Monday 2 February

Carla is trying on long silky scarves. As she starts to tie one around her neck while looking in the mirror, she freezes. Clearly brings back images she wishes weren't in her head. The phone rings. It's Tony ringing from Aberdeen. He establishes what time he'll be back and she says she's looking forward to it but you can see there's something weighing on her mind.

Sophie and Sian are trading sweets and giggling about Ben. Sally and Rosie come along on their way to work. Sally chides Sophie about being late. Sophie of course is sarky but not sassy. Still, Rosie is shocked that Sally just brushed it off. She'd never have got away with that at that age. Yeah, Sally says softly, and look where it got me!

Anna is trying to get through to someone at the nick to find out how Gary is but hits a brick wall. Eddie isn't really listening, busy fussing with his "arrers". He makes noises about being sympathetic but he doesn't seem bothered. Len arrives. He seems delighted that hard boy Gary put someone in hospital. That annoys Anna as does Lazy Eddie.

Outside, Carla arrives at the factory just in time to see Rosie tripping out of the Kabin. She babbles on about missing breakfast or something as an excuse for skiving. Carla is short with her. She's also noticed Maria has just arrived home and she goes across the road.

David's home from hospital with his mother fussing over him. Gail is very glad Tina saw what happened so that animal can be charged. Result, David murmurs to Tina.

In the factory, Sally is taking the mick out of Janice for wanting to be a nurse. "You have to care about people for a start!" Kelly adds her two pence and Janice insists she's changed. Nobody seems to believe her. Vikki points out she needs qualifications to get nursing training. Janice doesn't see that as a problem, she'll go to night school or get a private tutor. Sally is gobsmacked. Janice never stopped razzing her when she had private lessons. Sally is brought down short when Janice points out that Sal's lessons were with Stape the weirdo. "Yeah, well i didn't know that at the time" Sally says abjectly. There's more derision and it probably won't be the end of it. In the office, Carla's mind is not on her work and she tells Rosie she's going to nip out to see a client but is vague about where she's going and when she'll be back. Rosie self importantly takes her clipboard out to the floor and gives them all hell for wasting time. It doesn't quite have the desired effect. Even her mother smiles.

Carla hasn't gone very far. She's knocking on Maria's door. Maria's surprised to see her. Carla admits Tony doesn't know she's there and she says she wants to apologize. Meanwhile, Tony's back and Rosie isn't able to give him many details about where Carla is.

David and Tina go over her story to the cops. She figures they believed her. She's not all that comfortable with it but she does agree that even though David threw the first punch, Gary certainly picked the fight and went well overboard with his retaliation.

Maria lays out the evidence that made her think Tony had killed Jed. (disappeared, stuff gone, cap not gone) Maria says it seems a strange thing to make up about the heavy that helped get him out of his house. She reckons no matter what, people aren't allowed to stand in Tony's way. Maria allows she got carried away and got it all wrong.

After the break we've changed scenery and we're down along the canal. Ken is striding along with Eccles and finds Martha hanging out her washing. They flatter each other and flutter their eye lashes at each other.

Back to Maria. Carla says she's come to bury the hatchet but Maria doesn't buy it. She's either fishing or she's found something out. Carla admits she saw Jed and things he said didn't really add up but she makes it sound like Jed has only been after Tony for more money. Has that not crossed Maria's mind? Jed was trying to dig up dirt on Tony? Maria doesn't know what to believe anymore. Carla leaves and the two of them seem to be at least at a truce.

Across the way, Eddie and Anna have brought Gary home. Gary is still insisting Tina's lying to the police. Anna wants to believe him.

Martha has made Ken coffee in jumble sale mugs. They get into a philosophical discussion with long lovely words about how you should drink beer out of a glass and why. He admits he's enjoying their conversation but it doesn't seem like the real world.

In the pub, Carla is drinking and is lost in thought. Poppy tries a bit of small talk but Carla is curt. Leanne arrives and they go over to a booth. They pass by a booth of factory workers who speculate that Carla's ticked off with Tony and why. There's more slagging off of Florence Battersby with Kelly even calling her the Witch of Weatherfield. Kelly and Sally take off, leaving Janice with Vikki. Janice doesn't understand why she's not being taken seriously. Vikki says she ought to put up or shut up. Back to Leanne and Carla, Carla admits she and Tony are having problems. She doesn't go into detail but reckons she doesn't really know him at all. Leanne is feeling a bit hard done by as well. Carla figures it'll sort itself out.

Len and Gary have a private chat about the whole incident. Gary explains that he was deliberately winding up David, and thought Tina would be a witness for him. Len realizes that Gary really does think Tina fancies him and is going off David. (she's not but if David's jealousy doesn't ease up, she just might do that last bit). Len says they need to figure out how to work the situation.

Tony is in the office on the phone, trying to get hold of Carla it seems. He questions Rosie again, who says that Carla seemed a bit stressed. Tony's inner alarm bells seem to be going off.

Outside the Kabin, Sophie and her mate are whinging about not knowing what to wear tonight. You can't look too obvious but you can't look tragic either. (I remember those days!) Rosie comes out of the factory and teases Sophie about Ben just as Sally comes out of the Kabin so Rosie reveals the crush. Sophie tells them Ben goes to church and wants her and Sian go to go the Youth Club tonight. Rosie is immediately horrified and condemns Ben to dweebdom. Sally opines that he seems like a lovely boy. As predicted, this goes over even worse than Rosie calling him a dweeb!

Ken floats back to Coronation Street with Eccles in tow. Leanne approaches him and tells him he was only lucky she could pick up Simon the other day and suggests they work out a rota. Ken offers his appreciation for her support. She asks about Peter. Ken hesitates... er... Oh yes, Peter (Oh come on, you don't forget who your son is just because you've made a new friend! You're 70 not 12 for heavens' sake!) Anyway, no he's not heard anything from Peter. Leanne goes and Ken is back in la-la land.

Anna is still mithering Gary who protests that he wouldn't start a fight knowing he would land back in jail. Len agrees. Anna figures he didn't have to hit him back but Gary was only too keen to dole out what David had coming to him. Len adds his encouragement and says someone is going to have to have a word with Tina. Anna hollers at him, knowing "a word" isn't going to end up well. She shouts that he's the one that started it all anyway, him and his schemes.

Tony arrives home and finds Carla. He tells her he's been trying to get hold of her all day and was disappointed that she wasn't there. He leans in for a kiss and she turns her head. She gets it out there straight away. She went to see Jed and saw the marks on his neck. "I wanna know, Toneh, what really 'appened!" He turns around to face her, eyes wide and innocent looking. What story is he going to make up? We'll soon find out!


Tony is livid with Carla and threatens to go and see Jed Stone to confront him about what he's been telling Carla. Carla stops him by saying, "I'm telling you, you walk out of that door and don't you bother coming back! I saw the marks on his neck Tony!" Tony denies again that he tried to kill Jed, "I don't know what his game is this time but whatever he has said..." but Carla puts him straight. She tells him that Jed hasn't said anything because he's terrified but that she remembered Maria's story of Tony confessing that he strangled Jed, she saw the bruises all around his neck and she put two and two together. When Tony finally seems to give and tell Carla that he should have told her everything from the start, Carla asks him what he did to the old man. "Plenty," he says, "And more besides. But I did not try and kill him, Carla. That, I'm afraid, was down to him."

In the cafe, Ted is concerned that Ken is preoccupied. He wheedles it out of Ken- Ken has met a woman, Martha, but "it's not what you think!"

Back at Carla and Tony's place, Tony is spinning a yarn and a half. He tells Carla that Jed Stone had turned up at the factory, making demands and threatening to tell everyone that Tony had ruined his life. Tony told Jed, "You're a lonely, miserable old man. You'd be doing the world a service, if you killed yourself." So that's charming. He goes on to say that his brother rang him, he went outside to answer the call and by the time he came back in, Jed had strung himself up with some of the best, red ribbon from the factory, attempting suicide. When Carla asks him if he saved Jed from himself, Tony says, "I didn't have to. The ribbon snapped. So much for our rigorous quality control." Tony says that driving an old man to suicide wasn't his finest hour, he's not proud of himself. He says too that Jed was ashamed of himself and refused Tony's offer of calling an ambulance. He says he rehoused Jed on Christmas day. Carla seems to have fallen hook, line and sinker for the fairytale. Or has she? Either way, she tells him he's a good man and hugs him.

In the Kabin, Anna wants to talk to Gail about the assault. Gail is not interested but Anna keeps going. She follows Gail out into the street and tells Gail that Tina has lied to the police about Gary starting the fight and pleads with her to ask Tina again. Gail refuses, telling Anna that Gary has brought all of this on himself. Eddie, who has been up a outside their house, comes down but is warned by Anna to keep his mouth shut. Whatever does she see in him?

Ken and Ted are still in the cafe and Ken has seemingly told Ted all about Martha. Ken is sure to point out to Ted that Martha is just a friend but he wonders why he hasn't told Deirdre about her. Ted reckons that since he hasn't done anything wrong, he doesn't have to tell Deirdre about her. Oh, dear! That way, badness lies, Ted! Ken still feels guilty but Ted, who seems to be a bit too complicit in Ken's looming adultery for my liking, reminds Ken that the connection Ken has made with Martha is special and isn't easy.

Tony is leaving the house. Carla wonders if he is off to see Jed. Tony assures her that he isn't. She lets him go and assures him she's fine. They make plans for dinner.

In the Rovers, Kirkeh and Lloyd pleased to tell Eddie Windass, who has been flirting, of a fashion, with Poppy, that they've lined up a game of pub league darts against a team called the Dread Arrows and they're looking forward to Eddie playing for them. They don't seem to notice the uncomfortable Eddie is merely making excuses not to play as he tells them that next week is not good for him. Lloyd and Kirkeh tell Eddie that the game is tonight and Jason has dropped out so he has to play, they won't take no for an answer and have even bought a set of new darts for him.

Tony is in the office at Underworld. He gets on the blower to someone who doesn't seem so pleased to hear from him and tells them, "There's a problem with the old man and his mouth. He's had a visitor. My wife to be exact." and tells them he has something he wants them to do.

Janice sees Ken on the street and corners him while at the Websters', a good-looking young man calls for Sophie and Sophie's friend who is at the Websters' house. He is very polite and has even done his homework before going out. He tells Sophie she looks nice and seems too good to be true for Sally who is grinning from ear to ear. Even Rosie seems impressed with her sister's "friend who is a boy" and says "Okay, so he's not a complete mutant."

Janice tells him all about her plans for a career change. She explains that she needs five GCSEs to get onto the course and asks Ken if he will help her. When Ken protests that he has a lot on his mind at present, she emotionally blackmails him by reminding him that Leanne, who she would normally have asked to help her, is helping out a lot with Simon what with Peter being indisposed at the moment and Ken agrees to help her. I might ask, since when has Leanne been good enough in school to tutor anyone through exams?

Jed is going home to his luxury flat that Tony provided him with and is met with an unwelcome surprise visitor. It's only Tony's henchman, Jimmy, innit? He asks Jed, "Now, which part of invisible don't you understand?" Jed protests that he didn't tell Carla anything but Tony's thug tells him that he didn't have to say anything, it was what Carla saw that mattered and Carla saw his scars on his neck. When Jed tells Jimmy it won't happen again, Jimmy moves in closer and menaces him, "No, no, I know it won't!"

In the Rovers, it seems the locals are being leathered at the oche. Bill can't throw an arra for toffee and scores 21. The other team are very good in comparison. The Rovers team urge Eddie, their darts "champion" to take a turn. He is not willing. When Disco Dave is called to the oche and told what he needs to win, Kirk is disappointed that their team don't have nicknames. "But on the upside," quips Lloyd, "we do have a captain called Kirk." Eddie is sent to play but is not happy about it. He is told that sometimes, you have to take one for the team.

In the Platts', Gail tells David and Tina that Gary claims that Tina is lying to the police. Tina tells Gail that Gary is clutching at straws.

Back at the darts game, Eddie, newly nicknamed The Dark Destroyer, is up at the oche. He doesn't look like he knows what he is doing at all and with his first throw manages to miss the dartboard all together and hits an old black & white photo of Ena Sharples instead! One of the Dread Arrows suddenly turns on Eddie and exclaims, "Different name. Different hair. But that gimpy throw, I'd know that anywhere!" Eddie legs it out of the pub, chased by the Dread Arrows player he obviously knows from somewhere else.

Jimmy is with Tony at Underworld and reports back to his evil boss that he has put the frighteners on old Jed. Tony wants to be sure that Jimmy didn't lay a finger on Jed but Jimmy dismisses his concerns- "Gimme some credit, Tony!" He is not just there for a cup of tea though and he tells Tony, "I came here to tell you I'm done. You can find yourself another errand boy." They are interrupted by Carla calling for her husband. She comes into the office and is clearly shocked to see Jimmy there. Jimmy makes a lame excuse for seeing Tony and he hurriedly leaves them alone.

Out on the street and Eddie is trying to escape his pursuer by climbing the ladder outside his house. Lloyd gets an explanation from the angry Dread Arrows player who tells the assembling crowd, "OK, have it your way, two years ago I was playing for a pub in Levenshulme. This one comes in, gets us believing he's some long lost darts genius, promises to win us league single-'anded. Anyhow, next thing is we're handing over two hundred quid o' subs. Course, that's the last we see of him. We thought something terrible had happened until we got wind that he's pulled t'same scam in at least five other boozers!" He is suprised that Eddie hasn't scammed The Rovers team yet. Lloyd is not happy- as you can imagine. Anna comes to Eddie's rescue and chases off the angry darts player by digging into Eddie's wallet and handing over whatever cash he had in there. She told him that was all he would get from them and she didn't want to see him again. Lloyd wonders what Anna will do about the money Eddie stole from them. She tells Lloyd to take it out of his wages. Eddie says he'll pay interest, to make it right.Kirkeh is disappointed in Eddie and upset. As everybody trickles back to the pub, Anna gets her husband on his own and tells him how he's making her life harder with everything she already has to deal with. She tells "I'm warning you. You pull another stunt like this and I'll feed you to them myself."

Ben brings Sophie home from the youth club. Sophie has had a lovely time playing pool and Ben is very nice and polite, goes to bed early so he can train for swimming in the morning and everything. He asks Sally if he can take Sophie to the cinema next week. Sally says she'll ask Kevin but she's sure it'll be ok.

Gary sees Tina outside and tells her that he knows she has lied to the police. David comes out and tries to goad Gary into another fight. Rita comes over and breaks up the brewing trouble. Gary tells David that Rita is his new bodyguard. He goes back inside and Rita says, "That lad wants locking up!" David mumbles he's working on it.

Tony and Carla are leaving the factory together and overhear Rita say to Emily, "Oh, that's terrible! That poor man!" Carla stops to ask Emily if she's ok. Emily explains that she just heard that Jed has been taken into hospital with a heart attack. She goes on to say that she had heard that he'd had an altercation outside his flat. She doesn't know who it was with but she thinks it must have been serious to induce a heart attack. Tony feigns concern and shock the whole way through, ""That's terrible. What's the world coming to eh?" and he walks off. Carla's face is a picture as she starts to make sense of it all.

Stella McLoughlin

Wednesday 4 February

Tony comes out of the bedroom to find Carla in the living room. She's cool with him, and unsmiling. Eventually he asks if he's done anything to upset her. "I don't know, have you?" is her response. Then he asks if this is about Jed Stone, but she denies it. Not believing her, he says he bent over backwards for that man, but he can't be on suicide watch 24/7. "I'd better get ready," says Carla, and heads off towards the bedroom.

In the Windass household, Anna asks how Eddie could have been so stupid. "Well it worked last time," he whinges. She asks how anyone will believe that Gary didn't start the fight when his dad has been lying and cheating everyone in the Street. She then tells Gary to fetch The Book, and tells Eddie he is going to bake his way out of trouble and into the heart of the community. Gary returns and throws a tatty looking notebook down on the table. Eddie tells him to be careful, it's a family heirloom. They discuss what kind of cake would go down best, Anna says they need something that makes a person feel warm and forgiving, and eventually they decide upon butterfly cakes. "You really think that a plate of cakes is going to save me from jail?" asks Gary. "You got a better idea?" asks Anna, telling Eddie to get his pinny on and start baking.

As Tony and Carla get out of their car outside the factory, Kevin takes pleasure in telling Tony that he's failed - another of his customers has jacked in his cowboy sidekick Jimmy and returned to him. Carla listens with interest as Kevin tells him his schoolyard bullying tactics have failed. Tony tells him he has failed - failed to help him build his business.

Eileen and her dad, Colin are in the Kabin, and he's doing his best to impress Rita by telling her jokes.

Carla goes round to Kevin's garage and asks if he's got a few minutes for a chat. She tells Kevin she wants to know what's been going on, and Kevin retorts that she knows damn well what's been going on. "I know he wanted to buy you out and you refused to sell," she says. "Yeah, so he started playing dirty didn't he," pipes up Tyrone, and tells her how Tony got his mate to offer their customers stupid deals so they would jump ship. Carla says that she can't see anything wrong in someone undercutting the competitor. "Well how about when he got him to steal our truck?" says Tyrone. "He got Jimmy to steal your truck?" asks Carla. Kevin tells her they can't prove it but they know it happened. Carla asks if they know where Jimmy's garage is and asks them not to let Tony know they've had that little chat.

Carla's next port of call is the bookies, where she asks Leanne if she can spare time for a chat. Leanne however, is busy but says she might have time for a coffee in about an hour. "Maybe," says Carla, and then asks if she can stay at Leanne's place overnight, adding that she might not need to, but just in case. "Yeah, of course you can, why, has something happened?" asks Leanne, but Carla evades the question and leaves, saying she might see her later.

Eddie has finished baking, and Anna and Gary test the results, and swoon over them. "These cakes are a work of art, if anything can get the Platts to see sense it's these little beauties," she says.

At the factory, Carla sneaks a peek into Tony's address book which is lying on the desk. She's just replaced it when he comes into the office. He asks if she's still fretting about Jed, but she says no. Just then he thinks he sees a Frisbee fly past the window and rushes onto the factory floor. Of course, they all deny any knowledge of a Frisbee but he says that if he sees it again he'll sack all of them.

He then sees Carla heading out of the door and rushes over to see where she's going. She says she has a meeting. "Who with? There's nothing in the book," he says. "What's this? The Spanish Inquisition?" she asks. He tells her he's a paranoid control freak and she should humour him. So she tells him that Craig Robinson just phoned and she's going over to see him. She goes off out of the door as Janice stops Tony and asks if she can leave ten minutes early as she's got a meeting with Ken Barlow about her GCSEs. "No," says Tony.

Outside, as Carla drives off, Leanne comes along the Street and Tony comes out of the factory door. "Did you want something?" he asks. She says she's just come to see Carla, but will catch her another time. "What did you want her for?" he asks "Just a chat," she says. He asks what about, but Leanne doesn't know. She explains how Carla came to the bookies earlier saying they should catch up. "Did she say anything about me?" asks Tony. Leanne laughs and says she didn't. "You're lying!" says Tony. The smile leaves Leanne's face. "Excuse me?" Leanne then assures him that Carla didn't even mention his name. "If you don't believe me go and ask her yourself," she says. "I will," says Tony.

After the break, we see Tony in his office phoning Craig, but it's soon obvious from their conversation that Carla has not gone there.

Eileen goes back to the Kabin to see Rita, and tells her to be careful of her dad, he's not the most trustworthy person in the world and wouldn't want her to get hurt. Rita asks what's the worst thing he's done. "Forgot my birthday 6 years on the trot," says Eileen. Rita points out that she's still talking to him, and in the end Eileen concedes that if Rita likes him she should go for it.

Becky sees Steve washing a car and goes over to say hi. He ignores her. She tells him that's very immature. "What would you know about mature?" snaps Steve. Becky says she only came over to say no hard feelings. "Well tough, cos I've had hard feelings!" says Steve, and asks why she picked Jason, he's a thick as two short planks. "You two are suited to each other - Dumb and Dumber," he says. She retorts that she couldn't be happier, and he snaps back that she couldn't be as happy as him, because he's ecstatic. "Yeah, well I'm euphoric!" she says. He remarks that that's a big word for a small girl. "Yeah, well, you don't work with Roy Cropper for a year and learn nothing!" she says and stamps off back to the cafe.

Inside the cafe, Janice is asking Ken's advice about what GCSE's to take, explaining that she needs five to get on the nursing course. He asks how many she's already got, but of course she hasn't any. He sighs and tells her that she should start with English and Maths, and then asks her if there's any particular subject she has an interest in. "Like what?" she asks. He suggests maybe biology or history but Janice isn't keen, saying she thinks she'd be better with something smaller.

Eddie and Anna Windass march in through the back door of the Platt's house with a tin of cakes and give them to David and Tina. "A bit of a peace offering," says Anna, but David reckons it's a bribe. However, they each take one and Tina says it's very nice. Anna tells her that Eddie baked them, "What he can't do with flour and eggs!" she says, adding that it's their way of showing they just want to be good neighbours. "And good neighbours don't grass on each other," says Eddie. Tina points out that good neighbours don't smash each other's faces in. Anna says it's six of one and half a dozen of the other, and then they leave, but not before Eddie tells them that there's more cakes where they came from if they get the charges dropped! (Like anyone could be bribed with cakes?) After they've gone Tina comments that they are amazing cakes, but David says he's tasted better.

Carla arrives at Jimmy's garage and tells him she was just passing. She says it's a pity about the Webster's garage, but he acts like he doesn't know what she's talking about. She says that Tony is pleased with his work, but he doesn't believe Tony has said that. "It's always nice to have a right hand man you can rely on," says Carla, "how is Jed by the way?" He asks who Jed is, and she says it's the frightened old bloke he helped Tony get out of his house. He is now apparently in intensive care. She then gets serious, telling him she knows about the garage and she knows about Jed, she wants to know what other jobs her husband has paid him to do. He tells her he doesn't know what she's talking about, and says he's got work to do.

Back in the cafe, Ken tells Janice she might be aiming a little high going for five GCSEs. "Are you saying I'm thick?" says Janice. Tactfully he suggests there might be other areas in the health service that she might find equally rewarding. "Are you saying I should lower my sights?" asks Janice, and he says she could be a care assistant as it would take a long time to get the qualifications she needs and then there's a long training period. Janice gets upset then. She tells him she's watched Educating Rita , and she can see that there's more to life and she's going to grab it, and with that she storms off.

Jimmy phones Tony to tell him that Carla has paid him a visit. "She knew about the garage, she knew about the old man," he says, "what else have you been telling her?" Tony says he hasn't told Carla anything, but Jimmy is worried that she knows about Liam, and threatens that if he goes down he'll take Tony with him. Tony tells him to relax, he'll sort it.

Tony then walks out of his office and tells the factory workers to go home. They're worried that the factory has gone bust but he tells them everything's fine, promising that they'll be paid for the day.

Outside, Gary tries to talk to Tina but she tells him to go away. He asks if she liked his dad's cakes and she says she did, but keeps on walking. He calls after her. "Just tell the truth, ok?" She says he could have stopped, but he just kept goading David. He says he never started it , but she just tells him to thank his dad for the cakes and she keeps on walking.

Tony sees Carla's car pull up outside the factory, and he turns all the lights off. She walks into the darkened factory calling out "Hello!" and then Tony appears and locks the door behind her. "What are you doing?" she says, "where is everyone?" "You lied to me," he says in reply, and she asks him what's going on. "I was about to ask you exactly the same question," he says coldly.

Anne Logan

Friday 6 February

Hello, and welcome to Waitangi Day's first episode. I hope all you Kiwis enjoyed the long weekend.

Carla doesn't think Tony should be locking them in the factory, but he points out that he's locking Them out. "Them, who's Them?" Carla asks. Tony says he's locking out the chattering wee chorus that comments on every aspect of their lives. He points out that Carla has been asking questions which she should have asked him. He senses she's scared of him and asks why. She denies it.

Eileen and Steve are in the taxi office. Steve seems down. Lloyd comes in and Steve leaves. "Was it someone I slept with?" asks Lloyd.

Anna Windass sees Gail coming out of the medical centre and stops her car. She says they need to talk about Gary and David's "little misunderstanding." Gail says it was more of a beating than a misunderstanding. Gail agrees to get into the car.

The factory workers are in the pub, celebrating an unexpected break from work. Wiki's phone goes and she moves away to answer it. It's bad news. Her mother is very ill. "I must go and be with her. This is a shock for me," she tells the others.

In the factory, Carla asks Tony whether he bullied Jed into intensive care. "I know you had Jimmy put the frighteners on him." Tony says Jed was just some depressive old bloke who decided to top himself in the factory on Christmas Day. Carla doesn't believe him. Tony says Jed is nothing to him, which makes Carla wonder why Tony gave him the flat, then. "If you lied about Jed, then maybe you lied about summat else," she says. "Maybe poor, deluded Maria weren't so deluded after all, eh?"

Steve comes back into the office and Lloyd's the only person there. Lloyd wants to know why Steve can't be happy for his mam. He insists he cares for Liz and says he's not treating the relationship casually. "Fancy a pint?" Steve doesn't. He fancies several and agrees to go with Lloyd on condition they don't mention his mother.

Carla knows Tony was jealous of Liam and felt threatened by him. Tony denies it. Carla thinks he seems rattled. He offers her a drink. "Make mine a double. We could be here all night," she says.

Anna and Gail sit in Anna's BMW outside the prison. Gail tells Anna that if Gary goes down, she'll just have to get on with it, as Gail did. Gail supports what Tina's doing. She gets out of the car and crosses to a taxi. "I can't do this any more," she calls to Anna just before the taxi heads back to Coronation Street.

Carla tells Tony that he's made her love Liam even more. He says he's not a fool and knew Carla loved Liam. "Maybe I'm a mug. Maybe I'm stupid, but I thought it would fizzle out." Carla says she loved Liam more than she's ever loved Tony. Liam was better at everything than Tony, "and it wound you up so much you wanted to see him dead!" She wants to know whether Tony ordered Jimmy to run down Liam. Tony stand facing her, tears streaming down his face, then spins on his heel and walks out.

Lloyd is in the pub. He tells Liz he's going to take Steve to a singles bar. Liz wants Steve to get over Becky but she seems unsure about Lloyd going to a singles bar.

Tony tells Carla she didn't love Liam, she loved the subterfuge. "Yes, we even had subterfuge in my wedding dress," she sneers. She says that when she is in bed with Tony she has to pretend that it's Liam. Tony is sick of everything to do with Liam. He was always thinking about him when he was alive, and now that he's dead he's still everywhere.

Gail tells Tina and David about Anna. She's annoyed, but understands how Anna must feel. Tina and David leave her to her ranting.

Julie thinks Eileen's dad is like "that one out of Wuthering Heights," and she doesn't mean Kate Bush, as Janice suggests. Ted knows she means Heathcliff. "He looks like he'd be really manly with the ladies." Eileen asks Julie about her mother. Julie says she's passed on Eileen's number, but her mum's been really busy.

Tina and David walk home in the rain, but are harassed by Len Windass.

In the factory, Carla apologises to Tony. She's sorry for mentioning Liam's name all the time. "Camilla Parker Bowles had nothing on him," Tony says. She caresses Tony's shoulder, telling him it was lust she felt for Liam, not love. "You believe me, don't you?" She wants to know if Tony can forgive her so they can move on. She wants him to say that his pallyness with Liam and his tears at the graveside were all lies. Tony says he can't lie any more. "I killed him. But I did it for you."

The end of Episode One.
Margaret Carr

In the factory where much of the episode is set Carla finally knows the truth - that Tony had arranged for Liam to be killed and she wants to know when he made the decision - he asks if it matters and she says that it does not - nothing has mattered since Liam stepped out into that road. All Tony had wanted was a future for the two of them and ever since he had seen the clip on Rosie's phone he knew that Liam had to go, but he had made his mind up when he kissed her that night - because he had sensed that she was really not there. Tony denies that he found it easy to make the plans - he is not a Bond villain. She calls him totally cold blooded, but he replied that he was boiling - he gave unconditional love and all he wanted in return was a bit of loyalty and what he got was betrayal in glorious technicolour. Tony then compares his grief at losing her to her grief in losing Liam - but he did something about his grief - she could do nothing about hers.

Steve and Lloyd are eyeing up a page 3 girl and end up with a silly bet on a macaroon being a cake or a biscuit. No me neither but then these two do have a strange relationship. This soon seems to take over the pub with Colin opting for a biscuit but Norris as ever sitting on the fence. Anyway Lloyd is taking Steve for a night in town - Lloyd is giving him a chance to get back in the saddle.

Tony likes winning but as Carla points out being competitive is no excuse for murder. He tells her he watched Liam die in his arms. It was a necessary evil and he would do it again if it was needed without thinking. She is shocked but he tells her not to - how did he get where he is? He started with nothing and he has had to work for everything and sometimes that has meant fighting dirty. She tells him he is self made murderer but he says that she was precious to him, the ultimate prize so did she think that he was going to Liam come along and take her away. She said that was where it went wrong - Liam had begged her to run way with him and her heart was telling her to do that. But she turned him down - she was going to stay with Tony and Liam was going back to Maria. She had known that Maria was pregnant although liam did not but she knew that once Liam knew her hold over him would be lost and it would have been a beautiful memory. So Tony killed him for nothing.

Steve and Lloyd are at "Grab a Granny" night or something similar - Lloyd sees wall to wall crumpet, Steve sees a scene from Shaun of the Dead (which if you have not seen you must - a wonderfully over the top performance from Bill Nighy amongst others is worth seeing). Lloyd claims it is the lighting - but out of the dark looms Bill - who seems to have overlooked putting on a short. Steve is not impressed.

Can I be bothered that Mary turns up at the Rovers knowing about the recent Jaffa cakes and VAT decision - no I thought not. Anyway she wants a Dubonnet and a dash of lemon to celebrate. The motor home has been hired out and she hands over to Norris his half of the proceeds. Norris is amazed and agrees to another round. Indeed drinks all round - to a pub with him, Mary, Rita and Colin! Quietest it has been all year. Mary is taking her mother on a cruise with her share. Mary asks Norris about taking a holiday - but he says he is too busy. Rita is happy for Norris to go and Colin smirks suggesting he might like a bit of cruising. Mary says that there is room on the cruise she is taking - but Norris makes an excuse and Mary is clearly disappointed. Rita gives Norris a look but he has not spotted the signs at all.

Steve has been chatting to some desperate blonde - but even she is not that desperate and is texting whilst listening. The he raises the matter of the moment - is a macaroon a biscuit or a cake? At which point she gets up and walks off before she dies of boredom. He returns to the bar to have his leg pulled by Lloyd and Bill. The latter is waiting for the moment to strike. At this point Liz arrives, she was obviously not keen on Lloyd being surrounded by younger meat and she comes to claim her own (although in theory she is checking up on her son as if he was at playschool). Lloyd tells her that he has pulled a great little cracker, blonde beautiful, even got her own pub - but perhaps she does not trust me and he is rather glad he does not have a rabbit.

Tony regrets meeting Carla. BC (Before Carla) he was confident, happy. Now he is insecure and paranoid. But it was worth it to be with her. Without her he is finished, but with her they could heal if she will give it a go. Anyway Liam is buried and Tony points out that he is the clear, they can wipe the slate clean. he did it for her - he loves her. She says that he might - in his own sick and twisted way. She will punish herself for the rest of her days, after all he cannot let her go? But he says that if she thinks he will silence her she has understood nothing. He hardly recognised himself because he lover her so much. It was all for her and all he wants is for her to forgive him - he will go with her to the station and confess. She asks if he is serious. Providing she will stand by him and wait for him then he is. She says she cannot say that and he picks up some scissors. But then he holds them out to her - he is a killer, but she has killed him in every other way and so he wants her to finish it - she owes him one last act of kindness.

At this point there is a loud banging on the front door and Wiki who let the Rovers in a hurry to go home hours ago is shouting for Mr and Mrs Gordon. Tony wants to ignore it but Carla says she is coming and he is forced to unlock the door. Wiki tells her about the sick mother and Tony tells her to go and they will keep the job open. She thanks them a lot and disappears back into the rain, Tony relocks the front door. Carla leans back and tells Tony that she had no idea about what she had done to him. She embraces him and says she is sorry and he also puts his arms around her. She says again that she is sorry but that she can never ever forgive him and then knees him adroitly in the groin.

Tony collapses in agony on the floor and it will be several moments before he is able to rise to the challenge. Carla unlocks the door and heads out into the pouring rain. She jumps into her car and starts to reverse away as Tony appears in the factory door and shouts Carla. He runs down the steps and throws himself on the car bonnet saying that she cannot leave him. However she floors the pedal to the metal and he is flung off the car as she disappears into the night, so that both she and Wiki can take maternity leave.

In one of those weird twists this final scene has been observed by Maria out giving dear old Ozzie (you want to know why Liam bought a dog - well here is the payoff) a night time walk. Tony tries to pick himself up - but in the thunderstorm shouts Carla's name - she knows but will she tell the authorities and indeed would they believe her any more than they believe Maria?

See you next week.
K Richard W

Monday 9 February

We've got a real mixed bag of things today.

It's the morning after the night before. Carla's gone and it looks like Tony went on a rampage, breaking vases and glasses. He's probably not slept all night and is sitting on the settee contemplating his wedding ring.

In Platt Towers, David is calling up to Tina to get a move on or miss the toast. She comes down, gets juice out of the fridge and states her intention of going for a run. David makes excuses not to go and urges her to be careful and avoid running into Len. Joe is leafing through more bills and Gail offers to help with a loan. He declines, saying he's got lots of expensive gear he can sell off and thanks her for the offer.

Sally is reminding Kevin that Sophie has a date. Kevin is dubious but Sally thinks Ben is very nice and from a very nice family. Kevin reckons teenage boys are trouble no matter what. Sally has decided they should welcome Ben so Sophie won't go sneaking around and lying like Rosie used to. Things are going to be different this time around. Kevin slopes off to work but not before giving Sally an enthusiastic cuddle (after she asks first!)

Jason is on the phone and having to spell Becky's name for something. Ah, seems he's booking a Valentine's weekend away in Teneriffe for them as a surprise. Eileen advises that he should tell her so she'll know what to pack. Jason vows he's going to make it up to Becky after how things went last time.

Across the road, the factory is still locked up solid. Everyone is standing around wondering where the bosses are. Julie had keys but has left them in her locker. Behind closed doors. Fat lot of good that's going to do. Maria happens by and hears about this and relates what she's seen last night. Looked like Mr. and Mrs. had quite a row and Carla squealed tires on the way off. Sean decides to beggar off to the cafe for a tea while they wait. Most of them leave with him. Julie and Fiz lag behind gossiping about the Gordons while Maria goes off, looking thoughtful.

Len comes out of the Kabin and is jovial with Joe who's just come out. Joe doesn't rise to the bait. Tina returns home behind them. Round the back, she's cleaning off her shoes after trodding in something mucky. Gary comes out to put the rubbish in the bin. She tries to avoid talking to him though he's being fairly civil for a change. i.e. not being blustery or arrogant. She is civil to him in exchange and he tries to be "understanding" of her position but it doesn't work. She figures he's only being nice trying to persuade her. David comes out and gets all blustery and aggressive and rushes her back inside. Tina doesn't look impressed by David.

Sally figures they should leave it all until dinnertime. Julie is unsure but they and Fiz vacate premises anyway.

Ken has brought croissants to Martha's boat. She's made coffee in a fancy plunge pot to go along with them. They discuss her play and she hands him a gift bag and a thank you. He pulls out a navy blue and gold embroidered silk kimono. He loves it. He really does! It doesn't sound fake at all. He puts it on over his clothes and they share a laugh.

David and Tina are rowing again about Gary. David insists it's just one little white lie. She insists it is more than that, one that could send Gary to prison and points out that David did in fact throw the first punch. She states she's still on his side but hates that he's enjoying putting Gary in a hard spot. David points out how much trouble they'll all be in if she changes her statement. She doesn't know what she's going to do and turns to leave so he tries reminding her that he loves her. Last ditch effort? She snarls that it can't be love, and leaves him open mouthed.

After the break, Maria is in the busy cafe trying to decide what she wants. Jason arrives and is really nice to Maria, who tells him he's lovely. Becky kisses him over the counter while Hayley looks on with an approving smile. Maria comments how happy Jason and Becky seem and Hayley tells them he treats Becky like a princess. Becky seems a little embarrassed at the attention, but in a good way.

Over at the kebab shop (Dev's called it Prima Doner... very clever!) Graeme is having a visit with Tina. We can see that Len is lurking outside over by the bookies'. She's just told Graeme the whole sad story and how Len is trying to freak her out by watching her all the time. She's really torn between backing up her boyfriend and telling the truth. Graeme thinks David would be ok if she really did change his statement but she knows different. It would be the end of them as a couple and after Graeme reassures her that David is mad about her, she murmurs that you don't make someone miserable and frightened if you're mad about them, while looking over her shoulder out at Lurking Len. Poor kid, this really is a lot for her to handle.

Back to Tony finally. He's still on the sofa. We can hear a siren outside. He picks up Carla's photograph just as the doorbell rings. He wipes away a tear and stays put. Outside, we see Julie, looking quite spiff in her fuscia coat and bright yellow handbag. She glances over at the ambulance and when someone comes out of the door, she slips inside since Tony doesn't seem inclined to answer.

Over at the narrow boat, Martha is gushing at Ken and allowing that his help has improved her rehearsal immensely. He's taking off his new lounge wear, getting ready to leave. He's got a list of shopping to complete for Amy's birthday party. Ahhh. A granddaughter too! Martha wonders if Amy's mother is not much of a baker as Ken is buying the cake. He hedges and doesn't tell her where Tracy really is, just that Amy lives with her father. Martha invites the two children to tea. Ken makes vague excuses why next week or a weekend aren't really good. No rush, Martha says quietly. Well of course not, both children are old enough to say just the wrong thing, Simon especially even if Amy hasn't said a word since 2007.

Julie's knocking on Tony's door. He does answer it and she is appalled at the state of him, in undershirt and boxers only, wiping his eyes. She apologetically tells him they're all locked out of the factory and she needs his keys. He seems to be having trouble taking it all in. She's very concerned. He finds his keys and tells her she's got flu. Julie asks after Carla and if she's coming in to work. He says he's no idea and closes the door in her face.

Becky is outside the cafe having a smoke. Steve drives out and she makes small talk with him, walking across the road. He makes a point of telling her he's been going to clubs. Life goes on and all that. She pretends to be glad for him and tells him awkwardly that she and Jason are doing well, too. Neither of them really know what to say to each other and anything they do say comes out sounding very unconvincingly like they're still mates. They turn and walk away, both stealing furtive glances back over their shoulders.

Sophie is getting ready for her date. Rosie starts off by making fun and being a bit incredulous at the whole religious angle but ends up helping her with her makeup. She instructs Sophie to fluff up her hair and there's a knock on the door. Rosie rushes Sophie upstairs to fix her hair and lets Ben in. Kevin arrives right behind him. Ben shakes Kevin's hand, talks about his recent volleyball game with the Pastor and then promises to have Sophie home by 9:30 as that's his curfew too. Rosie finds this highly amusing. Ben hands over his mobile number just in case. Sophie comes down and they leave. Rosie can't resist a little ridicule but Kevin has been impressed.

In the kebab shop, Len arrives. Tina says she was going to close up. Len turns the sign and locks the door and says he'll wait until Dev arrives as she'd said he was about to. She backs up behind the counter. He's being very verbally threatening and aggressive but is fully aware of the cctv watching him. She's looking pretty close to terrified though he stays on his side of the counter, wisely.

And the episode ends there!


Oh dear, that Len's a bad 'un, isn't he? Tina, behind the counter at the kebab shop, tells him that she's going to call the police and points out the security cameras. He dismisses her, telling her that the only thing the police will see on the security video, which has no sound, is a bloke getting some chips. He pretends to laugh and tells her that he could be threatening her but without sound, anybody watching the video could think he's just told a joke. He has succeeded in frightening Tina who looks terrified.

The coven of machinists are gossiping with Julie about Tony and Carla over a tea break. Janice comes back late and Julie asks her where she's been but is given the brush-off by Janice. They continue talking about the Gordons. Sally thinks Carla has left him. "Poor Mr G!" says Fizz. "Poo-er us!," says Janice, "He was hardly a barrel of laughs before!"

Tony is in his flat, on the phone and drinking. He's trying to call Carla but only succeeds in reaching her voicemail. He pleads with her, he just wants things...... back to the way they were. I wonder if that's before she was having the affair with Liam, before he found out about it, before he had Liam killed or before Carla discovered that he had Liam killed? Who knows?

Back with Len and Tina, Tina reiterates to Len what she saw and what she told the police. Len tells Tina he knows she is lying, he can tell from her eyes and body language. He tells her that he doesn't want Gary to go to prison because Tina has lied to the police. He threatens her subtly by asking her to imagine how Anna will feel if Gary gets sent down and then to imagine how she would feel if one of her family had an accident. At this, Tina marches to the front of the shop, opens the door and orders him to get out. Len leaves and Tina locks the door behind him.

In the Rovers, Steve tries to get Sean to come and do a shift in the pub since Betty is sick and he needs to go to his daughter's party. Natasha comes to the bar and has a good old chat with Steve about her ex-boyfriend who was allergic to everything and covered in red flaky patches. She lets Steve in on the fact that she is in the Rovers to meet a blind date tonight but Steve cuts her short when Becky and Jason walk in to the pub. Steve asks Becky if she can do a shift in the Rovers. Becky and Jason have made plans and it looks like Becky is about to cancel her plans with Jason but then she thinks better of it and declines.

Ken arrives home, late to Amy's loud, boisterous party. He lies to Deirdre, who is wearing a very low cut dress for a kid's party, about where he has been, telling her that he had trouble finding a candle for Amy. Deirdre sees the bag containing the kimono. Ken lies, again, and tells her that he saw it and decided he wanted it, an impulse buy. Deirdre thanks him very much for the present but Ken takes it back from her and tells her that he bought it for himself, "Sorry to disappoint you but I got it for myself......., to wear around the house, to relax in before bed." Deirdre accepts that but tells reminds him that Blanche will have a field day when she sees him in it. She also tells him to save his breath for blowing up the party balloons.

Outside the kebab shop, Tina is on the phone to David. She leaves him a message for him to come and see her at the shop as soon as he can. Gary comes up the street and tries to talk to Tina but Tina tells him to clear off. Gary doesn't know why she's being like this. "Ask your uncle!" she snaps at him and goes back inside.

On the street, Leanne sees Janice, Fizz and Julie in the street and aasks who died that they're all smiling. They tell Leanne that Carla has done a bunk. Leanne is taken aback.

In the Windass house, Anna and Len come home; they're talking about a phone call from Eddie in which he told them that he'd been to see a friend and fallen asleep in the tram home, finding his crutches had been stolen when he woke up. Gary snipes at Len about how he'd been hanging around the kebab shop. Len tells him he had a word with Tina but Gary snaps, "You threatened her, didn't you?" Len snarls at Gary that Gary wasn't going to be able to get Tina to change her story and get into her knickers just by fluttering his eyelashes at her. Gary gets angry and goes to throw a punch at his uncle. Len grabs his arm and Anna jumps in crying, "What are you doing?" but Gary storms off out of the house.

Next door, Tina arrives home to an empty house. She pulls the curtains and slumps down on the stairs, worried about Len's threats.

In the Rovers, Natasha comes to the bar for another drink. She has been stood up by her blind date. Steve joins her in a drink. Becky is watching from the booth where she is sitting with Jason. Becky is not listening to Jason as he drones on and on about a conversation he had earlier that day with Bill. Jason notices Becky not listening and pulls her up on it. Becky apologises, making the excuse that she was too busy thinking about what she would be doing to Jason later on that evening. Then she climbs on top of him and starts sucking his face off in full view of Steve.

Also at the bar, are Leanne and Maria talking about Carla while Julie eavesdrops. Leanne mentions that she needs to speak to Carla and asks about what Maria saw the night before. Maria tells her that she saw Carla and Tony and it looked like they were having a fight. At this, Julie interrupts them with, "It's not just Carla you need to worry about." and tells them, between her Maria and the fruit machine, how dreadful Tony looked and how the flat looked like a bomb hit it when she went to get the keys off him earlier. When Leanne wonders if Tony has hurt Carla, Maria asks her to come round to Tony's place with her to find out what's going on. You know, like you do.

Gary is sitting in Darrel's old love shed. Len comes to talk to him and tells him he was just trying to look out for him and that he knows Gary is scared about going to prison. Gary tells Len that he was trying to talk Tina round his way but Len points out that wasn't getting him anywhere as Tina wasn't listening. Anna comes out to see if everything's ok and Gary goes back inside again. Len comforts Anna and assures her that he will take things easy as he takes care of the Gary situation. Whoa! What's this? Len touches Anna's hair ever so subtly but mark my words- there's a future plot line in that wee touch!

In the Platts', David comes home with a new cd for Tina and is told by Tina in a round about fashion that Len came and threatened her in the shop today. Sorry, I would give more detail but these two bore me to tears now. Please, Tina, just dump him.

As Ken and Deirdre clear up after the party, Deirdre asks Ken if he has spoken to Peter lately. He hasn't and she suggests he go and spend some time with him. Ken thinks he'll do that. But we all know it's less about spending time with Peter and more about what mischief he can get up to with Martha- love rat!

Leanne and Maria turn up at Tony's front door and find him drunk. They ask where Carla is but, of course, he doesn't know. He turns on Maria and tells him how Carla has left him because she was in love with Liam and always has been.

At the Websters', Sophie arrives home ten minutes earlier than her curfew and has had a nice time. She tells Sally that she had a pizza while she was out but she left most of it- she's starving now. Sally tells her there's some shepherd's pie in the oven and asks him when she'll see her fella again. As Sophie bends over to get her pie out of the oven, she says something about going to church next week. Rosie raises her eyebrows and snorts, appropriately, "Oh. My. God!"

Back at the bar in the Rovers, while Becky is all canoodley with Jason, Natasha seems to quite like Steve and asks him if he's doing anything tomorrow night. For a date!

At Tony's, Maria seems shocked to finally hear the truth about Carla's feelings for Liam. Leanne backs Tony up on how Carla felt as well. Maria wants to know if Liam felt the same but Tony spares her feelings and lies telling her that Liam only ever loved Maria which Carla could never understand because Carla felt that everyone should only ever have eyes for her. Tony asks Leanne to tell him if she ever hears from Carla.

At the Platts', David and Tina are having an almighty row about Len Windass threatening Tina. David is all for going round to the Windass house but Tina asks him what he's going to do, "bleed on him?" As they're fighting, Joe comes in and hears all about it. Joe marches out to sort it out with the Windasses.

At the bar in the Rovers, Jason tells Steve that he thinks Steve is "in" with Natasha. Steve tells Jason that he and Natasha have a date! When Becky hears, she gives Steve a punch on the arm and says, "Nice one, all right!." However, from the look on Steve's face, perhaps the punch wasn't as friendly as it might have been and she rushes Jason out, telling him she's got an itch that needs scratching.

Joe has been waiting for Len Windass to come out of the Rovers. When Len walks out past Joe, hiding in the alcove he grabs him and holds him against the wall. He tells Len that he can't be frightened since he's already lost everything- his flat's been repossessed, he's in debt and the only thing he has left is his daughter who he'll kill for if he has to. Len is not going to be frightened by Joe either though and he calls Tina a lying little tart. He tells Joe that he's not going to let Gary go down and will do whatever it takes. He leaves Joe in the street. Joe, seemingly overcome by the realisation that he's got nothing left and even Tina is not all she's cracked up to be punches the wall and shouts, all frustrated, like. Ho hum. I wish I could feel sorrier for him.

Stella McLoughlin

Wednesday 11 February

In the factory, Julie tells the others about her visit to Tony's to get the keys. She tells them that he was all disheveled, at sixes and sevens. "He had a face that said - I can't live if living is without you!" Sean reminds her that it's not surprising as his wife has just left him.

At that moment, the door opens and in walks Tony, smartly dressed and ready for work. Fiz starts singing, "What a difference a day made, 24 little hours..." Tony just marches through to his office and shuts the door.

Tina shows Joe, David and Gail the CCTV tape of Len intimidating her. She points out that he was clever, he stayed on the right side of the counter. Joe takes the tape and says it will have to do, if they take it to the police they're protected. Tina's not happy about that, she reckons that the police will take him in and question him, but he'll just deny it so they'll let him go, and then he will come straight round. "They're in a corner Dad, there's no knowing what they might do," she says.

Colin invites Rita to tea at Eileen's, at 6.00 o'clock. Norris, the king of sarcasm, asks Rita what sort of wine she'd have with chicken nuggets - Riocha or Vimto. When Colin's gone she turns on him and points out that while he's boring Emily she will be having fun. He tells her that he's having a farewell drink with Mary before she goes on her cruise. She tells him to tread carefully - Mary's obviously carrying a torch for him.

In the salon, Natasha starts to talk about her forthcoming date with Steve but Audrey hushes her, saying that Maria doesn't want to hear her dating dilemma's as today would have been her first anniversary. Maria however, says she's fine and has actually been sorting out Liam's clothes for the charity shop.

Tony tells the factory workers that Carla has left him and he's now at the helm and he advises them to keep their heads down and give their tongues a break. He then gets Julie to go into the office and orders her to box up all of Carla's stuff. Julie witters on as she does so, saying how worried Kirk is about Maria and how today would have been their wedding anniversary so she'll be putting flowers on his grave. She advises him to keep busy, that's the key. Sarcastically he asks if she's ever thought of putting these pearls of wisdom down on paper - Julie Carp's Compendium of Cack!

Gary turns up at the kebab shop and tells Tina he's sorry if Len scared her, swearing that he knew nothing about it. She remarks that her dad's on the edge and he says he will be too if he goes down for something he didn't do. (Didn't do? Who bloodied David's nose and put him in hospital?) She reminds him that he put David in hospital but he says David put himself in hospital and he's just a drama queen - real men suffer in silence. Tina tells him to go, and he says that he's told his Uncle Len to stay away from her.

Jason tells Steve that his granddad has invited Rita to dinner and Becky had to pull Eileen off the ceiling! He then asks Steve when his hot date is and Poppy overhears and tells him it's tonight. Steve asks how she knows and she just replies that she's a barmaid! (They know everything!)

Tony walks in and tries to buy Steve and Jason a drink but they both decline. Steve goes to check on Amy and Jason says he has to get home. Tony tries hard to persuade him, "Stay for one - it's good to see a friendly face."

Maria is sorting out Liam's clothes and tells Audrey that there's one jumper she can't bear to part with, it still smells of him. Audrey tells her she doesn't have to, she still has lots of Alfie's stuff all over the house, it's quite comforting. Maria says she wishes she could sort her memories into neat piles like she has the clothes. Audrey remarks that she could happily throttle Rosie Webster, but Maria smiles and says she's forgiven Liam, she had to, she was sick to death of going round in circles, missing him and hating him. "Yeah, I've lost him," she says, "but he was mine to lose. I'm his wife, I still wear his rings and I'm carrying his baby." Audrey agrees. "And nothing you've seen or heard can alter that, can it?" she says.

Tony is going on and on to Jason, who apparently ended up staying after all, asking how he was supposed to compete with a corpse? "Blessed be the name of Liam, the love of my fiancee's life." He reckons that Carla missed Paul and Liam was the next closest thing. Just then Becky marches in and tells Jason to come home, Eileen is apparently stressing out over the dinner party.

Just at that moment, Natasha walks in, ready for her date with Steve. Jason calls over, "Have a nice night guys!" Becky doesn't look happy however, as Jason kisses her and says that Natasha is nearly as gorgeous as she is!

Over at the bar, Natasha looks somewhat crestfallen as Steve declines to take her out to dinner, suggesting they just order a takeaway instead.

Mary walks into the pub and Norris takes her coat. He seems somewhat flustered when he realises that she's had her eyes made up by someone in a department store. Then he raises his glass and says, "Well then Young Mary, full steam ahead to happiness!"

Maria is in the graveyard putting flowers on Liam's grave in the dark. She's shocked when Tony comes up behind her, but he tells her not to look at him like that, he's come to pay his respects.

Back at the Rover's, Natasha isn't having the most wonderful of dates as Steve slops his takeaway down his front while watching tv. She sighs, so he turns off the set, and tries to make conversation. She tells him to relax, and then corrects herself, saying he couldn't look more relaxed. Then she tells him this isn't a date, she feels she bamboozled him into it and she knows that if she was the right girl he'd be sitting right next to her.

Out in the pub, Norris and Mary are still discussing her forthcoming cruise. She thinks most people will be in pairs and she'll be the gooseberry. She then asks him, "Are you sure I can't tempt you? There are still some cabins left, I checked an hour ago." But Norris can't be persuaded and suddenly invents a whole host of reasons why he couldn't possibly go - from dental appointments to home decorating. Obviously upset, Mary picks up her coat and tells him she'll miss him. "Goodbye Norris," she says and rushes away.

Tina, David and Gail are discussing the cctv tape and they are of the opinion that if they take it to the police it will stir up more trouble.

Back in the graveyard, Maria suddenly realises that, as she puts the picture of their baby's first scan on Liam's grave, that Tony is sobbing. "What are you crying for?" she asks. "For all of us," he replies sadly, adding that she should be enjoying a candlelit dinner and celebrating now. Then he says that he wishes Liam were alive and her baby had a father, and that he wishes Carla had chosen him. "Third choice, but that would have been enough for me," he says.

At the Grimshaw's, the dinner party's going well, but Jason can obviously sense that Becky's thoughts are elsewhere. In the kitchen he tells her he wants things back the way they used to be. "Yeah, me hanging off your arm and you blowing hot and cold?" she says. He tells her it's just the two of them in the frame now, but it's like she's got her guard up the whole time. She tells him she's just trying to enjoy the ride for as long as it lasts.

Tony and Maria leave the graveyard and he says goodnight to her. She unlocks her car and then, after a moment's thought, calls him as he walks away. He turns round to look at her. "Get in!" she says.

The dinner party over, Colin escorts Rita back to her front door. "Are you going to put the kettle on or what?" he asks. She tells him she has to be up at 5.00 am to do the papers, explaining that she and Norris take turns. She thanks him for a lovely evening and goes inside.

Maria pulls up outside her house in Coronation Street, wondering if perhaps she should have dropped Tony off at the Quays. He assures her that there is just fine. "More than I expected, more than I deserve," he says, adding, "this must be the hardest bit, going into an empty house?" She says it's all the hardest bit, waking up alone, going to bed alone, and all the bits in between. He tells her that if Liam was alive, he would have picked her. She tells him she does believe that. He tells her that if she ever needs anything - a fuse changed or anything…. She says she has all the support she needs, but thanks him. They sit for a moment. "Night then," she says. "Yeah, night then," he says and gets out of the car.

Anne Logan

Friday 13 February

Welcome to the update for Friday the 13th, in which we celebrate the return of a storyline for the inestimable Graeme. Yippee!

Julie's all in a fluster going off to work while Kirk witters on about the need to buy a digital recorder to catch every episode of Diagnosis Murder. Julie points out that he's unemployed and skint. "Do you really think more TV is the answer?" Hmmm... Is the gloss coming off the relationship, do you think? Tony stops the car when he sees Maria so he can apologise for last night. He tells her he meant what he said about helping out whenever he can. Kirk eyes them suspiciously from across the street.

Anna Windass comes into the Kabin to apologise for Len's threatening behaviour and to tell Tina that Gary had nothing to do with it. Tina doesn't believe her.

In the cafe, Becky's a bit grumpy because Roy wants to take her down to the suppliers'. Hayley points out that it's called learning. "There's more to running a cafe than frying an egg." As Becky serves Len and Eddie Windass with their fry-ups, she notices the paper and the date - Friday the 13th. She freezes, then explains to the Windasses that this has nothing to do with superstition and everything to do with experience. Her cat was run over by an ice cream van on Friday 13th. She cracked her tooth by falling on a sink when trying to dodge a bouncer on a Friday 13th. After she's gone, Len tells Eddie that it's time for Plan B in relation to Tina. At the counter, Becky's regaling Hayley and Natasha with the story of dinner at Eileen's. Natasha tells them that her date with Steve was less fun than queuing at the post office. Becky wants more detail, but Hayley diverts the conversation to how Maria is coping. When Natasha's gone, Hayley asks Becky about Jason. Becky says he's someone to have a drink and a laugh with and he has the cutest little bum. "Is that all?" asks Hayley.

In the street, Steve apologises to Natasha for the date. She tells him to forget it and lets him know that Becky is probably still interested. Eileen comes along and tells Steve about the "dinner party". He says Natasha isn't his type. "Oh, you mean she's still got the sense she was born with," says Eileen.

It's break time at the factory and Julie's having a moan about Kirk's TV-watching habits. Sean points out that Maria probably moaned about Liam but now she'd give anything to have him back. "You know, there's wisdom in you, Sean," says Julie. "I've often been called a font," he tells her [Comic Sans, probably. Wingdings would be too obvious]. They've just started talking about Carla when Tony comes in and grumpily sends them back to work.

Jason goes to the cafe to ask Hayley when Becky is due back. He says he's going to ask Becky to marry him, even though his divorce isn't through yet. He asks if Becky can have a few days off. He's bought tickets to Tenerife for tonight and plans to propose on the beach. Bill, sitting at one of the tables, hears him. Generous boss that he is, he offers to give Jason and loan and to take him into town to find a ring.

In the salon, Natasha thinks Steve is a right div. She tells Maria about their "date". Maria tells her about Tony turning up at the grave.

"I want a change," says Lloyd, studying the cafe menu. "I always have the same old thing." "How IS Liz?" asks Becky. Roy tells him they do a good line in sustainable whiting instead of cod in their fish and chips. Lloyd settles for his usual order. "You can't teach an old dog new tricks," he says, with a warning glance at Becky. "I'm saying nowt," she tells him. Jason comes in and tells Becky about the tickets to Tenerife. She is thrilled to be going to France ("Spain," Roy corrects her) until she realises they're for tonight. There's no way she can fly on Friday the 13th. She's sorry, but if she gets on that plane, "it's going down somewhere over the Pacific!" ("Atlantic," Roy corrects her). She tells him about the time she ended up in hospital on Friday the 13th. ("The doctor tried to make out it were the 14 pints of Snakebite, but please, that were a quite night for me back then.") No matter what Jason says, she won't be persuaded. He goes to find out whether he can get a refund on the tickets. Hayley and Roy stare at Becky. "It's Friday the 13th!" she insists.

Outside, Jason tells Bill he plans to show Becky that Friday the 13th is the luckiest day of her life.

In the pub, Lloyd tells Steve about Becky turning down the trip. At a table, Kirk tells Julie and Sean about his plans to cut outgoings while he's out of work. He's kicking off by making his own Christmas cards, and will make cushions out of Schmeichel's molted dog hair. At the bar, Steve tells Lloyd that Becky is the funniest, craziest, most unpredictable girl he's ever met. "She just lights up my life." He thinks he needs to let her know how serious he is about her.

Sally's in the butcher's shop buying belly pork because Nigella swears by it. Behind Ashley, Graeme raises a cleaver over his head and sweeps it down to joint a piece of meat with accompanying martial arts cries. "What was he in prison for, again?" asks Sally. Graeme overhears Sally and Ashley talking about the garden. Graeme says he's a former winner of the gardening prize for the prison. He offers to help Sally get the garden sorted.

Lloyd and Steve are in the street and Lloyd can't believe Steve plans to propose to her on Friday the 13th. He shows Lloyd that he still has the ring he bought for Michelle. Natasha comes past and explains that flowers from Dev's shop will not swing it. She advises him to go to that lovely florist on the other side of the Red Rec. As Lloyd and Steve head off that way, Natasha asks Poppy whether all the men around her are complete idiots. Poppy doesn't think they can be, but they're interrupted by a complete idiot swooning over the housekeeping potential of bicarb - yes, it's Kirk, about to go to work on the dog odours in the carpet!

In the factory, the machinists are hand-jiving to the 1982 hit "Hey Mickey" (written about Mickey Dolenz, you know). Mr Tony is not a fan. He turns off the radio and demands to see Julie in the office.

Once there, he tells her she's supposed to be the supervisor. "I'm sick of the shoddy, childish, unprofessional attitude you lot have to your work," he says. He tells Julie he wants one of the machinists sacked by the end of next week and it's up to Julie to decide who it will be.

"It's here!" Bill tells Jason, who is upstairs in the yard office apparently trying to get into something which is too tight on the crotch.

In the cafe, Becky's struggling to remove something slimy from the sink plughole. Just as she extracts some manky old chicken skin, a hand comes around the door and switches on "Love Lifts Us Up Where We Belong" on a CD player. Jason, for it is he, dressed in naval officer's whites, walks smoothly to the counter, takes Becky's face in his hands, kisses her, and lifts her up, carrying her out into the street, to swooning noises from Hayley and from Eileen, who's been warned to be there, and applause from everyone else.

Outside, a big, blue Harley bike awaits. Jason sits her on the saddle, puts his cap on her head and kneels down. He wants to spend the rest of his life with her. He hates himself for not seeing the girl of his dreams in front of him. "I want to have your babies," he grins. Behind Becky, in soft focus in the distance, we see a taxi pull up, Steve get out with an enormous bouquet, and see him realise what's going on outside the cafe. He flings the bouquet back into the taxi and we know he's probably saying "Flipping ‘eck!" Jason produces a ring and asks Becky for an answer. Lloyd and Steve watch on. Becky goes to take the ring, but realises she's still wearing big pink rubber gloves and has that piece of manky old chicken skin stuck to one of them. Like a theatre nurse, Hayley rushes forward and removes the gloves. Becky touches the ring. "Go on then!" she grins, and Jason sweeps her up in his arms as everyone cheers. Well, everyone except Steve and Lloyd.

The End of Episode One.
Margaret Carr

Bad news for Steve - Becky is engaged and there is huge celebration outside the cafe. And in the Rovers at 6 Jason will be buying the drinks to continue the celebrations. At this very moment Steve is drowning his sorrows in the said establishment and he reckons he has been gazumped - he explains to Liz that he had been planning to propose as a big gesture to win her back.

Graeme has been doing the gardening at Sal's and apparently the fire weed is a very pernicious weed. Apparently he learnt all he knows inside and even hardened drug dealers have a soft spot for flowers. She pays him thirty quid and asks him not to tell Kevin as he would not be pleased. Graeme is surprised and thanks her.

Becky comes into the Rovers and Steve asks Liz and Lloyd to pretend they do not know and he will be dignified. Becky asks for a quiet word in private and Steve takes her through to the back. He reminds her how he was proud to stand by her when she was in court making it as hard as he can for her to break the news. He keeps piling on the pressure but eventually she tells him that Jason has proposed. Steve feigns surprise and he says it is considerate of her. She hopes they can still be mates and that when they come in for a drink later that would be alright with him. He gives in with good grace and congratulates her with a big bear hug - which he seems reluctant to release. She notices a bouquet of flowers (which had nearly been hers) and says "Them are nice" as she goes.

Kev is impressed by the improvement to the garden, which now includes a love seat with a rose arbour. But Graeme shouts over the fence that he thinks he has let his watch behind and Sally has to admit having help. Kev goes off on one about the spending and wondering what else she has been buying. So Sal and Kev start arguing about approved and unapproved expenditure. Sal cannot be bothered to argue and Kev makes his feelings clear by heading off to the Rovers.

Jason arrives in the Rovers and is greeted by Steve who offers him a handshake and congratulations on getting a little gem and then Steve offers to buy the first round. Steve then asks Liz if she and Poppy can manage as he wants to go upstairs. Anyway the party is getting started - Jason, Becky, Roy, Eileen, Sean, Haley and Lloyd. Becky and Jason look in need of a room, but their exertions annoy Roy who stands abruptly and knocks a glass of red wine over Jason's borrowed white trousers. Everyone collapses in laughter except Roy and Jason. Steve upstairs is looking less happy by the second.

Kev finds Ashley in the Rovers. Kev admits he has had a row with Sal - but Ashley has no problem - Clare has gone to her mothers with the kids! No pass needed!

David asks Graeme to lend him the money - he needs to get some jewelry for Tina's upcoming 18th birthday. Tina appears and wants to know what they are discussing - she reckons it is the court case and although Graeme denies it but she does not believe him and tells him that the subject was banned. She takes rubbish out to the bin at the back where of course Gary is just across the fence. He greets her and she says he is interfering with a witness. They talk and he admits to telling Len off for interfering. She was to let him know if Len goes anywhere near her again - she answered that she would tell the police - but at least they are not at dagger's drawn.

Julie asks Fiz about the quality of the rest of the staff. Apparently Sean is the laziest.

At the back of the Rovers Becky is taking a smoking break and finds Steve doing the same - he has been banned from smoking indoor due to Amy. Becky tells him to give up and Steve claims he had until he found out that the woman of his dreams had got engaged to another bloke. They talk about the engagement and Steve lets slip that he had seen the original proposal and therefore knew when she came in to tell him. She is angry - but he says that he was on his way to propose and that Jason had beaten him to it. And he can prove it. he goes and gets the expensive ring which had originally be destined for Michelle. And then he proposes to Becky with the ring. Poor girl, hardly a brain cell in her head and two proposals in less than 12 hours. And as Steve points out he has the added advantage of being single - Jason is still married.

Julie cannot decide who to sack and returns to the factory to tell Tony who is far from understanding and says that she is incapable of being the supervisor. So if she cannot finger one of the others she will be the one who goes.

Kev and Ashley are getting drunk back at Ash's house (Kev's old place). Kev makes it clear that he much prefers his old house to his new one - the old one was "home", the new one just somewhere to live.

Well yes of course Jason is getting divorced but how long will it take? And Steve reminds Becky that Jason has a record for not reaching the altar - jumps out of nearby windows and similar. He reckons he is offering her a credible alternative. And he can propose if he wants. He quietly and forcefully tells her that he loves and wants to spend the rest of his life with her. Dump Jason and marry me he says. She turns and as he tries to kiss her she responds "Not in a million years, not if you were the last man alive!"

And that was that.

K Richard W

Monday 16 February

The morning opens with a view of a large splotch of wine stain on a white uniform. A bedraggled Becky staggers into the room with Jason right behind her, much to the amusement of Sean and Eileen. Becky's a bit the worse for wear though Jason seems pretty chipper. They seem to enjoy the fuss made of them, though. Eileen fetches painkillers out of her handbag for Becky and takes the uniform with her to get dry cleaned. She offers to cook a nice dinner for them so they are charged with returning at lunchtime for a meal. The phone rings and it's Todd who is dying to get the details, having only heard the news by text. Becky goes into the kitchen to take the aspirin and, overhearing Jason praising her lovingly to his brother, seems a bit distracted.

Steve is also distracted, sat in the taxi office. Claire is ready for home after a night shift just as Lloyd arrives. He tells Lloyd he also proposed to Becky last night and seems optimistic since she didn't actually say no...but she didn't say yes either.

Claire arrives home as a sleepy Kevin comes out of her door. Sally meets him on the pavement and though he apologizes, it seems clear he's still in the doghouse. She orders him to take a shower and goes off to work. Len, waiting for the door to open to number 6, has a cackle at Kevin's expense. Eddie emerges, toast in hand and does not have the money Len is expecting, not yet. What's that all about? Len drags Eddie out the door and goes inside so apparently Eddie is off to get money for something.

Jason comes into the cafe to see his fiancee and they have a cuddle but she's busy. He wonders if they are having a church or registry office do. She reckons maybe a church but it'll be a year before his divorce comes through. Ten months, he informs her. She peeks through the blinds and sees Steve across the road.

Joe is doing a deal over the phone and it seems he's got someone to buy all his old stock. This gets him out of bankruptcy stage though not really full flush yet. It's Tina's birthday and she has banned all conversation to do with money and finances and Windasses and encourages talk of birthdays and presents though lavish is not necessary.

Back to the caff, Becky seems uncomfortable while Jason and Hayley chatter about potential wedding plans. She makes the excuse that's she's just busy with work to be making all these plans just yet and they agree to hold off until lunchtime. Jason leaves, seen by Steve. They exchange baleful glances and Jason continues on. Hayley comes out to check something and also exchanges awkward glances with Steve. Inside, Becky has dropped a tray of dishes. Hayley wonders if something's wrong and suspects Becky is putting on a front since Becky's nerves are twanging and Steve keeps watching the cafe. Hmmmmm....

We shift focus to the factory where Janice is perusing a GCSE Maths study guide. Julie is trying to get them all back to work after their break. Janice is confused about multiplication with decimals and nobody else seems to know the answer either. Julie is getting exasperated but nobody takes any notice. Sally and Janice exchange the usual barbs and Julie gets fed up and hollers at everyone. Janice, as a result, is nice to Julie and supportive and doesn't even gob off when Julie criticizes her work. Who are you and what have you done with Janice Battersby?

Becky has told Hayley that Steve proposed and now she doesn't know what to do. She knew last night that Jason was the one but now she's not sure. She hopes that Hayley will tell her what to do but of course she can't do that. She whines, why did they both have to improve at the same time? Hayley suggests she makes a list, good and bad about each.

Kevin is making some pasta for lunch. Sally's not impressed. They get into another argument about her spending money on the garden. In the middle of it, Sophie arrives with Ben for lunch. Sally puts her nice face on.

Becky's brow is furrowed over her lists while Hayley serves the customers. She joins her and they discuss the list. Plusses for Jason include better looking, no kids, younger, handy round the house, minuses include bit slow on the uptake, doesn't like sloppy films, leaves a tide mark round the bath and he's married and there's always the possibility of him wanting Sarah back again. Minuses for Steve include being older, losing hair, got a child, his ex lives here, and a mother who adores the ex. Plusses for Steve are harder to pin down because she knows Jason so much better. Hayley encourages her to think of something and what she comes up with is "silly stuff" to her. His twinkly eyes, his sarky grin, the way he makes her smile, ... she's very wistful about it and then decides that's not really enough, Jason it is, then. (Fooling yourself, Becks!) Hayley is surprised at the choice.

Outside, Steve is still lurking while the switchboard is ringing away inside. Lloyd gives him grief for it and they go back inside. Hayley sees the coast is clear and Becky gets ready to go to Eileen's for lunch, excited again that she's made the right choice. She leaves the cafe and looks longingly at the cab office window.

Eileen's getting lunch ready when Jason arrives followed by Becky who doesn't even really mind that the food is all store bought sandwiches and things. Eileen passes over cider and beer to the couple and opens wine for herself. Jason hugs Becky and tells her he loves her. She knows.

The Websters are having their lunch. Sophie breaks some surprising news. She's become a Christian. Sally tries to make it seem like they have gone to church in the past, quickly denied by Kevin so she tries the tact that they did bring the girls up with Christian values. Anyway, snobby Sally and uncouth Kevin's eyebrows shoot up to their hairline when Sophie pulls out a necklace from under her blouse and says it's a purity locket and she's pledged to remain chaste until she gets married. She's going to follow Jesus and it's not Ben who's persuaded her, honest. Kevin is skeptical but we'll see. Sophie insists there's more important things than chasing lads and worrying about what you look like, like Rosie does. Sally and Kevin are a bit nonplussed but really, there are worse things, aren't there?

Steve decides he needs to speak to Becky but Hayley says that Becky has gone to Eileen's for lunch for a family celebration. Hayley is sympathetic but explains that though Becky did consider his proposal, she's staying with Jason. He leaves, head hung in disappointment as Eddie clatters in with an envelope in one hand. Tina and David, the objects of his mission are sat at a table. He offers them cash for a little holiday, on him. He's even printed some flight information for them. Oddly enough, the date for the holiday is the same as the court date. Busted! She chucks it all back at him. See you in court. He leaves, with Len waiting outside. Didn't work.

Becky and Eileen are sitting at the table, post-meal, having a girly chat over a drink. Eileen says she's looking forward to having a daughter-in-law. Becky points out that she's already had one but Eileen doesn't count Sarah. She describes Sarah and Jason's relationship in less than stellar terms and reckons that Jason loved her to bits but she didn't love him back the same. It's not enough though, Eileen says, because if you're the one doing the loving, you know you're second best. That really zings home to Becky. She goes very quiet as Eileen praises the gem that is Becky. She hugs Becky warmly and says she knows Becks will make Jason happy. Becky wells up and Eileen thinks it's down to the cider but you know, it's not that at all. Jason comes back downstairs (must have been in the loo) and hugs Becky. Emotionally, she tells him she's sorry and she just can't marry him. She takes off the ring. He tries to persuade her but she can't do it. She cries and wishes he was the right one because he's lovely. He rightly guesses it's Steve. She doesn't confirm it but doesn't deny it. I'm really, really sorry she repeats, and leaves him there on the edge of tears.


Becky walks into the bar where she asks Liz if Steve is in. Liz shouts him and he comes through. Becky asks if they can go and talk through the back of the pub.

Eileen comes home, having forgotten her purse. She asks Jason, who is sitting on the lounge, all quiet, where her daughter-in-law is. He tells her, "She's gone... proper gone. She doesn't want me, Mam, she wants Steve." Poor Jason is broken-hearted. Eileen sits next to him and gives him a cuddle.

In the upstairs room at the Rovers, Steve is moaning to Becky that she only chose Jason because he's better looking than him, accusing her of being a magpie, only after shiny things. She interrupts his stream of consciousness and asks Steve why he asked her to marry him. He tells her that he loves her and wants to spend the rest of his life with her. He notices that she's not wearing Jason's ring. Becky puts her head in her hands and wails that she's never broken anyone's heart before, it's always been her that got her heart broken before. Steve asks her if she's dumped Jason. Becky cries, "Well, I had no choice, did I? Because I realised I was marrying the wrong fella!" Steve realises what she means and drops to one knee. "Becky Granger," he says, "will ya marry me?" Becky shouts, "Yeah! Yerr, I flamin' well will!" and jumps on top of him, all excited like.

Out in the street, Len Windass pops round to the Platts'. Ted answers the door and lets Len in for a chat to try and sort the mess out, "man to man" as Len puts it.

Sally is at the garage talking about Sophie and all her "God stuff" with Kevin when Julie sees her and shouts, "Sally Webster! Get back to your machine!" Sally protests that she's in the middle of a family crisis here. Julie asks her if a member of her family is dying or dead and if not, then the family is not in crisis. Julie is in overdrive, shouting at all her fellow machinists about them all skiving and threatening to tell Tony about them. "There won't be any slacking," she says, "not on my watch!"

Steve and Becky are basking in their newly engaged love, Becky is admiring her rock of an engagement ring. Steve thinks it might be a bit showy and asks her if she wants to take it back and pick something out for herself. But Becky is totally in love with it and with Steve and she sucks his face for a little bit. Becky breaks from their kiss to ask Steve what they're going to do now. "Oh," say Steve, "a nice cuppa tea?" but Becky is more about what and who they're going to tell about their engagement. Becky is worried that people are going to thinks she's mental. Steve tells them that they just need to bite the bullet and show people that they mean business with him and Becky behind the bar in the Rovers full time and he wants Becky to move in today. Becky is overjoyed by this and starts another round of face sucking.

Len is in the Platts' house. He overhears Ted take a phone call for Joe. "Meet tomorrow. 10 o'clock. At the lock up. Right I'll tell 'im. Bye" Duhhhh, Ted! Len has a wicked look on his face while Ted's back is turned. Just as Ted sits down to talk to Len, Tina comes home. Tina tells Len to "gerrout" before she calls the police in the face of Ted's protestations. Len leaves without a fuss and wearing that horrible sheepskin coat.

Liz is talking to Deirdre over the bar about how she wants her and Lloyd to go out on proper dates and stuff. Deirdre offers an invitation to a dinner party with her and Ken. They make a date for Friday. Liz reckons she doesn't have to run it past Lloyd telling Deirdre he'll be well up for it. Steve comes into the bar and tells Liz his news. Liz could be more pleased for him saying, "You've got to be kidding, I thought she'd dumped ya?" She tells Deirdre that Becky is a complete lunatic. Steve asks Liz if she could be a little bit pleased for him and then breaks the news that Becky is moving in. Liz is less than impressed. Eileen comes in telling Steve she wants a word with him since she just left Jason sobbing his heart out at home. She asks Steve if it's true that he and Becky are together now and warns him to keep it low for a while to give Jason time to get over his breakup. Liz drops the bomb about Steve and Becky's engagement. "You've got to be joking!" screams Eileen, "An hour ago she was engaged to Jason!" She begins to tell Steve how selfish he is but Steve stands up for himself and reminds Eileen that Jason treated Becky terribly and broke her heart. Eileen stands up for his son though and tells Steve that Jason tried to make up for his bad treatment of Becky and reminds Steve that Jason thinks the sun shines out of Becky. Steve is left to think on that.

Out in the street, Len Windass leaves the Windass place as Tina peers from behind the curtains at him. Michelle is home from Ireland and is taking her suitcases out of the back of the car as Becky walks past, lighting a cigarette. She makes an unpleasant remark about Becky which Becky is supposed to overhear and does. Tina comes out and warns Len not to blag his way back into their house again. Len calls her a gobby little piece and threatens her again. Tina tells Len that he can't stop her from giving evidence at Gary's trial. "Wanna bet?" he asks and then says a veiled menacing goodbye.

Becky comes into the cafe and tells Roy and Hayley her slight change of plan re the wedding. Hayley is thrilled for her. Roy seems sad that Becky will be leaving them to move in with Steve. "It's the end of an era, eh, Royston?" says Becky. "But it's not a problem is it because I'll only be over t'road." But Roy turns away from Becky, sad and perhaps a little concerned?

Michelle is at Maria's. They're chatting about life after Steve. Michelle's hair seems to have grown about a foot since she went away. Michelle is concerned about keeping things civilized for the children's sake. She is sad that she thought she had found "the one" in Steve but now seems to be back at square one with her love life. Maria assures her that she's gorgeous and that there's someone out there to share her life with. Michelle makes plans to go to the Rovers later and sort things out with Steve.

At the Websters', Sally and Kevin are talking to Sophie about her new found religion. They don't really have anything interesting to say about it. Sally seems to be worried that Sophie is joining a cult. Kevin thinks it's good that Sophie is thinking for herself and making her own way in the world.

In the Rovers, Sean, Julie, Kelly and Fizz are in a booth talking about how Sean is going to have a night in with Jason and help him get over Becky with a DVD of Brokeback Mountain. Kelly makes a snarky remark about how Julie has been a pain in the neck all week at work. Julie gets up, all upset, from the table and rushes off to the toilet. As Sean is leaving, Becky, Roy and Hayley come in the bar with all of Becky's worldly possessions in a couple of cardboard boxes. Sean is shocked that Becky is moving in already and says that some people have got no shame. Liz directs Becky upstairs and says snidely to Lloyd, "One out, one in. honestly, we need a revolving door fitted." Becky tells Liz that the door is fine as it is and she's here for keeps. She takes Roy and Hayley upstairs with her stuff.

In the loos, Julie confides in Fizz that Tony has told her she has to choose one of the machinists to get the sack otherwise she will lose her job. Fizz is very understanding but wants to be sure that Julie will not choose her.

Upstairs at the Rovers, Steve has been making room for Becky in the flat. Becky thinks he's just lovely. Hayley tells Steve how lovely she thinks Becky's engagement ring is and asks if he chose it himself. "I did," he says, "Only the best for my missus." Roy has noticed that it's just a tad too large and they make plans to have it resized. Roy advises that they put it away for now until it's been fixed. Steve excites Becky again by telling her that he'll take the ring and out it in her bedside table. Dear Becky's never had a bedside table before.

Eileen and Jason are watching Brokeback Mountain with Sean who only has to look at a Stetson and he's in buckets of tears. Sean advises Jason that he needs to cry. Jason goes to the pub despite the fact that he knows Becky is in there flaunting her new man. Eileen joins him.

In the Rovers, Steve and Becky are all over each other while Liz looks on bitterly from the side. I don't know what she has against Becky, I really don't. She bitches to Lloyd, accusing Becky of thinking she owns the place. She lets Lloyd know that they have a dinner planned with Ken & Deirdre. "Hot date!" says Lloyd, sarcastically.

Roy and Hayley are talking about Becky at a table in the bar. Roy tells Hayley how she admires that Becky can live in the moment, not forever fretting over the slightest thing. He wishes he could be more like her. "I love you just the way you are," say Hayley, sweetly. Roy appreciates this.

As Steve and Becky snog away and talk about how great life is going to be for them, Miserable Michelle comes into the pub and sees them. "Already wheedled your way back in, I see," she snipes at Becky. Becky tries to apologise but Michelle tells Becky not to patronize her and adds that she gives Becky and Steve less than a month. Becky tries to calmly tell her, "Me and Steve, we're in love. We're gettin' married." but Michelle tells that Steve doesn't do commitment. When Steve backs Becky up, Michelle's face drops and she asks Steve if she ever meant anything to him. At this, Jason and Eileen walk in. When Liz butts in, it gives Michelle the opportunity to have a dirty dig at Becky calling her a scrubber and throwing a drink over her. Becky heads round the other side of the bar and flies at Michelle but Jason holds her back telling her to have a bit of dignity. Becky calms down and tells Michelle, "I'm telling you now lady, if you ever, ever try anything like that again, I will smash your face in, understand?" Miserable Michelle puts her hard face on and tells her to just try it before walking out. Liz finishes it all up by shouting at Steve, "She's only been here half day and she's already turned my pub into a battleground!"

Stella McLoughlin

Wednesday 18 February

Steve wakes up to find himself alone in the bed and rushes out to look for Becky. He meets Liz and asks if she's seen her, Liz asks if his wallet has gone as well and adds that she's probably done a runner.

Outside, he sees Becky coming back from the Kabin where she's been buying ciggies. "Did you think I'd legged it?" she asks him. He says he wouldn't have blamed her after her run in with Michelle, but she assures him they've done the hard bit now. Steve wants to take her to the jewellers to get the ring altered, or, preferably, swapped for something else, but she tells him she wants to keep it.

Fiz asks Julie if she knows yet who she's going to sack, but although she's been up half the night worrying about it she still doesn't know what she'll say if Tony calls her into the office.

David gives Tina her birthday present and she's delighted with it, it's perfect, although she eventually finds out that it was chosen by the shop assistant, who said she said she wished her boyfriend was as thoughtful and as good looking. "Now I know you're lying," says Tina. Just then Gail and Joe come down and he tells her he'll take her shopping later to choose her present, she's just to think of him as a walking wallet. He's also booked a table at a posh restaurant , but she wants to go to the pizza place and says he has to let her, as she's the birthday girl.

Becky's looking through the kitchen cupboards when Liz walks in and doesn't look too pleased. She asks what she's looking for and Becky tells her, "Jam!" adding that you can never find anything when you move into somebody's place. Liz remarks that she's obviously had loads of experience at that, and Becky agrees that yes, she's lived in a few places. Becky then tells Liz that the last thing she wanted was for it all to kick off with Michelle. Steve walks in then and tells Liz not to blame Becky because Michelle started it. Liz retorts that the two of them started it by carrying on behind her back and then rubbed her nose in it.

In the factory, the workers are shunning Julie, and leave the table when she sits down at coffee break time. Sally stays put, saying that she's not finished her drink, but it's understandable whey they're upset. "Last one in, buttering up the management to get the supervisor's job and then throwing her weight around!" She then marches away. Fiz tells them all to lay off Julie, but Kelly replies that Fiz should tell her to lay off them first. Fiz then tells them why Julie is trying to get them all to work hard, "Tony has told her she's got to pick someone to sack." Kelly reckons he can't do that, it's illegal, but Sally says that wouldn't worry Tony. Rosie wonders if this includes her but Kelly reckons they're the ones who make things, she just wiggles and holds a clipboard. Fiz asks them to go easy on Julie, and not to let on that they know. "Tony would probably sack all of us just for knowing!"

Joe is showing someone called Frank all the stock he has in his lock up, pointing out the good quality. His customer tells him he's not arguing and they then agree a price and Frank gives him 200 pounds deposit.

Outside, he shows the money to Tina and David, saying that Frank's gone to get a bigger van, he wants to buy the lot. He then says they'll go and spend what he has on Tina's birthday. As he locks the door we see that they're being watched by Len and Gary from a vehicle across the road.

Liz meets Michelle in the street and asks how she is. "Embarrassed," says Michelle, adding that she came in for civilised conversation about the kids and ended up stooping to Becky's level. Liz remarks that she's surprised Michelle didn't wallop her. "That's your future daughter in law you're talking about," says Michelle. Liz says she'll believe it when she sees it. Just then Becky comes out of the pub and walks towards them. She tells Michelle she's sorry for everything, she never meant to hurt her, neither of them did. Michelle tells her then in that case she should have kept her knickers on, "Believe it or not, it is possible!" then she tells Becky that one day Steve will do the same to her. "It might take six weeks or six months but he'll wake up one morning when his brain has gone back into his head and realise you're nowt but a scrawny slapper with all the class of a town centre toilet!"

In the Windass house, Len is on the phone. He tells someone to give him half an hour, and then he tells Gary, Eddie and Anna that he's taking them to the pub.

At the factory, Julie is called to the office. Tony tells her that the order is behind schedule and he hopes it isn't some pathetic scheme to keep the little gang together. He reckons that if they sack one machinist the others will work harder to keep their jobs. "The clock's ticking Julie, it's down to you," he tells her.

We then see some shady looking character approach Joe's lockup and, using a crowbar, start to lever off the lock.

Joe takes Tina and David into the pub to buy her a birthday drink. Len hears that it's her birthday and offers to buy her a drink. Joe says if he wants to do something for her birthday he can stay out of her life.

Len sees Ashley and Graeme playing darts and asks how long they'll be, and then loudly offers to buy them all a drink.

Julie suddenly finds that her colleagues can't do enough for her, with invites to go clubbing or out for drinks. Janice says that maybe they shouldn't get too close in case she's got to make some difficult decisions. Julie blusters that she doesn't make any decisions.

Joe and his customer, Frank, arrive at the lock up to find the lock hanging off and the stock inside smashed and strewn around. Obviously now the deal is off!

Ken arrives at Martha's boat with a suitcase as he's on his way home from Portsmouth where he's been to see Peter. He asks about her rehearsals but she says she'd sooner hear about Peter. "After all both he and Blanche are hiding their drink problems." Ken looks stricken for a moment and then realises she's talking about her character, Blanche DuBois.

Michelle and Claire meet in the butcher's shop and have a quick chat about how much Josh has grown when Claire realises what the time is and rushes off to pick him up from school. Just then Graeme comes out from the back of the shop. "Did I hear young Claire talking about them babbies, Ahsley?" he asks, in the just the manner of the dear departed Fred. Ashley notices that Graeme is wearing a hat and asks where he got it from. "From that rack, I say, from that rack in the back," is the reply. Ashley tells him it was his dad's hat. Michelle says it suits him, and Graeme thanks her, still sounding like Fred. Ashley looks puzzled.

The police have arrived at Gail's to talk about Joe's lockup being trashed, and David tells them it was the Windasses. The police of course, want proof, but all Joe can say is that there's been a lot of bad blood, so eventually the police say they'll go next door and have a word.

Ken has eventually arrived home and tells Deirdre and Blanche that Peter's doing well and may be home soon. They're glad to see him and tell him that Simon never gets tired, and has worn them out. He says that he's back now to give a hand and Blanche says Simon's all his as he won't be tomorrow night. Ken's aghast to hear that Deirdre has invited Lloyd and Liz round for a meal and says that he's made other plans. Deirdre says he'll just have to unmake them, she's been looking forward to the evening all week.

The police go round to the Windasses, but of course they have the perfect alibi, they were in the pub at the time, and there are plenty of witnesses.

Later, Eddie asks Len how far things are going to go. "Until Tina gets the message," he replies. "And what if she doesn't?" asks Anna. He says he'll just have to explain it to her a lot clearer. Gary points out that if the police find out they're trying to frighten a witness they'll be on them like a ton of bricks, but Len reckons that Tina will no more go in the witness box than walk on the moon.

Back at the Platt's, it turns out that Joe isn't insured, he couldn't afford the premiums. Ted comes down, ready for his meal out, but Gail says that no one's in the mood now and the last thing Joe needs is a big restaurant bill. Ted says that as he hasn't bought his lovely girl a present, it's going to be his treat, he insists. Tina reminds him that they're going for pizza, and he says it's her choice entirely. Tina then points out that if she didn't give evidence all this aggro would stop, but Joe tells her she can't let the bullies win, he wants her in the witness box sending the little toe rag to prison. She looks at David. He says, "We tell the truth, we win, it's a simple as that!"

Anne Logan

Friday 20 February

We open in what used to be the Platt household, even though there's only one Platt living there these days. Gail offers to pay some of Joe's bills but he refuses. He's had to wait for payment so his creditors can wait too, he says. Tina tells David that this is all down to her. Her father's lost what was left of his business because of her. She thinks she should just tell the Windasses they've won and refuse to testify. She says that would be better than sitting around waiting to see what they'll do next. Joe leaves to go and clean out the lock-up and to sign on at the Jobcentre. David tells her quietly that now she has to testify not just for him, but for her dad as well.

Julie and Fiz clean up the breakfast things. Julie wants to tell everyone the situation she's in, so they will all stand together against the boss. "The workers united will never be defeated," she chants. Fiz breaks the news to her that the other machinists already know. "And nobody wanted to make a fight of it?" Julie wonders. Fiz says that Tony Gordon would rather close down the factory than back down.

As they cross the road, Tony arrives. He gets Janice to open up and goes to talk to Leanne. She tells him she's not heard from Carla.

Ken tells Deirdre he had plans to go to a play tonight. "How was I to know that?" Deirdre demands as she bustles about, making a bed we've never seen before.

In the taxi office, Steve asks Eileen if they can have a truce. She's reluctant, but she does think Steve's done Jason a favour. She thinks Becky would have made Jason miserable and she wants him to be happy. "She's never going to make anyone that, is she? She's too out of control. Every so often these demons take over."

In the bookie's, Michelle arrives to talk to Leanne, who asks her for the goss on Steve and Becky. They get a bit bitchy and the line I liked best was Michelle saying she hoped Steve and Becky have a white wedding. She thinks Becky will look like a whippet in a frock! The real reason Michelle came over was to ask Leanne about Carla. Leanne says Carla is in Los Angeles, staying with a mate. "She says she's fine so she's just going to have a rest and work out what she's going to do with the rest of her life."

The factory staff are on a break. Janice thinks Fiz is safe because Julie won't sack someone who lives in the same house. Sean hopes he gets sacked. The factory has been like a prison camp since Carla left, he says. Though that's not what he says when Tony interrupts him and asks if anything is wrong. Tony asks Julie to pop into the office and tell him who she's chosen.

Michelle meets Steve in the street. Michelle asks him if they can agree to ignore each other when they meet in the street, because she can't stand the sight of him or his fiancée. "That still on, is it?" she asks. "Has it lasted?" She tells him it's a real achievement if the two biggest liars and cheats on the planet can stay together for 24 hours. When Michelle goes, Leanne tells him he shouldn't have expected anything else because Michelle's lost her home and her job as well as her fiancee. Steve worries that Leanne might have given Michelle a job. He doesn't want to see her every day.

Ken is off out for an hour and resents it very much when Deirdre asks where he's going. He doesn't want to be cross-examined, but Deirdre says she just wants to know in case he can fetch something for tonight. "I'm not going near any shops," he says. "No! Course you're not!" Deirdre replies, vacuuming very aggressively indeed.

Julie heads for the factory office but can't go in because Tony's on the phone to the bank, trying to persuade someone to tell him whether Carla has used the account and where she's withdrawn money. [Of course, he could just get an up-to-date statement print-out over the counter, but he's obviously not thought of that!]

Julie says she's decided. Tony should sack her. He knows she's doing the noble thing and falling on her sword, hoping he'll say that in that case they won't sack anyone. "Well, it's not going to happen." Julie thinks that's her gone. But Tony says she's too soft and has to get out there and make a decision by lunchtime. "Otherwise I'll just have to let you go and sack someone else as well."

Gail's at the dining table writing cheques. She tells David she's paying off some of Joe's bills. He's a proud man so she just wants to get it done so he can't argue. Tina comes down but they don't tell her.

Deirdre wants eight lamb chops. Then she changes her mind and asks for ten. She forgot about Blanche. "Don't forget your mother," says Graeme. "I say, [Ashley's head whips round at this] you forget your mother and there's no telling what you'll forget." Ashley tells Deirdre she won't get better chops than these. "And that's the master butcher talking," says Graeme. "I say, that the man who knows his chops!"

On the canal-side, Ken arrives as Martha is doing some stretching exercises on the deck. She invites him in for coffee.

"Bye love. Call in again, won't you. I say, I'll be waiting." Once the customer is gone, Ashley goes to Graeme and asks him to take the hat off and talk to him. Graeme manages to do this without repeating anything. I say, he repeats nothing! Ashley gets him to put the hat back on. "Nice weather we're having. I . . . I . . ." Graeme says. Ashley tries to get him to keep going but Graeme stops when he gets to "I" again. Ashley tells him his theory that Graeme says "I say" and repeats himself but only when he's wearing the hat. He says Fred used to talk like that. Ashley tells him to keep the hat on. He wants to see whether it happens again. "I will," says Graeme. "I will."

Ken tells Martha that he won't be able to go to her first night. He promised to go to a silly dinner party and the woman who's giving it would never ever forgive him if he didn't go. "Well neither will I. You are just going to have to choose," Martha tells him. But she's joking. She'd be delighted if he's not in the theatre. She's nervous. She asks him to give her a week until she knows what she's doing. But Ken must promise to tell her all about the dinner party and this terrible woman he daren't say No to.

Leanne arrives at Maria's to see Michelle. She offers her a job in the bookie's. "Mind you, don't think Steve would like it much," she says, by way of bait.

Joe arrives home and asks Gail what she's doing. She says she's paying some bills and she heads off to post them. When she's gone, Joe suggests Tina and David don't tell anyone else it was the Windasses who smashed up his stock until they know it for sure. Once on their own, David tells Tina that when she gets up in court, she will know that she's paying back the Windasses for what they've done to Joe.

At the pillar-box, Gail chats to Jason, telling him Joe wasn't insured and can't pay his bills. "He's been left high and dry," she says. Jason offers to ask Bill if there's any work for Joe. Gail says Joe will be grateful.

Jason meets Steve. Steve tells him he's sorry and they didn't plan it. "Maybe you should have," Jason says. He doesn't believe Steve when he says he's sorry. Steve hopes they can still be mates. Jason is amused and then angry. He doesn't want to see either of them ever again.

Julie is close to tears in the factory. She tells Fiz what Tony said. "It's not that I can't. It's that I won't," she says. "I've just got to face him and tell him."

She goes into the office and tells Tony straight out that she's not going to make a decision, even though she knows he'll sack her. "I won't complain because it's MY choice," she says. They are interrupted by a strange man who introduces himself as Luke Strong. He's been appointed by Carla to take over the day-to-day running of the factory, he says. "If you've no objections." As we focus on Tony's shocked face, the episode ends.

More from Richard later.

Margaret Carr

Luke Strong has arrived and Tony asks Julie to leave the office for a minute - NOW. Apparently Carla was supposed to pre-warn Tony but in the heat of becoming a mother it presumably got overlooked. (And as a sideways thought what if Carla returns in a few months with a bump (or even a baby - who will be the father?). Tony wants Luke to leave but he makes it clear that he knows little about Carla or her whereabouts and he is not telling. He has known Carla a long time - and he is good to work with. Tony says he is not needed but Carla says that he is. Outside Julie is bringing the workforce up to date with the news - and she has no idea if she is still employed.

And we get to the bottom of Graeme's odd behaviour as Clare admits that she told him about Fred's peculiar speech habit, I say Clare tells Ashley that she had let Graham know about Fred's habit of repetition (but no deviation or hesitation). Ashley struggles to see the joke.

Jason is offering Joe work if any comes along. He almost apologises over the copper pipe incident. Apparently Gail has been saying a few words too many for Joe's liking. Joe returns home to confront Gail and she admits it - hoping that Bill and Jason might put some more work his way. Joe erupts at this interference in his business. He hates dirty washing being aired in public and that it is not how he wants to live his life. She says sorry but he barely accepts it before walking out of the house.

Anyway Tony's solicitors have now confirmed that Carla has appointed Luke who decides to ask if Carla had proven a bit of a handful. He remembers her pre-Paul days when she ran a mate of his ragged. Rosie wanders in and is sent out to get the workshy sewing team back on song. She jokes that a whip might come in useful, particularly on Janice Battersby or sacking her mother. Tony glares and she backs out. Tony calls her a helium balloon tied to a pair of high heels whilst Luke thinks it is more likely two helium balloons. Julie returns to the office - she wants to know if she still has a job. Luke interrupts Tony and confirms that everyone has their job. Nothing changes until he has his bearings. And noting that it is ten to five Luke decides that the workers have done enough this week and sends them all home early. Which is probably enough to give Tony a heart attack!

At the butchers Graeme is continuing his little joke - but Ashley has had enough and tells him that Clare has 'fessed up and enough is un oeuf. Fred was not a figure of fun (sorry Ashley he was that regularly, I say he was often a laughing stock). But without the trade Graeme would not be getting a second chance. And the hat is to go back on the rack.

Luke tells Tony that he can knock off when he feels like it. But Tony says he has targets to meet and he cannot go when he feels like it. In response Luke closes down his PC and heads out. Tony stares at his screensaver pictures of Carla and then cries.

Joe arrives home and does his now customary sorry routine. Gail he is wrong 'un - you really do pick them don't you. Gail suggests that TIna does not testify in view of the likely abuse but as Joe points out Tina will do whatever suits her. And he apologises again. Gail admits to paying some of his bills and tells him that price is both over-rated and old fashioned. He says he should not be taking handouts from a girl who should know better and Gail smiles at being called a girl. Joe says he will make tea with a cup, spoon and saucer. And with the hint of a saucer Gail knows that she is special and he confirms she is.

Lloyd and liz have arrived at number 1 for dinner. Ken is still upstairs and is called down. He arrives wearing the Kimono much to the amusement of everyone including Blanche - to which Ken responds by asking if they have a problem with it. Blanche thinks he might have gone stark raving mad, but he suggests it is the same as a dressing gown - does everyone in the North West have to wear terry towelling (better than wearing terry thomas of course) and Blanche suggests that there should be such a law. Dinner gets underway and Ken gives a first class performance of being bored and his contributions are monosyllabic or less as his mind is clearly elsewhere with Blanche Dubois. (And I am sorry but I doubt that Martha is as good as Glenn Close). When Liz has had enough she removes Ken's half finished plate and heads for the kitchen from where Blanche emerges complaining that she is not allowed to sit at the table with the grown ups. Ken heads for the kitchen with dirty plates and gets a real telling off (sotto voce so the visitors cannot hear) about his lack of manners and unwillingness to talk to Lloyd - they must have something in common - they are both male. Back in the front room Blanche wishes she could have a dumb waiter with meals going up and down. Lloyd asks if these houses have cellars but glumly Blanche denies it.

Luke arrives at the Rovers and finding his staff in residence offers to buy them all a drink. This gives Luke a chance to get some conversation going as he recalls some stories from his past. Tony arrives and taps him on the shoulder wanting a chat outside. Initially Luke refuses. The staff are laughing at the stand off.

Elsewhere in the Rovers Becky asks Jason if he hates her and he says that he does not. She tells him that the engagement could turn out to be a big mistake - and he points out the conversation is not helping him. She retreats to the bar.

Graeme arrives at the Peacock residence and tells that he is sorry and has brought a plant as a gift to heal the rift. Apparently the plant likes a good drink once a week and Ashley asks "Who doesn't?". Ashley tells Graeme that he does not like being made a fool of and that he misses Fred. Graeme says that Clare made it clear that Fred was top class and turning down an offer of dinner heads out the door.

Somewhere outside Tony tells Luke how competent he is at running businesses and that he does not need help. Tony offers to send Carla he share of the profits each month. He is not going to rip her off - and he does not need a spy checking up on him. Luke says that he is representing Carla who is the majority shareholder and he has been asked to run the company and if Tony does not like it he can go. Otherwise he will see Tony first thing in the morning ready for action.

See you next week.
K Richard W

Monday 23 February

Becky is dancing around the kitchen with Amy sat on the counter top by the stove (which isn't on) licking a wooden spoon used to stir the beans. Liz arrives home after a night with Lloyd and is alarmed at the goings on and she chides Becky for having Amy near the stove. Becky of course defends herself, adding they were just having fun making breakfast. Liz tries to usher Amy out but Amy wants her sausages so Liz is defeated on that score. Later, Liz sourly criticizes Becky for giving Amy, a toddler (huh? she goes to school now doesn't she?) too much food on her plate and is horrified when Amy says she has coffee. It's actually milk with a bit of hot chocolate in it, Becky points out. Liz sniffs and finally gets Amy off to get dressed, hissing over Becky's shoulder about the need for a routine since all this change isn't easy for her. Not just her, eh, Becky slings back with a sigh. Point, Becky, I think. She tells Liz she's just trying to help. And who else was going to do it since Steve had an early appointment with the accountant.

Outside the factory (which has a zippy new pink and white sign, did you notice?) Janice is still struggling over her maths and fractions. Julie is a bit snarky but they all plaster a smile on their faces when Luke arrives. Rosie bounces up chirping good morning to Mr. Strong, allowing the opportunity for him to urge them to just call him Luke. He thanks Rosie for putting together dossiers on their major clients just as Tony drives up, glaring at the happy little factory family in front of him.

Over at Platt-McIntyre Towers, Joe and Tina share a laugh over his disapproval of her loud music. David wonders why Tina isn't dressed yet but she's got the day off so is having a slow start. Joe is turning down a small job because it's the day of the court hearing. Joe is going to be there to support them and David makes sure to repeat his mantra .... tell what you saw... tell what you saw (only it isn't what she saw, is it?). Her good mood deflates and she strops off for the shower.

At Barlow Central, Blanche is full of plans for a paint job for her bedroom, something that seems to have passed Ken by, in his near-constant state of distraction these days. He gets his back up when it is clear he is expected to do the painting and sooner than later would be good thanks. He refuses to do that and any other jobs they lined up for him and suggests they pay Bill to do it. Deirdre objects but too bad, so sad, Ken's determined because nobody consulted him, it seems. How would she like it if someone was always giving her domestic chores to do? Oh, you mean like the cooking, the cleaning and the laundry, Deirdre snaps. (point to Deirdre on that one) Ken shows the classic signs of domestic discord (i.e. he'd rather be doing someone...er...something else) and huffs off out leaving Deirdre somewhat mystified by his attitude. Blanche dryly predicts "I hate to say it, but I predict another novel coming on" *snork*

Janice is filling Hayley in on the new boss and how Tony's nose is out of joint over it. Nobody knows where Carla is but they all figure she's either got another bloke or backpacking to find herself. Tina and David are at a table, Tina sulking, David trying to reassure her. Gary comes in so David has a verbal go. Even Tina has a go at him, pointing out, rightly, that he and his family have caused nothing but trouble for she and hers between ensuring Joe's bankruptcy by having the gear trashed to threatening her. Gary is starting to realize that all these tactics have had the reverse effect. Tina could very well be digging her heels in, in spite of David's pressure to lie in court rubbing her the wrong way. (But it doesn't seem to sit well with her just the same)

Back to the factory, Tony's inspecting the work, Rosie is sucking up to the cute new boss and there seems to be all kinds of non-speaking extras milling about the factory today. Luke is buttering up the staff who are on their break, even more so when Tony suggests the break is over and Luke gently says they can finish their cakes first, flattering them as the "engine" of the factory which must run well oiled. The girls appreciate it but get back to work anyway, with smiles on their faces. Tony warns Luke that the worker bees will walk all over him if he's too soft on them. Au Contraire, Luke is of the more carrot less stick camp. That leaves a bit of smoke coming out of Tony's ears.

In the corner shop, Auntie Pam is minding the shop for Molly. Ken has come in for a nice bottle of wine to be regaled by one of her stories. They pass the time of day over the wine and part with a smile.

Eddie and Len, squashed on what is probably the tiniest sofa ever to grace the set of Coronation Street living rooms, are interrupted in their rather raucous video gaming by Anna who's hoovering and shuts it down. She shouts at them, clearly stressed out because of the upcoming court case. Gary arrives home and unplugs the machine again and gives his uncle hell for smashing up Joe's stuff. He shouts that everything they do only makes things worse. Anna wonders if Rita, who made a statement as well, might have ... but Gary interrupts her too and shouts some more. Leave it, no more interfering, he orders. He'll just have to take his chances. He runs upstairs and Anna is bereft.

Becky opens the pub doors and Blanche sweeps in straight away, looking for a brandy to warm her up. (it's not as if she's had that far to go). Blanche is shoring herself up to endure a travel slide show at the one o'clock club. Liz arrives and notices that Becky's done some of the chores Liz was going to do. Liz does apologize and thanks Becky for seeing to Amy but reminds her that the little girl was close to Michelle and this is difficult for her. Pam arrives and orders wine and mentions to Blanche Ken's wine purchase earlier. Blanche is surprised to hear it.

Anna comes into the Kabin and tries to wheedle Rita into changing her statement but doesn't get very far. Rita cuts her short, Tina is an employee and a friend and she has no intention of doing anything illegal. She does look sympathetic when Anna apologizes, obviously upset that her son could go to prison. Joe and Tina see her pass by. Tina feels bad but Joe doesn't. Tina just wishes she could run away and Joe knows how she feels but he reckons they have better reasons to stay.

Sian and Sophie are waiting for the bus and chatting. Sophie makes sure her friend doesn't mind her dating Ben as she knows Sian fancied him too but she's fine. Ah but there's a reason why she's over Ben. Sophie notices her mate eyeing up Ryan Connor. Rosie happens by just then and catches them giggling and figures out why straight away, teasing them. She proceeds to horrify them by asking Ryan over and telling him that Sian fancies him. Mission accomplished, she heads back to work, leaving two red-faced 14 year olds in her wake. They bluster that Rosie is just winding them up and Ryan just says not to worry but gives Sian a twinkly amused look anyway. The girls groan and squeal a bit after he leaves. Oh I remember being that age! It was agony at times!

In the Windass house, Anna is sat at the table, fretting but Gary is hoping he will get off easy. He assures his mother that if he does get sent down, it won't be for long and he will be ok. That doesn't help her spirits any. She cries and he hugs her, just as Len arrives.

Luke asks Tony where Maria lives. He's also looking after Carla's Ladrags interest. He's had the basic information, widowed, baby on the way. Tony directs him across the road but cautions him to be careful as Maria is still pretty fragile.

Joe is taking a call and making an appointment with someone that might have work for him. Tina comes by and he tells her excitedly. Could be a big job, he tells her and runs off with a kiss.

Blanche has told Deirdre about Ken buying posh wine. They discuss why that could be and Deirdre comes up with the perfectly reasonable explanation. Ken bought the wine to make up for the argument they had. Deirdre figures he wants a special evening so she decides to do moussaka and she negotiates with Blanche on a price to ensure her absence that evening.

Joe arrives at a run down area where the buildings are all boarded up mainly. If these places want kitchens fitted, they're going to have to have walls first. It doesn't look like anyone is there at first but someone comes down a staircase and out of the shadows. Len Windass!!!!!!

To find out what he wants, check out part 2!

In which Liz is a complete bitch to Becky. What's that about, Liz?

Joe and Len Windass are at a derelict building and Len has a proposition for Joe. He will put a substantial amount of work- 19 kitchens- Joe's way in return for, of course, Tina's silence at Gary's trial. He says he can guarantee Joe the work.

In the bar, Becky offers to go and pick up Amy from school this afternoon. Steve eagerly agrees to let her but then Liz has a sneaky word in his ear about Amy having to go to a party after school. Steve changes his mind and tells Becky he will pick Amy up but that Becky can start picking her up once Amy gets to know Becky a little better. Becky doesn't show it to Steve but she is a wee bit upset about his change of heart.

Joe and Len are still talking. Joe tells Len that he won't ask Tina to lie for Gary. Len enlightens Joe as to Tina's actual position when to comes to her testimony. He encourages Joe to speak to Tina alone, when David is not around to pressure her to say what he wants her to say. Joe seems swayed enough to argue that Len doesn't know anyone big enough to be able to promise him the work that would save him financially but Len assures him that he does and that the person he knows owes him a huge favour. Joe asks Len how he would know that Len wouldn't go back on his word if Tina changes her testimony. Len tells him he never goes back on his word and urges Joe to ask around- he has plenty of people who would back him up on that.

In the Bookie's Leanne is showing Michelle the ropes. Deirdre comes in and is surprised to see Michelle working. Deirdre is there to ask Leanne to look after Simon tonight since she is cooking a special meal for Ken to make up for their fight that morning. She hopes her Moussaka does the trick.

Meanwhile, Ken has taken his flash bottle of wine to Ms Blanche Dubois and offers it by way of apology for missing Martha's performance the night before. She asks him if he missed her play for a "mystery woman you couldn't say no to? Old flame? New flame?" Ken apologises again and tells her that he would far rather have been watching her in her play than where he had to spend the evening.

Back at Chez Platt, Joe comes home where Tina asks him how he went with the meeting as David listens in. Joe tells her he is reluctant to take the job and makes excuses that the builder is dodgy and he doesn''t want to get a rep for bad kitchens. David makes some boring remark from the sidelines about the Windasses and how they got Joe into the mess he's in now, blah blah blah.... Tina asks how his whining is going to help Joe find a job. David isn't sure but he tells his audience that next week the Windlasses will get what's coming to them, "I'll make sure of that all right!" Joe watches in silence, pondering what Len has told him and looks at David suspiciously.

Out in the street, Sophie is with her pal and they're arguing about Sophie's pal fancying Ryan. Ryan just happens to walk past them on the street and grunts a perfunctory, "a' right?" in their direction. Both teenage girls squeal with delight.

Tina is making dinner. Joe comes home with some onions and a bottle of wine. David is upstairs with Gail. Joe takes the opportunity to ask about David. He tells Tina he's always there if she wants to talk about the court case. She assures her Dad that she knows what she's doing and that she will be giving evidence at Gary's trial since she knows she has something at Gail's worth staying for. What, Tina? What? How can Tina be so smart and yet such an idiot when it comes to David?

Martha and Ken are all cosy in Martha's houseboat at dusk. Ken asks her if she ever gets lonely and he admits that he too gets lonely. Martha mentions that she'll be leaving Weatherfield eventually, depending on what turns up, "Work, people, one person maybe. Someone special." She looks at Ken all meaningfully and things go quiet. Ken breaks the silence by asking her when she has to get to the theatre. He offers to go with her. "You could take me for a bite to eat afterwards, if you like," says Martha and Ken readily agrees to do so.

Amy comes home with Steve to the Rovers from the birthday party. Becky comes over to her and makes a fuss of her. Poor Becky keeps making inappropriate remarks about boys giving Amy the eye which gets Liz's back up. Liz is just horrible to Becky and makes sure that Becky knows she is doing everything wrong with Amy.

Maria and Tom are in the Rovers having a drink with Luke Strong. Luke offers to buy Glad Rags off Tom and Maria. Tom seems a bit put out but Maria looks more interested. Luke offers £50,000 and tells them to think about it.

Gary Windass comes home to his mum with a big box of chocolates. Aww, he loves his mum. Anna asks him why he's bought the chocs for her, "Is it because you think you won't be here on my birthday?" Anna gets upset and wonders how she's going to cope of Gary gets sent down for two years. Gary hugs his mum and tells her it might not come to that.

Deirdre has set the table all lovely and is lighting her candles, waiting for Ken to get home. She's made a special effort and tells Eccles if she's very good, she might get some leftovers.

Anna is out in her back yard, throwing stuff into a junk heap. Tina peers at her through Gail's kitchen window. She storms out and asks Anna to stop making such a racket. She sees Anna is upset about Gary but then David comes out and tells Tina to ignore her saying, "The scum of the street have pushed it too far and we're meant to feel sorry for 'em?" Oh, nice David, you horrible little demon! But Anna comes back with "At least we're not lying scum!" Tina rushes David back inside.

Deirdre is still waiting at home for Ken. She checks her phone- no messages. She phones his mobile- straight to voicemail.

Ken is on the walk back to Martha's boat with the lady herself, talking about how wonderful she was on stage. Ken refuses a night cap and thanks Martha for a lovely evening. Martha is sorry she can't tempt him into that night cap. Ken tells her he's tempted all right and looks for an excuse not to stay. Martha thinks he won't come in because it's too soon after the death of his wife and is understanding. Ken doesn't bother to take the opportunity to let her know that Deirdre is alive and well. He kisses Martha on the cheek tenderly- the big love rat! When Martha turns her back he sees he has 5 missed calls on his phone.

Tom and Maria are talking about Luke's offer. They wonder how much Carla is involved in his offer. Tom seems quite keen to take the money since Glad Rags was about him and Liam having a laugh and working together and that's gone now. Michelle butts in and wonders, if Luke thinks he can make a go of it and make loads of dough, why can't Maria and Tom? She advises them not to make any snap decisions.

Ken comes home to a unhappy Deirdre. He says that he stayed out because he thought they needed some space since their argument that morning. He tells Deirdre that he bought the posh wine for Ted who accompanied him to the theatre. He tries to apologise to Deirdre. Deirdre tells him to forget it and she goes to bed, quite obviously disappointed and upset.

Joe and Tina are alone downstairs at Gail's. Joe is about to head up to bed but before he goes he tries to get Tina to open up. Tina tells him that seeing what Anna and her family are going through makes her feel bad about what she will have to say in court. Joe urges her to just tell the truth. Tina drops a bomb- she is lying for David. She makes her Dad promise not to tell anyone- not even Gail. "Gary didn't start the fight, it was David," she says, "I sawr 'im. Gary was winding him up all day, knowing it'd set 'im off. So anyway, it was Gary who started the fight...." Joe interrupts her and asks why she is lying. Tina confesses, David asked her to lie for him. "Don't look at me like that," she asks her dad, "I already can't sleep. Every time I see them next door, I feel guilty." Joe reminds her that she will be committing perjury if she lies for David and he tells her that they will fix it. "Your problem's my problem now," he says to Tina, "We'll have to sort this out together." They hug.

Stella McLoughlin

Wednesday 25 February

It's breakfast time at the Platt's, and they're discussing the big kitchen job. Joe says he's not going to take it, but David asks if he can afford not to. Within moments an argument has broken out. Joe tells David that his selfish attitude to life stinks and he doesn't want it infecting others, and he doesn't need David to tell him how to run his business. David retorts that he's doing a fine job on his own. Joe ends up storming out, leaving Gail and David open-mouthed and Tina looking worried.

Ted walks into the café and sees Deirdre and Ken. Deirdre asks if he enjoyed the play and behind her Ken is nodding frantically. Ted catches on quickly and says, "Oh, er, yes, it was very good." Then he remarks that the actress playing Blanche duBois was very good, Martha somebody…. "Can you remember Ken?" Ken says he can't, and Deirdre goes home. After she's gone, Ted tells Ken that if he's going to use him as an alibi he could at least ask first. Ken apologises, and Ted comments that he's obviously smitten. Although Ken tries to say that they're just friends, Ted points out that he wouldn't need an alibi if they were just friends. Ken says that he just wants a little bit of his life that's private, and Ted says he knows he fancies the pants off her.

In the Rovers, Betty has phoned in sick and Liz is put out because it's the Victualler's Lunch and she wanted to show off her new toy boy. Becky says she can cope, but Liz won't hear of it, not with Steve in the taxi office. Becky persuades her though, saying it'll be quiet and she'll have to be left in charge sooner or later.

Tony walks into the factory and finds Luke having a tea break with the workers. Luke then follows him into his office. Tony turns and tells him that fraternising with the workers doesn't work there, but still wants to know if they said anything about him. Luke tells him he's learned more in ten minutes than he has in the last few days.

Joe sees Len who asks what he thought about the proposition. Joe tells him it's a two word answer. Len thinks it's no wonder Joe's going bust, plenty of other companies would bite his hand off. All he wants is for Tina to tell the truth. He then goes on to say that there's something coming in the post for Joe. "What, letter bomb? Ransom note?" asks Joe, but Len says he won't spoil the surprise.

Back at Gail's house, Tina tells David that Joe's under a lot of pressure, and David wonders if he knows. Tina tells him her dad was just lashing out at the nearest target. Joe then walks in and apologises to David for biting his head off. David tells him not to worry about it and then he and Tina go off out. Just then there's the sound of letters dropping onto the mat and Joe goes to pick them up. There's a large envelope for him and when he opens it he finds an official invitation to tender for the kitchen contract!

Eileen goes into the pub to find Becky holding the fort on her own, and it's all going smoothly, but there are few other customers. Just then a coach driver comes in and says he's got 50 passengers on their way to a heavy metal concert and wonders if she can provide light refreshment. Becky confidently says she can and tells him to bring them in. Eileen is shocked, "Are you mad?" she asks. Becky reckons that Liz will be very pleased with her when she gets back and finds it all going well and the till bursting!

Tina comes home and has a go at Joe for the way he spoke to David, asking him if he thinks she can't think for herself. He tells her the lawyers in the courtroom will give her a much tougher grilling than he could manage. She asks who's side he's on, her and David's or those next door who trashed his lock-up? He says he's on her side but can't condone her doing wrong. She says that if Gary were to go down it would be one less Windass clogging up the street.

In the pub, Becky's finding things aren't going as smoothly as she thought they would and she's rushed off her feet. Kelly is at the bar, complaining that she's been waiting 20 minutes to be served, and isn't at all happy. Julie is also standing at the bar, with Eileen, when her phone rings. It's her mum, and she tells her she's standing with her old friend Eileen who wants to talk to her. Suddenly her mum decides that she's far too busy to talk, and says goodbye. "But she rang you!" says Eileen.

Ted goes to the canal and finds Martha on the towpath. "Blanch DuBois I presume?" he says. He explains that he's a friend of Ken and has heard a lot about her. She is at that moment taking washing off the line and finds that a costume has been smudged with boot polish. Ted asks if she has any white spirit, so she takes him aboard.

Joe is still dithering about taking the kitchen contract and Gail can't understand why he's got such high faluting morals. She says she hopes he doesn't think she's pressuring him because she wants her money back. Tina overhears this and is furious. "You haven't lent him money?" she wails. Joe says he's a very good risk but David wonders how he can be picky about what jobs he takes if he owes Gail money.

Back on Martha's barge, Ted is working wonders with the white spirit and Martha is delighted. Just then Ken arrives and looks less than pleased to see Ted sitting there.

Back at the Platt's, Gail moans at David for not clearing his plate from the table as she's got to get back to work. Joe looks at Tina and says that they'll clear up. Gail remarks that if he does turn the kitchen job down he'll make a lovely househusband.

Next door in the Windasses, Len comes in to find that Anna is furious because Eddie has eaten all the chocolates that Gary bought her. After attacking him with a cushion she then breaks down in tears on the sofa. Len tells her that Gary will be fine but she points out that whenever he says that it usually means trouble.

Joe and Tina are arguing abut him taking money off Gail and her planning to lie in court. Just then his phone rings – it's someone he owes money to and he promises them that the accounts department will send a cheque. She then snaps at him about her telling the truth, and says he's in no position to turn down work. She slams off upstairs, and Joe dials a number on his phone.

It's chaos in the Rovers as Becky struggles to cope single-handedly with the food and drink orders. Kelly has still not been served so she marches behind the bar to serve herself and get Julie what she wants. Becky is furious and demands that she gets back to the other side. Kelly tells her not to look down her nose at her, "I knew you when you were a down and out druggie!" she snaps. Becky shouts at her to get out of her bar. "Your bar?" says Kelly, "it's amazing where hard work gets you. Oh, you didn't get here by hard work did you? You got here by screwing the boss!"

Outside in the street, Liz and Lloyd have just got out of a taxi and are about to walk into the Rovers. Just then the pub doors open and Kelly Crabtree comes flying out, having been ejected by Becky who screams, "And don't come back!" "Must be chucking out time," murmurs Lloyd.

Ken and Ted have left Martha's barge, but Ken wants to know what Ted thinks he's playing at. Ted says that if Ken's going to involve him in his assignations he felt he should meet Martha. He says at least he didn't put his foot in it by mentioning that Ken's married. Ken insists there's nothing going on, but Ted says he doesn't care if they're at it like rabbits, but Ken should be honest with himself.

Back on the cobbles, Kelly and Becky scream and shout at each other and Liz struggles to keep them apart. She then apologises to Kelly and tells her that her next three drinks will be on the house. Becky is outraged, but Liz just says, "You – inside – now!"

Joe goes back to the warehouse and meets Len. He gives him the tender form and tells him that if he wasn't desperate he wouldn't be doing it. "Does that mean you're in?" asks Len. "I'm in," says Joe.

Anne Logan

Friday 27 February

Updates written by K Richard Whitbread, Martin Rosen, Ann Logan, Margaret Carr, Stella McLoughlin, Tvor.