August 1998

4448 - Sunday 2 August
Tonight's episode saw the issue of Rita's health being raised again. Not in the most direct sense however but more a case of looking at the long term problems she could be facing as a result of her exposure to Carbon Monoxide.

It was all triggered when Alec entered the shop full of the joys of spring claiming he was now on excellent terms with Rita to the extent that he and she were now an item.

He was mortified when Rita came denounced all he had said and told him to get out of her shop immediately. It would seem she had no recollection of the previous days events and had no specific memory of their friendship being recovered and set back on the rails.

Curly was in crisis as he pondered his life and it's direction. He looked upon himself and decided it might be time for something of an image change.

Sally and Greg meanwhile continued their clandestine relationship. Sally's obsessive behaviour seems to be becoming a touch tiresome now. However Greg was kicking into the complete cad mode today and while professing undying love for Sally was bed hopping with Maxine.

Spider and Lorraine had their first date out at a nightclub. It was marred for Lorraine by the presence of Toyah. Of course the poor girl will always have something of a crush on Spider and the fact that he is now unavailable only seemed to make things worse.

As the night wore on and Spider's dancing became freakier we saw tension build between Lorraine and Spider because of Toyah's presence. Of course that was always the intention but by the end of the night Lorraine and Spider had buried the hatchet and it looked like they were going to spend the night together at Emily's.

All in all : O.K


4449 - Monday 3 August
Tonight was pretty much Toyah's night as she battled with the hardship of watching her beloved Spider seemingly attached on a cellular level to the rapidly becoming annoying Lorraine.

In her own way she was determined to win him over and what progressed was akin to a strategic battle with each skirmish providing some new outcome for either side while Spider drifted like a piece of flotsam and jetsam in the middle.

Kicking off proceedings Toyah picked through a teenage magazine looking for the tips that might win her the man of her dreams. It was going to be hard work though because although Spider as always looked on her as a friend he was clearly content with Lorraine especially after they had spent their first night together.

So as the night wore on we saw Toyah using whatever tricks she could find to use to her advantage. Whether it be clothing co-ordination or using her feminine charms in a slightly awkward sultry manner she was nothing if not persistent.

She even received backup from Leanne who saw fit to "accidentally" douse the opponent in ketchup. while at the cafe. Although we saw Lorraine rise as the victor tonight the battle was by no means over.

On a final Toyah related anecdote she continued her education under Ken Barlow. It all looked promising and these two really seemed to be appreciating each other's respective strengths as teacher and pupil. The banter between them was engaging and funny and in all honesty I am becoming a real fan of Toyah's character. Very likeable.

Elsewhere Greg seemed keen to turn the thumbscrews on Sally and get her to pull out of the investment in the garage. She was now hook line and sinker in love with Greg and was keen to be with him as soon as possible no matter what the odds against their relationship. All very dangerous ground indeed.

Curly deliberated the misery that was in essence his life. In fact to make matters worse he finally received a letter from Raquel who it would seem had now found love and life with a new man called Justin. She now wanted a divorce and a separation from all that was behind her but would Curly grant her one I ask ?

Rita was suffering from more and more episodes of memory lapse s and I think as a result she was losing the ability to act. How my toes curled in embarrassment for the old dear as she went off on a complete bout of bad hysterics as she realised that she finally had a problem and it could be serious. It was pure afternoon theatre.....

However despite that little blemish.....

All in all : Very Good

Saved by a class performance by your friendly neighbourhood cheeky scamp Toyah methinks.


4450 - Wednesday 5 August
Tonight saw a good deal of the episode devoted to Rita and her health. A visit to the Doctor was called for to assess just how long the memory problems she was suffering would last. The Doctor told her and Alec that this was usually the case when it came to Carbon Monoxide poisoning. Alec of course was trying to badger Rita into quitting the Kabin and taking it easy and retiring but that was something she would never consider.

Jack and Vera meanwhile thought Alec was considering something a touch on the more nefarious side. They wondered if he was considering kicking them out of the pub and installing Rita in thier place. After all the two of them had been very close recently and it was a case for them both to start fretting.

Toyah was at war with Spider and refusing to talk to her erstwhile friend. It was a situation that was hurting him deeply because when push came to shove he did value her friendship. Lorraine of course didn't like Spider's concern one bit and thought he should forget about Toyah after all she was just a bit of a kid in Lorraine's eyes.

Curly was deep in his own personal pit of misery as he wondered about what he should do now Raquel had written to him asking him for a divorce. His main and only confidante was Alma who was as always a shoulder for him to cry on. Curly left the matter by the end of the episode not knowing whether he would grant a divorce or not.

Fred was helping Audrey plan the Millenium celebrations for Weatherfield. His main ideas consisted of creating things that would be bigger and better. His first idea was to create the world's largest sausage, however that idea was blown out of the water when he discovered he would have to beat the current record of just over 28 miles long.

The night ended with Rita in forgetful mood again. After a quick conversation with Betty she wandered away from the Kabin and left the keys in the door...

All in all : O.K


4451 - Friday 7 August
Quite something of a night by all intents and purposes. There was of course the ramifications of Rita's forgetful behaviour being brought to the fore tonight in the form of a burgalry in the Kabin. The result there had left Rita's shop in total disarray however it was sorted out after a day's hard work by Alec and Leanne.

It didn't solve the problem of Rita's memory though. There was clear evidence she had been letting things slip because Alec later found some bills which hadn't been paid and were now approaching final warnings. It wasn't that Rita's financial state wasn't up to the task because nothing could be further from the truth. The case was her memory was about as effective as a sieve these days. It would seem the answer would be for her to go and spend a few days in the Lake District with none other than Mavis.

While that was going on Curly was deliberating his future and his appearance. An idle comment by Toyah made him think it was time for something of a revamp and he decided the woman to do the job would be Fiona. When he discovered Fiona wasn't available he plumped for Maxine instead and she would be responsible for the makeover of the year.

The Duckworths seemed to have thier minds put at rest by Alec over the future of the pub. He assured them that the running of the premises would not be changing in the foreseeable future unless they were the ones to will it. A collective sigh of relief came forth from one and all.

The night was taken up with the party. A gathering of all the young and not so young from the Street were crammed into Emily's house. Of course all the usual crowd were there with Spider and Lorraine heading up the cast ably assisted by the likes of Leanne and Nick and not to mention Toyah who appeared to be surgically attached to a bottle of cider.

There was of course a knock at the door and it was none other than Curly.....this wasn't the Curly we knew though. This Curly was dressed up in a considerably more fashion conscious way. Complete with somewhat bleached hair and blue tinted spectacles to round the effect off. While the women folk weren't drooling as such there was a distinct ripple of interest from all and sundry and even Lorraine had to sit up and take notice of the man she had spurned only weeks ago.

In fact it appeared to get better for him as the night wore on as well. He met a young girl by the name of Lucy who appeared to start chatting him up. She seemed most keen to look at his telescope when it was discovered they seemed to share a similar interest in astronomy. As Curly went to set up his kit none other than Les Battersby moved in for the kill to pick up where the hapless chap had left off. He left Lucy agog with stories of the sixties and all the stars of the pop world he had been aux fait with over the years.

Luckily when Curly got back and found his territory well and truly invaded Toyah bailed him out by being sick all down her father's front forcing him to leave the party considerably earlier than he had planned. It was at that point Curly was let down as well when we discovered that Lucy in fact had a boyfriend and she had only really talked to him on account of the fact that he had made an effort to dress up for the party and she wanted him to feel that he fitted in to his surroundings.

Sally meanwhile had a plan hatched for her by Greg which would enable them to see more of each other during the week. It transpired that Mike would be intending to send a saleswoman out on the road selling thier wares at house parties. Greg volunteered Sally on the basis she would be out of the house and free to make plans to see him at various times during the week. This would be an oppurtunity they would never normall y have .

Greg also hinted about the fact that Sally still hadn't told Kevin she wanted to pull out of the garage. When she got home from the pub she rectified that and told a shell shocked Kevin that her investment plan with him was now out of the window......

All in all : O.K


4452 - Sunday 9 August
It was inevitable that at some point Hayley's new life would run into some form of trouble and one of those hurdles appeared to be looming closely on the horizon tonight. As we know Hayley had fitted into factory life without too many problems, despite her quite demeanour she had got on well with the rest of the girls on account of the fact that she was an excellent seamstress and as a result had lightened the load for many of the other girls.

However despite the fact that in all the ways that count she was in fact a woman it would seem the computers which dealt with her records for tax purposes showed her as a man. Her secret looked in danger of coming out and it upset her greatly bringing her to tears in front of all the other staff. Roy however vowed to be with her whenever she needed the emotional support that might be necessary which was at least some source of comfort.

On a lighter noter Toyah's new found learning skills were starting to pay dividends. A letter she had sent to a teenage magazine had been published and she had received £10 as a result. In fact they were so happy with her ability they had asked her to submit an article to them with the view of printing her work. It was a strong moment of pride for Toyah and hopefully the beginning of better things for the youngest Battersby.

There was of course the fallout from Sally's decision to pull out of the garage investment. Kevin of course was gutted about the decision and to compound matters he had to tell Natalie on the day of the contract signing. She was none too pleased about events but there was little she could do about it. She did however insist she would be claiming her solicitor's fees which had been incurred in the drawing up of the new contracts.

This effectively hammered another nail in the coffin of the Webster's dead marriage. In fact as another aside Sally was seen gleefully accepting Mike's offer of doing the rounds selling his knickers to the average household punters. A complete about turn decision of course but one which would allow her some serious time with none other than the devious yet devilishly charming Greg.

The night ended with Alma being forced to tell Mike about Hayley and her history. At some point he was going to find out anyway but at least Alma could buffer him against the shock of such news and stop him saying something tasteless or tactless or both. At that point in time all Mike could do was look shocked....

All in all : O.K


4453 - Monday 10 August
Tonight would prove to be something of a stressful one not just for Hayley but also for Alma as well as she wrestled with the consequences of her actions in telling Mike about Hayley's past. The news that Hayley was a transsexual elicited an expected response from Mike. He wasn't tolerant or understanding of her situation and seemed more than keen to get rid of what he viewed as something of a problem. Alma managed to persuade him to remain silent about the matter but you could see just by looking at him he was a loaded gun waiting to go off.

All throughout the working day he stared at Hayley and you could see the deliberation in his eyes as he pondered her future at the factory. Alma meanwhile took the lunch hour as an oppurtunity to confess her mistake to Hayley who in fairness took it all very well. It did however put an entirely new slant on her future though and to say the least the matter worried Roy considerably as he knew Baldwin of old and remembered how tactless he could be when it came down to matters of subtlety.

Toyah meanwhile ambled on with her writing career. She was now penning a piece about the injustices the young faced when "oldies" started dressing too young for thier years. Ken wondered if she might be referring to him but he could breathe a sigh of relief when he discovered that Curly was her intended target. The cheeky young lass then had the nerve to ask him if she could use his computer to type up her document without him realising the subject matter.

Sally meanwhile was becoming unbearable to watch as she effectively tore her own marriage down around Kevin's ears. He was almost beneath her contempt now as she plotted and schemed with Greg for more nights of lust. The warning signs were in the air though as tonight saw Greg take a very direct line of questioning towards her money and what she intended to do with it. It has to be said as well that Kevin appeared to be showing the first seeds of suspicion towards his wife as well and even confided in his ex lover Natalie.

The night ended with Mike coming to a conclusion about what he would do with Hayley....there was in his eyes only one solution and that would be to give her the sack first thing in the morning....

All in all : O.K


4454 - Wednesday 12 August


4455 - Friday 14 August
An excellent little episode tonight with some of the ongoing storylines which had threatened to become a tad stale picking up speed. Starting off with Curly. He was still walking round looking an accident in a clothing factory thanks to his new image but a couple of hard truths were landed on his doorstep tonight as Toyah brought back his laptop computer.

She had borrowed it to write her article for a teen magazine and Curly was alas the victim of her scathing scribe. She had written in detail how his attempts to look like a hip young swinger about town had led to him looking like little more than a complete idiot trying to recpature a youth that feel out of the window some years ago. Poor Curly didn't need this at that time as his self esteem was low enough as it was.

In the factory we saw some of the good old rumblings of old with Ida Clough about to lead the girls to a ballot and then possibly a strike. All this was related to the sacking of Hayley Patterson. Mike didn't seem to take them as seriously as he should at first but by then end of the night it would show that he did have concerns about how productivity might be affected judging by some of his actions.

What I mean by this is related to a conversation he had with Roy Cropper in the factory. Roy came to defend his friend in her time of need and decided to have something of a showdown with Mike. Showdown is the appropriate word because as Roy started walking through the factory we had a somewhat comical zoom in on his eyes a la spaghetti western.

Roy bluntly asked Mike to reinstate Hayley and he bluntly replied "no". He claimed his reasons were the fact that she had been dishonest with him about some very key issues. He then claimed keeping her on would potentially have led to more trouble than it was worth and then came Mike's stinger. He realised he was under pressure from the workforce and under threate of strike action onthe eve of a big order coming through the factory. He told Roy that Hayley had till Monday to get the girls off his back and back on the machines or he would be forced to come clean and reveal her secret.

This left Hayley pondering a most difficult quandry. Revealing her true nature right now would undoubtedly turn her life upside down and would she be able to cope with any negative reactions from people she had classed as her friends?. After all the regulars of the Street can be something of an unforgiving lot when they want to be.

The best part of the night was brought to us courtesy of Greg and Sally who were enjoying yet another night of canoodling in his flat over a curry and some wine. Sally is indeed playing a seriously dangerous game seeing Greg next door from her own home. She can probably check on the girls by putting a glass to the wall and listening.

Anyway, she is just settling down to a night in with Greg when he realises has forgotten to bring a bottle of wine. Sally foolishly agrees to go out and get it from the local shop which is just downstairs. While this is going on Maxine realises she has been stood up by Greg again and even though Audrey tries to console her she is really upset about the matter. So upset she decides to go storming round to his flat and start getting rowdy.

Greg lets her in and who does she find upstairs in his flat with him.....yes that's right Janice Battersby (steady on lads, she's married). She had come to see Greg with regard to the potential strike action that was being planned and to see if she could calm things down before they got out of hand. Janice could see a bad argument brewing and made her excuses and left quickly .

Greg was enraged by what had happened and cruelly told Maxine she wasn't his girlfriend but just someone whom he slept with on the odd occasion when it suited them both. Maxine was destroyed by this and ran downstairs and flung open the door only to find Sally on the doorstep wearing a big grin and waving a bottle of wine around in her hand.

That smile soon faded.......

All in all : Good


4456 - Sunday 16 August


4457 - Monday 17 August
Tonight continued with some of the stop start style storylines that we have been facing for the last few weeks. Especially Sally Webster and her fling with Greg Battersby for starters. Weatherfield's favourite cheating wife had some time to worry and reflect on her behaviour tonight as Kevin finally began to show some signs of suspicion.

It was all triggered by Maxine when she dropped off a card for Sally with Kevin as a means of apology for her little outburst the other night. She explained to Kevin how she had just been leaving Greg's flat in a rage when she had seen Sally on the doorstep brandishing a bottle of wine obviously for consumption in Greg's company at his flat.

Kevin began to put his limited mental resources to work on the scenario and quickly became suspcious as to his wife's activities. That lunch time he took some time out to berate her about her whereabouts and doings of that night. Sally quickly evaded becoming flustered and began explaining how she had been planning one of those underwear parties we keep hearing so much about and how she had brought along the wine to break the monotony of the night.

Kevin seemed hard to convince but when Sally began using a form of logic on Kevin which asked him what Greg would see in a married woman when he had access to all areas of a young dolly bird like Maxine he apologised and admitted he had been in the wrong even though he had been firmly in the right about his suspicions.

Elsewhere we saw Les unveil a ruthless streak and try to con Rita out of some money in her own shop by claiming she had only given him change for a ten pound note when he claimed he had given her a twenty. It was all lies from him of course as he had heard of her recent mental state of confusion. Unfortunately although Rita was sharper than he was giving her credit for Alec fell for his ruse and foolishly gave him another ten pound note to make his money "all present and correct" outside the shop. A move which greatly upset Rita and prompted another rift between the two of them.

Just when Curly's life couldn't sink any further into the toilet bowl that is life, someone decided to pull the flush. Eric Firman waltzed in with the news he had sold Firman's to an American concern and there was no guarantee that anybody's jobs would be safe in the management department. His delivery had to be seen to be appreciated as he rubbed his hands at the thought of retirement abroad with a sod anyone else attitude that would have done Mike Baldwin proud.

Speaking of Mike he finally reinstated Hayley thanks to Alma's constanting verbal hammering working it's way into his conscience. Hayley's pride however had took something of a body blow and she was debating whether it was in her best interests to go back and work for someone who had hurt her so badly in the past. She would consider her options and give it some thought before deciding....

The night ended with Greg and Sally again but this time there was a twist. Greg told Sally he wanted her and the girls with him and in his life for good. It was all insincere in my book but the love blind Sally was falling for this silver tongued charmer lock, stock and barrel.....

All in all : Good


4458 - Wednesday 19 August


4459 - Friday 21 August
A busy night tonight with Alec in the depths of depression over his marriage proposal being rebuffed by Rita Sullivan. As always the old duffer was trying to keep in moderately high spirits but it was proving a difficult task especially when he was faced with Rita on the other side of the bar during the day.

In fact things took a turn for the slightly unpleasant when they eventually did sit down and have a chat. Alec was very cold and somewhat bitter towards her considering what had gone between them and even went so far as to suggest that she find another place for her local drinking. All a trifle unfair in my opinion because Rita stated valid reasons why they shouldn't marry with age being one concern for starters.

Greg cheekily turned up to give Sally one to one training in the art of selling at her own house. There was none of thier usual kissing and canoodling though because Greg was intent on giving Sally the benefit of his experience so she would be forearmed and forewarned before the underwear party that night.

Curly was in a panic over the Fresco takeover at Firman's. He had heard tales of a super efficient management structure within the company and seemed determined to avert any potential job losses by making the staff work with the ultimate efficiency during that day. When an American tourist walked into the supermarket later that day Curly believed it to be the U.S boss of Fresco out on a spying mission to establish how efficient the chain was actually running. He was of course wrong it was genuinely a tourist over to see family in England.

The evening brought the underwear party to the Rovers Return with Sally overseeing the knicker needs of the likes of Janice and Maxine as well as Judy and Vera amongst others. The party seemed to be moving along nicely with people having a good time and showing a modicum of interest in the product. However as drink was consumed and tongues got looser the likes of Maxine began talking about sex and when Greg's name was mentioned you would think someone had just shoved a box of lit matches down Sally's t-shirt. The thought of Greg with Maxine was absolutely agonising for her to the point where she had to leave the room and go and see him in the bar where she told him quite bluntly it was over, although how long it will last is anyone's guess.

The day also ended on a sour twist for Curly as we saw a surprise return of an old face from the past. It would seem Curly had nothing to fear from the U.S big wigs at Fresco but he did have something to fear from thier local area manager who was none other than Anne Malone. She was on hand to cast a watchful eye over Curly and with thier past history it would be a very watchful eye indeed...

All in all : O.K


4460 - Sunday 23 August
A somewhat testing night for Toyah as she sampled her first taste of rejection at the hands of the magazine that had bolstered her budding journalistic career. Not being one to take critical notices well, we watched as young Toyah's mood was deflated like an old party balloon and she sank into one of her moods for the day.

Curly meanwhile didn't show up for work that day thanks to the renewed presence of Anne Malone. He viewed her return as something of a revenge plot being hatched against him and figured that his career was now more or less aborted at Firman's/Frescos. However later that day Curly got a visit from little Miss Goody Two Shoes herself as she came round to see if she could set the record straight.

She explained how sorry she was about events from the previous year and wished they had never occured at all. She blamed the break up of her relationship with Andy for the trouble she had caused and reckoned now she had moved on and taken some time away from Weatherfield she was a lot more on the ball and less likely to cause any problems. She truly acted as if the butter wouldn't melt in her mouth even down to explaining about her new boyfriend Simon and thier plans to have a baby together. You must remember though if Anne was ever one thing it was something of a pathological liar. Someone capable of getting Curly into a harassment charge would think nothing of lying about a relationship.

Alec continued to sit around like a wilted plant while the Rovers was run on just two of it's three cylinders. Vera was enraged about the workload she was being forced into by Alec's lethargy but nothing could move him into a working state of mind. He was still avoiding Rita like the plague as well which was making life hard for everyone.

Kevin had something of a heart to heart with Natalie about Sally and his marriage. Greg witnessed them looking somewhat "close" and took the oppurtunity to tell Sally in a bid to stir up trouble. She was hoping it would give her the ammunition to leave Kevin for good so she could be with her new lover boy. Kevin of course had no such designs on Natalie and knew what he wanted, alas if only his wanted the same things as well.

Toyah's rejection fuelled rage took on dangerous proportions by the end of the night. Despite Les having bought her a computer to bash out her articles on she simply would not cool down. She decided it might be a good idea to ring the police with news of a bomb scare in the offices of the magazine which rejected her. Of course the police took this very seriously and before you knew it the police were on the doorstep and looking for Toyah....

All in all : O.K


4461 - Monday 24 August


4462 - Wednesday 26 August

A very active night starting with Sally who had taken leave of her senses and had Greg round for the entire night. As morning came though he was out of the door like a shot out of a gun as the girls awoke and began asking questions. Rosie badly acted out her displeasure at the absence of her father Kevin and at times tried to get upset but as always held all the realism of a piece of soggy cardboard.

Toyah meanwhile was enduring her grounding like a trooper until Les sent her to the shops to buy him some cigarettes. She took the oppurtunity for to see Ken to apologise for her absence from lessons and to explain how she wanted to continue to learn her writing skills. Ken encouraged her no end but his encouragement would cost him dearly.

As Toyah left his house she was spotted by Les looking out of an upstairs window. He jumped to the wrong conclusion immediately and thought something dodgy was going on. When Toyah refused to tell him what was happening he decided to take his attempts to find the truth to Ken. When Ken was unyielding with the truth he got a punch in the face as a result.

Ann seemed to be playing games with Curly tonight looming the axe over Alma's head one minute yet telling Alma her job was secure the next. Obviously she was trying to curry favour with Curly or perhaps she was trying to lure him into a false sense of security perhaps ?

Greg spent the day seemingly avoiding Sally, his recent passion seemed to have died a death in the cold light of day and the prospect of raising the girls seemed to make him seem very distant from his new lover. Sally was finally twigging that Greg might not be the entire Mr Wonderful she had been expecting him to be. However I suspect that she will have to fall a lot harder than she is doing right now before she learns any sense.

Alec was planning a new life in Southampton tonight as he forged ahead with his plans to dissolve the partnership in the Rovers and get away from the town he was clearly classing as the bane of his life. Vera and Jack were full of panic at the prospect of losing thier beloved pub while Rita was full of woe thinking how turning down Alec might have been a mistake after all.

Friction continued to build in the Battersby household with Toyah getting somewhat lippy to her parents over what had happened that day. It ended with Toyah getting slapped across the face by her mother and everyone in the household in a state of misery. It seemed clear that Toyah was now raising some questions about her real father. It was evident in her growing resentment towards Les.

Kevin confided in Natalie about his amazing self destructing marriage. She showed some level of sympathy but the loss of her garage sale was foremost in her mind and she was most upset when she discovered the deal had died on it's feet. She told Kevin about her need for the money and told him to "do something" .

The night ended with Sally trying to console a piece of wood.....sorry Rosie who was still heartbroken over her father's disappearance. Sally was trying to bed her into the idea of Greg being groomed for the role but it seemed pointless to do that because no matter what Sally could say no one could replace Rosie's loud mouthed shouty shouty Daddy.

All in all : O.K


4463 - Friday 28 August
A somewhat slow night tonight although there was enough in store to keep the viewer happy. Ken materialised wearing the worst black eye make up you could imagine following his thump from Les Battersby. In itself that had been a move that would prove costly to Toyah in the respect that there was no way Ken would teach the budding writer now she was proving a hazard to be round. Ken's reluctance proved to be heart breaking for the poor girl who seems constantly surrounded by those that don't understand her or have the time for her.

Elsewhere we saw some Greg start to grind the wheels of whatever schemes he had in mind for Sally in motion. It was as plain as day that being around Sally's children was the last thing he wanted even though he made out he was prepared to play the dutiful father role if and when they got together. Sally of course was away with the fairies in her idyllic dream world where she, Greg and and the girls all lived happily ever after. Nothing it seemed could be further from the truth though.

Greg suggested that Sally move her husband Kevin back into the house for the time being allowing him to be the one who instigated the death of their marriage. That was a flawed move though because Sally was relying on Kevin to walk back to Natalie which wasn't going to happen anytime soon if at all.

Anyway, Greg's next move was to get Sally to spend more time with him which could be done if.....they started a business together. Naturally Sally would be investing £2,500 of her own cash to start with but you can plainly see the cash starting here and being milked until it runs dry. I wonder how keen Greg would be then.

A rather manic little episode from resident loony suspect Ann Malone tonight as she hand delivered a fax from abroad which was obviously from Raquel or someone in relation to her. Curly offered Ann a drink by means of a thank you for her concern and she nearly bit his head off claiming she had a boyfriend and was perfectly happy with him. There was it has to be said no hint or suggestion of anything untoward on Curly's part. It seemed Ann was having one of her turns.

The Duckworths fretted and frowned as Alec continued his plan to pull out of Weatherfield altogether. They tried to buy time for themselves by asking silly money for selling their share of the pub. It was no good though because Alec was resolute....that is until Rita approached him for a chat thaty night and reversed her decision to marry him.

Poor Toyah meanwhile had decided life had no meaning for her in Weatherfield and with ruck sack on shoulders trudged off down the road to brighter pastures. We last saw the hapless teenager clambering into a wagon on the motorway heading I believe for London......

All in all : O.K

Written by Adrian Carter

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