Wednesday 2 October

It's morning at the Platt's. Kylie thinks David is acting rather strangely, and when he's gone off to take Max to school she and Gail discuss the situation. Gail thinks he's just worried about Nick, and her theory as to why Nick reacted the way he did when he saw David, was that it took him back to the crash, maybe he thought he was still in it. Kylie thinks that maybe Nick saw David, remembered everything about himself and Kylie and how Lily could be his. Gail agrees that that is possible too. Kylie picks up Lily and says she's going to go and get her registered.

Owen is moaning about Pat Phelan, his customer who hasn't paid, despite Owen sending him invoices, emails and left phone messages. After sending Katy off to get coffee, he tells Gary that he's going to find him and tell him what he thinks of him. Gary asks if he would like him to come with him, but Owen says it's best if he keeps out of it.

Julie and Brian are talking to Eileen in the Street. Brian is getting fed up with his job which, he says, amounts to little more than crowd control. He spends his days confiscating mobile phones, doing toilet patrol, etc. Eileen wonders if he couldn't get someone else to do all that, he's the headmaster, surely he can do what he wants? Brian scoffs that if he could do what he wanted, he wouldn't go anywhere near the place! He storms off, and Julie tells a baffled Eileen that if she meets her for a drink at lunchtime she'll tell her all about it.

Katy is on her way back with the coffee when she finds her friend Steph outside the yard, who tells her she's had a text from Ryan saying he's going off to live in Ibiza. Katy pulls out her phone and sees that she too has had the same text.

Owen and Gary come down and Owen gets into his van and drives off.

Ryan is in the flat finishing his breakfast. Michelle is off to work, but she tells him to get a move on or he'll miss his plane. Steve is going to take him to the airport so she makes him promise to call her when Ryan is ready to leave.

Kylie is preparing to go and register the baby. She wonders what questions she will be asked. She then tells Gail she's thinking of going to see Nick afterwards, to tell him to remember to keep everything that happened between them a secret. She thinks Gail won't approve of this, but Gail tells her she does now. She has seen what a wonderful little family they are and doesn't want anything to spoil it. She tells Kylie she is a lovely mother, and a lovely wife to David, that's all that matters.

Owen arrives at the premises he converted for Pat Phelan, only to find that instead of a travel agent's, it is now a beauty parlour. He finds Pat's wife and asks where Pat is. She tells him he's not there, and gets rather annoyed when Owen explains that he has bills that need paying, as she is with a client. She tells him he can either go and look for him, or wait till she's finished, she'll talk to him then.

Kylie meets Leanne out in the Street, they are just chatting about Nick when Tina comes along and asks Leanne about him. Kylie is frosty towards her, and goes off along the Street. Tina tells Leanne to give Nick her love.

Back at the beauty parlour Owen tells Mrs Phelan that her husband owes him nearly £4k. "Join the queue," she says, not seeming at all bothered. "So he thinks he can get away with it by declaring himself bankrupt, does he?" says Owen. Mrs Phelan points out that he didn't declare himself, the courts did that. Owen wonders if Pat is still living in his big fancy house and driving his flash car. She tells him the house and car are in her name and Owen won't be getting a penny from Pat.

Ryan is about to get in the taxi when Katy and Steph come along. They ask why he's going - he tells them there's no comparison Ibiza has sun, beaches and beautiful people, and Weatherfield has rain, cobbled streets and the people...well, don't get him started. Katy takes umbrage at this and tells him not to come back ever, if that's what he thinks.

Michelle comes round the corner and gives her son a big hug and tells him she loves him and to look after himself. Then he's into the taxi and away.

Leanne is sitting at Nick's bedside, she tells him that Kylie might come in later, and reminds him of the birth of Lily.

Back at the Platt's, Kylie shows David Lily's birth certificate, and says she might go and see Nick. David is obviously not keen for her to go and Kylie wonders if he doesn't want her to go. He tells her that Nick might say weird stuff, like about the accident, so she mustn't take too much notice.

Eileen and Julie have met up for their drink in the Rovers. Julie tells Eileen that since Brian turned 50 he doesn't seem to see the point in anything. The conversation gets round to the fact that she and Brian don't have children, he won't talk about adoption and the two of them are miserable.

Steve and Michelle come in, she's going to miss Ryan, but Steve is pleased that they'll have the flat to themselves. Steve suddenly remembers that he has to phone someone, and rushes outside, where we see him leaving a message to someone about the pub. He says that it is up for sale, and he doesn't think they should hang about, and he asks for them to ring him back.

Owen arrives at the front door of a large mansion. The door opens and there is Pat Phelan, his wife has rung him and warned him Owen was looking for his money. He waves the bankruptcy order in front of him and tells he wishes he could pay him but he doesn't have any money. Owen goes off, angry.

Kylie arrives at the hospital, and seems apprehensive as she goes into Nick's room. Leanne talks 90 to the dozen to Nick about Kylie, the baby and David, and then asks if Kylie will sit there while she goes and gets a coffee.

David is holding baby Lily when Gail remarks that he looks tired and should have a rest, offering to look after the baby for a while. He says he'd like to pop out for a while, and so off he goes.

Eileen and Julie are still in the pub when Brian walks in. Julie wants to know why he's not at school. He says he's on a break.

David walks in to the pub and tells Tina that Kylie has gone to see Nick. He's worried that Nick might tell her that he tried to kill him.

Steve and Michelle are still in the bar when his phone starts to ring. He tells her he has to take it and goes outside again, much to Michelle's annoyance.

Brian has sat himself down with Julie and Eileen. Much to Julie's embarrassment, Eileen suddenly asks him why he won't talk about adoption. He mutters that it's a big step, not something to be rushed into.

Steve is outside the door of the Rovers, talking on the phone to someone about the pub when Michelle comes out. He hastily starts talking about a car, and then stops and glares at Michelle. She tells him she's not going to stand at the bar on her own, and goes off home in a huff. He continues his conversation, telling the person on the phone that he will tell Michelle, and asks when they think they will have made a decision.

Leanne comes back to Nick's room, to find Kylie showing Nick photos of Lily. She sits down to look and says what a proud father David is and how cute the baby is. Suddenly Nick speaks. "Not," he says. Then, after a pause, "His. Mine." he says, looking at Kylie. Leanne thinks he's confused and natters on about him being the baby's uncle.

Katy has finished all the work for Owen and asks if she can go off to town with Steph. Owen is telling Gary how Pat Phelan is a con man who owes him money, and reckons he is within his rights to go to his house and take whatever goods he can to the value of what is owed.

Kylie is back at home telling Gail what Nick said, and how horrible it was. She's really worried about what he will say when he can talk properly. Will he tell everybody everything?

Anne Logan

Friday 4 October

It's Friday morning and Kylie's standing staring at the TV. David's making a cuppa. Gail tries to engage Kylie in conversation but it's difficult. Leanne arrives and says Nick's had a good night. She wants to sit with him but later there's a big booking at the bistro. She wants Gail to work and asks David if he can sit with Nick for a couple of hours. Kylie reminds him Nick had a panic attack last time he saw David. Leanne's sure Nick's calmer now. She goes and Gail tells David she's not sure he should do it. "I don't care what you think," he says.

Anna's doing the dishes and Faye wants to know about the menu at the cafe. She thinks she and Grace could ponder their lunch choices and text them ahead of time. Anna thinks they should be thinking about maths, not food. Owen's off to work and Anna asks him not to do anything daft about Phelan. Owen says he never does anything daft.

Gail thinks it's lovely that Leanne's making an effort with her make-up for Nick. In the bistro she tells her that Nick loves her more than anything in the world. Gail offers to sit with him instead of David doing it, but Leanne thinks it'll do the brothers good to spend time together.

Steve, wearing his sexy robe, reminds Michelle they have the place to themselves. They're cuddling on the sofa when the door buzzer goes, soon followed by the phone. Turns out her Dad is outside and wants in. He arrives full of Irish bonhomie and with a bag. Steve has quickly put some clothes on and asks about the heavy bag. Barry wants to stay a couple of nights. Steve lies and says that's brilliant.

Gary and Owen arrive at Phelan's rather large house. There's no answer to the door but Owen spots a window open. He wants Gary to fetch a ladder and go in.

Michelle questions Barry about his sudden arrival. He says Michelle's Mum has taken herself off to a spa with Aoife from the book club. She wants some "me" time so he decided he'd take some too. He's looking forward to seeing little Liam.

David's 100 miles away and Maria wonders what's wrong with him. He tells her he'll be going to see Nick later.

Nick's sitting up and Leanne talks about what's in the paper. She helps him drink something and tells him there's a Golden Wedding party booked in at the bistro but David will come and sit with him while she deals with that. Nick says nothing. Questioned directly he says he doesn't mind.

In the Kabin, Rita asks Deirdre whether she's OK. Deirdre's having trouble finding a card which says "Hope everything's OK in Canada with your Adam who's having blackouts." Julie's in the queue, doing the sweet run for work. Eileen's next in line. They discuss adoption. Julie says Brian isn't keen and Eileen suggests fostering. Julie isn't sure how she feels about that. It'd be like having a really cute puppy and having to give it away. Deirdre tells her Rita used to do fostering and they all talk about it. Rita says it was tough and challenging at the time but mostly rewarding. She agrees to talk to Julie about it in the pub later. "Oh, I'm really looking forward to that now," says Deirdre, to Eileen's consternation.

Barry's gone to see Liam, who's off school with a cold. Barry's surprised to find out Marcus and Maria are seeing each other. He says his wife never tells him anything.

Owen's in the house, though he said he wanted Gary to go in. He goes downstairs. The house is quite luxuriously furnished. He find some keys.

Leanne phones the bistro and says she'll be late because David's not there yet. She has trouble persuading Gail not to shape the napkins into swans. David finally arrives and Leanne leaves. Nick's asleep. David sits by the bed, giving him that evil stare of his.

Gary's putting the ladder back on the truck when Phelan arrives. He's demanding to know what Gary's doing there when his garage door opens and his flash motorbike sweeps past. The man is distraught but Gary just drives away.

Barry talks to Maria about her relationship with Marcus. Barry worries that Marcus will go running off with a man but Maria assures him that they love each other.

Nick wakes up and glares at David. He grips his hand and says "Hello, David."

Rita's going through her back catalogue of foster children. She says that after a while she felt that Sharon was her own daughter. Deirdre keeps interrupting. She starts a discussion about the psychology of crisps and what their favourite flavours are. Rita brings the conversation back to Jenny Bradley and suggests she needs another drink before she can talk about that. Deirdre asks Julie to get her some more crisps as well.

Kylie's in tears when Gail arrives home but Gail doesn't notice at first. "Every day I wish I'd not been so stupid," Kylie says. Gail tells her she has to stay strong for David's sake. Getting hysterical solves nothing. Kylie wants to know what happens if it all comes bubbling out because it's always so close to the surface.

Barry's in the pub asking Steve's opinion of the set-up with Maria and Marcus. Michelle's behind the bar and wants to know why he really turned up out of the blue. He's annoyed she's asking. When he goes to the loo, Michelle tells Steve her mother does not go to spas and certainly wouldn't go with Aoife from the book club!

Gail tells Kylie she can't go blurting everything out. "Think of the consequences!" Kylie says Nick's already confused about everything and here they are lying to him. Gail insists Nick needs calm. But Kylie says he's already called Lily his. Gail thinks Nick needs Leanne and she's not likely to be so doting if Kylie tells the whole truth.

Grace and Faye have been to the cafe for lunch and Grace praises the lasagne. As Anna escorts them out, she sees Gary, Katy and Owen over by the yard, locking up the motorbike. Grace insists they don't need escorting back to school and Anna agrees so she can go over and give Owen a row about the bike. "I can't believe you're stealing stuff!" Phelan arrives and Anna hurries Katy off to the cafe. Owen sends Gary there as well. Owen tells Phelan the two of them need a little chat.

As David goes off to get a cup of tea, Nick grabs him in a tight grip. "I know. Remember. It was you," he says.

The end of episode one.
Margaret Carr

Written by: Jonathan Harvey
Directed by: Judith Dine

David is frantically trying to convince Nick that the reason he is lying in the hospital bed is due to an accident, that he hadn't tried to kill him. He tells him he only thinks that way because he is confused. Nick just tells him to shut up.

Phelan is also trying to convince someone. The someone is Owen, and he is telling him to unlock his yard now, give him his motorcycle back or he will call the police. Owen calls his bluff and asks him why he hasn't called them already. Phelan tells him he hasn't because he knows Owen is a reasonable man. Owen goes on to say the bike will be his just as soon as he coughs up the £4,000 he owes him. Phelan tells him he would, but he is bankrupt, and doesn't have it.

Owen lets him know he had better get used to seeing him then, because he intends to be round his house each and every day until he is paid. He goes on to tell him that he knows all about his shady past, and also knows the number of the local police station.

Gail and Kylie are talking in the living room. Gail announces they have both behaved very badly. Kylie because she was drunk and Gail because she was backed into a corner, but both have lied, whether it was to protect the ones they loved or to save their own skins. She goes on to tell Kylie that all they can do now is sit tight and let fate take over. Kylie is not happy about that, saying she feels sick. Walking out the door, Gail tells her to have a glass of water.

The nurse comes into Nick's hospital room to take his temperature. Nick appears to have nodded off. She chats to David as she works, asking him if he and his brother are close. David thinks about that, and tells her they are sometimes. She goes on to tell him she and her sister fight a lot. David asks about Nick's brain damage, whether it is going to be permanent. She tells him he needs to speak to the medical team about Nick's case in particular, but confusion is very common, especially in the early stages.

Getting the conversation back onto more personal matters, David asks the nurse about her and her sister fighting a lot. She tells him her sister once got too hands on with a boyfriend of hers. David's ears prick up at this, and he asks her what she did about it. The nurse tells him she forgave her, then says "Worst decision of my life".

As soon as the nurse leaves the room, Nick opens his eyes again. He tells David he knows it wasn't an accident. David assures him again that it was, saying the nurse had just been in and told him he would be confused at first, and that is what he is, confused, because it was definitely an accident.

Nick goes on, choosing his words carefully, saying "You - tried - to - kill - me".

Deirdre is having dinner in the Bistro with Emily, Mary and Norris. While Mary is in the Ladies, Emily voices her concerns about her to Norris, saying she must get very lonely living alone in the motor home. Norris quickly assures her she is just fine in there, as it's like a little palace. Emily is worried about her though, remembering how she seemed to enjoy having their company when she was staying with them. Deirdre agrees with Emily, saying Mary is a people person like her, and wonders if she might also be a Cancerian. Mary comes back just then, and Deirdre asks her if they share a sign. Mary tells her she is a typical Libran, full of grace and charm. "Really?" pipes up Norris. Mary ignores him, saying she also has a real leaning for balance, and frightens the life out of all of them by threatening to balance the ashtray on her nose. They are very relieved when she roars with laughter and admits she was only joking.

A few tables away sit Julie and Brian, and the latter is wondering why Julie has brought him there. Julie tells him he has been so stressed lately, she thought he would enjoy a relaxing meal there.

Phelan is appealing to Owen's better nature by telling him his wife is the one who really loves the bike, and he will break her heart by not giving it back. Owen doesn't have a better nature though, and tells him he will be only to happy to give it back once he has been paid. Phelan offers him £1,000, and Owen offers him a slap. He also offers to tell his wife about the stripper he had a dalliance with that Owen knew about. Phelan chuckles and tells him that was years ago. "Oh right", says Owen. "Then it won't bother her will it?"

As Phelan's face drops, Owen presses him again. "Four grand, and your wife gets her wheels back and my mouth stays zipped". Thinking about it, Phelan resignedly tells him "Half an hour", and walks off, leaving Owen smiling to himself.

We start up again with David frantically pleading his case with Nick. He begs him to forgive him, he didn't mean any of this, it's just that he loves Kylie so much and was afraid of losing her, and knows he doesn't want to lose Leanne either. Nick is in the middle of telling him that Leanne is none of his business when the nurse comes back in with a strawberry shake for him. She then insists on David giving it to his brother, and appears oblivious to the look of horror on David's face and the look of repulsion on Nick's.

Owen is still waiting outside the yard for Phelan to come back when Anna comes up. She is concerned about what he is up to. She is afraid he is getting himself in too deep and will end up doing something stupid. He tells her not to worry about it, and to leave it to him as he knows what he is doing. Her life with Eddy is still too fresh in her mind though, and is afraid for him.

Just then, Phelan comes round the corner and hands an envelope of money to Owen. Anna walks away, saying she wants no part of it. Owen tells him it's been a pleasure doing business with him. "Just give me my bike back" is Phelan's reply.

The foursome in the Bistro are raising their glasses and drinking a toast to friendship. Mary remarks that company is the best tonic. Deirdre muses that she has been like Shirley Valentine lately, talking to the wall. Mary makes a little speech saying she has always been a bit of a solitary soul, losing herself in the piano, computer games, needlepoint, forgetting that it's easy to replenish oneself with conversation and care. She ends her little speech by likening the human race to tulips, which has both Emily and Norris (and me) gaping at her open mouthed.

We move over to Julie and Brian's table now, where they are enjoying their prawn cocktails, and Julie is prattling on about some distant cousin called Mary Rose. Brian interrupts her, reminding her she only rabbits on like that when she is nervous, and presses her to tell him what is troubling her.

She stops herself, and admits she is very nervous, and brings up the subject of adoption. A glaze comes over Brian's eyes, but she hastens to tell him she is willing to concede on that subject, which pleases him no end, but she goes on to suggest they foster children instead. He looks at her totally horrified, but she hastens to add that she has been talking to Rita, who told her she loved every minute of it. (If she told her that, she lied - I remember many many minutes when what she was feeling towards those children was not exactly love, especially Sharon Gaskell!)

Brian points out to Julie that they would be taking on damaged kids, who would be really hard work. It would amount to front line work, as it's up to the foster parents to straighten these kids out to get them ready for adoption. Julie agrees, saying it would be very important, and she is not afraid of a bit of hard work.

Brian tells her he sometimes wonders if she is his partner or a knife thrower, because he doesn't know what she is going to chuck at him next. She is not impressed with that analogy, and assumes by that, he is saying no. He tells her he doesn't know yet what he is saying, and needs time to think about it. She tells him to take all the time he needs, but feels they have been in a bit of a rut lately. Brian sarcastically asks her if a child is supposed to solve everything, and she tells him it isn't, but them doing something positive together just might. He points out to her that a child isn't a hobby, which angers her, telling him to stop treating her as if she is stupid.

Switching tactics, she tells him he is brilliant with children, and she would really like to make a difference in a child's life. She goes on to point out that he gets to give back every day of his life, but she is stuck in a dead end job making knickers, clocking in of a morning, and clocking out at night - not exactly 'live-aid'.

Brian tells her he is not being funny, but neither of them are spring chickens any more. Julie indignantly replies that she is only 36, and is in her prime, and doesn't want to leave it until she should be put out to pasture. He tells her in that case, he will think it over. Relieved, she thanks him sincerely.

Leanne arrives at the hospital, and is concerned at how little of the milk shake Nick (who still appears to be sleeping) has drunk. She tells David she just might bring him some soup in from the Bistro, as he would probably have more of an appetite for it, and goes off to check with the nurse that it would be OK to do so.

We are in the Rovers now, and Michelle is trying very hard to get her father to miss his wife by mentioning her great cooking. Steve joins in, saying she makes an extremely moist banana loaf. Barry's reaction to it all is to suggest he puts a few tunes on the juke box. When he is out of earshot, Michelle remarks that she smells a rat, and can't think why he has shown up in Weatherfield. Deciding to find out once and for all, she goes off to phone her mother.

Owen and Gary arrive home, and Owen is all for celebrating with something fizzy. Anna on the other hand is not impressed with his hard man tactics. Faye, who is nattering to her friend on the phone is sent to her room so she won't overhear all that Anna has to say to Owen. She then rants at Owen, telling him that what he did to that fellow was robbery - extortion. Owen protests, showing her the money, saying it got results, that they had now been paid what they were owed.

Anna is still not impressed though, telling him she will not live in fear, being afraid every time there is a knock on the door, and will not be finding bin bags of cash hidden away in her kitchen every other week. He doesn't argue with her, just quietly agrees. So arms folded, she tells him if he is so flush, he can spend some of it on redecorating the house. Owen quietly agrees once again. After she retreats into the kitchen, Owen stashes the envelope of money into a drawer, and suggests going to the pub to Gary, who is only too happy to escape Anna's ranting too.

After they arrive at the Rovers, it is obvious they are both still on a high from the excitement of getting one over on Phelan, and are not sorry about the tactics they used at all. Owen tells Gary that it will also serve to let others know they are a company that should not be messed with.

In the flat, Michelle is having a telephone conversation with her mother. It is pretty obvious, listening to just the one side of it that she is definitely not, and never has been to a spa. She is trying to get the truth from her, but her angry mother hangs up on her just as Steve and Barry arrive home. She calls her father on his spa lie, and demands to know what is going on. He is very cagey about it, saying they have had a little row, and he needed a bit of space.

Deirdre is having a late night cigarette outside her front door, and Mary is standing there with her to keep her company. However, as Mary tells her all about the drawbacks of smoking, it isn't long before Deirdre isn't quite so grateful. She is told about Mary's friend who used to drag her hands along a wall trying to get rid of the nicotine stains on her fingers, and reminds her about all the other health risks too. Deirdre asks her if she ever smoked herself, and Mary said she has partaken once or twice when on her travels, but not of the nicotine variety. Deirdre's eyes widen at that one! As the latter finishes her cigarette and makes to go into the house, Mary invites her into her motor home for a night cap, but Deirdre declines. After the door closes, Mary looks a rather sad sight, standing there all alone on the pavement. I think Emily just might be right, Mary is feeling very lonely these days.

Back in the hospital, Leanne is telling Nick that she spoke to the nurse, and will be bringing him some soup in tomorrow. He looks pretty disinterested, and she asks him what is wrong. He tells her he is frustrated. Thinking he is meaning he is frustrated because he is so incapacitated, she tells him it's perfectly normal to feel that way, but it will get better every day.

She takes off as she has an appointment with the medical team, and as soon as she is out of earshot, David asks Nick what he is going to do. Nick thinks hard, looks at him and says "I don't know".

Christine Warren

Monday 7 October

According to ITV series 54, episode 198. This episode was written by Joe Turner and directed by Brett Fallis . Copyright remains the property of ITV Productions.

We open with David staring at a picture of his baby when Gail and then Kylie come downstairs. Neither David or Kylie want to join Gail going to see Nick. He looks as though he has been up half the night.

Michelle cooks herself and Steve a good breakfast and dumps a piece of toast in front of her father, Barry. Michelle condemns all the men in her life and Steve tries to reassure her. Michelle reckons there is a fat chance of that.

At the factory Sal thinks she sees Tim at his flat window, he is of course supposed to be miles away.

David emerges from Dev's with the milk when his path crosses Leanne who wants to know if he is going to see Nick. She wants to know what David and Nick talk about - he seems angry and she just wants the old Nick back. David is not going in later.

Roy is planning a surprise trip for Hayley and to be spontaneous and Fiz promises to help. They will go to Blackpool because Hayley wants to dance in the Tower Ballroom. Hayley appears in the cafe so the subject is rapidly changed to driving lessons.

David and Tina meet in the Street - and David tells her that Nick remembers everything. Kylie comes across them and she is starting to believe that David and Tina are back together because no-one could fancy her in her current state.

Nick wants to see a doctor and he is arguing with the nurse who is making notes. The nurse tries to calm him. Leanne asks the nurse for the cause of his anger. She reassures Leanne that Nick is making good progress. She tells Nick that David sends his love.

Tim has got Jason to bring in supplies. Tim feels that Sal is being too pushy.

Hayley and Fiz wants to join a support group and Hayley is not sure that Roy will want to participate. Fiz feels that Roy will want to do it because Hayley does. Hayley reckons Roy is distracted and she is going to challenge him over it when they are out on the driving lesson.

In the factory Carla is looking first for Peter, outside smoking, and then for some invoices of which there is no sign. They need an extra pair of hands and Peter reckons they need a new PA. Sally reckons the job is hers - but the look on Eva's face tells another story. And Eva needs more money.

Back at the hospital Leanne, Gail and Audrey reckon that Nick is looking far better and they seek to encourage him to start walking and thinking normally. Nick asks after David and he gets angry demanding to see David. He is rude to the family and wants to be left alone. And he wants to see David and he wants to see him now. Gail and Audrey both get upset at the force of his anger.

After the break we join Roy's driving practice and he is seeking to reverse round the corner - but he is in forward gear nearly running down Steve. Hayley does not get a chance to raise why Roy is distracted. They get out and apologise to Steve. Having done so they get back in the car - but Roy tries to get in on the passenger side.

Gail and Audrey find David and send him to see Nick!

In the Rovers Eileen is celebrating her birthday with a non-alcoholic drink with Lloyd. Steve comes in and Tina says that Stella is waiting for him in the back - so he goes straight through.

Tim emerges from flat with flowers for Sal as she leaves the factory at lunch time. He denies being in the flat earlier claiming that Dev opened the windows. They head to the Rovers.

In the factory Eva goes into the office and magically finds a file which Peter cannot find in seconds and she can operate a computer - the job is hers. Sal returns to the factory and finds that Eva is grabbing the office job and she emerges - with the PA job. Fiz and Eva head off to lunch to celebrate.

David has made it to the hospital and he wants to know what Nick is going to do. David wants to know if he or Nick is the baby's father. Nick cannot know either. Nick wants the truth and tells David to get a DNA test on the baby. If David is the father, Nick will say nothing. If Nick is the father he does not know what he will do. And if David does not get the test done then he can expect the police to come knocking.

Steve is trying to get some help if they take Barry out for a drink - Steve ends up giving Lloyd and Eileen some money to do it!

Roy's driving lesson comes to a conclusion and Hayley is impressed by his reversing techniques. Hayley wants to know why Roy is avoiding her and why he was whispering with Fiz earlier. Roy closes his mouth and says nothing.

In the Rovers David is looking stunned and Tina joins him to find out the situation. David updates Tina on the need for a DNA test and the rest of the conversation with Nick. David tells Tina he has no choice - he has to do the DNA test.

And I will be back next week. And I am pleased to confirm that Tvor who normally does the first Monday update will be back for the one after that.

See you all soon.
K Richard W

Written by Peter Whalley and directed by Brett Fallis

David and Tina are in the Rovers having a whispered conversation about the ins and outs of the DNA test. David explains he sends it off by post and gets the results back in a couple of days. Tina asks how Nick can be sure David does the tests properly but David says he thinks Nick believes he'll be too scared not to and the way Nick's behaving at the moment it looks as though he's right.

Roy and Hayley are sitting in The Woody and she's pumping him for information. She knows he's keeping a secret from her but her refuses to talk. She tells him he's even worse at being devious than he is at keeping secrets and she's determined to find out what he's not sharing with her. Roy's saved from any further interrogation by the arrival of Michelle who wants to buy a couple of cream cakes from the cafe.

Kylie's at home with Gail. She's moping over the fact that she smells of baby sick and thinks Tina had the right idea, having a baby and then handing it over to someone else to look after. But the real issue is that she's convinced that David finds Tina more attractive than her at the moment. Kylie's not exactly helping herself by acting like a grumpy teenager and when David comes in she moodily tells him that Eva's asked her to go out for a drink and says he'll have to look after the baby.

Carla goes into the cafe and meets Michelle coming the other way. She asks if she'd like her old job back at double pay and says it's a shambles over at the factory. "Good!" replies Michelle. She's no intention of taking Carla up on her offer but at least friendly relations seem to have been restored. Hayley then comes in from parking the car and Carla asks if she'd like a bit of company so Hayley takes her upstairs to the flat. Roy has been given another reprieve from Hayley's interrogation but as she goes past Hayley tells him she hasn't forgotten.

Leanne and Simon are visiting Nick but his personality change causes him to speak his mind and when Simon tries to tell him about all the things he did in school Nick tells him he's show-off. Simon is understandably upset and Leanne tries to poor oil on troubled waters. In an attempt to be positive she says that at least Nick's memory is getting better. "It's getting better. A lot better," agrees Nick, meaningfully.

Carla and Hayley are upstairs in the flat having a chin-wag over a cup of coffee. Carla tells Hayley about the problems with Michelle and Peter at the factory then asks Hayley how she's doing. Hayley tells her she's fair to middling but how she feels angry at times over the fact that she's going to lose the happy life that she has.

David is looking up paternity tests on-line when Kylie comes downstairs so he quickly closes the computer. She's still feeling grumpy and unattractive but David won't be drawn into an argument. She suggests he takes Lily for a walk and he agrees, on condition she takes herself upstairs for a rest.

Gail arrives at the hospital to take over from Leanne and Simon. Nick wakes up and Gail says that she understands from Leanne that his memory seems to be getting better. She asks Nick if that means he can remember everything. He confirms that yes, he can recall every single rotten bit from before the accident, including what happened with Kylie. "So how is he, the proud father?" asks Nick, bitterly. Gail tells him that David loves the baby and she thinks he's happier than he's ever been. "And why not?" asks Nick. "Now he has everything."

Barry goes into the Rovers for a pint but Michelle's more interested in finding out if her Dad has spoken to her mother yet. It seems he hasn't and she's not best pleased. Next to come in is David, with a crying Lily in tow. He's come to tell Tina that he's done the deed and paid his money for the paternity test. She hopes he knows what he's doing.

Carla arrives back at the factory where she's waylaid by Sally who wants a quick word. Sally thinks it's very unfair that Eva's been promoted to PA when she didn't even get the chance to apply for the job. Carla, of course, knows nothing about this and goes through to the office to find Eva with her feet under the desk and Peter looking as pleased as punch. Carla just about manages to keep her temper as Peter explains his decision to promote Eva.

Steve goes into the Rovers for a quiet word with Stella. Barry is still enjoying his pint so Steve persuades Eileen to keep him company while he ducks under the bar to have a whispered conversation with Stella. He tells her that the money's now in place with the bank so he should be in a position to take over the pub on Friday. However, he reminds Stella that he wants to keep it a secret from Michelle who is looking very suspicious as she pulls pints behind the bar.

Kylie comes downstairs ready to go out with Eva. David tells her how great she looks but she's still not prepared to believe him and hints that he must be thinking about someone else.

Stella goes round to the Bistro to tell Leanne that Steve is buying the Rovers and is moving in on Friday. Leanne can't believe he's going ahead without telling Michelle but there's good news as far as she's concerned - her mum can now go and help her to run the Bistro.

Kylie walks into the Bistro and Tina tells her she looks nice. But she gets short shrift from Kylie who glowers at Tina and asks her to just let Eva know she's arrived. At the other end of the bar Michelle wants to know what Steve was talking to Stella about earlier. She knows he's up to something but what? Meanwhile, Eileen is stuck having a drink with Barry who asks her if there's a Mr. Eileen around. She tells him the Mr. Eileen was keener on rescuing kittens from trees than being with her and that one day he went up a ladder and never came back.

Sally is with Tim in the next-door booth and complaining about Eva getting the PA job at the factory. She describes her as a tart and points Eva out. Eva's dressed up to the nines with her extremely ample cleavage on show. "Can you imagine employing someone like that?" asks Sally. "Only if I try very hard," replies Tim with his eyes out on stalks. In the middle of their conversation Stella comes across to ask Sally if number 13 is still available to rent as she's going to need somewhere to live from Friday and Sally confirms that it is.

Roy and Hayley are at home and she tries once more to get Roy to tell her his secret but he insists that if there is something he's keeping from her, it's certainly not something that will make her unhappy. Hayley seems appeased by this and then tells Roy there's something she wants to ask him about and she nervously hands him a leaflet.

David's sitting at home when Gail arrives home from the hospital. She tells him that Nick's memory's coming back. David says imagine having no memory and starting fresh every day. He thinks that there's a lot to be said for that and Gail agrees with him.

Eileen is still stuck with Barry who's suggesting they should spend more time together. Michelle comments that they're getting very cosy and, with that, Eileen finally manages to make her escape.

Kylie and Eva are having their drink together in the Rovers when Sally comes across for a word. She lays into Eva for stealing the job that should have been hers. Eva concludes that she's nuts.

Hayley is talking to Roy about the leaflet she showed him. It's for the support group and she would really like him to go with her to a meeting tomorrow. Somewhat to her surprise, he agrees although he does add that it doesn't mean he'll necessarily talk to anyone. But Hayley's just happy that he'll be there.

Back in the Rovers Sally's asking Tim about his work. She wants to know whether he'll always have to keep going away. He says he has to go where the work is and says they should just live for the present.

Meanwhile Kylie is exhausted and after just one drink tells Eva that she's sorry, she'll have to go home. As she's leaving she catches sight of Tina behind the bar and passes a comment about not trusting her. Eva looks surprised but then Kylie asks Michelle if David was in the pub earlier. Michelle confirms that he was although adds that he had Lily with him and didn't come in for a drink. Kylie asks what he was coming in for in that case. "Um ... something he had to talk to Tina about, I think," replies Michelle. Tina looks at Eva as if to say ‘I told you so'.


Wednesday 9 October

We open with David sitting in the empty salon. The post comes through the letterbox. He jumps up, picks it up and then makes a phone call, telling the person on the other end: "It's arrived."

In the cafe, Roy tells Tyrone that his driving theory test is on Friday and he expects to get 50 out of 50. Then he and Hayley go off to a Cancer Support meeting.

Tina comes into the salon to see David, who tells her what is in the DNA test kit. He's obviously worried in case the results come back and Lily isn't his. Tina tells him he doesn't have to do it, he could just put it all in the bin, but he says that Nick isn't asking him, he's telling him, he doesn't have a choice.

Outside the cafe, Roy is worried for Hayley at the Cancer Support meeting. He thinks she might find it upsetting. She tells him she wants to go and see other patients at varying stages of their illness, but says that he doesn't have to go with her. She assures him that it will help.

David goes home and tells Kylie that he wasn't busy so has come home to help. She says she'd like to go off for a look around the shops, and he tells her to take her time.

As she walks off up the road, Kylie meets Eva, all dressed up and on her way to work. It's her first day in the office and she's late. Kylie says she can't stop thinking about David and Tina, but Eva assures her she's being paranoid.

Peter is moaning to Carla about workers who are late and how the next one is for the high-jump. A moment later Eva rushes in, a little late, and Peter tells her it's fine and not to worry!

Michelle asks her dad what he's going to do, because he can't stay with them for ever. He says he'll book himself into a B&B. She tells him to go home. Just then Steve's phone rings and he goes to take it outside. When he comes back into the room, Michelle moans that she wishes things could just go back to the way they were. "Maybe they will, baby, maybe they will," says Steve, chuckling cryptically.

Hayley and Roy arrive at the meeting place to find tranquil music playing and some people doing yoga. They meet another couple, and the wife, Jane, cracks jokes about her illness in a very light-hearted manner.

Alone at home with baby Lily, David struggles to take cheek swabs from her.

Hayley and Roy are sitting down with the couple they have just met. They learn that Jane also has pancreatic cancer, she tells them that she's a naturally bubbly person and she just takes it one day at a time. Hayley seems impressed.

Back in Coronation Street, Tina walks over and knocks on David's front door. He opens it and she goes inside just as Eva comes out of the Kabin and sees her. Eva pulls out her phone and rings Kylie to tell her.

Inside the house, Tina holds the baby while David manages to pop the swab in her mouth and get the required sample.

The meeting has come to and end and Hayley and Roy and their new friends are leaving. Hayley remarks that she's not all that keen on yoga, but Jane tells her that the breathing exercises have really helped her. She and Hayley then swap phone numbers.

David has the envelope all ready to post back when Kylie bursts in. He quickly stuffs the pack behind a cushion as she starts accusing them of carrying on. David protests that Tina is just a mate who has called round, but Kylie is furious and won't listen. She tells Tina to 'do one'. Tina leaves, and David then tells Kylie she's bonkers.

Steve is telling Stella that Michelle doesn't know about his plan to buy the pub and he wants it to stay that way. He's sure she's going to be over the moon.

Hayley and Roy have arrived home and he confesses that he found Jane unbearable. He wanted to cover Hayley's ears, he couldn't get her out of there fast enough. He found her crude, insensitive and highly inappropriate. Hayley is astounded, she found her inspiring, brave and honest. She's made Hayley see that she doesn't have to change who she is, she doesn't have to pussyfoot about avoiding any taboo subjects. This is her life, what's left of it, and she wants to do things her way. Roy looks very perplexed.

Gloria comes into the pub and wants to know why Steve is on the wrong side of the bar. He tells her he has come for Michelle's wages. Gloria remarks that Michelle is a good little barmaid which surprised her as she can be a bit snooty sometimes. Steve says that Michelle is a brilliant barmaid and if a buyer is found for the pub they should do all they can to keep her. He then goes off, and Stella tells her mother that she has sold the pub for the asking price to a mystery buyer, and they move out on Friday.

Roy and Hayley are still discussing Hayley's new friend. Hayley says even though Roy is the love of her life, she still feels awkward talking about her illness. Roy tells her that she can say exactly what she wants and he will listen.

Steve, Michelle and Barry are in the pub. Stella asks Michelle if she can do an extra shift so that she can start packing. Stella goes off to phone Eva and tell her the pub has a buyer, leaving Michelle, Barry and Steve speculating on who has bought it.

Eva is in the office with Peter and Carla when the phone rings. It's Stella telling her about the mystery buyer. Carla then sends her off to get coffee, and when she's out of the office she tells Peter that she's not as good as Michelle. Peter points out that it is her first day, and to give her a chance. Carla says that if she proves that she's not up to it, she's back on the sewing floor.

Hayley tells Roy that Jane told her she wants to go into a hospice when the time comes, and that made Hayley realise that she has decisions to make. She doesn't want to go into a hospice, she wants to be a home, but she doesn't want to be a burden. Roy tells her she would never be a burden.

David goes across to the pillar box and posts the DNA sample.

Anne Logan

Sunday 13 October

Hello. The people who like ball games won again this week and there weren't any Friday episodes. Instead, here's the first half of the hour-long Sunday episode we got instead.

David's in the kitchen when Kylie comes downstairs. She can't work out why he's dressed in his best jeans if he's going to be helping Tina and Tommy paint their flat. He says that's not till later. She doesn't believe him. She says it doesn't add up. What do David and Tina plan to get up to when Tommy's not looking? And does Tommy know about these secret chats David and Tina have been having?

Hayley tests Roy on the road code.

In the flat, Steve and Barry discuss the Euro. Michelle says she's nipping to Audrey's. "I need to get some product." I thought only hairdressers said that. Real people say "I need some shampoo or mousse..." or fudge, or whatever the latest food-related term is for stuff to stick in your hair. Once she's gone, Steve confesses to Barry that he's buying the pub. He wants to tell Michelle this afternoon. Barry's not sure that's what Michelle wants. Does she want to run a business? Especially in the most perilous kind of business there is. Plus he thought Michelle liked to be kept in the loop. Steve insists she likes surprises, too. "Well, congratulations and good luck!" Barry says.

Tina's arguing with Tommy, who doesn't think the flat needs painting. She says she'll be working so she's asked David to help. "So you asked him before you told me?" Tina says they were just talking in the pub. Tommy doesn't think such a small flat needs someone to help paint and wants to know what's going on between Tina and David. She says they're having an affair. Tommy worries that she's trying to double bluff him. So Tina says they're not having an affair. Triple bluffing? "All right, we are."

David's on edge at the salon, jumping every time someone puts a leaflet through the door. Audrey teases him about it. David says he's expecting something private.

Stella's handing over all the keys and paperwork for the pub to Steve. Steve isn't quite sure how he's going to tell Michelle. He might just jump up from behind the bar when her shift starts later. Stella's not so sure that's the right way. "Mind you, she isn't the sort of person to fly off the handle, is she?" Steve suddenly looks panicked. Eva comes down and she and Stella leave the building and leave Steve looking smug.

Leanne's at the hospital. The doctor says Nick might be discharged next week. But it'll be at least six weeks before he can think of going back to work. "And what about the frustration and temper?" Leanne asks. She tells herself the answer: "Get used to it." The doctor nods. "For now." When she's gone, Leanne tells Nick about a school dinner lady who is retiring. Nick remembers she's called Mrs O'Keefe and cheers up because he's remembered correctly.

Barry's in the cafe where Hayley's just told Roy they're going boating on the boating lake where they first kissed. Stella arrives and Hayley tells everyone Roy passed his driving theory test. To Hayley's joy, Jane and her husband arrive. Jane asks how Roy was after going to the support group. She says her husband hated the idea of it. Roy tries to change the subject. Hayley suggests they chat upstairs. Barry still hasn't been served.

Tina and Tommy walk home with the cans of paint. They meet Kylie and Tina goo-goos at baby Lily. Tina asks Kylie's opinion on the colours they've chosen but Kylie just says: "David's got a full-time job, and a son, and a baby. Why do you need his help?" Tina says she's got to go to work and Kylie points out David's working too. Tina says he offered, which comes as a shock to Kylie. She asks Tommy what he makes of it. He thinks it's weird and he doesn't trust David. Tina awkwardly says they have to crack on and they part awkwardly.

Hayley hands the cuppas to Jane and Mr Jane (Geoff). They ask who Sylvia is after spotting a photo and comment that she looks like hard work. They talk about family and Jane says the thing that troubles her most is what her boys are going through and that she won't see them grow up. Roy arrives offering food. Jane asks if they have children. Hayley says she has a son from a previous . . . She doesn't complete the sentence. Jane doesn't think Hayley seems the type and asks how many husbands she's been through. She asks Roy whether he and Christian get on and Roy just says "No." There's an awkward moment before Geoff asks Roy about his interest in trains.

Leanne's off home and says she'll be back at the hospital later with the pyjamas she forgot to bring. David's obviously been waiting out of sight and is in Nick's room as soon as she's gone. "Well, did you do it?" Nick asks. David says he did and tells Nick the results should arrive today. He's at the hospital because he wants to know whether Nick's going to tell Leanne the truth if Lily's his. If she's not he's going to keep quiet. David urges him to tell Leanne anyway. Nick only plans to come clean if Lily's his. David threatens him with suffocating him while he sleeps in his hospital bed.

Steve's on the sofa in the pub's back room. He still looks smug.

Tyrone and Fiz have booked a hotel by the sea in Blackpool. Roy plans to take Hayley dancing at the Tower Ballroom. She's always wanted to go. Tyrone says you'd never catch him dancing in a place like that with everyone watching. Roy tells them he passed his theory test. Tyrone and Fiz are thrilled. Roy admits he got 100 per cent.

Eva and Kylie sit and chat. Eva thinks Kylie looks knackered and is probably missing some vitamins. Kylie can't work out why Tommy would back up Tina's story about David doing some painting and Eva says that doesn't make sense if David and Tina are "at it." Eva thinks it's as simple as David helping them paint the flat. Kylie wishes Tina wasn't so fit. "I'm tell you, once you've had kids that's it - you're out of the race. Blokes don't even look at you."

David's in the salon when a recorded-delivery letter arrives. David won't let Audrey sign for it. He ignores his client to ponder the envelope. He doesn't open it and shoves it in his back pocket.

Tyrone goes into the pub and finds Steve behind the bar. Tyrone assumes he's got a second job. He asks for crisps and remembers Stella only has the fancy flavours. "Not any more," Steve says. From now on they've only got proper flavours. Tyrone asks for smoky bacon flavour. Steve says that's a fancy flavour. From now on, no more smoky bacon! Tyrone asks how come. Crouched down behind the bar to get the crisps, Steve says Tyrone's now looking at the new owner of the Rovers Return. "I beg your pardon!" says Michelle, who has come in behind Tyrone. "What the hell is going on?" Steve tells her that from this day forward the pub is theirs. "You stupid, inconsiderate, pig-headed fool!" Michelle spits. Tyrone scurries out of the firing line without paying.

Tina and Tommy are painting when the door buzzer sounds. Tommy can't believe David has left it this late to turn up. "Is there even any point?" he asks. David comes up and Tommy points out he's not even dressed to paint. David swears he'll help. He just got held up at work. Tommy's going to get a sandwich. As soon as he's gone, David pulls out the envelope. He opens it and reads the letter.

That's all for now.
The second half will be along before too long.
Margaret Carr

Written by: Simon Crowther
Directed by: Brett Fallis

Not nice of them to make us wait through the commercials to find out the results of the DNA test was it? But here we are, back again in Tina & Tommy's flat, and David is reading the letter. It's good news! The letter says it is 99.9% certain Lily is David's. Tina is jumping up and down with joy, and hugging him, she tells him it's now all over. All he has to do is go and show the results to Nick, and everything will go back to normal.

Michelle is still not overjoyed to hear Steve's bombshell. She thought they were skint, and he mutters "Well, there's skint, and skint". She can't believe he has done all this without telling her, and is even less thrilled to hear that her Dad knew before she did. They seem to have their wires totally crossed, Steve thinks he is giving her a wonderful career, and she thinks he is giving her a flippin' jail sentence. Methinks this conversation may take a while to meet in the middle...

Julie and Brian are having tea in Roy's Rolls and talking over their upcoming meeting to discuss the possibility of fostering children. Here are another couple who are not exactly on the same side in their ideas. Brian wants to know if they do it, how long they have to keep them for. Julie smiles weakly and tells him that's a question for him to ask at the meeting, and they should make a list of things they want to know.

Barry, who is sitting ear wigging at the next table, butts in and asks if they are thinking of fostering. Julie asks him if it is a subject he knows anything about, and he replies he doesn't, he was just trying to make polite conversation. Julie tries putting him in his place by telling him they were having a private conversation, but Barry is about as subtle as a brick, and prattles on as if she hasn't said anything. He opines that Brian wouldn't want to foster at his age, he wouldn't want to be bothered with wayward kids running around when he is trying to read his newspaper after a hard day at work. Julie is furious, and tells him it is none of his business, and that they are not all wayward.

Barry apologises for butting in, and Julie tells him not as sorry as she is. She grabs Brian, who has been very quiet through all this, and tells him they have to get going.

Hayley comes downstairs into the cafe carrying what looks like a picnic hamper and a flask of tea. They are off boating! You can read all about this by checking out Hayley's diary at ITV.com or Here. (The ITV site includes videos, but are not available outside the UK)

Hayley asks Roy if he would like a driving lesson on the way, but he declines. She tells him she hopes he doesn't mind, but has asked Tyrone to give him a few lessons a bit further down the road in his learning process, as she thinks he will make a nice patient instructor. Roy agrees, but doesn't look happy about it.

Eileen has come into the pub now, and is most surprised to see Steve on the other side of the bar. He tries getting her on his side in persuading Michelle it is a good idea. He reminds Michelle that they had some good times when they were there before. Michelle can't believe he just said that! She reminds him of the good times like when he and Eileen went to Malta and he kissed the transvestite. Steve protests that he didn't know he was a transvestite - wrong thing to say Steve! LOL!! Back pedalling like mad, he reminds her they got engaged in that pub. She reminds him that it was great - until he left her for that junkie. Steve protests that Becky wasn't a junkie, so Michelle corrects herself, and calls her a 'former junkie'. He tries to defend Becky, by saying she had a good heart, which irritates Michelle even more that he would defend the woman he dumped her for. He's not going to win this one, as Eileen points out to him.

Eva arrives, wanting to go upstairs as she left her hair straightener under the bed. Sensing the atmosphere, she mutters "Took it well, did she?" to Steve as she walks past him.

Michelle now wants to know what this little venture has cost them, but Steve tells her she doesn't have to worry about the money, he tells her he went to the bank and got a loan. This doesn't appease her one iota, she now knows they are up to their ears in debt too. He tries one last ditch attempt to win her round by telling her that some women would kill for this opportunity. "Oh you're dead right there Steve - I could kill!!", she screams as she turns tail grabs her handbag and makes to leave. He calls after her that she can't leave, she is in the middle of a shift. "So sack me!", says Michelle, and flounces out the door.

David bursts into Nick's hospital room grinning from ear to ear. "She's mine!" He announces to Nick. Nick demands to see the results for himself. After reading, he quietly tells David "Congratulations". David is bubbling, telling him it's over, she's his. There is no doubt about it, he can stop worrying about it, and every time he sees that child, he will know she is his, and that he and Kylie were nothing more than a sordid little blip.

Nick is obviously not as pleased about it as David is, so the latter wants to know what his problem is. Nick tells him he doesn't have to be so giddy excited about it. David is confused, he asks him if he is disappointed with the results, which Nick denies. David points out that this whole thing is now over, they are now even, and will never talk about it again.

Nick is upset now, and tells David they can't tell him what his future will be, yesterday he couldn't remember Bethany's name, he is ill - ill, and if David could refrain from dancing on the ceiling with his own joy, he would be really grateful.

Now it is David's turn to be angry. He points out that all this was started by Nick, that he started it all by sleeping with his wife. That he, David, has been going through sleepless nights and agony for the last few months, and then he put him through hell by insisting he get a DNA test, which could have resulted in him finding out the one person he loved the most in the whole world wasn't his. He finishes his rant by asking Nick if he really blames him for smiling.

Nick defends himself by accusing David of trying to kill him. David vehemently denies this, telling him once again that all he did was try to stop the van so he wouldn't tell everybody the truth. Nick is not believing it though, reminding him that he had undone his seat belt, that he had terrorized him, his family and his business, he asks David why he didn't just confront him. David replies that he knows why, it was for the sake of his marriage, for the sake of Lily.

Nick rants at him, telling him he is sick, there is something in his head that isn't right, and he should have known it was him all along. David angrily tells him that he will get better, but he (David) will always know that he had his wife, and he will never be able to forget that, as that was the act that was sick.

"You should be locked up", Nick tells David, he goes on to tell him that what he did in retaliation was reprehensible, he has lost his health and maybe his business.

Why nobody hears them at the hospital and comes running I don't know, because they are now screaming at each other. Nick tells David that he and Kylie had been drunk when it happened, and besides, Kylie was up for it. David has completely lost the plot now, and screams at his brother that he hopes he never gets well, he hopes he is never able to tie his own shoelaces or eat a bowl of cornflakes without help. He grabs Nick by the pyjama lapels, pushes his face close to his and shouts that whenever he Nick thinks back to that Christmas night, he will remember that Lily is his, and he has brain damage, and for once he, David, came out on top. With that he rushes out of the room, leaving a trembling Nick behind, and a dropped DNA result on the floor.

Eileen, Barry, Tina and Steve are doing an autopsy on Steve's surprise. Nobody thinks it was a particularly smart idea, and Tina is of the opinion that Stella should have told her in advance, giving her time to consider her options. Steve can't see why she would need options, as the pay and the hours will be the same. Steve just can't figure out why Michelle has reacted the way she has. She was complaining about being demoted at Underworld, at no longer being the boss, and he has made her the boss of her own pub. He just doesn't get it.

Julie and Brian come in, and Barry wants to know how they made out at their meeting, telling the rest of them where they went and why. Julie is furious that he would tell everyone their business.

Nick is sleeping now, the nurse comes into the room, sees the envelope on the floor, picks it up and puts it on his bedside table.

Roy and Hayley are home now, and they have had a lovely time. Hayley reflects that people don't make the most of the time they have on this earth. So many lovely places to see, and things to do, yet they spend their time standing over a griddle or behind a sewing machine letting it all pass them by.

Roy points out they have seen quite a bit, like America, Romania, and she went to Mozambique. She agrees they have been lucky, but most people don't see much their whole lives.

Leanne arrives at the hospital, and apologises for waking Nick. She tells him she isn't stopping, but has just brought his pyjamas that she forgot earlier. Putting them onto the bedside table, she notices the envelope and wants to know what it is. Nick tells her it's David's, and must have left it behind. She asks if he knows what is in it, so he tells her it's just a hotel confirmation, as David has booked a room away for himself and Kylie as a treat.

We next see David just turning into his front path, stopping dead, feeling his pockets, and realising he has dropped the DNA envelope, he heads back the way he came at a fast trot.

Back at the hospital, Leanne is leaving with the envelope still in her hand. Nick tells her to leave it there, as he is sure David will be back tomorrow. However, Leanne tells him she will be happy to get it to him tonight, and will make sure Kylie doesn't see it. He can't persuade her out of it, so asks her not to snoop in it, as David will be able to tell, and she knows what he is like. She laughs, saying she has no intention of snooping, she has a book to read on the bus. Poor Nick, as if he doesn't have enough to worry about, now he is going to fret about whether his wife reads the DNA results. because if she does, she is going to have some rather awkward questions.

Steve tracks Michelle down at the Bistro. She is drowning her sorrows in a glass of wine. She feels she has gone back six years of her life. She is still lamenting losing the job she loved at the factory. Steve is upset because he feels he can never do anything right, and thought this would make her over the moon. She tells him she is not a kid, or a dog, who is going to be thrilled at every little plan he makes. She admits she did enjoy running the pub with him in the beginning last time around, but needs time to get her head around it, and wants to be alone to think about whether she wants to commit to the Rovers in the long term.

Peeved, Steve gets up, and tells her maybe she will let him know when she has decided, and leaves her alone.

A frantic David arrives back in Nick's room wanting his envelope, and is shocked to hear that it is now in Leanne's possession. Nick fills him in on what he told Leanne, so David is not thrilled to hear he now has to book a hotel room, just in case he gets lucky and Leanne doesn't read the letter. He blames Nick for the whole thing, and Nick blames David, saying he should have taken it home with him, or torn it up. David doesn't have time to argue any more though, he has to find Leanne.

Talk of the Devil, she is now at Gail's, looking for David. They get talking about Miss O'Keefe at Bessie Street school who is retiring after 32 years of serving up school dinners. Leanne also tells her the good news that if Nick progresses as well as he has been, there is a good chance he will be home next week. She finally tells Gail she is returning David's letter that he left at the hospital, instructing her to do it quietly as it was a surprise hotel reservation for himself and Kylie. Gail is surprised he has done that without mentioning it to her, but shrugs it off.

After Leanne leaves, Gail of course starts to look inside the envelope, but Kylie comes down the stairs asking who had been there. Gail quickly hides the envelope inside a DVD case on the coffee table, and tells her about it being Leanne and gives her the good news about Nick coming home next week. Kylie is mostly concerned about the fact that David has still not returned home though.

Barry has tracked Steve down, he is sitting over in Streetcars where it is quiet, leaving Tina to cope with the bar alone. Barry tells him he wishes he had a little haven to retreat to, and Steve points out he has a whole country he could retreat to. Choosing to ignore that remark, Barry goes on to say that he thinks relationships between the sexes are all wrong, that men should be with other men. He tells him that they don't fight among themselves in the army, or the football teams. Steve corrects him there, saying that sometimes they fall out so badly at County, it makes the Battle of Hastings look like a tiff. He goes on to point out that there are also women in the army, whole football teams of them, plus they are in snooker clubs. "Arghhh, for sure they're everywhere", sighs Barry.

He finally gets down to the nitty gritty of why he is there, and tells Steve to hang in there and bide (or should I say boide, as that's the way Barry says it) his time, because Michelle is sure to come round, as she used to love running the pub before. He goes on to advise Steve to go home and have his dinner on his own. When she comes home and sees him sitting there eating all alone, she will come round. "You reckon?" says Steve. "Absolutely", says Barry, "Oive been studying these creatures me whole loife I have".

Roy and Hayley are sitting down together on the sofa now, with Hayley cuddling a hot water bottle. She tells Roy about Jane asking after his mother earlier., that she had been asking what it had been like living with her. She tells him that Jane had said she looked nice in her photograph. Roy replies that there are many ways to describe his mother's appearance, but 'nice' isn't one of them.

Hayley smiles sadly, and remarks that she will never see her again. Roy puts his arm around her, and tells her it is up to his mother. Hayley resignedly tells him she knows she will never see her again, but that she hopes she comes back after she is gone so he won't be on his own. She looks very sad now, and tells him they do have good friends, and they will look after him - won't they? He hugs her to him, and tells her she is still here. But Hayley is thinking how it will be later. She tells him she knows Fiz and Tyrone will be there for him, but at the end of the day, he will be in the flat on his own. Her eyes fill with tears, and she says, "It's all so unfair". She then asks him to tell her everything will be OK. Holding her tight, he says "Everything will be OK".

David is back on the street now, outside Leanne's flat, and is on his mobile booking a hotel room. After he hangs up, he rings the bell. Eva notices this and lets him know she is at the cinema with Simon. She asks if there is a message she can give her, but he doesn't have one. She asks if there is something going on between him and Leanne - or him and Tina more to the point. He tells here there isn't, and asks why she asks. She tells him she believes him, but is not sure Kylie does.

Steve is sitting in the Rovers back room alone. In comes Michelle, and suggests they both grow up, and start communicating properly. He tries to defend himself by saying the money hadn't come through until this morning, and it might have fallen through. She is not buying that though, saying she would hardly have fallen to pieces, they should have talked about it from the start, as she might have had something useful to say.

He tells her he meant it as a commitment to the two of them, he had thought she would appreciate the gesture, but admits he got a bit carried away. But he couldn't wait to see her face, because she has a lovely little face, and he likes it when she smiles. (Ooh he's good is Steve) She glances over at a photo of the two of them on the mantelpiece where they are both smiling and obviously very happy, and you can visibly see the ice thawing. She asks if there is anything else he is keeping from her, and he assures her there isn't. She smiles at him, and tells him they will give it a go then. They smile at each other, but as she turns her back, he is looking definitely very shifty about something. I wonder what it could be?

David is back home now. Kylie is still very angry with him about the time he has been spending away from her and Lily. She asks him if he is aware that Miss O'Keefe retired today, and he makes it very plain that he wasn't, and couldn't care less now he does know. He heads for the door, saying he has to pop out for a minute, but she puts her foot down, telling him there will be consequences if he steps outside that door. She goes on to tell him that he and Tina end right here right now. He groans, telling her to get off that subject yet again. She asks where he was going then, and he tells her he was going to see Leanne, as he has to ask her something about Nick. Kylie fills him in on the news that Nick might be home next week, which shocks him a little, and wants to know who told her. She replies that Gail, who has gone to bed, gave her the news.

She then points out to him that he has been with Tina all day, he agrees, saying he was helping them decorate. "Not in those jeans you haven't", says Kylie. Anyway, she insists he now stays in and watches a DVD with her, and warns him that if she finds out he has been lying about seeing Tina, he's dead. He agrees, walks over to the coffee table, picks up some DVD's and asks her what she wants to watch. Picking up one, that looks suspiciously like the one Gail hid the letter in, he is about to open it when Kylie tells him she has changed her mind about wanting to watch a whole movie, and suggests they just see what's on the tele instead. Phew!

They just get settled when Lily's dulcet tones come over the baby monitor. David grins from ear to ear. Kylie looks at him and says "What?" Still grinning, David says "That's my girl". The camera then pans down to the DVD case sitting like an elephant in the room.

Oh dear, the suspense of this letter will be the death of me!


Monday 14 October

Now it is time for series 54 episode 203. It hardly seems like a week since I was last doing this. Anyway Tvor will be back next week and she reports she is fully ready for the Street.

This episode was written by John Kerr and directed by John Anderson. Copyright remains the property of ITV Productions to whom many thanks.

We open at the Platt household where Gail is off for the day whilst David is dragging around looking unhappy. He tells Kylie there is nothing going on with Tina. David leaves the house and catches Leanne who tells him that she cannot stop and that she gave the letter with the hotel booking (which is really the letter with the paternity information) to Gail. But she has not told David what she has done with and she has already vanished shopping (although what she is using for money is anyone's guess).

Steve and Michelle are laughing and joking until Barry puts in an appearance. Barry asks Steve if he can stop groping his daughter in front of him. And is she ready for her first day as landlady of her own pub? No still lots to do so Steve sends her to get on with it. Steve and Barry will carry on moving the boxes but Barry says he has a bad back. Michelle tells Steve no more fibs.

Roy and Fiz discuss the planned trip to Blackpool until Hayley appears when Fiz changes the subject. They decline to join Hayley on a walk as Roy is demonstrating his beef bourguinon. Fiz goes up to the flat to pack a bag. Roy has to get some urgent dancing lessons - how will he do it.

David is trying to call Gail - but her mobile is off. David has to tell Audrey about the hotel booking and Audrey cannot believe he has become so romantic.

Leanne finds Nick learning to walk and he has been working very hard. Once the doctors have seen Nick he is going to be released back into the wild. Nick does not feel he is ready. Leanne is a little surprised at his reluctance.

Rita is feeling the cold draught from the door - as is Dennis. Rita suggests a holiday. They will both think of somewhere to go and then they will go where Rita decides. Roy comes in and asks for Norris. Rita departs and Roy asks if Norris can teach him the foxtrot.

David goes home and finds the post including the hotel booking - the real one. He starts searching the house but ignores the dvd boxes. Kylie and Eva come in and David hides the hotel booking. David departs shiftily which Eva reckons is normal but Kylie is convinced that David is lying though his teeth and is seeing / sleeping with Tina as they have previous.

After the break Doris is trying to teach Roy to dance and Doris has to play the female part. Roy gets a quality lesson without music as Doris needs to hear the door bell. Then they break a teapot and Doris insists they start again.

Michelle is arranging a new rota. Steve and Barry have earned a break. Tracy comes in for her usual but Tina cannot remember what it is. Michelle rubs it in that she is now the landlady and Tracy denies that she is jealous and says that it cannot be Michelle's as Stella's name is above the door. Which reminds Steve of something.

Kylie is searching the drawers and Eva picks up the DVDs to go back to her place to watch. Kylie finds the hotel booking (the real one not the paternity test one).

Back at the Rovers it now says above the door "Steve McDonald and Michelle Connor ...". Michelle is happy to have her name above the door but Tracy does not reckon it will last long. Seeing the new sign Dreary wonders if she should get a sign above her door; Tracy suggests it should say "Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here", much to Deirdre's annoyance. Steve hands the Stella price notice to Stella but she suggests it gets binned.

Back at the Kabin Roy is making progress and Norris tells him to stop looking at his feet - he must look at Norris. Rita returns to the shop and he is talking confidence into Roy. She pulls their legs but Roy is definitely moving better.

Nick returns wearing a beard and a cloth cap. Gail gives him a huge hug hurting his ribs. David wanders up and offers to carry in the bags but Nick bad temperedly says he can manage. David asks Gail for the letter - she says it is safe in a dvd box.

At the Rovers Gloria and Stella Price are joined by Owen and Anna whilst Maria and Marcus are at the bar where Steve is pouring Lloyd a decent pint. Lloyd reminds Steve he is working at the cab office tonight - but as Sean points out he is also on duty in the Rovers.

There is no sign of the paternity letter in any of the dvd boxes. Gail promises to look whilst David returns to work.

At the Price's Kylie keeps going on about David's "lying" and will sort him out after she has sorted Tina.

Rita tells Norris about the holiday plans. Norris reckons he never gets a holiday. Then Rita congratulates Norris on helping Roy.

Leanne brings Simon back from school. She tells him that he should wind up Carla as much as possible.

Eva tries to restrain Kylie but she is determined, offloading baby Lily on Leanne and Simon suggests they take Lily around to Carla's as she hates babies.

We see a long slim leg emerge from a taxi outside the Rovers. Who can this be?

Kylie storms up to Tina in the Rovers and throws down the hotel booking asking if she knows what it is about. She calls Tina a lying tart. Kylie denies knowing about the hotel booking. Maria sends Marcus to fetch David. Kylie sets about pulling Tina's hair. The door opens and Liz McD returns with a huge "SURPRISE". Steve ducks back to his reading material. Michelle appears completely confused and Liz is confronted by the warring duo right in front of her - with Eva trying to split them up. Liz tells them to pack it in and pulls them apart. Eva ends up getting a smack in the face from Kylie. Tracy has her two'pennorth so Liz tells her to wind her neck in or she will be straight through the window, teeth first. Michelle gives Steve a quizzical look but he does not lift his eyes from his magazine. She then bars Kylie and her scrawny backside. Kylie points out it is not her pub and she cannot do the barring. Liz sets the record straight. It is her pub - which really gets Michelle going and she asks Steve what Liz is doing here. Steve says he has no idea. And why asks Michelle is she claiming it is her pub? Steve says it is jet lag and tells Michelle not to worry about it. Tina tells Kylie to get lost.

But Kylie still wants to know what is going on with her and David. Tina tells her to give it a rest, there is nothing going on. Kylie wants the truth and she wants it now.

Roll credits.

K Richard W

Written by Martin Allen and directed by John Anderson

As Kylie and Tina square up to each other it looks as though Tina might be finally about to tell Kylie what's really been going on. But before she can say another word, Liz MacDonald takes charge and throws them both out, saying she won't have brawling in her pub and telling them to get in the gutter where they belong.

Steve tries to act the innocent, asking his mother what she's doing there but, as Liz points out, he invited her and, as joint owner... Oh dear, that's another part of the surprise that Steve failed to share with Michelle. "So not exactly your pub after all," Tracy can't resist saying to a furious Michelle.

Outside in the street, Tina and Kylie continue their row. Just as Tina is telling Kylie that the hotel booking had nothing to do with her, along comes David and Audrey. David tells Kylie that the hotel is for the two of them and Audrey confirms his story. "Now do you believe me?" asks Tina.

In the back room of the Rovers Steve is in the dog house. Liz can't believe he never told Michelle about buying the pub and Michelle can't believe that, just as she was coming round to the idea, she discovers that his mother put up half the money. She left the factory so she wouldn't have to play second fiddle to Peter and now it look as though Liz will be running the show. Not only that but she's moving in and all.

Out in the bar, Norris is digging for gossip about David and Kylie but Maria's not about to spill any beans. Liz comes through from the back and Eileen and Norris start asking her about her time in Spain. We learn that she made some money by buying into a boutique spa and then selling the business. She tells them that she always intended to come back.

Tina comes back in and David rushes over to thank her for not telling Kylie but Tina is furious. She says she's had enough of his problems to last her a lifetime and tells him to keep himself and his loony wife away from her in future.

Liz catches up with Anna and Owen. She works out they're now an item but Anna doesn't look best pleased when Liz wonders what happened to Eddie and asks whether Owen put him in hospital as well. Seeing the look on Anna's face Liz quickly backtracks and tells them that as long as they don't give her any trouble they're most welcome in the Rovers at any time.

Kylie and Eva are in the Bistro when David arrives so Eva makes herself scarce. David tells Kylie that she made an absolute fool of herself. He wants to know when she's going to learn to trust him. He insists Tina was only helping him to sort out the surprise with the hotel and they finally kiss and make up. Then David asks Kylie if she has the hotel reservation letter. She pulls it out of her bag and hands it to him.

In the Kabin Rita and Dennis are discussing their holiday plans. But while Dennis fancies hiring a sports car and driving across France, Rita had something more sedate in mind, such as a Mediterranean cruise.

Over in the Rovers Liz is settling herself back into the swing of things with all her old mates. She tells Tracy she can't wait to see Amy and says she must go round to visit Deirdre. Anna's obviously concerned that Liz used to have a thing going with Owen but he insists it's all water under the bridge.

Fiz is in the cafe talking to Roy about their trip to Blackpool when Hayley comes in, followed by her new friend Jane from the support group. Before Roy can get a word in edgeways, Jane asks Hayley if she'd like to go for a drink. Hayley is delighted but gets annoyed with Roy when he asks if she's going to be long. She thinks he's acting like her prison warder, not realising he's worried this will upset his plans.

Kylie calls round to Eva to say that her plans have changed now that she's made things up with David. "You'd better have these back," says Eva, going to hand her the DVDs. But as she does so, she drops them and one pops open, revealing the letter inside. Kylie picks it up and sees it was addressed to David at the salon. They can see the envelope's been opened, so Eva insists Kylie should take out the letter and read it. As Kylie absorbs the contents, Eva snatches the letter from her and reads it herself. "A DNA test?" asks Eva, confused. "But why?" Kylie doesn't reply.

Eva is questioning Kylie about the letter and wants to know why David would have had the test done without telling her. She tells Eva that David never really trusted her and says who could blame him, given her track record. She says that there was a bloke around Christmas time who was helping her out and David got suspicious but says nothing actually happened. She adds that the DNA test shows David's the father so says she wants to forget about it and asks Eva not to say anything either. But Eva doesn't agree and thinks Kylie should have it out with David. She says if a bloke did something like that to her she wouldn't let him get away with it.

Dennis and Rita are still discussing their holiday. He thinks cruises are for old fuddy-duddies but Rita prefers the security of knowing she's going to have somewhere to sleep every night. "He who pays the piper calls the tune," says Dennis. Rita insists it's not like that but it still looks as though they'll end up doing what she wants.

Gail's at home with Nick while Leanne's off looking after Simon. She raises the subject of tomorrow's Christening which causes Nick to fly off the handle. He tells her that, right now, it's the least of his worries. Just then Nick's phone rings. It's Kylie and she says she needs to talk. Nick explains it's difficult as his Mum is there but she insists it's really important so he says he'll see what he can do.

Roy's finishing his packing when Fiz arrives to see how he's getting on. He doesn't know what to take because he's listened to three different weather forecasts and they were all different. He's in a real state about everything but Fiz insists it will all be fine and that he must stop worrying.

Kylie arrives at Nick's and hands him the letter to read. "See what I mean about urgent?" she asks, as he looks up at her.

Steve and Michelle are in the back room of the Rovers when Barry arrives with the last of their belongings. Michelle sends him through to the bar to get a drink for all his troubles. You could cut the atmosphere with a knife but when Steve tells Michelle not to take it out on his mum she says she's not mad at Liz, she's mad at him. Liz comes in at that moment on a hunt for her lippie. She asks Michelle if she realises that Steve made out he'd spoken to Michelle about everything. Liz says she does understand why Steve did it. "Yes?" he asks, brightening up. "'Cos you're an idiot," says Liz.

Back with Kylie and Nick she's asking him if he knows why David had the test done. She wants to know whether Nick told him about them but he denies knowing anything. He suggests perhaps it had something to do with her past or maybe David suspected her of playing around and just wanted to make sure the baby was his. "That's what I told Eva," says Kylie. Nick is appalled at this revelation. Kylie explains that she was there when she found the letter. "All this after I accused David of sleeping with Tina," says Kylie. She tells him about how she found the hotel reservation and now she feels like a right prat. Nick tells Kylie that he does know one thing, David's crazy about her. He advises Kylie to put the letter back before David realises it's gone and they can live happily ever after. But Kylie says something just still doesn't feel right. She asks Nick if there's any way David could know about what happened between them but Nick insists if he did then they would know about it. He tells her again to put the letter back and says that will be the end of it.

Back at the Rovers Michelle and Liz have now formed a united front as they lay into Steve. Liz points out that she gave up her home in Spain for him and, having kept to her side of the bargain, the least he could have done was tell her what she was letting herself in for. Steve says he can't do right for doing wrong and flounces out. "I could wring his stupid little neck," says Michelle. "'Til his eyes go pop," adds Liz as they both have a good laugh together.

Kylie arrives home. She just has time to put the DNA letter back in the DVD case and place it on the table before Gail comes down the stairs. She tells Kylie that she heard about her set-to with Tina in the Rovers and then adds that she presumes she found it in there, pointing towards the DVDs. "What?" asks Kylie. "The hotel reservation," replies Gail. She explains that she put it there last night so that Kylie wouldn't find it. Kylie looks confused but makes a quick recovery and tells Gail that she took the DVDs round to Eva's.

Hayley's having a drink in the Rovers with Jane when Roy arrives. At first Hayley's angry that he can't leave her alone for five minutes but he explains he can't hold it in any longer and tells her about the trip to Blackpool and how they have to leave by 6.15 at the latest. Hayley is overcome with excitement and apologises to Jane for having to leave. Jane says that's fine and jokes that she promises not to peg out before Hayley gets back but we can see from Jane's face that something isn't right.

David arrives home to find Gail in the kitchen. Kylie is upstairs putting Lily to bed. While Gail is occupied at the stove, David wanders through to the living room. He picks up the DVD and just has time to remove the DNA letter and pop it in his back pocket before Kylie comes down the stairs. He offers her a beer and, while he's in the kitchen getting it, Kylie picks up the DVD box. But when she opens it, there's nothing inside ....

Outside in the street, Roy and Hayley are all set to leave with Roy at the wheel of The Woody. After several false starts it becomes clear that Roy still hasn't quite mastered the clutch so Hayley swaps sides with him and they're finally off on their Blackpool adventure.

David is in the back garden, hovering over the dustbin. We see him remove the DNA letter from his back pocket and set light to it. We also see that Kylie has pulled back the curtain and is watching his every move through the window.


Wednesday 16 October

Roy and Hayley are enjoying a happy breakfast in the hotel dining room, looking out over the sea. Hayley thinks it's nice to be away somewhere where no one knows she's ill.

At the Platt's, Kylie is still trying to get her head round the whole hotel reservation letter thing, and can't understand how it came to be found by Leanne at the hospital.

Leanne is, at that moment, trying to get Nick's clothes sorted out. She gets a call from Stella inviting her to go over to the bistro for a drink before the Christening. Nick urges her to go, telling her he doesn't need a minder.

Dennis is looking through the papers for a 'proper' job, so that he can pay his own way on the holiday with Rita. She thinks her engagement ring is looking rather tarnished and asks him to drop it in at the jewelers to be cleaned. Roy and Hayley are strolling along the sea front. She suggests a walk on the sand, but Roy pulls out his timetable, saying it's not scheduled until 4.15pm. Looking at the piece of paper, Hayley spots the words Tower Ballroom, and is really pleased and excited. She says it will be lovely to watch the dancers. Roy tells her the thought they would take afternoon tea there. She gives him a big hug, saying she doesn't deserve him.

Steve, Liz and Michelle are enjoying a morning cuppa when Barry comes down the stairs, on the phone, arguing with Michelle's mum. Michelle tells him to ring her back, but he says they're finished, they're getting a divorce.

Leanne is in the bistro with Stella, Gloria and Eva. Leanne says she would like her husband back, as soon as possible. Stella tells her not to get her hopes up, he may never make a full recovery, but Leanne is adamant that he will.

David is getting ready for the Christening. Kylie asks if he's really happy, and he says he is. She hopes they're for keeps, and tells him that if there's anything bothering him he should tell her.

Hayley and Roy are now riding on an open topped tram, but to his dismay his written itinerary gets blown out of his hand. He's distraught, but Hayley is of the opinion that plans are overrated and they should live in the moment.

Michelle is trying to the get to the bottom of the problems her parents are having, she tells her dad that he can't stop with them, his place is with her mother.

Kylie comes into the pub and apologises to Tina, adding that she needs the truth. She knows they are not having an affair, but she knows there's a secret, she’s sure Tina was going to tell her yesterday. Tina urges her to speak to David. Kylie says she just wants to know what’s going on in his head, she doesn't want to lose him. Tina assures her that David will never leave her, but if she can't speak to him then she should speak to Nick. The penny slowly drops with Kylie and she realises that David knows everything.

A dejected Dennis goes into the bistro and shows Gloria a letter he’s had from the council. they've been chasing him for years for a sum in the region of 500 pounds, and now they've caught up with him. Gloria says he'll have to go to the bank of Rita, but Dennis doesn't want to do that.

Hayley and Roy are now wandering around the amusement arcades, and he’s shocked when she puts money into a toy grabbing machine. She doesn't win, so he takes the second turn, studying the whole business with logic - and he wins her an elephant!

Kylie goes to see Nick, she’s furious because when she asked him whether David knew about her and him he had denied it - lying through his teeth. She says she’s fed up with people taking her for a fool. Nick asks what’s happened, she tells him she worked it out for herself, with a little help from Tina. Nick says he was protecting Leanne, he just wanted to save his marriage. Kylie is appalled - what will happen to her? She’s living with someone who knew she had slept with his brother. Nick says that David was never angry with her. He tells her to get on with her life and let him get on with his, and urges her to get to the christening. Kylie won't be moved yet, however, she feels there’s more that she doesn't know. Nick and Tina have both said that David would do anything for her. "So come on Nick, what exactly has he done?" Nick sighs and sits down and explains all the trouble over the past few months, at the flat and at the bistro, have all been down to David. Kylie is horrified as she takes all this in, and then realises that it was David who caused the crash.

Hayley is paddling in the sea and urges Roy to join her. He refuses at first, remembering how he was nipped by a crab when he was young, but she insists so, reluctantly he takes off his shoes and socks and tentatively steps towards her. They stand in the sea, hand in hand, and he starts to enjoy himself. She makes him promise to do it again.

Kylie can't understand why Nick is shielding someone who tried to kill him. Nick tells her that if the truth comes out his marriage is over, and hers is too. She repeats that David tried to kill him, Nick replies that he was hurt and angry and did something stupid. Just then Kylie’s phone rings. She looks at it, it’s David. She doesn't answer.

Roy and Hayley have arrived at the Tower Ballroom only to find that it is shut for routine maintenance. Roy is very upset about it, it was the one surprise he wanted to give her above all else. She calms him down, saying it’s ok, she'll live. Then adds, "Well, maybe long enough for us to come back again."

Gail, Audrey, Leanne and David are waiting with baby Lily at the church, along with many of the Street residents, wondering where Kylie and Nick are. The vicar too is wondering, she has a squash court booked for 3.30. Just then they both arrive.

Roy and Hayley are wandering along the prom, wondering what to do next when Hayley spots a poster for a psychic and decides she wants to know Roy’s future. He calls it a lot of hocus pocus bunkum, she says it’s harmless fun and drags him off there.

The christening is underway, and the vicar is asking the godparents if they repent of the sins that separate them from God and neighbour. "No!" says Kylie suddenly, "I can't do this", and she takes the baby out of a bewildered David’s arms, telling him to stay away, he’s a flaming nut job and she doesn't want him anywhere near them. She turns to run out of the church and David follows, stopping her in the aisle. "What’s this about?" he asks. "Do you really want me to spell it out in front of everyone?" she says. Norris pipes up that he thinks she should, but they ignore him. David protests that she is his wife, Lily is his daughter, and Kylie tells him she knows he had to have it confirmed, she found the DNA test results. Gail is over there like a shot. "You had a test?" Audrey jumps up then and asks the vicar if there is somewhere more private they could go and she says they can use the vestry.

Rita finds a morose Dennis in the pub and asks if he'd dropped her ring in at the jewelers. He mumbles that he hasn't, yet.

In the vestry, Kylie is raging. She says she did something wrong, but what David did was sick. Audrey asks if someone would please tell her what’s going on. Kylie tells her that she did something terrible and maybe she should have told David everything at the time. David interrupts, saying he never blamed her, he doesn't care about it any more. "But you did care," she says, "how you cared....and your brother copped for it!" Leanne starts to frown at this point, as Kylie carries on saying how she feels sick to think she’s shared the same bed, house and life as David. Nick wants to leave, telling Leanne he thinks they should go, but Leanne wants to know what Kylie is going on about. "Have you two had some sort of affair?" she asks Nick. He tells her it was a one off on Christmas night, they had split up, but Leanne is aghast and rushes out. Gail has now realised that it was David behind all the trouble. "Please tell me this isn't true?" she says to David, as it dawns on her that he tried to kill his brother.

Leanne marches down the aisle of the church, past the puzzled congregation. Stella rushes after her.

Liz is in the back room of the pub, when Barry comes in and starts blatantly flirting with her. He tells her he needs a hot-blooded woman and he thinks he’s looking at her. Just then Michelle comes in and hears all this. She’s furious with her dad, and he ends up storming out .

Hayley and Roy have arrived at the fortune teller’s tent. She comes out to welcome them and Hayley tells her that it’s Roy who wants his fortune told. Roy makes no secret of the fact that he doesn't believe any of it, and Hayley explains that he’s grumpy because the Tower Ballroom was closed.

Leanne is sitting under a tree with Stella, Gloria and Eva, and discussing the situation. Leanne thinks that if he'd told her at the time maybe they could have dealt with it, but he didn't, he lied for months and months. Just then Nick comes out, asking to explain, but the women all walk off, with Stella telling him to get lost.

The fortune teller has the tarot cards out and is telling Roy that he obviously has a very happy marriage. She says there is a change coming, but the next card she looks at is the death card, so she puts it face down again and tells them that all their dreams will come true. Then she tells them to return to the ballroom - today.

Back in the vestry, David says that he only did it because he didn't want to lose Kylie and the kids. Gail reckons what he did was pure evil, she’s seen it before with Richard Hillman. She and Kylie leave, she tells David they are going home and he is not to even think of following. He turns to Audrey and begs her to speak to them, to make them understand, but she sighs and tells him she wouldn't know what to say.

Kylie finds Nick in the churchyard and tells him she is so sorry. He tells her not to be. She says she couldn't bear to see David with Lily. She asks what he’s going to do about Leanne, and he tells her he'll beg, pray, and kip on the sofa in the office. Gail and Audrey come out of the church then and hear this. Gail tells him not to be daft, he’s coming home with them, and no arguments.

Back inside the church, the vicar is concerned about David and asks if he’s all right. He tells her he isn't, he doesn't know if he ever will be, he’s just lost his wife and kids. Tearfully he tells her that they're the only things he’s ever cared about and now there’s no getting them back.

Roy and Hayley have arrived back at the Tower Ballroom, although Roy is convinced they're on a fools errand. Just then a door opens at a man comes out and greets them by name. He says he’s the manager and they are to follow him. He leads them into the ballroom. "Welcome to the Tower Ballroom," he says. "But you're closed," says Roy. "Not to you," says the manager, adding that it is all theirs. Just then an organ rises from the floor, with the organist playing "Close to You". He tells them he’s been told that is their song. "It was this one, wasn't it, Mother?" he says, and above them, looking over a balcony, is the fortune teller. He tells them he'll be back in an hour, and takes his leave. Roy takes Hayley’s hand, and to her surprise leads her to the dance floor. Confessing that Norris has given him a few pointers, they glide around the floor.

Nick is on the phone, leaving Leanne messages asking him to call him so they can sort it out. Just then David comes in the door. Gail tells him to leave or she'll call the police. He protests that it is his house. "Not any more it isn't," she says. He says he just wants to speak to Kylie, but she won't let him and he eventually goes. Outside, he goes across to the Kabin and punches the wall with his bare hands, then he sits down on the kerb with bleeding knuckles and cries.

Roy and Hayley are sitting on a bench in the moonlight, with fish and chips, talking about their afternoon in the ballroom, and how lucky it was that Roy’s itinerary blew away, and then they saw the poster for the fortune teller. Hayley tells him it’s been perfect and he agrees. They stare at the sea and Hayley remarks that the tide comes in quickly and she can see how people get overtaken by it. They sit in silence for a while. "You must be cold," he says, and he takes off his jacket and puts it over her knees. Then he sits down and puts his arms around her and holds her close.

Anne Logan

Friday 18 October

Hello and welcome to Friday.

The Woody arrives back outside the cafe. Hayley tells Roy the trip was wonderful. He says they should do it more often. "We should have done it more often." They're back because Hayley has a hospital appointment to make sure it's OK to start the chemo, but she says if she died now she'd die happy. Roy's upset at the turn of phrase. Hayley asks for one more minute on their own before they go in.

In Gail's house they're still sniping at each other over the christening fall-out. Nick blames Kylie for not keeping her mouth shut. Gail and Audrey tell Kylie David loves her but she says that's not love, it's sickness.

David's slept the night on the sofa in the salon where Maria discovers him when she comes in. She tells him the gossip is that Kylie slept with Nick. David shocks her by saying it's true. She thinks Kylie's the guilty party, not him.

Anna and the Croppers discuss Blackpool. Hayley goes to phone Jane.

Michelle, Liz and Steve discuss how to get the truth out of Barry. He comes in and Michelle demands to know why her mum wants to divorce him. She thinks there's another woman involved, especially after the way he came on to Liz yesterday. He admits he made a tiny pass ("no more than a flirty look, really") at one of Helen's friends - Aoife from the book club! Steve and Liz have made themselves scarce and Michelle has a go at her dad - he insists that she not call her mother.

Hayley's discovered that Jane's been taken to a hospice. She wants to see her, though Roy thinks it might be too much for her. After all, they've just got back.

Tracy's in the salon trying to find out the gossip but Maria's not telling her anything. Audrey arrives and Maria tells her David slept there last night. Audrey sends Maria off to get some more biscuits - "There's no need to rush." She goes to see David, who's in the back, and tells him to get out now. David wants to talk to her. "Just five minutes and then I'll go."

The Croppers arrive at the hospice and the nurse warns them Jane might seem a little out of it. She's having a bad day and they've upped her morphine. Jane's husband, Jeff, is thrilled to see them. Jane's fairly unresponsive.

David's trying to plead his case. He says he's not some sort of monster. Audrey doubts it. He tells her he found out all about Kylie and Nick and that everybody knew but nobody told him. He's not trying to excuse what he did but he'd been happy and Nick wrecked it. "You're the one that wrecked it, David," Audrey says. If he'd just been the better man he could still have it all. David wants her to talk to Kylie. Audrey says she feels for him but he's just gone too far this time. She asks for his keys back. He doesn't work there anymore. "So I've lost everything and now you want to take my job off me and all?" He hands over his keys and Audrey turns her back on him.

At the hospice, Jane's still quite out of it, not taking much interest in the gift Hayley's brought, nor in the flowers. She drifts off to sleep, causing a mild panic until the nurse confirms that's all it is. Hayley looks stricken, especially when she finds out that Jane might not have much time. They found out two weeks ago that the cancer had spread, Jeff says.

Eva arrives to see Nick. She won't sit down. She's just come to tell him that Leanne's gone to stay with Toyah and Stella will look after the bistro. Simon's still with Peter. Kylie goes to the door with her and tells her she and Nick only slept together the once. Eva's angry that Kylie just stood by and watched Leanne accuse her of sleeping with Nick. Kylie argues that she couldn't say anything. "I didn't dare risk it." Eva tells her they're no longer friends.

Jane drifts in and out, Jeff tells Hayley. Sometimes she knows him, sometimes she doesn't. He's just grateful for every moment. He says she asked for her bike but they haven't had bikes since their late teens. "She must be back in the past." He says maybe it's a blessing. "I suppose that depends on your past," says Hayley. Roy says they have to go for Hayley's appointment. Hayley says she always thought she and Jane would have been close friends if they'd had a bit more time. Jeff tells her Jane said the same.

Outside, Roy says the hospice was much nicer than he expected. Hayley thinks Jeff looked really drained. She hates to think of Roy going through that. Roy says they don't have to think about that just now. Hayley says they do. Roy points out Jane has good days as well. Hayley wants them to talk later.

Dennis goes into Tracy's shop. "I assume you take jewellery," he asks. He produces his mother's ring and the insurance papers which show it's insured for 2000 pounds. He insists it's just temporary and he'll be back for the ring. Tracy offers him 450 pounds. "Make it 500 and you're on," he says. She makes him produce ID before he signs the papers.

Michelle and Barry are in the back room of the pub. She wants the truth. He says she's had it but when she threatens to ring Helen he admits it may have been more than a flirty look. "She may have caught us together in bed." Michelle's appalled, even more when he says he might have slept with Aoife more than once. "Get out!" shouts Michelle.

Hayley's sitting on the sofa deep in thought. When Roy brings her cake she asks for a chat. He tells her that though seeing Jane was upsetting, at least she wasn't in any pain. Hayley says the problem is that at that stage the only options are pain or oblivion and maybe in that oblivion thinking you're living in the past. Roy doesn't want her to think her own situation will be just like Jane's. She might not even be in a hospice. Hayley wants to talk about what might happen at the end but Roy avoids it by insisting he has to get downstairs to help Anna.

Barry and Steve are at the bar of the Rovers. They agree women don't know the meaning of the word "forgiveness." Michelle comes out to tell them she's booked two tickets on the flight to Dublin on Monday. She's taking her father home to sort out this mess.

Norris comes in and asks Maria and Marcus whether there's any news on the Platts' problems. I have no idea why they're known as the Platts when Gail's been Hillman and McIntyre since then and Nick's a Tilsley! Maria's annoyed that Norris has even asked. David comes in and Tina takes her break. She goes to sit with him. He's still in his christening suit. She admits she might have had something to do with Kylie finding out everything. David's not worried. He says his family all hate him and he doesn't blame them. He'll find a mate's floor to sleep on or something. Tina makes him promise he won't do anything stupid. "I've already done that," he says, leaving the pub.

Roy's still trying to avoid discussing things with Hayley. She insists he come and sit down. She tells him she's been thinking about this for some time - she wants to be at home at the end. He's glad. "But what I really want is to be clear-headed. I want to know who I am and where I am. I want to be able to say a proper goodbye to the people that I love. OK?" Roy says he doesn't want her to have any pain. He'd rather forgo the goodbyes if it meant she wasn't suffering. Hayley says it doesn't have to get that far. "I've decided I won't let the cancer rule how and when I die. I want to end my life when I choose.

The end of the first episode.
Margaret Carr

Written by: Jan McVerry
Directed by: John Anderson

Hayley is earnestly trying to explain her position to Roy, holding his hands and looking into his eyes, she tells him she is talking about well into the future. She knows the time will come when she will know the time is right, while she is still able to do it herself, she wants to end her own life. Roy looks at her for a long time in silence, then asks "Why? Why would you do that?"

Roy goes on to say he understands that cancer is a terrible disease, but she can still have some quality of life for quite some time. Hayley shakes her head, saying she will be trapped, on medication, and her mind will start to wander, and she will have no power to stop it.

Roy argues that she is just reacting to seeing Jane the way she was earlier, but as her husband Jeff had told them, she was just having a bad day, next time she sees her, it could be a very different story.

Hayley tells Roy her decision has nothing to do with Jane. Roy then asks if it is because she is afraid. She tells him she isn't afraid, not of dying, that she has been afraid, but once she made her mind up, she felt more in control, and is no longer afraid.

She explains that it is very important to her that she is not humiliated. Roy hastens to assure her he won't let anyone humiliate her, that he will be her advocate. Hayley smiles, and tells him that is what she was hoping he would be. She hopes he will stick up for what she wants, and what she wants is to die with dignity on her own terms. She wants to say her goodbyes at home while her mind is still sharp, when she is not so drugged up with morphine that she can't tell if he is real or a dream.

Just then Anna pokes her head in the door and tells them Fiz, Tyrone and the children are downstairs. Hayley starts to tell her to say they can't see them at the moment, but Roy jumps up, obviously relieved to be able to escape this very difficult conversation, and heads downstairs, leaving a desperate Hayley calling after him.

Hayley comes down into the cafe, where Roy has already given out souvenirs of Blackpool to the children, and a huge sugar dummy (soother) to Tyrone. Fiz hugs her, asking how it all went. Hayley tells her it was a trip she will never forget, but she is obviously troubled, and Fiz is a little confused. Roy too tries being jovial, telling them all about the Tower Ballroom saga, but he too looks very uncomfortable at the same time.

Fiz notices that things are not right with Hayley, and assumes she is just very tired after the journey. Hayley agrees she is, so Fiz tells Tyrone they must get going so she can get some rest.

After they leave, Hayley turns on Roy, telling him he can't make it go away, he can't make her go away. Roy points out he was being polite to the people who made their trip to Blackpool possible, and feels Hayley was extremely rude to them. She is on a mission though, and is determined to talk things through with him whether he likes it or not, and asks Anna to stay late as she really needs to talk to Roy.

Upstairs again, she begs him to at least keep an open mind. He suggests to her that what she feels is just a phase, and that it will pass. Hayley is offended by that, and Roy apologises for being patronizing. However, he tells her that possibly she has handled her diagnosis too well up to now, and seeing Jane today has brought it home to her, and she panicked.

Hayley tells Roy this is not a knee jerk reaction, in fact it's not even a new decision, it's been creeping up on her for some time, the more she has read, the more she has spoken to people the more she knows she wants to look her cancer in the eye and tell it that she will make the final choice, even if it is the hardest one. Then, when all the letters have been written, and everything has been done, she wants to slip away quietly and drift off.

Roy demands to know when this revelation happened, was it since Blackpool? She tells him it was before that. Roy wants to know if it was days before, but she can't remember exactly, possibly weeks before, it has been creeping up on her slowly. Roy looks at her, and states that when they were paddling in the sea, and dancing together he had thought they were living, but she didn't want to be there, that in her mind's eye, she was already tunneling out.

He goes on to ask her if he was even there, because he feels now that they were on two different trips. Hayley assures him it was every bit as perfect and magical for her as it had been for him. She goes on to tell him that even through the sadness, she had never been happier. She tries to explain to him that knowing what she is going to do has brought her peace.

Irritated now, Roy grabs the calendar from the wall and asks her when she plans to do it? Tomorrow? Next week? Hayley responds that she can't tell him that, it will be when she feels the time is right. Roy points out that she said she wants to do it while she still can. She quietly tells him she wants to do it while she is still Hayley. She suddenly becomes irritated with him, saying she can't give him a day, it can't be planned like that. "Of course you can't", says Roy. "What you feel today may not be what you feel tomorrow".

Hayley goes on to say that since she made the decision, she feels as if a huge weight has been lifted off her, and thought he might be comforted by that, or at least accept it because of the person he is. She tells him it's not as if she will be offending his God, and that if he saw an animal in pain, he would be the first to want to put it out of its misery.

She goes on to say she doesn't want to be dosed up with drugs so there is no humour left, nothing of herself left. She wants it to be less painful for him too. He replies that nothing could make losing her less painful. He goes on to ask how she expects him to behave if she goes through with this. How is he supposed to grieve if she leaves him with this massive lie. Is he supposed to sweep pill bottles under the carpet and explain to their friends that angels took her in her sleep? Or is he supposed to play the straight guy and tell everyone she turned her back on her husband and killed herself. Hayley shouts back at him "It's the cancer that's killing me Roy - don't you EVER forget that - EVER!"

She softens her voice, saying she knows he is hurt, that he feels she is shutting him out, but she is hurt too, that he wouldn't want to spare her. He asks her if it has ever occurred to her that he might treasure every single extra moment he would have with her, and that this great big defiant plan - this scheme is not brave, it's downright selfish!

Hayley doesn't have time to answer this as Anna appears upstairs, telling them she absolutely has to leave now to pick up Faye, but there are two tables left occupied downstairs. Hayley mutters to Roy not to even think about going downstairs, but he leaves with Anna.

By the time she gets downstairs after him, there is just Gail and Audrey there, sitting griping about their own dysfunctional family. Steve comes in wanting a meal, so uncharacteristically Hayley switches most of the lights off, telling them all she is sorry, but they are closing. Audrey protests, saying she is being extremely rude, but Hayley ushers them all out of the cafe, apologising all the way, while Roy too protests at her behaviour.

After the protesting customers have been firmly locked out, Roy and Hayley go back to the very unsavoury conversation. He demands to know how she plans to go about killing herself, as it's not as easy as some people think. He wants to know if she plans to gas herself in the Woody, in which case he will stop his driving lessons right now - or maybe she plans to throw herself under a train and blight a driver's life. She doesn't know yet, and Roy rightly points out it is hardly advise she can get from her oncologist or a nurse at the hospital, as they would get struck off. Hayley tells him she knows this. Angry now, he begins to tell her that if she expects help from him - if she thinks he is willing to put a pillow over her face.... "ROY!!", she shouts, stopping his tirade. She then asks him if he thinks for one moment that she wants this, and asks why he can't understand.

He tells her he understands one thing, that she is a hypocrite. That when he had attempted suicide, she was the one who stopped him. "Hypocrite!", he yells.

There is a long silent pause between them, which takes us into the break.

In the Rovers, Michelle reminds Steve it is his turn to get the tea ready and asks what they are having. Steve tells her whatever it is, it won't come from Roy's Rolls as Hayley had just booted him out. Fiz overhears this and is immediately worried, as it doesn't sound like Hayley at all. She is all for going round to see what is up, but Tyrone stops her, saying they shouldn't go unless they are asked.

We are back now in the middle of Roy & Hayley's heated discussion. He is asking her again what he is supposed to feel. Tells her to remember back to what he was going through when he attempted suicide. Hayley replies that his was a cry for help. Roy points out it was just a phase he was going through at that point in his life. He had believed from Tracy that he had lost his child. Hayley earnestly tells him he needed help at that time and he got it. The difference is he wasn't dying, on the contrary he had everything to live for.

Roy won't let it go though, he tells her that at that time he felt desperate and alone, and felt that suicide was the only possible option - but he was wrong, his judgement was clouded just like hers is now. Hayley shakes her head, and quietly tells him this isn't the same.

She goes on to say she is not asking him to lie. He should tell folk "She took her life, she took control, she loved me and we were inseparable to the end, and then grieve for me and be proud".

Roy can't believe what he is hearing, how can she expect him to feel proud? But Hayley is continuing in a determined voice, telling him she has worked hard to be where she is, and she won't slip back. She wants to die in the here and now as Hayley - the woman - the wife. She goes on to say that morphine will take away her physical pain, but where it will take her head is where she refuses to go.

Roy understands now that this all has something to do with the nightmare she had where she had dreamed she was Harold again. But as Hayley points out to him, she can wake herself up from a nightmare, but will have no control with the medication. She reminds him that her childhood was very different to Jane's, or even his. There are no fond memories, only ones of hiding in the toilets at school or in the bike sheds or her bedroom, or imagining he is her father. She tells him she would prefer death to that any day.

Roy protests that there are other drugs to be had. But Hayley is not having it, saying what would be gained, maybe one lucid hour out of twenty four. "I'll take it!" shouts Roy. "But what's in it for me?", yells back Hayley. She goes on to tell him she would be tangled up in memories she has worked so hard to forget. She is disappointed, she thought he knew her better.

He is disappointed too, and tells her they have both disappointed one another. With that he takes off his pinny, and tells her he needs to go out for some air.

Fiz and Tyrone come out of the pub in time to see Roy marching purposefully down the street on the other side. Fiz calls out to him, but he either doesn't hear her, or doesn't want to, and keeps on walking. Worried, they head to the cafe to see if Hayley is OK. She asks what has happened, whether they have had bad news from the hospital. Hayley tells her it's nothing like that, they have just had a row, she is sorry, but can't tell her anything more than that.

Roy is sitting on a bench by the canal when David comes along. He is grateful that Roy is allowing him to talk to him, and not shun him like everyone else. He is glad to have someone to unload his own problems on. He tells Roy how he has lost his whole family through his own need for justice and revenge. Roy asks him if he got it. David tells him he did, but when he got it, he realised he no longer wanted it, and now his whole world has been wiped out. Roy thinks about this, bids him goodbye and leaves.

Fiz and Tyrone have stayed with Hayley, and now have her upstairs with her feet up and a blanket over her. Roy returns, and they make a quick exit, leaving them to try to sort out their differences, even though they still don't know what those differences are, as Hayley hasn't told them.

Hayley is the first to apologise, saying she knows how it must have sounded to him, coming right out with it like that. It is obvious Roy has been preoccupied because he has his cardie buttoned up incorrectly, but neither of them notice. She goes on to say she came out with it like that because she has pictured it in her mind so many times that it is beautiful - well, maybe not beautiful but right. She has a vision of scented candles, soft music and Roy reading to her, because she wants Roy's voice to be the last thing she hears. He tells her he wants that too. Putting his arms round her he goes on to tell her that he understands where all this comes from and why.

Hayley visibly relaxes when she hears this, but he goes on to tell her she is wrong though, that she will have good days and bad days with the disease, it will ebb and flow, Blackpool and Weatherfield, she could kill herself too soon. Hayley's face drops, and she asks if he means she could kill herself before they find a cure?

Ignoring that, he goes on to tell her he will read to her, bathe her, dance for her, he will give her everything she needs. "Except the one thing that I want", says Hayley. She gets up, saying he's talking, but he's not listening, and grabs her coat. He asks where she is going, and she replies she is going round and round in circles.

Struggling to get her coat on, she is too wound up and finally throws it across the back of the sofa, saying she has laid her soul bare to him tonight, and has begged him for his support, but he won't give it to her. She turns and heads down the stairs, followed hot on her heels by Roy. He is panicking now as she heads for the front door, saying he hopes she is not going to do anything stupid. She stops dead, turns and looks at him with despair in her eyes, and asks if he has not heard a single word she has said.

Roy is still frightened though, and asks her if she is leaving him. She tells him she just needs to breathe. "So you are coming back?" Instead of answering his question, Hayley tells him her body is battered, tired and scarred, but she has fought hard for it. As she goes out the door, Roy calls out "Have I ever done anything but cherish it?".

Outside, she leans heavily against the building, while inside he holds her red anorak to his face.

There is a knock on the door of No. 9. It's Hayley, who is trembling with emotion, wanting to know if she can stay with them for a few days. Fiz runs over and puts her arms round her, and Hayley sobs uncontrollably. Fiz assures her she has a home with them for as long as she wants. She wants to know what is wrong. Sobbing, Hayley tells her she just wants Roy to see things through her eyes. They are confused, they can't imagine how this couple could have been so happy yesterday and come to this today. The credits roll with Hayley leaning her head on Fiz's shoulder, her heart is breaking.

So is mine. Why does this have to happen to this couple of all people? But I guess that is the way life is.

As gut wrenching as this episode has been, I have to say the writers have completely redeemed themselves now. This was some of the best writing, directing, and especially acting I have ever seen. I really hope all concerned are remembered for this when awards time comes around. Julie Hesmondhalgh and David Neilson completely wiped the floor with it. Sterling performances!

Christine Warren

Monday 21 October

Written by Susan Oudot Directed by Mickey Jones

I'm back in my update chair and I thank Richard very much for keeping it warm!

We open in Number 9 where Fiz and Ty are discussing why Hayley should ever find reason to leave Roy. They are worried but cover when Hayley comes downstairs. She apologizes for imposing and accepts a cup of tea but isn't feeling up to toast. Fiz wants to help but Hayley insists she just needs a bit of space.

In the cafe, Anna has arrived for work. David is staring into space at a table and Tracy is mithering Roy who's cleaning up a spill. Anna ushers Roy to a table for a rest. Roy tells Anna he and Hayley didn't sort things out. The row has really upset him. Anna is shocked to hear Hayley has left. Just then, Fiz arrives to let Roy know Hayley's ok but needs to be on her own at the moment. She runs back out to go to work as Beth comes in. Anna insists Roy take the day off.

In the back room of the pub, Barry is attempting to apologize for making a pass at Liz. Michelle is doing the time honoured tradition of packing downstairs far away from closets and drawers. They're off to Ireland so she can engineer a reconciliation between her parents. Steve figures Barry's Irish charm will sort things out quickly. Then he moans that he has to run the pub and the cab firm on his own.

In the Kabin, Maria is gossiping about David to Rita, telling her that Audrey sacked David. They don't know what happened really. Rita wonders if Audrey has taken David in at hers (so she must be living back at the house after Owen's renovations). Maria leaves and Dennis comes through from the back. He seems distracted but says he's just a bit tired. He's got things on his mind, we know that. Rita adds to them by asking him to check on her ring at the jeweler's. He said they would call when it was ready. A kiss on the cheek and he leaves, looking worried.

Stella and Gloria are doing inventory at the Bistro but Gloria is more interested in the profit margins. Gail arrives to see if they're doing ok running the place. She doesn't defend Nick but Stella reckons they all should just stay out of it. Gail says she agrees (but we know Gail!). Stella promises they'll keep the Bistro ticking over.

At the factory, Beth wants discounted knickers but the general gossip is about Roy and Hayley. Beth thinks they could cheer Hayley up, she'll be getting bored in the flat. Fiz eschews that idea and admits the Croppers had a row and Hayley is at hers. She doesn't know what they rowed about. Sally mentions how difficult it is when you have cancer. Fiz asks her to talk to Roy about what it is really like even if Sally's outcome was different. Sally agrees.

Over at Number 9, Hayley looks awful and looks as if she feels it too. She's positively gray!

Liz and Tina are getting ready to open the pub. Michelle's cab arrives as does Dennis once the doors are open. He's clearly down in the dumps and Tina tries to ask what's wrong. Michelle and Barry come through to leave. Liz tries to encourage Michelle, telling her that men are weak and daft but we love them anyway. Dennis has admitted to Tina what he's done with the ring. He did what he did because he didn't want to run to her and he wanted to be the man he knows Rita wants him to be. Tina scolds him but says she'll lend him the money. He insists he'll pay her back. She'll meet him later with the cash.

Back to Hayley who is looking very shaky. She gets up to get a glass of water and after taking a drink, she lurches around the kitchen and collapses. Oh dear!!!

Sally has come to the cafe to talk to Roy. Roy comes through the door from the flat. Fiz has told him apparently that Sally was coming. They sit at a table to begin the chat they probably should have started up in the flat. Sally tells him what it felt like to get the cancer diagnosis, how she felt like, the fear, the shock, and how it changes everything. She tells him life is going to be out of his control, and how she was afraid she'd die and leave her kids and Kevin alone. She ended up closing off and focusing on the cancer. It's very touching and Roy seems to understand what she's saying. Sally offers a shoulder any time he wants to talk. It does help. He invites her up to the flat for a cup of tea.

Hayley comes to on the floor. She pulls her handbag off a chair but she passes out again.

Gloria finds Dennis on the bench. He tells her Tina is lending it to him. Gloria tuts. He'll still owe Tina but he insists he'll pay her back. She snickers, he doesn't make very much as a lollipop man (what about his pension? why has there never been any mention of that? Surely he gets one?). She urges him to talk to Rita but promises not to say anything herself.

In the flat, Roy and Sally talk about the Blackpool trip. Sally asks about the row. Roy sidetracks and asks again about her biggest fear which she admits was dying. He can't tell Sally the details but describes Hayley as irrational and inconsiderate. Sally explains it's not the time to fall out with Hayley, no matter how difficult she's being and he'll never forgive himself if he doesn't make it up with her.

Gail is done with her cleaning and warns Stella about one of the vendors. She asks Stella to give Leanne her love and leaves.

Outside, Gail sees David who is still wearing his suit. She can't even stand to look at him. He begs. She said what Nick did to David was terrible but what he did was worse. He tries to plead his case, and wants to see Lily and Kylie. She allows him to come in and get some clothes and talk to Kylie.

Fiz comes home and finds Hayley on the ground. She's burning up. Fiz tries to help her up but Hayley keeps passing out so Fiz calls 999.

Tina and Dennis come into Tracy's shop. Tracy is rude as usual. They present her with the receipt and Tracy, discovering that not only was the ring his mother's, which he'd told her, it is also now Rita's. Tracy gleefully torments him about that. Tina threatens Tracy if she doesn't just sell the ring back.

Roy comes outside and sees Hayley being loaded into an ambulance. He's in a panic, thinking this is the cancer, "This can't be it!" Fiz and Roy go in the ambulance with concerned neighbours watching, Anna stupidly asking if Roy's all right.


Written by Julie Jones and directed by Mickey Jones

Tracy's in her element as she winds up Dennis and Tina. She makes out she can't find Rita's ring and Tina is ready to thump her one. Hearing all the commotion Rob comes through from the back. He lays his hands straight on the ring. But there's a catch ­ he asks for £650. It seems Tracy failed to mention the small print when they took the ring in and they charge £30 for every £100 paid out. Dennis is upset so Tina hands over £500 in cash and puts the balance on her credit card. The feud between the two women has just increased by several notches.

David comes downstairs after collecting a few clothes. He begs Gail to understand things from his side. He tells her he's sorry for what happened and that he loves Kylie and the kids but she's adamant that he must go. She tells him his brother is a broken man because of him and he's not welcome back. It seems that she's conveniently forgotten in all of this that the house now belongs to David. At that moment Kylie comes in with Lily and wants to know what David's doing there. "I want you to go. Now," she says.

We move over to the hospital where Hayley's being wheeled in on a stretcher. She appears to be unconscious and the ambulance crew explain what's happened as Roy and Fiz look on anxiously.

Back at the Platt-MacIntyre-Tilsley household - or P.M.T. Towers as I have decided to call it from now on - David is still begging forgiveness but, after what he did to Nick, Kylie doesn't trust him an inch. Nick then comes downstairs and says he's surprised David didn't try smothering him with a pillow while he was asleep. David begs to at least be allowed to see the children before he goes but Kylie won't even agree to that so he finally leaves.

Dennis and Tina are sitting on a bench in the street. He thanks Tina and promises to pay her back every penny but begs her not to mention a word to Rita who just happens to come along at that moment. Dennis gives her back the ring, putting him in her good books again, although she does comment that the ring doesn't look as though it's been cleaned. Tina has a look and assures her that it looks much shinier than before.

At the hospital Hayley is coming round. She thanks Roy for being there and he says where else would he be. The consultant comes in and says it's highly likely that Hayley has an infection so they're treating it with antibiotics. Roy wants to know if it's the cancer getting worse but the doctor can't tell him any more at this stage. As Fiz and Tyrone look on, Hayley manages to tell Roy through her oxygen mask that she's made of tough stuff and she promises that she'll bounce back.

In the pawn shop Rob is having a go at Tracy for her earlier behaviour. He tells her she's far too gobby and she wiped the floor with Tina. Tracy looks pleased at this so Rob explains it wasn't a compliment. He says they can't afford to get a reputation for being difficult with the customers as there's a lot of competition out there. But Tracy isn't about to change her ways for anyone and she gets around Rob in her usual way, by giving him a very seductive kiss.

Sophie and Jenna are having a drink in the Rovers. Sophie is banging on again about Tim and Jenna has clearly had enough of the subject. As Sophie takes a phone call from Dev, Sally comes in and sits with Jenna who tells her that Sophie can be like a dog with a bone when she goes on about things. Sally reminds her that Sophie is ten years younger so it's no wonder she can seem a bit immature at times.

Rita and Dennis come into the Rovers. Rita looks surprised when Liz asks if he's feeling better. He explains that he was feeling a bit peaky earlier but he's fine now. Rita wonders why he didn't mention it.

Next to arrive are Sean and Beth who join Sally at the bar. There's an exchange between Liz and Beth. Beth is just trying to be friendly but Liz doesn't take too kindly to her suggestion that they're like peas in a pod, especially when Beth adds that she hopes she'll still be fabulous when she's Liz's age. They start a discussion about men and Liz says she likes her men to be exciting. Beth agrees and says that she loves a challenge man-wise. "Hang on a minute," says Liz. "You go out with Kirk don't you? Now that's what I'd call a challenge."

Fiz, Tyrone and Roy are in the waiting room at the hospital. Roy is in a complete state and is blaming himself for Hayley's collapse. He says he should never have argued with her and says that he subjected her to an endless tirade when what she needed was his understanding. Fiz and Ty of course still have no idea what the argument was about but Fiz tries to reassure Roy it's not his fault and it's just a simple infection. "To you and me, maybe," says Roy. He points out that Hayley's immune system is undermined. "This could kill her," he says in despair.

Back in the Rovers, Steve is not a happy bunny. Liz has him doing all the hard work and he's complaining he's developing varicose veins. He tells Liz that Tina should be the one doing it since she's the hired help. "Barrel needs changing," says Liz. "Or do you want to tell Tina to do it?" Steve heads off to the cellar.

Rita's having a drink with Dennis and is admiring her ring that Dennis's mother Elsie wore for so many years. Rita says she wishes it could talk as she bets it would have some stories to tell. "You're not wrong there," agrees Dennis.

Tracy comes in with Rob. Seeing Tina's face she says that if looks could kill she'd be six feet under. Liz whispers to Tina that there's nothing she'd like more than to see Tina put Tracy in her place but asks her not to have any cat fights in the pub.

At the hospital Ty is alone with Roy in the waiting room. It's all a bit awkward so Ty tries talking about the bat that he and Fiz adopted as a present for Roy's birthday. But Roy is in no mood for small talk so Ty makes his escape and goes off to get them a cuppa.

We return to the Rovers where Tracy is ready to wreak havoc. Seeing Rita with Dennis over in the corner she admires her ring. "You know what I feel about people like you," responds Rita. "Praying on the needy and desperate." This gives Tracy the opening she needs and she asks Dennis which one he is ­ needy, desperate or both? Rita wants to know what's going on and a shamefaced Dennis tells her he needed the money. A furious Rita leaves with Dennis, telling him they're not going to air their dirty washing in the pub. Tracy announces to everyone that Rita should be thanking her as it's wrong to have secrets in a marriage, while Liz puts her arm round Tina, who looks ready to explode, and tells her to take deep breaths.

At the hospital it's looking like good news as Hayley is starting to respond to the antibiotics. She apologises to Fiz and Ty for being a terrible house guest and they tell her it's no problem, she's welcome any time. "Although we were hoping ..." begins Fiz, gesturing towards Roy. He asks Hayley if she'll come home with him and she says of course she will. "What on earth were I thinking?" she adds.

Sophie goes into the Rovers to find Jenna's still sitting there. Jenna doesn't look that happy to see her but she apologises for snapping earlier. Sophie tells her she can snap all she likes but she won't be happy until Tim's gone.

Steve is behind the bar with Liz but he tells her he has to go because Fat Brenda has one of her headaches. Liz says he should tell her to take two paracetamol because he's not leaving her short staffed. She tells him that if he tries to leave the pub she'll hunt him down.

Kylie is at home with Nick and Lily. The two of them talk sadly about their situation. Kylie says she wanted her kids to have what she never had and yet look at her now, a single mum with no home. Nick tells her that she has a home with them and she says she bets he never thought he'd find himself back living with his mum. Nick says he misses Leanne and the support she gave him.

Back in the Rovers Sally, Sean and Beth are having a drink together when Ty and Fiz come in with the news about Hayley's collapse. They tell them that she has an infection but that Roy blames himself because of the row. There's speculation about this and Beth says he probably kicked off because Hayley put his underpants in his vest drawer but her remark gets short shrift from the others. Fiz insists that Roy loves Hayley to bits and he would never kick off over something irrelevant.

In the hospital Roy is sitting at Hayley's bedside. She says she's sorry they rowed and she can't bear it when things aren't right between them. "Me neither," says Roy, adding that when he saw the ambulance he would never have forgiven himself. Hayley said she was so scared and it made her realise that she's really not ready to go yet. "Thank you," says Roy, misunderstanding what Hayley is saying. "At least some good has come out of this." Hayley looks up at Roy and tells him that she's sorry but, if anything this has made her realise that she's making the right choice. She tells Roy that he's a lovely, decent man and that when the time comes she knows he'll respect her decision. But poor Roy looks as though his world has just come to an end.


Wednesday 23 October

Tim and Sally are in the cafe. She tells him she's thinking of making salad nicoise for dinner. He prefers pie. "Man cannot live by pie alone," says Sally, sternly. Faye comes in to get her dinner money from Anna. She's rude to Sally and made to apologise, and then she and Grace go off to school.

Sinead puts a plate of kippers down in front of Chesney. He's horrified, the idea of fish for breakfast is mental. She tells him it's healthier than a bacon sarnie, and reminds him that he wanted to get fit. Just then he gets a phone call to say that the lock-up he stores his stock in has been broken into, and there's some doubt as to whether it's insured.

Tina goes into the Kabin. Rita is still cross with her and even crosser with Dennis. She says they'll forget about the holiday, and appalled that he tried to sell her engagement ring. She think Tina should have told her. Tina says she was trying to protect her, but Rita's not impressed. She says that she will pay Tina back all of the money that Dennis owes her, and then he can pay Rita. She says he can start by doing all the early morning paper shifts before he goes to his Bessie Street school crossing patrol job.

The consultant comes into the room where Roy is at Hayley's bedside. He says they have to find the main cause of the infection, and he wants to examine Hayley. Roy goes to leave but Hayley wants him to stay.

Back in Coronation Street, Tina sees Rob walking along, and hurries after him, shouting. Peter is also approaching and gets involved. Tina says that if Tracy hurts Rita again, she'll bury her. She marches off, leaving Rob chuckling.

The doctor tells Hayley he's going to try different antibiotics. Roy asks how long she will be in hospital and is told they'll see if they can fight the infection and take it from there. When the doctor has gone, Hayley says that she just wants to come home. She tells Roy she wouldn't hurt him for the world. He says he can't bear the thought of being without her.

Sally tells Tim she thinks it would be a good idea if they took Faye to the cinema after school, just the three of them. He doesn't seem impressed by this idea.

Tina sees David waiting at the bus stop. He's been dossing on a mate's sofa, but his wife wasn't keen on the idea. He tells Tina he just wants to go home to his family. Tina offers to let him stay at her place.

Fiz arrives at the hospital to see Hayley. She sees Roy in the room with her and says she's glad to see they seem to have put their stupid row behind them. A nurse comes in then and says she needs 10 minutes with Hayley, so Fiz and Roy leave the room. Outside, Fiz tries to get Roy to tell her what the row was about but he's not saying.

Tim and Sally are in the Rovers. He goes off to the gents and Sophie comes in and sits down. She tells Sally that Tim is a loser and he's using her. "It's about time somebody did," smiles Sally. Sophie is shocked, but Sally's unrepentant. She says she's enjoying herself, which is more than can be said for Sophie and Jenna. She's noticed they've been ratty with each other lately. Sophie hotly denies this and goes off in a strop.

Tracy is at the bar when Rob comes in demanding to know why she's in the pub and the shop is closed. She says she's having her lunch.

Tim gets a phone call as Sally goes off to the loo. We then hear him make arrangements to see a friend later on.

David is in Tina's flat. He tells her that Kylie has to take him back. Tina offers to have a word but David doesn't think that would go down well. She tells him he'll have to sort something out, he can stay for a few days and that's it, Tommy won't like it and things have been a bit difficult between them lately.

Fiz is talking to Hayley, she's concerned that she and Roy have had a row. She asks what the matter was, but Hayley's not telling, she says that things got out of proportion. Fiz is so distressed she breaks down in tears.

Chesney goes home and tells Sinead that everything he had was taken, but the good news is that it was insured. However, he doesn't know how long it will be before the insurance company pay out, and in the meantime he has no stock, which means no stall which means no income.

Anna takes Faye round to Sally's. Tim isn't there yet. Sally says she expects he'll meet them there, but he isn't answering his phone. Anna isn't convinced that they can rely on him, and hustles Faye back home, telling Sally to tell Tim that he's let his daughter down - again! Sophie turns to Sally. "I told you, he's a loser," she says.

Tina rushes home, she's been summoned by David who tells her that Tommy came home and found him there and 'went mental'. He's packed a bag and gone to the airport. Tina checks a drawer and finds that Tommy's passport has gone.

Hayley wakes and finds Roy still there. He tells her he's been thinking how unfair life is. She says it would have been more unfair if they hadn't met. They have had some wonderful years together. She tells him they must talk about what she's planning to do. He tells her she just needs to get well and get home, he won't talk about it there.

Tina is in the pub, but trying to phone Tommy who, it seems, is not answering his phone. She tells Liz that Tommy is gone and Tracy overhears. She asks Tina why she has traded in her fit garage mechanic for the scrawny Platt nutter. Tina reminds Tracy that she too had the scrawny Platt nutter herself a few years back. Rob looks on, amused, as Tracy's smile fades.

Hayley has fallen asleep and the nurse tells Roy that visiting hours are over. As he stands to leave he kisses her cheek.

Back in the pub, Rob is laughing about Tracy and David. She tells him to stop going on about it, she doesn't ask him about his shady past.

Rita comes in with a very subdued Dennis. Tracy goes over and says she wants to say sorry, and is glad she hasn't split them up, unlike Tina and Tommy, now that Tina has moved David in. Rita is horrified to learn about this, and Rob tries to stop Tracy from saying anything else. Rita asks Tina and Liz if they would like a drink, she says that Dennis is paying. When Tina takes the money, Dennis jokingly asks if she'll take anything off for cash. "Everything bar the earrings, that's what I've heard," says Tracy. Tina loses her cool then and it seems that there's going to be violence, but Liz pushes her back, telling her not to let Tracy or anyone else get to her. Just then Peter comes in so Tina goes to serve him. He tells her to stay away from Tracy. She would sue her for assault, and probably sue the pub and the brewery as well. And she'd win. "If you know what's good for you, you chavvy little nobody, you'll listen to him," says Tracy, "because nobody gets the better of me!" Tina stands behind the bar with a small smile on her lips.

Anne Logan

Friday 25 October

Tina's at the garage telling Tyrone that Tommy's left him in the lurch. She says he packed his bags and left and admits she had let David stay at the flat without telling Tommy. Tyrone thinks that wasn't the brightest move. Rob comes over. He's in a cocky mood and Tina gives him some cheek and leaves. He tells Tyrone he's not paying full whack for the repairs. "She doesn't even work here!" Tyrone wails.

Tim arrives at Sally's, to Sophie's disgust. She leave the house. Tim tries to win Sally's affections back with a box of chocolates but she's not impressed. She says he showed her up. Anna warned her Tim was no good and now she realises Anna was right. Tim needs to buck up his ideas, she says as she puts the chocolates in the bin.

In the cafe, Julie's got her laptop perched on the little window-ledge-table. She's trying to fill in a form expressing an interest in fostering. All Brian can do is bump the laptop as he fills his face.

Sean asks Roy how Hayley is doing. Tina comes in. Roy tells the two of them that he hasn't seen Hayley today but she's doing well in what are difficult circumstances. Tracy arrives and calls Tina "T-bag" and sneers at her for being dumped. She gets a text message from Rob and crows that she's going out to lunch with him at a pub in the Golden Triangle. "A select part of Cheshire, out Knutsford way," explains Sean (it can't be that select - I live here).

Sinead's off to work. A glum Chesney offers to drive her there. She quite likes travelling by bus and people-watching but in the end agrees to be driven. Chesney says if he doesn't take her, he'll just be stuck on the couch all day.

Back in the cafe, Roy's making a list of all those who've asked to be remembered to Hayley. Sophie and Jenna come in and Sophie tells Anna she feels sorry for her having Tim as Faye's Dad. She moans about him treating Sally like dirt. Jenna doesn't join in the conversation much and Sophie wonders whether she likes Tim. Jenna says she just thinks Sally's a grown woman and can make her own decisions. "Have I done something to offend you?" asks Sophie.

Peter's making a hash of loading cartons in Underworld's van out the front of the factory instead of in the loading bay. Tina sees him drop a box and spill a load of red underwear on to the street and goes over to help. Peter goes inside to get some tape to patch up the carton and leaves Tina on guard. When she's alone she picks up a flouncy pair of red knickers and looks thoughtfully at Rob's car.

In their shop, Tracy suggests to Rob that they skip lunch and go home for a bit of hanky panky. Rob breaks the news that it's a business lunch with someone called Nick Shawcross. He goes to see if the car is ready.

In the bistro, Gail's having a moan to Nick about Tina taking in David. Stella comes out of the kitchen moaning that the chef's upset just because she got an order wrong. Gail's annoyed at having her moaning interrupted. Nick half-jokingly tells Stella to tell the chef her next order will be written on the back of his P45 (employment tax form).

Sinead's got a half-hour lunch break and comes to see how Chesney's coping. He's even grumpier because he's discovered that although Big Garth had insurance on the lock-up, he didn't actually lock it up, so there's no way the insurance company will pay out for Chesney's lost stock. Sinead tries to reassure him that he's not a loser, just a good person something bad has happened to.

Sophie sees Dev outside the shop and goes into a totally full-on rant about how awful Tim is. Tim's actually just around the corner of the shop listening to every word.

Rob and Tracy get into the car and Tracy immediately finds a pair of red knickers in there. Rob denies having anyone else in the car and Tracy realises this is Tina's doing.

Stella's still annoyed about the chef and snaps at Nick. He goes to intervene but she tells him it's already sorted. Gail leaps to his defense. Nick tells Gail he knows he's not the same man he was. "I can't bear to look in the mirror now." Gail puts out a reassuring hand but he upsets her by backing away from her touch.

Sally talks to Roy about Hayley. Anna's forgotten to restock the food bags so goes off to get some more. Anna tells Sally Tim will keep letting her down. Sally immediately gets defensive and says it's none of Anna's business. But Anna points out that Sally's encouraging Tim to keep hanging around and upsetting Faye.

Peter sits on the front steps of Underworld with a cuppa and cigarette. Tina sits beside him with her own coffee. They chat about Tracy and laugh about her. Tina says how much she enjoys winding up Tracy and Peter says she's got to take pleasure where she can.

Tina goes over to the garage to drop off Tommy's garage keys and Tyrone tells her that Tommy called him. He said he wasn't coming back and asked Tyrone not to reveal where he'd gone. Tina says she's glad he's gone. If he wants to ring his mates rather than her. . .

In the factory, Julie tells Sally about her plans for fostering and asks whether Brian's keen. "Won't it feel like he's taking work home?" Julie insists he's keen and will make a wonderful father.

Rob takes the found knickers to the garage. Tyrone protests that he's never seen them before. He winds up Tyrone by asking if he's a cross-dresser. Rob's sure he knows who put them in his car. Tina arrives and doesn't deny it. Rob warns her to stay away from his girlfriend. Tina laughs in his face.

Sinead comes home early to support Chesney. Chesney doesn't believe she can help but Sinead is determined their time together is going to be one big, crazy adventure.

Tina's still at the garage. Tyrone tries to talk to her but she's dismissive. He says she can't treat someone like dirt and expect them to stay with her. He says she's the one who messed up her relationship with Tommy and now she's costing him business. "Rob doesn't need to get over himself - you do, and soon!"

Sinead's managed to cheer up Chesney by taking him to the pub.

Tim comes in and approaches Dev, telling him he heard Sophie earlier. He wants to know whether Dev thinks he's dirt as Sophie said. Dev tells him Sophie's a lovely girl and advises him to treat her with care. He knows what it's like to lose the woman you love so Tim should treat Sally properly. Tim agrees. He's going to do the right thing by Sally - he's going to dump her.

Tina goes into the secondhand shop for the express purpose of winding up Tracy. She sneers at the stock and wonders whether the police would like to have a look around. Tracy retaliates by talking about Tina's mad father. Tina says people like Tracy made her father's life a misery by increasing his debt. She walks out but Tracy makes the mistake of calling after her, suggesting she go and lay some flowers on her father's grave if he's not sold it on. That's it. Tina sees red and at the same time sees some rocks in the garden outside the salon.

Before you know it she's lifted one and flung it through Tracy and Rob's shop window.

The End
Margaret Carr

This episode marks the tenth anniversary of my updates. When I started, Steve and Karen were planning their wedding, Tracy was pregnant and admitting to Peter that Steve was the father, though Roy and Hayley were still paying her money. And in my first episode we saw Cilla enter the Rovers for the first time.

Written by: Carmel Morgan
Directed by: Mickey Jones

Tracy and Rob come rushing out of the shop to see what the sound of breaking glass was. Seeing the broken window, Tracy calls Tina a demented cow. (In my opinion, that is like the pot calling the kettle black at the moment!) Tina is smirking, and asks Tracy if she has anything else to say about her Dad.

Rob is desperately trying to calm things down between them, and tells Tracy to leave it, but she doesn't appear to even know he is there. Tina goads Tracy, who is so easy to wind up, and she moves in for the kill, but Rob manages to hold her back, telling her not to make a show for the whole street to see. Tina, still smirking tells her to be careful when she picks up the broken glass, as she would really hate for her to bleed to death.

Sally is wittering on about not taking relationship advice from Anna Windass, because at least Tim isn't a bully like her choice in men. Sophie however isn't really listening, but she tells Sally she does agree with Anna that it's bad enough he lets her down, but letting his own kid down is far worse. Sally defends him by saying Anna has told Tim so often that he is flaky, it has made him flaky.

Sally finally notices that Sophie has bigger problems of her own, and asks her what's wrong. Sophie tells her she doesn't really know, she has spoken to Jenna, and has been told everything is fine, but she can sense she is a bit distant.

Tracy is still ranting about Tina as she hands Rob a dustpan and brush. Then, before he can even start the cleanup, she starts taking laptops off the shelf and throwing them to the floor. He demands to know what she thinks she is doing, and smirking while she stomps on a computer, she informs him they might as well turn it to their advantage, and Tina can pay for a few items of their stock as well.

He picks up the phone intending to phone the police in order to get an incident number for the insurance, but Tracy wants him to wait until she has done a bit more damage, she wants to throw a few more bricks and take out the whole display. She is enjoying herself now, as she throws yet another laptop to the floor. Rob yells at her to stop it. He wants to put in a legitimate claim, all above board, but his words are going right over toxic Tracy's head. She is totting up the extra thousands they can claim to cover the post traumatic stress etc.

Stella and Gail are having a cuppa with their feet up during the 5 o'clock lull at the Bistro. Their conversation turns to Nick, Stella is saying he should be pleased his business is doing so well, but Gail figures he is just a shell without Leanne, she is thankful he is walking and talking, but he is dead behind the eyes. She tells Stella she is sure that without Leanne he will never make a full recovery, and will never return to the old Nick.

Brian is meeting Julie in the Rovers, and she has his pint ready and waiting for him. He has had a very stressful day, and is very disillusioned with his job. Julie tries to prop him up by telling him what a worthwhile job he is doing, shaping young minds. He snorts he doubts that, and begins to say "Can you imagine young Amy Barlow at 17? Terrifying..." just at that point, Liz comes over, and he gulps and changes what he was going to say to "Terrifying - ly bright that young Amy".

Liz preens, telling them she gets her brains from her, she gets her stubbornness from her mother, and her sense of humour from our Steve. As she moves away, Brian's face falls again, and he tells Julie he has had it with Bessie Street, and all the kids there with their shocking sense of entitlement, and meeting their parents, he can see why. Julie assures him their foster child won't be like that, but Brian tells her that fostering is a domestic lottery, and working with the little blighters, he feels quite differently. Julie is disappointed, saying she wants him to feel as excited about it as she does. He tells her he does, it's just that he has had a belly full of Bessie Street, and needs a new direction.

Julie suggests maybe he should look for a smaller school, but Brian is leaning towards getting out of teaching altogether. Julie reminds him he can't do that because of his pension, and his impending fatherhood. Brian reminds her they are fostering, just steering someone else's child in the right direction, it's not fatherhood. Julie poo poohs this, saying there is no real difference. But Brian is afraid they might get a strapping teenager with an attitude problem.

Julie feels they will probably go easy on them for their first venture into fostering, but Brian thinks she is being very naive. She is not going to be put off though, and tells him if they do get that teenager, they will make him welcome, and find a way to connect with him or her.

Dev bumps into Chesney in the street, and asks how it's going with the insurance company over his stolen stock. Ches tells him it's the worst news ever, because it turns out the lockup hadn't been locked, which has made the insurance invalid. Poor Ches is totally gutted, he had put everything into that business, and he is now wiped out. Dev tells him things will work out, but dejected Ches is not so sure about that.

In the Rovers, Peter is pointing out to Tina that the window she broke was his in actual fact. Tina has no sympathy however, and tells him it serves him right for having scumbags as tenants. Peter reminds her once again not to mess with Tracy as she is lethal. He tells her if she doesn't believe him, she should check Weatherfield cemetery for further details.

Tina explains she did it because Tracy had bad mouthed her father. Peter apologises on Tracy's behalf, but warns her again that his step-sister knows which buttons to press, and she should steer clear. She reminds him they also fleeced Dennis, and they may have a shop, but they are nothing more than loan sharks. Peter chuckles and tells her they might have a shop, but they sure don't have a window.

He tells her he admires her for being feisty, for having principles and following through on them. He also tells her he feels her Dad would be proud of her, but would read her the riot act for breaking the law. Tina agrees, saying her father would have totally killed her for breaking that window. Peter asks her if she also agrees then that it's time to draw a line under it. She chuckles, saying it should be with a big black marker on Tracy's forehead. He starts to lecture her again, but she stops him, asking if he is ever going to stop. He smiles fondly, and tells her he wants her to know he has her back. As she moves away, he looks after her just a little bit too longingly.........

Liz is having a little go at Tina as the news of her breaking the shop window is getting around, and she feels it is bad for business. Tina protests, saying she had good reason as she had been slagging her father off. Liz points out that the fact that Tracy Barlow is rotten to the core is hardly breaking news, and that her behaviour reflects on the pub. She goes on to sympathise with Tina, saying she is certain Deirdre must have brought the wrong baby home from the hospital, but that is no excuse for her to go chucking bricks around. She tries to make her see her actions were wrong by pointing out that Amy could have been in the back, or in the toilet or somewhere. Tina sees her point, but Liz gives her one last warning, saying she is a good barmaid with a good heart, but tells her not to put her into a position where she has to let her go.

Dev is having a drink with Tim, and the latter is trying to get enough Dutch courage inside him to go home and dump Sally for being too clingy. He is already wavering though, saying if he behaves badly enough towards her, maybe she will do the dumping herself, saving him the trouble. Dev is advising him that the kindest thing would be to go home right now and do the deed, gently but firmly, leaving her in no doubt of his intentions. Weak Tim wants to know what he will do if she cries, so Dev tells him to just pass her some tissues and get it over with, and on no account hug her better, as that would leave her with mixed signals.

Tim is all for just leaving her a note, but Dev insists he must do it face to face, so Tim suggests Dev tells her, as he would be able to put the right spin on it. "Man up!", says the grocer. Giving him parting words of advice, he takes Tim's drink away from him and packs him off to do the nasty deed.

Tracy and Rob come into the pub, so Liz immediately tells Tina to take her break. Of course Tracy has to wind her up by telling Tina she will need another break when they finally add up all the damages she has to pay for. Tina runs over ready for another set to, but Liz tells her she is giving her a final warning. She orders Tina into the back room, and tells Tracy to stop winding up her staff.

Tracy remonstrates with Liz for not backing her side, when her granddaughter might have been inside when a huge boulder had come hurtling through the window. Liz - wonderful Liz has the last word, that leaves Tracy with her mouth open, she answers "Unlikely though, seeing as how the child barely claps eyes on you". Liz 1 - Tracy 0.

Tim arrives at Sally's, and the latter asks Sophie to leave while they talk. Sophie is only too happy to oblige, as she doesn't want to be in the same room as Tim anyway.

He tries to get the words out, but they are sticking in his throat. Sally tells him she knows what he is going to say, because she knows full well she has blown it. He is thrown, not expecting this at all, but she goes on to tell him she knows she has been pushing him into going out on dates, cooking his favourite meals, taking Faye to the pictures. She tells him she knows she has been throwing herself at him like a stupid schoolgirl, and doesn't know what has happened to her.

She goes on to say she is trying to make things easy for him, and opens the door, telling him to run for the hills. She goes on to say she doesn't do the 'just friends' thing well, so wishes him all the best for the future, but go now.

Instead of going, he turns around and begins to make them a coffee. Sally is confused, asking why he is prolonging the agony. He tells her if she would only sit down and let him get a word in edgeways.

Over dinner in the Bistro, Julie is waxing lyrical about Christmas plans for their impending young charge, saying they must do a Christmas stocking for him/her. Brian is hardly listening though, he is reading a large ad in the newspaper for a Museum Director of Development. She is so excited at the prospect, and he is - not! However, he is not about to admit that to her, he doesn't want to burst her bubble.

Stella and Gail are still talking about Nick. Gail is all for contacting Leanne and begging her to come back, but Stella is adamant they should stay out of it, refusing to give her Toyah's number, where Leanne is staying.

Sally is still beating herself up over the way she has been treating Tim, saying she knows she has barely given him time to breathe. He tells her he is lucky having a hottie like her, who is also a good cook, is kind and thoughtful with a tendency to nag, but not without good reason. She tells him it sounds as if he might even miss her. He asks her "Why, where am I going then?" She replies that she thought he had come round to finish with her, but he denies this, saying he had actually come to apologise, and to ask her to give it another go.

Sally is over the moon, and we all now understand which parent Rosie got her vast intellect from! Sigh....

Sophie has sought out Jenna in the cafe, asking her to open up to her more about her feelings, as she knows there is something wrong. Jenna tells her she sacrificed a lot to be with her, and really feels they gave it their best shot. Sophie wants to know what she did wrong, but is told she did nothing wrong. Jenna lists all Sophie's good points, but tells her they just approach things differently. She points out to Sophie that she is more confrontational. Jenna goes on to say the bottom line is that she is older, not wiser but older. Because of that they see things differently, they don't even laugh at the same stuff.

Sophie tells Jenna she would fight for her, but can see by her face she has already made her mind up. With that, she leaves with tears in her eyes.

It's now Rita's turn to have a go at Tina for her behaviour. Dennis tries to lighten the situation by saying she should have told them what she was planning so he could have had a ringside seat. Rita however is not seeing the funny side of anything, and puts Dennis in his place by telling him he was start of all this.

Rita figures her behaviour is because she is missing Tommy, but Tina denies it, saying if he wants to be a drama queen, so be it. Rita tells her the only person being a drama queen his Tina herself. Tina tells her she doesn't need her advice right now and walks away.

Dev is surprised to see Tim and Sally come in with their arms around each other. He has a go at Tim when he gets him alone, accusing him of stringing her along, but Tim assures him he has seen the error of his ways, and plans to turn over a new leaf. Just then Sally gets a call from Sophie, so rushes off home to commiserate with her.

Chesney arrives and Dev offers to buy him a drink. Ches refuses, saying he couldn't afford to buy him one back. Dev tells him if he accepts the offer he is about to make him, he just might be able to soon. He then offers a puzzled Chesney a job as Manager of the Kebab Shop. Our Ches is overjoyed, telling him he will never regret it, he will work 7 nights a week if he wants him to, and yet another street resident finds a job one minute from his doorstep - what an amazing street! :-)

Sally gets home armed with chips and curry sauce to try to make things all better for Sophie. She asks her to tell her all the details. Sophie relates that Jenna had said it was because of their age difference, and the fact that Sophie is too confrontational. She notices that Sally doesn't appear too surprised and asks her if she knew. Sally admits she knew she wasn't very happy, but not that she was about to end the relationship. When Sophie asks why she hadn't told her, so she could have done something about it, she is told she was respecting her privacy. "When have you ever done that?" screams Sophie.

Sally tells her that if she is honest, she never thought it would last, as there was never a spark or a passion in their relationship. "At least I don't chase after losers!" shouts Sophie as she flounces off.

Talking about chips, Tina has also picked some up and is walking back home when she runs into Tracy again. The verbal sparring starts up again, with Tracy telling her she probably shouldn't have been spending her money on chips, as she won't be able to afford things like that by the time she has finished totting up the damage she has to pay for. Tina makes it quite clear to her she is not planning to pay for a single thing, so is warned by the toxic one she has seven kinds of hell heading her way.

Christine Warren

Monday 28 October

Written by Ellen Taylor Directed by Tim Finn

Dennis arrives at Tina's flat and hands her her post. He even offers to do the washing up but is taken aback to find David, only clad in a towel come out for his trousers. Dennis asks after Tommy who, it seems, is in the Canary Islands. She tells Dennis she won't be throwing any more bricks but in the post is a bill for the window and three smashed laptops (which Tracy wrecked to pump up the claim). Dennis warns Tina away from doing anything that plays into Tracy's hands. He tells Tina to come round to the Kabin later for a council of war. David says that Tracy can smell weakness and his advice is to come out fighting.

Nick is on the floor with Gail doing his physio. This is the first time we've ever seen the wall across from the sofa! Nick is still struggling but Gail is encouraging. Kylie comes downstairs and says the shower is on the blink. Gail comments that David always fixed it before. Nick insists he can fix it. He's stressed and worried that when Leanne comes back, she'll see him all in a knot.

Sophie is brooding. There's a knock on the door and Sally knows it's Jenna come to get her things. Sally thought Sophie would be at work. Sally lets Jenna in and Sophie stomps up the stairs, throwing a rucksack with Jenna's things back down. She then stomps back down and hands back a necklace that was a gift. Tim and Jenna both leave, with Sally coming back out after him to hand him a set of keys. Anna has already exchanged a few choice words with Tim after he'd stood Faye up at the cinema and tells Sally she's a mug and a sponger. They bicker and Sally takes her righteous back inside.

Across the road, Tracy and Rob are bickering about Tina and whether she'll pay up. He's worried about the business. Peter and Carla come out of the flat and Peter makes a few jokes at Rob's expense before Carla can drag him off to the cafe.

Chesney shows off his red Prima Doner outfit to Sinead who seems less than impressed. It does clash a bit with his hair, I must say! She thinks he doesn't really look like a manager and takes his pinnie with her. Chesney says he has lots of ideas for the business.

Nick is fiddling with the shower. Kylie and Gail chat in the kitchen. Gail's concerned because she doesn't think Leanne is coming back. What is it going to do to Nick if she doesn't come back? Kylie thinks it's ok to let him hope but Gail thinks they should at least broach the possibility with Nick.

Jenna is a bit shaky in the cab office, after the confrontation with Sophie. She tells Lloyd she gave up a lot for Sophie and was lonely at the time.

Rita is looking at Tracy's bill and confirms that Tina didn't smash the laptops. Rita thinks she should at least pay for the window but Tina isn't in any frame of mind to consider it.

Tracy pulls Sinead over and tries to get her to go into the shop to buy something. Tina sees this and a public argument ensues with Sinead caught in the middle and scurrying off. Tina rips up the bill in front of Tracy's face. Tracy threatens to call the police but Rob stops her.

Grace and Faye are hanging out in the cafe. Chesney comes in to get some change for the shop. The girls are gossiping about people they know. Grace tells Faye she should have a Halloween party. Tim and Sally come in.

Deirdre comes into the shop. She thinks Tracy needs to fix the window and get Christmas decorations up. Rita comes in behind her, angry as a wet hen, ready to defend Tina. Tracy wants what's owed and a public apology. Rita's anger really makes no impact. Rob seems disgusted. This time, when Tracy takes her mother's phone to call the police, Rob doesn't stop her even though he overhears it.

After the break we're in the factory. Peter has a little poster with "Employee of the Month" and a place for a photo. He thinks it would be a good incentive for the staff. Whoever sews the most can have their photo up for a month. Beth comes in trying to skive off because of a tiny cut on her finger. Carla's not having it. Peter shows Beth the poster. She asks what she gets out of it. Peter says there's a 100 quid bonus, which is news to Carla. Beth goes back to work while he and Carla bicker. She does think it's a good idea, she just wanted to be consulted.

Lloyd has been telling Jenna all about his love disasters. He even tells her about Liz which makes Jenna laugh. They trade a few laughs over it.

Rob stops Tina who is walking past. He offers a deal. He'll pay for the damages if she apologizes, because Tracy has called the police. Tina susses that Tracy doesn't know what Rob is offering and doesn't believe him regarding the police. Rob then plays a guilt card, pretending that Rita had come into the shop, upset and offering to pay the bill for Tina but Rob wouldn't let it come to that. He thinks Tina should swallow her pride.

Sally pays for her and Tim's meal and they turn to talk to the girls. Anna puts Sally's change on the counter which Grace sees. She manages to swipe it without being spotted and there ensues a great slanging match between Anna and Sally over the change that Anna is certain she gave Sally and that Sally is certain she did not.

David comes into the corner shop. Sophie is still glum. He turns to leave and sees Gail coming in. He asks about Nick. Gail is actually nice to David for a change, telling him Nick, Kylie and Lily are fine. She also asks David how to fix the shower. He tells her and leaves.

Tina's also looking glum in the pub. Dennis comes in but before he can get into what he wants, the police, Rob and Tracy come in.

In the cafe, the argument between the women is loud and threatening to come to blows. Grace drops the bills and points it out to the women. Obviously the change due. Anna accuses Sally of dropping it on purpose. Tim drags her out with Anna screaming behind her. Grace and Faye look satisfied.

The police tell Tina that if she admits it, pays for the damages and promises not to do it again, there will be no charges. Out in the bar, Tracy hopes Tina's getting into all kinds of trouble. Tina and the police come through to the bar. Tina admits she will pay for the damages, all of them, and apologizes to Tracy, loudly after being prompted. The police leave.

Nick still isn't able to fix the shower. Kylie gives him the instructions that Gail texted. Nick shouts that she should have told him before but she'd been busy with the baby. He backs down and apologizes for snapping. His temper comes out of nowhere and he can't seem to stop it. He goes on again about Leanne. Kylie says Leanne could be ages but Nick thinks he needs to go find Stella and find out. He's in a right old state as he rushes out the door.

He crosses the street and is clearly distraught. Tracy and Rob come out of the pub where Tina is now wiping down the doorway with a bucket of water. Tracy pokes and prods and pushes as many buttons as she can, including ridiculing Tina about Tommy leaving. I'm surprised Tina didn't dump the bucket of water over her. But as they're arguing, Tina sees Nick collapse down the street, breathing hard and in a panic. She and Rob run down with Rob hollering for someone to get Gail or David.


Written by Ellen Taylor and directed by Tim Finn

After Nick's collapse in the street everyone comes running. Deirdre thinks she's best qualified to deal with the situation since she works at the medical centre but David's determined to be the one to help his brother. Then Kylie arrives, wanting to know what David's done to Nick. He tries to explain he was only trying to help and reluctantly Kylie has to allow David to help Nick back to the house. When they get home Nick tries to explain what happened but he can't remember where he was going or why. Kylie tries to get David to leave but before he does Audrey and Gail turn up. David points out Nick's sweating and then Nick remembers why he's wet - he was trying to fix the shower - which in turn leads him to recall he was off to see Leanne. David tries to get him to sit down, Nick flies off the handle and the baby starts to cry. Gail tells David he'd better go.

Faye and Grace arrive home with Anna who is fuming to Owen about Sally trying to make a fool of her in the cafe. Grace obviously thinks the whole episode was a right laugh but Faye is having concerns and tells her new friend that she doesn't want her mother to be upset.

Chesney seems to be settling in to his new job as manager of the kebab shop although Beth is disappointed when she doesn't get a freebie. Then Sinead arrives with a present for Ches: she's embroidered the word "MANAGER" across the front of his apron. Beth comments that she'd forgotten Sinead could sew, which no doubt is a nugget of information that will come in handy shortly.

Jenna's gone into the Rovers for a drink with Lloyd but, with the news that Steve walked in on Liz and her Dad in a compromising position fresh in her mind, she can't look at Liz without having hysterics. Lloyd tries to make out that Jenna is upset over her break-up with Sophie when in reality Jenna is shaking with laughter.

Elsewhere in the Rovers Rita is telling Tina that she's done the right thing by agreeing to pay for the broken window but then it comes out that Tina only did it because Rob made out that Rita was so upset. Rita gives Tina a piece of her mind. She believes in this instance Tina is totally in the wrong and she tells her it's time she grew up.

Back at PMT Towers Nick is still confused and upset. He wants to speak to Leanne but the others try to persuade him it's not a good idea at this point. Almost sobbing he manages to say that he is missing her.

Tracy and Rob are back home. When he produces a packet of chocolate biscuits to go with her cup of tea she knows he's trying to get round her and is sure there's something he's not telling her about Tina. When he refuses to spill the beans Tracy announces she's going to get it out of Tina herself.

It's time for Grace to go home but before Owen gives her a lift, she has a final whispered few words with Faye. She reminds her to speak to Anna about having a party. Faye's not sure but Grace tells her to make out she's upset about Sally and how horrible she is to her. She advises Faye to cry a bit. Then, as if butter wouldn't melt, she turns round and thanks Anna for having her.

Back in the Rovers, Liz passes by Jenna and Lloyd's table. She comments that Jenna looks a lot more cheerful than before and then tells her that she's all for getting it out there which sets Jenna off again.

Liz is just having a word with Tina about doing some work when Tracy comes storming in, demanding to know what's been going on between Tina and Rob. Before Tina can speak, Rob follows Tracy in to the pub. He tells Tina to ignore anything Tracy says because she's on one but Tina says she refuses to be piggy in the middle of the two of them. She tells Tracy that Rob offered to pay for the damages provided Tina apologises to Tracy. Tracy turns and glowers at Rob.

Tracy wants to know why Rob went behind her back so Tina helpfully tells her it's because she's a psycho. Rob admits she is a bit crazy at times so Tracy asks him why he's with her. Rob says he does wonder from time to time. He tries to retract that statement but Tracy seems genuinely upset and leaves the pub. Rob turns on Tina for dropping him in it and tells her the deal's off and she can pay for her own damage now. Lloyd comments to Jenna that it's at times like this he's glad he's single.

Over at PMT Towers, Nick has gone upstairs for a lie-down, allowing Gail, Kylie and Audrey to discuss how they should handle things. Kylie says it's her fault for suggesting to Nick that Leanne might not want to come back. Gail's annoyed with her but Audrey thinks it's best to be honest with him. As she points out, he's just had a meltdown over nothing so imagine his reaction if Leanne tells him she's going to him and he's not expecting it.

Tracy is at home with Deirdre having a heart to heart over a cuppa. She's upset that Rob lied to her and says if he lied over this, imagine what else he could have been lying about? She admits to her mother that she really thought that Rob was ‘the one' and that of all the men she's ever been out with she believed he really understood her. Deirdre suggests that maybe it's because they're a bit too alike, adding that Tracy isn't exactly one for honesty herself. She describes Rob as being a self-centred snake who'd stop at nothing to get what he wants. "And I'm like that?" asks Tracy. Wisely, her mother doesn't reply. "I think I love him," admits Tracy.

Back in the Rovers Rita is still giving Tina a hard time following the latest run-in with Tracy and Rob. She advises Tina to pay the money and draw a line under everything. Tina says she doesn't mean to be like that but she just gets so angry and it seems to come from nowhere. Rita says it's not surprising given everything she's had to cope with in her life but she needs to learn to control it otherwise she'll push people away. "I really miss Tommy," admits Tina. Rita suggests she goes and calls him but, looking at the customers waiting to be served, Tina reckons it might just get her fired.

Sinead is having a drink with Beth who's complaining how busy they are at work. Sinead knows her aunt only too well and realizes she's after something so Beth tells her about the employee of the month scheme at work and how the most productive worker will win a hundred quid bonus. But before Beth can tell Sinead what she really wants her to do, Sinead offers to baby Craig to allow Beth to work longer hours.

Rita has a quick word with Liz and asks her to let Tina off work early so she can go and ring Tommy. Liz tells her she's too soft on her but she's happy to agree and Tina seems really grateful.

Deirdre is trying to cheer up Tracy. She offers to cook her stuffed marrow for tea but as Tracy points out, she's feeling bad enough already. As they run through other options the doorbell rings. It's Rob bearing a bunch of flowers and an apology. Tracy asks Deirdre to give them a minute. He says he's sorry for going behind her back but then points out that her stupid feud was in danger of ruining their business. She's upset that he cares more about the business than her but Rob says he thought it mattered to her, too. Tracy admits that maybe she did go a bit too far but says that's just her. "And that's what I love about you," says Rob. He lists what he considers to be Tracy's qualities but tells her that sometimes she's just got to rein it in. But Tracy is just concentrating on the "L" word. As she asks him if he said what she thought he said he tells her to shut up and gives her a passionate kiss.

It looks as though Chesney may be adding counselor to his list of newly-acquired skills. David only goes in for a bite to eat but Chesney gives him the benefit of his experience on being separated from your wife and baby, along with a free kebab. He lists the days he's working in case David ever feels the need to talk.

Faye's having her tea with Anna and raises the subject of the party. Anna tells her it's very short notice but doesn't take much persuading, especially when Faye plays the Sally card and refers to her as "cow-face". Owen comes in and Faye rushes upstairs to plan her outfit. Owen warns Anna that Faye is playing her like a fiddle or rather, he tells her, Grace is. But Anna can't see it and thinks that it's great that Faye finally has a close friend.

David and Tina are at home enjoying a couple of beers and sharing his kebab. David says he knows that Tommy left because of him and if it would help he'll move out but Tina says no, he's alright, they're mates, he's welcome to carry on sleeping on her sofa and besides where else would he go?

Chesney's sweeping the street outside the kebab shop when Sinead comes along. He's really putting his all into his new job and she says she'll have to re-do the label on his apron to say CEO. Chesney's not sure what this stands for and settles on Coleslaw Executive Officer. He tells Sinead she should wear a B.G. badge to stand for Best Girlfriend ever. He says that seeing David earlier reminded him of how he was a few months ago but thanks to Sinead his life has turned around and he's so grateful to her.

At PMT (PMS for North American audiences) Towers, Gail, Audrey and Kylie are watching tv. "He looks so miserable," Gail suddenly exclaims. The others think she means Nick but she's actually referring to David. "Good," says Kylie who adds that Gail has no way of knowing what David's thinking and that for all she knows he's laughing inside. Nick comes down the stairs and picks up his phone. He says he's going to call Leanne. Audrey decides that this is the moment to be up front with Nick. She tells him that Leanne might not come back or that, if she does, she might not come back to him. "We just want you to be prepared," adds Gail. A wild look comes into Nick's eyes. He swings round and knocks everything off the table behind him before walking out through the door.


Wednesday 30 October

Stella gets a phone call from Leanne but has to field off questions from Gloria while she's trying to talk to her.

Over at the Platt's, Nick is having trouble tying his shoelaces. While Kylie does them for him, Gail warns Nick that Leanne may have gone for good. He just wants her back.

Tina arrives for work at the pub. Liz asks if she's paid Tracy for the window. Tina admits that she probably should – but Tracy is such a cow. Liz points out that Tina told the police she would pay Tracy, and if she doesn't pay her she'll end up in court, and Tracy will love that.

Over at the bistro, Gail is trying to find out from Gloria if Stella has been in touch with Leanne. Gloria is non committal, saying she can't divulge family secrets.

Rita is outside the Kabin, sweeping the pavement. David comes along and looks at the cards in the window, wondering if there are any job vacancies. "Are you not a hairdresser any more?" asks Rita. David says he's had his scissors taken off him and he's still at Tina's. "But you've got a new little baby," says Rita. David says he still gets on with her, it's just the rest of them.....Rita thinks it's a shame, because she's known Gail for many, many years and he should go and try and sort it out. David tells her it's complicated, she doesn't know the half of it. "Tell me," says Rita. David says he's tempted, just to see the look on her face, but he can't.

Owen takes Faye into the cafe. She goes off to speak to Tim who is there with Sally, asking him if he's coming to her party. Sally quickly says that they have promised to go to Julie's house to a party that's for grown ups.

Simon is in the cafe with Peter who tells him he'll have to get back to the factory soon.

Faye goes over to the counter and tells Anna that her dad can't come to her party. Just then Grace comes in and politely accepts the offer of a drink from Anna. When the girls have gone to sit down, Anna remarks to Owen that Grace has very nice manners. "Yes, when she gets what she wants," says Owen.

Over in the taxi office, Lloyd and Eileen are moaning about their lives. Eileen asks if he'd like to go for a drink later, but he declines, saying he's trying to drink less. Eileen is a bit miffed and says she won't ask him again.

Tina goes into the pawn shop and tells Rob she's come to pay for the window. Tracy tells her not to forget about the laptops she smashed too. Tina tells her she's not paying for them because she didn't smash them, and Rob tells Tracy to let him deal with it, which annoys her. With just the window paid for, Tina goes to leave. Tracy then tells her not to come back, she's barred. "Oh, how am I going to manage?" says Tina sarcastically.

In the cafe, Grace tells Faye she can't come to her party as she has something else on that night, but if Faye was to hold the party the next night, she would be able to come. Owen hears all this, and pricks up his ears.

Beth and Sinead are also in the cafe, talking about the 'Employee of the Month' award. Beth asks Sinead to make up some knickers for her and then she can claim they were all her own work. "But that would be cheating," says Sinead.

Faye goes and asks Anna if she can have her party on the Friday instead of Thursday. Anna says that's ok. When Faye is out of earshot, Owen points out to Anna that Grace is calling the shots.

Kylie and Nick have just got back from a game of football in the park with Max. Nick carries him into the house as his boots are muddy. Just at that moment, Leanne gets out of a taxi and watches all this.

Just then, Gail comes out of the bistro and see Leanne. She rushes over, asking if she's back for good. Leanne avoids the question by asking if her mum is in the bistro. Gail tells her that Nick is really looking forward to seeing her and offers to go and fetch him. Leanne stops her, saying that she will call round to see Nick later on, and goes into the bistro. Gail rushes home and tells Nick that she's just seen Leanne.

Leanne is in the bistro, Stella and Gloria are delighted to see her. She tells them she doesn't know if she's back for good, and she asks where Simon is.

Back at Gail's house, Nick is desperate to see Leanne and wants to go off and find her. Kylie and Gail persuade him to wait until she's ready to see him.

Simon rushes into the bistro, with Peter. He gives Leanne a big hug and asks if they can go home now. Leanne says that there are some people she needs to speak to first.

Tina gets home to find David cooking chilli. She tells him she paid for the window, but still wants to smack Tracy in the face. David jokes that the two of them should get married as they don't get on with anybody else. Tina points out that David is already married, and there is only one person he really wants to be with, and that's Kylie.

Beth and Sinead have met up in the pub, and Beth asks if Sinead has thought about what she asked her. Sinead says she'll do it, but will need patterns.

Rita is talking to Liz about David, she asks what kind of mess David has got himself into. Liz says she was going to ask Rita the same question.

Nick is waiting impatiently for Leanne, he can't understand why she is taking so long. Kylie tries to calm him down.

Liz and Rita are gossiping about the fact that the baby might be Nick's, so they can't understand why David has been kicked out of the house.

Eileen goes into the pub and finds Lloyd there. She's annoyed, and thinks that he just didn't want to drink with her, when he refused earlier. He thinks she's being paranoid and offers to buy her a drink.

Leanne sees David sitting on the factory steps. She asks him if he made the crash happen on purpose. David doesn't answer, so she takes it that he did. She says she blames him for everything.

She then marches over to the Platt's front door and rings the bell. Gail lets her in, saying it's good to see her, and then Kylie takes her away, leaving Leanne and Nick alone.

Tim tells Sally that Faye has changed the day of her party, so they will be able to go after all. Sally says she hopes Anna will behave herself this time.

Over at Anna's, she and Owen are talking about the party and how they're not best pleased that now Tim and Sally will be able to come. Owen tells her it's all Grace's fault, she twisted Faye round her little finger.

Nick tells Leanne that he wants them to try again. She says she does too, but she can't right now. She says she can't wind the clock back and start again because she was lied to and deceived for months and months. She says that she is not going to move back in with him and life is not going to get back to how it was before. Not now, maybe never.

Anne Logan

Updates written by K Richard Whitbread, Martin Rosen,Duncan Lindsay, Christine Warren, Ann Logan, Margaret Carr, Tvor, Karen Jankel.