Monday 1 August

Written by Debbie Oates Directed by Michael Lacey

It's the day of Kylie's funeral and Audrey is flummoxed at how the funeral was being put together by a child's opinions. Gail has managed to steer the music away from the Pussycat Dolls to Beyonce but Audrey is at her wits' end. Nick is bemused. David and Max come downstairs. David has everything in hand. Audrey asks to help so David asks her to keep an ear out for Harry or Lily and takes Max into the annex to go over his speech. Audrey is surprised David has it in him to be so collected. Gail points out it is what the children need so you do what you have to. Lily calls out for Mummy upstairs.

Todd and Billy, in the flower shop, talk about telling Sean about them after the funeral, just so we don't forget that was their decision. Sean pops in so Billy changes the subject to the funeral flowers and leaves. Sean mentions that he's not going to the service. After Billy leaves, he tells Todd he's not going because there's a friend in the coffin and his ex on the pulpit. He wants to contribute a flower even though it was family only. Sarah comes in and gets a big hug from Todd. Sean nearly puts his foot in his mouth when he begins a rather cliche sentence, "back from the land of the living". Sarah's ok with it, though remarks that she is popped up on pills. Todd is concerned when Sarah says she's going to the funeral. Sean leaves to go organize the wake at the pub. Todd doesn't think Sarah is well enough to go to the funeral but she insists she is and leaves. Eileen comes in, all in a state because Jason texted her the night before all drunk and now she can't get hold of him. Todd reckons Jason's just hungover. Eileen is frantic. Jason was upset and crying about Tony but Todd is anxious, hands Eileen the shop keys to keep an eye on things and rushes out after Sarah. Eileen tries again to call Jason.

We flip over to the Kabin where Kylie's multicoloured outfit with nothing matching, topped with a fuchsia hat is more reminiscent of an explosion in a crayon factory. She's buying a sympathy card but doesn't really know what that means. Rita explains it's to tell the family that you're thinking of them sympathetically. She thinks that sounds too much like "pathetically". Rita suggests the plainer card. Gemma tells Rita about what Kylie was like as a mate in school, sticking up for her and feels proper bad for her family. That's sympathy, smiles Rita, and lets Gemma have both cards for free. Norris comes out from the back and is having computer problems. Todd follows Sarah into the Kabin, apologizing and again trying to talk her out of going to the funeral. We can hear Rita and Norris arguing in the back. Todd is worried she'll have a relapse, maybe say something she'll regret like something that will have her sent down for life. Sarah looks confused. Todd doesn't explain himself and leaves, ordering her to at least consider staying away. That's what his problem is, he thinks that if she gets overly upset, she'll end up confessing (because he still thinks she did it). Rita comes back out and greets Sarah who's come for sweets for Lily.

Eileen sees Todd on the street and tells him she's got to fly to Thailand. Seems Jason had a bad fall and has had to be airlifted to the mainland (he was on one of the islands). Todd is startled and asks how bad is it? He is about to follow her inside when Sarah comes across trying to find out what he meant but he's in no state to deal with her now. He tells her Jason's had an accident and goes inside after Eileen.

In the pub, Freddie has come into the bar with Maria, though not having a drink now. He'll save that for the wake. Roy notices that everyone is wearing bright colours while he's in a black suit and tie and wants to go and change. Eva offers to bring him a handkerchief that's colourful. He wonders if his anorak will do but when she hears it's beige, she assures him the handkerchief will be just fine. Eva is having trouble with the jukebox. Roy offers to help, twiddles with a few things and then puts a coin in. Eva tells him the number, it's a song by the Pussycat Dolls, one of Kylie's favourites. He doesn't manage to get it right, however. Craig is at the bar talking to Tim about a nightmare he had, seemingly inspired by his failure to help Gemma on the day Kylie was killed. Tim doesn't think he should read too much into his dreams. Turns out he's worried the crowd from the Dog and Gun will show up at the funeral. Tim assures him he's a good lad and he did what he did (the police statement) for all the right reasons.

Todd is helping Eileen book a flight. Phelan asks if she needs a visa and offers to look while Todd gets his mother a drink. In the kitchen, she talks about how upset Jason was the night before and is feeling guilty. Phelan remarks that it's not Eileen's phone call that got Jason upset, it was his murdering father which brings Todd up short. Todd puts his jacket on to go pick up some milk while Phelan has discovered that Eileen doesn't need a visa if she's only going to be in Thailand for under 30 days.

Outside, the funeral cars have arrived as Todd comes out the door. The Platts come out and neighbours line the street to show their respects. Beth hands out tissues. Gemma wants to see David who isn't there just yet. Everyone else is rather defensive as she explains she has a card and wanted to let David know she told them at the Dog and Gun not to come. Gail coldly tells Gemma that if they do show up, she'll hold Gemma responsible. Gemma hands the card to Michael and walks away. Sarah has gone across to talk to Todd and find out how Jason is. She then asks him what he meant about his remark about her going to prison for life. He accuses her of playing games, reminding her that Jason has had to move away because Todd has managed to let Tony take the blame. He's scared she'll break down and he'll end up going to prison for the lies he told to protect her. She's stunned to realize that he thinks she killed Callum and insists she didn't. She swears on Bethany's life. Her family is watching her have words with Todd with concern though they don't hear the conversation. He asks her who did. She glances back at her family just as David and the kids come out the door and Todd leaps to another conclusion.

After the break we're at the church. the coffin is lifted out of the hearse and up onto the shoulders of David, Eva, Roy and Nick. They walk in to the dulcet tones of Beyonce. Gemma notes the presence of a police officer in the church yard. Craig asks Gemma if she thinks Macca and the lads will show up. She hopes not but isn't sure they will stay away. Craig tells her to go inside and he'll stay there and keep watch. She thanks him gratefully.

Eileen is still trying to find out what hospital Jason is in but his mate seems to be uncertain, which is frustrating for Eileen. She's frantic and guilty that Jason's alone and scared and the last time she spoke to him it was about his murdering waste of space father. Todd grabs his coat and tells them he's going to the church.

At the church, the nave is filled with pop music. When it stops, Billy starts to talk about Kylie as an unconventional person but a caring mother and loving wife among other things. She lived her life to the full. They are going to celebrate her life today. They are going to have a hymn but will get back to Kylie's favourite songs later.

Sean is decorating the pub with glitter but thinks maybe that's a bit much even though Liz told him to be colourful. Phelan is there and tells Sean about Jason's accident and how Todd went off to the funeral. Sean decides to go fetch him back for his mother.

Craig helps a florist with another arrangement being delivered. Todd comes storming around the gate. Meanwhile, Craig has helped unload the flowers. Beth comes out sneezing. Something in the tissues she'd handed out later. Craig tells her he's keeping watch for Macca. Beth isn't afraid of him and sends Craig into the church promising to come get him if there's any problems. Beth is dismayed to see one of the arrangements is from Kylie's mates at the Dog and Gun. That's not going to go over well, is it?

Inside, Craig sits beside Gemma. Max gets up with David by his side to do the eulogy. There won't be a dry eye in the house. Max tells people his mum was the best. She brought chips to school, read him silly poems when he was scared, and that she and David would do anything for him. David makes sure Max is ok and Max carries on. He then puts a book down by her photo and tells the picture that he hopes his mum isn't scared. Everyone wipes a tear and David is visibly struggling to hold it together.

Phelan is trying to comfort Eileen. Everything could be just fine. She has a bad feeling. He tells her Sean has gone to fetch Todd but that makes things worse because she realizes that Todd probably headed straight for Billy. She reminds Pat that Sean doesn't know Todd and Billy are seeing each other. That's all they need, for Sean to find out now, something I am pretty sure was Phelan's hope all along.

The coffin is walked back out to the graveyard. Audrey tells Eva that the service felt very Kylie. They spot the new flower arrangements on the ground by the edge of the cemetery. Maria offers to take the kids home since it might be too much to see the coffin lowered. He agrees. Maria takes Lily's hand and leads her away. David tells Max he did very well and Kylie would be proud of him. He tells Max he loves him and will see him later. Max reluctantly turns to follow Maria. Todd watches from behind as David notices the flowers from the D&G and starts stomping on them only to be accosted by Todd who accuses him of killing drug dealers. He tells David he's coming for him once he's done with the rest of the service.


Written by Perrie Balthazar and directed by Michael Lacey

Tensions are running high in the churchyard where Todd confronts David. The two of them start to fight and Billy rushes to intervene, his cassock billowing in the breeze. David backs off leaving Billy to calm Todd down. Billy touches Todd tenderly on the cheek at the precise moment that Sean arrives and witnesses the intimate moment.

Meanwhile in the Rovers, Norris has been busy on his tablet. He's been selling off some of Emily's possessions. He's sure he has her full permission but Rita isn't so sure.

We return to the churchyard. Everyone is leaving but Gail stays behind to talk to David. She asks what was going on with Todd but learns nothing apart from the fact that David is clearly very upset.

Billy goes into the church where Sean is waiting in one of the pews. He's devastated by what he saw. Billy tells him he didn't want him to find out this way but there's no denying the truth of what's going on between him and Todd.

Back in the Rovers Norris is still glued to his tablet – he can't believe how much stuff you can buy online from the comfort of your armchair. Rita is fed up with his behaviour. She's clutching a plate of cheese and pineapple and threatens to add him to one of the cocktail sticks.

The funeral party arrive back on the street. We see Macca loitering in a doorway. Maria is asked to look after the children while the others go to the Rovers. David comes back separately but he's in no mood for a wake. Craig announces he's going for a walk. He invites Bethany to join him but she chooses to stay with the family.

Billy is still talking to Sean in the church. Sean is crying and wants to know how long it's been going on behind his back. Billy insists nothing happened while they were together and that he and Todd haven't slept together. He says Todd understands and respects his decision. Sean finds that hard to believe – he says Todd never does anything unless he gets money from it or gets his leg over. Sean sobs that maybe it's why Billy likes Todd so much, perhaps he sees him as a soul he can win over from the dark side. As he realises the truth, that Todd and Billy love each other, Sean cries that underneath the fancy outfits and the sermons, Billy is just a man like everyone else. Billy agrees and all he can reply in return is that he's so, so sorry. Sean leaves and Billy breaks down in tears.

David and Sarah have come home. She asks what was going on at the church with Todd. All David knows is that Todd says he knows the truth and that he's going to make David pay for it "Damn right, you are," says Todd as he walks through the door.

Gemma is standing on the street, drinking a can of lager, when she's suddenly grabbed from behind by Macca. As she struggles to break free, Craig watches from the other side of the road.

Todd demands to know why David let him believe that Sarah killed Callum. He thinks that David framed his own sister but he was the one who did it. Sarah tries to intervene but Todd is convinced David is to blame for everything. He commands David to tell him he's wrong but David says nothing.

We move to the ginnel where Macca has Gemma pinned by the arms. He wants her to change her statement to the police.

Back at the Platts' Sarah tells Todd he's got it all wrong. She begs David to tell Todd the truth. Todd threatens to go to the police but David reckons he'll never have the nerve after the lies he's told and says he wouldn't last a minute if he gets locked up. But Todd's heard enough and he goes to leave. Sarah grabs him and shouts "it was Kylie!" An astonished Todd turns and looks at David.

Back in the ginnel Macca is still trying to get Gemma to change her story. But she's determined and tells him that Callum loved Kylie and he would have fed Clayton to the bogs for what he did. Macca grabs hold of Gemma as Craig comes round the corner and shouts at him to get off. Amazingly it's enough to get Macca to back away. The moment he leaves, Craig gets out his phone and calls the police.

In the Rovers they're discussing the fracas at the graveside. Just as Rita is telling everyone that she sent Norris home because he was getting on her nerves he arrives, clutching two large jars of sweets. He says he thought the children might enjoy them. Rita smiles fondly and asks if he'd like a drink. They continue to talk about the shock of losing Kylie and what she meant to them all. Eva, in particular, seems close to tears and Gail admits she'll miss her.

David tells Sarah to leave the house so that he and Todd can sort things out and "have a chat".

Eileen is at home with Phelan. She's just telling him she's booked her flights when Sean comes bursting in, sobbing his heart out. As Eileen tries to comfort him Phelan looks bored. He tells Sean Eileen's got her own problems right now but Eileen shoots him a look and tells Sean it's good to have something else to think about. Sean says he bets he's the last person to know about Todd and Billy. Eileen exchanges glances with Phelan.

Gemma and Craig are talking to the police. They're pleased to have been called and tell Gemma that Macca will be arrested for intimidating a witness. Craig gets praised for stepping in. Craig grins as Gemma tells him he's a proper hero.

Sean has stopped crying and now he's giving Eileen words of comfort about Jason. Phelan comments that Todd will probably know better than to come home tonight and he expects he'll stay at Billy's. Sean's face falls – he decides to go off for a walk.

Back at the Platts', David says that he knows Todd wants to tell Jason and Billy the truth but he asks him if they can't just let Kylie rest in peace.

Phelan continues to stir things with Eileen but talking about how awkward things will be at home now the truth has come out. But he goes a step too far when he says that Todd is poisonous. After all, Eileen's said the same thing about him herself. But it's one thing her saying it, as Todd's her son, it's quite another matter for Phelan. She tells him to get out.

David is still trying to reason with Todd. He asks him what he thinks Jason and Eileen will do once they know the truth. After the lies Todd's told them about Tony, he's the one who might as well be dead says David. Todd looks at him and smiles. "Nice try, David" he says before grabbing David, pushing him over and then walking out of the house.


Wednesday 3 August

Todd comes striding out of the Platt house, and Sarah asks what happened. "Ask your brother!" snaps Todd as he storms past. Sarah goes inside to find David, who tells her that Todd won't listen. She wonders if she should try talking to him, but David dismisses that idea and is about to go after Todd when Nick arrives with Lily and Max, saying that they need something to eat. David tells him to get them a takeaway, and tries to leave, but Max wants David to stay and eat with them. Sarah intervenes and takes Lily and hands her to David, telling Max that when he gets back with the takeaway, David will be there with Lily. When Nick and Max have gone, Sarah tells David she doesn't want him doing anything stupid. She'll talk to Todd, she knows him better than David does.

Todd has gone home, where Eileen tells him about the argument she had with Pat, and adds that Sean knows about him and Billy. She's very stressed, she's been trying to get through to the hospital to find out about Jason, but can't find anyone that speaks English. She feels powerless, and thinks he's never going to come home.

Gail is in the pub with Audrey, Freddie, Bethany and Michael. She says she would just like a family occasion that didn't end up in a fight or a row. Eva then tells them about Jason's accident in Thailand, and how he'd been airlifted to hospital. Then Michael gets up, saying he's going to check on Eileen. "Well, give her my regards," sniffs Gail, frostily.

Todd marches down the road and gets into the van outside the builder's yard. Sarah jumps in on the passenger side, making him jump. He asks if she's trying to give him a heart attack, and she tells him he's lucky she wasn't David, a heart attack would be the easy option. She starts to beg him not to go to the police, but he says his mind is made up and tells her to get out of the van. She stays put, so in the end he just starts the engine, saying she can come with him.

Nick takes Max into the Bistro for his takeaway, where he asks Steph for 'fancy sausage' – sausage and mash served with chips (!) and oregano. It was Kylie's favourite. Steph is harassed, she tells Nick they're short staffed, but she'll see what she can do. A few moments later, Robert comes out of the kitchen saying that they only do what's on the menu and they don't do takeaways. He asks who it's for. "It's for Max," says Nick, "it was Kylie's favourite."

Beth arrives home where Craig tells her what happened with Macca and Gemma, and how they called the police. Beth is astounded, then hugs him and calls him her little hero! Then he tells her it's helped him make a decision, he wants to join the police!

Michael finds Eileen in the taxi office, he tells her she shouldn't be working, but she says she wants to be out of the house, she doesn't want to see Pat at the moment. She explains that they had a disagreement. "Don't say: 'I told you so!'" she warns him.

Back in the Bistro, a very busy Steph hands over the foil wrapped food to Nick. He pays and tells her to keep the change as a tip. Just then Robert comes out of the kitchen and realises that some customers have left without paying. He's furious and tells her that it's coming out of her wages. Steph protests, saying she hasn't got eyes in the back of her head, and Nick butts in and says she can't do two jobs at once. "None of your business," snaps Robert, "literally!" As he leaves, Nick tells Steph that he knows of places looking for staff, she can give him a call.

Todd and Sarah have pulled up outside the police station. As he goes to get out of the van, Sarah tells him that Kylie did it for her, she was saving her life.

Michael and Eileen are in the taxi office, talking about Pat and what he said about Todd, when Phelan himself walks in, holding a bunch of flowers. He tells Eileen he's really, really sorry, and then asks Michael to leave, saying it's a private conversation.

Sarah and Todd are still in the van. She's explaining how Callum was terrorising the family for months, and it just had to stop, so she text him asking him to come to the house, hoping he would say something incriminating. But he realised she was recording him and how he'd grabbed her and threw her down on the floor and she couldn't breathe, then he'd just slumped and Kylie was standing there. "Kylie saved my life, she doesn't deserve to be punished for it," she says, tearfully. Todd sighs, "Neither does my family," he says.

In the pub, Ken offers to cook Audrey lunch sometime during the week. Gail has had rather a lot to drink, so Audrey tells Bethany to take her grandma home. Freddie then suggests that he and Audrey share a cab home as they're both going the same way, and so she goes off with him. Ken doesn't look too happy.

Back at the Platt's, Max is about to tuck in to his 'fancy sausage'. Out in the kitchen, Nick asks a morose looking David what's the matter. "Apart from burying my wife you mean?" snaps David. Nick says yes, apart from that, he can tell David is angry, but David just tells Nick to go, he's perfectly capable of looking after the kids.

Sarah is telling Todd that if he tells the police what happened, she'll go down too. Todd doesn't think so, she was the victim in it all. She reminds him that she moved the body, covered it up. Todd says that his brother is lying half-dead in a foreign hospital because he thinks his father is a murderer. He doesn't see why he should protect a dead woman's memory, or a lying husband. Sarah says she's sorry about Jason, but he's a grown man, Max and Lily are just kids and they'll be losing both their parents. "Where is the justice in that?" she says. "Please, protect those kids the way you've always protected me." She suggests they bury this with Kylie and don't talk about it again to anyone. Todd thinks for a few moments, then sighs deeply. "Okay," he says, "okay."

Eileen is talking to Pat. She tells him he turns on people. He says he doesn't suffer fools, and he knows Todd her is son, but.... She says she can't read him at all, sometimes she looks at him and doesn't know what is going on in his head. "It's deliberate," he says, adding that he's not good at expressing his feelings. Just then her phone rings, it's Jason, telling her he has two broken ribs and a bruised jaw. She tells him she's still coming out to see him, and she loves him. "And I love you," says Pat, when she's hung up.

In the Bistro, Steph tells Robert she's been working over 4 hours and needs a break. He isn't happy, they're short staffed. She tells him the place is a complete shambles, the rota isn't worth the paper it's written on. They don't even have a manager. Robert tells her he offered her the job, but she retorts that she won't manage a control freak who can't add up.

Todd and Sarah arrive back in the Street. She thanks him and tells him she loves him, he's her best friend. "You deserve a man like Billy," she says as she gets out of the van, "don't mess it up."

Audrey and Freddie are in the bus shelter (I thought they were getting a cab?) talking about Kylie. Audrey is worried about how David will manage without her.

Sarah goes home and tells David that Todd isn't going to go to the police. She then says that he is all the kids have got now, he can't go around making threats and attacking people. He says he's not in the mood for a lecture, and goes out for a walk.

Back in the Bistro, Robert suggest that Steph goes home a little early. He tells her he's going to start looking for extra staff first thing in the morning.

Eileen and Pat are chilling on the sofa when Todd comes in. She tells him she heard from Jason and he's ok, but she's still going out there to try and persuade him to come home. Todd then gets a call from Billy, and goes off upstairs.

David is in the churchyard, standing by Kylie's grave. He kneels down, grabbing at the soil, crying. "I don't know how long I can keep it together Kylie," he sobs, "I don't know how long....."

Anne Logan.

Friday 5 August


I'd like to begin by remembering Sue Parkinson (Cork), a member of the wider online Corrie community and known to many of you. Sue died unexpectedly at her home in Canada this week, aged just 52. Her friends in real life and online will all miss her.

Now, on with the show.

Zeedan bangs on the Bistro door but can't get in. He needs to be ready for a delivery, but Kevin and Freddie tell him the delivery truck's already been and gone. Eventually, Robert opens the door. From the look of him, he's slept there.

Eva's weeping as she sits on Maxine's bench and Aidan tells her to take the day off. Eva tells him she can't get her head round it. She can't believe she's never going to go out with Kylie again. Aidan offers to take her out but she just wants to stay in, watch a rubbish film and snuggle up. She sees Leanne and tells her good luck with her job application.

Leanne talks to Nick and asks after David. Nick tells her there's no need to look for another job. He's made her an offer. He tells her that if they worked together he would do anything she said because he's a tiny bit scared of her. He wants to meet in the Rovers later to talk over his business plan.

Eileen's at home on the phone to Julie. It doesn't sound as if things are going well between Julie and Brian. Todd comes in and wants to know if there's any bacon. Sean says he should have his - he takes everything of Sean's anyway. Eileen tells them off for bickering and Todd apologises. Sean's going to the pub in a snit. Phelan tells him off for wallowing. "She's not your real mother. You're a grown man. Have some respect."

At the salon, Luke comes in with food for Maria and mentions tonight's darts match. Maria suggests David play darts, too.

Phelan's talking to a bloke in a big car. He's got a development deal and Phelan is interested.

Gary's on the phone to Izzy and tells her he loves her. When the call ends, Anna tells him he's not being fair to Izzy. He should tell her the truth, that the kiss was a mistake. "She deserves the truth."

Aidan and Johnny are in the factory. After some careful conversation, Aidan establishes that the flat will be empty tonight.

In the pub, Eileen and Phelan discuss how much better she'll feel when she's able to get over to Thailand to look after Jason. Phelan raises the matter of finances. He tells her he's found the perfect investment for Jason's money. He could triple Jason's £80,000. That's £65,000, Eileen tells him. She's already put £15,000 into the long-term savings account. She's annoyed by the whole conversation and tells Phelan to give it a rest.

Leanne's in the pub. Her interview was horrible and she's exhausted. Nick's still keen for them to work together and shows her his business plan.

The development bloke arrives in the pub to talk to Phelan. Phelan tells him it might take a little while longer for his investment in the project to be sorted - it's a matter of logistics. Bill says the development of flats "isn't actually going to happen." They're going to build the models, show people and take a deposit - non-refundable, of course.

Nick's still talking about his business plan. Leanne doesn't think it's right for her.

In the cafe, Gary arrives with Jake but tells Anna he hasn't told Izzy he's not in love with her. Anna tells him that apart from anything else, it's not fair to muck Jake about. Gary's thinking that maybe it would be better for Jake if they did live together as a family. Anna says it's not good to live a lie. Gary has to tell Izzy the truth.

Johnny's ordered flowers from Todd. Zeedan calls in, looking for Robert. Billy arrives and wants to take Todd out to the pub. But Sean's working there, so they think about going to Todd's.

In the pub, Phelan asks Sean how he is. Sean is still at stage two in the grief cycle - Anger. Phelan stirs him up, telling him Billy stayed last night. Now Sean's at stage three - extreme pigging fury. Phelan phones Eileen and tells her they have a problem.

In the factory office, Aidan tells Eva they've got the flat to themselves.

David and Maria arrive in the pub. Maria tells Luke she's looking out for David. She wants him to let David win a game of darts.

Nick talks to Kevin and Freddie about the Bistro and Kevin teases Freddie about fancying Audrey. Freddie says she's intriguing.

In the cafe, Leanne and Eva talk about Nick and Robert. Anna asks Leanne if she's been out in the sun. She says Leanne looks very bronzed. Eva agrees. She says Leanne is glowing. Eva suggests Leanne might have fun working with Nick again

Billy and Todd are at Eileen's. Billy says Sean will calm down. They kiss and Sean and Phelan are suddenly there. Phelan's pointing out it's Eileen's house. Eileen comes in and Billy says everyone will just have to accept that he and Todd are together. Sean sneers that it will only last until Todd gets bored. He enjoys hurting people. Eileen defends her son. Sean says Eileen should pick a side. Todd says they didn't set out to hurt anyone but Sean protests that he's stolen the love of Sean's life. He can't live in the same house as Todd - Eileen must pick a side.

Margaret Carr

SPOILER NON UK Update for Friday 8 April 2016 20:30 airing Good afternoon. Episode 8962, written by Susan Oudot, directed by Michael Lacey, copyright remains the property of ITV Studios to whom many thanks.

Tonight we move away from Plattsville and get progress on other Street stories - with Pat Phelan totally on his top game as he manipulates the occupants of 11 Coronation Street - which is where the show opens with Eileen suggesting to Sean, Todd and Billy that they should talk about it like adults (Pat is observing in the background). Sean reacts badly to being called childish and says he cannot stay here with Todd who in turn denies lying or cheating - which Sean says he does on a daily basis. They argue with Sean claiming he has been betrayed. How can he stay there listening to these two through the walls? Anyway Eileen must choose - him or Todd. She sighs and Sean knows that Todd is the chosen one. Pat helpfully spells it out - blood is thicker than water! Sean agrees, very disappointed in Eileen given Todd's history. Sean heads out the back door and Eileen tells Todd and Billy that she could cheerfully kill the pair of them. Pat shakes his head at the two of them

Andy and Steph are discussing work - she is fed up with Robert's tantrums. Robert is interviewing a new manager and according to Andy the wine delivery man described Robert as Gordon Ramsay with piles. Nick arrives to note that he thought laughing was not allowed. The prospective manager departs. Nick has brought a supplier bill to pass over. Nick reveals he is about to start a new venture. It is a new restaurant. And he has asked Leanne to join him. Robert pointedly asks Andy if he has kept an eye on the kitchen. Nick decides to have a glass of red wine. Andy returns from the kitchen; judging by the noises Zeedan has set fire to the kitchen and Robert heads in there telling Andy to clear the table. Nick is amused by it all.

Eileen has followed Sean out to the back alley. It gives a chance for Sean to tell us some of his back story. How his romantic endeavors end in failure and he promises himself never again. More men than he can remember have rejected him. He has never been good enough and nobody is ever going to actually love him. Eileen confirms that she loves him and she does not want him or Todd to go. Sean recalls his mother who once he emerged from the closet effectively treated him as a non-person - using the past tense and with a flag flying at half mast. Eileen never did that - never judged him and welcomed him as one of the family and treated him equally. Eileen says he will get over it and she asks him to come home. He needs a few minutes and Eileen goes indoors. Sean continues crying at his losses.

Kate and Sophie are in the gym for a belly dancing session when Sarah wanders in looking for Bethany. Gary talks her into considering a membership and I wonder if he will be lusting after Sarah in the near future? Bethany is apparently spending half her life in the gym these days (well anything to escape Chateau Platt at the moment I suppose).

Similarly David is in the Rovers being quizzed about his life by Luke. Kirk comes in - a darts game is planned and Steve has returned from Ireland and is serving. Ireland was tiring apparently (all those physical pursuits Michelle planned). She is so shagged out that she has stayed on. And having discussed the darts the game is on between Kirk and Luke.

Back at Eileen's Billy has gone and Sean and Eileen return from the alley. Todd has prepared I did not want to hurt you speech. Pat comes downstairs. They were going to tell Sean. Sean would have preferred honesty. Eileen is keen to move past this. Pat helpfully chips in that Eileen had said they should have told Sean at the start (Pat's contribution is of course designed to foment trouble). Todd knows the game is up and Sean quickly realises that even Eileen by not telling him has been lying to him. Todd has got Pat's number. Sean concentrates his ire on Eileen. She said it was not her place to tell him. One minute she tells him he is like a son to her and now this! He understands Todd lying - but not Eileen. He finds it hard to trust people, always has - and now he knows why. He pushes past Todd to go and pack. Pat apologises - but does not mean it. Todd looks at him again realising the apology is self serving and not meant.

Back at the gym Gary is daydreaming about Izzy being in prison as Sarah returns the application forms. he is worried about when she is released and Sarah asks if they are still close. He says they are. Sarah sympathises over the difficulty of being a single parent, even when not in a wheelchair. Gary offers to sort a special mother/daughter rate. Sarah's phone has a text message - Bethany is at home and wants to know what is for tea! Sarah tells Gary that Izzy is lucky to have him around and to pass on her best wishes. It must be nice to have someone to share stuff with. She has her family but it is not the same as another parent. Someone who loves them as much as you do. Sarah has now lost two baby fathers of course.

At Johnny's flat Aidan and Eva are discussing the number of sexual partners each has had. Eva says she has had quite a few relationships. Eva says they will tell each other at the same time and counts 1, 2, 3. She says nine and he says eighty-nine. Eva is not impressed by a man who can be interpreted as here today and gone tomorrow type! Will she be the next one discarded. Kate and Sophie arrive back from class and are planning to stay in and watch a movie with a pizza. By now Eva is quietly fuming and Aidan turns down the invite to join them. Her po face has to be seen to be believed!

Eileen tells Sean not to go whilst he is so clearly upset. Todd offers to go and Pat's calming oils on troubled water are tossed off by Sean. Sean tells them that whey they find his Bette Midler doll in a Delores de Lago mermaid outfit can they bring it to the factory please? And having delivered the best line of the night he goes. Todd tries to apologise but Eileen is having none of it. Pat, Eileen and Todd are all silent.

After the break David is winning a game of darts and getting a free pint for winning. Sean returns to work with all of his worldly possessions. Sean explains that Todd and Billy are together and that Eileen knew. Sean asks if he can leave the bags but Steve is kind and says that the sofa is his until he can sort himself out and they hug.

Pat showing his ultra concern tells Eileen that he thinks Sean has made the right decision. Eileen says she should have told Sean but Pat says she should not blame herself. Todd listens to the discussion as Pat says that Sean moving out will be the making of him. Pat thinks it would be a good idea if ... he does not get to finish his sentence which would have been that Todd should move out as well before Todd comes in. Pat clearly has a plan to isolate Eileen and knowing that she has no support he can then find ways to extract Jason's money from her. She has to pack and she tells Todd not to make things worse whilst she is away. She promises to look at the development proposal on the plane. £65k is a lot of money and she wants to know what Jason is investing in. Pat puts the kettle on whilst Todd stares at Pat as this is the first he has heard about the investment opportunity.

Robert is being nasty to Zeedan about a medium rare steak. Steph arrives with an order which she reads out. And where is the food for table 3? This is just being finished. Plus desserts for table 4. It is not going smoothly. Robert realises that all is not well.

At the Rovers Eva is still rubbing Aidan's nose in his 89 enjoyments. He tries to calm Eva down - they were all before he met her. Given the rate he goes through women Eva reckons she is about to get kicked into touch. He says he was sowing his wild oats (subtitles referred to his "sewing"). He was young. [We do not know Aidan's age, but Shayne Ward is 31 and let us assume Aidan is of a similar age and that his adventures commenced legally at age 16. So that is about one woman every two months on average]. He tries to make it clear to Eva that he does not want anyone or anything else - he wants her and that is it. She smiles and they kiss.

David is going and Kirk and Luke reckon they have done a good job cheering him up.

Nick notices that things seem strained in the Bistro. Andy agrees. Robert arrives with food Steph with a drinks order and all three staff are running to stand still. Nick leaves. Robert calls Zeedan and apologises to the three of them. There will be a bonus - but he cannot tell them how much. {Given the need to pay the rent either Andy or Steph should be manager and recruit a couple of bar staff - what is wrong with the two of them; if they stood up they would be better off and Robert with the strain relieved would be less difficult}. Steph sums it up by saying the money is great - but it does not solve the real problem.

On the Street outside Nick is looking at the outside of the Bistro which still has his name and branding all over the outside. David arrives and said people will call Nick a saddo hanging around like this. David reports he has been allowed to win at darts, so the drinks did not cost him. Nick tells him it takes time and that David is doing well. Nick reassures him when David questions it. Nick's phone rings. It is an estate agent and yes he is still looking for premises. But no longer a restaurant - he wants a Bistro.

Anna and Faye are chatting and folding the washing. Faye tells Gary that Anna knows about Justin Bieber. She is sent to say good night to Jake. Anna upbraids Gary for not telling Izzy the truth which he said he would do. Anna tells Gary who is 30 that he is too young to settle for what is comfortable. If Izzy has fallen in love with him again he is not being fair by leading her on. Gary thinks that Izzy needs him around as she cannot manage on her own. He is trying to do the right thing. Faye overhears and is very pleased that Gary and Izzy are getting back together. But Jake does not know yet. Gary is being painted into a corner.

Aidan and Eva are reduced to considering the car to gain some privacy. He suggests his room - but she objects to the noise from the bar. Aidan points out that Liz and Michelle are away and Steve is too busy to notice. She could wear ear plugs! She is obviously excited and he grabs a bottle from the bar on the way through.

In the lobby behind they meet Sean coming the other way - he thinks she is responding to his text message and she instantly becomes a shoulder to cry on. Sean tells Aidan that he has got such a good girl. Sean almost drags Eva into the back room and Aidan is left nursing a bottle of wine.

Eileen refuses Pat's offer of a lift to the airport. Todd sends his love to Jason. He tells Mum to have fun and Pat says she is to phone once she arrives. Which leaves Pat and Todd together under one roof. Todd tells Pat that Eileen is like a crocodile. Hard on the outside and soft on the inside. They both agree she is a wonderful woman. Todd observes that she has often seen her love life look like a cruel joke. Todd recounts her history with Pat - flattery, then convinces her she does not need Michael, but he knows she does not like being on her own, so he moves in on her. Pat points out that Sean going was Todd's doing. Todd says that he knows Pat. He knows how he thinks. He knew how Sean would react and how the touch paper could be ignited. Indeed Pat lit it and it was as if Pat wanted him to leave. Todd says he is nothing like Sean, if he is pushed then he will push back. Especially if Jason stands to lose all of his money. Pat responds by saying "Let battle commence". And they stare at each other. Then Pat gets up and walks away smiling knowing that he can beat Todd any time he likes as he did with Michael.

Roll credits.

Well is Gary going to tell Izzy that he does not feel that way about her and indeed that he has been chatting up another woman?

Is Todd going to be able to get the better of Pat? Seems unlikely to me.

When will Aidan move onto number 91 (I am assuming Eva is 90!). Are such numbers realistic?

And David seems to be recovering far too quickly.

Does Nick have a new plan? If so will it work?

No doubt there will be much else next week.


Monday 8 August

Written by Joe Turner Directed by Durno Johnston

It looks like Robert has spent the night in the restaurant. He comes out the door and looks quite rough. Nick turns the corner on his morning run and spots Robert pick up a crate of vegetables which then fall through the collapsed bottom of the box. Nick smirks and continues on. He meets Leanne and tells her he's found the perfect spot for his new restaurant. They make a date to meet up at lunchtime. He won't even give her a tiny clue! He turns to do one more lap. pausing to exchange a sarky look with Robert.

Todd is trying to talk Jason out of investing in Pat Phelan's scheme but it doesn't sound like he's all that successful and Jason hangs up the phone. In the background, we can hear Phelan singing It's Raining Men, very, very badly up in the shower. Todd smirks, and turns the kitchen taps on full blast having the desired effect as Phelan howls out loud when the water temperature abruptly changes.

Craig is wearing a suit and tie! He's going to a special Constable information day. Sinead brushes his lapels while Beth seems a bit skeptical. Kirk reckons you can start keeping up the law at any age. Craig explains he can join as a special constable at 18 and later be a regular one after training. Beth is surprised he'd be giving up his art. Craig has decided he doesn't know if he can be a great artist but he does think he can make a difference. Beth decides she's very proud of him.

Robert has a very sore head from the look of it. Andy is verifying an catering job which isn't in the book. Robert snaps at him. Steph reminds him of a large lunch party. He has remembered and says he'll do the canapes leaving Zeedan to do the lunch service which elicits a bit of a moan from that quarter but Zeedan shuts up when Robert questions what he'd just said. There are more complaints about being overworked. Robert grabs the deposit bag and heads out for the bank. The rest of the staff complain about him and leave Andy to be the mug that has to have a word with Robert on their behalf.

At a table in the cafe, Faye and Tim are discussing some dad-daughter time. Faye wants to go paintballing. Tim doesn't seem very keen but she's wearing him down. At another table, Vinny and Phelan are discussing the building scam. It has to be done carefully and they have to play politics with the planning office. Pat says to leave it with him.

Beth is in the flower shop and telling Tracy about Craig's new ambition to be a copper. Tracy's glad Amy won't be able to join up and tells Beth that if there is anyone in a candidate's background that has a prison record, they can't join up. (But I thought Tracy's conviction was overturned due to the dodgey DNA testimony?) This is news to Beth who looks a bit pale. Tracy asks her if she's ok. Beth says she is and takes the cake order out back to the factory.

Andy rushes into the kitchen where Zeedan is busier than a one armed paper hanger. No Robert in sight. Ah but there he is, dragging his sorry backside in to the kitchen. He criticizes Zeedan's canapes and dumps them in the bin, telling him they're burned though Zeedan insisted they were perfect. Robert orders him to do them again so Zeedan quits, leaving Robert to Andy but Andy doesn't say anything.

Sean has apparently wagged off work with his broken heart. Johnny tells Aidan to instruct Sean to show up the next day no matter what. Over on the factory floor, Eva tells Kirk and Sinead she's hungry, not having ate breakfast. Sinead and Kirk chide her for not having breakfast. Sinead wonders if Eva and Aidan have any thoughts about moving in together, mentioning Carla's empty flat. Jenny overhears that and looks interested. But Eva tells Sinead to mind her own business (probably because she's touched a nerve).

Leanne has met up with Nick. They're walking down the road in the general direction of the Bistro. They see Zeedan who's just come out of the restaurant. He tells them that Robert's losing it and drinking a lot, including being drunk just now. He even offers himself to Nick as a chef. Nick accepts but Leanne puts him off for the time being since they haven't even got to the planning stage. They continue walking, Leanne still none the wiser as to the restaurant location. She reckons Zeedan probably has it wrong regarding how much Robert's drinking. Nick gestures to the empty unit in the viaduct next to the Bistro (between the Bistro and Kevin's new garage unit). They can be up and running by Christmas, he tells her. She's shocked that he'd do that. He thinks he can make it work. Nick figures Robert's on the way out but she's upset he's out to destroy Robert who comes out of the Bistro. The two men get into a horns-locking argument over the location and competition. Robert thinks Nick is stupid to open up a new restaurant next door but Nick reckons he's got a good chance at success. Leanne is just disgusted by it all and stomps off.

Phelan rings Sally's doorbell. He needs a few minutes of her time. She ushers him in.

Inside the Bistro, Nick has followed Robert in and watches him pour himself a large glass of wine. Leanne had followed him in and has told Steph and Andy who are underwhelmed. The two men continue to bicker. Leanne tells them they're both to blame and leave her out of their petty vendettas. She runs out, leaving Nick and Robert to continue taking swipes at each other. Robert is clearly a bit drunk, as well.

Eva brings lunch into Aidan in the office. She rubs his shoulders and gives him a kiss on the cheek. She wanted to spend a bit of time with him since they've both been busy and haven't been able to spend much alone time together. She relates to him that Sinead described the two of them as a glamorous couple eating croissants in Carla's old flat. She has now brought up the subject of the two of them living in Carla's flat. Aidan puts her off on that score, thinking it's a bit too soon, but promises to find a way for them to have some alone time. She's not best pleased when she turns to leave.

Phelan is explaining the residential development to Sally, hoping to get some insight on the local planning department's upcoming plans. Sally wonders what's in it for him. Phelan admits there's not a lot of work around and this project will benefit Jason's business. She offers to talk to someone for him but the final decision is not up to her. He further gets on her good side when he notices that the flat pack for her new office furniture is laying about un-constructed and offers to do it for her. She's quite pleased and accepts. She offers him Tim's tools.

Johnny approaches Jenny at the lockers, asking her to "work late". She's coy and tells him that things aren't that comfortable and they're cold. She hints that he needs a place of his own and mentions that the factory workers would respect him a lot more if he lived in a flat and by the way, whatever happened to Carla's flat? The idea bulb goes off over Johnny's head and he whips out his phone, planning to contact Nick about renting it. That leaves Jenny looking like the cat that's caught the canary.

Craig has a brochure of information and says that the session was encouraging. Beth seems to be putting him off and suggests he has lots of options. Craig insists he knows what he wants and looks for a pen to start working on the application form.

Faye and Tim have chips and chat, post-paintball. Faye is thrilled that Izzy and Gary are getting back together. Tim gripes that Faye shot him in the game but she points out that he was deserting! He protests, he'd ran out of ammo and accuses her of shooting him in the back. That, she smirks, is what you do to deserters.

Nick has inspected the unit with the estate agent but Leanne is nowhere to be seen and won't take his calls. The agent takes his offer away and will get back to him.

Todd and Tracy talk disparagingly about Craig's ambitions to join the police. Todd notices Phelan coming out of Sally's house and looks suspicious. He wanders over as Tim has come home. Tim is now outraged that not only did Phelan put up Sally's shelves, which was going to be his job, but he used Tim's tools! Sacrilege! Todd tries to find out what Phelan wanted but she's not going to tell him.

Nick notices that Andy is questioning Robert's ability to drive. Robert insists he's fine to drive and gets in the van and heads out. Nick picks up his phone and makes a call to the police to report a drink driver.


Written by Mark Wadlow and directed by Durno Johnston

Robert arrives back at the Bistro in the van only to discover he's the unwitting star of the street. The police have arrived after an anonymous tip-off that he's been drink-driving. Robert proves to be over the limit and Craig is giddy with excitement to witness a real-life arrest and can't wait to tell the police he's going to apply to be a special. They even let him have a go with the siren. Meanwhile Steph spots Nick hovering in Dev's doorway and sees he's looking suspiciously interested in what's going on.

Craig arrives home, full of what he's just seen. All he has to do now is finish filling in his application form. He tells Beth he needs to give details of any convictions in the family. She asks if he'd like them alphabetically or in date order. Why doesn't join the air force instead, she asks hopefully. But Craig's heart is set on the police.

Over in the factory office Johnny tells Aidan that he's spoken to Nick and Carla's flat is available for him to move in as soon as he likes. Meanwhile Aidan is busy on the phone organising a treat for him and Eva – a night away in a spa hotel. He tells his father that Eva's keen for them to move in together but he's really not ready for that sort of commitment at this point.

Steph confronts Nick and asks if he had anything to do with Robert's arrest. Nick says Robert deserves everything he gets for drink-driving. How did he know it was drink-driving asks Steph as she realises her suspicion is spot on.

A few doors away Phelan is on his phone while Todd listens in from round the corner. He hears Phelan tell his mate Vinny that councilor Metcalfe is on their side and from what he's heard she has a lot of clout on the committee.

Leanne sees Nick heading towards her. She tries to turn away but he stops her. He wants to apologise. He's still keen they should work together and begs her to go round to his place for half an hour. Leanne sighs in a resigned way.

Robert arrives back at the Bistro and helps himself to a drink. Steph and Andy have a go at him – what was he thinking, risking everything by drink driving? Robert says it's no big deal, he got away with a fine and a 12 month ban. They give him a lecture about his behaviour. But Robert's more concerned about who shopped him to the police. Just at that moment Zeedan comes in to collect his stuff and Robert accuses him of tipping them off. Steph has no choice but to tell Robert that Nick is the guilty party.

Everyone's been working hard at the factory so Johnny suggests they all have a drink after work. Aidan says he's buying but Eva looks petulant and says she's staying at home with a box set. Aidan suggests they start with a drink and then go back to hers to watch the box set together. Her mood visibly thaws and she agrees. Aidan and Johnny go through to the office where Aidan says he's booked the spa break but asks his dad not to mention it to Eva as it will spoil the surprise. Johnny tells Aidan he's got the flat. Aidan's pleased for him but he doesn't get it – it's a bachelor pad and his father is hardly the bachelor type he says.

Craig is still struggling with his application form as Beth reels off all the offences committed by their relatives. Beth perks up when Craig says it's almost more trouble than it's worth. She seems very keen for him to give up on the idea. Then Craig spots a note at the bottom - he only needs to list crimes committed by his immediate family. Beth says no rather too quickly when Craig asks if she's got a criminal record.

Kirk's finishing off some packing in the factory. He's the last one there so he picks up the phone when it rings and takes a message for Mr Connor.

At long last Craig has completed his form. Beth offers to post it for him and slips it into her handbag.

Eva's talking to Sean in the Rovers. She's worried that she might have pushed Aidan a bit too far over the idea of moving in together. But then Kirk comes in and says he has a message for Mr Connor – the agent rang and said that the keys for the flat are ready and he can come and pick them up as soon as he likes. Eva can't believe what she's just heard.

Over at one of the tables Sally is using Johnny as a sounding board to discuss Pat Phelan's proposal. Johnny looks bored rigid but Todd is a much more willing audience. At first Sally tries to brush him off, it's a very complex issue she explains. But Todd reminds her he used to work for a solicitor who dealt with all sorts of planning issues, including those relating to the Olympic village, no less. Sally is all ears.

Back at the bar Eva's mood has been transformed by the news of the flat. But she can't let Aidan know she knows, she tells Sean, or it will spoil his surprise. Sean advises her to play it cool.

Craig is about to go up to bed. He asks Beth if she's posted his application and she assures him she has but she tells him they get loads of applications and she doesn't want him to be disappointed if he doesn't get in. Craig tells his mum he knows she isn't keen on him doing this but he wants to make her proud and to prove that the Tinkers aren't all bad. After he's gone upstairs Beth sneaks past Kirk, takes Craig's application out of her handbag and starts to put it into the kitchen rubbish bin. But she has second thoughts and returns it to her bag.

Leanne is round at Nick's. She refuses a drink, claiming to be on a detox. Nick tells Leanne he's serious about turning the unit into a restaurant but he admits that part of him wants to do it to get back at Robert. He hates him for what he did but he also wants to move on. Leanne tells Nick he can't keep using her as cannon fodder but reminds him she's on his side. She tells him that if he's serious about them running a place together she can't work there. Leanne doesn't elaborate but simply says things aren't that simple. She's saved from explaining any further by a ring at the door. It's Robert. Nick wants Leanne to send him away but she refuses and says the two of them need to talk.

Back in the Rovers Todd is giving Sally the benefit of his extensive knowledge on housing schemes and planning laws. He advises Sally to make sure that any ideas are all written in black and white so that the committee know exactly what it is they are agreeing to. Sally is very grateful. Todd leaves and Phelan takes his place. He's keen to point out to Sally that Todd is just a florist, so what would he know but she thinks Todd's advice is worth listening to.

At another table Johnny is giving Jenny some good news. Her face lights up as he tells her that the wheels are motion for their little love nest.

Across the room Aidan is surprised by an unexpected show of affection from Eva. She says sorry for how she was earlier and tells him she knows he likes to do things at his own pace.

We return to Nick's where Robert has come to have it out with him for tipping off the police. As the two of them square up to each other like a pair of stags, Leanne steps in. She tears Robert off a strip for drinking and driving and then tells Nick he's just as bad for the way he's behaving towards Robert. She tells Nick she doesn't want to go into business with him because he's obsessed with getting back at Robert and it's destroying him. Both men look contrite at Leanne storms out of the flat.


Wednesday 10 August

Beth opens the fridge and finds they're out of milk. She asks Craig to go and fetch some before he leaves, and tells him to get her purse from her bag. He opens her bag and finds his application form – she never posted it! He asks why she lied, she protests that she's trying to protect him. Craig, however won't be budged from his decision to apply to join the police.

Nick takes Leanne some flowers, and she tells him it's Robert he should be apologising to, he shopped him to the police. "No," says Nick, "I shopped a drunk driver to the police, I probably saved someone's life." She's concerned for him, she can see he's not happy, she wants him to feel better about himself. She tells him he has to put the past behind him. Nick isn't sure he can do that. "Well in that case, good luck ripping each other to pieces," she says.

Johnny, Kate and Aidan are walking to the factory. Johnny says he wants to have a little housewarming party tonight, just for family. Aidan protests that he's booked a hotel but Johnny is sure he can show his face for just one drink. In the end Aidan agrees.

Luke and Maria are walking along, and he asks how long Caz is going to stay, he couldn't get in the shower this morning. Maria says she doesn't know, and will talk about it later. Just then, Johnny, Aidan and Kate come around the corner and Johnny asks if she's coming to the party. There's an awkward silence as Maria and Kate look at each other, and Johnny says someone has to knock their heads together. "Well overdue if you ask me," says Luke, and Kate then tells her she should come. So Maria agrees.

Craig and Beth walk up to the post box, but she doesn't look happy. "Why are you being like this?" he asks, and adds that he's sure there's something she's not telling him. She says that if it's what he really wants she's behind him every step of the way, so he asks her to prove it and hands her the envelope. With a deep sigh, and a little hesitation, she drops it into the post box. Then he gives her a hug and says he loves her.

Steph arrives at the Bistro to find Robert sitting in the dark. He tells her that the electrics aren't working. She asks if he's called anyone, but he hasn't, yet. He's morose because he's about to lose his driving licence, and she tells him he chose to drink drive, and he can't blame Nick for his actions. She tells him the two of them need to fix it.

Over in the factory, Johnny tells Jenny that he wishes she could be there tonight, so he invites her to dinner on Friday.

Aidan is talking to Eva and tells her to get to Carla's old flat at 5.30, and to bring an overnight bag. She asks if she should bring champagne, but he tells her the booze is already sorted.

Dev arrives at the kebab shop and finds Gemma busy with her phone. He tells her she could at least try to look busy, he knows she misses Kylie but at work he needs her to be focussed. She tells him it isn't just about Kylie, she doesn't want to go back to being the person that she was. He tells her she needs to get motivated, she needs to set herself targets. "Like managing this place!" she says. Dev laughs. "Achievable targets," he says, and walks off, chuckling.

Nick walks into the Bistro to find it lit by candles. Steph tells him the fuse box blew, but it's being sorted. Nick asks her to go and get Robert. "Well if it isn't Weatherfield's own Supergrass," snaps Robert when he comes out from the kitchen. Nick sits down and asks Robert to join him so they can sort it out. When he's sitting, Nick tells him that he's not going to go ahead with opening another Bistro, basically he's calling a truce.

Phelan and his dodgy friend Vincent Ashford, are in the cafe, looking at her list of conditions for the new building project. Vince says that her 'wish list' will bankrupt them. Pat remarks that promising something and actually delivering are two different things. Sally arrives for the meeting with them.

Eva and Leanne are also in the cafe. Eva asks if Leanne's ok with her moving out, and is sure she won't be on her own for long, the way she and Nick have been looking at each other. Leanne tells her to change the subject.

In the Bistro, Nick admits that he shouldn't have reported Robert. Robert admits that he shouldn't have got behind the wheel. Maybe Nick's done him a favour, it's been a wake up call. Nick then starts talking about Carla, and how much she hurt him with Robert. He says he lost more than his wife, he lost faith in himself. A thoughtful Robert then asks Nick if he'd like to come back where he belongs. "Are you offering me a job?" asks Nick. "And if I was?" says Robert. Nick says he'd tell him to stick it where the sun don't shine. Robert then asks him if he'd like to buy back in, adding that he doesn't need an answer right away. Nick says an equal partnership is tempting, but Robert immediately says what he was proposing was a 30/70 split. Nick is affronted. "You expect me to be a junior partner?" he says, and starts getting annoyed. Behind the bar, Steph pulls out her phone and makes a hurried phone call. "You need to come now," she says, "we've got an emergency."

Leanne marches into the Bistro. "What's happened?" she asks Robert. He says nothing has happened. She turns to Nick. "Why are you here?" she asks. Then Robert asks her the same question. She replies that Steph said it was an emergency. "You boys need a referee," says Steph.

Sally is still talking to Pat and Vince, trying to thrash out a deal that benefits the community as well as their pockets. Pat keeps stroking her ego, calling her 'councilor' and telling her how sharp she is. She then tells them that she can't make any promises, but her relationship with the planning committee is more than cordial.

A rather deluded Eva arrives at the flat, and Aidan opens the door. She kisses him passionately and thanks him. "What for?" asks Aidan. "For making me the happiest girl in the world," she says. He notices the large suitcase she has brought with her. "I said an overnight bag," he says. She laughs. "Hilarious!" she says. They go into the living room where she sees Johnny, Kate, Luke and Maria. "What's all this?" she asks, as Johnny hands her a glass of champagne. "House warming," says Aidan. Eva is impressed, and then thanks them all for coming. They all look a little puzzled. "You took the words right out of my mouth," beams Johnny, "my home is your home!" Then it's Eva's turn to look puzzled, and she asks if Johnny is going to be living with them. Everyone then becomes extremely embarrassed. "You thought we were moving in together?" says Aidan.

Gemma goes into the corner shop to buy a pizza. Dev tells her it's on the house, he feels he was a little bit hard on her earlier. Then he pulls out the local paper and shows her an article about the Weatherfield Good Samaritan awards. "This might be the focus you've been looking for," he says, and tells her how Michael was nominated for it last year. Gemma starts to get interested, especially when she reads that there is a £500 cash prize and the chance to meet Peter Andre.

Back in the Bistro, negotiations are still going on, as Nick and Robert argue over dividing the business. Leanne gets cross with both of them, she says she didn't want to get dragged into this, but now that she's there they're going to sort it out. Eventually, Robert says he thinks he has the solution. "I'm all ears," says Nick. (How true!) Then Robert says he will accept the 50/50 split, on the condition that Leanne comes back as manager – starting tomorrow. She's shocked, but the rest of them start grinning. "This is blackmail," protests Leanne, but agrees in the end.

Back at the flat, an upset and confused Eva tells Aidan that Kirk took a message. "Wrong Mr Connor," says Aidan. Eva asks why she had to bring a suitcase, and Aidan explains he's booked a hotel for the night. Eva says she's not in the mood for it now, and gets snappy with everybody, then takes her suitcase and leaves.

Nick and Leanne are walking down the Street, he tells her she was right all along. Just then Eva comes along crying, so Leanne says she's got to go and look after her. As she goes to leave, Nick stops her. "Let me take you out tomorrow," he says. "Ok," smiles Leanne, but her smile fades as he goes on to say it's a date, a proper date. "I'm sorry, I can't," she says, adding that she can't be more than a friend to him right now, it wouldn't be fair on either of them. "Sorry," she says, and turns and walks away.

Anne Logan.

Friday 12 August

Hello, as we approach the midway point between midsummer and midwinter, I hope you're enjoying a late or early summer and everything in your garden is looking rosy. And I hope this update gets through the ether - Yahoo held up my last one for almost a week!

We begin with Luke and Maria having words over Caz staying in their flat. Luke doesn't like her but Maria says all Caz has done is make an effort to be nice to him.

Over breakfast, Leanne gives Eva a talking to about men being afraid of commitment and how she approached the whole "living together" thing in the wrong way. Eva thinks Aidan's a wazzock and is annoyed that Leanne would suggest otherwise.

Caz is looking thoughtful in the street when Luke sees her. She tells him she's trying to stay out of his way. She also says it's Kate and Aidan's Mum's birthday today, so she's thinking about how Kate will be feeling. She's remembering things Kate's told her about her Mum, like how she loved pink roses and was superstitious and wouldn't have a carnation in the house. Luke thinks she should sent Kate some flowers to mark the day but Caz says she's skint. He says he'll sub her until she can pay him back. Leave it to him. Now excuse me, but I think I just heard a galumphing great plot elephant trampling all over the roses AND the carnations.

Audrey and Freddie discuss what a bad mood Gail's in. As they leave her house they meet Michael, who's very off with them. They decide Gail and Michael need to get back together and arrange for Freddie to work on Michael and Audrey to do the same with Gail so they can get the two of them both in the Rovers at 7pm. Yep, 'Cause nothing helps the delicate conversations necessary to rebuild a relationship like alcohol and having all your family and neighbours in the room!

Leanne tells Eva that Nick has said he wants to be with her but she can't because of the baby. Eva thinks she should jump at the chance to be with someone who loves her (this is an irony-free zone).

In Izzy's flat, Gary's off to collect her from the prison and Fay and Sally are going to clean the flat in the meantime. Sally's disappointed that Fay doesn't Tweet - this would be the ideal time to show how community-minded she is. Fay says Anna's unwell but Sally assures her that Anna is just lazy.

In the Bistro, Nick starts the way he means to go on - with a huge over-order of olives. "I don't know why this keeps happening," he says. Well, it doesn't exactly keep happening - they've only had to order olives once in about four years! Robert is also glum when Leanne arrives bright as a button.

Outside the salon, Kate and Maria have a bonding moment, talking about the death of their loved ones. Aidan comes over and he and Kate reminisce about their mother's superstitious belief that carnations were bad luck. BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM. . . There goes that plot elephant again.

Rita's in the corner shut but she confesses to Dev that she's no intention of buying anything. She's hiding out from Norris and his obsession with the Weatherdealers sales website. As she leaves, Gemma bursts in and tells Dev she's signed up for the Good Samaritan thing. Now all she needs is a victim. . .er. . . I mean an elderly person in need of help. Dev hopes she isn't describing him that way but Gemma assures him he doesn't look more than 60. She decides Rita is in need of a Samaritan.

In the florist's Luke orders carnations. Of course he does. "I know what these meant to your Mum," he tells Tracy to put on the card and sign with Caz's name.

Amy is rude to Norris as she crosses the road, rings the bell for the Connors' flat once and drops the lovely bouquet of carnations on the doorstep.

Eva goes to see Aidan and apologises. Aidan assures her he's not ruling out living with her but not just yet. He gets a text from Kate and says he has to go. Eva is suddenly all sneery about Aidan's priorities and won't even listen to an explanation. "You know what," says Aidan, "I'm not even going to bother."

There's a crowd in Izzy's flat, including Mary, whom nobody can remember inviting. Fiz is there - it seems like ages since we saw her. Sally manages to announce to everyone that Gary and Izzy are back together.

Nick and Dev chat in the Bistro and Nick tells Dev he's sure there is something Leanne's keeping from him. He looks over to where Robert and Leanne are chatting and laughing and Dev asks if maybe Leanne's seeing someone else (meaning Robert). Nick looks thoughtful.

In the Kabin, Rita is off to Freshco to get away from Norris. Gemma comes in and suggests Rita give her the bank card and her pin number and Gemma will do her shopping for her. She assures Rita she's not planning anything dodgy. "It's just you've always been nice to me and I want to repay the favour." "Have I?" asks Rita. She tells Gemma the biggest favour she could do would be stop Norris wittering on about the Weatherdealers. Michael comes in and chats to Freddie, who's looking at the magazines. Michael asks if everything is all right between Freddie and Audrey and Freddie says he could ask the same about Michael and Gail. They agree to have a council of war in the Rovers at 7.

Back at Izzy's Freedom party, Sally asks Beth if she had a get-out-of-jail party, though an indignant Beth points out she's never been in jail. Sally then asks Fiz, suggesting Fiz has served innumerable terms inside. Fiz points out she's only been in the once. In a corner, Izzy tells Gary she's feeling a bit overwhelmed seeing everyone at once and she goes to wash and change her clothes.

Kate's got the flowers and when Sophie comes along she snaps that Caz is a sick freak.

Dev can't stop to eat in the Bistro because Mary's preparing her famous macaroni cheese and crab. Nick asks Steph if Leanne's got a secret. Is she going out with Robert?

Aidan's in the pub looking down and Tracy says something flippant. But he tells her what day it is, she becomes almost understanding and empathetic. What have they done with the Tracy we love to hate? Kate comes in and dumps the carnations on the table where Maria, Luke and Caz are having a drink. One more weird move and she'll have Caz done for harassment, she says. As Caz and Luke explain, both with the same story, all becomes clear. Kate still thinks it must have been Caz's idea but Maria tells her it will be Luke's. He's hopeless. Luke realising just how badly his helpful plan has turned out, snaps that nothing he does is ever good enough for Maria. He's had enough. He storms out of the pub.

The end
Margaret Carr

Good afternoon. Episode 8967, written by Jan McVerry, directed by Durno Johnston, copyright remains the property of ITV Studios to whom many thanks. At the time this was broadcast I was in a field partaking of liquid refreshment being entertained by Steeleye Span. My thanks to all involved in ensuring that some of the entertainment at Cropredy was excellent. However I did feel the choice of bands on Friday afternoon showed some lack of forethought. Hayseed Dixie, Madness, Richard Digance, Ralph McTell (ably supported by the surprise appearance of Danny Thompson) plus Fairport themselves were all bloody good. But that was the last time I fear.

Anyway this episode of Coronation Street needed the use of the itv hub and the backing beer is Wadsworths 6X as is only right and proper plus Craig Charles providing the funk and soul as a bit of a change after the weekend which was sadly lacking in both funk and soul.

We open with Rita emerging from her flat with Gemma helping out with some milk bottles. Maria shouts after Luke telling him he made a right show of himself in there. He contradicts her explaining he did something good and had it thrown back in his face. He is getting used to it - her flat, her rules, he does not get a say. She takes more notice of the lodger than her fiance. He throws the flat keys at her and tells her to get Caz to put the bins and out babysit Liam. He has better things to do tonight. He does not know what but he is off to have fun! We hear Gemma and Rita chatting in the background.

In the Rovers Kate is telling Caz that she does not want to hear her excuses as she did not even know her mum. She tells Caz to stay out of her life. (Can someone please explain why Caz is still around? Kate is never going to take her back, she is clearly a deserter and should be in the Glasshouse in Colchester - so why is she wandering around Weatherfield annoying residents and viewers alike?). Caz then goes to the bar and moans about not being welcome in Weatherfield to Aidan. She apologises and goes out. Sophie has been watching all of this and Aidan tells her that Maria was simply trying to help out; both think that Luke had more sense (well he did but the ptf has dropped in). As she goes Caz gets an earful from Gemma for nearly knocking Rita off her feet. Rita sits down and Gemma sits very close beaming at her. Gemma assures Rita that she is simply seeking to be a good neighbour. We establish that Rita wants a large Vodka and tonic and she gives Gemma a £10 note. RIta asks if Gemma will then help some other neighbours? Charlie Shadwick has got a dodgy hip. Gemma does not respond - so Gemma agrees when Rita says she just got lucky then! Gemma smiles widely at Rita who almost grimaces back.

Over at the Bistro all is harmony and light between Leanne and Robert who are clearly happy to be back in harness. Nick is sour faced at the far end of the bar. He is not keen on the speed dating idea (and to be perfectly honest no busy bar would run one on a Friday evening - they are used on quiet evenings). There is a lot of light hearted banter between Robert and Leanne. And as Robert observes if a couple do meet tonight then they get the repeat business for anniversaries, weddings and so on. She suggests that Chef could play trombone at 4 minute intervals for the daters to move round. Apparently he played with Withington Division Boy's Brigade. {Update writer confused. Robert came from London where he met Tracy - at least I thought that was his origin?}. However Leanne seems to know all of this and Steph who knows about the baby looks at Nick.

In the Rovers Aidan, Kate and Sophie feel that Caz has probably got the message and is packing her bags. Aidan offers some support for Maria who is just being friendly. Sophie toasts Aidan and Kate's mum as it would have been her birthday.

Gemma returns to Rita and gives her £5 change - Gemma is drinking tap water. Apparently she loves it. Rita is open mouthed.

On t'other side of the Rovers Gail is complaining that it does not help seeing Audrey and Freddie all loved up. Audrey denies it saying they are just good friends. Gail is just jealous as her elderly mother is better at pulling than she is. Elderly mother is rapidly going off daughter. Gail had hoped that in this difficult time Michael might have realised that she needed him. At which point Michael arrives with Freddie with Michael observing that this is a setup. Audrey and Freddie both have big smiles; Gail has a disapproving look and Michael does not look happy.

Beth is pleased that Izzy has returned from her sojourn in jail. Kirk arrives but nearly everyone else has left. She was in Hull so has not seen much of Jake - but Gary has taken him when he could and brought photos and drawings when he could not take Jake. Apparently whilst the cells might be adapted the officers were not. {I hope this is not true}. She was so tired she cried herself to sleep some nights. Gary fills their glasses and busies himself putting Jake to bed so that the others can catch up commencing with Kirk who wants to know if Shawshank Redemption is accurate or over the top?

Caz is led into the flat by Ozzie who hates the Staffy on Inkerman Street. Caz asks a clearly still distressed Maria if she has calmed down yet. Maria does not understand why she is public enemy number one when she is simply trying to do good. Caz says her world is just the same. Caz has two tickets for a band she saw at Glasto with Kate where they were amazing (no mud at Cropredy). Maria turns down using the tickets as she has Liam. She tells Caz to go anyway and sell the spare one. Caz reluctantly departs.

At the Bistro Leanne is working her magic with one of the female speed dates who has poured Sauvignon down her front. Steph observes that she is glad Leanne is back as the place has missed her. Nick is also watching Leanne at work. At the end of the bar Luke is holding a pint which he needs to devour, or ten. Andy cannot join him as it is going to be busy. Steph does not want to talk about Maria either - they are busy. Andy tries to sell him a speed dating ticket for £5. The moaning continues.

Maria's door buzzer goes. She picks up the intercom and gives Luke a telling off. It buzzes again and she tells Luke off again. Then she apologises and releases the door, slips off her slippers and up the stairs comes ... Aidan. She tells him that Luke has a long wait before she goes to find him and apologise. Aidan assures her that Luke will be fine once he has slept on it. Maria says that Eva will come round as well ... [Starter for ten - can anyone guess where this might be going?] eventually! Perhaps in 2018. Aidan really likes Eva but he could do without the earache. He went to his mother's grave this afternoon and Eva was texting every two minutes, asking why she was being blanked. He wanted some space to think. Maria has some sympathy as she cannot remember when she last her flat to herself. He makes to go - but she says that he is on her side and asks if he wants a glass of wine and he accepts. She pours white wine. Aidan says she is a good person for taking Caz in. Some people see that.

Over at Izzy's Kirk and Beth are off to town. Izzy observes that she thought they were never going to leave. Gary is sad that they have judging by the look on his face. Izzy likes being able to watch Jake sleep. She could not face going to prison again and Gary assures her she is safe now. Izzy is very pleased to be home. And Gary's smile - he scoffs in response. She tells him to come on as she heads backwards to the bedroom and he says he will. But will he?

After the break we are in the Rovers where Pat is telling Eva that her face has been tripping her since she clocked on. He reckons it must be man trouble. Kate appears at the bar and says Johnny is worried that she will serve him from the drip tray the next time he wants a drink. Eva absolves Johnny of blame pinning it all on Aidan who has gone missing. Kate explains that he will have forgotten to turn it back on after visiting the grave where they have a rule about phones being off. Eva starts to rethink things.

Gemma is saying that it took 3 months is intensive care, husband scarpered and a huge scar which is why she does not eat bananas. Rita has enjoyed the chat - but can they cut to the chase now? Gemma is sick of being a no-mark. Half her friends (well the lucky ones who are not dead) are in jail. She knows she has the looks and a bubbly personality - but she wants more. But not money. Gemma continues that she wants a cv longer than her charge sheet. She wants adventures and proper conversations. And she wants to win the Weatherfield Good Samaritan Award (Michael won that last year I think?). Rita says that Gemma needs a plan. So time for another drink and Rita gets another £10 out of her purse and tells Gemma to get herself a proper drink this time.

Eva is on the phone: "Babe I've been a proper nightmare. Can you give me a call please?" Michael is managing to get Audrey and Freddie laughing. Gail is far more difficult. Audrey calls Michael a funny man and Gail is agreeing. Michael has gone to the bar where Pat instantly starts winding him up. "An Audience with Mikey Rodwell". Michael tries to ignore him but Pat continues that it was a shame he did not perform well for Eileen. He alleges she said that it was like sleeping with a dead rabbit. Michael calls him a sad man and lunges at Pat - sad and twisted he adds. Freddie hauls him off Pat and Eva tells them to calm it down. Michael defends Eileen saying that as a lady she would not stoop to pillow talk. Gail instantly sums up that Michael is continuing to be distant and she gets up and goes. End of potential reunion.

Maria is discovering fun and having a good laugh with Aidan about members of the Connor clan. He recalls Barry Connor singing a song of his mother's. "The Spaniard that Blighted My Life". Lots of Oles and clinking of empty glasses and they agree on opening another bottle.

Kate is continuing to miss her mum. Can someone tell me how long ago she died please? I understand grieving for the dead and remembering them ... but this feels wrong. Anyway Kate is off to an empty flat (I know Johnny has moved out but surely Aidan can move in with his sister and relieve the pressure on the Rovers allowing Sean to move off the sofa? If I were a writer there would be some changes!). Despite hints she does not invite the only other lesbian on the Street (Sophie) to join her. They exchange platitudes before going in different directions. As she goes Sophie walks past Eva who is on the Street once again phoning Aidan saying she does not like going to bed on an argument. She says she is sorry. She is approaching Maria's flat when Pat shouts across that Liz is referring to her as a skiver and is on the warpath! They told Liz she had gone for change. She returns to the Rovers.

Aidan is telling us that a year ago he was a play boy (89 women remember) and he had a fast car and plenty of dosh. Answerable to no-one. Johnny was on the Costa with his trophy bird. Then Johnny and Marlene split, then rescuing the factory from Carla's debts and looking after the workers, huge weights of responsibility pressing down on him plus Caz and Kate splitting up. They both agree that they are the fixers in their families and people do not always thank them. And the bottle is empty and so are the glasses. (But not the wine goggles). Maria has just noticed the huge age difference between herself (33) and Luke (not known but c 25?). She calls him a lad who has not lived and has not lost. He did not get it when Kylie died as he had not experienced it. Losing a loved one unexpectedly. Aidan does not understand why they have never really talked before. He tells her she is a really good listener. She is funny but also talks sense. And she is beautiful. They are sitting in mirror image poses arm resting on the back of the sofa holding their heads up. He leans in and kisses her. And then he kisses her a second time and she responds dropping her glass and pulling him to her.

Izzy wants to know what is keeping Gary - he is still washing up. Izzy is surprised that Gary has made up the bed in Jake's room but she orders him into her bed as she wants his arms around her tonight. Gary's face tells a different story. He does as he is bid.

Nick is counting the takings for the evening. {Actually does anyone pay in cash these days - apart from at festivals where machines obviously do not work?}. Robert and Leanne continue to exchange banter. Robert proposes a first day toast and grabs a bottle of bubbly. He hugs Leanne but Andy and Steph have to go. They have Luke crashing on the floor. and have to go. Nick refuses as well - he is only in this for business and not pleasure.

At Maria's flat she and Aidan are getting dressed. Maria cannot believe what they have just done. The front door thumps closed as Caz returns home and apologises for being early. Maria rapidly pours Aidan a glass of wine as if he had only just arrived as well. Caz sold the tickets to a tout and the two are almost presentable when she appears. She could not face the gig. Maria pours her a glass as well. Caz tells Aidan to get going before he gets told off for fraternising with the enemy. Maria suggests he be allowed to finish his glass of wine. Both are glad she did not come in a few moments sooner.

Leanne leaves the Bistro and finds Nick waiting outside. Oddly despite the hour it is still daylight. Nick gets stuck in - the two of them have been here before - he is not going to beg. He is not going to be the man you settle for as a second choice again - he had that with Peter. He can see she is falling for Robert. She denies it. So if she is a free agent then she can go out with him on a date. He is not willing to be picked up when the mood takes. He asks her to move in with him and commit to him. She can't - but of course she cannot say why not. She tells him it is not straightforward. Nick points out they are both single and have no ties. Leanne has Simon - whom Nick loves. Leanne is silent. Nick assumes the answer is no. That was all he needed to hear (of course he heard nothing). Poignantly as Nick walks away down the Street the camera pans down from Leanne's face to her abdomen where she is with both hands cradling her precious cargo about which she cannot talk. We then get a long distance shot of Nick strutting away and Leanne looking at his back with regret.

Aidan looks out of Maria's front door to check the coast is clear. He gets round the corner and leans on the wall, holds his head in both hands and is clearly wondering how he got himself into such an almighty mess.

Roll credits.

Given we have recently had the one bonk between Leanne and Steve to have another single bonk between Maria and Aidan feels a bit much. Maria is due a decent story but like most men I feel Eva is too good a catch to be treated like this. I know Maria and Luke have argued - and the age difference has an impact; but the argument between Aidan and Eva is not that serious. She got the wrong idea and given the transformation Aidan admits to having been through it is too soon to press him to settle down - but I do not believe he would have gone that far, even under the influence of a bottle of white wine (another tradition broken - it always used to be red).

Leanne should have been honest with Nick and taken him somewhere quiet and explained; it is early - but they have been together off and sometimes on for what 15 years or more? She will have to at some point.

Gary knows he needs to do the right thing, again and not surprisingly he has done the wrong thing. That is Gary all over, so no change there.

See you all next week.


Monday 15 August

Written by Ben Tagoe Directed by Ian Bevitt

Caz and Maria come out of the flat. Caz wonders if Maria is going to speak to Luke today and Maria doesn't seem overly bothered. Caz comments that Luke did seem to overreact. They greet Audrey who's unlocking the salon just as Rita comes round the corner. She explains that Gemma has decided to be a good Samaritan and she's apparently the one to receive the benefits. Rita seems a bit exasperated. Audrey jokes that Gemma is like Mother Theresa with chewing gum and a fake tan and they all chuckle. Maria spots Aidan coming out of the Rovers and sees Caz off, who is heading to the barracks it seems. Maria runs across to talk to Aidan. Aidan confirms that Maria hasn't said anything to Caz and tells her that last night was a mistake. He doesn't want to lose Eva and though Maria is a great person, it really shouldn't have happened. Maria agrees she won't say anything. Aidan is somewhat patronizing to her, telling her she'll find someone really great, someone she deserves. As he walks away, Maria doesn't look too impressed with him.

Eva is moaning to Leanne about Aidan and how much of an idiot she was. She wonders if she should speak to him but Leanne reckons not, even though Eva points out she was the one in the wrong. Leanne thinks Aidan and all men aren't worth the bother. Eva realizes it's more about her and Nick. Leanne leaves for work.

Gary is making Jake breakfast when Izzy comes out. It's Izzy's last day before she heads back to work tomorrow but she wishes she could just hide away from the world. Gary urges her to get out and invites her for a drink later and badgers her into eating breakfast. It'll make her feel better. But when he turns into the kitchen, you can see things are weighing heavily on his shoulders.

In the Bistro, Leanne is going over an ad with Robert, to replace Zeedan. Nick feels that Zeedan won't come back so they are going to post the advert. Steph and Leanne both say they'll miss Zeedan. Nick, in a very passive aggressive way, looks at Leanne and remarks that when people move on you have to accept it. Zing! Robert catches that remark and looks suspicious.

The factory workers try and fail to explain to Kirk why the brand of tuna they eat should be dolphin friendly. Sean is looking for a place to go and Kirk suggests Norris' place, he really enjoyed the time he spent there. That sends Beth off in a huff and Kirk running after her to apologize. They've also been discussing the apparent breakup of Luke and Maria and Sally figures Luke is getting off lucky. Aidan overhears her saying the last thing any man wants to do is get tangled up with Maria, calling her Mad Maria. That may or may not have struck a cold finger of fear into him. Sally remembers Maria's actions against Fiz and Tyrone not that long ago even though Fiz corrects her and says Maria's fine now. Aidan definitely looks uncomfortable.

Norris is bragging about how well he is doing in the antiques business, annoying Rita. Gemma comes in wearing a shiny confection in gold lame, top and short shorts and gold chunky heels. Her hair is held back with a glittery band. Awesome! Rita knows she's there to do another good deed so she and Norris maneuver Gemma into taking on a paper round to cover for a lad that's called in sick. She has a hard time hefting the heavy bag, complaining, but does take it on anyway, with Rita's thanks.

Nick asks Robert if using an agency to replace Zeedan might work but he's of the opinion that's more trouble than it's worth. Robert notes there's a lot of tension between Nick and Leanne. Nick makes a comment about Robert and Leanne and Robert realizes he thinks there's something going on. He puts that straight right away, insisting he and Leanne are only friends and that is that. He understands, though, because Nick and Leanne have history. Nick insists it's more than that. Regardless, Robert comments, they have to sort things out or it will affect the working team.

Aidan approaches the garage and asks Luke if he's spoken to Maria. He urges Luke to sort things out with Maria. He'd be crazy if he let her go. Luke moans about Caz in the flat but Aidan says it's not worth losing Maria over. Luke has something to think about. Aidan heads back into the factory toting a pink gift bag.

We're back in the factory where Beth is complaining about Kirk bigging up Norris' living quarters. Aidan approaches Eva for a private word in the office. Everyone else thinks she's in trouble but in the office, Eva is apologetic all over the place. He's ok with all that and presents her with the gift. Inside is a lovely necklace. She's stunned. He doesn't want anything to come between them. He says last night was a blip (in more ways than one). They have a cuddle, much to her pleasure. She asks where he was and he lies that he was with a mate. They plan to catch up properly after work. She runs back out and shows off the necklace. Some of them are pleased for her but Beth cracks that it could also be a guilty conscience. In the background, it looks like Aidan just about choked to hear that, and he closes the office door again.

After the break, Eva comes into the office and thanks him for the gift again. She's still surprised that he gave her a gift even though she was the one that messed up. He brushes it off. She asks him about the mate he went to see but is told she doesn't know him. It was someone he hasn't seen for awhile. She quizzes him a bit more, suspiciously it seems, but he diverts her and she goes back outside. She definitely looks as if she has her suspicions now that Beth has put the idea in her head.

In the cab office, Tim has seen an email from Michelle to Steve about ways to get pregnant. (he'd been reading Steve's email while he was away and kept up the habit). Steve scolds him for reading his emails now he's back. Tim quizzes him on why he wants another baby at his age. Of course Steve is putting it all at Michelle's door.

Audrey is taking up the baton, now, urging Maria not to let Luke slip through her fingers. She points out that Luke is a lovely man and even put a ring on her finger. Maria seems in an odd mood. Just then, Luke comes in, wary of the reception he may get. He wants a word, invites her for a meal at the Bistro. He's even booked a babysitter and implores her to work things out. He's tired of fighting. She doesn't really look eager.

In the Bistro, Nick approaches Leanne. He apologizes for his sulky attitude with her lately and apologizes for assuming the worst with her and Robert. She feels terrible and they both admit they care about each other. He has to accept he can't move on with her. She's a bit tearful and thanks him. He's feeling very sorry for himself, and she's getting emotional listening to him tell her he knows he has to move on. Just then a raucous hen party comes in and Nick hustles over to the incoming guests.

Over in the pub, the bar is lined with happy couples served by Sean. He mentions to Tim that Steve had a long face so he sent him into the back. They enter into a discussion about finding your perfect partner, The One. Gary is starting to look a bit shifty while Beth and Tyrone both describe that feeling they got, that instinct that told them their respective partners were destined for them. Izzy looks fondly at Gary who's avoiding eye contact. The happy couples all joke and laugh together. Sean asks Gary and Izzy how and when they knew. Gary describes Izzy as a great person and a great mum, making the other women sigh though to me, he wasn't particularly romantic and Izzy gives him an odd look.

In the Bistro, Luke and Maria are talking about Caz. He promises he will bite his tongue for a bit until Caz is gone and tells her she's too soft hearted for her own good. Maria is shifting in her chair and seems about to tell him something but Steph interrupts to take their order. Luke tells his sister he's moving back in with Maria and that looks like news to Maria who didn't actually ask him. Elsewhere Nick and Leanne are both serving the hen party. One of them flirts with Nick who flirts back but only mildly.

Eva and Aidan come in but the restaurant is full and they would have to wait. Steph suggests they join Luke and Maria. Because, you know, they're all best friends. Or not. You know where this is headed, right? Aidan looks uncomfortable but Eva admits she's starving so Steph leads them over.

Norris watches online as another auction ends. He's just sold a cabinet for 80 quid. Gemma hasn't come back from the paper round, Norris notes but then the door opens and in she comes, dirty faced and raging. She wonders how he could let little kids go around with heavy papers like that on their backs. He wonders why she took so long and why he's had complaints from customers upset at some of her so called jokes. She got a lot of the orders wrong. (Oh come on, it was her first day!) Norris is furious and insists she sort it out but Rita calmly suggests that Gemma will be happy to sort things out. Gemma, seeing her Samaritan award going up in smoke, takes the paper with all the corrections on it, picks up the bag and heads out again, slamming the door.

It looks like Maria didn't mind Eva and Aidan joining them. Or at least Maria and Aidan are putting on a good front while Luke and Eva enjoy themselves. Nick continues to interact with the hen party. Steph complains to Leanne that he's laying it on a bit thick. She watches, turning an interesting shade of green. Maria and Aidan exchange the occasional loaded glance. Caz comes in and offers to get Liam from the babysitter if they want to stay out. Aidan is all for an early night but Eva thinks they should all continue on and go for a drink. Caz asks Maria if she'd seen Liam's red car, she can't find it anywhere and knows it's his favourite. She then asks Aidan if he spotted it when he was there (oops, cat's out of the bag). Caz realizes from the sudden quiet that something just gone amiss and makes her excuses. Eva asks Aidan what's going on.


Written by Jonathan Harvey and directed by Ian Bevitt

Maria does some quick thinking to explain why Aidan was round at her place. She tells Eva he's been looking at flats and wanted a second opinion. It was meant to be a surprise, she explains. Eva is delighted – she can't believe that she suspected Maria and Aidan of getting up to anything together while all the time Aidan has been planning for them to move in together.

In the Rovers Izzy's having a drinking with Gary and the factory girls but she's very subdued. She says she's going home. Gary offers to go with her but she tells him to finish his pint.

Back at the Bistro Eva is in celebratory moody. As she and Luke go up to the bar to order more drinks, Aidan has a whispered argument with Maria who's really dropped him in it. She's furious about his attitude over their one night stand and stalks out, leaving Luke and Eva wondering what the row was about.

Sean is in the Kabin. He has something to ask Norris. Norris explains he doesn't go in for gossip (hah!) but Sean has a favour to ask. Now that Kirk's moved out he'd like to rent his spare room. In the time it takes Norris to weigh out a bag of lemon bonbons, he agrees that Sean can move in tomorrow.

Luke has followed Maria out of the Bistro. They stop in the middle of the street where a tearful Maria tells him that she's really, really sorry but she has decided that they have to stop seeing each other. Luke is nonplussed – he knows they had an argument but where has this come from?

There's a very noisy hen night going on in the Bistro and Leanne is getting annoyed, especially by one woman who is flirting with Nick. Nick picks up on Leanne's reaction and flirts back, earning him a reprimand from Robert.

Norris is selling a chest of drawers on-line. A woman, calling herself Donna Marie, comes into the Kabin – apparently she's agreed to buy it. While Norris goes to the back to make her a cup of tea, Donna-Marie takes a penknife out of her bag and deliberately makes a large scratch on the chest.

Maria and Luke are sitting on the bench. A tearful Maria denies there's anyone else but tells Luke he deserves someone better than her. She hands back her engagement ring. Luke can't understand it and tells Maria she's the one he wants to marry and spend the rest of his life with.

We move to the Bistro where the flirty-hen-night-woman invites Nick to join them later at a club. Leanne overhears and doesn't look best pleased. Eva is talking to Aidan about places she'd like to live when Steph announces she's just had a text. Apparently Maria has just split up with Luke. Suddenly Aidan remembers he has to go and take an important conference call at work and leaves a bemused looking Eva on her own.

Back in the Kabin Norris returns from making the tea where Donna-Marie points out the scratch on his chest of drawers. She suggests he should knock £50 off the price. At that moment, Norris's knight in shining armour arrives. Well, it's actually Gemma in a gold lame shell suit but she does come to his rescue. It turns out Donna-Marie is a well-known con-artist off Gemma's estate. Gemma threatens to call the police and makes Donna pay Norris compensation before sending her packing. Gemma tries to high-five Norris. He raises his hand then looks embarrassed and rubs his ear instead.

Aidan arrives at Maria's flat where she's sobbing over a glass of wine. He's concerned about what she might do after hearing the girls gossiping about her in the factory earlier. She tells him that the incident when she was stalking Tyrone happened a long time ago. Aidan looks alarmed – he didn't even know about that. Maria tells him to go.

Luke is sitting in the street holding Maria's engagement ring when Aidan comes along. He says he's sorry to hear the news about Luke and Maria splitting up. Luke asks him what he and Maria were talking about in the Bistro earlier just before she stormed out. Aidan claims it was nothing, he's as much in the dark as Luke. He advises Luke that the best thing he can do is move on and forget about Maria.

Rita has bought Gemma a chocolate muffin as a reward for her good deed and she tells Norris that Gemma deserves a very big thank you for getting the money off Donna-Marie. As the three of them walk down the street, Gemma eats her muffin. Rita tells her that maybe having her around won't be so bad after all. In fact, she says, she's going to nominate her for the Weatherfield Good Samaritan Award. Gemma whoops for joy, links arms with Rita and deposits her soggy, chocolate-smeared muffin paper in Norris's hand.

Caz is back at Maria's flat. She thinks she's done something to upset Maria but Maria explains she's just split up with Luke. She tells Caz they'd drifted apart. Caz gives her a comforting hug but judging by the look on her face she's wondering what's really been going on.

Back at the Bistro, Leanne has joined Eva at the table. Nick announces he's going off with the hen party. As Leanne stares wistfully after him she asks Eva why it hurts so much.

We return to Maria's flat where Caz is on her own in the sitting room. Liam comes out of his bedroom. He wants Luke to read him a story. Caz offers to do it instead but Liam says he only wants Luke. He asks where he is. Caz explains it's a bit sad but she doesn't think Luke is coming back any more. She tells him it's a bit like when you fall out with your mates at school and sometimes grown-ups fall out too. She tells Liam that Luke and his mummy have split up at the precise moment Maria comes into the room. She's furious. She sends Liam to his room so she can have it out with Caz. Caz asks her if something's happened … with Aidan, she adds. She says Maria's been acting strangely. Maria loses the plot and tells Caz that she wants her to pack her bags and get out first thing tomorrow.


Wednesday 17 August

Maria goes over to the garage to see Luke, to check if he's ok and ask when he's going to pick up the rest of his stuff. He can't understand why she ended it and thinks there's someone else. She assures him there isn't and says she just fell out of love with him.

In the Bistro, Andy is moaning to Steph about Luke staying with them, he wants him to find somewhere else. She points out that she didn't complain when Michael moved in. "He's just been dumped," she snaps, "and if you're not careful he won't be the only one!"

Robert and Leanne are discussing the menu when Nick comes in. Andy asks him if he had a nice night with Amanda. He says they did, they exchanged numbers, but nothing happened. "Oh, so you exchanged numbers?" says Leanne, sitting up and taking notice. "Anything wrong with that?" asks Nick.

Izzy is in the shop talking to Erica. She isn't sure that Gary is totally committed to the relationship. Erica thinks they need some time away together, just the two of them, so they can properly reconnect.

Zeedan arrives at the Bistro at Leanne's request. She and Nick tell him they would really like him to come back, but Zeedan doesn't want to work with Robert. They ask Steph to go fetch Robert from the kitchen, but she finds that he isn't in there. Leanne picks up her phone.

Tracy is at the pub packing a bag for Amy who apparently has chicken pox. Amongst the clothing she finds some roomy boxer shorts, and Steve has to confess that they're his, Michelle ordered them for him, which Tracy finds very strange. She goes off as Liz comes in and Steve shows her the parcel of pants which came in the post, with a note from Michelle – 'more air for down there'. Liz tells him that when Michelle gets home later he's going to have to talk to her. "Not now!" snaps Steve, and leaves the room.

In the salon, Maria, Audrey and Kate are talking about the fact that Maria asked Caz to leave. Audrey thinks it's sad that Maria and Luke have parted.

Izzy goes into the gym to see Gary, and suggests they have a weekend away together. He says he'll look online for a deal.

Gemma arrives at the Kabin with a letter for Rita to sign, nominating her for the Weatherfield Good Samaritan award. Rita signs and tells her she deserves to win.

Back in the Bistro, Robert finally arrives back but isn't happy to see Zeedan. Leanne tells him she asked Zeedan to come, he needs him in the kitchen. Robert says he needs someone who can handle pressure. He turns to Zeedan and says he's not apologising for pushing him to his limit, and one day he'll thank him. Zeedan turns and walks out. Just then Steve walks in. "Say hello to our new business partner," says Robert to a puzzled Nick and Leanne.

Robert is explaining his new business idea to Nick and Leanne. They're going to take orders over the phone, and Steve will deliver them. Nick thinks it's a great idea, and even suggests that Steve and Leanne run it together. Steve and Leanne exchange somewhat startled glances, so then Leanne starts to say she thinks it will never work, it's a bad idea, they'll be overstretching themselves. Nick is surprised by this attitude, he thought she'd be glad and he and Robert finally agree on something, so he brushes aside her concerns and shakes Steve by the hand. Steve then leaves, but Leanne runs after him and asks what the hell he thinks he's doing. He tells her that Robert approached him, but anyway, it's a good idea that will benefit both businesses. He assures her that once they've got it up and running they will only need to email each other, they won't even have to see each other. She's terrified that somehow it will come out that he's involved with the baby, but he assures her that it's not going to happen. However, once Leanne has walked away Steve stands in the Street, chewing his nails and looking worried.

Gary is in the gym looking at holiday leaflets. He asks Sharif if he can take a lunch break, and off he goes. Just then Zeedan comes in, telling his grandfather he's come to burn some stress off. Sharif asks what the problem is, and Zeedan tells him about Robert refusing to apologise for pushing him to the limit. Sharif says he's got a point, we all need someone to push us to the limit. He urges him to swallow his pride and go back to doing what he loves, and expand those limits. Zeedan looks thoughtful and tells his granddad that he can be quite wise when he wants to be.

Luke is in the pub talking to Audrey, trying to work out where he went wrong with Maria, and asking if there's anyone else. Audrey says not as far as she knows. She asks him round for a meal, either for his tea today, or a nice Sunday lunch. Luke refuses, but Audrey is sure a pretty girl will snap him up soon.

Gary meets up with Izzy in the pub, and realises that while he thought they were going on a family holiday, what she had in mind was a romantic break, just the two of them. Just then Michelle arrives home and Steve gives her a warm welcome. Gary watches them hug and tells Izzy they'll check out some cosy cottages for two.

Leanne and Simon call for Amy at Ken's house. The door is opened by Liz who tells them that Amy has chicken pox. Simon rushes in, keen to see a spotty Amy. "Oh," says Leanne, hesitating, "I've not had it." Liz glances down at her tummy and Leanne realises that she knows about the baby and it's Steve who has told her. "I'll flamin' kill him!" she snaps, and storms off.

Leanne marches into the pub where Steve and Michelle are catching up on what's been happening. She asks to have a word with Steve about their 'joint venture', but then Liz comes in and asks to have a word with Leanne. The two of them go out to the back room. When they've gone, Michelle asks what the 'joint venture' is and Steve tells her about making deliveries of takeaway food ordered at the Bistro.

In the back room, Leanne is ranting and raving to Liz, telling her that Steve swore he wouldn't say a word. Liz tries to stick up for her son, telling her he wanted a bit of support and this whole thing isn't easy for him. Leanne tells her he should be thanking his lucky stars that she doesn't want him to have anything to do with this baby, she doesn't want to wreck his marriage, she hasn't even asked him for money. Liz tells her that that isn't easy for him, it's going to be easier for her. Leanne tells her that it isn't easy being pregnant by a man she doesn't even like, and being in love with a man who doesn't know she loves him. Liz looks stunned for a moment and then hugs her.

Gary is looking through holiday websites until Izzy stops him and says she knows he doesn't want this. She's upset that he's been pretending that he wants to be in a relationship. He tells her he wanted to get back what they had, she and Jake need him. Izzy is furious and tells him she doesn't need him, she needs his help with Jake, but doesn't need him in any other way. He says he's sorry and asks if she wants him to move out. "I don't know," she says, "I need time to think."

Zeedan goes back into the Bistro and tells Robert that maybe he was a little hasty. "Maybe I was too," says Robert, so Zeedan is back! He asks where Leanne is. "Who knows?" says Nick, "that woman is a mystery to me."

Leanne is actually still in the back room of the Rovers, telling Liz that her situation has now put paid to any chance of her and Nick getting back together. Liz thinks that if Nick really loves her maybe he won't care. Leanne tells her that she always wanted a baby, she thought it was never going to happen, and she's pleased she's going to be a mum, and she wants to be a better one than Stella was. Leanne then seems to have a 'lightbulb' moment. She dries her tears and thanks Liz, saying she now knows what she must do. She gets up to leave. "I'm really sorry that you're not going to get to know this baby, you would have been a brilliant grandma!" Liz jumps up, puzzled, "What do you mean I won't know it? Leanne?" she says as Leanne disappears down the hall.

Anne Logan

Friday 19 August

Hello and welcome to another gorgeous late summer day here in the North West of England.

We begin with Steve and Liz arguing about Leanne and the baby (again). Michelle gets up and tells Steve she's in her "window of fertility" today so he'd better get up them stairs - or at least come back home at lunchtime. When she goes into the kitchen, Liz urges Steve to admit to Michelle that he doesn't want babies. Steve tells her to stay out of it.

In Izzy's flat, she and Gary discuss staying living in the flat together for the sake of Jake.

Leanne's taking Simon to some school holiday soccer thing. Her phone rings and she stops in the street to answer it and says to the person on the other end: "I know it's a bit drastic. Can I call you later on?" Simon asks who it was and she jokes it was social services checking he's behaving himself. Nick's kicked the ball about a bit with Simon but also gets a phone call from someone he's been trying to get hold of.

In the cafe, Maria comments that they don't see Mary in there so much any more. It seems Mary's left Erica to get to know the twins a bit better. Aidan's at a table with Eva, who is looking at flats and Maria makes a bit of conversation on the way past but gives Aidan a filthy look as she leaves. When Mary comes over to the table they discuss her motorhome and Mary tells them about the wanderlust which struck her as a young woman. Why does no-one ever mention that Mary didn't live in a motorhome until she and Norris won it in a competition?

Johnny comes in and asks how the flat-hunting is going. Aidan's all set to go to a meeting with him but, to Aidan's clear disappointment, Johnny says he can handle it on his own so they can keep looking.

Liz and Leanne are at the table in Leanne's flat. Leanne tells her to stop interfering but Liz points out she's technically the baby's grandma, whether Leanne likes that or not. Leanne says the only way this is going to work is if the baby is hers alone. What if Liz goes all gooey when she sees it in the street, or starts buying it babygrows . . .or wants to come along it its Nativity play? She wants to know if Steve has sent Liz over but she says no. If anything, Steve's of the same mind as Leanne. They both have to get back to work but Liz says that if Leanne needs anything - Leanne interrupts: "Have you not heard anything I've said? As far as this baby is concerned, you're just some woman who lives over the pub." Liz leaves and Leanne calls someone and tells them that if the offer is still open the answer is Yes. "I've got to get out as soon as possible."

In the taxi office, Steve and Tim discuss Michelle's window. Tim's advice is that Steve should tell Michelle he doesn't want a baby. An airport run comes in and Steve says he'll do it.

Zeedan and Rana kiss on the sofa. Alya phones him but he ignores it, though she's come into the house as she phones. She reminds him it's their grandparents' 45th wedding anniversary on Monday.

Michelle arrives at the taxi office to remind Steve about her window, only to find he's gone to Liverpool airport. Oh, and that Tim knows all about the window. Michelle's annoyed and gives Tim a message for Steve. He's to get back to the Rovers pronto!

Steve, meanwhile, is leaning back in his parked taxi talking to Liz on the phone. He makes interference noises, tells her the signal's breaking up and ends the call. Tim calls on the radio, mentioning the window of fertility. Michelle phones and Steve ignores it, turns up the radio and slurps on his drink.

Michelle chats to Maria and Kate who are keen on her idea of having another baby. Maria says Liam needs more cousins. Kate mentions a pregnancy app where you put in your dates and it calculates everything.

Zeedan and Alya try to work out what to do for the wedding anniversary.

Michelle's downloaded the app and they discuss it. Mary and Erica are in the pub and overhear. They're a bit surprised to hear it's for Michelle, not for Maria or Kate. Erica leaves just before Michelle discovers the app says she's five days late.

Leanne's on the phone to someone talking about checking out schools for Simon when he comes in the door and overhears. Leanne tells him they're moving to Liverpool to live with Toyah. Toyah's found Michelle a job there. Simon's furious. He sends a text message to someone telling them to meet him in the ginnel now. It's an emergency. He tells Leanne he's going to the Kabin to get his comics.

Aidan and Eva are back. Aidan didn't like anything they saw.

Tim tells Steve that Michelle's looking for him. He says Steve has no option but to tell Michelle how he feels.

In the shop, Maria's buying a pregnancy testing kit. Aidan's come in and overhears. You can tell he assumes it's for Maria.

Gary talks to Izzy outside the factory. He's been into town to get a party outfit for Jake.

In the back room of the pub, Kate and Maria wait for Michelle to come back from doing the test.

Simon meets Amy in the ginnel. She's covered in calamine lotion. Simon tells her about the plan to move and says he thinks Leanne and Nick have fallen out and this is why she wants to go. Amy advises him to tell Nick about the plan.

Michelle tells the others she's not pregnant, but she has an odd look on her face.

Steve's in the Bistro when Simon comes in and wants to see Nick. Steve gets a text telling him to get home pronto. Simon tells Nick about the plan to move. Leanne comes in. "What's going on?" asks Nick.

The end
Margaret Carr

Episode 8972 tonight and we are now firmly in the Kate Oates era as she is credited as producer - although her appointment was announced on 18 September 2015! The writer tonight is Damon Rochefort and the producer is Ian Bevitt. Copyright remains the property of ITV Studios to whom many thanks.

We open with Leanne, Simon and Nick discussing her trip to see R'Toyah who is apparently now in Liverpool and has split up with her fella. Leanne does not seem to know how long she needs off (as she is seeking to disguise her plan to leave the Street). Simon denies not wanting to go and alleges there is a girl at school. Nick admits he is not good with women but offers a great big fat dirty burger (whatever - I am not eating it if it is dirty!). He sends Simon to wash his hands so he can help make it. Nick promises to chat to Simon to find out which temptress is breaking Si's heart. He does not mind Leanne going and Si can stay with him if he needs to stay in Weatherfield.

Zeedan has his arm around Rana when Alya (who has been given different make up and looks about 10 years older) comes in. He has sorted the anniversary plans gesturing at a balloon and flowers. He is organising a party and they will be inviting a load of people. Decorate the house all in blue as it is 45 years and blue is the colour of sapphires. Alya suggests that they invite Rana's parents but she clearly has a problem with this and makes excuses, then changes the subject.

Gary is cooking in Izzy's kitchen area giving an impression of Marco-Pierre White. He pours Izzy a glass of white. Apparently it is a chicken salad being prepared. Gary says that even after he moves out he hopes they will still eat together most evenings. She agrees it is for the best for both of them. They agree to put Jake first. To be the best parents they can possibly be. Izzy has some regret looking at her face - but that chapter has reached an end.

Eva asks Aidan where he has been - she is searching the property listings. He has even forgotten to get the wine. She tells him he is away with the fairies! Does he want a place they can share? He turned down the Quays flat because he did not like the porch light! She insists he looks at her latest finds and he wants to stop the flat talk. He slams the door on his way out and Eva cannot understand what is happening.

Steve returns to the Rovers alleging his phone died. He confides in Liz that perhaps he should tell her that the truth. Liz assumes he means about Leanne - but Steve explains he does not want a baby. Liz tells Steve to be honest with Michelle as she is very understanding. Steve hopes so.

Nick is giving Leanne the contract Steve has to sign for the new delivery service. Simon volunteers to do some deliveries on his bike. Nick says that is an enterprising idea and perhaps he will need a protege in a few years' time. Leanne tells Si to work hard at school and who knows. Si rails at Leanne that they will be stuck in Liverpool. He wants to know how long. Leanne suggests that Si could stay shuttling between Nick, Eva and Ken. It is not fair asking Si to do something he does not want to do. He thinks about it.

Steve finds Michelle ensconced in the back room with Maria and Kate (who presumably have no jobs to do this afternoon). Steve apologises for his difficult day and Michelle looks at the two girls who quickly make themselves scarce. Steve recalls when they discussed him getting a vasectomy and he was not ready for it? Well he thought they might want kids one day. He tells her he loves her more than anything in the world, but a baby at their age? Sleepless nights, nappy changing and crying he reminds her quickly wiping the broad smile off her face. He has been thinking about it and realistically and honestly ... Rather a pity that he was not honest sooner Michelle observes as it is too late now. I'm pregnant she says. And Steve being Steve thinks she is joking. But he then spots she is not joking and she orders him out of the room. He goes, she cries. Time for a break.

After the break Michelle goes into the bar. Liz admits she knows that Steve did not want a baby. Liz said he wanted to talk about it. Pity he did not talk to his wife who tells Liz she is pregnant. Liz's mouth is open.

Back to Izzy who is sorting the washing. Gary brings in Jake wearing the fireman's uniform, Gary recalls the problems they had having him and he makes it all worth it. Izzy has reached a conclusion - she can kick Gary out and be angry and disappointed or they can be adults, glad they have a healthy little boy and work together to raise him. She suggests they put bunk beds in Jake's room and they will have to sort out what happens when one of them meets someone else. And Izzy still shows signs of regret but this time acceptance.

Maria and Kate are in the bar - Liz tells them that Michelle is still miffed with Steve and then Aidan arrives. Kate goes to the bar and he sits down with Maria and says that he knows she does not want to talk to him. He knows she bought a pregnancy test. She teases him about being a father - is he too young? Eventually she lets him off the hook. Taking the bottle that Kate has bought he wanders out of the bar.

In the Rovers yard (which now has two tables and a huge number of chairs - it seems to grow weekly) Michelle is lost in thought when Liz comes out. Liz tells Michelle that Steve is not the first fella to put his foot in his mouth. Men are just clueless. Michelle says his few words have completely destroyed her immense happiness. Liz knows that wherever Steve is he will be hating himself over it. Michelle heads off to start her shift. They had promised each other to be honest when they got back together. But he left it too late - that is what has upset her.

Leanne, wearing a bright red mini-dress throughout this episode, and Simon are discussing when she will go. She suggests he should probably stay at Ken's providing he can manage not to kill Amy. Si is not keen on the veggie food at Ken's. And Tracy's home made pizza tasted like a melted tyre. He suggests that going with Leanne would be best after all. She stuck by him when he was very difficult and to be fair he will stick with her. She tells him that perhaps it is time for a new adventure. She needs to drop off the contract and then they can make plans over a pizza. She agrees to a proper pizza from a pizza place as they are not savages!

They enter the Rovers and she asks Liz if Steve is about to sign the contracts. He is not. Liz observes that she thought Steve and Leanne were keeping their distance - and suddenly they are in business together. Leanne says it is the Bistro and Streetcars not her and Steve. Liz says why do they want to be in each other's orbit more than necessary? Leanne is worried Si will hear something and Liz is worried Michelle will overhear! Liz remains hurt by being told earlier that she will have no involvement in the baby and drops the bombshell which Leanne must not repeat - Michelle is pregnant and she has only just told Steve, who does not want any more kids. Leanne tells her to give the contracts to Steve and tells Si they are going. Liz realises she has got it wrong (and frankly it is not the only thing she has wrong as she has adopted a new hairstyle - all curly which really is not a good look on her these days).

Eva has a real bag on when Aidan returns. He admits he was horrible before. He apologises. He was obsessed by work, worried about Johnnie handling a meeting by himself. And he took it out on her - and that was wrong. The flat hunting has got on top of him. He says they have had a rotten week and they should forget it and start again. Eventually she smiles and he opens the wine. She tells him that the family advice is to "stop and smell the flowers" - appreciate the things you have got. She tells him that she loves him - he does not respond in kind. She grabs him and says she means it. She knows she has never said it before - but she does mean it. He says he loves her too and they kiss. But his face over her shoulder does not show the same warm surety that she is radiating over his shoulder.

Alya wonders if Monday is short notice - but Zeedan is certain that their cousins and uncles and aunts all have boring social lives on a Monday evening. Zeedan wonders if Alya is against it because it was Rana's idea? She denies it. Then she admits it - but only because she thought it should be the two of them and not her mate. He tells her to write one of her lists of all the jobs that needs doing. Colour code the guests to get it right. Rana returns and hopes Alya is not too unhappy with her contribution and she responds that she is glad she can rely on Rana, implying that she cannot rely on her own brother. She really wants to invite Rana's parents to give Zeedan the once over. Rana does not want them there. And she is not ashamed of Zeedan. But they will see Zeedan and think "husband" and she does not want that. {I wonder if Rana is already married or promised?}.

Leanne is telling Si they are going tomorrow (for which read Monday) because the restaurant wants her now. And R'Toyota is not doing well at the moment. She needs to talk to Eva who emerges from her room with Aidan pulling on some clothes. Leanne apologises as she did not realise. Leanne tells Eva that she and Si are moving to Liverpool. Toyah's mate has got a restaurant and he has offered her a fantastic job and she has to accept. Aidan observes it is not far - but Eva suddenly wants her sister close by! Simon feigns acceptance of the relocation. Ken is looking at schools in Liverpool. So Leanne is hoping that Eva could take on the flat with a new flat mate. Eva looks round at Aidan and says she has already got one. She tells him that he can move in with her and save on the flat hunting. Eva reckons it is the perfect solution. Leanne is going to have a brew and start making a list. Eva asks why the hurry - Leanne forgot to say it was happening tomorrow.

In Rovers Yard Steve has Rover on his lap as he sits at a table contemplating the universe he has destroyed. Michelle joins he, He says he is sorry. She wants to know why he would agree to go along with wanting a baby if he really does not want one? Steve says blokes do not know what it is like to have another life growing inside us. Men do not have to worry about "time of the month" or "fertility windows" or the worry of the possibility of having a child or not. He tells her he is going nowhere. He cannot imagine how hurtful it must have been when he said the things he said, especially as she was pregnant. And the thought of providing so much hurt - he is so sorry. What he said was said in theory. He had been thinking and was trying to be honest - which she accepts. But now it is actually happening and the thought of a baby, the perfect mix of him and the woman he loves more than anything else in the world - he is really onboard. He really wants this baby. He wants it - all three of us - he is going to be a daddy again. And she knows he will be just as brilliant this time around. And they hug each other and all seems well.

Roll credits. Sue to a prior engagement with a cruise ship I will not be with you next week as I will be on the high seas heading for Norway. I will be back in two weeks' time.

So will the two pregnancies run smoothly, any bets on Steve running between delivery suites? What will Michelle do when she finds out (you cannot keep a secret on the Street for long)? Will Leanne and Si leave for Liverpool? Will Nick and Leanne give it another go? Will Peter return and throw a spanner in the works? Why is Rana keen for her parents to stay away? How soon will Gary find another one? How is Bethany's training going? What will emerge at the anniversary party on Monday?

These and many other questions will be answered in forthcoming episodes. Kate Oates has promised a return of humour (and Barlows) I hope it is spread around so that it is less gloomy and more optimistic generally.

Oh and a final observation - never, ever get the wrong side of Eva, that po-face could last for ever!


Monday 22 August

Written by Chris Fewtrell Directed by Neil Alderton

Eva and Leanne have had breakfast out together on Leanne's last day. Eva wants her to tell Nick why she's leaving but she refuses. Eva reckons it's because Nick would talk sense into her.

Bethany wants to go to the gym but Sarah wants her to stay around to support David as it's Kylie's birthday. David comes in struggling with a huge box. He went to the cemetery but passed a garden centre on the way back and spotted garden swings on offer so he bought one for the kids. Gail agrees that Kylie would love it and love that it's something fun for the kids. He shuffles with it towards the back door to take it outside. Bethany thinks David is just fine but Gail knows better. She says he's doing his best, there's a difference. And there is.

In the Bistro, Leanne has come to say goodbye to Steph. She's keeping with the party line, that she's going to Liverpool to be with Toyah. She's got a letter for Nick but doesn't want him to see it until she's gone but it's too late, Nick has come out from the kitchen and overheard and snatches it from her hand. She confesses that she didn't want to tell him face to face. Steph is sent to the kitchen. Nick has figured it out. She's not coming back. Leanne tries to explain that it would be too difficult working together. He promises to keep things strictly business but she counters with the really great job she's got to go to in Liverpool. He tries to convince her but she tells him she only planned to stay long enough for him to get back on his feet. He's crushed and when she holds out her hand to say no hard feelings, he takes it but moves in close and tells her that she can come to him if things don't work out. She rushes out, tearful.

Sharif has given Yasmeen an anniversary card and they muse on 45 years and look back on their wedding day. They each admit they had nerves on their wedding day looking at the commitment they had to make, overcoming their families' objections. They both say they have no regrets and share a joke about the chickens. Rana and Zeedan come in and pretend that they didn't know so Zeedan offers to make a nice meal tonight for them. Sharif reveals that he's already booked a nice lunch at the Bistro, followed by an exhibition in Liverpool and of course there's a surprise party in the making so Zeedan looks a bit worried. Yasmeen and Sharif go out together leaving the young couple exasperated. All the food and the guests are coming and they reckon they're going to have to cancel the party. Just then, Sharif comes back in because he's forgotten his wallet and overhears the bit about the party. What party? Oops.

Michelle has come to the cab office to remind Steve they have an appointment with the doctor at the surgery at 4. They're looking quite happy together. Leanne comes in to order a cab to the bus station and tells them that she's moving to Liverpool for Toyah's sake. Steve looks shocked at first but manages to pretend to be surprised. Michelle hugs Leanne and says they'll miss her and Michelle lets slip that she's pregnant too. Leanne already knew but has to recover and pretend she didn't. She vows to keep it to herself. Michelle takes off for the pub, telling Leanne she hopes it works out for her. After she leaves, Steve asks Leanne if she's going because of him. Well yes, but it's about more than that, she assures him. He tries hard to contain his relief and offers to pay the fare for her. She's sarcastic, advising him not to do a fist pump in the air until after she's gone. Ouch. He does apologize and wishes her luck. He must have no fingernails left the amount he's been chewing on them as he does when he's stressed!

Nick helps Simon lug the cases outside as they say their goodbyes. Leanne comes across from the cab office. It's very awkward between Nick and Leanne. She murmurs that he'll find someone but he reckons he probably won't, because he won't get hurt that way. Gee, thanks. They say goodbye and he leaves them standing in the rain.

Zeedan checks on his parents in the Bistro. Sharif suggests he might prefer to go home for a nap before they go back out but she's not having it. They are going to the exhibition. That's that. Zeedan and Sharif exchange a look and Zeedan "accidentally" knocks the orange juice over his grandfather and then suggests in a pointed tone of voice that he'll have to go home and change. Clearly, Sharif now knows about the party and they're trying to find a way to spring the surprise on Yasmeen.

The cab is loaded up, Eva and Ken are there to see them off with hugs. Eva tells Leanne she can still change her mind but she's determined. The cab drives off with Leanne looking sad.

After the break, we're in the Nazir home. It's all decorated and the guests are there. So far the guests are all neighbours, not sure why there are no other friends there, yet. There's a discussion on sapphires as the symbol for the 45th anniversary though Roy kind of knocks down the romantic idea of the deep blue stone by explaining the colour comes from impurities and the chemical makeup of the stone. Sharif and Yasmeen come in and everyone calls out SURPRISE! She's thrilled and emotional.

Bethany and Craig are talking in the back garden. He is asking her about the gym, because he wants to get fit before joining the police force. David is still trying to put the swing together but it doesn't seem to be going very well. He calls over to see if Craig would be any help. Gail joins Bethany and asks her if she wants tea. She says she's all right. Bethany pretends she is but Gail knows she's fretting about the exam results. What's done is done, Gail advises her. The swing is together but one very large screw is left over. A spare? I have a bad feeling about this. Sarah thinks it's ok and offers Lily the first ride. Lily doesn't want to so Bethany runs over and gets on the swing, offering to have Lily on it with her. She pushes back and forth but oh dear, the swing comes apart and Bethany lands on her backside. Everyone laughs and Max uses the dreaded F word (fat) while Craig takes a photo of her on the ground in a very un-Craig unthinking sort of way. Bethany feels humiliated.

Sharif is making a speech with old jokes about rocky marriages but they seem to be quite happy and comfortable together. Turns out he did remember to buy her a gift and tells her he's taking her on a honeymoon they never had, a European road trip starting in Bruges (a lovely city, if I do say so myself). Vienna, Venice, Rome and Paris are other destinations. Yasmeen is very surprised and she's quite pleased at the romantic gesture. There's a loud knock on the door and Rana goes to answer it while the others talk about Bruges. Roy again brings the mood down with a bit of trivia about a medieval slaughter that happened in Bruges. He just can't help himself, can he? Rana has let in a woman called Sonia, who must have been the only non-neighbour invited because Rana mentions "I thought you couldn't come". Yasmeen is excited to see her friend but Sharif freezes. When she asks about Sonia's husband, however, it turns out he's thrown her out. She had nowhere else to go. Yasmeen takes her into the kitchen. Sharif's face looks like thunder.

The kids are running around the yard. Craig is still talking to Bethany about the gym but she's run out of patience. She apologizes for snapping at him. He understands and she says she'll cope. Sarah, Gail and David talk about the kids having a good day. Gail remembers a package that came for Bethany which Nick had brought over. She goes inside to get it and opens it. It's a bottle of pills, like vitamins. Craig has come in for more crisps and notices but she says they're vitamins. She passes him a bowl of crisps. After he goes out she looks at them and puts them in her back pack, looking nervous.

Eva is sad, chewing on her nails. Aidan knows she's upset about Leanne and wonders why she didn't try harder to stop her. Eva takes a call from Leanne and it sounds like she's lost her tickets. Eva tells Aidan she thinks Simon probably nicked them not that it will do a lot of good. They were cheap and the busses run every hour. Aidan points out that it's held Leanne up and someone might be able to stop her. Nick. Aidan thinks she should go to Nick and persuade him to stop her, even if she has to tell him the truth.

Yasmeen, Sharif and Sonia are in the orangerie, with Yasmeen trying to comfort her oldest friend. Sonia feels bad to bring her troubles to them on their anniversary. We hear that they haven't been in touch for awhile. Yasmeen leaves her to go make tea, never mind the party. She exits into the house and Sharif glares at Sonia who apologizes. He asks why she had to show up here on this of all days.

Eva approaches Nick outside the Bistro. She's surprised Nick didn't try to stop her but Eva assures him Leanne does love him no matter what she said. He doesn't understand why she wouldn't tell him if she did love him, why does she have to protect him. Eva hums and haws. She stops him going back inside and tells him Leanne's pregnant.


Written by Susan Oudot and directed by Neil Alderton

The scene opens with Nick and Eva outside the Bistro. He wants answers to questions. What baby? Who is the father? Eva insists it's Nick who Leanne loves. She tells him if he doesn't go now he'll regret it for the rest of his life. Eva reminds Nick that he loves Simon like he's his own so can't he just ….. Nick points out that Leanne is pregnant with another man's child and goes back inside the Bistro.

At the bus station Leanne has bought some more tickets. She sends Simon off to buy something to eat then opens his bag to put away his headphones. As she does so, she spots the original tickets stuffed into the top. Leanne looks worried as she realises Simon doesn't want them to go.

While the party is going on in another room Sharif is talking to Sonia about her leaving her husband. He tells her she can't stay with them, she must go to a hotel. Yasmeen overhears this and says what utter nonsense. Sonia is a friend and she can stay for as long as she likes. Sharif looks decidedly put out.

Nick arrives at Platt Towers where Max is watching tv while everyone else is outside. David comes in and persuades Max to go out in the garden and join the others. He tells Nick that Max has good days and bad days but he's doing OK. David says he's decided to adopt Max. He may not be his flesh and blood, he says, but he feels like he's his own. Nick says it's what Kylie would have wanted and we can almost see the cogs turning in his brain as he thinks about his own situation with Leanne.

We return to the Nazirs' party where everyone is chatting away and Sonia is now surrounded by the family. They all seem delighted to see her again, apart from Sharif who is glowering in the corner. Alya asks him if he's OK and Sharif insists he's fine.

Round at the Platts' everyone is out in the garden. We hear the sound of an ice-cream van and Bethany offers to go and buy some for everyone. As she passes through the kitchen Gail joins her. Gail tells Bethany that she knows she has problems but she's a good girl. Her few kind words seem to have a magical effect on Bethany. As soon as Gail has gone Bethany reaches into her bag, takes out her pot of pills and throws them in the rubbish bin.

Michelle and Steve are at the doctor's for her first antenatal appointment. Michelle is clearly delighted that Steve now seems totally on board with the whole idea of them having a baby.

As Bethany walks away from the ice cream van she glances at her phone. She's so shocked by something on the screen that she drops Craig's cornet.

Back at the Platts' David's having a quite word with Nick. David mentions about Leanne leaving and Nick tells him she's pregnant. While this news is sinking in Bethany comes storming past and heads straight for Craig. He's posted a photo on-line of her falling off the swing and she's livid.

Leanne and Simon are still at the bus station. She asks him about the tickets. At first he denies hiding them but she's not cross, just concerned. Simon tells Leanne he knows she doesn't want to leave either and he begs her to ring Nick and tell him she wants to be with him. Leanne is adamant that they're leaving. While she heads off to the loo, Simon gets out his phone to ring Nick.

As the last of the guests leave the Nazirs' party, Rana apologises to Zeedan for not inviting her own family to come but explains they're not a normal like the Nazirs. Zee can't believe she thinks their family is normal but he gives her a kiss. Alya and Yasmeen disappear upstairs to make up a bed for Sonia, while Zee and Rana go off to the recycling bins, leaving Sharif alone with Sonia in the kitchen. He asks why her husband threw her out and if he suspects there's someone else. She says he suspects but he doesn't know. Sharif apologises for how he was earlier. Sonia says she understands but after seven years of "us" she thinks she knows how to cover her tracks. Sonia promises that Sharif has nothing to worry about and puts her arms around him as she says it could actually be quite a good thing for them …

Nick and David are discussing life and Leanne over some cans of lager. Nick wonders why ever little piece of happiness he has ends in misery. David asks his brother how many truly happy people he knows; he reckons we're all just pawns in some rotten game. Nick laughs ironically as David reminds him that he persuaded him to marry Carla and look how that ended up. "And then my wife, who I really loved, is dead," adds David. Nick looks sad and asks what the point is in anything. "You tell me," replies David.

Craig finds Bethany out in the street and tries to say sorry for posting the photo but she's still furious that everyone will see her as the fat girl who broke the swing. Craig says all the lads at school think she's dead fit but Bethany tells him to shut up, he doesn't know anything.

Nick walks out into the street as his phone rings. It's Simon. But instead of talking to him, Simon has put his phone on the table where it picks up his conversation with Leanne. Nick listens in while Leanne, oblivious to the fact that Nick can hear, tells Simon that she still loves Nick but they're getting on the coach and that's the end of it.

Michelle and Steve are back home where he's treating her like a princess. Michelle says she's gutted Leanne's gone. Steve swiftly changes the subject. He apologies for how he reacted when she first told him about the baby and says that he's now the happiest man on the planet.

Bethany comes home. Everyone is still out in the garden. She looks across at the rubbish bin and then delves inside to retrieve her pills and quickly swallows a couple before Gail comes in. Gail talks to her kindly and says she doesn't think Craig meant any harm earlier. She asks Bethany what she'd like for her tea. A look of panic crosses Bethany's face.

We return to Leanne and Simon who are about to board to coach. Simon has a last look round, hoping to spot Nick who is in fact, at that very moment, running through the coach station, looking for their bus. He gets to it just in time and leaps aboard, asking the driver to wait. While the other passengers show idle interest, Nick tells Leanne he wants her to say. She says she can't but Nick tells her that deep down, underneath all that uncertainty, he's always known she really loves him. He says that when he told her he loved her and she couldn't say it back he now knows why. "I know about the baby," says Nick.

Sonia is settling in at the Nazirs'. She comes downstairs where the family are all together and tells Yasmeen she's a very lucky woman. Yasmeen takes Sharif by the hand and replies that she knows, even though she doesn't always show it. Sonia watches as Yasmeen tenderly kisses Sharif on the cheek. Sharif catches Sonia's eye over his wife's shoulder. A puzzled expression crosses Alya's face.

Back at the bus the driver is waiting to leave. Nick tells Leanne if the reason she's leaving is because she's pregnant then she mustn't go. Leanne says it's a lot more complicated than that. Nick continues to tell Leanne she's his best friend and the love of his life. Leanne says believe her, he doesn't need this mess. But Nick isn't going to be dissuaded by anything. She asks what he's trying to say. Nick replies he doesn't know but if this is to work, if they are to work, then they have to have time. He says that if Leanne can tell him she doesn't love him then he'll walk away. With tears spilling from her eyes Leanne replies that she's loved Nick since she was sixteen. "Yes!" exclaims Simon from the seat beside her. "Let's go home," cries Leanne.


Wednesday 24 August

Leanne wakes up to find Nick sitting on the sofa, in a thoughtful mood. She asks if he's sure he's ok about the baby and he says he is, but his face says otherwise. She wants to talk to him, to sort it out, but he's evasive, and in the end she tells him he must decide if this is what he really wants. "I know," he says, but just goes off to get dressed.

Bethany is downstairs in the Platt's kitchen, and she quickly swallows a few of the pills from the bottle she has in her pocket, as Sarah starts coming downstairs, calling her. Sarah realises that tomorrow Bethany can go to school to get her exam results, but Bethany tells her mother she'll just get them sent out, she doesn't want to go to school and be surrounded by a load of screaming girls. Sarah remarks that she doesn't seem very bothered, and Bethany tells her it's no big deal. Sarah points out that this is her whole future they're talking about, unless she wants to be stuck in a dead end job. Bethany looks uncomfortable.

Leanne and Eva are walking down the Street when they're spotted by Tracy who calls out that she thought Leanne left yesterday. Leanne tells her she changed her mind, and walks on with her sister. Eva asks if she wants to meet for lunch, but Leanne has to go for her first scan later. As they walk on, we see that Tracy is on the phone to the hospital, finding out what time her own appointment is.

Sonia comes up behind Sharif in the kitchen, and is all flirty with him, asking for a kiss. He glances nervously towards the stairs and tells her they need to talk. He asks if she's spoken to her husband yet, and she says he sent her a text. She tells him it's safe to assume that her marriage is well and truly over. "Well mine isn't," he says, adding that whatever has been going on between them, nothing has changed, he can't leave Yasmeen. Just then Yasmeen comes downstairs and says she's going to start planning their road trip. She asks her friend how she slept. "Like a baby," is the reply. "That's because you have a clear conscience," says Yasmeen.

In the factory, Aidan asks Eva how things are between Leanne and Nick. Eva doesn't know, and she doesn't think Leanne knows either. "So she's staying here, not leaving?" asks Aidan. "I know you must be gutted about us not moving in together," says Eva, "but what am I supposed to do?" Aidan tells her not to beat herself up about it, and as Eva walks away he offers up a silent prayer of thanks.

Gary is showing Craig round the gym, and asking him what sports he's interested. Craig isn't actually interested in anything sporty, he's more the artistic type. Gary leaves him with a form to fill out, and while he's doing it, Bethany comes in. Craig apologises for posting the picture of her online, he says he shouldn't have done it, he knows what it's like to be criticised for the way he looks. She asks if they can just forget about it, and she walks off, going straight to the treadmill.

Nick goes to see Leanne, and she asks if he's had any more thoughts. He says it's all he's been thinking about, and all he knows is he doesn't want her to leave. "But I need to know," he says, "who's the father?"

Gail is outside her house, trying to get a reluctant Lily and Max to the Red Rec to play football. Max kicks the ball into the road, where it's fielded by Michael who is coming along. He kicks it and it ends up at the factory door, just as Aidan comes out, who kicks it back. Michael goes over to Gail and remarks that she's got her hands full, and offers to come to the Rec with her to help.

Leanne is telling Nick how it was a one night stand with someone she never saw again, and he doesn't know about the baby. She was scared that if she told him, he wouldn't want her. Then she tells him she has to get to the hospital, it's the first scan today. "Well come on then," he says, standing up, "I'll give you a lift."

Back in the gym, Bethany is still running on the treadmill, while Gary is helping Craig with some weights. Then, she stops the treadmill, gets off it, and collapses, unconscious.

Leanne and Nick are waiting in the hospital. She wonders if he wouldn't like to find someone with a lot less baggage than her, and he replies that he's not exactly traveling light. Just then she's called in, but Nick declines to go in with her, saying he'll wait there for her.

The sonographer is just about to start scanning when there's a knock on the door. Nick has changed his mind and hopes he hasn't missed it. Leanne smiles and tells him he's just in time. Up on the screen they see the baby, all arms and legs present and the heart is beating strongly. Leanne gets quite emotional at the sight.

Back in the gym, Bethany is sitting up and Gary reckons they should let her mum know. Bethany doesn't want to worry her, and wonders why Gary cares so much anyway. He tells her it's not normal to pass out, and wants to know what the problem is. Bethany says she doesn't know.

Michael, Gail and the children are on their way back from the Red Rec, when they meet Sarah pushing the pram. Michael takes Max into the Kabin for a comic, and Sarah asks Gail if there's something she should be telling her, as they seem to be getting very close lately. Gail says she thought so too, until she heard him defending Eileen Grimshaw the other day. Gail isn't sure what he thinks about her, or even if he cares. "Then ask him," says Sarah.

Inside the Kabin, Michael and Rita are chatting, when Michael looks across and sees Max put a small toy in his pocket.

Yasmeen tells Sharif and Sonia that she needs to go out for a while, there's a problem over a double booking at the community centre. As soon as she's gone, Sonia goes across to Sharif and tries to put her arms around him. "It's just the two of us now," she says. Sharif jumps up. "No," he says, "I can't do this, it's too dangerous while you're living here." They agree to be just friends for now.

Nick and Leanne are making their way out of the hospital when they pass the area where Tracy is waiting for her appointment. Although they don't see her, she sees them, and realises that they've come out of the antenatal department.

Back at Gail's house, she goes upstairs so Michael takes the opportunity to ask Max if he picked something up in the shop and forgot to pay for it. "No," says Max, at first, but then pulls the toy out of his pocket. Then he explains that tomorrow is Lily's birthday, and that Kylie used to get him something on Lily's birthday so that he wouldn't feel left out, but now she's not here any more. Michael is very gentle with him and tells him to keep it, he'll drop the money in to Rita and tell her he picked it up by accident. Then Gail comes down and Michael tells her that he really enjoyed the day, and she says she did too. She tells him she would like them to be together but he has to convince her that he doesn't have feelings for Eileen. Michael assures her that he doesn't feel about Eileen the way he feels about her. "Do you mean that?" asks Gail. "Cross my heart and hope to......" says Michael, "see you tomorrow."

Gary follows Bethany outside with her jacket that he left behind. She takes in and checks the pockets. He waves the pot of pills at her. "Looking for these?" She tells him they're only diet pills, but he says they are really dangerous. "You're not my dad," she says, "so leave me alone!" she snatches the pot of pills from him and walks off.

Leanne and Nick have arrived back in the Street in his van. She can't stop looking at the scan photo, and he says he's really pleased for her, he knows it's what she's always wanted. She thanks him for the lift and then he kisses her. "So what exactly is this then?" she asks him. He tells her he doesn't want her to do it on her own, he wants to be part of the baby's life, and her life. He loves her and wants to be with her. He starts say that he knows it's not going to be easy. "Nick," she says, stopping him, "just shut up and kiss me!" So they kiss again. Aaah!

Anne Logan.

Friday 26 August

As the southern hemisphere steals away our warmth, it's time to snuggle up for Friday.

We begin in Leanne's Tardis of a flat. Nick's made coffee and first Simon, then Eva, then Aidan come out and ask if he stayed the night. Leanne arrives with a big grin on her face and announces she and Nick are now together. Brilliant! That's Simon's opinion. He tells Leanne not to mess it up this time.

Ken's putting out the rubbish, only it's all changed - begs instead of bins, and front door instead of back. And yes, he's sure it's the right day and he's putting out the right sort of rubbish, he tells Tracy, though she points out that nobody else has put out any bags.

Bethany walks down the street and is quite sharp with Gary. She says she can't stop because she's going to school to get her exam results.

Phelan's cleaned the house and is arranging flowers (yes, you read that right) when Vince arrives demanding that 65 grand NOW! There's paperwork to do and Vince doesn't want to do it on his own. Phelan tries to tell him not today. Today, Eileen's coming home. Vince twigs that it's not Phelan's money but Eileen's.

Outside the salon, Audrey and Maria have a similar rubbish discussion to Ken and Tracy's. Though I think Audrey and Ken have put out different sorts of rubbish. Audrey reminds Maria she'll have to cope on her own this afternoon because David and Audrey will be at Lily's birthday party. Kate, Aidan and Sophie stop and ask Maria if she's coming to a boxercise taster class tonight. She doesn't think she will, though she changes her mind when someone mentions that Eva's not coming.

Gail's back cleaning at the bistro and tries to discuss Lily's party arrangements with Nick. She comments that he looks different.

Nick speaks to Leanne and tells her he thinks she and Simon should move into his flat. After all, he's got a bathroom and an en-suite bathroom. Leanne's tempted but wonders what Gail will think. Nick tells her not to worry about that - he's hatching a plan.

Maria's in the salon eating a salad when Aidan comes in and tells her off for not acting normal. He says it's obvious she's avoiding Eva and she should just act normal. Maria points out that him coming into the salon when he clearly doesn't need a haircut isn't exactly acting normal.

Gail ices Lily's cake and refuses all offers of help. Sarah wonders where Bethany's got to. The post arrives and she's annoyed to find the exam results aren't there.

Bethany's at the bus stop, weeping over her results. Gary sits beside her and she tells him she lied to Sarah about the results coming by post because she wanted to go to the school and check they were all right first. But they're not all right. Gary takes her for a coffee.

Nick's had an idea. He wants to commit as a parent to Simon and the baby, so why don't they just tell everyone that the baby is his? After all, it's not as if the father is around . . .

"You mean, lie to everyone?" asks Leanne. Of course. He wants them to be a family and the Platt-McIntyre-Rodwells lie all the time. No, he didn't exactly say that. He says it would be easier than having everyone watch him for signs of stress in bringing up another man's child, or to hear them saying how noble he is, bringing up a baby not his own. And it's no-one else's business. He gets a text from Robert. Leanne would like to talk more about this later but for now he has to go.

In the cafe, Bethany tells Gary she really has flushed away the pills. She gets a text which she says is from a mate. She tells him she's fine and he says that after all she's been through he wants her to understand that it's OK to ask for help. Sarah comes in and Bethany says Gary's helping her with her new gym programme. Sarah says the results didn't arrive and Bethany shrugs it off. Apparently they said there might be a delay with the marking. She'll ring later.

Maria's at the gym when Eva turns up. Seems she changed her mind about going.

Lily sits on David's knee to view her presents, including a locket from great-granny Audrey. The cake is brought out and Max gets into a bit of strop and goes upstairs, shouting that he doesn't want any cake. Michael tells the family about catching Max stealing and how Kylie always bought him a gift on Lily's birthday. David says he'll talk to him later.

At Eileen's, Phelan is trying to persuade Vince that he can get his hands on the money. Vince reckons there are plenty more blokes who want in. Eileen arrives home earlier than expected. She's introduced to Vince but doesn't seem that bothered and goes upstairs for a bath.

In the pub, Lily's family gather in booth for celebratory drinks, though Lily herself and Max are at home with Michael. Bethany explains away the exam results delay. Bethany heads for the loo but really she wants to tell Gary to meet her out the back.

Leanne and Nick come in and announce to the family that they're together again. "Hang on a minute," says Gail. "Have you gone stark raving mad?" At the counter there's a hissed conversation between Steve and Liz along the lines of "What's she doing here? Why isn't she in Liverpool?"

Max is in the back garden looking for a pebble. There are plenty there but he wants the one Kylie brought back from the beach instead of a shell. Michael gets down to help him look.

In the smoking area (the most deserted smoking area in the entirety of the UK) Bethany tells Gary she's 16 and should be able to make her own choices. Gary thinks she should tell her mother about the exam results.

Back in the pub, Bethany tells Sarah she lied about the exam results because they're so bad. She hands over the results.

Gail is busy telling Nick his own relationship history. Even Audrey thinks this announcement is a bit quick (Behind the bar: "Why is she here? Why isn't she in Liverpool?"). Gail thinks Nick's on the rebound and this a really bad bounce. All that's ahead is pain and heartache. Leanne has to remind Gail she is still there. Nick tells Gail he doesn't need her permission. He's 100 per cent sure he wants to be with Leanne. "You're both deluded," says Gail.

Tracy arrives and tells Nick and Leanne congratulations. Yes, she saw Leanne at the hospital yesterday. When's the baby due? And the camera show us Liz's face, Steve's face and Gail's face.

The end for now.
Margaret Carr

Written by Joe Turner and directed by Neil Alderton

Tracy relishes the reaction from the Platt family as the news she's just shared sinks in. Liz and Steve listen with horror from behind the bar. Gail asks if she's heard right, is Leanne really pregnant? As she squeezes Nick's hand under the table Leanne replies "we are" and says that it was her first scan and the baby's due in the Spring and they're very happy about it. Audrey says that's good news while everyone else is struck dumb.

Out in the Rovers backyard, Gary watches as Sarah takes in the news of Bethany's terrible exam results. Sarah blames herself for being a rubbish mother. She promises that from now on things will be different. She's grateful to Gary for being there as someone that Bethany could talk to.

Meanwhile Liz has grabbed Steve out the back for a desperate, whispered conversation. What's going on with Leanne? Steve has no more idea than she has. Liz asks Steve how he feels about Nick raising his child and pretending to be the Dad. Before he can reply Michelle appears. She says she has bad news. Can Liz and Steve take another shock? They breathe a simultaneous sigh of relief when Michelle admits she forgot to put the chicken in the oven so tea won't be ready for another couple of hours.

At the gym the girls are at their boxercise class. They split into pairs and Eva is with Maria. As Maria holds up the pads, Eva punches out her frustrations over Aidan. Maria reels under the force of her blows, as Eva pants that she doesn't know what happened to make Aidan change his mind about moving in with her but she's glad he did.

Back in the Rovers, Gail is questioning Nick and Leanne. She asks Nick rather pointedly when the date of his wedding to Carla was and states the obvious that Nick and Leanne haven't been going out together for three months. In the understatement of the year, Leanne mutters it's a bit complicated. Nick says they were confused about their feelings. "Even after you were pregnant?" asks Gail. Nick tells his mother to stop with the interrogation. David says they should never take relationship advice from him and then offers his congratulations. Tracy can't resist sharing the news with Sarah and Bethany as they walk past her on their way back to the table. Nick orders some Champagne and asks Tracy to join them. After all, he says, she did break the good news. Nick and Leanne go up to the bar where Leanne hardly dares look at Liz and Steve.

Over at the table Sarah breaks the news about Bethany's exam results. Gail says she's not surprised after the letter from the school. Sarah knows nothing about any letter. Gail explains it was while she was in hospital and they didn't want to worry her. Sarah is now convinced it's her fault. Bethany insists it's not but she decides to go home as she's not in the mood for celebrating. Neither is Gail by the look on her face when Nick returns with the Champagne.

Meanwhile back home at Platt Towers Max is delighted to have found his special pebble in the garden. He shows it to Michael who has something to give him. It's the box his football boots came in. Michael suggests he should use it as a memory box for Kylie. Max thinks it's a brilliant idea and gives Michael a big hug before running off to fetch a birthday card from his mum to add to the box.

Round at Eileen's she and Phelan are relaxing on the sofa with a glass of wine. At least Eileen is relaxing but Phelan is on tenterhooks wanting to know if she spoke to Jason about the investment. Eileen plays along for a few minutes before putting Phelan out of his misery and telling him that Jason thinks the development sounds like a brilliant idea. Oh dear. If only poor Jason knew what he's agreed to.

Kate, Sophie, Eva and Maria are leaving the gym after their class. Kate and Sophie go off together leaving Eva and Maria. Eva apologises for going on about Aidan earlier when Maria has just split up with Luke. She offers her services if Maria needs someone to talk to. Maria declines but Eva tells her not to go moping on her own as she's her mate.

Back in the Rovers Nick is trying to keep up people's spirits. He tells Sarah that nowadays people can re-sit exams as many times as they like. Gail asks if he and Leanne are really sure about their relationship. Nick puts a reassuring arm around Leanne who announces she's just going to nip to the toilet.

In the Ladies' Leanne is taking a few deep breaths when Steve bursts through the door. He wants to know what's going on. Is Nick the father? No he's not, says Leanne and no, he doesn't know who really is. Steve has a quick think then decides this is good news. Everyone thinks it's Nick's baby, he gets to play Daddy and it's happy days he says. Leanne, meanwhile, couldn't agree less. She's just spent the last hour lying to everyone she cares about and she doesn't know if she can do this.

Bethany's at the gym. As she sets up the treadmill, who should appear at her shoulder making nasty comments but Lauren, the school bully.

We return to the Rovers where Gail is moping into her Champagne. Audrey tries to reassure her – at least Nick and Leanne know each other, warts and all, and this time there are no secrets …. At the bar, Nick is buying more bubbly. He invites Steve to join the celebrations. "I don't mind if I do, Daddy," he replies, looking straight at Leanne.

Across the room Phelan is on the phone, letting his mate know he's got his hands on the money.

At another table Tracy's gossiping to Eileen about Leanne's pregnancy.

Michelle appears behind the bar. She struggles to keep the surprise of her face when Nick shares the news that Leanne is expecting his baby.

Back in the gym, Lauren is taunting Bethany and calling her "lardy" is she works on her exercises. The verbal abuse turns physical. Lauren kicks Bethany who sits up and slaps Lauren across the face. Luckily the whole episode is witnessed by Gary who throws Lauren out.

Aidan is having his tea with Simon and Eva. Eva is worried about Maria splitting up with Luke. She's decided to make it her mission to find her a new bloke, one as good as Aidan she tells him. As they talk, Leanne and Nick come in with some news. Leanne and Simon are going to move into Nick's flat. Simon and Eva are delighted. Aidan tries to hide his disappointment – this means he can now move in with Eva. Nick says there's even more good news and Leanne tells them Nick's the father. Eva is understandably confused at this revelation.

Round at the Platts' Max is showing David his memory box. David thanks Michael as he takes Max up to bed. Gail is delighted, too. She mentions that she saw Eileen earlier. Michael asks how he can prove that the only person he wants is Gail. Gail tells him the only person she wants is Michael as they take each other's hand.

As Gary leaves the gym with Bethany he asks her about the bullying. She explains she can't tell Sarah because she already has enough on her plate so Gary announces he's going to help her on the understanding Bethany meets him halfway. She's back at school next week and Gary says he's going in with her to report Lauren.

Michelle, Steve and Liz are having their tea. Michelle is talking about Leanne and Nick. She wonders if they were already seeing each other when Nick was meant to be marrying Carla. Steve tries to keep out of the conversation. Michelle's pleased that she has her pregnancy buddy back and tells Steve he and Nick can argue about who buys the cigars. Liz and Steve can hardly look at each other.

Back at Leanne's, once she and Eva are finally on their own, Eva wants to know about the bloke in the bar. Did he really exist or was it Nick all along? Leanne sticks to the Nick story. Eva looks hurt that Leanne lied to her but covers up well and tells Leanne she must feel like a right spoon now and says it looks like she might actually get her happy-ever-after ending. Leanne forces a smile.


Monday 29 August

Written by Jan McVerry Directed by Menjhaj Huda

Maria and Liam are walking through the Red Rec with Ozzy who shoots off towards a park bench. There's a pile of clothes on it and underneath, someone is sleeping. It turns out to be Caz!

Johnny is in the middle of making breakfast to take into Jenny but she comes out before he can get it to her. She appreciates it, and the lovely flat, something one could get used to. Johnny has concerns about Rita but Jenny tells him Rita can keep her secret. Johnny proposes that she go back to bed and he'll serve up breakfast but she's decided to leave now lest anyone spots her sneaking out later.

Maria sends Liam off to play with the dog and sits down with Caz. Caz has been discharged from the army and she's had nowhere to go so she's been sleeping rough. Apparently, Caz took against any help the army might have tried to give her as patronizing and told them to stuff it and this is the result. She didn't go to her parents because she is certain they wouldn't approve. She looks pleading at Maria but Maria doesn't want to take the chance. She gives Caz the money she has which isn't much and wishes her luck, leaving Caz in tears.

Aidan has had Eva staying over at the pub, he preferred that to the chaos that the flat is in. Eva comments that she hasn't missed living the pub with the smell of stale beer and Liz's gagging perfume. She brings up the subject of Leanne keeping the secret about Nick being the baby's father. Eva instructs Aidan to pack his stuff while she goes and checks on Maria who has been feeling down. She thinks Maria needs to move on to a new fella. Aidan redirects the conversation, pleading with her in a whiny voice to spend the day with him instead. She smiles and points out he gets to spend the night with her and every night from now on, hopefully forever. He looks a bit ill at that suggestion. She realized she kind of crossed a line there and backs off, kissing him goodbye to go and get herself sorted.

Eileen has been given an armload of paperwork behind the project. Phelan sees Sally across the street and runs across to talk to her about the development. Sally sighs and says she doesn't really have time. Tim moans that she barely has time for him!

Around the corner, Simon is lugging a large duffel bag while Leanne has a much smaller one. Michelle and Liz see them and they offer Steve's help but Leanne tries to stop that quickly. Michelle won't take no for an answer and phones Steve.

Back to Vinny and Phelan and Eileen, Eileen is urging Phelan to go to the yard while he's looking over Sally's shoulder at her diary. She has a window at lunch and he offers to buy it for her and maybe even a drink. He even offers to drive her to a 2 p.m.. appointment. She agrees and leaves. Phelan tells Vinny she's like putty in his hands. Vinny hopes so because they need planning permission or the investment and the land is going to go down the potty.

Maria arrives at the salon and is about to tell Audrey she's seen Caz but Eva comes and sits down from the back room, intent on having her roots done. It's bank holiday but she must have persuaded Audrey. Maria isn't best pleased. She was only there for a couple of hours for stock taking but Audrey seems to be a soft touch and now she'll have Eva's roots to contend with.

In the cafe, Cathy, Roy, and Gary are at a table with Alex and commiserating with him. The building where he goes to a film club has been sold to be redeveloped for posh flats so it will be shutting down and a newly arrived Tim realizes it's the project Pat Phelan's working on. Cathy offers a petition but Gary reckons once Phelan gets his claws into something he doesn't let go.

Audrey and Eva are both having a go at Maria, Audrey bringing up a few of Maria's man-mistakes like Tony Gordon and how she's let Luke slip through her fingers. In the course of the conversation we also hear that Liam will be at a sleepover tonight. Will this be significant? Possibly. Anyway, she tells them she's seen Caz sleeping rough in the Red Rec after being kicked out of the army. Audrey doesn't have a lot of sympathy because she doesn't trust Caz, though feels she doesn't deserve to be sleeping rough. Eva urges Maria to come out with she and Aidan tonight. That's a no, then.

Craig still hasn't heard back from his application to the police force. He's in the factory where there appears to be an overtime shift in process (Izzy is there and Gary was in the cafe. Where was Jake?) Beth doesn't think much of Craig's chances due to the number of applicants and men much older than he is. Johnny comes out of the office, thanks them for coming in to work on a bank holiday. He mentions an upcoming trade fair in Bournmouth and then leaves. Sean then tells everyone to down tools. They all squeal in anticipation.

Eva is telling Audrey and Maria about finding the little Polish girl earlier this year. Eva says she believes in Karma and you make your own luck in this world, citing Audrey as a prime example. She then gushes about Aidan whom she thought at first was a real player but he turned out to be just the opposite, treating her like a princess. She goes on and on about all his good qualities while Maria practically rolls her eyes out loud behind her. Eva tries again to persuade Maria to go out with them until Maria snaps her head off. She doesn't want to be a third wheel with the two of them all loved up and then hisses that Eva should enjoy it all while it lasts because it's not going to. That makes her sound like it's a reaction to losing Luke though the viewer knows it's about a lot more than that. Anyway, Maria then takes a low blow at Audrey, implying she ended up where she did by sleeping with the right fella (Alf!) She flounces out leaving Audrey gobsmacked and Eva offended.

After the break, we're in the factory where long while lengths of silk are being hung down from a railing and popcorn and snacks are being distributed. It's movie afternoon at the factory, a bank holiday treat. Jenny is shocked and questions how they're going to explain the drop in productivity and is told that the rest of them stockpiled extra knickers. everyone lines up their chairs in front of the "screen". Jenny is appalled but even Kate is looking forward to it.

Caz is in the park still. A lad comes along and falls off his bike. She goes to help but it's a ruse, another lad comes behind her and steals her backpack and everything she's got left in the world.

Steve hands Aidan a couple of drinks to take over to Sally and Phelan and asks him to mind the bar for a bit, claiming his back is aching. Phelan and Sally are going over the paperwork and she's impressed and will support it with the committee. They chink glasses in a toast. Eva comes in, angry. She points out to Aidan that no, she doesn't look any different in spite of being at the salon because Maria went off on one on her, had a pop at Aidan and went off in a strop. She asks if there's something she should know, some ancient Connor beef or something. Aidan just makes out is a normal Maria thing. He's heard that she's a piece of work from a few people. Eva thinks it's personal and she asks Aidan if he's messed around with one of her mates. That's pretty close! He swears he's never had anything to do with any of Maria's mates. True, that. At least he can look her in the eye and be honest about that statement. He hugs her to comfort her. She asks if he's packed but he hasn't had the chance since he's been helping Steve with the bar, Steve having been railroaded by Michelle into helping Leanne move. Aidan's phone rings and he sees it's Maria. He ignores the phone and tells Eva to keep her distance from Maria. Even when Eva leaves, and the phone rings again, he ignores it and throws it down on the bar.

Looks like the move has finished. Liz, Michelle and Leanne are in the cafe when Gail comes in toting a plant. They make a bit of a joke about it being a mother-in-law plant with spiky leaves but Gail admits it's a peace lily, having decided to make the best of it for Nick's sake. She's eager to help out if and when she's needed with the baby (which she thinks is her grandchild, remember) while Liz sits there biting her tongue. (because it *is* her grandchild!) Leanne is gracious with Gail.

Tim comes in with Sally to see Alex, to get him to tell Sally about what's happened with his film club. Sally is dismayed. She asks if there isn't another place they could rent but there are other groups that use the facility as well.

Gary helps Craig who's overdoing the heavy lifting. He offers to help Craig with his training if Craig does something for him, keep an eye on Bethany. He's worried about her with all the stuff that's gone on in her life and asks Craig if he can be there as a friend for her.

Maria comes out of the flat. There's someone wearing a jacket and hoodie on the salon bench. Not sure if that's significant or not. Aidan rushes over to holler at Maria to stop ringing him. He's upset that she went off on Eva when all Eva wants is to be her friend. No, she doesn't think that's a good idea and she tells Aidan to keep Eva away from her. The bloke on the bench gets up and he looks rather shifty. He walks over to the door to Maria's flat and he's got a crowbar.

Phelan is watching telly at home. Sally has come over to convey her news. She's not withdrawing her support as such but she's concerned that the building that's being torn down is going to adversely affect the community. She's going to have some more thinking to do.

Maria heads home with her shopping and sees that her door has been broken in. She tentatively goes inside, calling the dog. Upstairs the hoodie guy is going through her stuff. She creeps up the stairs, calling for the dog. The man hides, crowbar in hand as she comes into the flat that she sees has been ransacked.


Written by Mark Wadlow and directed by Menhaj Huda

As Maria looks round in horror at the mess in her flat the intruder leaps up from his hiding place, grabs Maria and pushes her violently onto the floor, before legging it out of the door.

Phelan is still trying to convince Sally that his housing development is more important than a few community clubs but as she points out, she's only one committee member so the decision doesn't rest on her shoulders. After Sally's gone Eileen says it's a good job she hasn't transferred the money yet but Phelan tells her she has to do it and he guarantees they'll get the planning permission they need.

Caz comes along the street and spots Maria's open front door. She goes upstairs where she finds the flat in a mess and Maria lying on the floor. Maria starts to come round. She has a nasty bash on her head. Caz gets the first aid kit then calls the police.

In the factory everyone's enjoying the film in their makeshift cinema. Well, all except Jenny who wonders if they shouldn't be getting back to work. They tell her to stop fussing, Johnny won't be back for hours. Whereas in fact he is just drawing up outside in a taxi. Kate manages to raise the alarm in time for everyone to move their chairs, switch off the projector and jump back behind their machines. Luckily he doesn't spot the sheets which were hanging up to make a screen. The moment Johnny disappears inside his office they take them down but Jenny doesn't look at all happy at their behaviour.

Caz is tending to Maria when the police arrive. They don't appear to notice the large gash on her head and launch straight into taking a statement. As Caz stands in the background looking shifty, Maria describes how she came home and found someone had broken into the flat.

Craig has started a keep fit regime in preparation for joining the police. After completing a 2k speed walk he invites Bethany to join him for a healthy lunch. She declines so he suggests they just hang out together instead. Bethany asks why he's being to weird.

Further along the street Dev and Steve are helping Nick to move Leanne's stuff into his flat. Nick tells them that this baby is the best thing that could have happened for them both. Steve looks awkward.

Meanwhile, in Nick's flat, Gail is sharing baby photos with Leanne and Michelle and talking in glowing terms about Harry and his future baby cousin being able to play together when they're older. Liz stands in the background with steam practically coming out of her ears. The men arrive with Leanne's stuff. Gail looks lovingly at Nick and announces that she loves all of her grandchildren but this one is a bit special as it will be the firstborn of her firstborn. Liz can't bear to listen to any more and hisses to Steve to get her out of there before she says something she'll regret or, more to the point, he'll regret.

Craig and Bethany are in the cafe. Craig suggests going to the pictures together and Bethany asks if he's hitting on her. Craig is mortified and says they're just mates. He admits that Gary has asked him to keep an eye on her. Bethany smiles to herself when Craig tells her that Gary really cares about her.

Eileen's still worried, she thinks she should ring Jason but Phelan tells her he'll take care of everything. As he sets off up the road he bumps into Alex and starts a very matey conversation with him about the film club. He tells Alex he'd like to pick his brains and invites him to go for a pint.

Caz is on her way to the hospital with Maria when they pass the salon. Audrey comes out and offers to take her instead. Maria thanks Caz for all her help and says she's been brilliant. Caz seems genuinely upset. Luke and Andy come across and ask what's been going on. Luke wants to check if she's OK but Caz advises him to leave her alone. As the men walk away Caz looks cross the street and catches sight of Maria's intruder hovering in the alleyway. He looks back at her.

Caz is talking to the intruder. She tells him he was supposed to be in and out fast. He says he only turned the place over because she asked him to but he managed to pick up a few bits of jewelry and a watch which he hands to Caz. Caz says Maria wasn't meant to be there, it was only going to be a burglary but now it's GBH. Caz says if they both get caught they could go down for a very long time.

Eva and Aidan are having a drink in the Rovers. Eva can't believe Maria's been burgled. She wants to go and see if Maria's OK but Aidan's not keen. So she suggests she could help him pack up his stuff ready for his move. He doesn't seem keen on that idea, either.

Luke is also worried about Maria but Andy tells him the relationship is over and he needs to move on.

Phelan is talking to Alex about his development. Alex says he'd like to live in a penthouse. Phelan tells Alex he's just given him an idea and he offers to buy him another pint.

Over in the factory Jenny goes to the storeroom to fetch something and Johnny slips in behind her. He thinks they've gone in for a quick cuddle but Jenny wants to tell him that her workmates are taking advantage of him. She fills him in on the film incident. Johnny is furious and vows to wipe the smile off their faces but he promises not to drop Jenny in it.

Back in the Rovers Caz is by the bar. Maria comes back from the hospital. She's been prescribed painkillers and Caz quickly offers to go and pick them up for her. Luke also volunteers his services and says he can stay over if she likes – on the sofa, he adds, hastily. Maria thanks him but turns down the offer.

We return to the factory where Johnny spots an empty popcorn bag on the floor. Everyone starts to look awkward as he steers the conversation round to the subject of cinemas before announcing that he's a fair minded boss but he won't be made a mug of. Their secret is out and everyone promises it won't happen again. Johnny wants to make sure they've got the message loud and clear. He tells them he's docking their wages and walks out. Sean wants to know how Johnny found out – has someone grassed on them?

Phelan goes round to Sally's with Alex in tow to tell her about his great idea. Tim is skeptical, he doesn't trust anything Phelan has to say but Sally tells him to shut up, it's council business. Phelan asks Sally what she thinks about his idea of setting aside five flats on the ground floor of his development, all specially adapted for "people like Alex". Sally falls for it and thinks it sound like a great idea.

Back in the Rovers Michelle asks Steve if his mum is OK as she was acting very strangely when they were with Gail earlier. Steve brushes it off and then goes through to the back where Liz is definitely not OK. Steve thinks everything's turned out really well, with Nick now happy to claim to be the baby's father. A furious Liz tells Steve that only he could admire someone for how well they can tell a lie. She can't cope with the thought of Gail believing she's the baby's grandmother. As far as Steve's concerned it's not an issue as Liz and Gail will be getting one grandchild each. Liz tells Steve they're talking about babies, not slices of cake and she reminds him that the baby will be growing up across the street and they'll have to see it every day while someone else will be rocking it to sleep and hearing its first words. Liz says it will break her heart and it's going to break Steve's. He replies angrily that it's got a mum and dad and it doesn't need him.

We move to Maria's flat where the doorbell rings. It's Caz with the painkillers. Maria's nervous, she doesn't think she'll sleep well. She asks Caz if she'll stay with her. Caz does her best to hide a smile and asks if Maria's sure. Just for tonight, says Maria. Caz replies that she'll be safe with her.


Wednesday 31 August

Tim and Sally are in the cafe, the conversation comes round to their friends and neighbours being ripped off, and Tim nods over towards Phelan, who is sitting with Eileen. Sally tells him to keep his voice down, and points out that she's only doing her job. Tim reminds her that her job is to serve her community. "That's not fair," she says, "I'm not the enemy." "No," says Tim, pointing at Phelan, "he is. I just wish that you'd see it!"

At another table in the cafe, Eileen is worrying about making the large transfer of bank funds and Pat asks if she's having second thoughts. She says she isn't, but adds that it is a lot of money. He tells her they're going to double, or even treble it. "So, we're good to go? No doubts?" he asks her. "None whatsoever," says Eileen, nervously.

Caz is cleaning the kitchen when Maria wanders in. There's obviously something on her mind, and when Caz presses her she says that she thought Caz would be leaving today. Caz is obviously disappointed and says she must've misread the situation. Maria offers her money, a loan until she gets on her feet. "When would you like me out?" asks Caz, and Maria tells her she can stay another couple of days. Just then the phone rings, but when Maria answers it, it seems that there's no one there, until finally Maria's mother speaks to her. Caz looks on, taking it all in.

Steve finds Liz doing paperwork in the living room of the pub, and offers to take over for her, so she can get some 'me' time. He says it might help to clear her mind. "Oh, clear my mind?" asks Liz, "you mean pretend that Leanne isn't pregnant with you child?" Steve says he didn't mean that, and thinks she's being very over sensitive about it, just as Michelle comes into the room and wants to know what they're talking about. Steve mumbles something about adding up, and Liz gathers her books together and says she's going to go upstairs where she can get peace and quiet. When she's gone, Michelle wonders what's eating Liz, she was off yesterday as well.

Johnny and Jenny are having a quiet chat in a corner, she's worried that the girls might find out it was her who shopped them if he punishes them. Aidan comes along so Johnny pretends that he's caught Jenny skiving and tells her off. When she's gone, Aidan remarks that he was a bit hard on her.

Maria and Liam are chatting on the sofa when the phone rings again, and again it seems that there is no one there. "Who is it, Mum?" asks Liam, and Maria tells him it must be a wrong number. Outside, across the Street, Caz takes her phone away from her ear and stands looking up at the flat window.

The factory workers are wondering how Johnny knew about them watching a film. Beth wonders if Kate told on them, but Kirk is sure she's not a grass, and Kate assures them she wouldn't betray her friends. Sally tells them they were caught red-handed, they should accept their punishment with good grace and move on. Just then Johnny and Aidan come out of the office and Johnny has another go at them for not working.

Todd comes into the taxi office looking for Eileen, but finds Tim there instead. He says that Eileen went out over an hour ago, saying she would only be half an hour. Just then Phelan comes in and asks Tim if Eileen is back from the bank yet. "Bank?" queries Todd. Phelan tells him that Eileen is transferring Jason's money today, and it's an amazing opportunity. Todd thinks the only thing amazing is his mother's gullibility. Phelan assures him that he's only got his family's best interests at heart. When Phelan has gone, Tim turns to Todd. "That guy is slipperier than a greasy used car salesman," he says. Todd agrees with him. "Yet my mum still worships the ground he walks on," he says. "She's not the only one, mate," says Tim.

Caz and Maria are eating pizza, and Caz asks if she's all right, she seems on edge. Maria says she's just got a bit of headache, and then asks Caz where she's going to go. Caz thinks a hostel probably, it won't be another park bench. Maria tells her to keep in touch. Just then Liam comes in, holding his dad's watch which Maria says was stolen. He says he just knocked over Caz's bag and it fell out!

Caz tells Maria that she found the watch in the Street, near the gym, yesterday, she never put two and two together that it could belong to Maria, but realises now that the burglar must have dropped it. Just then the phone rings, but Maria doesn't move to answer it, telling Caz that she's had a couple of weird phone calls today.

In the factory, Aidan asks the workers who is up for overtime at the weekend, but there are no takers, so he goes into the office and comes back out with Johnny, who asks if they're all having a laugh. They tell him that they're within their rights and they want to know how he found out about the film. He says it's none of their business, but Sally points out that it is their business if management are spying on them. There then ensues a battle of words between Johnny and Sally about workers rights, which ends up with Sally walking out, declaring that she's on strike. The other workers quickly follow her. "Nice one Dad," says Aidan.

Eileen arrives home to find Todd there. He tells her he knows she went to the bank, and says that Jason is going to be 60 grand out of pocket. She tells him it's a sound investment, he says it's a stitch-up. "I've seen the paperwork," she says. He replies that she's just seen what Pat wants her to see, he's playing her like a violin. She tells him she doesn't want another word on the subject.

The factory workers are in the pub, telling Tim how great Sally was.

Steve comes into the bar and Michelle asks him how his chat with Liz went, but he hasn't spoken to her yet, he's just about to. She pats him and tells him to be tactful. "Tactful is my middle name," he says.

Tim and Sally move across to the bar and have a quiet chat on their own. He apologises for what he said about her not caring about her friends, but still thinks he's right about Pat. She asks if they can just agree to disagree, and leave it at that.

Caz is just getting on the bus when Maria and Liam come running up, telling her to wait, they don't want her to go. Caz says she doesn't want to be a burden. "Please stay," says Liam, so she agrees to stay and they all hug.

In the office at the factory, Johnny and Aidan are disagreeing about the situation with the workers. Johnny says they have to show a united front, to set an example. Aidan tells him that engaging with the staff isn't a weakness. "Oh spare me all the lovey-dovey stuff," says Johnny. Aidan asks him why it always has to be a battle, the workers are not the enemy. "This conversation is over!" snaps Johnny.

Steve finds Liz watching TV and tells her to snap out of her mood or Michelle is going to start asking questions. Liz tells him she's not going to apologise for having feelings, this baby is part of her too. Steve says there's no other choice, but Liz points out he could tell the truth. He tells her that is never going to happen. "So when Gail starts prattling on about HER grandchild, I just have to grin and bear it?" says Liz. "Yes, you got it in one!" says Steve, adding that Leanne was a mistake, the biggest mistake he's ever made, but what runs a close second was involving her. "We're in this for the long run, if you can't deal with it, then......." "Then what?" asks Liz. "Then we are going to have to rethink the living arrangements." "You would kick me out?" asks Liz, incredulous. "If that's what it takes to save my marriage, yes, you bet I would!" says Steve.

Anne Logan

Updates written by K Richard Whitbread, Martin Rosen,Duncan Lindsay, Christine Warren, Ann Logan, Margaret Carr, Tvor, Karen Jankel.