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September 20, 2014

“It chewed up one of Ken’s socks this week,” moans Deirdre to Tracy, who replies: “You’ve got to get rid of it, mam.”  Little Simon overhears and thinks the worst, they’re going to get rid of Eccles! But no, it’s the washing machine that Deirdre’s moaning about.  As Amy has already lied about Eccles biting her arm, Simon panics that Eccles’ days are numbered and he determines to save the little dog. Off it goes to live with Sophie and Maddie upstairs in Sally’s house. Tim’s allergic to it, but he doesn’t know there’s a dog upstairs and he blames the dust instead. Oh, Sally’s face was a picture. Dust? In Sally’s house? She thinks perhaps they’ve got mice and gets Tim to lay traps, and all the while Tim is sneezing and coughing because of his allergy to Eccles.  The pooch gets saved anyway, as you knew it would be, and it’s back to living the life of Riley at the Barlows’.  Ken gets a confession out of Amy that Eccles didn’t bite her and all is well that ends well.  I’m not really sure what the point of this story was, to be honest, except for Maddie and Sophie to be involved in a canny canine caper so that fans take Sophie and Maddie as a couple to their hearts – look folks, they saved the dog! They saved the flaming dog!¬

In Weatherfield nick,  Tracy visits Peter and witters on about her wedding until Peter tells her that while Jim might have been the one who saved his life when he had alcohol poisoning, he was also the one giving him the booze in the first place. It’s news that Tracy passes to Steve, who visits his dad, and tells the screws (I know all the prison lingo, me) and then Steve leaves.  News about his dad hits Steve hard and he takes it badly. There’s news that Steve will spiral into depression in the run up to Christmas and I think we’ve seen the trigger and the start of it now.

Kylie continues to pop Max’s pills and she visits the GP to get more to cover the missing ones she’s taken. Meanwhile, in the Platt house, Michael discovers he might have hereditary heart disease and Gail tells him, quite lovingly and movingly, that she’s there for him and all will be well. It was such a lovely scene. I do hope he doesn’t turn out to be a serial killer, this one.

Andrea’s husband Neil continues to cause problems in her relationship with Lloyd. Neil stalks them in the Bistro where they’re trying to have a romantic meal. He follows them like a puppywho just won’t let go.  Lloyd pays Neil a visit and tells him to leave off, but Neil reports him to the cops for harassment instead. I know it shouldn’t be funny, but it is. Lloyd and Andrea as a couple have no chemistry, for this fan, and if Neil needs a hand at splitting them up I’m only too happy to help.

And finally this week, Julie and Dev go on a platonic night out for a drink in the Rovers. Mary, as you can imagine, is not best pleased.

And that was just about that for this week.

Coronation Street writers this week were Julie Jones, Mark Burt, Cardy O’Donnell, Carmel Morgan and Jayne Hollinson. Find out more about the Coronation Street writing team at
Glenda Young
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