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APRIL 16 2013

It’s been a strange old week on Coronation Street. We’ve had a funeral, which in the way of the world of soap, should have involved lots of grief, mourners, a family reunion with at least one punch-up. But not this one.  Sunita’s send off was a quiet affair, no aunties, no relatives no Dev’s daughter Amber.  Just a couple of Dev’s cousins we’ve never seen before along with Dev’s new best mate, rent-a-Saint Ella, the woman who’ll turn up and save your life/cry on your shoulder/hold your hand/steal your scene.  We also saw Stella and Karl, back together now as a couple all kissy and cuddly and yucky.  There was Tina, Sophie, Lloyd and Steve in the church as Dev struggled to find the, what was it again? Oh yes, the words. Dev struggled to find the words as Steve’s button popped off his jacket, putting the fun into funeral and making everyone laugh.  I sometimes wonder if the measure of esteem a Corrie character is held in is reflected in the send off they receive when their character shuffles off this mortal coil of cobbles.  Sunita must have done something wrong in her past life because she got a terrible send-off in this.

So Karl’s back with Stella and the gruesome twosome make my skin creep. Karl had such potential, a proper comedy feckless fella, the likes of which we no longer have on Coronation Street.  And now he’s a murdering no-mark who’ll have to pay the price, which means he’ll be written out/killed off/banged up and St Ella will get her claws into someone else’s man after pretending to be their best mate and turning up to save their life/cry on their shoulder/hold their hand/steal their scene.  No I don’t like her. I never have and it appears now that I never will so I’m going to say it right here and right now:

Stella Price spoils my enjoyment of my favourite soap and I wish the powers that be would write her out.  I don’t hate her like I hate Tracy Barlow. I love to hate Tracy Barlow. I just hate Stella. Full Blinking Stop.  There, I’ve said it and I may say it again sometime soon.

Down the Street, Eileen chucks Paul because he’s kind, decent, caring and (in her words), gorgeous.  I’m not so keen on him myself but there’s no doubt he sort of fits the first three bits of her criteria. She chucks him because she can’t stand worrying about him when he’s off out doing his job, saving lives, putting fires out.  “It’s in my blood,” he tells Eileen with no plans to quit his firefighting role.  So Eileen tells him to leave because she can’t carry on in a relationship with a decent man. It’s in her blood.  At work in the Streetcars office, Lloyd and Steve give Eileen a smashing hug when they find out she’s a single woman, again. Jason’s less huggy when he gives his mum some sage advice – to give up fellas and get herself a little dog. He might just have a point.

Elsewhere this week, Faye’s dad Tim moves into the flat above the Corner Shop, buys a sofa bed and tells little Faye she can stay there whenever she wants. She takes that offer literally and tells Anna she’s never leaving the flat again. Anna has to drag Faye, kicking and screaming, across the cobbles in full view of everyone who stands and gawps at the carry on, and when Faye gets back to Anna’s house, she smashes ornaments and breaks Anna’s heart.

Finally this week, Fiz and Tyrone play happy families and try to get Katy back with Chesney. Katy’s keen but Chesney plays it cool and the two young lovers stay apart for now.

And that's just about that for this week. Remember, you can sign up to get these Corrie weekly updates by email at
This week's writers Damon Rochefort, Ellen Taylor, Susan Oudot, Mark Wadlow.  Find out more about the Coronation Street writing team at
Glenda Young
Blogging away merrily at

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