Matt Ramsden

Full name: Matthew Ramsden


Charlie (1992)
(Possibly) Joshua; b: 8 April 2002, Weatherfield General Hospital. M: Maxine Peacock

Played by: Stephen Beckett
22 November 2000 - 16 April 2002

Matt graduated from University of Nottingham and has been a GP since 1990. He is now the local GP, and runs his surgery from Rosamund Street Health Centre. He lives with wife Charlie, an English teacher at Weatherfield Comprehensive at No 6 Coronation Street, renting it from Natalie Barnes.

Since arriving in the street Matt has become friends with neighbours Curly Watts and Ashley Peacock; though wife Charlie is not to kean on husband Matt being friendly with next door neighbours Maxine and Ashley, as Charlie has nothing in common with Maxine at all.

Matt works at the health centre alongside Practice Nurse Molly Hardcastle, receptionist Gail Platt, and cleaner Edna Miller.

Matt was helping Maxine and Ashley with fertility problems. When Ashley was in hospital for treatment, Maxine and Matt got very drunk and had sex. Maxine discovered she was pregnant and did not know who was the father though insisted it was Ashley's. Matt really wanted the child to be his since his wife, Charlie, didn't want children. Matt left Weatherfield with Charlie soon after Joshua Peacock was born, deciding to save his marriage leaving Maxine and Ashley to patch up their relationship and bring up Joshua.

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