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February 2 2014

It’s Hayley’s funeral.  She’s requested the mourners wear a splash of colour and they do her proud. Sean’s in a red suit, as is Carla.  There are pink umbrellas, red ties and Tim’s in his green and white Weatherfield County football top, and it’s been a long time since we’ve seen one of those on Corrie.  Mary turns up in her flamenco dress and Norris wears a natty bow-tie that he wore when he danced with Hayley.  The mourners are dressed and ready, waiting for Roy to come downstairs from the flat and join them as they set off to church.  But Roy doesn’t think he can go through with it, especially knowing what he does about Hayley taking her own life.  Carla and Fiz gently persuade him and he sets off the crematorium for the humanist service.  The mourners are handed daffodils on their way in, a symbol to place on Hayley’s flowered coffin as they say their goodbyes.  Carla stands and gives a reading, followed by Fiz.  But when Fiz gets to the point in her speech about how selfless Hayley was, how she put others before herself, it’s too much for Roy to bear.  He interrupts Fiz. ‘People deserve to know the truth,’ he said, standing up to address the gathered crowd. ‘I’m sorry, but they do. The truth … the truth is, she was not perfect. She was flawed. She was real.  She was my light, my beautiful coruscating light. My life was a dark corner and she came into it. I could see. I could see the world with her. I understood life. I understood love. She was my constant, my comfort, my compass.   Hayley was my truth, without her, I … ‘  And then he faltered and could speak no more. 

The wake’s held at the Rovers where Michelle and Steve get handy with a cheese hedgehog and a mountain of scotch eggs.  There are daffodils decorating the pub, a toast is raised to Hayley and the locals all join in a sing-song to The Carpenters’ Close to You in her honour.  But Roy takes himself to a quiet corner of the pub before leaving quietly, unnoticed, to wander the Weatherfield streets on his own, shopping bag in his hand. 

Meanwhile in the back yard of the Rovers, Mary dances the cha-cha on her own. She promised Hayley that she would but thought Norris would have danced with her.  It’s heartbreaking watching Mary dance alone but even more so when Norris comes out, tells her she’s doing it wrong, takes her in hold and the two of them cha-cha-cha together, in Hayley’s memory.  A lovely touch.

Elsewhere this week, all else pails again into insignificance.  There’s a storyline of sorts developing, although by ‘eck it’s taking its time, between Maddie the homeless girl and Sophie.  Story so far consists of Sophie running into the homeless centre, spitting a few words at Maddie who spits a few back. This week Maddie kissed Sophie but I’m losing the will to care.

In better news, the Tinker threesome of Beth, Craig and Darryl the rat move in with Chesney and Sinead, as does Kirk.  It’s a happy family for now although with Beth not working, money is tight. She tries her hand at cooking dinner for them all but they complain about the lumps. “That’ll be the Branston pickle!” she declares.  Anyway, she soon gets her job back at Underworld and all is well once again.

Nick’s having a hard time living back with his mum and can’t stand her fussing over him all of the time.  “Get a cat!” he tells her.  “I’m allergic to cats,” she huffs back. “And I’m allergic to you!” he replies before moving back into the flat.  Leanne moves out of the flat and in with her mum.

And finally this week, Tracy starts being more attentive to Amy when she’s  jealous that Amy is spending time with Michelle.  Worse still, Amy seems to enjoy being with Michelle too, and Tracy can’t have that. So she spends the night in with Amy watching films on telly. Rob even joins in too.  It’s a bit creepy, Tracy Barlow playing happy families. No good will come out of it, just you wait and see.

And that’s just about that for this week.

This week's writers were Julie Jones, Jayne Hollinson, Mark Burt, Ellen Taylor.  Find out more about the Coronation Street writing team at
Glenda Young
Blogging away merrily at

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