Monday 2 February

Written by Joe Turner Directed by Abe Juckes

Michael's nervous about his upcoming op on Friday and hasn't got much of an appetite. However, even Max reckons he'll get in trouble if he doesn't eat and he can't win against Gail's insistence. David sends Max up to clean his teeth and then tells Gail that Callum showed up. David is going to see a solicitor to find out his rights. Nick arrives looking for volunteers for the opening of the Bistro. He's informed of the latest.

Owen and Anna are still bickering over their respective offspring. Faye comes out, gathering forms and dinner money for school. Owen leaves and Anna is getting ready to. She goes to clean her teeth and we see Faye take out a letter and forge Anna's signature on a form.

Over at Number 5, Kirk and Joseph are watching a children's telly show, which is greatly amusing Kirk. Agnes makes pointed remarks about the state of the place, clearly gone downhill now Sinead's in hospital. She even calls Beth lazy. Beth protests. Sinead won't let anyone help out. She's walked right into Agnes's trap, Agnes declares she's going to let Beth do everything and points out that she's there to help them help themselves. Beth and Gran bicker. Kirk points out that Joseph has a cold and it sounds like it might be down to Beth to mind him, much to her dismay.

Gail wants to do something to take Michael's mind off the operation. He jokes that he had forgotten until she brought it up. Eileen comes round the corner looking for Michael. She has a dentist appointment and needs cover. Gail isn't sure Michael is up to it but Michael thinks it would be good for him and agrees. If that's ok with Gail. Well, how can she say no?

Down the road, Norris comes out to find Maddy having a kickabout with Simon and you'd be right in expecting he hasn't got a good word to say about it. He warns them to be careful of the windows. Sophie comes along and teases Maddie about her 18th birthday tomorrow. She has a special surprise for her. Simon (in a voice that's clearly trying to change to adult tones) is in on the surprise, so he says and teases her about her impending "old" age. They run off with the football again.

In the Bistro, chairs have been delivered and are still covered in plastic. Plants will be delivered later and things are in an uproar. Gav-Andy is concerned about Michael's operation and then having to tell him the truth. Leanne snaps at them to get on with their work. David saunters in to help. He tells Nick that the solicitor has told him he's got a good case. Callum may have legal rights but David has the history. Katy comes in, having followed David who apologizes to her for kicking off. She offers to help out with Max after school. David is reluctant but Nick comments that it would help him if David can stay at the Bistro and help as much as possible. (I guess David has left the salon to it for the day) David agrees and Katy goes off to college.

Eva finds Faye sat on the steps of the gym. Faye says she's got a free period. She asks Eva how old you have to be to join up but reckons it's expensive anyway. Eva tells her about a poster for an under 16 running club on the red rec if she's interested. She's not, really. She runs off. Eva takes a call and makes a plan to meet the caller. She rings off as Jason runs up and she lies about who was on the phone, saying it's Leanne. She swerves lunch in the Bistro with Jason to see Leanne as well. But it's clear from her face as he turns to leave that she was lying about that, too.

Gail is in the Kabin talking to Rita about Michael's operation and worries about the Bistro reopening and David's troubles. Rita asks if she's doing ok herself. Gail reckons she doesn't have a choice but to keep going for everyone else. Owen comes in for a paper and is shushed (Gail has a sleeping Lily in the pram) but Norris comes in barking about the kids and the football which has left muddy ball prints on the windows and side of the building. He's started Lily off crying.

Roy serves Maddie cheese on toast in the cafe. She begs Sophie to tell her what she's got her for her birthday. No hints but Maddie guesses a posh restaurant is involved so Sophie cracks. She's booked a weekend away in a posh resort. Maddie doesn't quite look impressed, intimidated by the idea of having to dress up. Sophie says that's not necessary, they're off to have fun! Maddie reckons that's the final step in the transformation from street urchin to stately home. Carla staggers in for a coffee, telling Roy she's got to get the factory back up and running as people are depending on her. Chesney runs in looking for someone to mind Joseph while he visits Sinead. Roy is delighted to help.

Leanne is barking orders on the phone, the restaurant is still pretty chaotic. Ga-Andy cuddles with Step while she's wiping dishes. Leanne comes over and shouts at them again for canoodling. David and Nick talk about Callum. David wants to keep Max as far away from Callum as he can.

In the cafe, Katy has come for a cuppa, having picked up Max after school, and is talking to Anna about relationships falling apart. Anna is telling Katy that Gary and Izzy just have to move on with their lives. Katy does agree. Anna nips upstairs to tell Roy that Katy's here (is she taking Joseph as well?). Callum comes in just then and sees Katy and Max at the table.

After the break, we're at the hospital with Sinead staring at the ceiling. Beth and Agnes bicker in the hallway, with Kirk and Ches with them. They all come in and greet her. There are no new developments, it seems. Kirk says there's plenty of time and bags a grape. Chesney lies and says Joseph is with Katy, knowing how Sinead feels about Roy these days. Beth tells her that Carla is opening the factory today but she and Kirk have leave.

Callum sits down with Katy who is uncomfortable with it because of David. Callum charms her and bribes Max with a milkshake. Eileen notices and asks Anna who the "hunk" is but she doesn't know. Callum comes to the counter to order the milkshakes and flirts with Eileen and Anna who lap it up. Well, Eileen certainly does.

Rita makes arrangements to take the train to visit Mavis. She calls updates over her shoulder to Norris while she chats. There's a bang outside and Norris runs out, knowing it's a football that's hit the window. He sees Maddie and Simon racing off down the street, the football rolling across the cobbles. Rita comes out just as her taxi is arriving. She orders Norris to behave himself while she's away. Now what are the chances of that, do you think? Norris sees her off in the taxi and eyes the football.

Looks like the Bistro is nearly set up. It has a somewhat rustic look, with wood planking on the walls, stainless steel chairs, retro signs and lights around. Kind of nice, really. There's a woman there that's brought the plants and is in the back. She's noticed Ga-Andy and smiles to herself.

David has put Lily down and heads to the cafe to pick up Max. Gail and Michael are going to the Bistro opening later. Gail fusses over Michael doing too much but he's only been sat at Streetcars for a couple of hours and is looking forward to the opening. David takes off.

Callum and Max are enjoying their milkshake in the cafe. Chesney is there to pick up Joseph and admits he told Sinead that Joseph was with Katy. Katy and Carla are confused but Roy knows why he did it and understands it's a difficult situation. David arrives and is not best pleased to see Callum sitting with Max. He snaps at Callum and Katy who doesn't know why David has a problem with Callum. He didn't actually tell her why, after all. He and Callum exchange a few loaded words without actually saying too much in front of Max. David takes Max home while Katy is left uncertain. She leaves, too, to go sort it out. Eva's there too and shouts at Callum and she lets slip that his name is on the birth certificate. Callum is thoughtful.

The plant lady, Tara, comes up behind Ga-Andy and surprises him, gobsmacks him, to be honest. He goes pale when he sees her. She clearly knows him as Andy and teases that she figured it was him unless he's got a double (not exactly!). He's very uncomfortable and tries to get her out of the restaurant. She wants to get together sometime but he tells her he's seeing someone. She's all over him, which Leanne notices. Tara hugs Andy and grabs him for a kiss before she leaves, and then calls him Andy and asks him to call him if he changes his mind. Leanne makes her presence known behind him. Just how much did she hear?


Written by Mark Wadlow and directed by Abe Juckes

A furious David arrives home with Max and Katy. He packs Max off upstairs while he tells Katy that she's not to let him go anywhere near Callum. Katy's confused. Why does David hate him so much? Eventually David admits the truth: he's Kylie's drug dealer. He just leaves out the small detail that Callum is also Max's father.

In the Bistro Leanne tells Gavin she noticed he was rather friendly with the florist. She also wonders why she called him Andy. Gavin makes up some story about there being two people called Gavin where he used to work so they called him Andy to avoid confusion. Leanne says she knows when a man's lying so he says he had a one night stand with the florist and he was trying to avoid her. All Leanne cares about is that he doesn't hurt Steph and so far he's not convincing her of his good intentions.

Sophie tells Maddie they need to go home and pack for their luxury spa weekend but Maddie would rather celebrate with a pint in the Rovers than go to a place where she's sure everyone will be looking down on her. Sophie can't understand what her problem is. But Maddie's distracted by the sight of Simon who's dejectedly holding his football. It's been punctured and Maddie think she knows precisely who's responsible.

In the Kabin Norris is serving Anna while Sharif scours the shelves for a magazine on Urban Poultry Keeping. Maddie bursts through the door and accuses Norris of puncturing Simon's football. He tries denying it but he's obviously guilty and Maddie tells him he hasn't heard the last of it.

Callum's been waiting in his car. He sees Katy coming out of David's and calls over to her. Katy tells Callum to get lost. He says she should take anything David's told her with a pinch of salt. Katy suggests he'd prefer a pinch of something else. She refuses to go for a drink and marches off up the street, leaving Callum scowling in the direction of David's house.

Anna arrives home to find Faye watching television. She claims she did her homework at school. Anna suggests fish and chips. Faye replies they're dead fattening but agrees to have some fish and a pickled onion. Faye seems really down in the dumps but Anna appears not to notice.

In the Bistro, Leanne tells Steph in front of Gavin that the florist was one of his exes. Stirring things still further she asks Gavin why the florist called him Andy. Realising the implications, Steph tells Gavin they need to talk and the two of them go over to one side for an urgent, conversation. Gavin whispers that Leanne may be on to him so he had to make up a lame excuse. He tells Steph to make out that she's furious with him. While he issues whispered instructions, Steph plays along. But she gets a bit too carried away and gives him a slap round the face, shouts that he's dumped and then rushes out of the Bistro.

Nick's furious. They have a major reopening and now they're a waitress down. Leanne defends her decision to say something - she thinks Steph had a right to know what sort of a man Gavin is. At that moment Gail and Michael arrive. Michael is concerned when he gathers Gavin and Steph have had a falling out while Gail's more interested in all the free glasses of Champagne lined up along the bar.

Faye arrives at the fish and chip shop. Craig is sitting on the bench outside and Faye joins him. She admits she's been bunking off school. She says she hates it. But it's not the lessons that are the problem. Faye admits that girls have been bullying her and telling her she's fat. Craig says he knows what it feels like, he's been there himself and suggests she should speak to Mr Meeker but Faye says she's not talking to him. Craig offers to be her bodyguard.

Sophie and Maddie are finally ready to go off on their weekend spa break but the thought of a seaweed body wrap isn't enough to allay her concerns that she's going to stick out like a sore thumb in somewhere so posh.

Ches arrives to see Sinead. She asks how Joseph's doing and Ches finally admits he left him with Roy not Katy. Sinead is upset, not just because of what Ches has done but the fact he lied. Ches is upset too - why does he have to choose between Sinead's feelings and Roy? He tries, yet again to convince Sinead that Roy's a good man but to no avail.

Sharif goes into the Kabin where Norris has some good news. He's tracked down a magazine called Chicken Quarterly on the internet and, waving his computer tablet triumphantly, tells Sharif he'll order him a copy. While this is going on, Maddie comes in to pick up some reading material for her weekend away. Norris is distracted by a phone call and we spot Maddie in the background looking decidedly shifty.

Things are getting busy at the Bistro reopening. Michael's getting himself worked up over Gavin and Steph's row and they're a member of staff down, so Nick allows Gavin to go and try to sort things out with Steph. It doesn't take him long to find her on the bench outside. Steph makes him grovel - after all, they've got to keep up the pretence - but she certainly enjoys it. They hurry back to the Bistro.

Meanwhile, David's at home and receives a visitor. It's Callum. He's getting increasingly angry with David and he's not impressed with the things he's been telling Katy. David's not about to back down. He tells Callum that Max is his son but Callum replies that he's the one who calls the shots. At that moment Max appears. His toy car's broken. A furious David looks on while Callum tells Max he's good with cars and asks for a screwdriver so he can fix it.

Steph and Gavin arrive back in the Bistro. He gets down on one knee and begs her forgiveness. Steph says she'll think about it but she's not going to let her love life get in the way of her work. Gavin winks at Michael - mission accomplished.

Max is chatting away to Callum who's fixed his car. He asks whether he'll take him out on his bike again. David can't stand any more so he sends Max up to bed and tells a smirking Callum to see himself out.

Meanwhile Chesney is trying to talk to Beth about Sinead. Beth's view is that Sinead is as tough as old boots and stubborn into the bargain. She tells Ches they're qualities that could come in handy over the next few months. Ches wishes there was something he could do to make Sinead feel better. Beth advises him he's just got to be there for her.

David comes downstairs to find Callum hasn't left. He tells David that if he does get together with Katy it means he can swing by whenever he wants. David says he can get with whoever he wants but he doesn't want Callum anywhere near his kids. Callum replies that Max is his son. David says Max doesn't know that and he never will. As far as he's concerned, he's Max's dad. Callum points out that he isn't according to the birth certificate which he reckons would stand heavily in his favour if they go to court. David tells him not to be ridiculous, the courts would never let him have Max, especially given what Callum does for a living. But Callum says he comes from a very respectable family, his mother's a schoolteacher. He leaves with the ominous words that David will be hearing from his solicitor.


Wednesday 4 February

It's morning at the Rovers, and Liz wonders why Steve is sitting watching tv in his pyjamas, he should get dressed, he's wasting the day. Michelle says he's not doing any harm, but Steve takes exception to being talked about as if he wasn't there, and stomps off to have a shower.

David sees Eva out in the Street. He tells her that his wife has left him and a drug dealer is going to break up what's left of his family. Eva is sure that Callum won't be allowed to take Max away from his home and the people that love him. David is pretty certain that unless Kylie comes back he won't have a leg to stand on, he's not a blood relative.

Craig sees Faye waiting for the bus; she tells him she's not going to school - it's P.E. and she'll be teased in the changing rooms for being fat. Anna rushes up with a sandwich for Faye's lunch, but when she's gone Faye throws it in a bin.

Tyrone is in the cafe. He tells Roy that he's noticed that the MOT needs renewing on the Woody, Roy and Hayley's old car. As gently as possible Tyrone says that it needs to be done, even if Roy isn't going to drive it.

Sinead wakes to find Chesney at her bedside. She was exhausted after her physio session, she had no idea it would be so tough. She says it's made her realise how long it's going to take to recover, if ever. She tells Chesney she's been thinking about Roy and what he and Hayley must have gone through. He had to watch her suffer, knowing that it would only get worse. She thinks she should have been more forgiving, and she's sorry.

Kevin is in the Kabin buying some manilla folders, at which Norris expresses some surprise. Kevin tells him he's tidied the office and wants to make sure it stays that way. Norris tells him he should be heading towards the paperless office, and shows him his tablet, telling him he used to be knee deep in paperwork but isn't any longer, he can now order anything at the touch of a button. Just then the door bursts open and in walks a delivery man with a large parcel. He tells Norris it's his delivery of 111 copies of 'Chicken Quarterly'. Norris tells him it's a mistake, he would never order so many, he only wanted one copy. The man tells him they were ordered online and that's the number he ordered. Sophie and Maddie come in then, and ask what's going on. When they hear Norris say he only ordered one copy they exchange glances, and Maddie suppresses a giggle. Kevin remarks that progress doesn't seem to be all it's cracked up to be.

Tyrone has taken a very dirty Woody round to the cafe, where Roy is outside. He tells Roy that he'll do the MOT and get the parts at cost with no charge for the labour. Roy tells him there's no point, he's not going to drive it. Tyrone and Carla are surprised he doesn't want to keep it, Hayley loved it. Roy doesn't drive and can't see the point in keeping it, and tells Tyrone to see if he can find a home for it.

Liz is moaning to Tony about Steve. She thinks he needs tough love, not daytime tv. She thinks Michelle should be getting him to see a therapist. Just then Steve and Michelle come through from the back, Steve is wearing a jacket and tells Michelle to record 'Countdown' on tv. Liz asks where he's going. "I'm off to the therapist," says Steve.

Craig and Faye are up in Anna's flat. He's worried that an adult will come back but Faye assures him that Anna will be at work all day and Owen has gone to Bury. He continues to try and persuade her to go to school, but she won't. He says that by hiding away it's letting the bullies win. "They're sad idiots," he tells her. She starts to cry. "Maybe they are but I just can't hack it," she sobs.

Roy has arrived to see Sinead. She tells him she thought they should clear the air, and says that when she saw him being violent with Gary she couldn't get her head around it. He tells her she was right to condemn him, but she says she hadn't made allowances for what he'd been through with Hayley. He says he doesn't want forgiveness, he feels he betrayed Hayley as much as himself that night. He gets up to leave, but she stops him. She tells him that now, having been looked after by Chesney, she realises how Hayley must have felt when Roy looked after her. She knows that Hayley wouldn't want him feeling guilty, she would want him to go out and live his life.

Katy meets Callum in the pub. She wants to know if the rumours about him are true. He says he's not dealing drugs any more, and eventually tells her that he's Max's dad.

Steve is talking to his therapist, he tells him that everything seemed so pointless, nothing seemed worth doing. He says that the tablets are working, but he feels like he's going mad, now that everyone knows. He has no breathing space, everyone keeps asking how he is, it's making everything ten times worse.

Gail, Audrey and David are in the bistro with Michael and 'Gavin'. Michael has written out a will in case his operation goes wrong. Gail takes it and tears it up, telling him she's waited far too long to find happiness and he's not going anywhere.

Back in the pub, Callum tells Katy that Max doesn't know he's his dad and he doesn't want to spook him by rushing things. He then goes on to ask Katy on a date.

Faye and Craig are now in the cafe. She tells him she'll get thin and then go back to school. He says he can't let her mess up her education, but she says that if he tells on her she'll never speak to him ever again.

Kevin, Sophie and Maddie are also in the cafe when Norris comes in. Kevin asks if he sorted the magazine thing. Norris says he hasn't, the wholesaler was adamant he'd ordered all of them.

Just then there's a hooting outside and Roy goes out to investigate. It's Tyrone and Carla with Woody, Tyrone has got it though the MOT and it's been cleaned. They say they know what Roy told them but they knew that Hayley loved the car and wouldn't Roy to be parted from it. Tyrone hands over a pair of driving gloves he found in the glove box. Carla asks if he'd like to go for a spin. Roy says he will tomorrow, there's something he wants to do - scatter Hayley's ashes. Then he tells them that from now on he intends to live his life as Hayley would have wanted him to.

Anne Logan

Friday 6 February

It's the morning Michael's off to hospital and David takes great delight in describing what will happen in detail you don't really want to hear over the breakfast table. "Gavin" and Steph arrive to wish him all the best.

Tim and Sal meet Fay in the street. She says she's off to school but refuses a lift on the grounds that she's arranged with someone to get the bus.

In his flat, Roy has breakfast with music playing and Hayley's box of ashes in front of him.

In the back of the pub, Liz is worried about Steve. She'd hoped the medication and therapy might have improved things by now. Instead, Steve's still hiding away. Tony suggests she try thinking outside of the box.

Steph and "Gavin" sit on Maxine's bench and kiss. Katy comes past and they talk about Callum, with Steph trying to say he's bad news. He's a drug dealer who wrecked David's marriage. Katy says there's more to him than that. "Anyway, he's changed. He told me."

Tyrone arrives to pick up Roy. Chesney's outside with the Woody warmed up. Roy asks for one or two minutes and says he'll meet Ty outside. He picked up the box and puts it in a carrier bag (sideways, which I thought was risking spillage!).

Maddie appears to be fiddling with the news poster outside the Kabin. Zeedan catches her doing it. She explains she's stealing it to mess with Norris's mind.

Tony is all ready to go into town. He tells Liz he's off to get an electric razor. Steve comes into the bar. He can't find the TV remote control anywhere and he's getting quite agitated because he can't watch his programmes. He rejects Liz's idea that he go for a lovely walk instead. When he's gone, Michelle says she's sure the remote was on top of the telly. It's not now. It's under the bar - Liz hid it to try to get Steve to get out of the house. "He's not well," points out Michelle. Liz knows that but she doesn't think treating him as if he's something that's going to break is the right thing to do.

Eileen's out in the street wearing weird earmuffs when she meets Andrea and stops for a chat. Over the road, Roy, Chesney and Tyrone get into the car. Roy tells the others he's changed his mind about Blackpool. He doesn't want Hayley's final resting place to be associated with what took her away from him. He wants to be reminded of happier times.

Zeedan goes into the Kabin and appears startled by the front-page story about an armed robbery at Freshco's. He can't understand why he's heard nothing about it and why it hasn't generated bigger headlines. Norris says it's all over the poster outside but Zeedan says there's nothing on the billboard. Norris huffs that he put it there himself.

From the garage, Maddie watches as Norris comes out and discovers there's no poster.

Gail and Michael wait at the hospital. Gail says that in a couple of weeks when he's recovered they'll be making plans for their wedding. They agree that they love each other. "I'll be waiting for you when you wake up," says Gail. The staff arrive to take him to theatre. For some reason they're taking him in a wheelchair - perhaps the NHS cuts mean they'll drag him back from theatre along those shiny floors rather than transferring him to his bed and wheeling him back on that.

Mary's in the Kabin looking at birthday cards. Norris is yawning and confides in her that he seems to keep making strange mistakes. "I seem to be getting worse." Marry offers to look after the shop while he goes home for a lie down. Norris sighs as he gets his coat and walks wearily from the shop.

Katy books a table at the bistro for Gavin and herself. David reckons that if she's stupid enough to go out with Callum after all she's been told about him, then she deserves what she gets. Gail calls asking for a lift back from the hospital and David borrows Nick's car.

Steph asks "Gavin" if he's OK.

Steve has turned the back room upside down in his hunt for the remote. "What am I supposed to do if I can't watch my quiz shows?" He claims he can't go into the bar and serve customers. But Michelle backs up Liz, who says she's got a headache, and tells him to get a clean shirt on.

Roy and the boys (yes, I know they're adults, but they still seem like boys) have arrived at the park where Roy and Hayley first kissed. Roy leads them down towards the lake.

Mary appears to be helping herself to sweets from the jars in the Kabin when Maddie comes in. "I'm just doing a stock check," she hastily explains. Maddie asks why Mary is there and Mary says Norris is afraid he's losing his marbles. "I don't know what's wrong but I know he's very upset."

Steve's behind the bar, though he's afraid people are looking at him. Eileen arrives, full of gossip about what Fat Brenda's lass has been up in court for. Steve snaps that he's not in the mood for gossip and flounces out the back.

David takes Max and Lily to Sally's. She's going to look after them for a while. Max can't understand this. Didn't David says Sally was boring and a stuck up cow? Sally opens the door just as he's asking this. David explains that Max will be fine watching TV. He asks if Sally can please keep them both indoors. Neither of them see Callum watching from over the road.

Craig helps Tim clean the salon windows. He's trying to explain how smart rats are - Darryl will sit on his shoulder and watch telly. Audrey comes out to pay and mentions seeing Fay in the precinct earlier. Tim thinks she must be mistaken but Audrey's quite sure. Craig professes to know nothing but he looks very guilty while he says it.

Maddie has gone to see Norris to confess. That stuff with his phone, the magazine orders, the poster today, it was all her. She says when he shortchanged her she wanted to get back at him but she never meant to upset him this much. Norris huffs that he's sorry he ever laid eyes on her.

Out in the street, Callum gets a call to say the police are looking for him. He's angry at whoever grassed him up.

Michelle is annoyed that Liz's plan didn't work. Liz doesn't think Michelle seemed that worried about Steven when she was off gallivanting with Angus or whatever his name was. Michelle snaps back that Liz knows very well his name was Hamish. Tony, back from his razor-buying, asks if there's any chance of getting a beer. "IN A MINUTE!" chorus Liz and Michelle. Michelle explains that she only went out with Hamish so she could feel needed, but don't think for one minute she ever stopped thinking about Steve or loving him. Andrea seems to be the only person who notices Steve hear the first part of this as he passes the door. We see him sitting on the stairs looking very sad.

David is alone in the house when Callum comes in uninvited. He tries to push him out but Callum has no trouble grabbing hold and taking control. David's not going anywhere till Callum says so.

The end of part one.
Margaret Carr

The night before this episode aired I was in Reading attending a 10cc concert. The first half consists of "Sheet Music" played from start to finish - indeed they did not speak until it was time to turn the record over. The second half was mainly the singles. They are playing and singing well and I can certainly recommend the show after the interval. Touring the UK for the next month.

This episode was written by Martin Allen and directed by Judith Dine. Copyright remains the property of ITV to whom many thanks for continuing to entertain us. Series 56, episode 27, or number 8571 for those starting from the very beginning.

On the Street we open at the Platt residence where Callum is intimidating David by his presence. David threatens to call the police but Callum says they are already on their way as they have a tip off that Callum may have been handling illegal substances and they want to question him - but David will tell them that he has been there most of the morning. David tells Callum to get out and he starts backing out - but he will go down two doors and tell Max who his real father is. David starts to reconsider his option.

In the Rovers, Tony appears to be spending the entire day propping up the bar wearing his coat - not sure why as he does not have a baby bump to hide. Liz and Michelle are discussing how to "help" Steve and they are of course diametrically opposed. Michelle is "softly softly monkee will get better" whilst Liz is keener on a swift prod up the rear for her son. Michelle suggests she starts flogging Steve to beat some sense into him. Liz backs down slightly - Steve needs support and Michelle assures her that she is providing that. Tony tries to calm it down and Michelle goes to speak to Steve. Andrea and Liz have been observing this exchange. Michelle cannot find Steve - Andrea saw him pop his head in, heard the argument and ducked out. Eileen points out that when Michelle and Liz hit their stride even she would run a mile.

At the boating lake Ty and Ches are discussing the legality of what they are doing - Roy hears them and he quotes the law - he has consulted the environment agency and Mr Clifton of the Weatherfield Parks and Recreation Dept have confirmed there is no problem.

Faye has been seen in the precinct by Audrey - but she was not spoken to. This is passed onto both Anna and Tim who are in Roy's Rolls.

Eileen finds Steve at the cab office and texts Michelle to let her know and in the background Liz is asking Tony if she was a bit hard on Steve earlier. He is alright and Michelle is going to have a chat - and she is not trying to freeze Liz out either. They hug and promise to support each other through this.

Eileen has been working in the cab office for fifteen years. Steve looks at the ringing phone and gets up and answers it and slips into working mode as Michelle arrives. Eileen tells him to give the job to Frank. Steve says he feels shattered and Michelle suggests he comes home but he says he is glad to be back in the saddle and Eileen offers him a biscuit.

In Nick's Bistro Katie and Steph are discussing Callum. She tells Steph and Gavandy that she does not like liars. They both feel a shiver down their spines.

Back to Plattland where David still has Callum talking when there is knock at the door. It is PC Fletcher and they are investigating the supply of drugs. The policeman wants to know where Callum was at 12:30. Mr Logan says he was with David from 11:00 and the policeman asks David to confirm it.

After the break David confirms that he has been there and he has been in the house as it is his day off. Gail bursts in looking for David and she explains she has been at the hospital where Michael has been having an operation. The police depart unhappily. Gail wants an explanation.

Roy and the two lads find Hayley's secluded space and Roy opens the box holding the ashes. Roy starts with a few lines of verse:
A handful of gray ashes
Not long ago at rest

But he cannot go through with it and he says it does not feel right. Ty calms him and tells Roy to talk to Hayley. Roy has decided finally that the time has come and he apologises for procrastinating. They are at the place where they had their first kiss which seems more appropriate than Blackpool. He hopes she approves - so many memories, Amsterdam, the weddings, your face at the door, memories reduced to the contents of a box. Ty asks about the poem; Roy recites:
Still are thy pleasant voices,
thy nightingales, awake;
For Death, he taketh all away,
but them he cannot take.

And Roy throws the ashes into the water. And Hayley and Roy are finally parted.

Gail waited for ages at the hospital - where was David? Callum departs. Gail says she does not want to see him again. Gail wants answers out of David. Her mobile goes - it is the hospital. Michael is out of theatre and they have to get back to the hospital.

Maddie is saying to Sophie that she apologised and they approach Norris sitting on Maxeme's bench. She apologises again. Then he admits he punctured the football. Sophie gets them to agree to drop it, Maddie suggests a high five but settles for a handshake.

Callum appears and Katie has been waiting for an hour - his phone is flat. He says he will spoil her rotten. Steph reckons that Callum is lying. The choice is a night in with the kid or a night out with the fittest lad in sight - no way is she going home.

Roy returns home with Ty and Ches and offers to get brushes to clean their shoes. Ty tells him not to worry. Roy feels that a weight has been lifted slightly and he thanks them for coming with him. He assures them he is OK and he has been thinking that he wants to resume the driving lessons in the Woody. So he does not want to sell it after all.

Anna asks Faye about school. Faye claims it was a normal day. Anna asks about Audrey seeing her in the precinct. Apparently it was a project on the homeless and Anna should phone the school. Anna says she believes Faye (not really, she is just saying that).

In the back room at the Rovers Steve has returned and Michelle tells him that she and Liz have resolved their differences. But Steve sees it differently - all he does is cause people problems. He suggests everyone would be better off without him. He went to the cab office to give everyone a break. She re-assures him they are all there for him - no matter how long it takes. It is so new for all of them but they will find a way through and she is going to make sure he gets better and she gives him a big hug.

In the bar Tony has removed his coat and after Liz apologises they start smooching.

Norris and Sophie and Maddie are sitting together chatting. Maddie is settling in at the factory but Norris does not know how they can employ someone like Kirk without going bankrupt. Maddie refuses to comment on the driver but remarks that he did get lost at Spaghetti Junction looking for a pizza. And he avoids the red light district because it is full of traffic lights. Norris knows she is joking. He admits to using a letter opener to burst the ball. They seem to be moving towards greater harmony. Maddie says that she simply gets off on the wrong foot with most people most of the time. Sophie simply observes that Maddie and Norris have a lot in common. And they all smile. [We are of course observing the normalification of Maddie so that she is house trained and therefore can stay on the Street - look out Callum you will be next for house training!!]

Audrey arrives at David's. She wants to know the news - the operation went well and it will take a few more weeks to be sure. Everyone seems happy except Gavandy - both he and Steph have to work out when to tell the truth. Gavandy looks worried about the need to break the news.

What have we learned this evening?
a) Steve - I am not sure I quite get the improvement - I thought his descent was well handled but this phase jars a little - does it work for you?
b) Katie needs her head examining
c) Maddie is being house trained and will soon be an absolutely model citizen
d) Anna really is dancing around Faye. I really think she ought to be a little less accepting (even if she isn't).
e) Roy, as ever touching and heartfelt. A year has passed and Roy deserves a quiet period in the background oiling the wheels - his time will no doubt come again; but you do not get the wonders of the likes of the Roy and Hayley stories that often in soapland.

See you next week, same time, same place, same channel but with another helping of Weatherfield Wonders.


Monday 9 February

Written by Perrie Balthazar Directed by Menhaj Huda

Faye is sent off to school with a ham and cheeseless sandwich. I see economies are still under way at the WindStrong house. Anna asks Faye about her school work regarding the project she lied about last week on homeless people. Faye gives her some gibberish about it and leaves without her lunch.

Liz and Michelle are sampling spinach smoothies for breakfast and don't see the benefit seeing as it tastes disgusting. Steve comes in and he's all spiffed up, having shaved and dressed smartly for a change. He offers to take Michelle into town to shop for Amy's birthday present and a nice lunch out. He must be having a good day.

Sally has come to visit Gail to find out how Michael is. Gail is still quite worried as they won't know for a little while yet if the operation really did what it needed to for his condition. Sally's remarks about he and Gail not really being fully committed does sound a bit like she is suggesting that Gail should cut and run but I don't think she meant it that way. Gail is in tears telling Sally that she'll worry about him until whichever one of them goes first.

Izzy and Katy find Faye at the bus stop. They tell her she's missed the bus and she pretends to be dismayed. She cadges 2 quid off Izzy for lunch. Katy remembers doing the same when her father made sandwiches she didn't like, assuming Faye has done the same. Faye starts walking to school.

Ga'Andy and Steph discuss Ga'Andy telling Michael the truth but Ga'Andy isn't comfortable doing it yet while MIchael is in hospital. Gail comes out and asks him if he'd go visit Michael now so she can catch up on chores. Of course he will! He does seem a bit reluctant and comments about people doing all they can. Gail has an idea, something a bit more she can do for Michael and turns to leave.

Kal is making breakfast for himself, which is then stolen by Zeedan. Sharif is out in the back garden with his chickens. He comes in, talking about the new organic feed. Yasmeen asks Sharif to peel some potatoes later as Leanne is coming to dinner, then looks around for her bowl of seasoned chicken. Sharif is affronted that she would have that lying about while his "girls" outside might see their cousins chopped in bits! He's put the bowl in the fridge, but he dropped it and had to bin it. That's dinner for none, then! Kal reckons he'll eat at Leanne's. Yasmeen reckons she might join him! Downtrodden Sharif is getting it from all sides!

Ken has walked Eccles and is telling Liz and Tracy that Amy was trying to talk them into allowing her to have her birthday off school. He's not sure if she gets her cheek from her mother or her father. Tracy hopes not too much was inherited from Steve, making a face. Liz points out Steve only has depression, not three ears. She tells them that Steve was having a good day today. Tracy thinks Amy seems to be too understanding about Steve's condition. Ken wants all the family to be at Amy's birthday get together to show Steve they're all behind him for support.

In the cafe, Andrea's in for breakfast. Anna wants Owen to take Faye's lunch to school. He's trying to get out of it.

Sally has the laptop in the conservatory then puts it on a table, leans back in her chair for a little doze when there's a great flap at the window. She starts and is shocked to see one of Sharif's chickens.

Meanwhile, Yasmeen is telling Roy and Anna in the cafe how Sharif babies and spoils his chickens. Roy comments on the barbaric conditions of some chicken raising farms. Yasmeen hisses that Sharif may discover what barbaric really means if he interferes with her cooking again. Zeedan comes in to fetch his mother.

Ga'Andy and Steph are at Michael's bedside. He's very morbid and regretful, having had a long time to think with his life only recently being in the balance. He tells Ga'Andy that he regrets how he abandoned his son but yet is very proud of him as well. Ga'Andy is clearly uncomfortable and begins to make a speech, perhaps tell the truth but is interrupted by Gail who needs to speak to him on her own.

Katy has Joseph again, walking in the park and she spots Faye. She starts to shout at her and Faye just gets up to leave but drops her backpack. A packet of cigarettes falls out and Katy is shocked. Faye doesn't want her to tell Anna but Katy isn't about to lie for her. She says Anna has enough to worry about. Faye remarks that cigs make you skinny and mutters that Katy wouldn't understand. She cries that everyone hates her because she's fat even though she has been trying so hard to diet. Katy doesn't know what to say. Faye doesn't want a fuss made because it will make it worse at school. Katy promises not to tell and promises to help her.

For all Gail wanted to talk to Michael, all she can say at first is just inconsequential small talk. But she tells him that she can't imagine life without him and wants to get married as soon as they can. She has made an appointment for four weeks' time.

Steve shows Andrea a shopping bag with his gift for Amy in it. Andrea laughs at some memories it brings back and tells him that Lloyd should be back soon. Andrea asks him to do a few hours on the switch tomorrow so she can give the flat a good cleaning and he agrees.

Craig is in the cafe for some of Roy's crumble. Owen comes in and Anna apologizes. They sit down and talk about their worry about Faye. Craig overhears them talking about Faye and how they hope there's nothing serious wrong with her. Roy witters on about the crumble. Anna notices Craig getting quiet and asks him if he knows anything. He says he doesn't but Anna gets sharp with him, demanding that he tell them if he's as good a mate as he says.

Kal and Sharif are chasing the chicken around Sally's garden while Sally scolds Yasmeen in the conservatory for not keeping their livestock under control. The bird is nabbed finally. Apologies all around, though Yasmeen is a bit pointed in her observation that Sally was relaxing to music rather than working. Zeedan moans about chasing feathered friends. Kal reckons it's time to call in the reserves.

Anna and Owen are getting tea ready and talking about Faye who arrives home just then. They tell her that Izzy and Katy are coming for tea. Craig seems to have told them about the bullying. Faye tries to escape to her room but Anna stops her and wishes Faye had spoken to her about being teased about being chubby. Faye points out that talking about it only makes her feel worse and it isn't Anna's fault, after all. Anna wonders why the school never contacted her so she admits she forged Anna's signature. Anna says they'll get it all sorted before she goes back to school after half term next week. Izzy and Katy arrive just then. Faye accuses Katy of telling tales.

Julie is searching through her bag and seems out of sorts. Eileen asks her what's wrong. Julie tells her that Dev has decided to go to India to do some charity work. She feels he is a good man to go and feels selfish because she doesn't want him to. She thinks he could be gone long enough for their relationship to end before it's begun and Eileen points out that Dev's feelings should be strong enough to weather a short separation. Julie isn't so sure.

Anna has told Faye that it was Craig that told them about Faye's problems. Katy gets scolded for keeping the secret or at least promising to. Owen tries to help by telling Faye she's a healthy size rather than a bag of bones. That just sends Faye straight to her room followed by Anna with a glare in Owen's direction. Owen transfers the glare to Katy. Faye listens at her door to hear them all arguing, all blaming Owen for making it worse.

Steve and Michelle have brought Amy's present to her. She's already had a manicure and pedicure from her mother! She's well impressed by the roller skate boots and helmet they have given her. Steve makes a few jokes about Andrea's roller skating days. Amy tries them out and rolls right over her mother's toes. Steve and Michelle offer to take Amy for pizza but Amy has decided she'd rather stay at home with her mum. Oh dear.

Tea is served up at the Wind-Strong house. Faye comes out of her room quietly, arms around her middle. Anna tells her a funny story about Gary and a lad he's doing community service with. The door buzzes and Owen offers to get the door. Owen answers the buzzer with a joke. A woman asks "Owen??" which stops him in his tracks and he says he's coming downstairs. He answers the door to a dark haired woman. He asks her roughly what the hell she's doing there. She says she's there to see her daughters!


Written by Susan Oudot and directed by Menhaj Huda

Katy comes downstairs to find out who Owen's talking to on the doorstep. When he doesn't reply the woman does it for him. She tells Katy she's her mum. Katy asks if it's some kind of joke.

Amy's still refusing to go out for dinner but we see a flash of the old Steve. He jokes around with Amy until she decides she does want to go for a pizza after all.

Meanwhile, Dev and Julie are also about to eat their evening meal. Dev is going on about his trip to India while Julie looks on the point of bursting into tears. She can finally bear it no longer and tells Dev she doesn't want him to go.

At another table Anna, Izzy and Faye are waiting to resume their tea when they hear footsteps coming up the stairs. A woman comes through the door and is greeted by a look of shock from Izzy. Anna asks what's going on. A tearful Katy replies that apparently this is Linda, their mother. Izzy makes no attempt to hide her disgust and contempt. Their mother says she's sorry but she's going nowhere. Anna dispatches Faye to her room and tells Linda to sit down.

Back at Dev's a tearful Julie is trying to explain why she doesn't want Dev to go to India. They've only just got together, he's going to a dangerous place and she's a bag of verves following the crash. Dev says he'll stay – her happiness is far more important than massaging his ego he tells her.

Gail arrives at the Bistro with Gavin and Steph and announces that she's booked the wedding in four weeks. Eileen jokes that if she needs a bridesmaid she's available. But nothing is going to deflate Gail's buoyant mood, even Audrey who grumbles that Gail is trying to take on too much.

Round at the Nazirs, the family is discussing Sharif's chickens and the lengths he's going to to get them to lay. But, lo and behold, he comes through the back door triumphantly carrying his first egg!

We return to Anna and Owen's where Linda is telling the girls that not a week has gone by when she hasn't thought of them. Why has she come back now? As far as Katy and Izzy are concerned their mother abandoned them. Linda replies that they just don't get it. Owen says that they don't want to hear Linda's sob story. Izzy tells her mother that she used to tell the other kids at school that she was dead rather than them thinking her own mother didn't love her. "I always loved you!" declares Linda. But Izzy's version is that once Linda found out she was disabled she didn't want to deal with it so she left. "That is not true!" exclaims Linda. Izzy's tells her mother that she has a child now and that she would die rather than walk away and leave him. Once again Linda tells the girls that she always loved them. "Yeah, right," says Katy. Anna's heard enough and tells Linda that she has to leave. As she goes she hands Katy her phone number.

Once they're down in the street Linda angrily tells Owen that she never expected him to lie about why she left and that he let Izzy believe that the one person who should have loved her didn't. We learn that Linda walked out on Owen, not the girls and that he wouldn't let her see them again as punishment for having an affair. As far as Owen is concerned she made her choice. Linda bitterly tells him that in the end he's the one who's got it all. "I'm their mother and I'm going to try my damnedest to win them back and this time you are not going to stop me" declares Linda. As she walks off, Owen looks longingly in the direction of the Rovers and then heads off across the street.

Kal and Zeedan watch while Sharif tucks into his boiled egg, declaring how wonderfully fresh it tastes. But Zeedan has his suspicions that his father might be up to something and the moment Sharif leaves the room Kal admits he planted the egg. Yasmeen, who has no idea about the egg is simply delighted to see that something is giving Kal and Zeedan a reason to talk to each other on friendly terms.

Steve and Michelle arrive back at the Rovers. It seems that the evening out with Amy has been a success. In fact Steve's spirits have been lifted to such an extent he takes off his jacket ready to help out behind the bar. Eileen says if feels up to going out for pizza then he can do a stint at the cab office because Fat Brenda has taken up the harmonica and is driving her demented.

In the Bistro, Audrey is lecturing Gail. She's concerned that the stress of organising a wedding will all be too much for her but, as Gail points out, it's not like she hasn't done it before. Gail says it'll be just the boost Michael needs. Gavin and Steph hover in the background looking worried.

Anna, Katy and Izzy are talking about their mother's sudden appearance. Katy wonders why now, perhaps she's ill? Anna comments she didn't look like she imagined, not as Owen had described her. Owen arrives back from the pub. Anna's ears prick up when Izzy sobs that she remembers the night her mother left, how Owen was crying. Izzy is really upset as she recalls how she kept expecting her mother to return but she never did. Owen remains strangely silent.

Liz and Michelle are discussing Steve. They're both delighted he seems to be making progress and Liz suggests perhaps they should start giving him a few shifts behind the bar. But Michelle is worried that with Lloyd coming back he'll be under a lot of stress and they shouldn't make Steve run before he can walk.

Gail is gathering her thoughts on the bench in the street when Gavin comes to join her. If his intention was to confess the truth he doesn't do it. Instead he tells her that she has his blessing for the wedding and that if there's anything he can do to help ….

Julie is in the Rovers with Dev who is waxing lyrical about the charity in India. Suddenly her mind is made up. She tells him he must go after all and that they should go home and rebook his flights. Dev kisses her hand as he thanks her.

Audrey and Nick arrive home with Gail. They're both worried about her taking on too much but, since her mind is made up, they want to help. Nick says she can have the wedding at the Bistro, his treat. No, no, insists Audrey, it's her treat. They all enjoy a group hug.

Anna is on the sofa with Owen having a quiet chat. She comments that his ex wife is a lot more glamorous than she expected. She adds that she would never have abandoned her children like that. Owen looks awkward then says that they're two very different people. Anna says that if Owen wants to talk about it …. he replies that he's fine. As Anna gets up to go to bed Owen calls her back. "I just don't want her to ruin everything," he says.


Wednesday 11 February

Liz and Michelle are in the back room of the Rovers when Steve comes in, flushed from doing exercises – sit ups and press ups. He says he's thinking of going in to work.

Owen sees Katy and Izzy going down the Street and stops to talk to them. He asks how they are, and Izzy says they're fine, he raised a couple of tough cookies. As he goes to leave them, Katy asks if they're going to have a serious discussion about it all. He says they will, when he thinks the time is right – just now his head is all over the place. "What? And mine isn't?" says Katy. He tells them in the meantime not to forget how much he loves them both.

Dev and Julie are talking about his trip. He promises he'll think about her every day. Just then Mary arrives, and Dev asks her to come to the shop at lunch time, there's something he wants to run past her.

Kal and Zeedan are planting shop bought eggs in the hen house, to look like the hens are laying. Just then Alya and Sharif come out and of course he's delighted to hear that there are more eggs, he collects them and takes them inside.

In the Rovers, Steve is stressing about the fact that his hair is a mess. Michelle says she'll find him some styling wax.

Katy and Izzy are now in the cafe, and Katy says she doesn't think Izzy should always be sympathetic to Owen, and that Izzy should hear what their mother has to say. "You are joking?" says Izzy. Anna comes over and wants to know what's going on. Katy says she thinks they should talk to Linda. "She abandoned us," says Izzy. Katy says she wants to ask her why. Anna thinks Linda lost the right to be called their mother when she walked out, and she shouldn't be cruel enough to come back. Katy urges Izzy to listen to Linda's side of the story, but Izzy says she isn't going to betray their dad after all he's done for them.

Mary arrives at the shop to see what Dev wants. He asks if she'll look after the children while he's away, and of course she's delighted. She rushes out of the shop and meets Julie coming along, and tells her what Dev has said. "Of course you knew?" says Mary. Julie says she did know, they discuss everything, but when Mary has gone her expression tells a very different story.

Steve arrives at the taxi office, where Andrea tells her that he's only working till 3pm so he can ease himself in gently. She goes off and he sits down and starts taking calls.

Katie is sitting at home, looking at her mother's phone number. She picks up her phone a dials. "Hiya, it's Katy," she says.

Anna has gone to the gym to pick up mail that's gone to her old house. Sharif seems to want to do nothing but talk about his chickens. Alya comes in and goes over to Zeedan and Kal and tells them she knows they planted the eggs. She tells them they're making a fool of her granddad, it's mean and it ends now. She threatens to tell her grandma, but Zeedan points out that she has been gunning for the chickens since day 1, and if she finds they're not laying they won't be staying. Eventually Alya agrees not to say anything.

Norris is in the taxi office being a pain. He's asking for the most comfortable taxi to bring him home from the chiropodist. Steve tries telling him that all their taxis are comfortable, and starts to get stressed, and snaps at Norris, who goes off in a huff.

Linda arrives to see Katy. "Does your dad know we're speaking?" she asks. "You're kidding aren't you? He hates your guts," says Katy. Linda points out that Katy still called. "If I'm going to hate somebody I prefer to meet them first," replies Katy.

Steve is still in the taxi office, taking bookings. Andrea is there too and she suggests that he and Lloyd should do the place up when Lloyd gets back. Steve is worried about Lloyd's return, but Andrea assures him it'll be fine, it's all water under the bridge.

Norris is in the Rovers, complaining about his drink which is bitter instead of mild because Steve changed the barrel incorrectly. Liz tells him to keep his hair on, and Norris remarks that must be where Steve gets his customer service skills from. Michelle snaps at Norris and says that mixing up the barrels was nothing to do with his depression. Just then Steve comes in at the back and hears this.

Katy is showing Linda a picture of Joseph. Linda says she must want to know how she was able to leave her and Izzy. "I can't excuse what I did," says Linda. Katy tells her if she even tried she would show her the door. Linda goes on to say that she was young then and things were difficult and complicated. Katy tells her that Izzy thought she left because of her disability. She tried for years to be a good mum, but in the end she gave up on herself. But now she's changed and she's begging for a chance.

Michelle goes up to see Steve who's lying on the bed, taking a nap. She asks how his shift went. He says that listening - on the phone, face to face, is tiring. In the end he felt like he was being buried in sand. She tells him it won't always be like this. He says he loves her, and she says she loves him too.

Dev has come home to find Julie in a huffy mood. Eventually she tells him that she thought she would be looking after things while he was away, but she met Mary earlier. He says he was going to speak to her over dinner, and says that he wanted to ask her to move in and take care of things while he's away. She's delighted, of course.

Linda is just leaving Katy's when Owen comes out of the cafe and sees them. He marches over, cross, and starts shouting. Katy tells him it was her idea, she invited Linda round. Owen is shocked. "Why would you do that?" he asks. Katy can't believe he would ask that, she says she had every right. Owen starts to rant again, saying that he's scared for Katy and her sister. Katy tells him that her mother is not there to hurt anyone. "You can't stop me from seeing her, Dad," says Katy. Owen agrees that he can't, but she must remember that her mother will always think of herself first. He turns round and marches away.

Anne Logan

Friday 13 February

Good morning - or Dev thought it was until Julie started forcing his legs into some anti-deep-vein-thrombosis flight socks. They work on him like ski boots work on me and he can barely stand up, let alone walk. Mary arrives to get the twins off to school and points out that badly fitting flight socks can actually cause DVT... Julie asks for a quick word with Mary and says she just wants to let her know that she'll be moving in to take care of the twins while Dev is away. Mary is hurt. Taking care of the twins is her job. The twins come down. They don't want to go to school but Dev says they can spend time with him later. Julie assures the three of them that while Dev is away everything will run like clockwork.

Anna's got a day off and she's breakfasting with Izzy, Katy, Fay and Owen. She hoped she could go out to lunch with Owen but he's having lunch with Linda to put her straight. This sets off some minor arguing between Owen, Katy and Izzy until Fay shouts at them to stop rowing. Izzy says that once Linda's been sent on her way things will settle down again. It's the half-term art show at Fay's school tonight but she doesn't seem that keen on going.

Over in the pub, Tony takes the chance to show Eva the details of some more properties for sale. Michelle's a bit downhearted, telling Liz she doesn't know what to do. Steve's still in bed. She's worried about what to do - she doesn't want to do anything that might make his condition worse. However, she's barely finished saying this when Steve appears behind her.

Linda and Owen meet in the cafe. Gary is behind the counter and not happy at all to see them together. Owen assures him that Anna knows he is meeting Linda. Linda tells Owen she thinks her daughters should get to know her as she really is, not how Owen has portrayed her. She wants a chance to put things right. "You're not wanted, Linda. You are surplus to requirements," Owen tells her. He says she made her choice all those years ago. Linda asks whether it isn't the time to forgive and move on. Owen says he moved on a long time ago - he had to because he had two daughters to bring up.

Gail is settled on the sofa in the salon wittering on about Michael, who apparently wants some sarsaparilla chews because his mouth gets very dry. Audrey's trying to deal with salon things. Gail thinks Michael needs some new pyjamas and David sarcastically suggests buying him a onesie. Audrey says she'll be free about 4pm and can go to the hospital with Gail. Nick's going too. A customer asks about making a nail appointment and Audrey fudges her answer - the nail technician is away and so Audrey will check when she's back and give the customer a ring. David says it's probably time she took on someone to replace Kylie but Audrey wonders whether he's ready to see someone else in that chair.

Eva and Leanne are in the cafe and Eva reveals the house-hunting-with-Tony plan. Leanne doesn't have time to react because Jason comes in. He thinks he and Eva should go out tonight.

Linda contradicts Owen. He was the one who made things this way - she begged him over and over again to take her back when she realised her affair was a mistake. He refused. She'd been struggling with Izzy's diagnosis and the affair was just a fantasy of escape when she'd been grieving for the child Izzy would never be. Owen says his heart was breaking too, but he had to carry on. He didn't take her back because he was protecting the girls. They'd wanted to nothing. "Nothing but their mother!" snaps Linda. He tells her that if she had an ounce of decency she would walk away.

In the street, Fay and Craig have a heart-to-heart. She's not happy that he dobbed her in but Craig says her mother tricked it out of him. Craig's going window-cleaning with Tim over the half-term break. Fay is going to try to lose some weight. She's had no chocolate or chips and has been eating rabbit food but nothing's changed. Craig suggests the doctor but when Fay isn't keen he suggests Dr Google.

Sophie's in the shop and sends a customer on their way with a cheery "See you later!" Off to one side with a notebook, Julie disapproves. Sophie won't be seeing the customer later. She'd prefer Sophie to say something like, "Have a lovely day." I think Sophie literally bites her tongue. Julie says that while Dev is away she's going to be keeping an eye on the shop. "No! No! No!" protests Sophie. The shop practically runs itself. "Think of me as your line manager," says Julie. Leanne comes in and Julie stands ready to take notes. Sophie asks after Simon and Leanne asks whether Sophie would babysit some time. She would. This isn't good enough for Julie. Pleasantries, yes. Personal chit-chat, no.

Craig's looking up Fay's symptoms on the Internet. Has she got Cushing's Syndrome? Has she swallowed a tapeworm? Next question: Is it possible she might be pregnant? "No! No way!" she shouts. Craig shuts the laptop and looks at her. "What about you and Jackson?" He's heard rumours about them. Fay refuses to look at him. Craig tells her that it's easier than you think to get pregnant.

Back in the shop, Julie's lecturing Sophie when Tony comes in. As he leaves, Sophie waves her arm in a dramatic gesture of farewell. "Thank you," she coos. "Have a truly amazing, fantastic day." Julie glares at her. "You want to watch that, lady!"

Mary arrives. She wants a word with Julie. The twins' lunchboxes today were a nutritional wasteland, according to the school. They had two pieces of cake each. Julie says it was the last day of school and she thought they deserved a treat. "Sometimes, Mary, you are too much stick and not enough carrot." Mary counters that Julie is too much cake and not enough carrot! After Mary's gone, Julie mutters to Sophie that Mary means well but she's a devil with her interfering.

Liz finds Steve in the back room of the pub reading recipe books. He wants to make a nice dinner for Michelle as a surprise. Liz advises him to keep it simple. Michelle would rather spend time with him than have him hidden away in the kitchen. Michelle comes in and asks what's going on. Liz claims they were talking about curtains.

Owen's back, complaining that Linda hasn't changed. Izzy has a go at Katy for encouraging LInda but Katy defends herself. "She's my Mum!"

Steve's in the shop and shows an excellent understanding of why it's difficult for Sophie to talk to him. Behind them, Craig deliberately knocks a pile of packets of teabags to the floor as a distraction so Fay can steal a pregnancy test kit from behind the counter.

Gail's getting ready to go to the hospital. David's checking missing-person websites. He can't understand how he can simultaneously hate someone and love them too. It's like Kylie is on a permanent loop inside his head. She's always there.

Dev comes into the shop to see how things are going. I think he tells Sophie that someone called Sonia will be helping out (I would have thought she was too busy in EastEnders). I played the programme back and it still sounded like Sonia. She'll be coming in so Sophie can help get her up to speed. He gives Sophie the pass card for the cash and carry. "Oh! Are you sure that's not too much responsibility for me?" asks Sophie. "You're going to have to speak to my line manager, Julie - apparently she's in charge." Mary comes in and tries to speak but Sophie won't let her. "I'm in mid-flow," she points out. She tells Dev that Julie's been in laying down the law even though she doesn't know the first thing about running a shop. "Typical!" says Mary. "She's just the same with the children." Dev says she just wants to help. Sophie and Mary point out that he hasn't even left yet and already Julie's driving them mad. Dev agrees to have a word.

Owen tells Anna he can tell how hurt she is. Anna's not hurt. She's flaming furious. She says the way Owen's acting over Linda, anyone would think she'd left just months ago, not years.

At home, Dev asks Julie to sit down. She won't. She's going to the shop to give the books a good going over. Dev can't dissuade her.

Fay comes down the stairs with the test stick in her hands. She's still waiting to see whether the blue line will appear. But then there it is - a big positive plus-sign. "No! No!" Fay protests. "This isn't happening. It can't be happening!" Craig asks what she's going to do. Before she can answer, Owen bangs on the front door. "Fay! Are you in there?"

The end of the first episode.
Margaret Carr

I was otherwise engaged when this episode aired. We were deep within the 02 waiting for Public Service Broadcasting to come to an end and for the Kaiser Chiefs to come on stage. Eventually, shortly after the episode concluded the latter appeared and as well as their own catalogue they performed a high energy version of "Pinball Wizard". Thanks to itvPlayer therefore I bring you this report. Prior to the concert we had a great meal at the Merchants Tavern - review can be found on the blog link below.

This is series 56, episode 32 or 8576 if you start from the very beginning! It was written by Julie Jones, the director was Menhaj Huda and copyright remains the property of ITV to whom many thanks.

We open this episode with Anna and Owen hurrying Faye along for whom they had been looking. She wants a window seat. Anna asks why she is being so quiet. Faye assures Anna that she is OK - but the look we see through the van window tells another story entirely.

At Dev's he is suggesting that perhaps Julie should not get over-involved but she says that if she does a job then she wants to do it properly. Dev tries to convince Julie to share the load between the two extremely capable pair of Sophie and Mary - but Julie is writing her action plan! She is finding it quite exhilarating! Dev is still trying to provide a calming influence when Julie's phone goes off with a homework alert and she heads off to check on the children's work. Dev is getting stressed by the enthusiasm.

Along at the Rovers Katie and Izzy are discussing their mother's re-appearance. Katie simply does not know what to think. Izzy is trying to convince Katie that she should ignore her mother, at which point Katie's phone goes off - Callum wants to meet for a drink. Katie says their mother seemed genuine - and Izzy rants away about her mother never being there when needed and now she turns up and they are supposed to simply accept her? Izzy recalls the loss she suffered when their mother left and how she wanted her to come back then - but not now. Izzy recalls how upset Owen was as well. Katie just wants to understand why she did it.

Emily arrives in the bar - she is avoiding Norris is who a real tyrant in the kitchen issuing orders and instructions. She tells Michelle she has developed a real poker face over the years to keep her feelings to herself. Michelle suggests a casino visit to make a real killing. Emily changes the subject and asks after Steve. "He's fine" to which Emily responds by saying that hides a multitude of sins. Emily recalls her breakdown - a terrible isolating episode, not just for her but for those around her. Emily says she is sure that Michelle is a strong woman but there may be times when she feels she cannot cope. Emily says there is no shame in admitting it.

At the Open Evening Anna is re-assuring Faye that she will get support and Tim arrives and says her work is the best on display. The three adults talk about the various strange art on display, all the time Faye looks distinctly uncomfortable.

At the Platts the visiting party have returned from the hospital with the news that Michael should be home in a couple of weeks. Nick makes it clear he is not keen on hospital. It turns out there is nothing in the house to eat. So Nick invites Audrey and Gail to the bistro as his treat. Max has done a nice drawing for Kylie for when she returns.

The art exhibition is being reviewed. In the background a screaming child is un-nerving Faye. Anna wishes she was back at school and Faye offers to swap. Anna tells her to keep her head down and work and she may be surprised at what she is capable of. The baby continues to scream. Faye says that she wishes the woman would sort that baby out - it is getting on her nerves. Faye storms out of the room and Tim observes she has a short fuse - but Owen says his two were a pain at that age. In the corridor Faye looks thoroughly depressed.

In the Rovers Liz observes that Sean looks nice - he was aiming for "geek sheep with a little hint of sex appeal". At least that was what I thought he said - enunciate better please. Apparently softly, softly catchee monkee. Liz thought he ought to catch a man. Sean heads home to change.

Sophie and Maddie are discussing Julie's mad antics in writing a dossier on the former's activities in the shop. MI5 have got nothing on her. Maddie gets Sophie to stop as Julie arrives. Julie wants a little wordette with her. Sophie says her shift is over. Julie says she has spotted some discrepancies shop wise, so could she come in at 6:30 in the morning they can iron them out before she starts her shift. Sophie is not impressed but Julie ignores her concern.

David arrives in the Rovers for a quiet drink - but Callum is with Katie and Izzy and he was wondering if he could see Max. David says never. Katie springs to Callum's defense and David says she is thicker than he thought. David makes it clear that he will be dead before Callum sees Max.

At the bar Michelle has had a text message - from Steve! Asking her to go through to the back!! Liz and Tony look at each other - and Michelle says that if he wants to talk to her he can come into the bar - lazy beggar. Liz grabs her arm and tells her Steve is not lazy - Michelle has a date with destiny and she ushers Michelle into the back room, giggling. Steve is pouring wine and the table is laid and Steve says that Liz and Tony can get lost - it is just for the two of them. Michelle spots that he has even got out the best napkins - but he notes she does not seem pleased. Anyway she does start smiling, saying it all looks great.

Dev is doing up his suitcases. Mary arrives and asks if the Julie problem has been addressed - but he ducked it so Mary says he cannot vanish into the wild blue yonder without setting down some ground rules. Julie bounces down the stairs and wants to know about the ground rules. There is a knock at the door. It is Sophie who has come to complain about his girlfriend wanting her to start at 6:30 in the morning. Dev observes that he is blessed with so many strong and powerful women in the life of his children; so he wants a clear understanding of the arrangements. Julie says that she will be head honcho across everything. Mary calls her an ego-maniac. Julie says this is a witch-hunt. Sophie agrees and Mary wants to know what Dev is going to do about it. He looks scared.

Anna and Owen have brought Faye home but apparently she is not hungry. Anna asks if the horrible girls were around - but Faye says not. Faye tells her they have moved onto somebody else. Faye will not let Anna give her a hug and runs off to see if she can go home with Tim and Craig goes with them.

After the break Dev announces that Mary knows the children well and Julie should turn to her for advice; whilst Sophie is capable of running the shop. So what does this leave Julie to do? Dev wants her involved - in a back seat way. Mary swears by Ven diagrams and draws one with the two circles just overlapping and Julie will be this modest intersection. Julie does NOT want to be an intersection, squashed up in the middle. Mary says Julie is in the middle with a finger in both the children pie and shop pie (no emails if you cannot work it out). Sophie reckons it is fair enough and asks Dev if he agrees. Dev sort of agrees and Mary says they should each stick to their areas of expertise. Mary tells Julie she should stick to hers - sewing undergarments and looking cheery in a cardigan. Julie runs upstairs and Dev calls after her.

Steve delivers dinner - artichoke linguini. Apparently Steve found an old tin at the back of the cupboard; he hopes it has not gone off. Michelle looks a bit concerned at this revelation. She claims it is tasty - but once Steve tastes it he says it is al dente - it is all very hard and Steve pronounces it minging. Steve reckons they could replaster walls with it and offers to go to the chippy. Michelle laughs and says she will go with him.

At the Bistro Eva and Jason are discussing what she would like - apparently a walk in wardrobe. Sean and Billy arrive and the former takes a fancy to Eva's key lime pie. Jason suggests they join them and Eva agrees that a catch up would be nice. Sean tells Nick that he knows what he wants and Eva says it is sitting opposite him - which gives Billy a good laugh.

Gail and Audrey, on the other side of the refurbished bistro (btw it looks like a real mess - the refurbishment has actually had the effect of making it look worse, tired, distressed and unattractive. Some of the woodwork (in this scene) seems to have a "bluish hue" and for some reason whilst it might look good in real like it looks awful on tv), are discussing all the Kylie has thrown away [whilst she is away from the studio]. Gail wants to know when David will be able to move on {my prediction is about six weeks - about 2 weeks before Kylie returns to the Street}. Gail reckons it must be worse at the salon; Audrey is not so sure. It is a parent problem. She has sat on the sidelines watching Gail get into all sorts of messes and not be able to say anything and now she is more removed from David. She tells Gail that she just has to support David.

Dev observes that the place is like a war zone - how can he leave his children in that? The children love Mary and Julie. They need discipline according to Mary and treats according to Julie. Sophie suggests "good cop" / "bad cop". Mary and Julie bicker over the right approach, steadily raising their voices. Dev observes that they both love the children and that they must stop this bickering. All three apologise.

Owen and Anna join Izzy and Katie in the Rovers and Owen hopes that his ex-wife is staying away. The girls confirm they have not heard from her. Anna asks if the whole subject can be left firmly in the past. Owen says it cannot be left in the past because she has re-appeared - you cannot get over that sort of rejection - but Anna is not sure if it the rejection he suffered or that suffered by the daughters.

Dev is saying farewell to the children and Dev will be gone four weeks and he will bring back something amazing. The rest all wish Dev well and he climbs into the back of the taxi and drives off.

Back in the Bistro Eva says she would like to be a Charge d'Affaires - she does not know what they do but it sounds amazing. And Sean? He would love to open a haberdashery - fabrics, sequins, rhinestones as far as the eye can see. The vicar says he cannot imagine doing anything else - it is a vocation, a calling! Jason says a building is a calling - when something is broke he wants to fix it! He loves working out building something tricky - it sets the cogs going in his head; makes him think. [Good for you Jason]. Eva and Jason depart. The remaining two move closer together, Billy looks round the room and then kisses Sean.

At Sal's Craig and Faye are sat together talking quietly. Tim is dusting and cleaning. The young pair are discussing the baby; Faye says she has felt strange movements - but thought it was indigestion; not a baby moving and kicking. Otherwise she feels normal. Tim observes that Quentin Crisp had the right idea - leave it four years and the dust gets no worse. Craig wants to know what Faye is going to do. It is too late for an abortion. Faye reminds Craig she is adopted and that Anna are going to hate her for this -she is just so much trouble. She will not be wanted any more. She cries. Roll credits.

Have we learned anything this evening?
a) If cooking tinned food read the instructions or ask your mother to help.
b) If pregnant learn to coo over other babies and help settle them
c) If you are going on holiday do not suddenly employ new girlfriend as over arching manager when the staff know what they are doing and she doesn't
d) Don't expect you can get away with telling anyone to start a shift at 6:30 and pass it off as a little joke.

I will be back next week with a brand new update.


Monday 16 February

Written by Damon Rochefort Directed by Diana Patrick

Gail believes she should get an award for her continued support for the whole family. David stops in the middle of what he's doing and looks at the drawing Max made of his own family, the one where he didn't know whether to add in his mother. David looks gutted. Gail asks if he's all right and he just mutters bluntly "yeah".

Anna wants to have a movie night with the family, something Faye will like. Owen and Gary opt for monster movies. Not helpful, guys. Faye comes out and is planning to hang out with her mates. Owen offers her some cash which she isn't inclined to take but Anna and Gary both press it on her so she takes it and thanks him. She still avoids eating and, while Anna and Owen discuss Linda, she gets up to leave. Gary offers to walk her to the bus stop and they leave. Anna asks if Linda is going back to where she came from.

Katy and Izzy are coming out of the cafe. Katy has declared that their mother is not what she expected, a hard faced boiler but Izzy points out you can be a hard faced boiler with any sort of face. Looks are deceiving. Katy wonders why there were no photos. Izzy remembers Owen burning them all and their mother never did try to send any others. Faye and Gary come across the road and the girls are stunned to hear Faye worrying about Linda taking Owen away from them. They try to reassure her that nothing is going to change in that respect.

Todd opens up the blue grill over the shop window. Tracy comes out and hands him a broom to tidy up the pavement, much to his chagrin. Eva comes along all chirpy and tells him that Tony has found a great house and she's going to get together with Tony later to go over the details. (remembering, if you will, Jason still knows nothing about this). Tracy comes out and shouts at Todd for skiving, which annoys Eva. Todd reminds her that he grew up with Eileen. I take your point. Todd confirms that Jason doesn't know and Tony thinks they should keep it secret until it's a done deal. Todd laughs along with her but his face turns to stone when she leaves.

In the corner shop, Jason is chatting to Sophie and asks after Rosie. Mary is also there and mentions that she's done modeling, a life model festooned with flowers. Sophie and Jason both giggle at that mental image. Jason leaves and Julie charges in, checking that Mary has got the children off to holiday club (it's half-term this week) Mary gets sarcastic with her before affirming and spitting out her day's schedule for Julie's approval. She leave in a bit of a huff. Julie can't understand how Dev puts up with Mary. (pots and kettles, if you ask me!) Sophie makes her point, which goes largely unnoticed, that it's not much fun with someone lording it over you all day. Julie proceeds to do just that. She's checking the till from yesterday.

Kevin passes Tyrone and Luke a cup of tea, a rarity for Kevin say the lads. They reckon there's a woman involved. Kevin tries to deny it and says the brews are just thank you.

Sally's getting highlights and foils done in the salon. Audrey suggests a few low lights to cover up the gray bits. What gray bits, Sally questions! Callum comes into the salon but Audrey doesn't want him there. David comes out from the back and ushers him out. Sally makes a beeline for the window blinds for a peek. Outside, Callum tosses a package to David and tells him to keep hold of it for a bit for him. Sally has seen this. He winks at David. What can be in the package, I wonder?

Linda is outside of the gym when Katy comes out. Katy is surprised to see her and isn't inclined to talk to her. She might not remember her but Izzy does and she doesn't want to upset her sister. Linda follows her, asking to speak to her. She says she's booked her flight for next week but wants to talk again before she leaves. Katy feels like she's betraying her sister and father but agrees to a drink after work.

Gail comes in with her arms full of bags, complaining about the bus driver. She's bought a few things for the wedding. She notices the package but David says it's something he ordered for the computer. He puts the package in the cupboard and tells her that Callum was at the salon winding him up. David is clearly wound up and snappy and ends up leaving with Gail thwarted in her effort to comfort him. She tells David to call the police if Callum comes round again but David insists he can handle Callum.

Tony comes in to the shop intent on his phone. Tracy moans at him, which he ignores. He's calling Eva and says the house they had seen is gone. He tells her he'll be in the pub later instead of her meeting him at his place. Tracy, realizing his "appointment" is canceled, starts hinting that they can then have an appointment of their own.

Sally comes out of the cafe and sees Gail walking by, head in the clouds. Gail is surprised to realized that Sally has accurately diagnosed her mood as being upset over Callum. She recalls seeing him at the salon and calls him a right cocky so and so. Gail agrees and says he's a thug. Just as Sally is about to tell her about the package when Gail's phone rings. Sharif is looking for Gail and reckons she's late. She's not, it's a minute to the appointed hour! Gail invites Sally round for a cuppa later.

Julie is struggling with the figures that don't tally up. She's 17p short. Sophie says it does happen sometimes and she'll give it to her from her own pocket. Mary arrives with the twins. Julie allows the kids to pick something out for their tea and they choose a pizza which upsets Mary because she's filled the freezer with nutritious food. All very well and good, Julie chirps, but tonight is pizza night. Yet another treat. Julie thanks Mary for the day and chivvies the kids out.

Outside, Asha and Aadi ask Julie why she and Mary hate each other, they're always having a go at each other. Julie denies it but their gazes make a point.

Tyrone and Luke are still trying to find out what's going on with Kevin. Kevin finally admits it's a woman just as Sophie comes up with a packet of biscuits. Everyone goes quiet and Sophie, looking around at their faces, decides she's better off not knowing.

Sally is telling Gail about David and Callum's encounter earlier. It was nasty looking, and then she tells him about the parcel. Gail goes to the cupboard where she's seen David put it. Gail reckons it's probably drugs. Gail admits Callum is Max's dad and is holding it over David. Gail worries that Callum is setting up David with the police. Sally is frightened that the police are on their way and she could get arrested! She gets really wound up but Gail assures her she's going to put a stop to it. She'll take the package to the police herself and explain what's happened.

Jason comes home and finds Todd on the laptop. He wants to use it because he's contacted Stella and is going to arrange for a week holiday for them in New York. Cheap flight found, free accommodations with Stella! Todd asks if he's cleared it with Tony to cover the work. He tells Jason that Tony's over at his own flat now so Jason decides to go over and square it. As he leaves, excited, he makes a remark about standing on the Golden Gate Bridge (which is in San Francisco, not New York, bless him). Todd utters "Bon Voyage, moron" and picks up Jason's beer for himself.

Katy is in the pub with Linda after work. Linda remarks that Katy and Izzy have grown up to be amazing people. She thought about them often. Katy doesn't understand why her mother didn't get in contact. Gary, Owen, Izzy and Anna come in for a drink and immediately are up in arms about Katy and Linda having a drink together. Eva warns them about starting trouble. Linda takes the blame, wanting one last drink with her daughter, which makes Izzy even more ticked off at being "rejected". Not that she'd have agreed anyway. Owen insists that Linda leave. Linda expresses regret but Izzy lets loose with a heart full of pain and anger at her mother for abandoning them 18 years ago. Linda apologizes to Owen and says she has to tell the girls the truth.

David answers the door to Callum. David lies that Max isn't there (he'd just finished calling to him upstairs.) Callum wants the package so David goes to the cupboard where he'd put it, telling him it's a one off. But of course the package is gone.


Written by Ellen Taylor and directed by Diana Patrick

Linda finally tells the truth. As the girls, Anna and Gary listen opened mouthed she tells them how, after she'd left, Owen refused to let her come back or see her children. She sent letters and cards but all were returned to her unopened. Owen looks extremely shifty.

David is frantically searching for Callum's package. Callum tells him he's got one hour to find it and then leaves.

Gail and Sally are waiting anxiously in the police station to be seen. Their imagination starts to run riot as they wonder what might be in Callum's parcel. Drugs? A gun? Maybe one of Kylie's body parts suggests, Sally. A policeman finally comes into the room to look at their ‘suspicious package'.

Back in the Rovers Owen is trying to justify what happened but his version of events isn't holding much water. Linda asks him what sort of man lets his daughter believe her mother left her because she couldn't cope with her disability. Izzy is very upset but this time her anger is directed towards her father for misleading her all those years.

Todd sees Eva working behind the bar. He asks what she's doing there so she explains that the house got sold so she didn't go to see it after all.

We then go to Tony's flat where he and Tracy are having a high old time under his duvet. That is, until Jason turns up. Tony hastily bundles Tracy into the bathroom before opening the door. He's in a dressing gown and out of breath and won't let Jason in. They have a quick chat but we can practically see the cogs going round in Jason's head as he works out something's going on. His suspicions are aroused still further by the sound of a woman giggling as Tony goes back inside and closes the door.

David is still frantically searching the house. He calls Gail's phone and leaves her a message, asking if she's put the package somewhere.

Meanwhile, in the police station we finally get to see what's in the parcel. Absolutely nothing at all. As the policeman says, he thinks someone's having a little joke.

Faye turns up on Craig's doorstep. Her friends wanted to go clothes shopping but she couldn't go in her condition so she asks if she can hang out with Craig instead.

A couple of doors down, Sophie and Mary have arrived at Dev's. It seems they've been summoned by Julie. They're ushered inside where they find she's prepared a meal for them. The table's been laid, complete with what looks like a small tree branch in amongst the cutlery.

Craig's been doing his calculations. Based on the date when Faye went to the party where she played more than pass the parcel, she must be seven months pregnant by now. Craig shows her a picture of a seven month baby scan on his laptop. Faye looks horrified. Craig insists she has to tell her mum and Faye promises she'll do it tonight. We're left wondering how Faye's managed to conceal what ought to be an extremely large bump by now.

Back at home Katy is shouting at her dad. She reminds him that she had an affair, but does that make her a bad mother? Owen tries to say that was different. No it wasn't, yells Katy. She asks Owen if he realises what this has done to Izzy. Owen tells her he's sorry, he just wanted to protect both of them. Gary tries wading into the argument but it only causes Owen to lose his temper. He shouts that Gary knows nothing about responsibility. In the background Anna angrily chops carrots. She looks as though she wants to use the knife on Owen. She tells him he's better go, she doesn't want Faye walking into all of this.

Julie's gone to a lot of effort with her meal but judging by the expressions on Sophie's and Mary's faces, cooking isn't her strong point. Julie then explains why there's a small tree branch on the table. It's a "talking stick" and the purpose is to allow each of them to speak in turn, encouraging those who are too dominating to be silent she adds, looking straight at Mary. Julie has first go. She tells Mary how upset she's been by the way she puts her down, especially where the children are concerned. She tells Sophie that she feels everything she tries to do in the shop is met with a wall of sarcasm. Julie then hands the stick to Sophie.

David's phone rings. It's Callum. He rejects the call just as Gail and Sally walk through the door. He's furious when he discovers they been to the police and storms out before they have a chance to tell him the package was empty.

Gary, Katy and Anna are talking when Linda turns up. She's come to ask Katy to forgive her father. She tells them all how devastated Owen was when she had an affair with her boss and says that, despite what he did, he's been a brilliant father. She doesn't want to come between the girls and Owen, all she wants is for them to love her too. She says that she's canceled her flight and will be staying for a while, if that's alright with Anna. Anna says it's not up to her, she's just worried about Izzy now. Linda says she's off to talk to her now. Anna asks if she hasn't already done enough damage.

David's sitting with Callum in his car, explaining what happened with the package. He looks confused when Callum laughs. Callum says he wishes he'd been there when they opened the package and saw it was empty. He tells David it was just a test and he failed. He'll be in touch with him again tomorrow.

Sophie's having her turn with the stick. She gets everything off her chest, explaining how the shop is the only thing in her life that she feels she has control over so when Julie tries to take over she feels undermined. The others laugh as Sophie smiles and declares that the stick really is magic after all. Julie admits she's come in like a bull in a china shop but she only wants to impress Dev. She continues and says she doesn't know why Dev even bothers with her, a middle-aged factory worker. Mary looks quite shocked and asks Julie if that's really how she sees herself. She tells Julie she's an attractive, vivacious woman. She might not always know best when it comes to the welfare of children but Dev adores her, as do the twins. Mary admits she might sometimes be a bit defensive but only because she cares about the children so very much. "And Dev?" asks Julie. Mary starts to giggle and laughs off the implication. No way, she tells Julie, adding that she's attracted to clever men. Julie looks bemused.

Gary and Anna are now alone. As she lays the table for tea she tells Gary that right now she feels like packing Owen's things and throwing him out the door but the truth is she loves him and she loves Izzy, too and that she knows Owen's a good man. But she's very upset and says that she honestly didn't think this family could go through anything else. At that moment Faye comes in. Anna busies herself by the cooker, trying to cover up the fact she's been crying. Faye tells Anna she needs to talk to her. But then she notices Anna's upset. Anna calls Faye over to give her a hug. She tells her that there's been a bit of bother with Linda but there's nothing for her to worry about. As she hugs Faye to her, Anna says at least she doesn't have to worry about her, she's like her little rock. Faye remains silent.

In the Rovers Kevin is asking Eva's advice about where to take a woman on a first date. Over at one of the tables, Jason is telling Todd that there was definitely a woman in Tony's flat. Then Tony comes in and goes over to speak to Eva. As he does so, Todd asks Jason whether the woman he heard could have been Eva, dropping something off. He tells Jason that Eva went off on her break and he thought she had a package with her. Todd asks Jason if he thinks Tony's been cheating on Liz. Jason says he's got form. Todd says Tony spends half his life in this pub so if it's not Liz keeping him here, who is it? Michelle perhaps? Todd comments that Tony strikes him as the sort of man who likes playing with danger close to home. Jason glances across at Eva and Tony smiling at each other across the bar.

Out in the street Owen meets Izzy coming the other way. She's crying. He tells her that he loves her more than anything in the world and the idea of anyone causing her pain makes him feel the pain. He begs her to speak to him, even if it's just to say she hates him. Finally she speaks. She tells Owen he's always been her hero. She's not afraid of life because of him, she sobs, and she's never let her disability get in the way because of what he taught her. She says that she's cried herself to sleep for years and asks her father if he has any idea how guilty she felt seeing him struggling to bring them up as a single man, thinking it was all her fault. She asks why he didn't tell her the truth. "Because I wanted you to hate her," admits Owen. Izzy says that he made her hate herself so he could be a hero. "What kind of father does that?" she asks.


Wednesday 18 February

Gail comes into the salon and asks David if he can mind Max for an hour or two later, she wants to get everything ready for Michael. David says he can't, he's going to the dentist. Audrey asks David to check the book to see what appointments she has later, and just then David gets a text message telling him to be in the ginnel at 12.30.

Over at the garage, Kevin is talking about having a lunchtime meeting with an internet date. Tyrone and Luke tease him.

David meets up with Callum in the ginnel. Callum gives him a small folded paper packet and an address to take it to.

Craig sees Faye in the Street and asks if she's told Anna yet, but Faye hasn't, she says it's hard because Owen's ex has turned up and all hell has let loose.

Sean and Todd are walking along when they meet Jason who tells them he's just booked the tickets for himself and Eva to go and see her mum in New York, he's now going to wait for the right time to surprise her. Sean is delighted for them, but Todd has a sour look on his face.

Kevin has arrived in a bar to meet his date. A lady with long red hair has her back turned to him. She turns round – "Kevin Webster!" she says. "Jenny Bradley!" he replies.

David has persuaded Nick to come out of the bistro with him to talk. Nick is intrigued.

Julie is serving Eileen and Sean in Dev's shop when, much to her amazement, Mary comes in, puts some groceries in her shopping bag and goes out again. Julie is just about to follow her when a delivery man comes in with a package that she has to sign for.

In the Platt house, David shows Nick the white powder that was in the wrap of paper. They are both sure it's cocaine. Just then Andy (aka Gavin) comes downstairs and sees it and is shocked. David asks what he's doing there and he tells them that Gail sent him to get clean clothes for Michael. David explains that Callum gave it to him and wants him to take it somewhere. Michael asks why he didn't just call the police, but David says he tried that once and it didn't work. David suggests that the three of them go to The Dog and Gun, find Callum and tell him to leave David alone. Then he takes the powder and washes it down the sink.

Kevin and Jenny have finished lunch and are chatting. She says she left Coronation Street in 1993, and asks how Rita is. Kevin brings her up to date, saying that Rita was married to Dennis Tanner for a while but he left a few months ago. Jenny tells him that she had a messy divorce and then bit the bullet to try internet dating. It was there that she saw Kevin's face, and reckons he hasn't changed a bit, and confesses that she had a crush on him when she was 17.

Gail tells Audrey that she's worried that David is going to do something daft, and that Callum will drag him into all sorts of bad things. Audrey's looking on the bright side, maybe David really has gone to the dentist. However, at that moment Gail looks up and sees David, Nick and 'Gavin' getting into Nick's car. She marches across the Street, telling Audrey she's going to stop them doing something really daft.

Gail stands right in front of Nick's car, demanding that they all get out. "Run her over," says David to Nick. Eventually they all get out, looking guilty and uncomfortable. David finally admits that they are off to see Callum to try to get him to leave David alone. Gail points out that David is angry, and going in mob-handed won't be good. She says he needs to be a good father to Max and Lily and does not want to be carted off by the boys in blue. She tells him to go home and calm down. "Whatever," huffs David, and walks off.

In the pub, Tony tells Eva there's a property auction in town tomorrow, he thinks they should go and see what's about. "Ok," she says, adding that she'll have to tell Jason a white lie about where she's going. Just the Jason walks in, holding the tickets, and sees them talking together and stops and stares suspiciously.

Over at the Platt's, Gail decides that she should be the one to go and see Callum, and persuades Audrey to come with her, she thinks two polite grandmothers just might work, they can talk to him rationally.

Jenny and David are finishing their desserts, and she's wondering how Rita would react if she saw her. She says that Rita always said she would love her no matter what – but 'what' can mean a lot of things. Kevin thinks there would be a lot of people who would be surprised to see Jenny in Weatherfield. Then he suggests that one night they should go for a drink in the Rovers. Jenny however, doesn't think that would be a very good idea, the past is probably best left.

Gail and Audrey are at The Dog and Duck and spot Callum sitting in a corner. They go over and stand in front of his table. Eventually he looks up. "Hallo Callum," says Gail.

Back in the Rovers, Todd has come in and is standing at the bar when Eva tells Jason that tomorrow she's going to go shopping in town. He says he'll go with her. She stutters that he can't, she's meeting up with an old school friend.

Gail is telling Callum that she feels it's better if they all keep their distance. Callum snaps that she's currently invading his personal space. Gail says she thinks the best way forward is for him to stay away from her family. Callum points out that Gail is not Max's family, and he wants to see him. Gail retorts that Callum just wants David to do his dirty work for him. Callum says he wants to be a good dad. "You?" queries Gail, "you don't know the first thing about fatherhood." Callum replies that it's his name on the birth certificate. Gail then goes on to tell him that David poured the drugs down the sink, and that Callum repulses her. Audrey urges Gail to come away. "You think I'm vile?" asks Callum. "You ain't seen nothing yet!"

In the cafe, Faye tells Craig that she has a plan. She'll hide the pregnancy and give birth in secret, and leave the baby outside the hospital. He thinks it's dead sad. She tells him it's her only option and she needs his help. He's sure it will all go wrong.

Julie arrives home to find Mary singing along to opera while she cooks in the kitchen. She tells Mary she knows she was shoplifting, she saw her. "And what exactly did you see me shoplifting?" asks Mary, barely concealing her anger and distress, and then asks if it was a pie. She opens the oven, there is a pie cooking. Beans? She holds up a tin of beans, and then produces a loaf a bread, she 'stole' this too. She goes on to say that she has an understanding with Dev that if it's for the twins' tea she doesn't have to pay. Julie, suitably chastened, apologises. Mary says she saw Julie chatting with Eileen and Sean and didn't want to interrupt. She says that Julie wanted her to be shoplifter so she had something on her. She rips off her apron and throws it at Julie, and storms off.

Tyrone and Luke see Kevin arrive back and want to know how his date went. Was she nice? He tells them she was great, good fun, they had a laugh, but he got the impression she might not want to see him again.

David is pacing around the house, wondering how things are going with Gail and Callum. Just then they come in the door and tell him that it went quite well – at first. Then they reveal that Callum told them 'you ain't seen nothing yet'. David is aghast. "You just made everything a million times worse!"

Anne Logan

Friday 20 February

Hello, and welcome to another episode of storylines which wouldn't exist if the characters would just talk to each other!

It's morning at Eileen's and Sean is stressing over what to cook for his vicar, ignoring Eileen's suggestion that he keep it simple. Todd asks Eva about her trip into town to meet her friend and Eva is just enough of a bad liar for it to set Jason thinking.

Nick goes to Gail's to tell her he won't be at Michael's homecoming party - it was a choice between him and Gavin for the night off and Gavin's probably got more claim. David's staring out of the window, waiting for whatever retribution Callum is going to bring down as a result of being humiliated in front of his mates by two women. Nick gently tells Gail perhaps it wasn't the wisest thing to do.

Maddy and Tyrone are giving Kevin a hard time about his date. He's trying to explain that he won't be seeing the woman again by mutual consent but they think he must have put her off. Sally sees them all laughing and comes over, ready with a long list of amusing things Kevin might have done to put the woman off him (talked about cars all night, tried to dance . . .).

Chesney has taken yet another box of chocolates to Sinead. Kirk is also there, sitting in a corner looking worried. The door bangs open and a bloke in a wheelchair crashes his way into the room. Sinead introduces him as Sam. Sam gives her a hard time about being so pessimistic and says he can't understand why she's still getting visitors. Chesney thinks he's being a bit harsh - it's hard for Sinead. Sam points out it's been hard for all of them and Sinead agrees she could try harder. Sam also reveals that today is the day they're going to try to sit Sinead up for the first time.

The doorbell goes and David and Gail tense up. But it's only Gavin, come to ask what time Michael's expected home. He senses the atmosphere and immediately thinks there must be a problem with Michael. Gail thinks it's all her fault for going to see Callum but David points out that he's the one who threw Callum's coke away.

Jason and Tony are in the cafe. Jason says he hasn't mentioned the New York trip yet. Tony says he's got to go and price up a job in Winton (in Eccles) tonight. Jason offers to come with him but Tony says the client is an old mate and they're going to have a bit of a get-together as well.

Sally's sitting with Izzy in the cafe at lunchtime when Katy and Linda come in. Linda asks to share the table but Izzy's frosty reaction turns her away - of course it also stirs up Sally's interest. When Linda sits at the next table, Izzy turns to wheel herself out of there. Katy tells her to stop - she knows everything is not all Linda's fault. Linda invites them both to dinner in the bistro and Izzy thinks for a moment and accepts. Owen is at the counter and sees them speaking. He's not happy.

Eva goes to see Todd in the shop. She asks him to stop asking questions about her friend. She's really going to a house auction with Tony, just to get an idea of prices and to see what it's like. He asks where the auction is being held and she happily tells him the name of the hotel. Todd draws her attention to some bargain hair straighteners and take the opportunity to remove her phone from her bag while he back is turned.

At the hospital, it's a very emotional moment as Sinead sits up on her own for the first time. Kirk looks pained by the whole process. Sinead weeps with happiness.

Sean isn't any less stressed out and he's not happy Eileen's eaten all the Christmas figs. Eileen suggests prunes instead and tells Sean to get them from Dev's.

Outside the Park Square Hotel, Todd watches Eva and Tony go in. Then he approaches the reception desk and hands over Eva's phone, saying he found it in the bar.

Gavin is about to leave work and thanks Nick for the night off. Nick, showing appalling ignorance of family relationships for someone with his family background, points out that when Gail and Michael marry, Nick and Gavin will be brothers-in-law. Oh, no, they won't! They'll be stepbrothers.

Izzy and Katy are at a table waiting for Linda, though Izzy isn't sure she's done the right thing. After all, her mother had an affair and left her husband. Katy points out that she did the same thing and Izzy's still talking to her.

They've locked up at the garage, with Kevin still being given a hard time. And suddenly there is Jenny Bradley. Kevin introduces her. Jenny has rethought the decision to see Kevin again. They agree to go for dinner at the bistro. Jenny looks down the street and reminisces - she can remember the new houses being built. In fact, her dad helped build them. She always thought they were a bit posh for the street. Kevin points out where he used to live and where he lives down. He tells her Dev Alahan lives in the house Jenny lived in. She says it looks the same but underneath the surface, everything has changed. She hopes folk have short memories.

Sean is busy lying to Billy as he cooks, boasting about how cosmopolitan he is.

Jason sulks on the sofa. Todd comes in and asks where Eva is. He suggests Todd ring her. Of course, the call is answered by the receptionist, who says the pone was found in the hotel and handed in. The receptionist asks for the name of the owner so she can check the register but Todd says he'll pick up the phone himself. Sean is stunned that his dinner party is one down.

Tony and Eva are laughing when they come out of the auction - Tony's bought a house. Eva can't wait to give Todd the good news.

Anna's a bit grumpy with Owen. It seems she's miffed that Linda was described as the love of his life. "Is that what all this is about?" he asks. He puts on his coat. He's going to get his tow daughters back.

Michael comes home to a banner made by Max and Gail ruling out all the pleasures he has left. She's bought him a new footstool, though. David is a bit more cheerful because he's got almost to the end of the day without Callum doing anything. Of course, just about the minute he says this out loud. . . . There's a knock on the door which Gavin says will be Eva. It's not, it's Callum, who stomps inside and challenges David - was he too scared to sort out Callum himself?

That's it for now.

Margaret Carr

Where does the time go? I have only just finished one write up and it is time for another! I have been out this week for a very expensive meal and I hope the review will be on the website mentioned below by the time this is published.

We move on. This is series 56, episode 37. Episode 8581. This was written by Ben Tagoe. It was directed by Diana Patrick. Copyright remains the property of ITV and our thanks to them.

We open tonight at the hotel with Jason (a bear of little brain, unless he is listening to a building calling for help, as in last week's episode) striding into the lounge where Eva and Tony are chatting. Todd has been dripping poison in his ears for days, nay weeks and sadly despite his history Jason trusts him! He tells Tony to get up and then promptly thumps him sending him to the ground. Jason lands several more punches before Tony asserts himself. They have their arms around each other and struggle whilst we head Eva (out of shot) telling them to stop it. A man pulls Jason off of Tony and another one tries to grab Tony but he is shoved to one side and Tony pulls the first man off Jason telling him to leave his son alone. Everyone needs to calm down. Tony wants to know what is going on. Jason says he thought he was sick in the head imagining Tony with Eva - and he tells Eva that if she wants Tony she can have him and welcome to it. Tony and Eva watch amazed as Jason marches away.

At the Platt residence Callum is delivering the post. They all tell Callum to go - but he insists David takes his delivery. Callum warns him to read it carefully as it cost him a lot of money. Callum says he would have come with the lads if he had known the blue rinse mafia was there. Audrey goes to call the police. Callum says he is going nowhere until he has spoken to Max.

At the Bistro Izzy and Katie are dining with their mother when Owen arrives. The girls suggests he just goes - Owen wants to talk to Izzy - but she wants to finish her coffee in peace. Linda suggests she should talk to Owen alone and the girls depart. She gives the girls some money to get drinks in at the Rovers and she will join them.

On the other side of the Bistro Kevin and Jenny seem to be getting along well - as she observes this is quite swanky for Coronation Street. Jenny orders the mushrooms followed by the beef. Nick says good choice (he always does). Kev asks what is jambalaya? Nick describes and Kev decides on having the same as Jenny. Nick takes the menus and goes. Jenny asks Kev why she thinks she knows the waiter? Kev explains that she does - it is Nick Tilsley. Jenny says "no way" (and given the number of faces he has been through we all have some sympathy with that thought). Last time she saw him he was barely out of short trousers. Kev says "Funny thing time in't it?" Jenny re-assures Kev that she is having a good time and he suggests a nightcap later in the Rovers - but she thinks that might be a step too far. He tells her to face up to it and do it.

[Short trousers - anyone see a recent "Call the Midwife" where the doctor's son wanted long trousers to go Grammar School {age 11}. It reminded me that I had long trousers when I went to the Grammar School too. These days I do not think that children ever wear short trousers; certainly my grandchildren don't seem to. And yet oddly our recently departed postman always seemed to wear shorts. If anyone can explain please do so.]

At the Platts Max comes downstairs and Callum has a surprise for him. The letter is from a solicitor and it says Callum is applying for a residence order. David hands back the gift (a mobile phone I think as they refer to not having downloaded any apps as yet) to Callum who says he will look after it for Max. Max goes back to bed. But Callum wants to break another surprise - Callum tells Max that he is his dad - his real one. And having broken the news Callum departs.

At Eileen's they are eating Sean's cooking. I am not sure it was that good judging by the quantity left on the plates. Jason returns sans Eva and Eileen wants to know what has happened now. Jason has just caught Eva and Tony together.

Out in the Street Eva and Tony are telling Leanne what has happened. Leanne cannot believe it. Eva hiding her huge bump strides off across the Street to tell Jason what she thinks of him with Leanne scurrying behind.

Back in the Bistro Linda is telling Owen that she did not expect to end up in a restaurant with him. She offers to buy him a drink and make him a proposition.

Kev and Jenny have finished their meal and she accepts the invitation to go for a drink in the Rovers.

In the hospital Sinead has visitors and they are discussing her progress. She wants peace and quiet and sends them home.

Todd assures Jason that there is an innocent explanation. Eva arrives. She tells Jason that she was giving Tony a kiss on the cheek for buying them a house in an auction which finished a few minutes before. Tony asks how Jason could think they would do that to him? Jason is stunned and Eva says that Todd knew exactly why they were at the hotel and Todd agrees. However Todd had never told Jason the story and no-one picks up on his lame get out. Jason apologises and then turns on Todd - but Eva distracts him from Todd by saying that the idea was impossible. Tony departs. Jason tries to apologise to Eva - but she says they are finished and she and Leanne go.

Sophie and Maddie arrive laughing and giggling at Sal's. They have just seen Kev taking his new girlfriend into the Rovers. Maddie says she saw her earlier at the garage and she is "nice". After some toing and froing they agree to go to the Rovers for a drink and a look see.

GG, Chesney, Kirk, Julie and Beth are discussing Sinead - they decide that she is probably missing female company. GG says that it is time she went home. Julie says she thinks she has got a plan.

Kev and Jenny are discussing the pub. Not much changes. Sophie, Maddie and Sal arrive and Sophie introduces herself and asks who she might be? Sal takes one look and answers the question "Jenny Bradley". It has been a long time Sally says Jenny. And Sophie realises that they know each other. They smile at each other. Then Emily and Norris arrive and Emily is surprised to see Jenny. Jenny looks up and says "Hello Emily". Norris studies the "new" "elephant in the room".

After the break Norris tells Jenny that she has a cheek showing her face around here. Norris calls her an undesirable. Norris knows her by reputation. Rita would have a blue fit if she walked in now and Sal sides with Norris as he carries on. Jenny departs and Kev rushes after her. Kev apologises and Jenny agrees to meet him again. Kev offers to smooth things over with Rita. She kisses him once and then again very much more seriously. They kiss and then go to the bus stop.

David has tried to explain to Max - but it is not easy. The rest of the family pressure David - but he is no fit state and so Audrey and Gavandy depart with Gail and Michael to Audrey's house. Max appears as he cannot sleep and wants to know what Callum meant by saying he was his "real" dad.

Jason cannot believe what he has done. Jason asks Eileen for advice. She tells him to let things calm down. She suggests that Jason does the washing up. Jason says he his going to propose marriage. Eileen suggests that a proposal might be the height of stupidity and Todd chimes in with saying that Jason knows his own mind.

David tries to explain to Max that Callum is his dad. Mum Kylie and Callum were friends and they made Max. But it is not just making babies - it is about getting tea, playing footie and making up stories at bedtime - but David is not sure that Callum wants to do those things. David has done them and he always will. Max wishes Kylie was there. So does David.

In the Bistro Linda tells Owen that they both made mistakes. They should forgive and forget. She suggests that if she forgives Owen then the girls are more likely to follow suit. He had forgotten how persuasive she could be. She says she did not come to cause trouble.

At the Bistro bar Eva, Leanne, Tony and Nick discuss the situation. Jason arrives with Todd and he goes down on one knee, apologises for being an idiot and asks Eva to marry him. Eva picks up a drink off the bar and throws it over Jason's head and leaves.

Back at the Rovers Kev enters and tells Norris that he overstepped the mark and even Emily says he was a bit strong. Norris says he has a right to express an opinion - but Kev suggests he keeps it to himself. Then Kev raises his voice so that the entire bar is told that Jenny will be around here now and people need to accept that - including Sally. Kev leaves.

Linda wants to know what all that was about and Katie says it was about his new girlfriend. Izzy says it was a long chat she had with Owen. Linda tells them that she has accepted his apology and suggests that they should do the same. Izzy asks how she can do that? Linda says that holding grudges can do damage and she accepts that Owen has been there for the two girls over the years. Linda tells them that from what she can see he has done a very good job.

Julie and Beth surprise Sinead with tea and fashion magazines and cakes from Roy's. Kirk and Ches depart and Sinead has a big smile on her face.

Jason realises that he is the most dumped man in Weatherfield and Todd says that sometimes mistakes can hit you hard. {Poison, drip, ear; poison, drip, ear}. He tells Jason that he needs to learn a lesson from this. And a smile plays on Todd's face as he believes he has managed to ruin the life of one member of his family.

Did we learn anything tonight?
a) Beware persuasive ladies. In this case Linda just seems too good to be true. I wonder what she is really after?
b) Norris appeared a couple of years after Jenny departed - so I wonder who actually told him about Jenny and why? I am not sure that was thought through.
c) Do not listen to Todd. He is an evil, twisted and bitter no mark. And there is extensive evidence of this - so why does anyone give him the time of day?
d) Poor Max - you have had a complex life. After all it is only a few years since you were fostered and you have had so many "Dads".

Can I just make an observation on Jenny Bradley / Sally Ann Matthews? 1993 to 2015 is a lengthy gap for any character. And yes she obviously looks older - but that apart she seems to have settled back in very quickly. The young Jenny B was at times a handful and no doubt she is currently on best behaviour. I cannot decide if she is back for the long haul or an attempt at another rip off. In fact I actually wonder if the management know at the moment as there are no clues. I can only hope that she does not cause Rita even more heartache after the problems she has suffered at the hands of the returning Dennis - who once he was ensconced the management did not know what to do with him. I hope therefore that this returnee is simply not going to repeat the continuing rip off.

If anyone is interested in my ideas it is time Audrey thought seriously about retiring from full time hairdressing (she will be 75 this year, I believe); David can take over the salon and Jenny can work for him, alongside Maria and Audrey working a few days a week for the older customers.

That is it from me this week. Back soon.

Monday 23 February

Written by Jonathan Harvey Directed by Tim Finn

Jason's sulking. His family has heard of the disaster and he's berating himself for a right idiot. Sean reckons Eva will have calmed down but Jason doesn't think so because she hasn't called or texted him. Eileen hasn't any advice other than to eat something but Jason has no appetite.

Luke is playing a video game with Liam so he must have had a sleepover. The boys are having too much fun to stop so Maria turns off the telly. Maria asks Luke to pick Liam up from school because the child minder can't. Luke conveniently has a half day to day and he looks rather triumphant at the ask.

In the back room, Liz is hefting her chin up with the help of a rolled towel when Michelle catches her. It's a neck and chin exercise to avoid a "turkey" neck. The women talk about Steve who's going to try to drive a cab again today. Last time he tried he had a panic attack. Steve walks in and agrees, it wasn't very pretty but he feels like it will be ok today. He plans to get used to the car again before picking up passengers. Steve goes out of the room to answer a ringing phone. Tony hands Liz two concert tickets to see Queen but Liz, though loving the band, isn't sure she wants to "go gallivanting" while Steve is still poorly. Tony can't understand that, it's only a night out, and Michelle points out the price on the tickets. Not cheap. He snips "Suit yourself" and leaves. Michelle teases Liz and they have a laugh.

Eva has red eyes and looks a mess. She is escorted across the road by Leanne. Todd comes out of the shop and asks how she's feeling. Obviously she's been crying all night. Eva asks Todd how Jason is, hoping, obviously, that he's as upset as her. Todd makes out like Jason is keeping his emotions to himself and got a laugh out of a Big Bang Theory box set, making it sound like Jason wasn't that bothered, not really. Eva asks Todd to tell Jason to stay clear, emphasized more strongly by her protective sister. Todd looks very much like he thinks that was a job well done.

In the cab office, Andrea is tracking Lloyd's plane arriving back from Spain today. She, Steve and Eileen chat about lost luggage. Andrea is excited to see Lloyd and snatches the phone out of Eileen's hand when it rings. It's Lloyd and she coos into the phone. Steve leaves, not wanting to speak to Lloyd just at the moment. How much does Lloyd know about what's gone on? He goes outside and looks like he's steeling up his nerve to get in the cab, which he does. He sits there for a minute and starts it up.

Todd goes to see Jason to check and see if Eva's contacted him. No, she has not. Jason wonders if he should make the first move. Todd heads that off, reminding him how Eva reacted at his proposal. He thinks Eva needs space from the Big Gestures. He gives Jason a brotherly hug. Chesney walks by. Jason asks how Sinead is. Just then Steve drives by and when Chesney realizes who was driving the cab, he loses it.

Tony has shown Tracy the tickets to Queen but Tracy isn't keen on seeing them. Todd comes in, peeks at the tickets but backs off at the price of them and goes into the office. Tracy then offers Tony a chance of going "through the books". Ken comes in before that discussion goes any further. He offers to pick Amy up from school after a long walk with the dog and then take her for a treat. Tracy likes that idea and tells Tony they should take the books back to her place for some peace and quiet. Todd agrees to hold the fort. They arrange to meet in about a half hour.

Lloyd arrives and Andrea leaps into his arms. Chesney comes charging over, furious and tells Lloyd he has no business letting a dangerous driver behind the wheel of a cab. He also mentions the bus crash in the middle of his tirade. Lloyd knew Sinead had to go to hospital but is shocked when Chesney says she might never come out (and that's a bit of an exaggeration, no?) He turns to Andrea and wonders what she hasn't told him.

After the break, in the office, Andrea tells him everything, starting with Sinead maybe not walking again. She describes how bad it really was (so she must have told him there was an accident, but not the whole story) and she tells him that Steve did nothing to help everyone out of the mini bus. She then tells him Steve was diagnosed with clinical depression but it doesn't seem to make any difference to Lloyd.

Jason has gone to see Eva and apologizes all over again. He says he's been as upset as she has. She wants to forgive her but she's way too hurt. He gives her the tickets to New York, for tonight's departure. He thinks it might be a way to sort things out but she's not sure. He doesn't trust her. She can't give him a decision right now. It might just be papering over the cracks. She'll think about it and let him know. He tells her he loves her and he is very, very sorry. He leaves and she breaks down in tears again.

Tracy has the books on the table and her lippy in her hand. She's dressed in a sexy little number as Tony arrives. They flirt and get down to business.

Todd chats to Sean. He wonders if Jason and Eva will get back together. Todd is dubious. Sean hopes they do. Jason comes by just as Todd is making spurious comments about Eva's intellect (and Jason's) but I think he was too preoccupied to hear it. He tells them he's seen Eva and is a bit optimistic that she'll come around. Todd says that's good news but his eyes say it isn't.

Over the road, Leanne arrives home. Eva accepts the offer of a brew and a sandwich and tells Leanne about the New York trip. Eva tells Leanne she's not sure she's ready to forgive him yet even though Jason thinks they can sort things out. Leanne tells her that she had an affair with the father of the lad she was seeing (Jamie Baldwin, father was Danny, just to remind you). Leanne allows that those things do happen. Eva points out that in her case, it didn't happen. Leanne thinks NY is a lovely surprise and notices that it was booked before the upset. Leanne makes a good point. If you love somebody, there are worse things to forgive them for.

Tony is having a drink of water to regain his strength but just then the front door opens. Panic! Tony runs out the back door while Tracy gathers up his clothes from the steps. She stuffs them behind the chair and tells them she's got a migraine, all the while shoving Tony's shoes under the chair. Ken and Amy are back early because Amy didn't want to go for anything to eat after all.

Liam and Luke are playing catch in the flat, Liam stoked up on sugar. Liam firs the ball and hits some things on the countertop which in turn crack a tile on the wall just as Maria comes in the door. Oh great. Luke apologizes.

Liz and Michelle are working behind the bar. Liz chatters about the fad of having your colours done back in the 80s. Liz proclaims that Michelle is probably a Spring. The conversation turns to Steve. Neither has heard from him and decide no news is good news.

Jason has packed just in case Eva decides to go on the trip. Eva is cutting things fine because if she doesn't call or come over soon, they'll not make it to the airport in time. Sean witters on about loving New York even though he's never actually been there. Someone comes in the door and it's Eva. What's she going to say?

Ken and Tracy come out back into the yard where we saw Tony peeking over the door of the outside loo. Eccles follows them out. Ken seems upset that Amy would rather come home and play on her laptop. Eccles, that dog with the detective genes, goes snuffling and squealing under the door of the outside loo again. No bloody bracelet this time, but there is something dodgey there and Eccles is going to uncover it! Ken notices the dog with her face under the door. Tracy calls her out before Ken can investigate and the music ends part 1.


Written by Ellen Taylor and directed by Tim Finn

Eva finally gives Jason her decision. She's not going to New York. Instead she's off to France to visit her gran for a while. For a long while, Eva adds. And in true Corrie style she's leaving tonight with barely time to reapply her lippy, let alone pack a suitcase or three. Sean advises Jason to go after her and beg her to change her mind but Todd tells Jason that's the last thing he should do. He tells him he's taking him into town to drown his sorrows.

Eccles knows there's something in the outhouse. Tracy finally gets rid of her dad by persuading him to go inside and get some chocolate biscuits for Amy, against his better judgment. The moment Ken's gone, Tracy goes to release Tony from his hiding place but he can't leave until Tracy's retrieved his clothes.

In the Rovers Lloyd is reunited with Eileen. Just as Liz is wondering where Steve's got to he comes through the door. Anyone who didn't know any better would think Steve was in high spirits and Lloyd certainly looks wary of his cheerful demeanor. Rather reluctantly Lloyd returns Steve's hug.

Round at Maria's Luke is trying to fix the broken tile when he manages to break the one next to it. But rather than getting annoyed, Maria sets to and pulls a few more off the wall. She tells Luke she never did like the tiles anyway.

Tracy's now inside the house, distracting Eccles with a bowl of food. She spots Tony's shoes and kicks them under the sofa but she can't get to his clothes. She asks her dad to take Amy to the shop to buy her the biscuits she wants. Ken is really annoyed with the way Tracy seems to be giving in to Amy's demands but he reluctantly agrees. The moment he's gone Tracy goes to return Tony's clothes. He's freezing cold and can't wait to escape but Tracy has found the whole incident hilarious.

Kevin is playing the domestic goddess and making a chicken pie for Jenny's tea but Sophie isn't impressed. It's not the state of the kitchen that's worrying her but the fact that everyone seems to think Jenny's bad news and a gold-digger. Maddie tells the two of them to stop their bickering and drags Sophie off to the cinema.

Steve's is still in cheerful mood as he regales everyone in the Rovers with funny stories but Lloyd is not impressed and has a face like thunder. Liz drags him over to one side to explain that Steve is only too well aware of what he's done but that Lloyd's attitude is not helping him. Just then Tony arrives back. Liz apologises for what she said earlier. She admits she's been spending far too much time worrying about Steve and she'd love a night out with Tony. But why is he freezing cold? Tony makes some excuse about having to hang around waiting for a delivery.

Eva's doing her packing. The sight of a favourite dress starts her reminiscing about Jason. Leanne realises she's having doubts. Why didn't Jason beg her to stay, she wonders. Leanne points out that she told Jason it was over. Leanne says it's obvious Jason loves her and she loves him. She suggests Eva should call him and Eva looks like she might just do as Leanne says.

Meanwhile across town Todd is busy getting Jason drunk. While Jason is over at the bar buying another round, his phone rings. Todd picks it up. He sees Eva's name on the display and rejects the call. On the other end of the call, Eva's face falls. She tells Leanne that Jason has cut her off and announces that's it.

Round at Maria's she and Luke have finished taking the tiles off the walls. He's worried what Audrey is going to say but Maria's not concerned. If she doesn't like it she's happy to buy some new ones. Luke offers to put them up for her since it was his fault. He claims to be an expert when it comes to tiling but from the face he pulls we sense that might not be entirely accurate.

In the Rovers, Steve, Lloyd and Andrea are playing darts. Lloyd is still looking annoyed. The others are talking about Eva going and Tony wonders if he should talk to her. They're interrupted by the arrival of Tracy. Lloyd asks how she is and she claims to be positively glowing. She puts it down to the new man in her life. Liz says she pities the poor bloke. Tracy says she thinks he might be right up Liz's street. Liz reckons he must be a blind idiot. “You'd be surprised," Tracy tells her. “No, really you would," she adds as Tony hovers in the background. Tracy reminds Tony that he promised to buy her a drink earlier. When they were looking for a cat, she explains. Liz looks puzzled so Tony continues with the story and says he has to keep his business partner happy. He whispers to Tracy to meet him in the back yard in two minutes.

Tony meets Tracy in the backyard. He pushes her angrily against the wall and tells her never to do something like that again. He says he loves Liz and if she ever finds out what's happened, everything will be over for Tracy, including her business. But he doesn't want his affair with Tracy to be over either. So Tracy lays down some of her own ground rules: they never mention Liz when they're together, she wants a weekend away with Tony and she always gets a goodbye kiss. They put the third rule straight into action.

It seems as though Kevin's chicken pie was a success. It's certainly gone down well with Jenny who says she likes a man who can cook. Jack wanders through and Jenny seems a natural with him. She sits him on her knee. Just then Maddie and Sophie arrive back. Kevin senses that Sophie is in an antagonistic mood so before she has a chance to say anything further to Jenny, he dumps Jack on the girls and asks them to babysit before whisking Jenny off out for a drink.

In the Rovers Eileen's talking to Sean about Jason and Eva. When she hears Todd's taken Jason into town to get drunk she's furious and announces she's going to put a rocket up him. When she calls Todd tries to stop her speaking to Jason but he grabs the phone. His mother tells him that Eva's about to fly off and if he doesn't try to stop her he'll regret it for the rest of his life. Jason staggers out of the pub in search of a cab.

Back in the Rovers Lloyd's finally had enough of Steve acting like nothing's happened and he confronts him about what's happened to Sinead. The others try to step in and defend Steve. He can't take it and wanders through to the back. We can see him listening while Liz, Michelle and Andrea try to explain to Lloyd about Steve's depression but he just doesn't get it. Michelle reminds Lloyd how Steve was there for him when he had his heart attack but Lloyd says that was different. Liz reminds Lloyd that Steve's his best mate but Lloyd says the old Steve was. In the background Steve is on the point of tears.

Out in the street, Leanne is helping Eva get into a cab. She tells her she'll miss her and says that it's barely four years since she found her family and now they're all gone! After telling Leanne that she, Kal and Simon are welcome to visit any time a tearful Eva drives off into the night.

Michelle finds a miserable Steve sitting on the stairs. He admits he heard everything that was said and says that Lloyd was right – he did walk away from the accident. Michelle reminds Steve that he's clinically depressed and says Lloyd isn't comfortable with that kind of thing. Steve says that when he was trying to be cheerful earlier it felt hollow inside but he was hoping that if he carried on like that he might click back into being his old self. He wonders what if he's like this foerever. Michelle promises he won't be. She says she loves him and she's going to make sure she does whatever it takes to make him get well.

Jason and Todd arrive at Leanne's looking for Eva. Jason is very drunk. Leanne tells them they're too late. Jason's all for going to the airport but Todd tells him to face it, it wasn't meant to be.

Eileen's at home with Sean. She's pacing the floor, hoping the Jason has found Eva. But the boys arrive home and tells her it's too late. A tearful Jason asks his mum what's wrong with him. Todd tells him he'll find the right person eventually but in the meantime they've got each other. He hands Jason a glass of wine but Jason is feeling very queasy and disappears upstairs. Todd says he'll go and look after him. Eileen gives Todd a hug and thanks him for taking care of Jason. “It's what any brother would do," declares Todd.


Wednesday 25 February

I write this having just returned from a trip to Manchester and The Coronation Street Tour, which I have to say was excellent. We had an extremely informative and entertaining tour guide, Robert, for our 55 minute tour of the sets, dressing rooms and wardrobe department. Then we went outside, taking photos on the cobbles for as long as we wished. In the evening Beverly Callard came to our hotel and did a question and answer session, posed for photographs and signed autographs, and I have to say she is absolutely lovely!

Anyway, on with the report for Wednesday 25th February.

It's breakfast time in the Rovers, Liz is talking about going to buy something new to wear for the gig she and Tony are going to later, and Steve is pensive. He thought it much more likely to be Norris who rolled his eyes upon learning of Steve's depression, not his best mate!

Tony comes in, talking on his phone. When he's finished the call he tells Liz that an old mate has a load of electrical gear – there could be money in it for Tony, but there's a problem. His mate can't be available until 6pm and Tony needs to be back for 7pm so they can go to the gig. Liz wonders if they can't make it another day, but Tony reckons not, the gear will get snapped up.

Kevin is trying to get his lively 4 year old dressed, and losing the battle. Maddie and Sophie come downstairs then, and Kevin moans that he's tired out already. Sophie doesn't say a word, but Maddie goes to help. Kevin asks Sophie if she's giving him the silent treatment and she tells him that if he's tired he shouldn't cram so much into his day, he should remember that he's got a business to run and a 4 year old son to look after. Kevin asks if he's not allowed a bit of enjoyment, adding that he wouldn't go out with anyone Jack didn't like. “No," retorts Sophie, “but you'd go out with someone I didn't like!"

Over at Sally's she's off to work, and reminds Tim about his literacy class. He makes all sorts of excuses as to why he can't go, but she brushes them aside. She knows he can conquer it.

In Eileen's house, Todd is complaining about the small tv, and wonders if he can get another bigger one from the shop. Eileen tells him the one they've got is fine. Jason is slumped on the sofa while Eileen makes him a bacon sarnie.

Kevin sees Sally running to work and calls to her to talk some sense into Sophie, if she's trying to put him off seeing Jenny she's wasting her time. Sally tells him she's not getting involved.

Norris is in the Kabin with Mary and Emily, he's talking about ringing Rita, not to sing Happy Birthday down the phone but to warn her that Jenny is back on the scene. Mary feels that would make Rita's birthday very unhappy, but Norris thinks he should still warn her.

Tony goes into the shop and tells Tracy about this load of high-end electrical stuff. She asks if it's dodgy. “Does it matter?" he replies. She says he's not going to buy anything without her say-so, she's going to go with him.

Sally sees Maddie and Sophie in the cafe. Sophie tells her how they gatecrashed Kevin and Jenny's cosy dinner for two, but got left babysitting. Sophie makes it clear that she doesn't like Jenny, and Sally says she doesn't like her either.

Eileen is in the Rovers talking to Steve when Liz and Michelle come through, on their way out shopping. Liz remarks that they are going to need someone else behind the bar now that Eva has gone, and Eileen volunteers. Steve is sceptical, he says they need someone with a smiley face. Eileen says she can smile to order if she's being paid. “When can you start?" asks Liz. “Now!" says Eileen.

Outside in the Street, Tony and Tracy are getting into the van as Liz and Michelle come past. She tells him not to be late back. Inside the van, Tony studies his route. “Do you think we'll be back by seven?" he asks. “Yes, easy peasy," says Tracy.

Sophie and Maddie wander into the garage and Sophie tells Kevin that he can go out with who he wants, it's nothing to do with her, but she just doesn't want him to get hurt. As they walk off, Maria arrives to see Luke and remind him about her tiles. He says he'll pop over when he's finished work. Maria goes off and Kevin asks Luke if he's ever done tiling before. He admits that he hasn't. Kevin laughs. “You're screwed!" he says.

Over in the pub, Steve is trying to teach Eileen how to pour a pint that isn't all froth, and it's a hard job. Lloyd comes in and only wants orange juice and a packet of crisps, much to Eileen's delight, she says she can do that. Michelle comes back, telling Steve that she left Liz trying on dress number 74. Eileen serves Lloyd with his orange juice, complete with two straws. He reminds her about the crisps so she goes to get them, opening them and helping herself to one before she hands them over! Lloyd points out they are for him. “Sorry," says Eileen, “force of habit!"

Tracy and Tony pull up outside a deserted row of garages. Tony is getting nervous, he has to get back and there's no sign of his mate. Just then a car pulls up and out gets a girl, she hugs Tony – she's Chris. Tracy asks to see the stuff saying she wants to see all of it, Chris tells her that she's got other people interested in taking all of it. There's then a bit of a stand off between the two of them and they go into one of the lock-ups.

Eileen has apparently got tired of standing and gone for a sit down, despite it not being her break time. Steve gets her back behind the bar, telling her she can't just walk off. Then he goes over to Lloyd and whispers that she's useless. Then he and Lloyd sort out the problems and Lloyd says he doesn't want there to be bad blood between them.

Jason and Todd come in. Jason isn't happy to see his mother 'nicking Eva's job'. Eileen points out that Eva left of her own accord, there was a vacancy and she applied. Steve says it's a temporary vacancy, she's still on trial.

Kevin and Jenny come in next, Jenny saying that it feels weird to be back there. She checks that Rita is still away, she doesn't want to run into her. Kevin assures her that she is. She's amazed to see Steve behind the bar, and he's surprised to see her.

Emily, Mary and Norris are in the Kabin when the door opens and Rita walks in! Norris is aghast to see her. "What are you doing here?" he asks. Rita explains that she and Mavis are both set in their ways and she knew it was time to leave. She talks about going over to the Rovers for drinks. “Come on," she urges, “I want to go!"

Sally is hustling Tim to get to his adult learning class. He asks if she'll come with him, but she says he'll be fine.

Tony and Tracy have loaded up the van, Tracy has put in some shavers but Chrissie says they're not included, not for the price Tracy is paying. Tracy says the whole deal if off then, but Tony brushes over it and then, when Tracy has got into the van, he takes Chrissie aside and pays her some extra. Unfortunately though, Tracy sees this in the mirror and is not happy so as he goes to get in, she gets out, telling him she saw what he did and he totally undermined her. He tries to say that this way everybody was happy and they could get going. “You made me look stupid!" shouts Tracy, and walks off into the night.

Maria gives Luke the keys to her flat, she's still working but he's going to go and do the tiling.

Rita, Mary, Emily and Norris are leaving the Kabin. Rita asks if she's missed anything, but Norris tells her it's all been very quiet.

Jenny and Kevin are still in the pub when Rita and co come in. She stops short when she sees Jenny. “Happy birthday Rita," says Jenny.

Tracy is still marching down the dark road. Tony pulls up behind her and gets out, telling her he can't leave her. They argue and he takes hold of her arms and bundles her into the van, telling her they'll discuss it on the way back. Just then a police siren sounds right behind them. “Oh no," groans Tony, “that's all we need!"

Anne Logan

Friday 27 February

As you may remember, Rita has been stunned to see Jenny Bradley in the pub. "I think I need to sit down," says Rita. "What on earth are you doing here?"

Meanwhile, in a van parked by the side of a road far far away, Tony and Tracy bicker over the right way to deal with the police. Tracy comes over all smarmy. The policeman asks whether this gentleman is bothering her. Tracy comes up with a story about looking at Tony's phone to find directions and discovering messages from another woman - that's what the mini-struggle was about. The officer takes Tony's licence and goes back to the police car to run some checks on him. Tony tells Tracy not to talk so much.

Liz is waiting for Tony. She asks Eileen's opinion on her eyeliner. Eileen, ever the diplomat, says it's fine and it'll be dark at the concert anyway! Liz gives her a lecture on how important it is that the punters are greeted by warm and welcoming bar staff. Eileen is affronted. "This is because of the eyeliner, isn't it?" she asks. "I said it was fine!" She slams the door on her way out.

Tracy has gone back to the police car and seems to be using her womanly wiles on the copper. She gets back into the van and hands Tony his licence. "He was like putty in my hands," she says. Tony's phone rings and he tells Liz he's on his way. Tracy sneers at him for being under Liz's control.

Rita's talking to Jenny. She doesn't think it can be a coincidence that Jenny picked out Kevin on the dating site. She asks why Jenny has never been in touch and Jenny asks if Rita would have wanted that. "It might have been polite," Rita says. "I take it you've never settled down." Jenny says she settled but he didn't. She's been living in Middleton most recently. Rita tells Norris he's probably heard her talk about Jenny. Mary's heard gossip about her. Jenny admits she's not always been an angel. Rita admits she's thought of Jenny over the years. "I probably owe you some money," Jenny says. Norris starts to harp on at her but Emily says gently that Jenny was just a girl - a very foolish girl.

When Jenny leaves them, Norris suddenly notices Eileen behind the bar and almost chokes. "What madness is this?" he asks.

Over at Maria's, Luke works on the tiling. Maria criticises his speed but he says it's like her hairstyling - she wouldn't just start chopping hair without preparing it by washing it. He's doing the preparation for the tiles. He could tile in his sleep. Maria asks if he's got some of those little spacers that tilers use. It's clear Luke has no idea what she's on about but he says he's got masses of them. Maria goes off to meet an old friend from her kennel maid days.

Back in the pub, Jason's going on about Tony buying the house. Sean thinks Tony was just trying to help but Jason says he's too old for surprises.

Rita asks Emily if she knew Jenny was back. Norris says they all did but didn't want to ruin her birthday by telling her. Emily says she thought Rita would be more upset. Norris thinks something's not sitting right about Jenny's return. Rita, presumably to fill in those viewers who are new since then, recaps the back story - that Jenny wanted 30,000 pounds from her but was sent away with a lot less. "She gave me such a mouthful. I never saw her again."

Back at Maria's, Luke's busy calling real tilers, trying to find one who is available right now.

In the bistro, Steph asks whether Gail is going to stop wearing her old wedding ring. Michael jokes that she can put it on the pile with the others. Gail is very coy about what she will be wearing on her wedding day.

Craig is trying to counsel Fay. He's sent her some links to look at and worries that she's not been attending ante-natal classes. He tries to get her to think about what having the baby will involve. The cord will need cutting - who's going to bring the scissors? Anna comes in and Craig tells Fay they can go over to his.

Tony and Tracy are back but Tony's running off to meet Liz, leaving Tracy to unpack the boxes on her own.

Eileen's doing an Arkwright with the till in the Rovers. Liz yells at Tony and the till suddenly starts printing out reams of stuff.

Emily tries to persuade Rita to make friends with Jenny. Rita can't believe Jenny really wants Kevin. "What's she up to now?"

Luke's asked Jason but Jason's had a drink and that's not good before tiling. He suggests Luke ask Gary.

Jenny tells Kevin it might be a mistake coming back to the street. She says she didn't use him, but she did want to see Rita again.

Craig and Fay watch a childbirth video and their faces are a picture. Craig seems more upset and terrified than Fay.

Kevin opens his door to find Rita and her gang there. Rita wants a word. Despite his best efforts, Kevin can't keep the others out. "I've never been in here," says Mary, pushing past him.

Luke is looking for Gary but he's not home. Owen comes down, ready to take Anna to the pub, and Luke asks for tiling advice. Owen tries to refuse but Anna points out she's still got to get ready so Owen has some time to spare.

Jenny and Kevin confront the posse. "I might be able to take the little one," Kevin jokes, looking at Norris. Norris snipes that Kevin isn't exactly basketball material. Rita tells Jenny she isn't sure what to say. She wants to blame her for so much. Jenny says that if she had the money she would give it back to Rita. Norris and Mary pounce on the information that Jenny has no money. Rita tells Jenny to take no notice of her friends, who speak when they have no right to. Jenny says it's fine if Rita blames her but she has no idea what Jenny has been through these last few years. Rita tells her she doesn't want to see Kevin get hurt. "If you're thinking of hanging about, just remember I know you. I will be watching."

Owen looks at the job Luke's started. He's only there to give advice but Luke pleads with him. It's only when he offers 50 quid that Owen takes off his jacket and sets to work. "Maria cannot find out about this," Luke tells him.

A very grumpy Tracy unloads the van on her own.

Maria goes into the bistro - her friend canceled at the last minute. She mentions to Steph that Luke is retiling the kitchen. "Luke looked you in the eye and said he could tile?" asks Steph.

Gail and Michael discuss the vows. They discuss writing their own "tasteful" vows. They don't want tacky like Beth and Kirk. Michael notices Gail has taken off her wedding ring.

Tony's got ready in double-quick time and rushes downstairs only to find Tracy in the back room with some boxes. She says she didn't have anywhere left to store them. She sneers at the idea of Tony trying not to upset Liz and Tony tells her to stop badmouthing Liz. "Spare me the loyal boyfriend routine," Tracy says. "You were in my bedroom on Monday having all sorts of fun." Tony tries to hush her up. "No, why should I?" she demands. Suddenly, Liz is at the door. She looks from Tony to Tracy. "OK. Let's start with the box," she says. Oops.

The end.
Margaret Carr

Another week has passed and this is the final update for February. Little excitement this week - the car passed its MOT. We have seen the Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel but felt that it was a pale imitation of the original. However we have a trip to London and this will encompass a good meal and an excellent concert. More next week.

Meanwhile in Weatherfield we have series 56, episode 42 (8586) with the intriguing short description "Tony juggles Liz and Tracy". This episode was written by Simon Crowther; it was directed by Tim Finn and copyright remains the property of ITV to whom many thanks.

We open in the back room of the Rovers with Tracy, Tony and Liz standing around looking at a large cardboard box. Liz wants to know what it is. Tony clarifies that it is a box. Liz confirms that she can see it is a box - but she wants to know what is in the box and why is it in her living room? And why is Tracy here and why is the box here. Tony suggests Tracy departs but Liz is not allowing this. Tracy points out that they are in a hurry to go and see Queen. Liz tells her to stay out of this - Tracy asks does she stay or go? Michelle comes in and she confirms that Tracy has been spotted - apparently she walked right past Eileen who told her not to come in. Liz tells Michelle that it is all under control now. Michelle goes and Liz demands to know what Tracy and Tony are up to? [Liz in all honesty you do not really want to know the answer to that question]. Tony tells her the box is full of stolen goods, which they picked up from a warehouse. Liz is on the point of losing her temper wants to know why they are so late. Tony admits they were stopped by the police and that it was Tracy sweet talking the officer that meant the van was not searched. So why the box asks Liz? Tracy replies that the stock room is full. She hints she tried to hide it in her bedroom but Ken was suspicious. Liz has had enough of Tracy and tells her to go so that the grown ups can have a chat. Tracy storms off. Liz reminds Tony that she did not want his business on her premises and he points out that Tracy brought the box in. Liz wants no underhand dealings in the pub. So the box goes. And he can forget the concert. She is not in the mood. She wishes Tony had nothing to do with Tracy [well Liz soon I am sure you really will wish that]. Tony assures Liz that within a few months he will own the entire business. Liz does not want to know. Get that box gone and Liz goes.

In the bar Sal is observing that if you could hand pick a worse barmaid you would struggle to find one worse than Eileen. She likes Eileen but she is no barmaid. Tim is reporting on his evening class - he was the oldest by about ten years. Sal tells him to start thinking of the benefits - he will be able to check what is on tv for himself and not ask her. Tim says that at the start of the lesson he had to stand up and recount his most embarrassing moment - he stood up and said this very minute! Rita comes in and Sal offers her a drink. Emily asks if she knew who Rita had met and Sal admits it was only a matter of time - thereby admitting that she knew as well. Rita is feeling very let down by her friends at moment. Norris tells Rita, Emily and Mary to sit down and he will get the drinks; he tries to get out of buying one for Tim and Sal but Tim tells him to line them up.

Owen is demonstrating his tiling skills - and the camera faces the other way to show that his patient listener is the Labrador, Ozzie. Maria returns and is somewhat surprised to find Owen hard at work. Owen tries to cover for Luke - but it does not last long and Owen admits that Luke is in the gym. And anyway Maria was not due back until later. She says she will leave him to it - but do not tell Luke she was there. Owen agrees. She checks that Luke had not got any tile spacers!

Tony carries the box into the Barlow Buys shop and asks if that was Tracy's idea of a joke. Tony tells her that Liz's one rule is that he keeps his business out of the Rovers [I suspect she has a few more - like who Tony sleeps with]. Tracy asks if he is allowed to put his elbows on the table? Well if she only has one rule he can do anything else he likes. Tracy twigs that the concert has been canned and she tells Tony to cheer up. Even if Liz chucks him out there is always little old Tracy.

Jenny is sitting on Kev's sofa and she is still het up. When Rita asked Jenny got cagey about her life and he is unsure. [Red Alert, red alert, it should be noted that they are both drinking RED wine. This is a Corrie warning that there may be sex involved later]. She offers her diary to read but he is less bothered - but obviously the confrontation with Rita had brought back memories to all concerned of her last visit. Kev is honest - he has not got a bean. Jenny makes it clear that she NEVER ripped Rita off - whatever people might have said. She had asked for money because Rita was sitting in the big house in Oakhill at the time. And there is no law against asking [well it does depend on the way in which such a request is phrased]. Jenny says she would still be running the salon and she would have made Rita a partner (it is hard to tell what is true and what is being said for effect). Kev observes that salons are ten a penny - but over 20 years ago that was not true [observational note - our local main street had 2 then and four now]; Jenny reckons she had foresight. Kev adds that he has Jack to look after and could not find £30k. He might find 30p on a good day. Jenny thinks Rita has turned Kev off. He puts her straight - he has been on a handful of dates over many years. They likes each other's profiles and it is nothing to with Rita, Sally, Sophie or anyone else. And they are not getting any younger. "Charming" observes Jenny. They could go their own ways, but it should not be caused by Rita's comments, over a hand out from 20,000 years ago. She tells him to stick the kettle on as she has had enough to drink. He asks if she is rejecting his £11 a bottle wine - he had been trying to impress her. He left the price on too! She is smiling almost laughing now. She says that he should consider her impressed and both seem more cheerful. Kev goes to put the kettle on.

Maria is updating Steph on her evening, she does not mind that Luke cannot tile but after Marcus she does not want a liar. Steph says her brother is just a bloke trying to make himself look bigger than he is and then finding a solution when he realises the size of hole he has dug. Gavandy wants to know what Michael is doing reciting "I must never forget to take the bins out". Steph tells him they are writing their own wedding vows.

Luke returns to find Owen has completed a perfect job. He pays up and Owen heads off for a drink. Luke says that Maria will not believe it and Owen says that he rather thinks she won't!! Luke lies on the sofa and turns the tv on.

Back at the Rovers a slightly tiddly Rita has something to say to Tim. "Streaks". Apparently the windows were streaked after they were cleaned. Tim blames Craig, although you can tell he is unsure. She wants it rectified. And he remembers he has not been paid. No-one says anything as Rita herself says she would not have said anything had she not had a drink!

Tony arrives at the bar and asks Eileen for a pint - words she never thought she would hear. Michelle seeks to supervise the pint pulling - but even from this distance anyone can see that Eileen and bar work are not even kissing cousins! More head than beer. Tony complains - which Liz overhears and suggests that if he does not like it he can take his custom elsewhere. He coughs up but refuses to buy Eileen a drink. Jason wants a word. Jason says he wants to apologise. Jason says too much has been going on and he got it wrong. I'm sorry dad. Tony pointedly asks Michelle for a pint for Jason and a drink for Liz - but she looks at him angrily and says no she can get her own. Jason observes that it is Tony's own fault and he should not be in bed with Tracy. Tony reacts with a "WHAT?" and Jason says that he knows what he meant - her last partner is in jail and the previous one is in the cemetery. Tony assures Jason that he can handle Tracy. Which Jason reminds him is what all the other men said too! Tony looks a touch worried.

After the break Anna points out to Faye that she is still in school uniform. Faye responds that she feels a bit ill. Anna does not believe her. Owen returns and wolf whistles that Anna looks good this evening. They head off to the Rovers for a last drink before closing.

Luke is asleep when the door opens so he jumps up quickly and pretends to be finishing the tiling. She likes the finished job and she honestly did not think he was up to it. Ozzie barks. What is it you are trying to say Ozzie? Maria asks. Luke asks after her night out. Apparently her friend cried off and so she went and had a drink with Steph propping up the bar like a floozy. She should have come and watched him in action. She gets him a drink. Indeed she will run him a relaxing bath. She turns on the bathroom light and suggests that as they are not doing owt on Sunday perhaps he could retile that. Luke starts looking concerned.

Back at the Rovers Tony is suggesting he can get tickets for another concert to Liz. She asks if the entire shipment was stolen. Tony nods but says they will soon sell it. She urges him to be careful. She says there will be other concerts and lets Tony hold her hand.

The evil poisonous ratbag troll comes in. Sorry that will be Todd and he hails his mother and Jason. He is supposed to be meeting Tracy for last orders.

Meanwhile Anna is telling Owen about an encounter with Linda when Anna was on her hands and knees. Anna reckons she ought to be called Linda Carter referring to Wonder Woman and Owen says that she was his first true love. He is also referring to Wonder Woman but Anna thinks he means his ex-wife and Anna asks he if cannot see she is feeling insecure. Owen explains that he also meant Wonder Woman. Owen tells her she has to accept that Linda is the girls' mother and obviously she is trying. Owen goes on to say that Linda is not all bad - which builds again into Anna's insecurities.

Michael is still working on his vows. Gavandy is trying to help him. Less household chores and more romance. It needs to be about truth and loyalty and Michael suggests honesty is important. Gavandy struggles to agree. Gavandy says that he wants to help to make his dad does not make a fool of himself on his wedding day.

Back in the Rovers Tracy arrives and wants a large red from Michelle. Liz spots her across the bar and Tony suggests she leaves it alone. Liz reckons that Tracy should be on the dockside in Marseille in clothes like that. And she tells Liz not to go behind the bar. Liz tells her this is a warning. Todd tells her sit down.

Norris explains she came in with a box earlier. Rita, Mary and Emily are heading off for bed. Revelation of the evening. Mary is writing a book. A self help manual purely for personal use - she will not be looking for a publisher. (Wonderful little asides they keep giving Mary).

Anna keeps looking at the door and Owen wants to know why. She denies it. Owen assures Anna that Linda cannot hold a candle to her. Anna "harrumphs" and says she thought Linda was not "all bad". Owen tells her that Linda said she would help smooth things over with the girls and there is no need for Anna to get upset.

Jenny is reading the tv listings but Kev says they cannot watch it as Jack has hidden the remote. He does not lie people messing with his channels. Apparently it is often lost - a very remote control. Jenny asks if he has a telly in his bedroom and then realises what she has suggested. She means or in any other room. Kev does not know what to say - when he was just about to call her a cab. She does not believe him. He says "You come here empty my wine cellar and drink my tea and now she is trying to get him upstairs. She denies it. Kev says Rita was right - that Jenny Bradley is real trouble. They laugh and move a lot closer and start snogging.

In the Street Tim and Sal are seeing Rita home. Tim is looking for streaks but cannot find any. Rita did not believe she would see that "one" again. Rita cannot believe it is really a co-incidence. Tim says the windows look good to him and Rita says that he cannot therefore dock Craig's wages. Sal sends Rita and again wishes her happy birthday. Sal and Tim walk back. Turns out Tim did the windows himself. Sal looks up at Kev's window and as he draws the curtains she can see Jenny behind him in the bedroom, arms around his neck kissing him. [Look I did warn you - I issued an alert earlier on!].

Tracy and Todd are discussing the delivery and they move onto discussing Liz's attitude earlier, whilst on the other side of the room Liz and Tony are discussing Tracy and her attitude. A row is brewing.

Maria wants to play "Truth or Dare" and she only wants one question. Luke says "Truth" and she asks if really tiled the kitchen. Luke is confused. She says it again more slowly and he confesses that he did not do it. He wants to know how she knew - apparently Ozzie told her.

Tracy orders a red wine and Eileen charges her £3.30. Tracy says that is excessive for a small red wine. Tracy is holding a large full glass of red wine. Eileen points out she never asked for a small one. Tracy says that Eileen simply assumed a large one. Eileen picks up the glass and attempts to pour the excess back in the bottle (and mainly on the bar). Liz wants to know what is going on. Tracy alleges she asked for a small red wine which Eileen denies. Tracy points out the waste and the mess. Tony in an attempt to defuse the situation offers to pay for the drinks. Liz wants to know why he should pay. Tracy puts her oar in and Liz reminds her that she is on a warning in her pub. Tony says to not bother as Tracy is not worth it [almost in 'Enders territory here]. Liz agrees that she is not worth it. She tells Tracy to get out and she responds that she will go when she is good and ready. Liz recovers Tracy's round and tells her she is barred. Tracy asks Tony if he is going to let Liz speak to him like this. He confirms the whereabouts of the door and that she should be the other side of it. Eileen asks if she wants a helping hand. She picks up the tenner put down by Tony and says she is taking that with her. She collects her coat and goes - but Todd points out she has left her handbag behind and they all laugh at her. As she goes she casts a venomous look at Tony and in the closing shot on him in close up it is obvious that he now realises that he has quite a problem on his hands.

What if anything have we learned this evening?
a) Kev may have 30p to lend you if he raids the back of the sofa
b) Kev cannot watch tv in his own house because the remote is very remote.
c) Eileen cannot pull a pint but does get praise for helping people leave the Rovers.
d) Liz is talked round very easily. Most women I know would not have let the matter drop for weeks, maybe months.
e) Is it possible Rita has a sight problem seeing streaks when none are there?
f) Luke cannot tile. But he also knows the right time to tell the truth.

I think it is time we saw more of Jack. If he can hide a remote he is obviously a bright kid and they always entertain on the Street.

Which brings this to a conclusion. See you all next week.

Updates written by K Richard Whitbread, Martin Rosen,Duncan Lindsay, Christine Warren, Ann Logan, Margaret Carr, Tvor, Karen Jankel.