "You don't have to tell me. I 'know' it was wrong and if you think that pathetic mumble of an apology is enough" She throws the money at Maria and goes out. Audrey asks if she's alright and Maria says, "I'm fine compared to her. I see Charlie for what he is and I'm rid of him. What is it going to take for her to see?" Audrey says, "I don't know. I mean how can she take him back after he has humiliated her in public like that?" Sarah says, "I don't know. Perhaps if she really loves him" Audrey says, "Not thinking of anybody we know are you?" Sarah replies, "No, I'm just saying, everybody deserves a second chance" Audrey says not every one.

Hayley arrives for her first class and someone says, "Hayley? I thought it were you. I'd recognise that anorak anywhere" She looks round to see Becky who says, "What the heck are you doing here? You've not been a naughty girl have you?" Hayley says, "No, no, I'm just here helping out with one of the classes. In fact I have to going right now to it" Becky tells her that's brave of her and asks which one. Hayley shouts back, "Er... adult literacy" Becky says, "That's brilliant. I'm in that one! Don't worry, I will be able to look after you"

Danny's flat and Jamie comes and asks what he wants. Danny tells him, "Well, it's about me and Frankie. I just thought me and you could clear the air if you know what I mean" Jamie tells him to just get to the point. Danny replies, "Okay, well me and Frank have been through a lot up here. Too much as it happens, so I am going to sell the factory" Jamie tells him he can't be serious. Danny tells him, "Yeah, I am. Then we can all move on from what happened and me and Frankie can make a fresh start somewhere new" Jamie asks if he is going back down south. Danny replies, "Well, in a manner of speaking, yes. We're going to Spain to live in the villa" Jamie replies, "No, you can't do that. I won't let you"

Amanda Souter

Well when we left the story on a cliffhanger - is Jamie about to tell Danny the real reason why he wants him to stay?

Well, Jamie tells Danny that if he goes to Spain it will be all over between the two of them. Danny is shocked and surprised seeing that Jamie has hardly spoken to him for weeks.

Hayley starts at the Outreach Centre teaching an English Literacy class. Guess who she meets up as a pupil ..... no not Norris, but Becky Grainger (the girl that framed Kelly for stealing from the factory).

At the home of Tracy and Charlie, Tracy suggests that they go to the Rovers to show everybody that they don't care. When they get there, they go rather OT loudly ordering a drink "darling" . Then Tracy makes a mock-announcement to the pub that they are together again. She suggests if anyone wants to congratulate them, they can buy them a drink!

Jamie is still talking with Danny. He says things could get better with him if he sticks around. Danny says that this changes everything.

Sophie and Rosie are running around the house. Rosie has got hold of Sophie's diary. She has a crush on her dance teacher, Mr Spence.

Danny tells Frankie about the conversation he has had with Jamie. He wonders if he has been acting funny with her, because he is certainly acting strange with him.

At the end of the literacy class Hayley gets up to leave, but Becky hangs on for her and wants to chat with her. Hayley is extremely uncomfortable with this. Becky asks how everybody is. Hayley tells her that her friend Kelly is on probation, after she framed her for stealing from the factory girls.

Frankie asks Danny if he thinks Jamie meant what he said. He feels sure it is genuine. She wonders what brought this on. He says that when 'push comes to shove' he doesn't want me to go. He tells her that plans have changed, they will still move away to Cheshire instead. However, Frankie insists she still wants to go to Spain. He says everything has changed now. He says "I knew you would see it my way", Frankie complains "I don't have much of a choice, do I?"

Becky catches up with Hayley at the bus stop. She admits to having been a "rotten cow" and she is trying to change. She says, Ian, her probation officer said that when I get in trouble, I ought to think differently. When things go wrong "I lose it".

Frankie goes round to see Jamie. She asks him how he could mess up her life. He says "You didn't tell me about Spain" She thought it would be better coming from Danny. She wants to get away from the whole family. Frankie tells Jamie that what he wants "ain't gonna happen"

Jack reiterates to the gathered ensemble, ie Tyrone, Molly and Vera that his birthday will be just another day. However Vera could please him by serving him breakfast in bed. along with a copy of the 'Racing Post'. Vera says she will not be there because her, Molly and Fiz were going to Amsterdam.

At the Battersby household, Cilla and Yana get back from the consultation with the surgeon. Cilla has decided not to go ahead, but Yana doesn't know the reason why. Cilla says it is not the cost. Les is surprised because she was all for the breast enlargement, but Cilla says he will have to accept her the way she is now.

Audrey comes in to the pub and Bill offers her a drink.

Jamie tells Sean about the conversations he has been having with Danny and Frankie. He admits he didn't mean what he said to Frankie, but he just didn't want him and Frankie to leave the country.

Tracy confirms to Charlie that he is on his second and final chance. They have a tricky relationship, but mainly it is because she can't live without him.

Jack wonders about the Amsterdam trip, whether they are actually planning something else for him. Tyrone confirms it is genuine, then, said Jack, "let them go, we'll enjoy ourselves"

Sean and Jamie talk about Frankie again. Sean is of the opinion that he should just do what Frankie wants.

Hayley returns to the cafe and is bursting to tell Roy about Becky. Roy is more interested in his deep fat fryer (wouldn't you be?!), and that he has saved a lot of money by fixing the element himself. Eventually Hayley gets to mention her. Roy does not seem unduly surprised. Hayley says she wants to be friends again, but she does not trust her, nor can she forgive her for what she did to Kelly.

Danny tells Liam and his brother Paul that he will not be moving to Spain after all. He will only be moving to Cheadle. Liam and his brother are annoyed that he won't be selling the business. Danny explains that the plans changed earlier that day.

Back at the Rovers, Bill offers Audrey another drink. She is reluctant at first, but a promise of being walked home persuades Audrey. (Have you known Audrey to turn down a drink?!).

Charlie is suspicious of Tracy's motives. He thinks that she is biding her time to pull a stunt to get your revenge. Tracy just laughs but then says he will have to wait and see.

Danny and Frankie arrive and ask Jamie if he wants a drink. He is astonished and surprised that there was no argument from him. He tells Sean that he has not been as happy as this for a long time.

Martin Rosen

Wednesday 8 November

Hi everyone, here's the update for Wednesday 8th November.

Vera and Molly are packing on the living room table, in preparation for their trip to Amsterdam. Tyrone is clearly unhappy at the thought of Molly going off without him, but Jack is far more laid back about the whole thing, convinced that they are not really going anywhere, and tells Ty that it's just a game they're playing. Vera retorts that he didn't want a party so they're having one of their own. She passes him a bag, "Here, get this unwrapped!" she snaps. Jack moans that after three score years and ten that's all she can say. Vera adds that it's socks and underpants. Tyrone says that she should at least let him open it first, but Vera answers that Jack didn't want any surprises. Tyrone gets increasingly worried as Molly goes off looking for a suspender belt. Jack pats him on the shoulder, assuring him that they'll get bored in a bit.

Outside the Rovers, Gail, Sarah and Maria are looking for Audrey who hasn't turned up and isn't answering the phone. Gail is worried in case she's had an accident. Suddenly Maria spots her opening up the salon across the road. Audrey explains that she overslept. "Due to your recent lifestyle no doubt," says Gail in a prim voice edged with disapproval. Audrey says she thinks she's coming down with a cold, and when Gail asks why she didn't answer the phone Audrey tells her that her ears are all blocked up. Gail hopes they'll be unblocked in time for that evening's counselling session. Audrey tries to say that she wouldn't want anyone else to catch what she has. "We'll risk it," snaps Gail, "we're family, we share!"

As Audrey, Maria and Sarah go over to the salon, Jason comes around the corner and stops in front of Sarah. "Are you stalking me?" she asks him. He replies that he will if she wants. Sarah reckons that between him and the counselling session, he's not a bad option. He asks if she like to go for a drink with him. She tells him that she'll be in the pub having a drink, but he can be there as it's a pub. "See you at tea time," she says and steps into the salon, leaving Jason with a small smile playing round his mouth.

Jamie and Sean are walking along when they see Danny across the road. Jamie mutters to Sean that it freaks him out just looking at his dad. Danny calls across, telling Jamie not to make Sean late for work. Although he smiles and calls back cheerfully to his dad, Jamie then murmurs that he just wants to smack him. Sean reckons it would be better to hug him.

In the back alleyway, Cilla is talking to someone on her mobile phone, arranging to visit them in the afternoon, unaware that Fizz is in the back yard messing about with her scooter, and can hear her. Cilla opens the gate and comes in to the yard, obviously taken aback to see Fizz there. "I never knew Les had a secretary," she says. Cilla replies that it was Eileen, Les is probably off skiving somewhere. "You know what he's like," she blusters. "I know what you're both like," says Fizz. Cilla hurries off indoors.

In the cafe, Roy tells Hayley that he can tell she's worried about teaching the adult literacy class. Emily is standing at the counter, and Hayley explains that she didn't expect to be working with somebody she already knew. "You mean the Becky from Underworld?" asks Emily. "Becky from the underworld," says Hayley. As Emily departs, Hayley wonders to Roy if she should just ask her to leave. "Well, you could if she'd done something wrong, but she hasn't," Roy points out. "Yet!" says Hayley.

Les and Kirk come in to the cafe, and Fizz rushes in behind them. She asks Les if Eileen is in the office. Les says that she is, he's got to take her a cheese and onion pie. Fizz asks if he was just cracking on that he wasn't there when Cilla rang. Les tells her that the phone hasn't rung in the last hour, and goes off to sit down. Fizz turns to Kirk, "There's something not right going on here," she tells him. "Yeah, you going off to Amsterdam without me," he moans at her.

In the Platt household, Gail, David and the counselor are sitting at the table, waiting for Sarah and Audrey. The counselor suggests they get started anyway, and just then a breathless Audrey arrives, saying that she's not really sure why she's wanted as she's going to be in Canada for a fortnight as from next week, staying with Stephen. "When was this organised?" Gail wants to know. "Can I come?" pipes up David. The counselor suggests they make the most of the time that they do have, and David wonders if it's a conscious denial of responsibility to the family unit. Audrey asks him how he fancies a slap. The counselor suggests a nice deep breath and they all start again.

Over at the Duckworths, Vera and Molly are ready to go, and Jack is still convinced that they are not really going anywhere. Fizz and Kirk arrive, and then Les arrives to take them to the airport. "I bought you a scooter!" says Kirk accusingly to Fizz. As they go out of the door, Vera says that there's money on the mantelpiece for fish and chips, and Les turns back, "Try and behave yourselves, eh lads?" he says laughing. Tyrone calls out that this is well out of order. Jack comments that they now have the precious gift of silence for 48 hours.

The counselling session is underway, and Simone, the counselor asks Audrey if there is anything she would like to share. David makes a few sarcastic comments and Audrey says that he gets away with goodness knows what because he knows that Gail is too weak to sort him out. Gail asks what she means by sorting him out – giving him a good hiding? Locking him up? "What about the cards?" asks Audrey. Gail whispers that they said they weren't going to mention those. Simone says that there should be nothing they can't explore. "Tell us about the cards, Audrey," she says. "No!" snaps Gail. Simone explains that if they can't have complete openness they can't expect to make progress. "You always have to go too far!" Gail says to Audrey. David asks if that isn't what they are all there for, and Audrey reckons they should face the truth. Gail jumps up, "Well, if you're all going to gang up on me…" "Gail, please, sit down," says Simone, "this isn't really appropriate." Gail sighs, and sits.

Tyrone and Kirk have persuaded Jack to go to the pub, and as they walk down the street he tells them that he doesn't want any fuss, no sandwiches or vol au vents, and he can't abide balloons. Kirk remarks that they would hardly be able to set up a surprise do in an hour. As they walk into the pub, Jack looks around, seemingly surprised to find it empty, with no surprise party waiting. "You're early," says Violet. Jack repeats that he wouldn't want anybody to go to any trouble. Tyrone tells Jack he can have whatever he wants to drink, but a rather deflated Jack orders half a bitter.

Later, Tyrone is at the bar, trying to persuade Sean and Violet to allow the strip-o-gram he has organised to reveal all to Jack. Sean tells him that no 'bits' can be revealed or else they will all get the sack. Michelle comments that Jack would have a heart attack. Jack is sitting with his drink, by now getting quite maudlin. "Who would have thought that I'd be sat here, abandoned and neglected with no wife to comfort me through this major milestone of my ever advancing years?"

Les comes in and orders and drink. Michelle asks if they got off all right. Tyrone and Kirk whisper to him that they are going to surprise Jack with a bit of 'sophisticated live action'. "He'll be surprised, don't you worry," says Les.

The counselling session has ended and Audrey takes her leave. Gail admits to Simone that it's not really working. "Two who don't care and one who can't be bothered to turn up." She omits to mention her own reluctance to talk about anything of importance! Simone suggests she goes to parenting classes. "Don't dismiss it til you know how it works," she adds hurriedly, seeing Gail's face. She tells her that she'll be with other parents in similar situations, and shown how to develop coping strategies. Gail tells her to set it up.

In the pub, Sarah is sitting with Jason. "I bet you and me will be like Jack and Vera one day," he tells her. "What, you in here while I'm on holiday?" she replies. "No," he says, and explains they'll be like soul mates, bonded. "Jason," she tells him, "we're in a pub, having a drink, that's it."

Danny is talking to Dev. Dev reckons Jack and Vera have a relationship that thrives on conflict. Danny asks him to explain the other sort. Dev asks what they have left to argue about, but Danny reckons there must be some love in there somewhere. They should all be so lucky.

Liam and his brother walk in, and ask Michelle why it's so busy in there. "Birthday do, later on," she tells them.

Just then all the lights go out and Vera, Molly and Fizz come in from the back, with Betty who's carrying a cake with lighted candles on it. They all start singing Happy Birthday and everybody claps. "Fooled you!" calls out Molly, but Jack reckons he knew all along. Tyrone, obviously thinking of the entertainment he's organised, has a slightly stricken expression on his face!

The Websters are walking towards the pub with Gail, who scolds Bill for keeping her mother up half the night, drinking.

In the pub, the party is in full swing. "You didn't think I'd abandon you on your 70th birthday, did you?" Vera asks Jack. He tells her it never entered his mind. Just then a scantily dressed young lady comes in, wearing a traffic warden's cap and a very short skirt. "There's somebody in here who needs a good clamping!" she announces. Kirk rushes forwards and hustles her out the door. Molly turns to Tyrone, "What's all that about?" she demands to know. Tyrone tells her there's been a misunderstanding. "You're dead right there has, I'll kill him!" shouts Fizz and rushes off after Kirk.

Audrey comes in, and Gail tells her to try not to make a fool of herself tonight. "Oh I think it's a bit late for that," says Audrey.

Jack asks Vera where his present is. "You've had it," she tells him. "No, my real present," he insists. She asks him if he can remember what they did after his 21st. "We're going to do it again," she laughs, patting his cheek, "the bed's all set up for it!" Jack does not look happy at the prospect.

Ken proposes a toast to Jack's 70th birthday, and Bill Webster has a chat to Audrey, and asks if he got her into trouble. "How about you and me going to the dogs tomorrow night?" he asks her. "Well, we already have, according to some," she replies, but agrees to go.

Jack stands up, he tells everyone he knows he's miserable sometimes, but he and Vera come as a pair, so if there's any toasting to be done……

The residents then toast the two of them, "To Jack and Vera!"

Anne Logan.

Friday 10 November

Well, as the sleet whacks against the window pane, we can curl up with a knee rug and a cup of hot cocoa for another Friday night on the street.

We open in the street as the Websters come out of the house talking about it being Bill's last night. He can't go out to dinner with the family because he and Audrey are going to the dogs! Sally wonders whether Maureen would be happy with Bill going out with another woman. "It's a dog track, Sally, not a dirty weekend," Bill points out. Over the road, Norris is tutting and looking at his watch.

In the shop he tells Emily that the curtains at number one are still drawn and it's nearly nine o' clock. "The whole purpose of my covering for Ken was so that he could have a lie in," Emily points out. Norris isn't impressed. He hasn't had a lie in since the Queen's Golden Jubilee. He points out that . Ken's not doing it for charity - he is getting paid. "Not near enough, I'll wager," mutters Emily under her breath so only the customers (Hayley and Fizz) can hear. She tells Norris she didn't say anything. Hayley tells Emily that the classes are going very well, but when talk turns to Hayley knowing someone in the class, she hustles Fizz out of there before Becky's name can be mentioned. When they're gone, Norris is disgusted that Hayley should be helping ex-offenders. "Got forbid that criminals should be punished! I expect if she'd been born 100 years ago, she'd have been teaching Jack the Ripper to tango!" (Hardly, Norris, Jack's crimes were committed in 1888)

Jamie's in the cafe telling Frankie about his night out with Sean. Audrey is also in the cafe when Gail comes in. Audrey seems very frail and she's buying a giant breakfast roll – bacon, eggs, sausage, tomato, mustard. She denies being hungover and she gets quite grumpy at Gail's teasing.

In the factory, Sean is missing and the girls are worried. Danny tells them he's going out and Hayley is in charge. Sean races in, saying his alarm never went off, but then he admits he went out. He didn't cop off, either, because everyone thought he and Jamie were an item.

Ken's in the Kabin talking on the telephone about making a week's holiday out of going to see Peter. A very narked Norris says very loudly that the prawn cocktail crisps are getting low and it's only half an hour to the lunchtime rush. He says he'd hate to ruin Ken's planning of his grand tour, but he does have regular scheduled breaks, plus his lunch hour, for idle chit chat, "SO IF YOU DON'T MIND, DEIRDRE!" Ken gets the hint and puts the phone down.

As the workers leave the factory, Fizz tells them she plans to have a month off the booze. Kelly quickly asks Sean if Jamie is still single, then catches up with Jamie, who is also heading for the pub.

As Frankie leaves her Coronation Street house with some mail, Danny arrives and tells her he's booked a fancy restaurant for Sunday lunch and plans to ask Jamie along.

Gail is making coffee for herself and Sally, discussing Audrey and Bill. Sally wonders what Rosie and Sophie must thing. They haven't seen their grandfather for years, and when he does arrive "he spends his time getting pie-eyed with Aunty Audrey."

Frankie chases after Jamie in the street and warns him that Danny will ask him to come to Sunday lunch at the restaurant. She asks him to act surprised.

Norris is still in a really, really grumpy mood. Now he's having a go at Chesney, telling him he must point the papers in the bag with the folded side down, to stop the supplements falling out. Ches says it's hard to tell the papers apart when they're banner down, and he gets paper cuts off the edges. Ken calls across the shop suggesting Norris let Chesney use his own method. "We've had no complaints from his round. "Kenneth," says Norris, pompously. "This is a professional matter, rather outside your scope. The midget gems need refilling." Right, that's it. Ken gets his jacket. "I've been working here as a favour to Rita, but as of this moment, I'm done. You're impossible to work with – pompous, fussy, self-important!" Norris starts to say something about needing a firm hand, but is interrupted by Ken. "Firm hand? You make Mussolini look like Mary Poppins. You can find another patsy to lord it over because, to quote a very apt modern phrase, I'm outta here!"

At the dog track, Audrey seems to be having a really good time. She demands a pint rather than a white wine, and a packet of pork scratchings.

In the pub, Kelly is once again trying to flirt with Jamie. Fizz orders a lemonade. While Bev is serving them, she hears Liz on the phone asking Ashley about signing over the pub. When Liz hangs up, Bev asks what the hurry is. Liz says she just wants everything to be official and her name above the door. Liz goes off to serve Frankie and Danny. Liz has a new hairdo, but got it in town, not at Audrey's. Danny goes over to talk to Jamie, who is with Sean, Kelly, Fizz, Janice and Joanne. Jamie agrees to Sunday lunch. This cheers up Danny so much he puts £50 behind the bar for the workers. Sean tells Jamie it was dead nice of him to say yes. "You've made him really happy."

Audrey is drinking her pint, but now she wants a great big burger, to put a bet on and to go outside and shout her head off at the racing. Bill asks what the neighbours would think. Audrey says she's learned recently that she really doesn't care.

Roy is tidying up in the cafe when Becky comes in. She asks if she can wait for Hayley, and cadges a cup of tea.

Audrey is true to her word and is shouting her head off. "How much have I won? Can I retire?" she asks Bill. "Can you live on £4.50," he asks.

Hayley is a bit disconcerted to see Becky. Becky says she needs a reference – and she needs it straight away. Roy goes to get some paper.

Norris is in the pub telling Emily that being a newsagent can be brutal to the uninitiated. "Ken was a teacher," she points out. "I rather think that's more challenging than selling newspapers." Norris doesn't agree, not with all the early starts he has to do. In a booth, Fizz is still drinking lemonade. While they're ordering, Jamie gets grumpy with Sean and decides to go home. Ashley arrives with the papers for Liz to sign, and with a list of excuses for not being there earlier. "So this is it, then?" asks Bev, in a voice filled with significance. Her face sets rock hard when she sees Audrey come in with Bill. Liz has signed. "Congratulations," says Bev, going into the back with Fred's urn. Liz tells everyone that drinks are on the house. That's it. Fizz demands a pint.

Frankie is in bed watching TV when Danny comes in wanting to be romantic. She gives him the brush-off, claiming she's watching the telly. Danny tells her he will never let anyone hurt her ever again. She smiles sweetly, but turns her head back to the TV. Jamie is at home watching the same movie, drinking and weeping quietly.

In the pub, Ashley and Liz are discussing Bev, who hasn't responded to any hints about moving out. Liz wouldn't mind Bev working there, but it's a bit intense having her living there as well. Sean wants to know if they're still serving and Liz declares it a lock-in. Audrey and Bill are getting drunker and Audrey points out that it's almost midnight. Bill asks her if she wants a nightcap at his place. She notices Liz's hair but just hugs and congratulates her on the pub. Liz asks them to go out the back door so she doesn't get into trouble on her first night. Bev pours herself another drink.

In the ginnel, Audrey and Bill stumble their way along to the back of the Websters' place, making enough noise to wake Sophie. Audrey ducks out of sight as Sophie sticks her head out to see what's going on. She says she's going to get her mum, but soon changes her mind when Bill promises her a fiver. "Look at me. I'm hiding in a fella's backyard," Audrey giggles when Sophie's gone. "You know I feel like a teenager." "Me and all," says Bill. "Give us a kiss." Audrey does. Then they close in for a real kiss, that lasts until the credits roll...

The End
Margaret Carr

Sunday 12 November

Well I have a problem tonight. For reasons of my sanity there is little I can report. Danny, Frankie and Jamie (none of them have a name that ends properly) is a storyline too far and probably started Cadbury's thinking about dropping their sponsorship. Then along came Liz's new adornments which spend most of the episode inadequately protected and causing damage to my eyesight - Cadbury's obviously took one look and decided enough was in this case far too much. I wish I had the words to describe Liz and can only say - have you seen Faith Brown on "I'm a Celebrity Get me out of here"? Now imagine several sizes larger.

Steve is back from Spain and Michelle explains that there was a lock in last night to celebrate the new owners taking over. Steve brought back some Spanish Brandy for his mother - a real coals to Newcastle type job. At this point Liz's breasts appear. The rest of her turns up two scenes later. Anyway how did Steve get in? Michelle let me in. How did she get in - it appears the back door had been let unlocked - no-one locked the door for the lock in. Do you get the feeling that this lot could not run a ****-up in a brewery?

Bev appears and Steve is surprised to say the least. Michelle points out that Fred is also still with them - the urn the other night was described by a clearly disinterested audio describer (the wonders of Sky) as an ice bucket - null point as they say on Eurovision. Later Steve asks Liz (the rest of her body has arrived now) why Bev is still present - and sleeping in his bed. Liz reckons she does not take up much space. Steve fails to see the joke. Then they argue over who is opening up! Oddly there is no-one waiting to come in - but shortly after Jamie arrives for a stiffener prior to his lunch date. Michelle notes that Vi seems keen on the guy she had dumped. Well Vi had said the words - but was not sure she meant them.

Dreary pops around to see Tracy and Amy but Charlie is there. She and Ken are going to see Peter (who can return now that Shelley has gone - can we start a bring back Peter campaign please?) in Portsmouth - would Tracy and Amy like to join them? And what makes you think that Tracy is letting Charlie out of her sight ever again?

Jamie and Violet meet on the Street - he tells her is joining Danny and Frankie for lunch at a posh restaurant. Danny is in a good mood as he and Frankie prepare for lunch. He is hoping she is going to dress particularly well as it is going to be a special day.

Now a new mystery. Tracy starts trying to be nice to Claire, a woman that in the past she has called all the names under the sun and mistreated at just about every step. However, when Charlie starts shouting Tracy throws a fearful look in Claire's direction and rushes indoors. Indoors she tells Charlie a totally fictitious story to explain why she was talking to the local doormat. No I do not understand it at all.

Norris is on his own in the Kabin and has not managed a comfort break all morning. He pays Chesney several days late and then Blanche takes over to allow him to go outside - at high speed. Almost immediately Charlie and Tracy arrive and Blanche refuses to serve Charlie - she will not take her eyes off him as she does not trust him. Norris returns and wants to know why the raised voices. He offers to serve Charlie but the latter is not interested and takes him custom elsewhere. Blanche offers to stay on but Norris tells her she can go - but thanks for providing the relief.

At a poncy restaurant Frankie and Danny are waiting for Jamie - Danny is sure he will turn up - after all if it was not for Jamie the two of them would already be in Spain. Eventually after a while Jamie arrives, shakes Danny's hand and then kisses Frankie for a little longer than is perhaps entirely decent. Over the meal Danny observes that it is great that all three of them are back together and that near normality has returned. Danny knows that Frankie is worried that one word will set him and Jamie arguing and although she denies it both of them know she is lying. Danny slips off and asks Jamie to cheer Frankie up in his absence.

Bill is having a farewell drink when Audrey, Gail and Sarah arrive in the Rovers so he asks them to join him. They discuss the previous night at the dog track. And Bill makes it clear that Audrey is a good reason for him to return to Weatherfield. Anyway time for Bill to go - and he is given a present by Audrey for his trip - and we find that he has nothing for her trip to Canada. Anyway her name is already mud so she plants a huge kiss on Bill. Bev wants to know if any men in Weatherfield are safe from Audrey's attractions.

Claire and Tracy meet on the Street. Claire had taken in Tracy's washing but Tracy says she will collect it later - she does not want Charlie to think she is really an even more dozy cow. So Claire is wondering if Tracy is really scared of Charlie (and at this point I would like to thank Mike Plowman and the ITV updates for explaining this to me - because from the acting and on screen delivery I did not understand any of this).

In the back of the Rovers Steve and Liz (who has managed to find some slightly less revealing clothes to wear) discuss the staff. Bev obviously has to go. And Liz wants Michelle out on her ear - Steve points out she is a good barmaid. Steve lays down the law - Liz handles ordering and stuff and he will look after the staff. Steve refuses to give in. In which case Liz observes would he please ensure that Bev understands that she has to go!

Back at the restaurant Danny returns and a bottle of champagne arrives with three classes, followed by a cocktail in the bottom of which is a ring. Why? asks Frankie. And Danny says she has always loved champagne and him and he asks her to marry him ... again please? No instant response - Frankie looks very worried. After all it is not the first time they have tried again. And then her face changes - a wonderful warm smile spreads across her face (and she can look quite beautiful when she smiles). She does still love champagne and yes she will marry him. She looks over Danny's shoulder and down on Jamie who can hardly believe what he has just seen and heard. He is wondering if she really means it or if she wants to be with him instead. Can he contain himself or will he tell them both how he really feels and what he really wants?

And thank goodness that is the end of this update.

For those of you with internet access picture of this episode and descriptions can be found at http://www.itv.com/page.asp?partid=373 where they stay for about 2 weeks before moving to www.csvu.net - or at least that used to be the case - I have not checked the latter to ensure it is up to date. (ed. yes that is still the case)

K Richard W

Monday 13 November

Part 1

In the Rovers Michelle and Liz are setting up. Steve asks how it's going and Liz says she's been up from seven. He says is does take her a long time to put her slap on. Steve then says he need to go check on his other business.

Out in the street Steve offers Danny and Frankie free drinks. Danny tells him good luck. Steve then tells Gail and Sarah. Sarah says she will reminds Gail she has her class. Steve asks what class and is told plumbing. He then goes and Gail says she does not want any one knowing and makes Sarah promise she won't tell anyone.

Kabin Emily says Rita is desperate for an Eccles cake. Norris thinks she is addicted to sugar, just then Blanch comes in and tells them about the ring on Frankie's finger, saying it's the third time. Emily says its third time lucky. Blanch says they will be lucky to make it to the end of the reception.

Factory and everyone is not that excited about Danny news. He says there will been drink in the Rovers for them later. The girls then start making fun of Hayley for going to the classes asking if she get to wear a name badge. Janice says they can get her a jacket with do-gooder on the back. Sean says they can get one for Janice with cow on the back asking if she knows how to spell it.

Rover's back room Steve and Liz are moving the sofa. Bev comes in and Steve asks if she will be moving things. She says no and he says he meant when she moves out. Bev then says she will get out for under there feet. Bev says he will have to get hard on her, as she can't take a hint.

Rovers bathroom and Betty says she is not cleaning everything. Bev comes in and they ask what's up. She says they want her out and the Rovers is a comfort to her as she thinks Fred is going to come in larger than life and bigger then life as he always said.

Out in the street Steve hopes Eileen has not left Les on the switch, as he is rubbish. Eileen asks if he has someone to cover for tonight as she is not doing a double shift. Jason is asking Sarah to the Rovers but he is told she has no one to look after Bethany and tells about her mum going to parent classes. She says she never get offered free drinks and really wanted to go. Jason offers to take Beth as he misses her and she's a great kid. Sarah is happy.

Factory and Janice says she is happy they are back together and Danny is off the market and can't break anyone else's heart. Sean says he wishes someone loved him. Frankie comes in and they start humming here comes the bride. Danny greets her and tells Sean to text Jamie to meet them in the Rovers.

Outside the Rovers and Steve take's down the old sign and gives it to Bev. She says it's an end of an era. Steve puts up the new sign with Liz's name on. Blanch says his name should be on it but it can't because of his criminal record.

Inside the Rovers Steve pulls a pint that's not good. Liz says they need mixers bringing up from the cellar. Steve says he is donkey Steve. He tells Liz he can't be doing all the fetching and carrying. Liz she she will ask Betty or Violet. They agree they need a pot man. Liz looks at Bev saying one last think to sort out. Bev then says she is going to clean.

At the Platt's Gail says Bethany will be getting confused as one minute he was going to be her dad and the next she's not allowed to talk to him or see him. Sarah says she's not the one going to parent classes. Then tells her just to go to her parent class.

Back room of the Rovers and Steve asks Bev if she has a minute. She says she is going to get someone to move the furniture. He says no and asks if she knows when she is going to be moving out as it's about Michelle and Ryan. He tells her lies about their living conditions. Bev says they are moving in here. He says that's the plan and only when she is ready. She says she will look for a place.

Rover's bar and Danny says the better man one to Liam. He says Frankie when for the pipe and slippers. Steve says it's sorted as he told it to her straight. Bev says she is going to go. Steve says he is a dab hand at this man management stuff then says he had to go as he had a Clint to pick up.

Outside Norris and Blanche think about sending Eccles Cakes to Rita when they see Becky. Norris says they don't need more low life here and says she has a short fuse if you look at her the wrong way. Becky asks Hayley if she is still going to the class tonight. Hayley says yes. Becky then says they have time for a coffee. She stubs her fag out on the ground.

Out the back of the Rovers Jamie accuses Sean of being jealous of what he feels for Frankie. Sean says at knows when some thing is a no hoper and to back off. Jamie says he loves her as Sean says she is marring Danny. Jamie replies saying he has to raise his game.

In the Rovers Norris says to Fiz, Janice and Kelly they will never guess who they have seen. They laugh saying Elvis. Blanche says Becky with Hayley. Kelly runs out.

Out in the Street Kelly sees Hayley and Bekky getting onto a bus and is shocked.

Rovers and Sean and Jamie come from the bar and Sean tells him not to do this. Jamie goes and sits next to Danny and Frankie. Danny says its nice them all being together.

Out in the Street Eileen says Gail is nicely dressed. Gail says she can't stop. Eileen says, while she's at parenting class she should get them to work on her sense of humor. Gail tells her to drop dead. Tracy tells Claire she knows how it is between her and Charlie. Claire nods as Tracy says, she loves him. Claire says she could never go back to Ashley if he did any thing like that. Tracy walks off.

Rovers and Danny tells Liz his drinks are free as Steve said. Eileen says that he never said that to staff and she has been working all hours. Liz says she need to talk that up with Steve, she says she will. Michelle asks Bev if she wants another drink and is told she knows what she is up to and says what Steve told her.

At the parenting class the man says they are going to communicate by making noises. He makes like a loud yawning sound as tells them that was him saying he is happy to be here and wants to share there problems. He then asks Gail who looks horrified but makes a small squeaking noise.

At number six Claire has comes round to say sorry for upsetting Tracy who tells her to keep it down. Claire says if she ever wants to talk and Tracy quickly says yeah ok and asks if she can come round tonight late. She says ok and goes.

At the Rovers Michelle asks why he would use her like that and says she does not want to move into here. Liz says she is going to kill him. Eileen says not before she does for taking advantage of her. Steve comes in and Danny thanks him for a great night saying they are the biggest employers round here and in the olden days we'd have been mill owners. He turns round to fine Liz, Michelle and Eileen give him the evil glare. He looks confused and asks what he has done.

Amanda Souter

Well my wife has gone to the dogs ! (Greyhound racing with her company), so I have been left alone - not invited - to write up this report!

Well part two starts of with a somewhat amusing incident in the Rovers. Steve walks in, and is slapped in the face by his mother. Then it is Eileen's turn and Michelle follows by shouting and complaining to him. The poor guy hadn't even said a word in his defence yet! Steve then tries to explain that he was trying to get rid of Bev but as he is saying it he realises by the look on everybody's faces that she is standing right behind him. (whoops!).

Bev goes out, and Michelle suggests that Steve goes after her. In the middle of all this Les phones from the cab company with a "problem". Steve tells him to sort it! Norris is hoping for regular entertainment of this sort.

Bev turns up on Ashley's doorstep. She makes an excuse for visiting him, but Ashley doesn't want her and tells her to go. Claire tells Ashley that she thought that Bev should have been let in.

Vernon turns up at the Rovers with a big bunch of flowers for Liz. She basically tells him where to put them (and it wasn't in a vase!).

Jamie draws a love heart on the bar ........aaah Does this say something about the cleanliness of the bar? Danny sitting opposite is pleased to see how much he loves his mother.

At the parenting class the teacher puts Gail and another volunteer, Eddie together for a bit of role play. She tells him how she is terrified of how her son has turned out. Gail lets her emotions out to such an extent that the teacher finds it difficult to get them to stop.

Back at the Rovers, Vernon tells Liz that his a sad, broken man. She reminds him that it was her that chucked him out. He then pleads with Liz to take him back.

Jamie notices Frankie heading off to the loo. Within a few seconds he goes in there after her. (Is this the first time we have seen the inside of the loo?). He grabs a kiss and then the door begins to open. He goes into a cubicle as Sarah comes in to (literally) wash her hands. As soon as she goes, Jamie slips out as well.

Once again Vernon tries his persuasive charms towards Liz. It doesn't wash with her who tells him to get out. He says that he loves


In the Centre where Hayley is teaching, Becky is reading but then accuses the girl behind her of kicking her chair. They start a fight. Hayley manages to break them up.

Sean catches up with Jamie and tries to talk some sense into him about Frankie. Sean tells him that he no longer wants to be his friend. However Jamie is not listening.

Becky apologises to Hayley for her behaviour. She says she didn't get the job that she applied for and is going nowhere. Hayley thinks she deserves a pat on the back for her determination.

Bev is p***ed (drunk!), and starts crying to Norris about how life is supposed to go on after someone has died. She feels like her life has stopped. Norris is obviously disinterested in listening to her.

Michelle and Violet are surprised that Liz is giving Vernon the time of day let alone sitting and chatting with him.

Sarah asks her mother how the parenting class went. She replies that it was awful. David then butts in with a comment of she knows how he feels now. He wonders if she is going to give up. Gail says she is not and she is going to keep going back until she finds a way of sorting him out.

Kelly meets up with Roy and Hayley. Kelly calls Hayley a two-faced cow by befriending Becky again. Hayley explains that she just turned up at the class she was teaching. Roy tries to intervene by saying that Becky deserves a second chance. Kelly reminds that she almost put her in prison and she doubts that she will ever change.

Claire goes round to Tracy and Charlie's house. Charlie asks Tracy why she has become friendly with her all of the sudden. Tracy says that she thinks she just needs to talk to someone. However Claire is in her own mind suspicious of Tracy's motives. (We are as well, it is thought Tracy wants to use Claire as some sort of alibi for the future - but we are not sure!).

Jamie goes round to see Sean and apologises to him for his outburst earlier. Sean says that Danny will be in shock when he finds out about Jamie and Frankie. Sean tells him he is doing exactly what Leanne did to him. (It will all end in tears, as of course it must !).

Claire reminds Tracy that she once said "If she had a baby it would have the personality of a frying pan and the voice of tweety-pie". Tracy apologises and says she often blurts things out that she didn't really mean. Claire wonders how Tracy could trust Charlie. She explains she loves him and that it is just the way he is.

Danny talks to Frankie about them growing old together. (Well when they say something like that, you know something bad is going to happen!).

Steve comes into the pub and says to Violet that he will sort out the takings. Violet says that Liz has already done that and gone to bed. She goes on that it didn't take her long, because he had told his palls that the drinks were free. Steve then hears snoring and goes into the living room to find Bev asleep in a chair.

Back at Sean's house, he asks Jamie how long he can continue with just seeing Frankie for short times. Jamie says that he has got to find a way of getting her out of his head, maybe staying with Warren.

Martin Rosen

Wednesday 15 November

Hi all, here's the update for Wednesday 15th November.

In the cafe, Roy tells Hayley that the idea of giving Becky a job there is a terrible idea, and he can't understand why she should want her working there. "So that's a maybe?" chirps Hayley, seeming only to hear what she wants to hear, and giving him a kiss. She tells him he's a lovely, lovely man and scurries off to work.

In the Rovers, Bev and Liz are talking about the night before, when Steve walks in. They stop talking. He says it worries him when they stop talking as he walks into a room. "Well, we weren't talking about you," says Bev. Steve says he knows who they were talking about, and at that moment Vernon walks in. He sits down and takes a piece of toast. "What's he doing?" Steve wants to know. Liz explains that he's having his breakfast. "I've got to keep my strength up," smirks Vernon, as Liz looks coy. Bev remarks that she thinks it's very romantic and when you get a good one you have to hold on to them. "Good one?" splutters Steve, "he was chasing Michelle round the pub like a demented Benny Hill!"

Hayley arrives outside the factory to find an angry workforce. "Here she is," says Kelly, "Becky's new best mate!" Hayley says she didn't get to choose who she works with, but the girls aren't convinced. Sally points out that Becky stole her engagement ring and Janice reminds Hayley that Becky didn't just do wrong, she did wrong to her mates.

In the Platt household, Sarah and David come to blows when he uses the last of the mil and then says he's not going to school. Gail stands in the kitchen and screams "Time Out!!" but neither of them take any notice.

Becky goes into the cafe asking for Hayley. Roy tries to tactfully ask if she thinks it's wise to keep coming round, as the girls at the factory are making it hard to Hayley. "You leave it with me!" says Becky.

In the taxi office, Les advises Steve to sling Bev out. Steve tells him she has nowhere else to go. "Sling him out," says Eileen, referring to Vernon. Steve knows his mother wouldn't like that. "Are you frightened of your mum?" asks Les. Steve says he is, "And so would you be," he adds.

Roy leaves Frankie in charge at the cafe and as he's going out, Danny walks in. He asks her if she'd like a Spanish wedding. "What, and a Hawaiian divorce?" she quips. He adds that he's going to cook tea on Friday for her and Jamie, he might even do paella. Frankie says Jamie won't come unless she asks him. "You concentrate on doing the cooking," she says.

It's lunchtime in the cafe and the girls are off to the pub, but they don't want Hayley with them and Kelly suggests she goes to the cafe. Outside, however, Becky is waiting. "Hiya Kel," she says as they come out. They all confont her angrily, with Janice suggesting that she moves on before it turns nasty. Fizz reminds her that she nicked their stuff, but Becky says she never nicked anything, she just set Kelly up because she was being a cow. Kelly says she has a police record because of Becky. Becky says she already had one. She says that they got their stuff back, Kelly got off and even got her job back, so what's the big deal? Just then Hayley comes out. "You lot leave Hayley alone," says Becky, "or you'll have me to deal with." She says that Hayley has been a true friend. Kelly turns to Hayley and says that if she is their friend she will tell Becky to go and crawl back under her stone. Hayley however, refuses to do this, saying that everyone deserves another chance. She says that they'll be seeing a lot more of Becky from now on, as she's going to be working at the cafe. Kelly says that they won't be going to her poxy cafe, and marches off. When the girls have all walked off Becky turns to Hayley, all excited. "Have I really got job, Hayley?" she asks her, "have I?"

She rushes back to the cafe, and, bursting in, throws her arms around Roy, telling him he's a lovely man. Hayley follows in behind, saying that she's told Becky the good news. "Good news?" queries Roy. Hayley mutters that she's told Becky about the job. "Where do you want me to start," asks Becky, taking off her coat. Roy suggests she comes back tomorrow after the lunch time rush. She goes off, and so does Hayley, promising that they'll talk about it later. Just then Frankie asks Roy if she can go and have a quick word with Jamie for two minutes, and she goes off as well, leaving Roy looking bewildered.

Sean is on the doorstep talking to Jamie about his imminent departure, when Frankie rushes up. "You got a minute?" she asks him, and he takes her inside. She asks him to come to dinner on Friday night. "Is that all?" asks Jamie. Frankie says she thought he would want to be with her. "Look at me," she says, "I'm all out of breath it's like I'm sixteen again!" They start kissing as Jamie's phone rings, it's his friend from Chingford. Asking him to wait, Jamie turns back to Frankie. "I wanted to say goodbye to you properly." She misunderstands, and rushes off out of the door. Jamie goes back to his phone call, telling his friend he'll see him on Friday.

Steve has gone to see Ashley in the butcher's, to try and persuade him and Claire to take Bev in. He says that she needs to be with her family. Ashley points out that Bev is not his family. "You're the nearest thing she's got," says Steve. (What about Shelley, having a baby? Would mother and daughter want to be together at a time like this?) Steve urges Ashley to think about what Fred would have wanted, and says she could even help out round the house if they keep her off the gin. Ashley says he'll talk to Claire.

In the factory, the girls have their heads together, muttering about Hayley. Fizz points out that she's only doing what she thinks is right. "But this time she's wrong," says Janice.

Danny asks Liam what he thinks of Spain. "Why, you taking me on holiday?" asks Liam. Danny tells him he's thinking of remarrying Frankie under the clear blue Spanish sky. Liam says that from what he's heard Spain is full of old Cockney gangsters, so Danny should fit right in.

Kelly and Joanne confront Hayley. Kelly asks Hayley if she doesn't remember what Becky put her through. "She could have gone to jail, Hayley," says Joanne. Hayley is convinced that Becky is reformed and feels terrible about it all. (News to me!) Kelly warns Hayley that Kelly will rob her and cheat, and will probably burn the cafe down one day.

Ashley has gone to the pub to ask Bev to move in with them. "I don't know what to say!" says Bev. "Say yes!" says Steve, quickly, with a hint of desperation in his voice, "say yes!" Ashley tells her it's just til she gets back on her feet, it's what his dad would have wanted. Bev agrees to go, and says she'll be over in a jiffy. Ashley goes, and Bev turns to Steve. "You know where this has come from, don't you?" she says, and tells him it's Claire. They need her over there because Claire can't cope with the kids.

Gail puts the tea on the table and reaches for her coat. "Where are you going?" asks David. She tells them she's going out, it's called creating personal time and space. "Don't forget to wash up," she says as she goes out the door.

In the back room of the pub, Steve has a quiet word with Vernon. "I love her," says Vernon. "Don't say that," says Steve, and tells him he's even weirder than he thought.

In the bar, Liz approaches Michelle. She tells her to keep her hands off Vernon. "That will not be a problem for me," says Michelle. Just then Vernon comes into the bar and gives Liz a hug.

In the Peacock household, Bev suggests she puts Joshua to bed. Claire says that she will take him, but Bev insists. Claire turns to Ashley. "How long she staying for?" she hisses, and tells him she won't let her anywhere near the kids. Ashley thinks it won't be for long. Claire wants them to spend time together as a family so Ashley tells her that they could spend some of the money they got from Fred's sale of the Rovers, on a holiday – just the four of them.

In the pub, Steve is arguing with his mother about Vernon. "He's a waste of space," he tells her. Out in the hall, Michelle is coming through the door with boxes of crisps. Vernon shuts it for her. "There you go, gorgeous," he says, standing close. She tells him that if either one of his hands come anywhere near her, she'll cut it off.

In the bar, Gail is sitting with Sally, talking about the parenting classes. Eileen comes in. "When you're at parenting classes, who's looking after the kids?" she asks. "We let them play hide and seek on the motorway," quips back Gail.

Hayley admits to Roy that she shouldn't have offered Becky the job. Roy asks if she truly believe that Becky wants to get her life back on track and can be trusted. Hayley says she's made a terrible mistake. Roy thinks it will be fine, "What's the worst that could happen?" he asks. Hayley tells him that Kelly thinks she could burn the place down. "I'll try and keep her away from naked flames," says Roy.

In the bar of the Rovers, Steve stops Vernon from kissing his mother, saying it's unprofessional and will put people off their drinks. Liz tells Vernon to take no notice, it's her pub as much as Steve's.

Danny and Frankie are sitting having a drink. Danny is obviously very happy. "At last this family's coming together," he says.

Anne Logan

Friday 17 November

It's Friday morning, which I do believe was Anniversary Day in North and Central Canterbury, and everyone is arriving at the factory. Though Joanne is heading in the wrong direction, going to the Kabin. Kelly and some of the others are still muttering about Hayley. Jamie comes past and Danny gives him instructions for coming around for dinner. To Sean, Jamie says he's not packed yet.

Hayley is on her way, but not before giving a pep talk to Roy about how to treat Becky. Of course, when Becky arrives the first thing Roy does is tell her that smoking is unacceptable and he can't abide chewing. It doesn't sway him when Becky points out that she'll be ratty without her cigarettes and she'll be clumsy without her gum to help her concentration. "Let's start with ratty, shall we?" mutters Roy, taking the cigarette from her.

Sean can't believe Jamie is really going to leave. Jamie's packing while Sean watches. He's had to turn his phone off so Frankie can't text him because he can't pretend everything's OK.

It's Charlie's birthday and he's surprised Tracy has cooked him such a nice meal and not poisoned him. Tracy points out that if she got upset, that would be saying that Maria mattered. But she still plans on taking Charlie to the pub to parade him in front of Maria's face. Jason arrives and he and Charlie head off, joking about there being no birthday cake. Tracy is joking too, until she sees Claire coming and suddenly is pathetically sorry there's no cake, calling apologies as Charlie and Jason go off in the truck.

Sean gets Jamie to promise not to leave until he gets back. Sean then meets Violet, who clearly feels neglected by Sean. Sean turns down her offer of coffee and her feelings are obviously hurt. Danny, surprisingly, doesn't seem worried to see Sean in the street instead of in the factory.

Becky isn't saying she won't do garnish, she just doesn't see the point of it. "People are either having a salad or they're not!" Roy can't muster his argument because the chewing is driving him crazy. Even Frankie is grateful when he insists Becky remove her gum. Roy's prepared to risk her clumsiness. Danny comes in and finds the cafe's special is spaghetti bolognaise, which is what he's planned to make for dinner. Frankie's already had it for her midday meal. He looks at the remains on a plate, quickly tastes some on his finger and tells her not to worry. "That won't hold a candle to mine!" SMASH! CRASH! Becky has knocked some crockery to the floor in her haste to lean over jabbing a finger at Danny. "Don't you come in here insulting Roy's cooking!" Roy tells her the customer is entitled to their opinion. He explains to Danny that he follows the traditional, simple recipe of the Italians and the British tend to over-embellish their spag bol. "Yeah, stupid!" adds his new defender.

Chesney has to knock on the door because he's forgotten his key. Cilla refuses to let him in, claiming she's got a headache, so poor Ches trudges off in the rain.

At the factory, Kelly's refusing to eat at Roy's Rolls and a fight is close to breaking out. Fiz defends Hayley. Sean goes off on his own.

In the office, Liam has just taken a message from Danny's travel agent. Danny and Frankie cannot legally marry in Spain, which puts the kibosh on all those romantic castles he's been building in the air. Liam points out they could pop next door to Gibraltar. This news seems to have cheered up Liam, but it has the opposite effect on Danny.

Jamie is packing when Frankie comes to the door. He doesn't answer it. Sean arrives and quickly makes excuses for why Jamie's not in and won't answer his phone.

Claire has baked a cake for Tracy. "Do you mind if we don't tell Charlie that you helped?" Tracy gets Claire out of the way for a moment and texts Charlie to make sure he doesn't come home just yet, because the cake has to cool before they can ice it.

In the pub, where Charlie is drinking with Jason, Frankie comes in to look for Jamie. She and Violet get talking and Violet still seems really put out. She asks Frankie if Sean and Jamie are plotting something.

Tracy tells Claire that Charlie's not coming home now, managing to sound as if she's putting a brave face on her disappointment.

Jamie is still packing, though Sean isn't much help. He apologises for accusing Jamie of turning into Danny. "Remember, Jay, you don't have a wrong cell in your body – apart from the one that makes you straight, obviously." They are both almost in tears as they hug goodbye. Sean leaves.

In the taxi office, Les dangles a silk dress (in the worst possible taste and a hideous reddy/orange colour) in front of Eileen. "What do you think of this?" "Well," she says. "You'll have to stitch darts in for your beer gut." But it's for Cilla. Frankie comes in just as Les goes to sit down. Eileen tells him he's got a pick-up at six. Frankie asks if they've seen Jamie and Eileen says he'll be at home, because that's who Les is picking up. Jamie's going to Piccadilly station. Uh oh. Frankie races out.

Sophie and Chesney are walking to his place. He's got grapes because his mum is ill. But before they get there, they see a very furtive Cilla coming out of her door and scuttling away up the street.

Jamie thinks the cab's arrived, but it's a frantic, distraught Frankie who demands to know what he's doing. She thought he loved her. Jamie tells her he can't stand it any more. "I didn't mean to hurt you." She hurts him with a slap across the face. She's sobbing now. "Hurt me, Jamie? Jamie, you're breaking my heart. Don't leave me." And now they're kissing.

In the cafe, Becky is continuing to drop and smash things. Roy is sure her need to chew gum is just a psychological dependency and can have no real effect on her clumsiness. There's no link between mastication and co-ordination. Tyrone comes in (Becky smashes another plate), gets a doughnut and disputes the amount of change he's been given. Becky reacts as if he's accused her of being a serial killer! She's also mortally offended. When Tyrone asks "What happened to the customer is always right," and she gets very close to landing a punch on his head. Roy tries to tell her that questions over the change are relatively common but she's not hearing him.

Sean comes into the pub and instead of greeting Violet like a friend, demands to know where Liz is. He wants to go home. (He hasn't even started his shift yet)

Jamie and Frankie are in bed, kissing. It seems they have Done the Deed. "There's no going back now," Frankie says. "I can't believe I nearly lost you," she says. "Always, always talk to me. You're not safe inside your head." They're interrupted by a knock on the door. Jamie gets out and sees it's Danny down below, but he's too slow and Danny has seen him. Jamie says they should just sit tight, but then he and Frankie realise Danny still has a key and he's coming in.

The End
Margaret Carr

Well, it seems as if I was only just here, and here I am again. ITV was up against Children in Need (annual telethon) on the BBC, so there were two episodes of Corrie on Friday night. This is the second.

My apologies for the lateness of these episodes. You can be sure they'll be like London buses and a whole bunch will be along in a minute.

Danny lets himself into the house and Jamie takes the keys away. He says he was having a sleep, not avoiding Danny. Jamie hasn't seen Frankie, he says. He suggests Danny go on ahead and Jamie will catch him up. Danny is determined to ring Frankie and sits down to do so. While he's punching keys, Jamie dives for Frankie's handbag, which is down by the sofa, and quickly turns off her mobile phone so it doesn't ring. Danny gets her answerphone and asks her to come over to Jamie's. Jamie says he has to have a shower and Danny settles down to watch TV while he waits.

Jamie reports back to Frankie, who hasn't even got out of bed, yet, let alone dressed! He gives her her phone and goes to have his shower.

In the cafe, the till is £5 up, which means that Tyrone gave Becky a fiver (not a tenner). Roy and Hayley would really like Becky to take it to Tyrone. She is adamant that she won't, but Hayley puts her foot down and says they really could do without any more people taking their custom elsewhere. Becky leaves. "Was I too harsh?" Hayley asks.

Jamie is back down in the living room, suggesting Frankie might have gone on ahead. Danny doesn't think so and decides to go upstairs to use the toilet. But his phone goes just in time. It's Frankie, telling him she's just letting herself into the flat. He can't understand what she's doing already there, but he forgets about the loo and hustles Jamie out of the house.

Claire asks Joshua if he wants to help bath his baby brother But it seems Bev has already given Freddy his bath and put him down to sleep. "Why didn't you say you were taking him up?" Ashley asks. "You were eating, Bev says cheerfully. It's obvious that Claire is very put out by Bev taking over, but Bev is oblivious. She takes Joshua up to have his bath with some new ducks.

Chesney, Fiz and Kirk are discussing Chesney seeing Cilla leave the house, keeping their voices down in the kitchen so Les doesn't hear. Fiz and Chesney think it's got all the signs of Cilla playing away. While they're talking, Cilla comes home. She brushes off their inquiries and Les's arms and demands a cup of tea. Les gives her the dress, telling her it's the real thing. "Even knock-off, it weren't cheap!" Cilla tells him it's lovely.

Frankie and Danny are at the flat but Frankie isn't. Danny tries to tell Jamie it doesn't matter if he occasionally lapses back into hatred for his father. Danny will wait for however long it takes, because Jamie, Warren and Frankie are the most important things in his life.

In the pub, Ashley and Claire are discussing potential holidays. Claire wants to spend only a week on holiday and save money to have Freddy christened. Ashley thinks it's a good idea.

Steve sees Vernon with a handful of empty glasses and thinks he's agreed to be potman. But Vernon says they're his and he was just moving them out of the way. It seems Liz hasn't even asked him. "We got a bit, er, distracted," she says. Vernon is worried about his back. Steve points out that it's a job involving rolling, not lifting. so it's not that strenuous. "Jack Duckworth used to do it!" Vernon agrees and goes off to clear some glasses right away. "By my calculations, we are now fully staffed," Steve tells Michelle. "Fully stuffed, more like," she says.

In the Kabin, Roy is building a house of cards. No, that's not a metaphor. He really is. And he's chewing. He tells Hayley that under normal circumstances he has succeeded in building a house of 45 cards. Now he's experimenting to see whether the chewing makes a difference. Hayley feels bad because she's got to the stage where doesn't just want Becky to succeed for herself, but so Hayley can prove something to the others at the factory. She thinks that's bad. Roy's card house finally collapses.

Danny spills some spaghetti sauce on his shirt and goes to chance. Frankie arrives while he's gone. Frankie comes back and wants to know where she's been. He's already opened the red wine and they toast "to us".

At a somewhat awkward dinner party in the Baldwins' flat, Jamie is making noises about leaving. "You ain't had any pudding yet." Danny asks. There isn't any, but he's trying to make him point. Frankie says she's got some fruit. She gets out an orange which Danny gave her earlier to symbolise happiness and fulfilment and remind her of their forthcoming wedding. She gives it to Jamie, over Danny' protests. Danny explains the problems with Spain for a wedding. Frankie says that'll save them from having to rushing into things. When Danny goes to get another bottle of wine, Jamie tells Frankie he's going to tell Danny everything. Frankie pleads with him not to do it now.

Claire and Ashley get home to find Freddy in his basinet downstairs, gurgling next to Liz, who is clutching the large blue urn that stands in for Fred. "Did he wake?" Claire asks. "No, no, I just needed a bit of company," Bev says. She's obviously well past her first G&T. Bev overheard them say something about a christening, but Claire assures her it's ages off yet, if they decide to do it. Bev says it'll give them all the more time for planning. Bev offers them a drink and Claire asks for a cup of tea, which Bev trots out to the kitchen to get. "She'll be gone by then," Claire says through gritted teeth. "I'm sure."

In the pub, Vernon heads out the back. "I'm just going to er. . ." he says. Steve asks Michelle where Vernon is, and she says "He's just gone to er . . ." Michelle is suspicious that the "purvey potman" has weaseled his way into a job because he heard Steve telling someone that Michelle was moving in Steve says he didn't tell that to anyone else and he doesn't want Vernon living there. Michelle thinks it's a strange ways of doing things. "Next time I want someone as far away from me as possible, I'll offer him a job under me nose, living in me own house. Genius!" Violet, on the other side of the bar having a drink, complains to Eileen about Sean.

At a nearby table, the girls are working out how much money Becky will make if she shortchanges customers by £5 each day. They persuade Tyrone that he should also boycott the salon. But then Becky comes in and tells Tyrone: "This is yours. We were five up when we cashed up." Tyrone beams one of his smiles her way. When she's gone, he says "That were nice of her, you know, to admit it." Janice asks if he wants another drink. He does. "Oh, well, you can afford your own now, can't you?" Janice points out.

Jamie wants to go home. Frankie and Danny can't persuade him to stay. The taxi honks and as Danny is saying goodbye, she quickly gets Jamie's keys and puts them in her jeans pocket. As Jamie goes, Danny hugs her and tells her it's a start.

Apparently the red silk thing that Les got for Cilla was a nightdress and he's disappointed she's not wearing it. She claims it was itchy. She's come down to watch some telly, though Les thought they were going to have an early night. Cilla tells him to go upstairs and get ready for her. "With any luck he'll be asleep in ten minutes," she says, taking control of the remote.

The phone rings while Frankie and Danny talk. It's Jamie, wondering where his keys are. Frankie "finds" them and offers to take them round.

There's an atmosphere at the Grimshaws', though Violet and Sean deny there's been an argument. When Eileen goes upstairs Violet and Sean have a heart-to-heart. "I was being pathetic, like a spoiled kid – playground stuff," Violet says. She says she was just jealous of the time Sean spent with Jamie. Sean tells her it is her own fault for being so balanced and sensible. "I neglect you because I know you'll be all right," he says to Violet. "But Jamie, well he's stupid and ... intense!" Violet tells him Jamie is lucky to have Sean as a friend. "I did hurt you, though, I'm sorry." Violet forgives him.

Vernon is in the back yard, skiving. He tells Liz he's just checking the inventory. She points out that the yard is a big job and he'll need Steve to help.

Jamie is sitting outside his door, shivering, when Frankie arrives. He had no idea Frankie took his keys and she didn't think about him having to stop out in the cold. Jamie says he refuses to be in a relationship where he has to sneak around. If they can't be open, he wants to go to London. "I love you but I'm not going to lie. We're better than that," he says. Frankie kisses him and says they'll tell Danny tomorrow.

The End.

Margaret Carr

Sunday 19 November

Are you a Battersby? Do your parents maltreat you? Your name is Chesney and you can tell a good story - are you Gail satisfied with the paper delivery service quality? You are - and if you are Gail and stupid you cough up some cash as well. And how about you Claire? And she coughs up as well. They fall for it every time.

Claire is trying to see Tracy - who is hiding from her in the kitchen. Claire if you ever planning to trust Tracy ask Steve McD what he thinks of her. A touch later Tracy looks out and thinks Claire is not around and makes a break for it. But no Claire has seen her and shouts after her. Tracy tells Claire that she must have been in the shower - a long one - Claire tried twice!! So Tracy tells her that Charlie is jealous of her having friends - and she has to go - she has to get milk for Charlie's breakfast.

Sean is told by Jamie that today will be magical - he and Frankie are going to tell Danny the truth - absolutely everything. Especially as they spent the last episode in bed together. Sean tells Jamie that he is wrong and he should not sleep with an attached woman. Sean points out that Frankie is his mother figure - but she is a different person now. Frankie comes in - she cannot believe Jamie told Sean. She asks him not to tell anyone - at least not until they have told Danny. Sean says he does not wish to know and he does not even want to talk to them and storms out of the house. Once he has gone Jammie wants to know when they will tell Danny, but Freaky Frankie merely wants a few quiet moments with Jamie and they kiss. Is FF putting off the deadly moment - when Danny arrives she seems reluctant to say anything and tries to get out of joining the men in the pub - but decides leaving Jamie with Danny might not be a good idea.

Les failed to get fed at home so stomped over to the cafe. Becky has just come on duty and when Les gets lippy she smacks him around the face and tells him not to talk to Roy like that. Les stomps off again, still hungry. Chesney has earned enough for his trainers and Cilla in an unlikely bout of bonhomie offers to take the whole family out for a meal at the Rovers. Fiz cannot work out what is going on.

David and Sarah are fighting again. Sadly Gail calls time out, takes a deep breath and then asks each of them to explain why the fight. David pulls a smart move and apologises, so Sarah growls and departs upstairs. David has been watching the F1 Review and so Gail sits down with him and listens to his patient explanation of the sport.

Sarah goes to the Rovers and tells Jason all about the events as he proves he is a good listener as she pours out her woes about the family. After about five hours Jason points out that she sounds just like Gail - which stuns Sarah as she realises it is true and is clearly put out by the observation. Anyway a couple of drinks later Sarah is going home and thanks Jason for listening - he suggests they might do it again sometime over a pizza. Sarah accepts it as he says that it is not a date and providing he knows that she is merely getting out of the house then maybe. As she leaves Jason turns and whispers a massive "Yessssssss". Observed by Eileen, Sean and Violet who all clearly believe he is now certifiable. As Eileen observes sometimes whilst you know it is all going to end in tears you just have to let some people get on ruining their lives,l no matter just how much of a mess it causes.

At the cafe Becky apologises for her temper and says she is getting it under control. In the old days she would have knocked him through a wall. She then offers to take them for a drink but Roy excuses himself so it is just Hayley. In the Rovers Hayley suggests that Becky should apologise to Les who is eating dinner with the rest of the family. Chesney and Kirk are deciding on what puds to have whilst Cilla heads into the toilet. Fiz follows wanting to know why she is suddenly the perfect mother - is she about to sneak off with another man. Cilla reverts to type and calls her a nasty cow - then Cilla dives into a cubicle and slams the door.

Becky approaches Les. She says to Les "Soz about earlier" which is about the nearest you get to an apology from her. Anyway Les is astounded when she claims that she was scared of her. At which point Cilla returns and tells them that the pud is off and leads a bad tempered stomp home.

Danny has been looking at house details and starts discussing them with Jamie and Frankie in the Rovers. They pass around the various house details and Sean observes suggesting that they should not jump into something without fully checking it out - looking at Jamie. Danny enthuses about a house with games room and a Sunday lunch cooked by Frankie for them both whilst they have a frame of snooker.

Bev catches Claire trying to listen at the party wall to Charlie's, with a glass the wrong way round. Anyway Claire claims that Tracy is scared of Charlie and is not allowed to have friends. Bev recalls that Shelley was locked in her room and was cut off from Sunita and everyone else. Perhaps Claire is right to be worried.

Danny goes to the loo and Jamie and Frankie are left alone. Jamie threatens to tell Danny. Frankie wants to find the right time (not much chance of that) - but the longer they leave it the worse it is going to get.

Back home Sarah listens as Gail provides an F1 update. Gail and David discuss the racing and the tracks. Sarah observes and when Gail goes upstairs asks David what he is trying to get. Why are you getting on with Mum? David says he is not "getting on" with her. She grins - you are getting on you know - you just do not know it. David is confused. He has spent two hours with his mother and possibly enjoyed it.

OK. Now to tell you how much pain this update caused me. Frankie was wearing the same top throughout the episode. At one point it was worn completely off the shoulder with the top line completely horizontal. Later in the Rovers the top was pulled up around her shoulders with much less bare skin. Now back at the flat it is in an intermediate position - still with a slight V shape but again off the shoulder. I observed this change but out loud and the wife, whose recent hairdos I have not noticed stopped speaking to me for some considerable time, expect to tell me at both length and high volume why I should not notice such things and if I can notice such things how come I could not notice her reshaped and recoloured, blow dried hair. Well it is not a piece of clothing is it?

Danny is still talking about the house when Frankie says she does not think them being together is working. Danny tells her it must be his fault - he is rushing her - they can take it more slowly - at her pace - but she cannot pull the rug from under his feet. Freaky Frankie cannot tell the truth and suggests they drop the marriage and the house - it is just too much. Danny agrees - so long as they are together what difference does it make and he hugs her - her long face almost crying might give a sense that there is something very wrong in Baldwin land.

I anticipate being back in two weeks' time.

K Richard W

Monday 20 November

Baldwin's and Jamie calls Frankie asking if she has told him. Then says he is coming round. She tells him not to but he hangs up. Danny says he seems full of joy saying because he has no one to cook his breakfast.

Outside the factory the girls ask Liam about a Christmas party. Liam says ask the boss and Danny pulls up. They say they were just talking about the Christmas party and he says how much. Kelly says a bit more then last year. He tells them that's a no then. Liam tells them to get in. Danny walks Frankie to the cafe. Jamie watches them from his window.

At the cafe Hayley says Becky is a pot cleaner and Vera is in charge. Becky says she understands. Frankie then comes in. Becky gives a look and asks what she is. Vera says my friend. Hayley goes.

Battersby's household and Les comes down so see a bacon roll that ends up on the floor. The dog gets it. Cilla says that was for Chesney. Les says he left ages ago and says he will have what they dog is having. She says he looks like Gordon Ramsey and says the kitchen is all his.

Factory and Liam asks for overtime during lunch. Eveyone says no till he says he will pay for the sandwiches. Kelley says she does not want if its been touch from Becky. Hayley says Becky is working really hard and trying to change her life around. They say she is gullible. Hayley says everyone should get a second chance. Liam says either sandwich now or nothing. Kelley says she will go.

Peacock's household and Tracy knocks on the conservatory window. Claire looks surprised. Tracy says she was going through Amy's toys and wondered if she wants them. Claire says yes. Tracy says she will come round later.

Cafe and Becky wants to change the radio. They say Roy has it on a talk channel. Becky says if its pop they will work fast and the customers will eat faster. Frankie changes it back. Kelly comes in and asks that Vera do the order as she done not want to catch any thing from Becky. Kelly is told by Becky bread does not butter itself. Becky then goes to get the phone and then shouts for Frankie saying its her son. Frankie says she will be right over and says she is going.

At the Rovers Jamie asks what is wrong with the house. Frankie says they won't talk there. Eileen then asks if she can get them a drink. Jamie is not amused but they go and sit down. Tracy comes in and Liz gives her an outfit for Amy. Tracy says she saw it and also saw the price. She thanks Liz. Jamie says he wishes they did get caught and it would be over. Frankie says they both have to tell him. Eileen then comes and sits next to them

Janice says Sally might as well own up to not being a blond as she has fake everything else. Sally says she is blond and has always been one. She says she will prove it and puts her hands in her jeans. They say they don't need that much proof. Sally then takes out a key ring with her and Gina from 1974.

In the Rovers Liam says Danny is being tight not spending more for an Xmas party. Danny says the girls have had more then enough money out of him over the year. Liam says he is cheap. Danny's phone then rings and he goes to take the call. Jamie says they should tell him now.

Out in the street and Fiz see Chesney with Les not a school. She says they can't rely on Cilla at the moment. She says she is going weird cooking Sunday tea as well. Les then gets a call and goes off in his taxi. Fiz tells Chesney that Cilla has a man that loves her and a loving son and she is not going to run away.

Peacocks and Tracy gives the toys to Claire. She asks if she would rather not keep them in case she and Charlie had a child. Tracy says he is not a fan of sleepless nights and dirty nappies. She asks about how Charlie is with Amy. Tracy says that he has to put up with her or lump her. Claire looks a bit shocked. Tracy then says they should go for a drink and she will have to check it with Charlie first.

Factory and Danny says they can have the factory and 200. They start moaning and asks for a monkey. He asks how much that is and is told is a thousand. He then says 250 and go home right now. They girls agree and start to get their things and go.

Streetcars and Les says he thinks she is going though the change of life and has tried to reassure Cilla. Eileen asks if he is saying she is menopausal after he asks if the world was a darker place with her.

Battersby's and Cilla is on the phone. She says she will come by taxi and asks if she needs any overnight bag. Chesney is listening and then knocks something off the table. Cilla hangs up saying he scared her. He asks who that was and Cilla changes the subject but saying she found cups under his bed.

Outside Jamie asks Frankie if she is ready to give it all up. He says he can't afford what Danny can asks if she can live like that. She says she can. They both then head for Danny's door.

Amanda Souter

Hi and welcome to another of my reports! Sorry that I wasn't in touch for ages!

Frankie and Jamie come back to tell Danny about their Sordid Secret, but before they get the chance, Warren comes in the room!

Steve McDonald comes in the Caf' and rescues the last piece of shepherd's pie. Awwww how thoughtful! Vera lets him have it for free, while Becky slips a fiver out the till.

Jamie's definitely not thrilled to see his brother back in the country, especially when Warren asks how his glittering career as a van driver is going. Frankie asks Warren if he's hungry and Warren tells her that he's been dreaming about her roasties all week. 'Well, that's the problem with a surprise visit home - no dinner waiting. Luckily I've booked something,' Danny tells him. 'What, a restaurant?' Frankie asks. 'Yeah, that's what they call them love,' Danny replies, but Frankie isn't enthusiastic. Jamie asks how long Warren is staying for and is told just a couple of days. 'That's this time!' Danny enthuses, 'But the next time, Baldwin's United!'

As Becky brings in the last of the supplies, Vera has a word with Hayley and tells her that she wouldn't be surprised if she found that the till was light

As they play darts, the girls discuss whether they'd actually like to have a dressy-uppy Christmas party or just a plain old knees-up in the factory

Paul has joined Liam for a drink and tells him he should make his drink his last, in the Rovers at least. 'A few more and you're going to be wearing those arrows as a headdress,' he tells him, realising the girls are talking about him.

Frankie has a quiet moment with Warren and tells him that she's always wanted the best for him. 'Things may be all shiny on the outside...' she says, but Warren tells her not to worry. He's lived a bit now and understands life a bit better. Jamie comes over to ask what he's drinking and Warren returns to their table.

Jamie tells Frankie that they've got the restaurant to themselves and what better place to tell Danny. 'He'll have to behave himself then and take it in. And better to tell Warren now, better than him having to hear it over the phone,' he says. 'Jamie, get real. I told you, I don't want to humiliate him,' Frankie says. 'Nor do I,' Jamie says with a sly half-smirk on his face. 'Are you sure about that?' Frankie asks as she walks away.

The waitress comes over to take their order, but Jamie asks her for a few more minutes, despite everyone being ready to order. 'I take it back, this is a bad idea. I can't spend three hours making small talk,' Jamie says. 'Small talk? It's your brother. We want to know how you've been,' Frankie says with a smile at Warren. 'Except you coming back....' Jamie starts, but Frankie cuts him off. 'For crying out loud, I'm asking you politely Jamie.' 'Politely, what is this?' Jamie asks. 'All right, shut up! Just shut up. I'm not having this, not here,' Frankie says sternly. 'So you're my mother now are you?' Jamie asks. 'Jay, son, please? Danny interjects, but Jamie cries, 'Oh spare me the doting dad routine, it's turning my stomach!' 'That's a bit harsh,' Danny says. 'Yeah, well I feel a bit harsh,' Jamie replies. 'All right, point taken. I might be overdoing the Baldwin United stuff but I can't help it. Frankie don't deserve this though. She's done nothing for you but good. Now, come on, please, make up,' Danny pleads. 'I don't like phonies, and I don't like being a phony. There's stuff that needs saying,' Jamie says. 'Yes, and you'll get your chance, but not here, please. Warren's first night back, let's not end the meal like this, eh?' Danny says.

The Peacocks ask Roy and Eileen if they will be Freddie's, I say Freddie's, Godparents. Roy accepts but Eileen seems to be choking on a crisp.

The girls organise an army and march over to Liam to sort out the Christmas party. A darts match at dawn will take place.

Cilla is lying on the sofa. Even a holiday doesn't cheer her up. Les soon storms back out again.

To try and cheer Les up, Steve tells him that Claire and Ashley have asked Roy and Eileen to be godparents to little Freddy. 'They missed a trick there surely,' Les replies. 'Asking Eileen? The church will burn down,' Steve says. 'Not asking Hayley...the Hairy Godmother. Two for the price of one. A blessing off Arthur and Martha,' Les jokes. 'Oi, you keep your wisecracks to yourself. Hayley's my mate,' Becky sneers at Les. 'What is it with you and them Croppers? I was having a laugh,' Les says. 'I didn't find it funny,' Becky says as she drags furiously on her ciggie. Les turns to Steve and says, 'All I wanted was a nice quiet drink and a smile from someone, somewhere,' and with that he leaves. Great, she drives people out of the cafe, and now she's started on the Rovers. Is there anyplace safe in Coronation Street from Becky's noxiousness?

Tracy's new BFFL, Claire, organises a drink with Tracy, who acts like it's a stupid idea when Charlie gets there.

Jamie looks like he's going to tell everyone they're affair, when Frankie stops him. Angry, he storms out, where Frankie meets him. Jamie tells her its over.

Katie Fairclough

Wednesday 22 November

Hi all, here is the update for Wednesday November 22nd.

David is playing a video game when Sarah comes downstairs and asks Gail if she will babysit that evening so that she can go to the cinema with Jason. Gail agrees, but isn't happy about it. Sarah tells her it's only a film, and she can't just switch off all the feelings she has for 'Jace'. "I wish I could," mutters Gail.

As she steps outside her front door, Gail sees Eileen and Jason just coming out of their house across the street, and glares at them. Eileen remarks to her son that Gail looks about as pleased as she is. Jason tells her that it is only the pictures and he's got loads of work to do yet. Just then an excited Claire comes rushing up. She's delighted to tell Eileen that she can be Freddie's godmother after all, the vicar has agreed to baptise her beforehand. Eileen looks less than thrilled by this news, and stammers that it would be wonderful, but she doesn't know the first thing about God. Claire beams and says it's not a problem, the vicar has agreed to give her all the religious instruction she needs!

Over at the Quays, Danny is struggling with Warren's suitcase as he prepares to depart. Frankie's mobile rings, showing that it's Jamie calling, but she switches it off.

Les accosts Fizz in the cafe and asks her if Cilla's having an affair. Fizz says she can't be certain, but Cilla has got form. She also adds that there might be a perfectly innocent explanation, but Les thinks that there's no smoke without 'a flamin' bonfire!'

Jason pays Becky for his breakfast, telling her to keep the change, but she pockets the fiver – and is spotted by Vera.

After Jason has gone out, another young man comes in and orders a coffee, and it seems that Becky already knows him.

Over in the cafe, the talk is all about the darts match that's coming up that evening, where the workers are playing for the prize of a Christmas do. Liam informs them that the management team consists of Danny, himself, his brother, and their sister Michelle. When Janice protests that she is nothing to do with Underworld he tells her that she's family and that makes her almost management, and anyway, without her there would be no team and no teams means no match and no match means no Christmas do. Reluctantly, Janice agrees that Michelle can play.

Jamie is sitting morosely on his sofa when there's a knock on the door. It's Danny and Frankie with Warren, who's come to say goodbye to his brother before he heads off back to Spain. Warren hugs his mum farewell before Danny takes him out to the car. After they've gone, Jamie demands to know why Frankie isn't taking his calls. "Because that's my son, your brother," she tells him, "and no matter what we want, what we do, that will never change."

In the cafe, Becky's friend has finished his breakfast. They are just chatting when Claire comes in to say that a dog tied up outside is frightening Ashley's customers. Becky's friend says that it's his dog, and when Claire leaves, Vera tells him to go and move it. Becky starts to get angry at the way Vera has spoken to her friend, but the young man says he was going anyway, and leaves. (Without paying for his meal!)

Jamie catches up with Frankie outside, and she tells him that seeing Warren has brought her to her senses, she can't go on, it would hurt him too much. Jamie says they can't go on living their lives for other people. Frankie tells him she wouldn't be able to live with herself.

As Danny walks into the factory, Janice stops him and asks if their Christmas meal will include drinks. Danny looks blank, so Joanne reminds him about their staff meal if they win the darts match. Danny still looks blank so Hayley suggests he asks Mr Connor. Danny goes into the office and tells Liam that he thought he made it clear that they were not shelling out for a staff dinner. Liam says they're not, because they won't win. He and his brother and sister have all been playing since they were children, in fact Paul is County standard. Danny thinks that if the management win they ought to get something – that would make it much more interesting!

Over in the Rovers, the factory girls ask Michelle what's in it for her. Michelle doesn't have a clue what they're talking about, so they explain about the darts match. They tell her that Liam has said she's playing that night, and she is quite indignant about the fact that he hasn't asked her first. Steve is listening to all this, and says that she should save herself the humiliation. "Humiliation?" asks Michelle, and he goes on to explain that she's not exactly the darts type. "Whereas Fizz and Janice…." He begins, and then notices them glaring at him. Vernon comes along at this point. "What my friend is saying Michelle," he tells her, "is it's not your game, it's highly technical. It's all in the wrist." Looking increasingly annoyed, she tells him he must be an expert then. She then tells the girls that, thanks to Steve and Vernon, she is going to play – and she's going to win!

Danny is in the cafe, talking to Frankie about Warren. He asks if she'll come to the darts match, but she says she'll give it a miss.

Just then Hayley comes in and asks Vera where Becky is, and is told she's out the back getting her coat. "Best place for her," says Vera, "fingers like fly-paper, that one." She then tells Hayley about Becky's friend who had a full breakfast and three coffees and never put his hand in his pocket once. Vera reckons Becky is taking her and Roy for right mugs.

Sarah and Jason are in the pub discussing what film to go and see. Over at the dartboard the players are warming up when Danny arrives. He tells the girls the news that if they lose they are paying for the Christmas meal. "Whoa, whoa," says Fizz, "you can't just spring that on us." Janice, however, says it's a bet. Danny turns to Jamie and tells him to get a ringside seat to watch his old man dish out a lesson in arrows. Jamie tells him he's learnt enough from him, and leaves.

Les goes into the chippy and is dismayed to find Cilla flirting with the customers. He orders pie and chips and while she gets it ready he asks her where she was today, she wasn't in the chippy at dinner time when he came by. She tells him she must have been out the back making batter. "What's all this about?" she demands to know. He says he's just taking an interest. "Well don't," she snaps, "you're doing my head in."

In the pub, the match in underway, and Steve looks suitably abashed as he watches Michelle play brilliantly.

Jamie calls round on Frankie, and says he won't leave until she looks him in the eye and tells him that she doesn't love him. He assures her that Warren will get over it, but if she sends him away she won't. He finally seems to persuade her and they start kissing.

Back at the Rovers, it all hinges on Paul's score. He seems to be doing very well with his first two darts, but the last dart, that would win the match for them, hits the board and falls out on the floor. Janice takes her turn and scores just what is needed – the workers have won! Danny gets his coat and leaves, as Liam asks his brother how he could possibly have missed. "Who says I missed?" says Paul, and tells him it's the best way to raise staff morale. "What's a few quid for a meal?" he asks him, and then says, "anyway, it was worth it, just to see the look on Baldwin's face!"

Les is sitting outside the chippy, waiting for Cilla to finish, looking worried.

Jason and Sarah come back from their film, which wasn't very good. Jason says that next time he'll pick the film. "Who says there'll be a next time?" asks Sarah and warns him not to take her for granted. She gives him a quick peck goodnight and goes indoors.

Yana is locking up the chippy when Les pushes his way in. "Where's Cilla!" he demands to know, saying he's been watching the place for half an hour and not seen hide nor hair of her. Yana starts to explain that she's out the back cleaning down the preparation area, when Cilla comes in from the back. She's really cross and pushes him out, locking the door behind him and telling him that she and Yana are off out. "I shouldn't wait up!" she snaps.

Danny arrives home with take-away food bags. "Frankie!" he calls, getting plates out of the cupboard. He walks into the bedroom where he stops short. There are Frankie and Jamie in bed, looking guilty. Stunned, he turns and walks out again. They follow him out, wrapping clothes around themselves. "We were going to tell you," Jamie starts to say. "Well go on then," says Danny, "tell me what that was, 'cos it ain't what it looked like, it can't possibly be, can it?" There's a pause. "Tell us!" he shouts. Jamie mutters, "We love each other…." "No!" Danny shouts, "you don't tell me that, you don't ever tell me that, boy, or I swear I'll kill you!" He tells him to get out, but when he goes to take Frankie with him, Danny lunges forward, as if to hit him. Frankie leaps between them, "Don't touch him, please!" she cries. "That's funny, innit," says Danny, quietly, "you sounded just like his mum then." He tells them to get out of his sight, and then stands looking totally stunned.

Anne Logan

Friday 24 November

Welcome to Friday's update.

It's morning, but in Danny's flat he sits alone with the blinds closed.

At No 7, Frankie is also awake. James comes downstairs and interrupts her thoughts. Now Danny knows, they can start to tell everyone, he says. But Frankie suggests they leave it. "Let's at least have some time together before tomorrow."

Over the road, Liam and Paul arrive at Underworld to chants of "loser!" from the staff. They sort of wonder why Danny isn't there to open up, but conversation soon turns to the Christmas do.

Norris is furiously mopping the floor of the Kabin, though Blanche points out it'll just get mucky again. Then she clicks – Rita must be coming home! "That mop is your guilty conscience," she says accusingly. "You had something to do with her fall." We can tell from the way Norris denies it that he did! And poor Chesney walks in and is shouted at for messing up the clean floor.

In the street, Claire asks Tracy if she'll still come out for a drink, because Ashley will babysit tonight. Tracy says she'll have to check with Charlie and as Claire walks away, fixes her with a steely glare.

Rita's back, all right, struggling out of a taxi and going into the Kabin, demanding "Where is he?!!" and almost upending herself on the wet floor "he" has just mopped! "Are you trying to kill me?" she demands. Norris claims he's not. He tries to hug her, but Rita bellows "Don't touch me!" and says she'll sit on the stool, "unless he's booby-trapped that as well!" Norris can't understand why she's not glad to be home. "That's not your happy face," he says, nervously. Rita tells him bluntly that she would have been home weeks ago if not for him. To Blanche's glee she says the "accident" wasn't – Norris tripped her! It seems Norris made a rush for the last fresh bread roll on the breakfast buffet at the hotel and managed to trip Rita as he did it, meaning she ended up spending three weeks in a Hungarian hospital. He points out that he did fetch help and he did offer to stay with her. "What happened to the bread roll?" asks Blanche. "It was a bit dry, actually," Norris says. "One day we'll look back on this and laugh." Rita's face makes it clear they won't. Norris leans towards Blanche. "Don't leave me alone with her," he mutters.

In the darkened flat, Danny is drinking. In the factory, his happy workers are singing. Liam rings Danny, who says he isn't well and won't be in. Liam tells Hayley to get the order books. He's obviously enjoying taking charge.

Claire hangs out the washing. She can overhear Tracy on the phone to Charlie, apparently being told she can't go out that night. Of course, the phone call is a fake.

Frankie and Jamie appear at the flat and Danny invites them in, putting the kettle on in a very resigned sort of way.

Back in the street, Becky meets up with her man, Slug. He appears to have come to see her just because he's run out of ciggies. While they talk, Hayley spots them, though they don't see her.

Jamie puts his key in the lock and he and Frankie go into the flat. Danny is pouring the coffee. Frankie explains she's come for some clothes. Danny thinks perhaps tar and feathers would suit her better. He finally lets out some emotion, telling Jamie he's sick and that Frankie is sleeping with her son! Jamie says there's no point in trying to argue and tells Frankie to go and pack her stuff. "This is nice, innit?" says Danny. "Want a cup of coffee?"

As Frankie throws stuff into a case, It's no holds barred in the other room. Danny tells Jamie that he's been cheating, lying and cheating, and Danny knows about lying and cheating. Jamie says he loves Frankie. "Not you don't," says Danny. "You hate me." He says Jamie is just trying to get back him because of Leanne.

In the Kabin, Emily has made tea. She tries to talk Rita out of her resentment, pointing out that it takes two to disagree. "How did we come to this?" Rita asks. "It all started with a free pen, then a set of steak knives and next thing I'm lying in Hungarian hospital bed." Emily says there's a lesson to be learned in there somewhere. "You think I should have given him the pen, don't you?" Rita asks. Emily isn't sure. "I think I should have stabbed him with it," Rita tells her.

Becky and Slug are talking and Hayley is just around the corner, eavesdropping. Becky tells Slug that if he comes to the cafe he won't have to put his hand in his pocket. She gives him her cigarettes, saying she can easily buy more.

In the Baldwin flat, Frankie is ready to go. She tells Danny that she loves Jamie, not like a mother but like a lover. Danny says they're having a sick affair but they won't have it in his house. He grabs the case and marches downstairs.

Hayley and Becky are sitting on Maxine's seat, talking. Hayley suggests that Becky could do much better for herself than her current boyfriend. So could Hayley, says Becky. Whoooahh! Never say that to Hayley! She says there's no-one better than Roy. She makes her feel safe, strong and happy. "Well, he's taken," says Becky, "so what do the rest of us do?" Hayley suggests she start by having a little more self respect. Then she asks straight out whether Becky is stealing from the cafe. Becky denies it outright. She is quite indignant and says Hayley is just like all the rest.

On the quay outside the flat, Danny throws the case at Jamie's van. He tells Frankie it's a cheap and useless case and she needs things in her life that she can rely on. She goes to pick up her things and Danny grabs her arms, pleading with her. She shouts that he should get off her. Jamie rushes over to rescue her and slams Danny back against the van. They struggle and shout at each other and Frankie shouts at Jamie to get into the van. But they're both fighting for pride now. As they fight, their momentum carries them both into the canal. The fight continues, which we can see beautifully with the underwater camera they bought for the David-Platt-gets-his-head-dunked-in-the-bath scenes! Danny seems to be in a frenzy. He punches Jamie again and again, with Frankie screaming that he'll kill him. After a lot of struggling and splashing, Danny appears on the surface with no sign of Jamie. Danny is suddenly distraught. He dives under the surface in a desperate bid to find his son. As Frankie watches, he surfaces with the limp body of Jamie in his arms.

In the Kabin, Norris arrives bearing gifts. He's bought Rita a pair of really comfortable shoes – trainers. Rita is quite taken by them. They're the most comfortable shoes she's ever owned. At least, they are until she finds out that the soles light up and that Norris has bought her a pair of kids' trainers. "You hold him down," she snarls in Emily's direction. "I'll kill him!" Norris beats a strategic retreat.

As Jamie is dragged out up the boat ramp, Frankie discovers he's not breathing and starts resuscitation. Danny seems clueless, saying Jamie will be all right and trying to drag him upright. He tries to help Frankie by saying he'll phone for an ambulance. But when he finds his phone is waterlogged, he throws it in the canal and settles for screaming "Help! Help!" Eventually, Jamie coughs up water (Tip: turn the person on their side and try to drain out any water before starting mouth-to-mouth!) and Danny kneels at his side, shouting that everything will be all right. Frankie tells him to get away and then shoves him hard so he gets the message. He suddenly looks lost. "I had doubts, but not any more!" Frankie says, cradling Jamie's head. Danny seems to finally face the truth: He's lost them both.

The End
Margaret Carr

Sunday 26 November

t's Sunday and Richard is away, so you've got me again.

Frankie is dabbing some kind of astringent on Jamie's cut lip. She thinks he should go to hospital but he won't, though his ribs look like a winter sunset in Orkney. He says they need to work out what to tell people, but she doesn't think they need to just yet. She points out that he will have to explain his injuries and they'll be given the cold shoulder and talked about. Jamie says most people aren't like that, but Frankie is more realistic. She tells him that when it happens they'll have to be strong.

Les writes out a first anniversary card for Cilla. He thinks she's just been a bit down and the card could help. As she trudges downstairs, he asks if she knows what day it is. It's Sunday, apparently. "Now bog off and stop pestering me," she says.

Becky turns up for work in the cafe, even though it's her day off. Hayley is worried, because she's got to go into town and won't be there. "Just as well I did come in then," Becky says. "Vezza won't be able to cope on her own if there's a rush on." Vera's mouth has dropped open, but not at the thought of someone working on their day off. "What did you call me?" she asks indignantly. Becky goes off to hang up her coat, giving Hayley a chance to explain to Vera that she's talked to Becky and things might be better. Becky comes back and tells Hayley she's got nothing to worry about.

Tracy lies on the sofa with a duvet. She's coughing and spluttering and Charlie is offering as much sympathy as he's able. He's going to pick up something for dinner later on. As he drives off, Tracy is up and peering through the curtains to make sure he's gone.

Vera tells Blanche that the till has been £20 down since Becky began working there. She explains that she's keeping a close eye on Becky to protect Roy and Hayley's interests. They're interrupted by Becky, who comes over to show them a £10 note she found under the fridge. Vera takes charge of it.

In the pub, Les and Yana discuss Cilla. Les thinks she's playing away, but Yana claims she'd know about any affair. She tells Les to pull out the stops and put on a romantic dinner than night.

As she walks down the street, Claire notices that Tracy's curtains are still drawn. What she doesn't notice is the Evil Spawn of Deirdre watching her, a smile playing on her lips.

In the shop, Claire eavesdrops on Charlie and Dev. Dev's teasing Charlie about being a new-age man – buying flowers and food. She quietly tells Bev that she thinks Tracy is afraid of Charlie. After a little argument, Bev can see the parallels.

Frankie might be going through emotional upheaval and stress, but she's still done the washing and is hanging it out in the yard. Suddenly, like a spectre, Danny is there.

"Stay away from us," Frankie tells Danny. He says he doesn't want to hurt anyone, but yesterday the red mist came down and he just wasn't thinking straight. Suddenly he tells he that the slate's clean now. They're quits. He did the same with Leanne, and Frankie's done it with Jamie, so they can start again. He thinks that's what Frankie wants, too. She looks at him in amazement as Jamie comes out of the house. "You really are mental," she says, shaking her head. Jamie tells his Dad to get out. Frankie backs him up. "Just go, please," and Danny's son and ex-wife walk into the house and shut the door behind them.

In the cafe, Blanche wants to know if any more stray tenners have turned up. "You know, I wouldn't mind her cleaning my house if she gets results like that!" (er. . . does she mean Ken and Deirdre's house?). Blanche tells Vera it will all be a front to make them think Becky's not thieving any more. "For every tenner she finds, she'll pocket another two!" They shut up as Becky comes over. She says the last customer has just given her a fiver as a tip. Blanche asks if it will be drinks on Becky later, but she says she won't be keeping the money – it wouldn't be right, what with her being new. She gives it to Vera to put in the till. "Fifteen quid and counting," Vera says triumphantly to Blanche when Becky goes. "Fools' gold," says Blanche. "Hayley's welcome to it."

Frankie is hanging out the washing in the yard and leaps a foot in the air when Sean comes through the gate. Sean, in a sarcastic tone, tells her it's sweet that she's doing her beloved's laundry. "Does Danny know about your dirty little secret yet?" He doesn't need to hear an answer as the appearance of Jamie on the doorstep says it all.

Kirk is getting into the van with Fizz and Les catches them up to ask if they can stay away tonight while he treats Cilla to an anniversary surprise. "Tell her you know what she's up to," suggests Fizz, saying that'll surprise Cilla.

Back at the Baldwins', Jamie has made cup of tea for everyone (for someone with that amount of bruising, he's surprisingly mobile!). Sean wants to know if Danny caught them just by chance. This makes Jamie think there could have some other reason for Danny to find out and Sean confesses that he told Danny he didn't want to get mixed up in his family's dirty little secrets. "I could have been talking about Leanne for all he knew." He tells Jamie he must have know it would all end in tears. Jamie says it's just the beginning. Sean asks if they think the two of them are going to live happily ever after. "You know as well as I do that Danny ain't gonna give up that easily."

Hayley is in the cafe showing Vera and Becky the gift she's bought for Freddy's christening – Bunnykins crockery and a tiny silver box for Freddy's first tooth. Becky's never seen anything like them and says she never had anything like those. Hayley points out that it's only silver plate, but Becky says she never had a cardboard box, let alone a silver one. When she moves away, Vera tells Hayley that by her count the till is about £20 up. Becky might be giving back what she stole, "but it's a rum way of doing it," she tells Hayley. Hayley says at least it's a step in the right direction. Vera leaves and a very cheerful Becky follows.

Danny is sitting in his flat. There's a knock on the door – it's Frankie. He lets her in, and she says Jamie doesn't know she's there.

Back at the Battersbys', Les is lighting a candle on the table. He's wearing his back shirt with shoelace tie and presents Cilla with an anniversary card and a gift. She apologises and says she forgot. She seems quite choked up as she says the framed wedding picture "is all right, I s'pose. I hope you didn't pay too much for that frame." He's shelled out on a gourmet Indian banquet for two, and the lager's in glasses, not in cans. A tearful Cilla says she doesn't want it. She's tired and has a headache and just wants a bath and an early night. Les can't understand it. It's their first anniversary. He urges her to at least have an onion bhaji, but she rushes upstairs, telling him not to wake her up when he comes to bed.

Frankie tells Danny he's living a dream. There will be no reconciliation. "You and me are finished." She says she was faking the previous reconciliation but it was all an act to stop her facing up to the truth – that she loves Jamie. Danny thinks it's just been her revenge on him and Leanne. "We did what we did because we love each other," she says. Danny says it's Frankie who's dreaming. If she really meant all that, she wouldn't be visiting him alone. That's just because she wanted to see him, he says. Frankie says Jamie would have been too emotional to bring. She can cope because she doesn't feel anything for Danny any more. Danny breaks down in tears and Frankie stands to leave. "I'll let you get on with your life," she says. "What's left of it."

The End
Margaret Carr

Monday 27 November

First episode tonight

Battersby's household and Les comes down saying it's cold and ask why Cilla has not put on the fire. Cilla says it's early for him to be up and asks if he has wet the bed. Les replies saying it would be the only activity going on if he had. Chesney comes in. Les then asks why she's dressed up. She says sometimes you have to make an effort. Les says just not for their anniversary. Cilla says she is going shopping and Les replies saying they don't have money for that. She says she is going with Yana and is going for a meal after so that's why she is dressed up. Cilla almost in tears then says she is trying to avoid an argument and goes. Chesney then asks what is up. Les say's he wishes he could tell him.

Out in the street Sarah just comes out her house and sees Jason who says she has made his day. He comes over and goes to kiss her but she pulls back. He asks her what is wrong and she tells him it's not like what it used to be. He asks her if she will come to the pub alter and make it like a date. Sarah smiles and tells him she was going to go to the pub anyway and tells him if he wants to come in he can. Chesney asks Les when he says he wishes he could tell him does that mean he knows what is going on. Les says it means he knows as much as him. Les gets in his taxi and Chesney knocks on the window. Chesney says he wants him to know if he does split with his mum he wants to stay with him. Les says his mum has funny turns and maybe she is just going a bit funnier that normal. Les tells him that he will never let him down. Les then says he has work and that he has school. Norris sees some vandalism on the Kabin. Just then he asks Chesney if he has done this and is told is way better that what he can do. Norris just tells him to clean it. Chesney says he was only returning his bag and asks what about school. he is told it's a waste of taxpayers' money. Norris tells him just to clean it and he will not involve the police. Chesney just shoves his paper bag in Norris face and tells him to clean it himself if he does not like it.

Baldwin's and Danny is lying on the sofa. There is a drink in front of him. He looks as if he has been there all night. He then gets up and puts his hands on his face.

At the Cafe Hayley is on the phone saying if its import it's ok then says they Becky is not here yet and if she does not come she will have to shut. Just then Becky comes in saying sorry she's late and blames the road works. She says if she knew she would have walked. Hayley then says to Frankie its ok Becky is here but will be on her own and asks for her to phone later. Hayley then says Frakie won't be in as she has personal business and then says she has to go to work. Becky says she will be fine and knows where every thing is and if not she will be straight over to the Factory. She pushes Hayley from behind the counter telling her to go. Then asks who is next.

Over At the Baldwin's Jamie is looking in the mirror at his cuts and bruises. Frankie tells him poking at them will not help. He says he can stand them but not her sneaking off and seeing Danny behind his back. Frankie tells him Danny needed telling from her and he was best of out the way. He says he might listen now that she has told him.

Factory and they are wondering why Danny has not come in. Just then Liam says there is someone here, it's Chesney. Fiz asks why he is not at school. Chesney says he did go but got off the bus half way as he left sick. He then says he is worred about Les and his mum. Fiz asks why is not about them. He says he thinks his mum is playing off. Fiz asks if Les has said this as well. Chesney says they argue and Cilla is acting weird. Fiz says she will walk him to the bus stop and he can come back for lunch and they will get chips and sort out it. Liam says if he teacher needs a note to call her and then tells Fiz to leave the family business at home next time.

Back at the Cafe Becky gives a cup of tea to someone then asks another table if they are ok. She then tells everyone they know where she is if they need anything. Blanche asks where Roy is and is told he will be back any minute now. Blanche then says they don't mind her on her own then. Becky says that's 10 points to Blanche. She then says the rest of the staff is down with salmonella. She then says she is joking and gives Blanche a top up of coffee as she says she does not like being called darling. Becky says she could say a lot worse but she is saving that for the less patronizing customers. Just then Slug comes in and says he will have one of them. Becky quickly asks if he is staying. He tells her just to give him his coffee. He puts it in a foam cup and tells him to go. He asks what is up and says say can't you see I'm busy and basically kicks him out. She then goes over to the till and says for any one how is watching today's events she is putting money in the till. She then tells Blanche she can grass her up for her cup if she wants.

Out in the street Les is waiting in his taxi. He sees Yana and runs up to her. He asks if she is has seen Cilla. Yana says no and Les tells her Cilla said she was going shopping with her and was dressed up. Yana says she is divas, as she never told her she had a fella on the go. Yana then phones her. She then tells Les she lied and asked her to cover if she sees him. Les is shocked and Yana feeling sorry for Les asks if she can get him anything from the chipper. Les is more worried about Chesney.

Outside a Hospital Cilla walks up to the door takes a deep breath and then continues to walk in.

Kabin and Norris is scrubbing the graffiti off the wall and says he is not doing it any more. He says some of this should be left to the perpetrators. Rita then says so there is more then one. Norris replies saying there could be lots of them but says it's Chesney. Rita tells him to get one with it and he says this is pay back for what he did to her on holiday. Danny is sitting in his car and when Liam shouts him he starts the car and goes away very fast. Yana walks down the street and knocks on the Batterby's door.

Battersby's and Les opens the door. Yana tells him she is not having him on his own while she is out god knows where. Les says he was trying not to think about that. Yana then says she told Wong he can manage on his own and then tells Les she got him a fish.

Baldwin's and Liam has come round. He says he was going to look for Jamie but she would know more. Frankie says she has not seen Danny. Liam says Danny was out side her house but as soon as he saw him he left. Frankie asks if he has tried his mobile. Liam says of course he has. Just then Jamie comes down saying maybe he has upset Danny. Liam looks at him and says he maybe has upset someone else. Jamie says he got into a fight in town. Frankie says as far as they know Danny is at work. Liam says and they are not. Frankie says Monday has come round too soon. Jamie asks if there is anything else. He tells him he has been running the business and does not want to do it all week and asks them to tell Danny to get over to the Factory.

Back at the Cafe Hayley asks how is going. Becky says no stabbings, no poisonings. Black adds not yet. Becky then says since she has been clocking all today's events, if she missing any thing for her to jump in. Blanche smiles. Hayley says she can help but is told it's fine and she is managing. Sarah comes in and Jason just after her. Sarah asks if he was lurking round the corner. Jason replies saying, if it will work he will try it. Jason says their dates are turing out to be disasters. Sarah says she did enjoy herself but can't forget what he did to her. Jason asks if he has to try harder but Sarah gets her order and goes.

Outside, Fiz asks if Chesney got to school ok. He tells her there was road works, lots of people were late. Chesney then tells them computer games are programmed to do things, well his mum is programmed to hurt them. Fiz says it does not matter what she does as she and Les will never let him down. Chesney then says he's a bit fed up with her and embarrassed. Fiz says he is growing up and says they better go walk back to the school and burn off some chips.

Battersby's, Yana fetches some brandy for Les. She tells him she's not on Cilla's side, as she never said anything to her and calls her a treacherous cow saying when have I ever kept a secret from her. Yana says Cilla has betrayed Les. 'He looks at his hands, Yana takes them and asks who can betray a man with hands like that.

Somewere Danny is sitting in his car with his face on the steering wheel. A man passes with his dog.

Cafe, Roy arrives. Becky asks if he wants a coffee. Roy asks if it's only her serving. Hayley says yeah, but she's doing a brilliant job and says about Frankie. Roy then says he will have a cup. Roy asks Hayley if things are ok and if he should be worried. Hayley says everything is fine.

Hospital again and Cilla is sitting waiting to be called. Just then she is called and goes through. The doctor tells her to sit down. She tells him she will stand, as it will not take that long. He tells her it would be better if they both sit down. Cilla sits looking a bit worried and nervous.

Amanda Souter

Cilla is immediately flustered as the consultant refers to the melanoma that they removed. "Melanoma!" she squawks, "it was a mole last week!" He tells her that the biopsy has shown it to be a malignant melanoma, and there will be treatment, after they have established how far it has spread. Cilla looks shocked and gulps. "Cancer?" she whispers.

Back in the Street, Fiz tells Les she's put Chesney on the bus back to school, it's best for him to carry on as normal. Yana snorts that Cilla letting him down again IS carrying on as normal.

Norris is still scrubbing at the graffiti when Rita takes him out a cuppa. He's furious, and says it's criminal damage. He glances across the road towards Fiz, Les and Yana, and reckons they're laughing at him. Rita doesn't think they've even noticed him. As Fiz walks back towards the factory he growls, "We'll prosecute you know!" but backs down as she stops and asks, "You got something to say, Norris?"

Liam is on the phone, desperately trying to contact Danny as there are appointments in the diary. He has no luck, so leaves a message.

Meanwhile, Danny is standing on the viaduct, looking out over beautiful, rolling countryside.

Back at the hospital, the doctor tells Cilla they'll get her in as soon as possible, as skin cancer can be very aggressive. She wants to know what her chances are – 90, 55 or 10 percent. He tells her they go by the depth of the melanoma, hers wasn't the deepest but it wasn't the shallowest either. She presses him to tell her how deep is deep. He tells her 4mm, and hers was a little over 3mm. She asks what the worst outlook for those worse off than her would be. He tells her that the outlook for survival over 5 years would be 30 to 50 percent at best. Cilla is shocked, and ashen face. "I never do anything by halves, me," she says.

Liam asks Sean if he knows where Danny is. Sean says he doesn't. Liam asks if he thinks he might be planning a Spanish wedding. Sean says he hasn't seen him and he doesn't know anything.

Tracy is still lying on the sofa pretending to be ill. She tells Charlie to go over to the Rovers and get something to eat as all the food in the house is out of date, and she's not hungry. He finds a note on the doormat, it's from Claire asking if Tracy would like to go for a drink with her and Ashley that evening. Tracy snorts and says she'd rather boil her own head. So he goes over to the pub, but as soon as he's gone Tracy jumps up and pulls some out of date food out of the bin.

In the Rovers, Claire is worrying about Tracy, and wondering if she got her note, or if Charlie found it first. Ahsley tells her she's being paranoid and is glad they're on their own. Claire looks up and sees Charlie walk in, and nods at Ashley.

Sarah thinks Gail has totally lost her marbles (she could have a point!) when she hears that her mum is thinking of buying David a car. (Has this boy ever shown any interest in cars or engines?) Gail insists it won't be a working one, but will give him something to focus on. Sarah turns to Liz and asks if she's heard about this. "Clearly I didn't cause enough trouble when I was growing up!" Liz thinks it might be a good idea and will teach him a skill. Just then Jason comes in and asks Sarah if she's been home yet. She tells him she hasn't and asks why. "Just wondered," he smiles.

Charlie goes over and tells Claire that Tracy didn't feel well enough to go out. "Clearly you did though," smiles Claire. He tells her he's out only because she wanted him out from under her feet. "She said thanks for the note," he adds as he walks away. Claire hisses to Ashley, "You see, I told you he got to the note first." Ashley reminds her that Charlie said that Tracy said thank you. Claire is not convinced that Tracy ever actually got it. "She could be dead for all we know!"

As Cilla arrives outside her front door, and as she stops to check her make up, it opens and out come Les and Yana. Yana makes a sarcastic remark about her lippy just sliding off her face, and tells Les not to believe anything she says. (And this is supposed to be her friend?) Cilla asks what she's doing there. Yana tells her she's resigned. "From the chippy?" asks Cilla, bewildered. "No," says Les, "from being your flaming alibi!" Yana marches off up the road and Les goes back inside, slamming the door.

Out in the dark, Danny gets a call from Warren, who tells him that Port Vale don't want him in their team. Danny tells him it's their loss, and tells his son he loves him. We then see that Danny is sitting right on the edge of the viaduct, but he swings himself round and gets off and walks back to his car.

Inside the house, Cilla looks at the messy room and asks, "Been having a party?" Les tells her to stop having a go at him in his house, and that he was all right before she came back and he'll be all right again once she slings her hook. He tells her he heard her telling Yana to lie for her, he was standing beside her. Cilla sees Yana's top on the chair. "Warm, was it?" she asks, "for November?" She then tells him to have the guts to tell her what she's supposed to have done. Les rants and raves that they'll be better off without her. "You might just have to be," she says quietly. Convinced he knows what she's talking about, Les shouts at her and tells her to go and pack her bags then. "You mean nothing to me and you never did!" he yells. Cilla rushes off upstairs.

Sarah arrives home to find David holding a large bunch of flowers. He tells her he thought she'd died and was about to nick her bedroom. She reads the card on the flowers and finds they're from Jason. (What a surprise!)

Cilla turns up at Fiz's flat, but Les has phoned her first and Fiz has no sympathy. She shouts at her mum for cheating on Les, and tells her she's a selfish, evil cow. Cilla interrupts her, "And what? You'd be better off without me?" Fiz says that she always has been. "Just remember you said that," says Cilla and picks up her bag and walks out.

Tracy is by her front door, watching the Rovers. When she sees Ashley and Claire coming back, she rushes outside and puts a meal she's made, (presumably with the out of date food) into the bin. Claire calls out to her and Tracy seems surprised to see her. Claire asks if she got the note, but Tracy pretends she doesn't know what she's talking about, and rushes back inside. "See!" hisses Claire to Ashley.

Liam sees Danny pulling up outside the factory and rushes over, telling him he's early, presuming he's there for tomorrow. Danny tells him he got caught up. "I'll get some admin done," he says, going inside. "Is that all you've got to say?" asks Liam, and then tells Danny he won't be treated like an employee, they're equals in the business. He tells him Danny made him look like a right mug in front of the staff, he left him to pick up the pieces. Danny asks what pieces he's actually had to pick up? "One meeting and a bit of flak from the plebs? That's small potatoes!" he tells him. He goes on to tell Liam that Frankie has left him. "Happy now?" he asks.

Cilla sits on Maxine's bench, lost in thought.

Jason and Sarah have met up outside the Kabin. Gail looks out and asks what she's doing, it's freezing and tea's nearly ready. David shouts from the upstairs window that they're not doing anything, he's waiting for the good bit! Jason asks Sarah if they should fast forward to the good bit, but she tells him no, although he is moving in the right direction. She gives him a quick kiss and goes indoors.

Cilla goes back to Fiz's and rings the doorbell. Fiz's voice comes through the intercom, asking what she wants now. "I've got cancer!" Cilla blurts out.

Liam tells Danny he's sure that he and Frankie will soon patch things up. Danny tells him that this time it won't happen. Liam tells him it's ok if he needs time out to get his head round it. Danny is sure that Liam must be loving the situation after all the gloating he did when Frankie chose him. Liam tells him he didn't like losing, but he can keep the place ticking over for a while. As he leaves, Danny breaks down in tears.

Cilla is now in Fiz's flat, telling her daughter that she got the test results that afternoon. Fiz doesn't believe her at first, "To get test results you have to have had tests," she says. Cilla assures her that she's not lying, she has got cancer. She pulls down her top and shows Fiz the place they took the mole from, and explains that was why she wouldn't let Les anywhere near her. "No wonder he thought I was having a flaming affair," she says, "I wish I was." "Oh Mam!" says Fiz.

Anne Logan.

Wednesday 29 November

We open to find that the graffiti artist has struck again and Norris is busy scrubbing, trying to remove it. Norris moans that they should bring back National Service, that would put a stop to it all. Rita and Emily are both of the opinion that it is quite well done, with nice colours. "Quite arty really," says Emily. This just outrages Norris

Someone else who is outraged is Ashley, who has just opened his first Christmas card to find it's from Matt Ramsden asking when he can see Josh over Christmas. Claire remarks that they were expecting it, and Ashley sighs, but agrees. Eileen comes along and Claire asks how she's finding the Religious Instruction. Eileen smiles weakly and says it's the highlight of her week. Bev butts in and says they could have avoided all this by picking someone who had already been baptised to be godparent. Claire asks Eileen if she minds doing it all. Eileen grits her teeth and assures her she doesn't.

Over at Fizz's flat, Cilla tells her daughter that the hospital have had a cancellation and so can fit her in that day. They're going to take some more skin and see how far the cancer has spread. Fizz tells Cilla she should tell Les, but Cilla is furious. "No," she says, "why should I after he accused me of having an affair and all sorts!" Fizz wants to go with her but Cilla tells her to go to work, and that the best thing she can do is to carry on as normal.

In the Baldwin household, Jamie is trying to persuade Frankie to throw a sickie, but she tells him she's had enough time off as it is. He says he understands, he hates lying to people. She starts to say she knows, he couldn't, even when he was a little boy….and stops awkwardly. He tells her that wasn't them, that was another life. She says she's dreading telling people and he suggests they just run away, they could live on love and sunshine.

Yana sees Cilla getting on a bus and goes straight round to Les. "She's left you, hasn't she?" she says. He sighs, "That's it, she's gone," he says, "married a year and already playing away." Yana asks if Cilla actually said she was seeing someone, but Les seems to think that as she didn't actually deny it, it's an admission of guilt. Yana is shocked because she thought Cilla told her everything. Les wails, "I love her, Yana!" Yana tells him she doesn't deserve him, and then, like the truly good friend that she is (not) moves in on Les and starts to kiss him.

Meanwhile, Cilla is sitting in her hospital bed, and just as she starts to take off her make-up, in comes Fizz, who tells her she wasn't going to let her do this on her own. Cilla tells her not to come running to her when she loses a day's pay. "I don't care about the money, you stupid cow!" says Fizz, "I'm here and I'm stopping and that's that!" Cilla tells her she's been so stupid, the cancer is her own fault. She wouldn't been seen dead with pale skin. Fizz says that loads of people sunbathe, but Cilla says she's vain. "I won't be so vain with a baldy head, will I?" she says grimly. Then adds, "Mind you, I've always fancied a wig!"

Danny turns up at the factory, much to Liam's surprise. He starts to tell Danny all the things that need doing, but then sees that Danny isn't really his usual self. He tells him it will all keep till later, to give him time to settle back in.

Chesney arrives home to find half-undressed Yana and Les dozing on the sofa. They leap up and start adjusting their clothing. He asks Les if his mum has come back, and when he's told she hasn't, he asks what's going on. "I don't know until I talk to her, son," says Les, flustered. "No, I mean with you two, I'm not stupid!" retorts Chesney. Yana tells him she didn't feel well and had to have a lie down! "What, with your buttons undone?" snaps Chez, "I am 12 you know, I know what's what!"

Over at the factory it's tea break time, and the girls are chattering about Christmas when Danny comes over. Sean asks if he's all right, he looks a bit peaky. Danny replies that he's fine, but would love a cuppa and a custard cream. Joanne goes to put the kettle on. The talk goes back to Christmas, and how they love sharing it all with their families. "That's what Christmas is about," says Jo, "spending time with the people you love." At that point Danny turns and walks out of the factory, without a word to anyone.

Fizz goes to the Battersby house to find Les sitting morosely, beer can in hand. "Sent you to do her dirty work has she?" he snaps, and tells her to forget it, he's going to make a bonfire of all Cilla's stuff. Fizz tries to tell him he's got it all wrong. "You'd better brace yourself, I've got some bad news," she tells him. He starts to says he reckons she's shacked up with a couple of blokes in Moss Side. "She's got cancer!" blurts out Fizz. At first he doesn't believe her, he thinks it's a Cilla-stunt. Fizz tells him that Cilla is at the hospital now, about to have an operation. "I was just there with her," she says, "I think it's quite serious." All this time, Chesney has been sitting on the stairs, listening. He turns and runs upstairs, Fizz turns, "Oh no, Chez," she says.

Later, in the back yard, Chesney says that he wants to see his mum. Fizz tells him maybe later, when she's feeling up to it. Les punches the wall. "She has skin cancer and she couldn't even tell me?" he wails, "it was that sun bed, she was never off the damn thing." Fizz says it's too late to worry about that now. He says that he's said and done things that can never be undone, and storms off inside. Chesney tells his sister that he heard her says it was serious. Fizz admits that their mum has a fight on her hands, "but that's her thing isn't it? She's a top fighter, our mam!" Inside, obviously feeling really guilty, Les cries and kicks the sunbed.

In the Peacock house, Ashley is still worrying about Matt Ramsden's card, but Claire tells him that they're good now, and they have a lot to look forward to. She thinks that Christmas will bring a lot to look forward to, and a chance to welcome Freddie into the world properly. She says that she still worries that Freddie will know that at first she didn't love him, "What if I've scarred him for life?" she says. Ashley starts to say that she's getting better every day, when she stops him. "Listen – I'm sure I can hear Tracy crying next door."

Outside, Norris is trying to get the graffiti off the shop window. Rita tells him to go to Dev's and get a jar of elbow grease. Norris is not amused. She then says that she's got some better cleaner under her sink, "Proper hard core, it is," she tells him. He says he'll try anything once. "Yes, I've heard that about you," she says.

Claire rushes round to Tracy's and knocks on the door. When there's no answer she shouts through the letterbox. "Tracy! Are you all right in there?" Inside, we see Tracy, right as rain, sitting on the stairs with Amy. "Shhhh," she tells her, and giggles.

Over at the Battersby's, Les drags the sunbed into the back yard. "This thing is killing her, it's my fault!" he cries, and kicks it. Chesney shouts at him to stop as he picks up a brick and hammers the sunbed with it. Les collapses, crying. "It's all my fault! oh Cilla! I want to see her!" Fizz tells him ok, although Cilla had said they weren't to go, they'll go and see her tonight.

Charlie asks Tracy to go for a drink with him, but she says she still isn't feeling well. He thinks her mystery illness is dragging on a bit, and she should see a doctor. Tracy tells him she's knows exactly what the doctor would say, "It's a virus, get plenty of rest and make sure your man treats you to something nice." She tells him to cook her something nice, but first she's got to put Amy to bed so she suggests he goes to the pub for a beer or two.

In the pub, Violet is shocked to see the state of Jamie's face. He tells her he got into a fight in town. She tells him to look after himself and he says he'll try.

Claire is in the pub, telling Bev about Tracy, and how she thinks she's genuinely unhappy. Bev says she has no sympathy for her, she was vile to Shelley and she reminds Claire that she hasn't exactly been sweetness and light to her, either.

Eileen is at the bar, and seeing Jamie, jokes to Frankie, "What did he do? Leave his underpants on the floor again?" There's a long silence, and she says awkwardly, "Sorry, I was only making joke….I can see you've had a pasting." Frankie reassures her it's her, she's had a sense of humour failure. "Me and Danny have split up," she explains. Eileen is shocked. "Why?" she asks her. Frankie tells her it was never going to work, and it's for the best.

Liam goes round to Danny's to get him to sign for the wages withdrawal. Danny signs and Liam tells him he didn't even look at it, it could have been anything. "You're taking it hard then, this Frankie thing?" he asks him. "Well spotted, that man," says Danny. Liam asks if there's anything he can get him, food, bottles of the hard stuff? "Look," says Liam, kindly, "if there's anything I can do….." Danny tells him there are some things that can't be fixed.

Over at Emily's, Norris has taken an old blanket out of the blanket box on the landing. Emily remarks that she hasn't seen it in thirty years and it's like seeing an old friend. Norris tells her she should get out more. He's planning to stay awake all night, with the aid of strong coffee, and keep watch to see who is painting the graffiti on the Kabin walls and windows. He informs her that if he sees the perpetrator he intends to make a citizens arrest. "Please Norris, no heroics," says Emily, worried.

The whole family arrive to see Cilla in hospital. Chesney throws himself on his mum's bed and tells her that he loves her. Les takes her hand and says that they all love each other. Cilla looks really pleased and says, "Yes."

Danny is alone at the viaduct, in the dark, drinking. He sways precariously on the wall, holding out the empty Scotch bottle. He lets it go and there's a few moments silence till it hits the ground far below. He looks down, still swaying.

Anne Logan.

Updates written by K Richard Whitbread, Joanne McCartney, Martin Rosen, Ann Logan, Sue Haasler, Margaret Carr, Duncan Lindsay, Amanda Souter.