July - December 1991

3246 - Monday 1 July 1991
Rita tries to act as a go-between for Alf and Audrey. She seems to have had some effect, since Audrey tries to go see Alf but, as she approaches the shop, she sees Ivy going in ahead of her, and turns away.

Deirdre learns from Dean Lockwood that there have been no paychecks for two weeks, but Dean isn't worried because Phil has "always put things right in the past".

Jackie gets a mysterious call from Ralph Dobson, who has an offer from his unnamed current employer to buy Ingram's.

Phil asks Mike to loan him £6,000, but Mike can't do it because of the problems with the business.

As Alma is closing up the cafe, Ivy comes hammering at the door, seeking Audrey. Alf has collapsed at the Corner Shop, and has been taken to hospital by ambulance.

[Credits back to half-scroll format, this time for good.]

Written by BARRY HILL Directed by DAVID RICHARDS

Cast: Alma Audrey Ivy Ken Rita Emily Percy Dean Lockwood CHRIS HARGREAVES Deirdre Don Gail Mike Jackie Phil Mavis Betty Ralph Dobson MICHAEL LEES Alec


3247 - Wednesday 3 July 1991
Alf is in satisfactory condition in hospital. It's not his heart again: the doctors have diagnosed nervous exhaustion. Audrey is back in the house, and decides to keep Phyllis on as housekeeper.

Emily Bishop has finally realised what she wants, and reveals to Percy that she plans to sell the house and emigrate: to Rhos-on-Sea in North Wales.

Phil reads Deirdre the speech he plans to make, as Best Man, at Mike and Jackie's reception. In it, he makes joking references to Mike's past exploits with women. Deirdre is furious, but Phil doesn't understand why - until she explains about her affair with Mike.

Mike is working too hard and Jackie is concerned about their wedding, which is tomorrow. Lynne, one of the workers at Ingram's, seeks out Ivy with the tale of the bankruptcy of Ingram's best customer. Behind Mike's back, Jackie makes a deal with Ralph Dobson to sell the firm.

Cast: Jackie Mike Emily Betty Percy Mavis Audrey Gail Ivy Don Deirdre Dean Lockwood CHRIS HARGREAVES Phyllis Derek Phil Alec Alma Lynne POLLY HIGHTON Ralph Dobson MICHAEL LEES


3248 - Friday 5 July 1991
The guests gather for the wedding of Michael Vernon Baldwin and Jacqueline Rachel Ingram, while Ralph busies himself in Mike's office, doing an evaluation for Jackie and generally poking through the books.

Ivy leaves the Corner Shop to work at Bettabuys, and Audrey does not make her departure easy or comfortable.

Percy vociferously protests to Emily about her plan to sell up and move, but every objection he raises comes down to "you're so old", and this does not produce the desired result!

Alma is not handling well the fact of Mike's wedding day. Jackie chooses to tell Mike what she's done about the factory just as they are leaving the reception for their honeymoon.

Cast: Mike Jackie Emily Percy Gail Audrey Alma Hazel Lightfoot CAROLINE HOLDAWAY Ralph Dobson MICHAEL LEES Deirdre Phil Estate Agent [Mr Simpson] NICHOLAS FRY Ivy Registrar GEOFFREY ANNIS Gordon Barrett CARL FORGIONE Phyllis Betty Alec Ken Don


3249 - Monday 8 July 1991
This episode covers both Sunday and Monday. Jackie and Mike are having a pretty grumpy honeymoon, but she's beginning to see that she was in the wrong to have tried to arrange sale of the factory without consulting him first. So they return home early, and Mike goes to sling Dobson out. But he's too late: Dobson already knows everything about Alcazar Holdings, and he now tells Jackie all about it.

Ivy goes to work her first day at Bettabuys with Vera.

Percy is beginning to look for new lodgings, and shows the depth of his distress by - perhaps for the first time - not wearing his flat cap but, rather, a Panama hat.

Cast: Don Ken Ivy Jack Emily Percy Sally Kevin Alma Jackie Baldwin Waitress ANNE LOUISE HORNBY Head Waiter CHRIS WORTH Mike Vera Ralph Dobson MICHAEL LEES Gail Phyllis


3250 - Wednesday 10 July 1991
Jackie confronts Mike about Alcazar Holdings, and he admits that what Ralph Dobson said is true--and tells her the rest as well, but she has to visit Alma to corroborate his story.

Sally is negotiating with Audrey to return to work in the Corner Shop. Percy sabotages a potential sale of Emily's house when a Mr Wallace and his mother come by to have a look.

Dean is at last getting worried at how late his paycheck is, and Phil goes to see Mike again, but gets nowhere - even when he lowers his request to £3,000. (Phil is later seen in the Rovers', morose and very drunk. Jack says something meant to be consoling, but it gives Phil an idea.)

Jackie forgives Mike, but delivers a stern warning: No more secrets!

Written by ADELE ROSE Directed by RICHARD SIGNY
Cast: Mike Jackie Kevin Sally Emily Percy Jack Mavis Vera Ruby Mottram ANN RYE Hazel Lightfoot CAROLINE HOLDAWAY Dean Lockwood CHRIS HARGREAVES Phil Betty Alma Gail Mr Wallace GARY LUCAS Rosie Webster EMMA COLLINGE


3251 - Friday 12 July 1991
Percy sabotages yet another potential sale of Emily's house (to a Mrs Cudlip), by portraying the neighbourhood as overrun by teenage motorcyclists, drunks, and "single parents" (meaning Deirdre). Nevertheless, Reg Holdsworth is seen in the Rovers' to be inquiring of Betty whether Emily's house is still available.

Phil's employees are now on his back about overdue wages, so he goes back to Mike, hat in hand, this time asking for a mere £500 loan. When Mike coldly turns him down again, he nicks the pen from Mike's desk and goes to see Jackie. Whatever he tells her (and we know this includes Mike's affair with Deirdre, and his marriage to Ken's daughter), it completely unhinges her. When Mike comes home, full of joy from clinching a huge deal for the factory, Jackie is drunk, unreasonable, and filled with rage at him. First she threatens him with a shotgun, and then runs out of the house and drives wildly away.

Cast: Jackie Mike Percy Emily Gail Jack Don Alma Phil Amanda Worsley [Mike's secretary] SARAH NIXON Mrs Cudlip PAULINE JEFFERSON Dean Lockwood CHRIS HARGREAVES Betty Kevin Sally Reg Rosie Webster


3252 - Monday 15 July 1991
Phil tells Deirdre a cock-and-bull story about needing to get his car out of the shop, and she loans him £200 from the packet of severance pay she just received from the council. Then he loses it - and more - in a poker game. He now owes Don £450. Des is at the game, and when Steph finds out she is displeased, and so phones Simon Beatty, an architect who has been pestering her at work.

Mike receives a nasty shock when he shows up at the factory and discovers that Ralph Dobson has taken it over, with Jackie's blessing.

Alec receives a shock of a different kind when his daughter Sandra phones to say that Alec's ex-wife, who was three years younger than Alec, has dropped dead of a heart attack.

Cast: Steph Des Mike Ivy Don Phil Deirdre Jim Liz Rita Mavis Alec Bet Amanda Worsley SARAH NIXON Ralph Dobson MICHAEL LEES Simon Beatty PETER GOWEN Sandra Arden KATHY JAMIESON Jack Curly


3253 - Wednesday 17 July 1991
Rita is dismayed that Reg might buy No3 from Emily, but Angie and Curly manage to convince him that it wouldn't be a good idea.

Mike, distraught, comes to Deirdre, looking for Phil. He tells her what Phil has done, and opines that Phil is financially ruined. Deirdre doesn't believe it, until she later hears from Liz about Phil's loss in the poker game.

Sandra Arden asks her dad (Alec) if he and Bet will take care of Alec's granddaughter for a day while she and her husband go to her mother's funeral. Simon Beatty stops by the perfume counter to tell Steph that he's surprised she had called him.

In order to reassure Alma about the rent, Gail calls Mike's office, and is told that he is no longer employed there.

Cast: Des Steph Don Ivy Liz Jim Alec Bet Rita Angie Reg Curly Deirdre Sandra Arden KATHY JAMIESON Simon Beatty PETER GOWEN Mike Alma Gail


3254 - Friday 19 July 1991
Ivy learns that Don had been gambling, and chews him out for it. Don is meanwhile having a hard time tracking down Phil, and when he finally does so, is followed closely by Scotch Tommy, who beats Phil up.

As Alec and Bet are leaving for the station to pick up Victoria, a policeman comes to the door to break the news that Sandra and her husband have both been killed in a car crash on their way to Alec's ex-wife's funeral.

Jackie returns to the house with her solicitor, Gordon Barrett, in tow, in order to order Mike out of the house. He refuses to leave.

Cast: Ivy Don Steph Des Deirdre Rita Mavis Dean Lockwood CHRIS HARGREAVES Liz Alec Bet Police Sergeant JAMES MASTERS Victoria Arden CHLOE NEWSOME Phil Scotch Tommy CLIVE RUSSELL Mike Jackie Baldwin Gorden Barrett CARL FORGIONE Simon Beatty PETER GOWEN Derek Fight Arranger VALENTINO MUSETTI


3255 - Monday 22 July 1991
Deirdre is worried about Phil, who has vanished after last night's beating. Mike is not sympathetic, as he blames Phil for his current troubles - he's changing the locks, and refuses to talk to Jackie's lawyer.

Alec and Victoria return from Whitby in a state of shock.

Mavis tells Percy a few home truths (namely, that Emily is selling up because it's the only way she can get rid of him), and Jack independently confirms it. So Percy finds a place to move to, and tells Emily that he'll be gone in a week.

Cast: Ivy Don Deirdre Alec Victoria Arden CHLOE NEWSOME Steph Des Mike Bet Rita Mavis Percy Jackie Baldwin Gorden Barrett CARL FORGIONE Jack Liz Kevin Emily Sally Rosie Webster Gail Alma


3256 - Wednesday 24 July 1991
Phil Jennings still hasn't turned up, and Don Brennan fears for the worst - mainly because he would be a prime suspect if the police are called in. Alec takes Victoria to see her horse, Saracen, which brightens her up for a bit, but then she falls moody again. Her parents' funeral is tomorrow. Percy prepares to move to his new lodgings, and Emily seems to have found a buyer for her house - a Mrs Ellis.

Jackie goes home to confront Mike, and has to threaten him with going to the police and charging him with fraud. He finally agrees to go quietly, all the while protesting his love for her. She agrees he can keep Alcazar Holdings.

Written by BARRY HILL Directed by BRIAN MILLS
Cast: Don Ivy Emily Percy Deirdre Dean Lockwood CHRIS HARGREAVES Alec Bet Victoria Arden CHLOE NEWSOME Liz Ralph Dobson MICHAEL LEES Jackie Baldwin Alma Gail Mrs Ellis MARGO STANLEY Mike Phyllis Jack Betty


3257 - Friday 26 July 1991
After the Ardens' funeral, Bet suggests to Alec that it might help to build a relationship if they took Victoria somewhere on vacation - Bet suggests Torquay. Deirdre, worried sick about Phil, is now being pestered by Mike, who wants to know Phil's whereabouts and won't believe that Deirdre is as much in the dark as he is.

Emily has come to realise that she doesn't really want to move - the whole business was really just to get rid of Percy, but she can't bring herself to tell him that. Meantime, Phyllis is having a hard time getting Percy to reveal his new address.

Deirdre finally succeeds in getting Dean to admit that he has an inkling of where Phil might be: he'd once accidentally seen Phil coming out of a flat, and Phil had told him to forget having ever seen him there. Dean writes the address down for Deirdre on a beer mat.

Written by PETER WHALLEY Directed by BRIAN MILLS
Cast: Alec Bet Percy Phyllis Don Ivy Deirdre Emily Liz Mike Victoria Arden CHLOE NEWSOME Jack Betty Lynne Fenwick POLLY HIGHTON Gail Alma Dean Lockwood CHRIS HARGREAVES


3258 - Monday 29 July 1991
Deirdre tracks Phil down to the address she'd gotten from Dean. She finds Phil there, all right - and his wife Valerie as well. They're all packed and about to leave for parts unknown.

Percy moves to Mrs Dyson's. She has a cat. Percy, of course, has a budgie. Phyllis quickly tracks him there and brings him a housewarming cactus (he'd left behind at Emily's the cactus she'd given him at Christmas).

At a business meeting in a pub, Derek accidentally bumps into Steph and Simon Beatty, who are snogging in a corner.

Written by ADELE ROSE Directed by KEN HORN
Cast: Des Steph Deirdre Tracy Don Percy Emily Betty Liz Jack Vera Rita Mavis Kevin Angie Phil Ivy Derek Phyllis Curly Winnie Dyson JUNE ELLIS Valerie Jennings MELANIE WALTERS Simon Beatty PETER GOWEN


3259 - Wednesday 31 July 1991
Reluctantly, Deirdre tells Tracy what she has discovered about Phil, and Tracy later passes on this information to Ken. Deirdre also tells Don that Phil is alive and well, but not the rest, so he thinks she's protecting Phil.

Derek tells Mavis about having seen Steph with Simon the night before, but swears her to secrecy. Consequently, Rita knows all about it inside of an hour. Emily decides that moving to Rhos-on-Sea is not such a good idea after all, and stops the sale of her house to Mrs Ellis. Percy is settling in well at Mrs Dyson's until he comes down with a sudden sneezing fit.

Jack is feeling tyrannized by Betty, who has been left in charge at the Rovers' in the absence of Alec and Bet.

Written by ADELE ROSE Directed by KEN HORN
Cast: Deirdre Tracy Mavis Derek Des Steph Don Ivy Emily Curly Percy Liz Rita Ken Betty Jack Phyllis Winnie Dyson JUNE ELLIS Mrs Ellis MARGO STANLEY


3260 - Friday 2 August 1991
Derek is absolutely firm with Mavis that he will not interfere in Steph and Des's affairs. But then Steph asks him to keep quiet, acknowledging that something is going on. Later in the day, Derek confronts her in the garden, where she is sunbathing. Phyllis overhears angry words, and jumps to the wrong conclusion.

Steve and Andy are talking about setting up a pirate radio station. Ken offers Deirdre a loan of £300, but she gets Emily to loan her some money instead.

Percy discovers that Emily is not selling up after all, and later he is found, writhing breathless on the floor, by his new landlady, Winnie Dyson.

Written by HARRY DUFFIN Directed by KEN HORN
Cast: Deirdre Tracy Derek Mavis Phyllis Des Steph Don Emily Betty Liz Jack Ken Percy Gail Steve Andy Simon Beatty PETER GOWEN Rita Winnie Dyson JUNE ELLIS


3261 - Monday 5 August 1991
Mavis just can't keep her nose out, so she goes to see Steph, but is interrupted by Des returning home.

Jim gets some radio equipment for Andy and Steve to play with.

Percy's affliction is diagnosed as asthma. He's never suffered from this before, and people keep pointing out that stress can cause this, which makes Emily feel tremendously guilty.

Deirdre continues to blame herself for being taken in by Phil.

Casting Director JAMES BAIN [new feature to the credits beginning with this episode] Story Editor TREVOR SUTHERS Design DAVID BUTTERWORTH [new with this episode - Chris Truelove has been Designer for ages before this] Written by JULIAN ROACH Directed by MERVYN CUMMING
Cast: Derek Mavis Steph Phyllis Jim Andy Steve Kevin Rita Angie Emily Deirdre Alma Percy Winnie Dyson JUNE ELLIS Sally Gail Jack Betty Liz Des


3262 - Wednesday 7 August 1991
While Phyllis is busy spreading rumours that Emily is responsible for Percy's asthma, and that Derek has been making indecent advances to Steph, the doctors diagnose Percy's cat allergy. When Mrs Dyson asks about the allergy tests, Percy tartly responds: "Have you thought of having your cat put down, at all?"

Andy and Steve go on the air with their pirate radio station.

Liz talks to Audrey about taking Deirdre on at the Corner Shop while Alf is still recuperating.

Malcolm Goodwin, a social worker at the hospital, talks to Emily about taking Percy back, and she says "no".

Casting Director JAMES BAIN Written by JULIAN ROACH Directed by MERVYN CUMMING
Cast: Phyllis Mavis Rita Emily Liz Percy Dr Sharma DOMINIC HINGORANI Jim Andy Tracy Steve Nurse Dwyer MELANIE SYLVESTER Jack Des Betty Steph Simon Beatty PETER GOWEN Winnie Dyson JUNE ELLIS Deirdre Malcolm Goodwin MALCOLM RAEBURN Derek


3263 - Friday 9 August 1991
Deirdre has started working again at the Corner Shop.

Andy and Steve run afoul of their mum, who discovers their pirate radio operation when Rita and Mavis complain to her about an unauthorised and off-colour "advertisement".

Ken is planning a few days' walking tour, and leaves a key with Tracy so she can look after his flat - which gives Andy and Steve an idea.

Emily relents at last and asks Percy back, in order to save him from an old-folks' home.

After Derek has pointed out Simon with Steph at her place of work, Mavis confronts Des.

Casting Director JAMES BAIN Written by LESLIE DUXBURY Directed by MERVYN CUMMING
Cast: Andy Steve Des Steph Mavis Derek Mrs Sowerbutts ROSALIE WILLIAMS Deirdre Emily Phyllis Percy Jim Rita Betty Jack Liz Simon Beatty PETER GOWEN Angie Ken Gail Tracy


3264 - Monday 12 August 1991
Bet, Alec and Victoria are back from their brief vacation. Bet convinces Alec that his efforts to keep Victoria cheerful are not, in the long run, healthy for her. Alec finds an opportunity, and he and his granddaughter have a good cry. But Victoria's reality-testing is not yet very good, and she begins talking about moving "back home".

Steve and Andy are back on the air, this time operating from Ken Barlow's flat, and it isn't long before their mum is aware of it.

Des is acting clingy, and Steph has to stand Simon up for lunch when Des spontaneously shows up at her place of work. Worse, from Steph's point of view, is that Simon is being sent off to Swansea for five days, on work.

Casting Director JAMES BAIN Production Designer STEPHEN FINEREN Written by PAUL ABBOTT Directed by SPENCER CAMPBELL
Cast: Derek Mavis Des Tracy Sally Steve Andy Steph Kevin Alec Bet Victoria Arden CHLOE NEWSOME Liz Jim Simon Beatty PETER GOWEN Betty Emily Deirdre


3265 - Wednesday 14 August 1991
Victoria has it all figured out: she'll have the nice old lady who used to clean house move in as housekeeper, so that she can move back to "her home". Bet gets Alec to humour her, and of course the housekeeper isn't interested. Bet stays the one night with Victoria in Whitby, where at least she has a chance to talk to her friend Belinda, but the next day her late father's law partner Nicholas Wilding, who is the estate executor, is to come to the Rovers' to discuss things.

Des asks Gail and Martin to join Steph and him for a Sunday cruise on the canal, but he also confides to Martin that he suspects Steph is seeing another bloke.

Ken is about due to return home from his walking tour, and so Steve and Andy will no longer have use of his flat for a transmission site.

Production Designer STEPHEN FINEREN Written by ADELE ROSE Directed by SPENCER CAMPBELL
Cast: Des Steph Alec Bet Victoria Arden CHLOE NEWSOME Liz Jim Andy Steve Deirdre Gail Tracy Betty Derek Mavis Martin Alma Belinda Johnson ANNA FRIEL


3266 - Friday 16 August 1991
[Episode not recorded due to disruption of cable service, and there was no omnibus repeat the following Sunday because of a telethon.]

By inference, this episode included the visit by Victoria's (honorary) uncle Nick, to make some determination about the house; and the Sunday boat excursion on the canal with Gail and Martin as the Barneses' guests. Obviously, Steph must also have told Des she is leaving him for Simon, perhaps over dinner in the restaurant to which she later returns seeking news of him from the waiter who served them.

The TV Times preview information was:
Des' boat sees some action at last - but is it the sort that Gail wants her children to see? And will Ken stand in the way of Tracy's French trip?

Written by [unknown] Directed by SPENCER CAMPBELL
Cast [partial]: Des Steph Gail Martin Nicky Sarah Louise David Waiter MATTHEW RADFORD Ken Tracy Deirdre Bet Alec Victoria Arden CHLOE NEWSOME Nicholas Wilding MARK LINDLEY


3267 - Monday 19 August 1991
In the wake of the boat-trip debacle, Des has disappeared. His employer wants to know where he is, the boat is gone, and Steph is worried he's "done something daft".

Victoria, determined to move back to Whitby, has made arrangements to move in with her friend Belinda Johnson. She explains to Alec that she doesn't like living in a pub - it's "ugly", and there's the smell of beer and smoke. But it's not at all clear that she has cleared her plans with Belinda's mum.

Reg saddles Curly with the job of organizing a parade float for Bettabuys.

Cast: Derek Stephanie [spelled out in full this one time] Gail Alma Sally Rosie Webster Victoria Arden CHLOE NEWSOME Bet Steve Andy Martin Curly Liz Jim Angie Alec Don Man on Boat JOSEPH LEY Waiter MATTHEW RADFORD Audrey Percy Kevin Reg


3268 - Wednesday 21 August 1991
Curly arranges for Bettabuys to hire Angie to design their float.

Alec has a talk with Belinda Johnson's parents, who had no idea of the scheme she and Victoria had cooked up. When Victoria later hears the news from Belinda that the plan is off, she feels betrayed by Alec and Bet.

At long last, Des phones Steph. He tells her where on the canal he's moored the boat, and insists that she come there and tell him face-to-face that their marriage is finished. He's very drunk, and as she arrives, he sets the boat afire, having previously doused it with petrol. She runs down the bank in horror, thinking he's immolated himself in the boat, but finds Des calmly watching the boat burn, from a safe distance.

Written by JULIAN ROACH Directed by BRIAN MILLS
Cast: Liz Audrey Angie Curly Alec Bet Victoria Arden CHLOE NEWSOME Phyllis Steph Kevin Derek Simon Beatty PETER GOWEN Annabelle Johnson PHILIPPA HOWELL Leonard Johnson TERENCE SKELTON Gail Alma Des Martin David Tilsley THOMAS ORMSON Sarah Louise Tilsley LINSAY KING Reg Betty


3269 - Friday 23 August 1991
Des, who has spent the night in jail, takes Martin's advice and makes one last desperate plea to Steph, but she leaves him to go away with Simon.

Victoria, believing Bet and Alec to be lying, and that the Johnsons would gladly have her stay with them, takes a cab to Whitby, and Alec has to fetch her back when Annabelle Johnson phones to report Vicky's whereabouts. This time at least Victoria hears from Mrs Johnson's own lips that they are not willing to have her stay.

Angie and Curly persuade Reg to agree to appear as Bacchus on the Bettabuy float, and then Angie springs the idea that Curly should portray Mercury. With Reg on hand to insist, Curly has no choice but to reluctantly agree to do it. Meanwhile, another float is being prepared, this one on behalf of Alf Roberts. Since Alf is still at home recuperating, Percy has taken charge--and is keeping his plans very secret.

[Title set in two lines, flush left, in the usual sans serif face for this format, for this episode only--all others are in the familiar centred format.]

Written by PETER WHALLEY Directed by BRIAN MILLS
Cast: Phyllis Steph Gail Martin Nicky David Sarah Louise Curly Angie Alec Victoria Bet Des Don Audrey Percy Alma Ken Liz Betty Derek Annabelle Johnson PHILIPPA HOWELL Belinda Johnson ANNA FRIEL Reg Simon Beatty PETER GOWEN


3270 - Monday 26 August 1991
It's a Bank Holiday Monday. Alec and Bet intend taking Victoria on a picnic, but she scuttles these plans, much to their annoyance.

Martin and Gail also plan a family excursion, which gets derailed when Nicky cracks his baby brother on the bonce with his cricket bat. When Martin takes David to the emergency room for an examination, he's given a series of questions which he recognizes as the usual screening in cases of suspected child-battering - and he knows it's because his surname is different from David's. This prompts him to ask Gail if she would marry him.

Vera and Don talk Ivy into agreeing to work on the Bettabuys float. Angie and Reg then spring a little stratagem to get both Ivy and Don to agree to appear, in costume, on the float. Don is at first pleased to hear of the idea, but when he sees Angie's costume sketches, he thinks they're indecent.

Victoria goes out for a walk, and meets the McDonald brothers. They ask her to mind their transmitter for a while, since they are in danger of being caught by their dad with it, but they don't tell her the real story. They claim that it's a car radio - a birthday present for their dad. They obviously think Victoria is not very bright, but when she later catches up with them in the cafe and confronts them with the power cord, they have to tell her the truth. By the time she returns to the Rovers', she's made friends with Andy and Steve, and is clearly pleased with herself.

Written by FRANK COTTRELL BOYCE Executive Producer DAVID LIDDIMENT Directed by KEN HORN
Cast: Alec Bet Victoria Gail Martin Nicky David Ivy Vera Don Derek Mavis Des Liz Steve Andy Jim Audrey Percy Sarah Louise Reg Angie Curly Alma Hospital Receptionist LESLEY STAPLES


3271 - Wednesday 28 August 1991
Martin is pressuring Gail, but she sees agreeing to marriage as tantamount to spoiling a perfectly satisfactory relationship.

Victoria is more than just goading Steve and Andy on - she's positively leading the way. Deirdre is gone on holiday with Tracy, and the McDonald twins have gotten hold of the key to No1, which Deirdre left with Liz. While the boys are busy setting up the transmitter, Victoria helps them all to Deirdre's sherry.

Final preparations are being made for the Carnival floats. Curly feels he looks a prat in his Mercury costume, while Don - who doesn't realize that Ivy is winding him up - is publicly expressing his disapproval of the costuming for the Bettabuys float.

Written by PHIL WOODS Directed by KEN HORN
Cast: Gail Martin Des Phyllis Don Vera Ivy Percy Audrey Vivienne Barford PAULA TILBROOK Bet Liz Andy Steve Victoria Alma Curly Reg Angie Alec Nicky Sarah Louise David


3272 - Friday 30 August 1991
Carnival day: The Bettabuys float wins the plaque, but when Angie sends a bill for £406, Reg waves it away and sends Curly back with a £10 gift voucher. Percy loses his balance when Phyllis jumps out from the crowd, and his John Bull float turns into a disaster.

Steve, Andy and Victoria are once again surreptitiously broadcasting from Deirdre's house, having once again pinched the key. Alec happens to see movement inside the house and calls the police, assuming that burglars are at work. Bet keeps a cooler head, and cautiously investigates. Upon discovering the truth, she spirits the young trio out the back way and, when the police arrives, answers the door and says she was just watering the plants. Alec is too flummoxed to say anything at all, but Liz - who has come with the key, which Andy had the presence of mind to return to its hiding place before they started broadcasting - realizes that Bet wants them to go along with the charade. When the other adults find out from Bet that it was Steve and Andy, they are outraged, and Alec is quite prepared to see the McDonald lads go to jail. But when he learns that Victoria was involved as well, he suddenly goes very quiet, seeing at once the wisdom of Bet's action.

Written by JOHN STEVENSON Directed by KEN HORN
Cast: Bet Alec Steve Andy Victoria Ivy Vera Reg Angie Curly Audrey Derek Percy Gail Alma Martin Liz Don Mavis Phyllis Jim Vivienne Barford PAULA TILBROOK Nicky Sara Louise David PC Betts MARK JORDON


3273 - Monday 2 September 1991
When Steph, hoping to avoid Des, comes home at midday in order to collect her remaining clothes, busybody Phyllis phones Des at work to tell him. He rushes home, and Steph agrees to let him have five minutes, but nothing he can say will change her mind, and she drives off. At Bettabuys, Curly hijacks the award plaque. Reg agrees to pay Angie's expenses of £306, but he still refuses to pay her fee. Consequently, Curly tries to give her the £100 in cash (out of his own pocket), claiming some arcane accounting procedures--but she sees through his ploy, and refuses the cash. Gail agrees to a compromise with Martin: he can adopt the kids, and she'll even change her own name from Tilsley to Platt--but she will not marry him. Alma talks Audrey into accompanying her to a night-school open house, and ends by signing them both up for an introductory Spanish language course.

Cast:Curly Angie Gail Martin Nicky David Phyllis Des Reg Vera Percy Audrey Sally Rosie Jack Steph Alma Mavis Derek Betty Jim Liz
Casting Director JAMES BAIN Story Editor TREVOR SUTHERS


3274 - Wednesday 4 September 1991
Jim, Liz and Phyllis try to be supportive, but Des is having a hard time. He throws out all things that might remind him of Steph, including their wedding book and his ring. Curly pulls a stroke by authorising payment (on his own authority) of Angie's fee, but the accountant, Dennis Proctor, is uncomfortable about it and informs Reg, who files a disciplinary action. Martin consults an advisor at the Citizens' Advice Bureau and learns that the name-change will be easy, but that adoption may be blocked, since the judge is bound to ask the obvious question, and a satisfactory answer would be difficult to provide. Audrey learns at second-hand of Gail and Martin's plans, and assumes that Martin is the one balking at marriage.

Cast:Des Martin Gail David Curly Angie Jim Liz Jack Alma Sally Rosie Phyllis Vera Reg Audrey C.A.B. Advisor ALEX HALL Dennis Proctor DAVID WOODCOCK
Casting Director JAMES BAIN Story Editor TREVOR SUTHERS


3275 - Friday 6 September 1991
Martin has decided not to risk being turned down in the adoption procedure. Curly tries to get at the documents regarding his disciplinary case by sneaking in to work early, but he's not early enough. The auditor has already arrived, and later Curly finds that Reg's good word on his behalf won't do much good because Head Office is sending Reg's old enemy Brendan Scott to investigate. Audrey and Alma attend the first meeting of their night-school Spanish class. Gail finally decides that everyone else is right, and she is wrong, and so goes down on bended knee (literally) to ask Martin to marry her.

Cast: Des Martin Gail David Curly Angie Jim Liz Jack Alma Sally Phyllis Vera Reg Audrey Dennis Proctor DAVID WOODCOCK Betty Derek Mavis Nicky Senora Robinson [Spanish teacher] FENELLA NORMAN


3276 - Monday 9 September 1991
Curly has his fateful meeting with Brendan Scott, who is not interested in hearing his justification for what he did. He shows Curly the promotion letter, appointing him to a manager position at another store, that he was due to receive but is now cancelled. In the parking lot afterward, Curly has a last word with Scott, and has the presence of mind to ask whether Reg had known about his impending promotion. Scott confirms that Reg did indeed know, and Curly finally twigs that the entire affair was a ploy by Reg to keep Curly on as his assistant. Alec and Bet celebrate their fourth wedding anniversary in the Rovers, as Martin and Gail announce their forthcoming marriage. Ivy is not taking the news well, however. Victoria is preparing to return to her boarding school. Alma is not doing very well in her Spanish class. When Sra Robinson tells her of a change of the class's time and meeting-place (in Spanish, of course), Alma doesn't understand and of course feels discouraged. After class, she bumps into Ken, who is also at night-school taking a wine-tasting class, and he asks her out for a drink.

Cast: Curly Angie Gail Martin Nicky Don Ivy Alec Bet Victoria Arden Audrey Alma Sally Rosie Reg Brendan Scott MILTON JOHNS Ken Kevin Jim Liz Des Betty Senora Robinson FENELLA NORMAN Woman at Nightschool JEAN BURSTON


3277 - Wednesday 11 September 1991
Martin asks Kev to be best man at his wedding with Gail; Sally later gushes to Ivy in the supermarket about it, and Ivy confronts Gail about Martin adopting Brian's children. Gail defies her, saying, "Do your worst, you'll lose in the end." Bet takes Victoria shopping in preparation for her return to school, and Alec broods over losing his granddaughter again. Curly has a confrontation with Reg over his loss of promotion. Alma has Ken to her place for dinner, and they have a frank discussion of past relationships. Alma ends in tears over Mike, and Ken comforts her.

Cast: Gail Martin Nicky Don Ivy Alma Audrey Bet Alec Victoria Arden CHLOE NEWSOME Sally Rosie Webster Betty Liz Kevin Jim Ken Reg Curly Des


3278 - Friday 13 September 1991
Alec and Bet take Victoria to her school for the start of the new term. Alec acts like a complete prat, trying to pretend he's more up-market than he really is. He also writes a check for the school fees (some £2,700) in the expectation that the estate will soon pay it back. Audrey hears via Gail that Alma has had Ken to dinner and, as usual, jumps to premature conclusions. Mavis meets one Frank Worral, who is interested in buying Des's house. He drives a rusted-out old van, in which are two very noisy dogs. She later learns from Jim McDonald that Worral is a scrap merchant.

Cast: Gail Martin Don Ivy Alma Audrey Bet Alec Victoria Arden Betty Liz Jim Ken Reg Curly Mavis Derek Dr Carr [headmistress of Victoria's school] VIRGINIA DENHAM Susan Davis ANNA BLIZARD Frank Worral DAVID J NICHOLLS


3279 - Monday 16 September 1991
Liz is acting distracted in the morning, and Jim can't think what he might have done to anger her. Later, at work, she hears Alec bad-mouthing "the neighbourhood" as an environment for his granddaughter. Liz takes this personally, tells him off, and stomps off home. When Bet later confronts her, Liz apologises and confesses to having had "some bad news" that she hasn't shared with Jim yet. Mavis worries that the scrap merchant will buy Des's house, and with some reason: he comes back and is seen talking with Des. Alec sends the letter to the lawyers requesting reimbursement for Victoria's tuition. Martin is having a night in with the kids and invites Des to come have dinner and watch a video with them. After night school, Alma has her third date with Ken, and he kisses her. She admits she was hoping he would, but also says she thinks maybe it's too soon for both of them. Jim has found the phone book open at the surgery's number, and figures that Liz has seen the doctor and it's cancer. However, she tells him it's much more serious than that: she's pregnant.

Cast: Deirdre Ken Liz Jim Andy Rita Mavis Bet Alec Alma Gail Martin David Tilsley Des Jack Vera Ivy Reg Angie Frank Worrell DAVID J NICHOLLS Audrey


3280 - Wednesday 18 September 1991
Liz has morning sickness. While Jim is over the moon, she asks him not to say anything to anybody until she can tell Andy and Steve. Rita discovers, to her horror, that her new neighbour is Reg Holdsworth, who arrives in his mini to a Dixieland arrangement of "Bill Bailey". When Mavis expresses the opinion that Rita is overreacting to Reg's arrival, Bet and Alec tell her that they have met *her* new neighbour, and it's Victor! (But it's only a joke.) Curly puts the kibosh on a petition that Vera is circulating against Reg's treatment of him. Deirdre accidentally discovers Alma at Ken's flat (but "they are just good friends"). Story Editor TREVOR SUTHERS

Cast: Andy Liz Jim Audrey Ken Deirdre Bet Alec Jack Sally Rosie Betty Don Mavis Rita Van Driver ALAN HULSE Reg Vera Curly Alma


3281 - Friday 20 September 1991
Reg is moving into No12, and no-one seems pleased. In fact, he's being shunned by Rita, Mavis, Curly, Angie, Sally, and even Alec--who calls time a few minutes early when Reg shows up just before closing. Alec receives a letter from his granddaughter. Liz has decided she can't go through with having the baby. Ken takes Alma out to see a depressing play, and they leave at the first interval, in order to salvage the evening. She thanks him for being so understanding of her feelings, and contrasts this with Mike. Mention of his name brigs a scowl to Ken's face, and he confides to Alma that it is not solely on his daughter Susan's account that he hates Mike. (Alma had not until now known of Mike's affair with Deirdre.)

Cast: Alec Bet Mavis Rita Reg Liz Jim Deirdre Alma Vera Ivy Gail Ken Angie Sally Jack Curly


3282 - Monday 23 September 1991
Ivy brings Nicky home from school at lunch-time, in order to try to brainwash him about the impending name-change. Then later, when she hears from Bet about how slowly Victoria's parents' will is taking in probate, she gets an idea: she will change her will, naming Nicky as principle beneficiary--on condition that he keep the name Tilsley. Liz goes to the clinic, but fails to ask for a termination appointment. In order to avoid the persistent Reg, Curly says he is obligated to attend Martin's stag night at the Rovers--though it's actually booked elsewhere--and Reg unknowingly misleads Alec into stocking extra ale. Alma accepts Ken's invitation to a gourmet weekend at a country inn, organised by the night school.

Cast: Gail Martin Nicky Ivy Don Reg Curly Kevin Liz Jim Mavis Rita Emily Bet Alec Alma Audrey Barbara Platt BARBARA YOUNG Ken
Written by HARRY DUFFIN Directed by KEN HORN


3283 - Wednesday 25 September 1991
Many things are *waiting* to happen: Rita is considering a midwinter holiday in Spain, in order to avoid Reg; Gail and Martin have their respective stag/hen nights before their wedding tomorrow; Jim and Liz (mainly Liz) continue to agonise over whether to keep the baby; Alma and Ken are looking forward to the gourmet weekend in the country. Ivy has changed her will, just as she said she would, leaving everything (which, in practical terms, means just her house) to Nicky, with the provision that he keep the Tilsley name. Don is angry with her about this, largely (one suspects) because the action implicitly puts Ivy's dead first husband ahead of Don in Ivy's feelings. At Martin's stag party at the Tic-Tac Club, Don strikes up a conversation with the barmaid, and at closing time, offers her a ride home, which she gratefully accepts. Mavis has been baby-sitting for Gail while she's out at the Rovers with her friends, but long after Gail returns home, there's still no sign of Martin, who has gotten falling-down drunk, and only half-understands Des's joke that it's bad luck to spend the night before his wedding in the same house as the bride. He allows Des to take him home to his place, and Martin passes out on the lounge sofa, where Des is unable to wake him.

Cast: Rita Mavis Alec Reg Curly Kevin Ivy Don Alma Audrey Gail Emily Sally Deirdre Jim Liz Martin Nicky Sarah Louise Bet Des Ken Pauline Lofthouse JUDY HAWKINS Barmaid [at Tic-Tac Club] SU ELLIOTT Derek Rosie Webster
Story Editors TOM ELLIOTT, TREVOR SUTHERS Story Associate MARVIN CLOSE Production Designer STEPHEN FINEREN Written by JULIAN ROACH Directed by KEN HORN


3284 - Friday 27 September 1991
Gail is determined not to go through with the wedding because Martin had gotten legless and not come home. For his part, Martin thought that Des, or Don, or somebody, had phoned Gail to let her know he was spending the night at Des's. But in the end, Gail relents, and becomes Mrs Platt, much to Ivy's displeasure--especially when Martin's parents spring their surprise wedding gift: a honeymoon in North Wales, with Gail's job and the kids all taken care of by a friendly conspiracy consisting of Mr and Mrs Platt, Audrey, and Alma . . . but not Ivy, who had not even been consulted. Liz decides to go ahead and have the baby. While Rita is at the wedding, Mavis finds herself short by two paper lads. Reg offers to help, but not by taking the papers around himself (this would be too undignified for an executive of his stature). Rather, he offers to mind the shop while *Mavis* delivers the papers. Consequently, when Rita returns to the shop, she must angrily order Reg out--which he takes in stride. When Ken and Alma arrive at the hotel for the gourmet weekend, they discover that a double room has been booked for "Mr and Mrs Barlow", instead of two single rooms--and the hotel is fully booked. Ken protests to Alma that this was no ploy--he had specified separate rooms. Being the soul of discretion, Ken volunteers to sleep in the car, but Alma agrees to let him retire to the bar while she prepares for bed, and then he can sleep on the sofa.

Cast: Martin Des Audrey Gail Ivy Don Jim Liz Nicky Tilsley Sarah Louise Tilsley David Tilsley Bet Alec Mavis Derek Sally Alma Kevin Rosie Brian Platt RICHARD CONWAY Barbara Platt BARBARA YOUNG Curly Rita Superintendent [at Registry Office] GEOFFREY ANNIS Reg Ken Receptionist [at hotel] JULIE CORRIGAN
Story Editors TOM ELLIOTT, TREVOR SUTHERS Story Associate MARVIN CLOSE Production Designer STEPHEN FINEREN Written by JOHN STEVENSON Directed by KEN HORN


3285 - Monday 30 September 1991
Ivy is still incensed by Barbara Platt's presumption. When Barbara stops by to see if there was "a misunderstanding", Ivy happens to be at work, but Don (who is not fully in the picture) graciously accepts her invitation to stop by for tea. Alma won't tell Audrey about the weekend, and so Audrey assumes there had been a row of some sort. But when Audrey sees Ken in the Rovers and asks, he goes all funny and blurts out something about the room. Liz admits her doubts about her pregnancy to Bet and, separately, to her doctor (who wants her to participate in a study), but Jim is pushing for an announcement to the twins, and to the public. Mavis helps Reg by holding his key for the delivery of a water bed to the flat. But when Reg tries to show his appreciation by bringing a bouquet of flowers to the Kabin, he finds Rita there alone, and a misunderstanding ensues. When, much later, Reg presents the by now slightly damaged bouquet to Mavis--in the Rovers, where he also buys her and Derek a drink--Derek snorts that he would be surprised if the Park Warden didn't have Mavis done for receiving.

Cast: Jim Liz Andy Steve Ivy Don Alma Audrey Mavis Rita Reg Sally Rosie Webster David Tilsley Ken Deirdre Betty Bet Derek Barbara Platt BARBARA YOUNG Doctor Butler NORMAN MILLS
Written by PHIL WOODS Directed by JOHN DARNELL


3286 - Wednesday 2 October 1991
Jim doesn't believe Liz when she says the doctor only wanted to see her to ask co-operation in a study, so he goes to talk to Doctor Butler himself. Later, he has a row with Liz because she's still ambivalent. Peeved over Audrey's gossip-mongering, Alma decides to stop seeing Ken. Because Ivy is being impossible on the subject, Don doesn't tell her that he's going to visit the grandchildren, but she finds out anyway. Percy and Reg chase off a pair of drunken yobbos who have smashed the glass front door of the Kabin and, consequently, Rita finds herself in Reg's debt--especially as he is able to get a glazier to come immediately to repair the damage, even though it's long past normal business hours.

Cast: Andy Steve Jim Liz Don Ivy Alma Audrey David Tilsley Mavis Rita Percy Betty Ken Nicky Sarah Louise Reg Bet Barbara Platt BARBARA YOUNG Doctor Butler NORMAN MILLS


3287 - Friday 4 October 1991
Jim plans a DIY extension to the house. Ivy tries to seduce Nicky into joining her church by getting him invited to play on the St. Luke's football team--which is altar-boys only. Rita suspects that Reg is up to his old tricks when he invites her to a flat-warming party, and so she takes the precaution of asking Bet to accompany her. And, right enough, no other guests had been invited.

Cast: Andy Steve Jim Liz Don Ivy Alma Rita Percy Betty Ken Nicky Sarah Louise Reg Bet Barbara Platt BARBARA YOUNG Sally Kevin Rosie Deirdre Derek Gail Martin Father O'Rourke PETER CAFFREYWritten by PETER WHALLEY Directed by JOHN DARNELL


3288 - Monday 7 October 1991
Over the weekend, Jack has had to repair Vera's car, which fails to start again when she tries to leave for work this Monday. Kevin, meantime, loses his job. Jim doesn't intend applying for planning permission to build his extension, but neighbour Vera is not best pleased to learn of his plans. Martin advises Gail not to raise a fuss and it'll all blow over, but then Ivy stops by, unannounced, to take Nicky to football practice--and choir-robe fitting. Jack and Don go out for a night of snooker.

Cast: Don Ivy Nicky Martin Gail Sarah Louise David Andy Steve Jim Liz Vera Percy Sally Kevin Rosie Alma Jack Betty Derek Mavis Audrey Father O'Rourke PETER CAFFREY


3289 - Wednesday 9 October 1991
Derek is irate that Kevin is fixing Vera's car on the street in front of his house--and plans to do more. Vera and Sally are both furious with Jim for his home-expansion plans, though for different reasons. Jim gets round Vera by telling her his extension will improve her property value "just as much" as her stone cladding had improved his, so it will. Nicky is thrilled to be playing football, and Martin is being supportive, though Audrey can't understand why he and Gail aren't putting up a fight against Ivy.

Cast: Sally Kevin Rosie Audrey Ivy Derek Jim Steve Liz Jack Vera Curly Percy Rita Mavis Betty Gail Martin Father O'Rourke PETER CAFFREY Don Nicky


3290 - Friday 11 October 1991
When Derek's car won't start in the morning, he's in the embarrassing situation of having to ask Kevin for help, despite having given him a hard time about doing private jobs on the street. Kevin is not amused, however, and refuses him, so Derek reports Kevin to the police, who tell Kev to stop his activities. Both Sally and Kev, separately, have to tell the McDonald lads to knock off the racket. Gail and Martin learn from Nicky about the provisions of Ivy's will.

Cast: Martin Nicky Gail Sarah Louise Tilsley David Tilsley Mavis Derek Sally Kevin Rosie Liz Steve Percy Don Rita Emily Jack Betty Jim Ivy Curly Vera Andy Police Sergeant JAMES MASTERS


3291 - Monday 14 October 1991
Martin loses his cool when Sarah Louise starts talking about wanting to remain a Tilsley, and he storms off to the supermarket where he tells Ivy off, good and proper. The only thing is, Gail had asked him to leave Ivy to her. Jim's friend Stuart Morris is supposed to have been drawing up some plans for his extension, but is dragging his feet. However, when Stuart's motorcycle suddenly develops an urgent repair need, Jim acquires some leverage. Vera overhears them discussing the expansion, and it sound massive. Sally has some conciliatory words with Mavis, explaining that Kev has hopes of getting some premises of his own soon, but needs in the meantime to earn a little money with his repair work on the street.

Cast: Kevin Sally Rosie Martin Gail Nicky Sarah Louise Tilsley David Tilsley Steve Liz Jim Stuart Morris JOHN WILD Alma Percy Ivy Vera Reg Mavis Andy Jack Derek Alec Bet


3292 - Wednesday 16 October 1991
Feuds escalate, between both Jim and his neighbours, and between Ivy and Gail's family. Vera triggers Jim's short temper into a refusal to disclose his plans, and so Jack calls the Planning Commission. Alf gets Bet to go out and select an "eternity ring" for him to give to Audrey. Bet takes tightwad Alec along, figuring to shame him into buying her one as well, but ends up with a cheap travel alarm clock instead.

Cast: Martin Nicky Tilsley Gail Sarah Louise Tilsley David Tilsley Vera Jack Sally Kevin Rosie Andy Steve Liz Jim Audrey Deirdre Bet Woman in Corner Shop ANNA SEYMOUR Boy in Corner Shop CHRISTOPHER SEYMOUR Alec Rita Ivy Father O'Rourke PETER CAFFREY Jeweller CHRISTOPHER KENT Mavis Derek
Written by ADELE ROSE Directed by BRIAN MILLS


3293 - Friday 18 October 1991
Jack and Vera start a petition against Jim's addition, and on two occasions Jim and Jack come near to blows in the Rovers. Nicky is refusing to speak to Martin, who is concerned because a social worker has phoned to come interview Nicky about Martin's petition to adopt. It's Alma's 46th birthday and, when informed of this fact by Audrey, Ken (who admits to being 51) invites her out. However, she's already planned a solitary evening at home, to which she offers him a counter-invitation. Once he is there, she pointedly propositions him.

Cast: Jim Kevin Vera Ivy Gail Martin Nicky Tilsley Sarah Louise Tilsley David Tilsley Audrey Ken Liz Sally Alma Bet Alec Phyllis Jack Mike Deirdre Derek Mavis Rita


3294 - Monday 21 October 1991
It's the "morning after", and Ken leaves Alma's flat early, before Gail can arrive and discover he's been there. Looking for jam to go with his toast, Kevin discovers that Sally has salted away about £60 as a "nest egg". Later in the day, Des approaches Kev and asks him to put some of Des's money on a hot tip. (As a betting-shop employee, Des cannot do this for himself.) Thinking this a sure thing, Kevin takes £20 out of Sally's secret cache to place on the same horse. Of course, the horse doesn't come in, and Kevin can't bring himself to tell Sally, who discovers for herself that the money is missing. Father O'Rourke visits Don to find out what's going on and, after this visit, Don goes straight around to Bettabuys in order to tell Ivy she cannot do what she's doing. Upset, Ivy later says that she "always thought" Father O'Rourke was "kind o' trendy." Liz manages to smooth over the rift with the Duckworths--for the time being--by convincing Jack and Vera that Jim has given up the expansion project. Mike Baldwin has returned from an extended sojourn in London, and is looking for temporary quarters at the Rovers. Martin is trying, without success, to heal the breach with Nicky, in hopes of a successful meeting with the social worker tomorrow.

Cast: Alma Ken Gail Martin Nicky Tilsley Sarah Louise Tilsley David Tilsley Sally Kevin Rosie Jack Jim Liz Father O'Rourke PETER CAFFREY Don Audrey Reg Ivy Vera Des Mike Deirdre Bet Alec


3295 - Wednesday 23 October 1991
Furious that Kevin has squandered part of her secret cache on a bet, Sally takes the rest to the betting shop and throws it away on a randomly selected horse. Ivy drops by Gail's on an unannounced visit, just as she and Martin are expecting the social worker. Initially, Ivy assumes that something is wrong, domestically, but when she twigs to the situation, she determines to put a spanner in the works. However, Nicky may have already done so or, at least, Martin believes he has, when he learns what Nicky told the social worker, Kathy Green. Mike gets a funny reaction from Alma when he stops by the cafe to arrange for repairing the roof, and big-mouth Audrey later tells him about Ken.

Cast: Kevin Sally Rosie Don Ivy Gail Alma Alec Jack Mike Bet Ken Audrey Martin Nicky Tilsley Sarah Louise Tilsley David Tilsley Kathy Green [Social Worker] JAN ALPHONSE Des Vera Reg
Written by JOHN STEVENSON Directed by KEN HORN


3296 - Friday 25 October 1991
Kevin goes for a job interview, but is turned down because he's overqualified. Mike asks Deirdre out to dinner, but when they meet in the Rovers for a drink beforehand, Mike blows it by sniping at Ken, which makes Deirdre feel that she is being used. Ken is well chuffed at Mike's embarrassment when Deirdre walks out. Gail and Martin learn that, because of a cancellation, their court hearing for the adoption can be heard next week. Meanwhile Ivy, despite Don's best efforts to dissuade her, rings the Social Services office to see what she can do to prevent the adoption.

Cast: Mike Bet Alec Vera Don Ivy Martin Gail Alma Nicky Tilsley Sarah Louise Tilsley David Tilsley Sally Kevin Rosie Audrey Deirdre Ken Jack Liz Reg


3297 - Monday 28 October 1991
[Titles for this episode set, exceptionally, in two lines, flush left, serif typeface]
Mike has had Kevin do some work on his Jaguar, and tries to help him to set up in business on his own. He recommends Kevin to a friend who needs a maintenance contract for a fleet of business vehicles. The idea is that Kevin will have a better chance of obtaining a loan to set up premises if he has the contract to show the bank's loan officer. Rather less generously, Mike is hanging around the cafe, on the excuse that, as landlord, he has to check up on the workmen who are repairing the roof. Ivy, who doesn't believe that she will have to appear in court to testify in the adoption hearing, talks to the social worker who is overseeing the case, trying her best to convince her that the adoption should not be approved. When Don comes home and learns what she has done, he goes right back out again, saying that he's better off staying at work. He goes to Gail and Martin first, however, to warn them of Ivy's action. Later in the evening, he is called once again to drive Julie Dewhurst (the barmaid whom he'd met some time ago) home after work. On the way, they chat, mainly about her divorce. Don remarks that, as a catholic, he shouldn't even be thinking about such a thing, but . . . Angie has a portfolio full of designs, but is having no luck getting any manufacturers' reps even to look at them.

Cast: Mike Sally Kevin Rosie Ivy Don Vera Audrey Ken Gail Alma Martin Sarah Louise Tilsley David Tilsley Deirdre Bet Angie Alec Jack Curly Kathy Green JAN ALPHONSE Julie Dewhurst SU ELLIOTT


3298 - Wednesday 30 October 1991
[Titles revert to usual one-line, centred format]
The adoption goes through without a hitch: Ivy arrives late at the courthouse, but Nicky had already given the decisive testimony, telling the judge that the adoption was fine with him, and that Granny Ivy "shouts a lot". When Kevin proves reluctant to stick his neck out, Mike negotiates a lease on a suitable garage and offers Kev the opportunity to run the business. Angie at last gets an offer for some of her designs, but worries that the money is too small an amount.

Cast: Gail Martin Nicky Platt Ivy Don Vera Alec Bet Jack Mike Liz Kevin Sally Rosie Audrey Deirdre Angie Sarah Louise Platt David Platt Curly Alma Ken Judge Robert Pugh AUBREY PHILLIPS
Written by PAUL ABBOTT Directed by JOHN DARNELL


3299 - Friday 1 November 1991
[Titles for this episode set, exceptionally, in two lines, flush left, serif typeface]
Ivy finally gets the message from Don, but is it too late? Julie Dewhurst is beginning to act affectionately toward him. Kevin is dismayed when Mike shows him the letterhead he has had printed, using Mike's initials as the company name: "MVB Motors". But upon reflection, he swallows his pride and accepts Mike's offer. Alma is acting stand-offish until Ken declares that he has no intention of ever marrying again. This news seems to cheer her up no end, and she resumes her former friendly manner.

Cast: Gail Martin Nicky Platt Ivy Don Vera Alec Bet Jack Mike Kevin Sally Rosie Audrey Deirdre Angie Sarah Louise Platt David Platt Curly Alma Ken Des Julie Dewhurst SU ELLIOTT
Written by PHIL WOODS Directed by JOHN DARNELL


3300 - Monday 4 November 1991
Ivy expects Don to be pleased that she's buried the hatchet with Martin and Gail, but she's surprised and very worried when he goes right on being sharp with her. Vera counsels persistence, but Don is seriously contemplating adultery with Julie Dewhurst, whom he asks out to the races the next day. Mark Casey shows up at the new garage to offer some surplus equipment to Kev, but Kev has kept *his* ear to the ground, as well, and knows that the Casey garage has gone bust: Mark is just looking to unload some gear before the auction. Kev negotiates with Mark, and brings the list to Mike, who says "no", because they will get it cheaper at the auction. Alec tries to talk Mike into investing in his proposed revival of the Graffiti Club, but Mike brushes him off. Liz slips when she steps in some spilled tonic water and, though she catches herself. Bet suggests she take it easy just in case, because of her "condition". Alec tries to suggest she should quit altogether, but Bet marks his card. Nonetheless, the little weasel isn't above suggesting to Jim that the incident was more serious than it really was. But his ploy doesn't work, and Liz is hopping mad when she learns about it.

Cast: Ivy Don Alec Bet Mike Sally Kevin Rosie Betty Jack Liz Jim Vera Reg Alf Mark Casey STUART WOLFENDEN Des Julie Dewhurst SU ELLIOTT


3301 - Wednesday 6 November 1991
It's Saturday, and Mavis is cleaning the Kabin windows of the soot from last night's bonfires. Don has got Ivy really alarmed with his sullenness. He goes to the races with Julie, as planned, and has a wonderful time, but when he takes her home afterward, he stops short of going to bed with her, though she makes it plain she'd like him to. In his capacity as an entertainment manager, Alec is approached by an old chum, Ron Rogers, about supplying six acts to a cruise ship. Kevin is becoming annoyed at Mike's take-charge manner with the new garage, which makes it plain that Kev is just another one of his employees.

Cast: Ivy Don Vera Sally Kevin Rosie Rita Mavis Mike Bet Alec Julie Dewhurst SU ELLIOTT Emily Liz Jack Des Jim Percy Reg Ron Rogers HARRY BEETY Curly Joe Parkfield RED HOFFMAN


3302 - Friday 8 November 1991
Ivy finds the (undated) racing tickets in Don's jacket pocket. When she confronts him with them, she gets an unexpected reaction: he says he will do as he pleases in future. Percy objects that Mavis is putting Christmas decorations in the Kabin window so early in the year, so Rita employs him to take them down again. Though Mike had advised him to wear his overalls to the auction, Kevin arrives wearing a suit. Mike advises Kevin on bidding strategy, while Kev advises Mike on equipment values. They succeed in getting some considerable bargains--much better than the prices Mark had tried to negotiate with them--and so Kevin has his revenge on Mark. Bet and Alec get a letter from Victoria in which she says she is spending Christmas with a friend in the country.

Cast: Ivy Don Sally Kevin Rosie Vera Percy Mavis Mike Alec Bet Jim Jack Liz Emily Curly Mark Casey STUART WOLFENDEN Rita Barry Kershaw [auctioneer] MARK SPALDING


3303 - Monday 11 November 1991
When Ivy upbraids Don for having forgotten his vows, it brings him up short. He decides to try to actually discuss things with her. But when he tries putting this into practice that evening, she just backs him into a corner, so he leaves and goes to see Julie Dewhurst. Alec is encountering difficulty engaging acts for the cruise, but then one of his phone calls strikes success: "A-ha-ha-ha! Gilroy has pulled it off!", he chortles. Bet, completely unimpressed, turns to Jack and says: "Help him stick it back on, Jacko, whatever it is." Des sees a solicitor, Lynette Campion, about his impending case over polluting the waterway, and finds himself attracted to her - and he believes that the feeling may be mutual. Mark is not having any luck trying to elicit sympathy from Kevin.

Cast: Ivy Don Mike Jim Kevin Des Derek Rita Mavis Alec Bet Jack Vera Julie Dewhurst SU ELLIOTT Lynette Campion COLETTE STEVENSON Mark Casey STUART WOLFENDEN Sally Gail Alma Andy Steve Martin


3304 - Wednesday 13 November 1991
Don comes home after having been out all night, and won't talk about it to Ivy, who still assumes he has been gambling. Des takes Lynette, his solicitor, to the scene of the boat-burning and pours out his feelings. Alec has signed the contract for the cruise bookings without having yet found an MC. Ronny suggests that Alec might take on this job himself. When Ivy returns home from work, Don announces that he's moving out, and that he's found someone else.

Cast: Sally Kevin Don Ivy Rita Mavis Vera Bet Alec Lynette Campion COLETTE STEVENSON Des Steve Jim Jack Betty Andy Gail Percy Alma Ronny Rogers HARRY BEETY Martin Derek


3305 - Friday 15 November 1991
Alec tries to break the news gently to Bet that he's going to MC the cruise entertainment, but inadvertently leads her to believe that he's planning an extended vacation for the two of them. Lynette succeeds in getting Des's case dismissed, and he asks her to come celebrate at his house that evening, where he burns a paper boat in the Wiltons' ornamental pond. Kevin receives permission from Mike to dismiss Emily, which makes Kevin worry all the more about Mike.

Cast: Vera Ivy Alec Bet Don Julie Dewhurst SU ELLIOT Des Lynette Campion COLETTE STEVENSON Liz Percy Betty Jack Chairman of Magistrates BRIAN BAINES Martin Kevin Mike Nicky Tilsley [sic: should read "Platt"] Gail Alma Sally Mavis Derek
Written by PETER WHALLEY Directed by BRIAN MILLS


3306 - Monday 18 November 1991
Des is feeling very chipper following his escape in court--not to mention the subsequent seduction of his solicitor. And so, he can't resist winding up Derek and Mavis by paying the crane driver a couple of quid extra to bring the boat's hulk back to Coronation Street, before taking it to the tip. Ivy talks to Father O'Rourke, and then goes to Don's place of work in order to force him to talk to her. Bet finally learns from Ron Rogers what it is that Alec has done, and threatens to not co-operate, and run the Rovers over Christmas on her own.

Cast: Lynette Campion COLETTE STEVENSON Des Ivy Derek Mavis Rita Father O'Rourke PETER CAFFREY Alec Bet Jack Betty Sally Kevin Liz Ron Rogers HARRY BEETY Percy Driver [Arthur] JIM RYAN Vera Don Frank [dispatcher at taxi company] BRYN ELLIS Alma Jim
Written by ADELE ROSE Directed by KEN HORN


3307 - Wednesday 20 November 1991
Ivy wheedles Don into agreeing (though unenthusiastically) to give their marriage another try and, surprisingly, she suggests selling the house and moving away, in order to help her to leave memories behind. Alec thinks that, if he arranges for a turkey dinner (cooked by Betty) and a little prezzie (picked out by Liz), that Bet will forgive him. But he couldn't be more wrong.

Cast: Ivy Don Vera Jack Mavis Rita Betty Liz Alec Sally Rosie Gail Alma Jim Kevin Mike Phyllis Bet Des Ken
Written by JOHN STEVENSON Directed by KEN HORN


3308 - Friday 22 November 1991
Alec leaves for the cruise without having placated Bet (who has confided to Betty that, if he'd only given up the idea, she'd have forgiven him and given him permission to go!!) Don tells Julie that he's decided to return to Ivy. Mike, who has been hanging around the cafe altogether too much for Alma's taste, finally tells her that he means for them to get back together, and he expects eventually to convince her!

Cast: Alec Bet Betty Jack Ivy Don Gail Alma Mike Ken Liz Vera Julie Dewhurst SU ELLIOTT Percy Phyllis Jim Rita
Written by LESLIE DUXBURY Directed by KEN HORN


3309 - Monday 25 November 1991
Bet has gone shopping, on the grounds that, if Alec can leave, so can she. This leaves Liz and Betty to cope on their own at the Rovers. The man contracted to play Santa at Bettabuys has inconsiderately died, so Reg assigns Curly the task of finding a replacement. Angie takes Curly's half of the rent money, promising to pay Rita the total amount next day. Mike is getting Alma into a real state, sending her flowers, etc. At day's end, she's relieved when Ken finally arrives. Des has a drink with Lynette and her colleague, Phillipa Woods, and the class difference between him and the two attorneys is conspicuous. Then Lynette hands Des the bill for her (legal) services, which totals £640! Martin gets the idea of moving to the Street when Des mentions to him that he's discouraged about selling his house because one of the unsold houses on that side of the Street has just been lowered in price again. Percy is shopping for ingredients for Christmas dinner already, even though the event is a month away.

Cast: Reg Rita Mavis Alma Gail Betty Liz Curly Des Don Alf Mike Deirdre Audrey Percy Emily Angie Martin Ken Nicky Platt Sarah Louise David Ivy Lynette Campion COLETTE STEVENSON Phillipa Woods SOPHIE BOYACK Delivery Man [flowers, from Mike to Alma] JOSH MORAN
Casting Director JAMES BAIN Story Editor TREVOR SUTHERS Story Associates GRAHAM CARLISLE, MARVIN CLOSE Production Designer PAUL ROWAN Written by LESLIE DUXBURY Executive Producer DAVID LIDDIMENT Directed by JOHN DARNELL Producer MERVYN WATSON


3310 - Wednesday 27 November 1991
Des is annoyed with Lynette, who not only stands by her bill for legal services, but seems to be playing hard-to-get as well. Angie is unable to come up with all of her share of the rent, a fact which Curly learns of from Rita. Martin continues to pester Gail about moving house. Alma is getting jumpy waiting for Mike's next move. When Emily casually mentions that her assistant at the Charity Shop, Ruby, is going to Canada over Christmas in order to visit her daughter, Percy volunteers to step in. What's more, he refuses to take "no" for an answer. In despair, Emily tells Rita and Mavis that she will lose all her volunteers within five minutes of Percy setting foot in the shop. Later, when Reg is telling Rita about the disastrous candidates he's been interviewing for the Bettabuys store Santa, Rita thinks of a way to solve both his and Emily's problem. Des stands Angie to a drink and then a pizza when she tells him of her money problems. Meanwhile, Curly has paid the remainder of the rent to Rita, which Angie is angry to learn of later.

Cast: Des Phyllis Gail Martin Nicky Sarah Louise David Rita Mavis Curly Deirdre Audrey Alf Roberts BRYAN MOSELEY [sic] Alma Betty Liz Percy Emily Ken Don Angie Kevin Sally Rosie Ivy Reg Lynette Campion COLETTE STEVENSON
Casting Director JAMES BAIN Story Editor TREVOR SUTHERS Story Associates GRAHAM CARLISLE, MARVIN CLOSE Production Designer PAUL ROWAN Written by BARRY HILL Directed by JOHN DARNELL


3311 - Friday 29 November 1991
Angie is miffed with Curly for having paid off the rent, and solely in order to annoy him, agrees to go out again with Des. After Curly, Emily and Rita have all failed to do so, Reg manages to soft-soap Percy into becoming the Bettabuy Santa--or rather, Father Christmas, since Percy insists that "Santa" is a German invention! Martin, on his own, makes an offer of £38,000 on Number 8. Ivy is dragging a reluctant Don around on house-hunting expeditions. Next Sunday is the first of December, according to Alf, who self-righteously refuses to put up Christmas decorations until that date--until he learns that Mr Patel's shop is already decorated!

Cast: Des Gail Martin Nicky Sarah Louise David Rita Mavis Curly Deirdre Audrey Alf Alma Betty Liz Percy Emily Ken Don Angie Kevin Sally Rosie Ivy Reg Mike
Casting Director JAMES BAIN Story Editor TREVOR SUTHERS Story Associates GRAHAM CARLISLE, MARVIN CLOSE Production Designer PAUL ROWAN Written by JOHN STEVENSON Directed by JOHN DARNELL


3312 - Monday 2 December 1991
After Audrey also urges her to reconsider, Gail finally changes her mind and tells Martin that she will chip in the money needed for a down payment on No8, from the money Brian left and which she had put away for the children's future. Curly makes an angry Angie even angrier by offering her a temporary holiday-season job at Bettabuys. Bet has all of Alec's belongings moved out of the bedroom, and calls in a decorator--who turns out to be Des Foster, an old flame from seven years earlier.

Cast: Gail Martin Sarah Louise Nicky David Angie Curly Alma Bet Jack Percy Reg Betty Alf Audrey Emily Vera Ken Rita Mavis Deirdre Mike Phyllis Des Barnes Des Foster NEIL PHILLIPS


3313 - Wednesday 4 December 1991
Gail is now getting enthusiastic about No8, which she and Martin view with the estate agent, Mr Walmersly. Percy begins work as Father Christmas, but without telling Reg, he's stuffing the crayon boxes he gives the kiddies with his recipes for home-made treats. Angie asks Bet for a temporary job in the Rovers, and Bet agrees to take her on. Mike leaves a message with Gail for Alma, to the effect that he wants to redecorate the cafe, but Alma takes it as harassment. And Audrey spills the beans to Ken about how Mike has been annoying Alma.

Cast: Alma Gail Martin Alf Audrey Emily Percy Betty Bet Mavis Jack Rita Curly Vera Reg Phyllis Mike Angie Ken Des Barnes Mr Walmersly PETER RYLANDS Des Foster NEIL PHILLIPS Young Mum WENDY JACOBI
Casting Director JAMES BAIN Story Editor TREVOR SUTHERS Story Associates GRAHAM CARLISLE, MARVIN CLOSE Production Designer PAUL ROWAN Written by TOM ELLIOTT Directed by SPENCER CAMPBELL


3314 - Friday 6 December 1991
Angie starts work at the Rovers. Martin and Gail's offer on No8 is accepted by Maurice Jones, but they still need to obtain the mortgage loan. Des Foster asks Bet to come out with him. She declines initially, but after a cliché-riddled postcard arrives from Alec, she changes her mind. However, by the time Des arrives that evening, Liz has talked her out of it again. Mike is keen to get a crew started on the redecoration at the cafe, but Alma won't speak to him.

Cast: Angie Curly Audrey Alf Ken Gail Alma Betty Jack Bet Deirdre Percy Mavis Mike Liz Rita Reg Phyllis Martin Nicky Sarah Louise David Des Foster NEIL PHILLIPS
Casting Director JAMES BAIN Story Editor TREVOR SUTHERS Story Associates GRAHAM CARLISLE, MARVIN CLOSE Production Designer PAUL ROWAN Written by ADELE ROSE Directed by SPENCER CAMPBELL


3315 - Monday 9 December 1991
While it was parked in his driveway, Alf's car has been broken into and the radio/tape stolen. He takes the car to Kevin to have the broken window fixed, and is approached by Steve McDonald, who offers a too-good-to-be-true price to install a new audio unit. Liz, meanwhile, is worried about the kids Steve has been hanging out with. Gail tells Don of her and Martin's plans to buy No8, but Ivy has already heard from Vera, who overheard Rita talking with Mavis. (Thus proving once again that the telephone, telegraph, and television are nowhere near as fast means of communication as "tell-a-woman".) After his rejection by Bet on Friday, Des Foster sends his assistant, Greg Simpson, to finish Bet's decorating. But late that night, Jack sees Des Foster's car pull up at the Rovers. Alma and Ken decide to vacation in the sun together.

Cast: Alf Audrey Ken Alma Bet Liz Kevin Don Gail Betty Mike Angie Jack Jim Vera Ivy Steve Des Foster NEIL PHILLIPS Greg Simpson DEAN GATISS
Casting Director JAMES BAIN Story Editor TREVOR SUTHERS Story Associates GRAHAM CARLISLE, MARVIN CLOSE Production Designer PAUL ROWAN Written by KEN BLAKESON Directed by BRIAN MILLS


3316 - Wednesday 11 December 1991
Mavis hears of the bargain radio/tape that Steve got for Alf, and asks if he might be able to find another one for Derek's car. Steve is only too happy to oblige, telling her that he has a mate who works in his dad's wrecking yard. Jack very nearly loses his job for spreading rumours about Des Foster's late-night visit to Bet Gilroy, which was in fact innocent. Ken is as pleased as can be with the car which Kevin has found for him - until Kev asks him to make the cheque out to "M.V.B. Motors", whereupon Ken decides he doesn't really want the car that badly. Mike later taunts him for having given up a bargain, and then promises to take Alma away from him, as well. Sally and Rosie evidently perform an act so unspeakable, that the CBC censors cut it from the Canadian edition of this episode.

Cast: Alma Gail Ivy Ken Kevin Angie Audrey Alf Steve Bet Betty Mike Mavis Jim Jack Sally Deirdre Rita Liz Derek Rosie
Casting Director JAMES BAIN Story Editor TREVOR SUTHERS Story Associates GRAHAM CARLISLE, MARVIN CLOSE Production Designer PAUL ROWAN Written by JULIAN ROACH Directed by BRIAN MILLS


3317 - Friday 13 December 1991
[Title is set, exceptionally, in two lines, flush left, in a sans serif face.]
Alf is able to positively identify the newly installed radio in Derek's car as the one recently stolen from his own vehicle. He and Derek go have a word with Jim, who in turn gives Steve the third degree. Jim concludes that Steve didn't realise that the radios were stolen property, and makes good to Alf, who nevertheless still wants to report the matter to the police. Ken tells Alma what Mike had said to him, about taking Alma from him. She tries to confront Mike about it, but he is completely impervious. Jack may have been told to keep stumm, but motor-mouth Vera is busy spreading rumours far and wide about Des Foster and Bet.

Cast: Ken Alf Derek Sally Kevin Audrey Angie Deirdre Jack Betty Bet Jim Liz Mike Don Mavis Steve Vera Ivy Alma Gail Rita Des Foster NEIL PHILLIPS Rosie
Casting Director JAMES BAIN Story Editor TREVOR SUTHERS Story Associates GRAHAM CARLISLE, MARVIN CLOSE Production Designer PAUL ROWAN Written by PETER WHALLEY Directed by BRIAN MILLS


3318 - Monday 16 December 1991
Alf is hesitating between whether or not to report Steve McDonald to the police. Audrey is urging him to do so, but Deirdre reminds him that it might not look so good for a Councillor to throw his weight at a family with a pregnant mother. Then Mavis comes to Alf to insist that he report Steve. Alf manages to calm Mavis and Derek down, but we have yet to see how well he can handle Audrey. Martin takes David and Sarah Louise to Bettabuys to visit Santa ... er ... Father Christmas, as Percy continues to insist his im-Percynation be called. Mike attempts manoeuvring Tracy into "trying to get Deirdre and Ken back together", by getting her to put pressure on Deirdre to invite Ken for Christmas dinner. Mike's object, of course, is to derail Ken and Alma's holiday plans. Alma, meanwhile, is getting depressed because Ken has made further move toward booking a holiday in Spain. Poor Ken. It turns out that he has indeed been strenuously trying, but it's so late that bookings for Spain are no longer to be had. Taking a chance, he books a Cotswold hotel instead and, luckily, Alma is delighted with the alternative choice. Bet hears from Victoria that her planned Christmas holiday with posh horsy-set friends has been thwarted by an outbreak of measles, and so Vicky will be coming to Weatherfield for the holidays, after all.

Cast: Liz Jim Steve Andy Alf Audrey Rita Bet Don Deirdre Gail Alma Martin Sarah Louise David Jack Ken Betty Mavis Mike Percy Ivy Curly Tracy Angie Vera Derek


3319 - Wednesday 18 December 1991
Alf's car is vandalised for a second time, and this time Audrey calls the police herself and reports Steve. When Steve declines to name the person he bought the stolen radios from, he's taken into custody. Mike's plot, using Tracy as a tool, succeeds: Ken agrees to have Christmas with his daughter, and so Alma is disappointed. Victoria comes "home" to the Rovers, but Bet fails to convince Alec to catch a flight home from the cruise for the occasion. Martin moves house "single-handed" (with a little unsolicited help from Don), but the range won't be installed for a day or two yet, and so they'll be using a camp stove for Christmas dinner.

Cast: Audrey Alf Martin Gail Sarah Louise David Deirdre Andy Betty Bet Don Jack Liz Jim Rita Emily Victoria Arden CHLOE NEWSOME Tracy Ken DC Chapman OLWEN MAY Mavis Alma Percy Steve
Written by PAUL ABBOTT Directed by KEN HORN


3320 - Friday 20 December 1991
[Title set, exceptionally, in two lines, flush left, sans-serf face]
Percy is observed once again to be preaching frugality, in his role as Father Christmas, but Curly fails to report him to Reg. Steve continues to refuse to divulge the name of the person from whom he acquired the stolen radios. But, because Liz is beside herself with worry, Andy reluctantly tells her the long list of Steve's, er, associates, and Liz reports them to the police. Called back to the station, Steve is threatened, sotto voce, by the ringleader, Carl Redfern. Because he still refuses to change his story that he'd acquired the radios at a scrapyard, the police charge him formally with knowingly having received stolen property. Mavis, meanwhile, is apprehensively waiting for the police to come and take her away on a similar charge. Mike learns from Tracy how well his plan to wreck Alma's Christmas has worked, and is cheerfully going from place to place, looking like a cat what's just et a canary.

Cast: Percy Rita Reg Jim Liz Steve Andy Audrey Mavis Mike Alma Gail Bet Victoria Arden CHLOE NEWSOME Jack Vera Ivy Curly Tracy Deirdre Carlton [Denelly, a little boy] NEIL RONALDSON Mother [of Carlton] CATHY RAYMOND Angie Don DC Chapman OLWEN MAY Carl Redfern MARTIN GREENWOOD


3321 - Monday 23 December 1991
The McDonalds begin to experience the fallout of the police action: Jim's garage door is painted with a graffiti message: "Steve McDonald is a grass". Later in the day, as Steve is bringing two cans of paint to repair the damage, he nearly runs into a group of four lads his age, and from his reaction, it's clear that these are *the* lads. (The graffiti somehow never gets painted over . . .) Des helps Gail and Martin move house, and Phyllis fills in at the cafe. Phyllis also manages to get herself invited to Emily's for Christmas. This news disgusts Percy, who has just resigned his Father Christmas job in a dispute with Reg. Reg himself takes over as Father Christmas, just in time to be on the receiving end of some abuse from the father of Carlton Denelly, one of the children Percy had offended. Des Foster brings a Christmas prezzie by for Bet, and Victoria sees them kissing.

Cast: Gail Martin Des Jim Liz Steve Andy Audrey Alf Ken Bet Betty Angie Mike Tracy Alma Phyllis Emily Deirdre Victoria Arden CHLOE NEWSOME Reg Percy Jack Curly Don Ivy Vera Des Foster Mr Denelly CHRIS BRAILSFORD
Written by BARRY HILL Directed by IAN WHITE


3322 - Wednesday 25 December 1991, 2.50-3.00, 3.05-3.35pm (interrupted by the Queen at 3.00)
Christmas Day, part 1
While Ken is dining with Deirdre and Tracy, Mike wheedles himself back into Alma's favour. When she fails to show up at Audrey's, Audrey phones Ken, who goes round to Alma's flat, but gets no response at the door, though the light is on inside. In the Rovers, Reg is on the make for a Christmas dinner invitation, but in the end has to settle for Curly, who had planned a solitary dinner at home. In order to supplement Curly's provisions, Reg goes to the (closed) Bettabuy's store, with Curly's keys, but on emerging from the premises, is arrested by a passing policeman. Des Foster shows up at the Rovers, to no-one's surprise except Bet's, and virtually invites himself to dinner - though Victoria is quick to mark his card. At Don and Ivy's, Ivy announces to a stunned Gail and Martin that she's decided not to move, after all. At Emily's, Phyllis carries on a nonstop, one-sided conversation, while Emily tells Percy about receiving the notice from Maurice Jones concerning the need to relocate the Charity Shop. Jim organises Andy and Steve into a Christmas-Day work party to paint out the graffiti on his shop door.

Cast: Ken Rita Sally Rosie Mike Martin Gail David Sarah Louise Nicky Davis Jim Liz Andy Steve Jack Kevin Percy Des Derek Mavis Reg Curly Angie Des Foster NEIL PHILLIPS Betty Bet Victoria Arden CHLOE NEWSOME Ivy Don Deirdre Tracy Alf Audrey Alma Emily Phyllis Vera Policeman JAMES MASTERS
Written by PETER WHALLEY Directed by IAN WHITE


3323 - Wednesday 25 December 1991, 7.30-8.00pm
Christmas Day, part 2
Mike makes the mistake of telling Alma all about how he'd manipulated Tracy into deflecting Ken's Christmas plans in order to give Mike his opportunity. Alma is horrified and disgusted, and throws Mike out. Reg manages to get to Curly's house after having been released by the police, and is planning on writing an indignant letter to the Chief Constable. His dignity is more hurt than it might have been, since his release was predicated in part on Curly's cruel but accurate description of him over the phone to the police: "short and fat, wears more cheap after-shave than he should". But Christmas dinner soon takes Reg's mind off of his *previous* troubles, since Curly is a disaster as a cook, and the chicken is ruined. Victoria leaves Bet with Des Foster in order to visit the McDonalds, which is not a happy place. While Liz and Jim are across the road, welcoming Gail and Martin to the Street, someone hurls a paving-stone through the McDonalds' back window. Gail confides to Martin in no uncertain terms that, since Ivy has decided not to move after all, the "for sale" sign is going right back up on No8, the house they've just moved into. Derek and Mavis travel from Gail and Martin's party to Des Barnes's, and are surprised and embarrassed to find that he has company - Angie. Back at the Rovers after dinner, Des Foster puts some very aggressive moves on Bet. When she says "no", he gets a bit violent. Victoria arrives just in time to hear the thump, and to see Des Foster run out of the pub.

Cast: Martin Gail Alma Mike Des Foster NEIL PHILLIPS Bet Victoria Arden CHLOE NEWSOME Curly Reg Ken Deirdre Tracy Jim Liz Andy Steve Phyllis Percy Emily Rita Ivy Mavis Derek Don Des Barnes Angie Sally Kevin Rosie Fight Arranger ROCKY TAYLOR


3324 - Friday 27 December 1991
[Title set in the usual serif face, but in two lines, flush left to the centre-line]
Boxing Day. Ivy is keen to deliver a birthday prezzie to David (who has evidently changed his name back to Tilsley in anticipation, if we are to believe the credits). But Don advises her to just let him "drop it by", in an effort not to appear intrusive. Bet, feeling humiliation more than physical pain, consults with Rita, who advises a couple of quiet hours away from the Rovers, for a natter. Victoria goes to the pictures with Steve, and they are followed there by Carl Redfern and his cronies. Resourceful Vicky leads Steve out the fire exit after the film, and so they give Redfern the slip. Curly is in a foul mood after his Christmas, and is trying to drink himself blotto in the Rovers. But Betty, who diagnoses a jealousy fit, tells him to leave because he's had enough - and Angie arrives just in time to take him home. Ken finally finds Alma at home, and they plan to take their Cotswold trip at New Year's, but Alma is clearly feeling guilty about Mike. When Andy goes out to rent a video, he is less fortunate than Steve had been, and is in addition foolish enough not only to defy Redfern, but to tell him straight out that it was himself and not Steve who had shopped Redfern to the police. Andy receives a severe beating for his forthrightness.

Cast: Gail Ivy Martin David Tilsley [sic!] Bet Victoria Betty Kevin Sally Rosie Jim Percy Steve Carl Redfern MARTIN GREENWOOD Rita Don Ken Nicky Tilsley [sic!] Sarah Louise Tilsley [sic!] Des Barnes Jack Liz Emily Deirdre Alma Angie Reg Andy Audrey


3325 - Monday 30 December 1991
Steve McDonald finds he can do nothing right ever since Andy's beating. Jim tells him to get lost from the motorcycle shop after a bike Steve had been working on proved to have a loose bolt in the braking system. Vicky longs to get away for a while, and is surprised when Bet offers to pay her taxi fare to go see her horse, Saracen. While waiting for her taxi, she sees Steve, and after hearing of his woes, invites him along. Later, in order to justify staying away with Steve, she phones Bet with a story about being invited to her friend Belinda's for a New Year's Eve party. The ruse works, until Belinda herself phones the Rovers to wish Vicky a happy new year. The McDonalds become frantic about Steve's whereabouts. Curly very reluctantly agrees to meet Angie and Des in the Rovers. Angie has arranged a blind date for Curly, who turns out to be none other than Raquel Wolstenhulme, whom Curly has not seen for seven months (since episode 3224, transmitted on Friday 10 May 1991, to be exact). Ken and Alma check in at the Cotswold hotel, but Alma seems very distant, and at dinner foolishly confesses what had happened at Christmas with Mike. Ken is shaken, and says he needs a few minutes on his own, but goes to the room, packs his bags, and checks out, leaving Alma in the dining room as the clock chimes midnight.

Cast: Steve Jim Liz Andy Angie Curly Bet Victoria Percy Gail Phyllis Audrey Deirdre Emily Betty Kevin Mike Alma Ken Don Des Barnes Raquel Wolstenhulme SARAH LANCASHIRE [re-intro.] Receptionist [in Cotswold hotel] TRICIA PENROSE


Written by Jerry Kohl


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